ASTHMA mil sthmalene Brings Instant Relief and Permanent Cure in all Cases. 01 ABSOLUTELY FREE ON RECEIPT OF POSTAL. Write Your Name and Add 'ess Plainly. FOR TEE YEARS EVE R YSgf 3 m H v s 1 RELIEF. I t Hi-' all fails. The Kev C. J. WELLS of Villa Ridge 111. says: "Your trial bottle of Athmilene received in good condition. 1 cannot teli you how thank fal 1 feel for the good derived lrom it. I was a slave, chaii ed with putrid sore throat and Asthma for ten yeaia. I despaired of ever be ing cured 1 saw your advertisement of the cure of this dreadful and lertnentiug disease. As thma and thought you had nverepoken your selves bur. resolved to giv- it a trial. To my astoni hment, the trial acted like a cha-m Bend me a fulleize bottle. Rev. Dr. Morris Wechsler, Kabbi of the Cong. Bnai Israel. New York, Jan 3, 1901 Dra Taft Bros', Medicine Company. Gentlemen. Your Athmalene is an eyce"ent remedy for Asthma and Ha F ver, and its com-pot-ition alleviat s all troubles wnich combiut with Asthma. It success is astonishing and wonderful. Alter having it careinlly analyzed, we caij state that Aehmalene cantains no opium, mor phine, chloroform or ether. Very truly yi urs. KJV. DK. MORRIS W.BCH8L.1SR Avon Springs. N. Y., Feb. 1, 1901. Dr. Taft Bros Medicine Co. Gentlemen: 1 write this testimonial from a me of duty havi-n tested t be wonderful effect of yonr Asthrra'ene for the cure of .4athma livvri'e has be-n afflicted with cp--m die asthma for i he pa?t 12 ears liavitg exhausted mi OXFORD PUBL1G LEDGER an aki'l as well as many omens i luauie i iu ki- juur ngu ui u juur kiuuomf iu lauin street. - wYorfc I at one 1 obtained a bottle of Asthmnlene. My wife com m reed takin it about th? j. t of November. 1 verv soon noticed a radical improvement. Afier using one botle her Asthma f. i-isiineared and she is entirely We f om all sympt ns. I fel tha I can onsistently recom i'ti e medicine to all who are tffiieted with "this disWss'ug disease uenataemtuM. Yours respectfully, O.D l'UELPS,M.D. - i : -. . ( 1 . VithFiroi-w K -tent n. Toft KMfl HieUlCUlG x-vi. i was troublel with Asthma for 22 years. 1 have tried rumeroas rtraedies but havo all f-i'e". 1 ran across vour advertisement and started with a trial bottle. I f.und re fer it once. 1 have since pu-chased your full-size bottle, and I am tver grateful. I have a family nf four rhiMren, ard six years unable to worK. x a-- now in tne nest ot neallb and am doing bue" ioi itiv ' Thi- testimony von ran make f-uch use of as you see ft .. lu '-' 13--.: C lOHcl u ti7 Kast 129th st . New York City TRIAL BOTTLE SENT ABSOLUTELY FREE on RECEIPT of PoSTAL. Do not delay. Write at orce, addressing DR, TAFT BROS.' MEDICINE CO.. 79 Kast 130th St., '. V -':iy. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGIST. ImA U vUJIjlI IJAAS The Kind Yon Have Always Bought, and which has been, in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per- jfyfv J7- sonal supervision since its infancy. ''CtCtC'C4 Wmxr-rt rwt -tn 1 wo!vf --rvii In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-g-ood" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind, Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea. The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, TT MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK CITY. E -2 gss gL Mm Hi bmmtd Y f 'utaBae 'ili a-a-aB- 5 if) CD ZD w CD CD O 0) O 5 o5" o I'Sg 5 DC Ld LxJ cn Ld 03 o3 2 o o 60 2 OQ ft WADE H. BRITT, LOCAL EDITOR, THURSDAY. - - - OCT. 31.1901.- COUNTY NEWh. Stem Stcmmings. Quite a number of our people at tended the State Fair one day last week. The public raods through t his sec tion are a disgrace to any communi ty and the County Commissioners, Itoad Supervisors and overseers seem to be content. It is reported that quite a number of our young people, both white and colored, will soon exchange "single blessedness" for "double cussedness." Peace to their ashes. We cannot recall the year when tobacco was so nearly all sold at this time 01 year as it is now. Guess the tobacco men begin to realize the situation and prices remain high in the mean time let's make our sup plies, cultivate fewer acres in tobacco and then we can continue to get sat isfactory prices. One of the correspondents suggest that we take up the subject of love for discussion. We suppose that is a very interesting subject, yet men and women in all ages have failed to give a satisfactory definition of love. Some one has said that it is "an in ward inexpressibility, and an out ward alloverishness", and you know a thing of that sort is hard to com prehend. We would like to hear from some one else as at present we will remain silent. LACK LAND. CarRiwrJIcadettiyt:oplc$. Our mail is promptly delivered every day by Terry Callis, who is very efficient. Mr. John P. Cannady has been real sick with malarial fever, but are glad say is now