.- - w Si VOL -ITO. 38. OXFORD, IEsT. O., THURSDAY, 1TOV. V, 1901. Si peb A.nsrisrTJ3vi: 7 PUIBIL 0utinu '.. worth fe at Crenshaws. ! ,u will be sorry if you fail to see jjtilil..r made at Crenshaws. of a drug store may deft-mine the question of health or illness for you Take Any T)"irlrO JljjJY a 3 Why not come here for househole remedies, proprietary medicines, and for the filling of your prescriptions ? Goodsdelivered prompt lv. J. G. HALL, UrUgglSt. Phone 72. Your Choice fl f I cottage on ms lot on Kectory street. 1 rn n h d i in d r u wm i,e ccui5ea hy cuief wneeier l I llllllrllllrl -Col. H G. Cooper, the efficient I . Il II lllllllllllll I mi wiiiawB--w. j.c. n t HANDKERCHIEF SALE Our annual sale of handker chief for the school children be gins Monday morning and con- tinues until the lot ot jo dozen - . y- , I is closed, inis ioc is wunu uu cents per dozen but will be sold to timely callers at 3c each or 35c the dozen. LADIES VEST. Ask to see the 25c special ladies heavy ribbed and fleece lined vests and pants to match at 25c each worth 35c. FRUIT OF THE LOCM i i 'i l - t : i.u . x bleached cotton worth ioca yard at less than wholesale value, 10 yards to a customer at special 7 I-2C. 42 inch black cheviot for suits at 49c. 52 inch Gray Homespuns worth 75c at only 59c. B. F. 1 13 W Main Street, DURHAM, N. C. E. T. White, Pres. J. M. Currin, VIce-Pres. H. G. Cooper, Cashier, THE Ml OF GRANVILLE solicits the accouuts of every body and offers every Banking accommodation. Security and courtesy guaranteed to all. Capital Stock Paid Up $30,000 Additional Responsibility of Stockholders. 30,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits. 25,000 Security to Depositors $85,000 file Savings Oeparimeot pays 4 per cent, interest on time deposits. Security to depositors more than One Hundred