improving. Mr. John Oakley, who was seri ously hurt in Oxford some time ago, improves very slowly. He was able to be out doors Sunday for the first time. Rev. J. E. Wool filled his regular appointment at Geneva the ;rd Sun day. There was a good congrega tion and his sermon on the "Good Samaritan" received marked atten tion by a quiet, orderly congrega tion. We noticed the conspicuous absence from the bench of elders of the venerable John H. Webb and A. G. Clement, both of whom were sick. The following parties from Ox ford attended the services: Messrs. Joe and Sam Webb and Mayor S. W Minor, Mesdames T. D. Clement, E. K. Howard and J. H. Meadows. TAW. ltloriahmoneI$. Mr. J. S. Coleman visited Kinston last week on business. No one could desire prettier weath er than we are having now. Madam rumor says that a widow er will soon claim one of our lovely maidens. Quite a number of our young peo ple took in the State Fair Thursday and had a grand time. Mr. Lee Cash, a fine young farmer, has taken charge of the farm owned by his aunt, Mrs. M. A. Denney. Corn shuckings. candy stews and parties are numerous now and our young people are having a gay time. Misses Evie Sherman and Daisy Fdgleman, of Foster, visited Miss Zela Coleman last Saturday and Sun day and some of our young men were quite happy. Miss Julia Howard, of Mt. Tirztih, who was with us last year, has re turned to the delight of her many friends and opened the school at Mo- riah Academy. The protracted meeting at Bethany recently conducted by Rev. J. A. Stradley assisted by Rev. J. R. Pace, was a success in manyrespects a nd feel that much good hasbeen.done. SWEET BETSY. 0aKfiill0racle$ CE Ld Ld o o 3 O TJ F " "I ; c3 o r u c, o . Q, s O o 7 0 o 09 i i Pi O 3 CQ o B OQ b0 03 O 3 2 o We are pleased to say that there is no sickness in this community just now. The pretty Miss Sue Daniel and the pleasant Miss Cole, of Satter- white, were welcome visitors a few days ago. . Miss Belle Thorp is at home from an extended visit to Oxford, Buffalo Exposition and Washington. She is an exceedingly pleasant young lady and her many friends are glad to see her back. Mr. Pete Thorp and nephew are great fox-hunters as well as for deer. They have caught a number already this season. One day last week they killed a 117 pound buck and sent him to Oxford to sell. Well, Mr. Editor, we are proud to say that we are now located at the well-known village of Oak Hill, and ' much pleased with our new home as it is a very healthy place and among the cleverest people in the county. We find the people pleasant to deal with and we are enjoying a good ' trade. It is pleasant to dwell among such good people. HAMMER. I 6atbereat3Re$t. Died of consumption Mrs. Ella T. Franklin, of Granville county, Oct. ' 5th, 1901. Sister Franklin had been a great sufferer for several years, but bore her afflictions with christian fortitude. She was about 53 years of age, and had b -en for many years a devoted member of the Methodist Church. Her membership was at Herbron, a mission chapel ,on Mt circuit. She was a woman of strong will force and hnd decided convictions and defended earnestly to support the right or condemn the wrong:. She read well, loved srood books and read them intelligently, but she loved the bible best of all and her greatest grief in the last weeks of her life was because she was so wTeak she could not read her bible. In her maiden womanhood much of her time was spent in homes of suffering. She was a good nurse and as such was much sought after and highby esteemed where there was af-, fliction. She took dellarht in minis tering to suffering ones, and would frequently go to relieve the sick when scarcely able to set up herself. She leaves an only daughter, hut band, one sister and many friends to mourn their loss, but "sorrow not as those who have no hope." Only a few weeks before her death, conscious that the end was near, she gave directions concerning her burial and said she had no fears of death was confident that she was saved. Mentioned the scripture lesson and the songs she wanted used at her fu neral. "I go to prepare a place for you, and if I go and prepare a place for you I will come again and receive you unto myself, that where I am there ye may be also," "Blessed are the dead which die iu the Lord from henceforth; yea saith the spirit, that they may rest from their labors, and their wrorks do follow them." HER PASTOR 'ZEIIE BEST BTJGQIEG When you wake up with a bad asfe in your mouih. go at once to Hall's dru store and get a free sample of Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets. One or two doses will make you well. They also cure biliousness, sck headache and c-jnstipati'.m. 18 IS WHAT ONE WOMAN THINKS. The best proof of a man's taste the kind of wife he picked out. Love is like china, the finer it the more readily is it broken. . A woman never knows how much she really cares for a man until he is too sick to work. It's a wise girl who doesn't think she is an ansrel just because some man has told her so. It takes sometimes but a single flash from the searchlight of a great sorrow to lay bare the soul. There was once a girl, they say, who kept a secret, but in a fortnight or two she pined away died. What the world needs for its pro gressive development is not broad mindness so much as brood-hearted- ness. J nat critical moment comes in more than one woman's life when she stands a silent witness to theslaugh ter of the one little ewe lamb of her own happiness. You don't have to be very pious to act sweet to the man you love; but to sit up and look pleasant to the woman that you can't bear that's where religion comes in. We have all met the man with such exquisitely refined artistic sensibili ties that he could almost detect a false note in the trill of a bird or a tint gone wrong in the colors of a sunset. II you meet a girl who looks as though some secret sorrow were gnawing at her heart, the chances are tnere isn t it s probable sue is engaged to two boys and cannot de cide which one is in earnest. Do you suffer from piles? If so do not turn to surgery tor relief. DeWitt's Wit' h Hazel Salve will act more quickly, surely and safely, saving you the expense and dan ger of an operation, J. G. Hall, TAKE THE SUNNY SIDE. "What do you think of her as a singer?" "Well I've heard many a bella donna, but she beats the bunch." "Why has the mule never become a racer?" "Perhaps its because he depends on his hind feet, while the racer has to trust to its four feet." She "Do you think it is safe for me to out on the lake alone with you?" He "Why not?" She "Well, the last time I went the young man kissed me." Town Topics. Agnes "Well, Ferdy has finally proposed I knew he wouid." Ethel "Why, you said you thought he had no intention what ever of proposing." Agnes "Well, he didn't have." Tit Bits. "Why, John," she said in astonish ment, hearing his language, "I cant imagine why your razor isn't sharp." "How should you?" he growled. "Only yesterday I trimmed a scrub bing brush with it and it worked beautifully." "It is sad to see this mercenary spirit so flagrantly manifested in politics," said the earnest citizen. "Yes," answered Senator Sorghum. "I have fought against it all I could, but its no use. I can't get the people to vote my way without payin"em." Washington Star. "Say, pa, if ma was captured by bandits would you pay a big ransom to get her back?", "I should use discretion, my son. It would be my endeavor to prolong the negotiations until the bandits were ready to give me something to take her off their hands." Cleveland Plain Dealer. " j I- O 2 o (jo ITAYLOR-GANNADY BUGGY HAS NO SUPERIOR l 7 ' Is lie PI OXFORD, N. C. ffi to Sell Your Till n iu Glad to say that High Prices continue to reign Supreme on our Floor and the demand on our market for ALL Tobaccos is by far greater than in many years. Competition and demand says get the Tobacco and prices shall be satisfactory, and this accou its for the fact that Oxtord is the leading marls et this season where tne highest prices are paid Our motto is and shall be to reach the highest notch on every load of tobacco put on our floor, and to make the Banner farmers' headquar ters, and to look personally close alter their interest. Come witn the crowd to the Banner. We are always glad to see you and will always do our best to please your. Your friends, BULLOCK 2 MOHELL. lI had suffered from indigestion," writes G, A. LeDei , Cedar City., Mo ' Like others I tri;d many preparations but never found anything that did me good until I took Kodi 1 Dyspepsia Cu e. One bottle cured me. A friend who had suffered similaily I put on the use f Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. He is gaining fast and will .-oo be able to work. Before he used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure in digestion had mae hi n a total wreck. The Buffalo exposition will close at midnight Nov. 2nd. Tne excitement incident to travelling and change of food and water often brings on di arrhoea, and for this reason no one shoulc' leave home without a bottle of Chamber lains Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Foi sale by J. G. Hali. A man is arrested for making an anarchist speech on the streets ol Norfolk, Va. DeV itt's Little Early Risers never dis appoint. They are safe, prompt, gentle, ef fective in removing all impurities from the liver and bowels. Small and easy to take. Never gripe or distress I. G. Hail Congressman John D. Richardson, of Tenn., is elected sovereign grand commander of Scottish Rite of Free Masonry. I H OHETO I x EAGLE)) MM. But yourself if you let slip the opportunity of securing the highest averages for your Mothers everywhere praise One Minute Cough Cure for the sufferings it has lelieved and the lives of thair little ones it has saved. Strikes at the root of the trcub e and draws oui the inflammation. The ohil dren'- favorite Cough Cure. The convention of commissioners of agriculture of the cotton states, in session at H ot Springs, Ark . .estimate the cotton crop at 9,500,000 bales. TO CURB A COLO IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the money if it fans to cure E. W. Grove's signatnre is on each box 2jc In consequence of General Redvers Buller's famous speech he has been relieved of command of the PMrst army corps and placed on half pay, C. M. Phelps, Forestdale, Vt. says his child was completely cured of a bad case of eczema by the use of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Be - are f all counterfeits. It in stantly relieves piles. J. t Hall. The companion of Miss Stone, the kidnapped missionary, has given birth to a baby in the brigands camp. Stepped into Live Coals. "When a child f burned my foot flight' fully' writes W. II. Lads, of Jonesville Va., "which caused horrible leg sores f. r 30 years, but Buckle js Arnica balve who;l cured me after e-'erything e se failed." In fallible for larni, scalds, cuts, sores, bruises and piles. ol 1 by J. G. Hall. In a panic at the Masonic Temple theatre, Louisville, Ky., many people were knocked down and thirteen in jured. Be Not Deceived Don't think you can neglect your health and reach old age. The way to longevity is to be kind to nature and then nature will be kind to you. Constipation, inactive liver 'tc, are foes to nature. Mexican Root Pills help nature. Try them. They cure by cleansing aad strengthening. Pain Can be Cured. Why suffer pain? Pain is trying to kill you. Why rot Kin pain coining kuis pain either internal or external pain, so quick'y and so effectively as Gooch's Quick Relief. Cures cramp and colic. A Complete Cure. When you take Gooch's Sarsaparilla you find it a eomplete cure for bad blood. Pile-ine Cures Piles. Money refunded if it ever fails Anti-Ague cures Chills and Fever. Wages in the Iron Works cotton mills at Fall'River will be advanced 5 per cent Nov. 4th. What's Your Face Worth? Sometimes a fortune, but never if you have a sallow complexion, a jaundiced look moth patches and blotches on the skin, all signs of i-iver Trouble. But Dr. Kings New Lite Pills give clear skin, rosy cheeks, rich complexion. Only 25c at Hall's drug store. TOBACCO on the floor of the OUS . farmers mm OXFORD, N. C. Our market will be a regular hummer this season with new buyers and a new Stemmery, we are ready to serve the tobacco growers and it will be a pleasure to us al ways to secure the last cent on each pile put. on our floor. We have good lights. We make no promises we cannot fulfil, and deal honestly with every customer. Brings us a load of Primings and we wiH prove hat ihe Farmers is the place to sell yours for btst prices Thanking you for your confidence and liberal patronage in the past, we are Yours for highest dollars. HUNT & ME ADO VS. THE SHRIEKS ) THAT YOU J t Q S. KOYISTKK, Attorn e Y-stt-Lvei w, COOPiB BANK BUILDING. OXFORD, NORTH CAROLINA.. Fresh groceries. Are arriving da ly at Will practice wherever his services are' want d, and promisee hie best efforts in behalf of hi? 'ipts irttiement of Pistatef Speciaty W. B. SHAW, II. M. SHAW, Henderson. Oxford. SHAW & SHAW, Attorney & Counsellors at Law, OXFORD, N. C. We offer our profe sional services to the ci izens of Granvil e and adjoining counties, and solicit a share of your patronage, pro mising to give to the smallest as well as the largest case our most lidiigent attention and best efforts. Our fees are moderate. Refer you to any one in Oxford or Hen derson GROCERY! Just received fresh lot Eagle MU!b water ground corn meal; old Government Java Coffee, Portica Molasses, Pigs Feet. Tr'pe. .4 cine Floor, Uncda Biscuit, Graham VV&lfcri', iliik Lunch Crackers, N. B, C. Crackers, City roda Salted Crackers, FaDcey Cakes. Canned soocirt, Chipped Beef, Ac. Call and see us If yon want Fict Class fresh Groceries at the loweat market price. Highest orices paid for conctry produce ri. A. CARROLL. W. 6BAHAH, Attorney at Law, OXFORD, N. C. Practices in State and Federal Courts. All msinesp entrusted to my care win be promptl ttetirirt 1uiTa. J. S. HALL. UNDERTAKER, Wm. H. HARRISON, ATTORNEY 1 COUNSELOR fiT LAW, OXFORD, N. C. The collection of claims a specialty Office in the Court House, Oxford, O. Bear In mind that I am always read? to supply your needs In the undertaking line, as I keep on hand a large line of caskets and coffins, all sizes, from the largest to the smallest, ranging in price from $2 up to $100. Nice hearse with modern equipments when desirel. All orders, verbal, letter or by telegraph will bin Immediate attention.

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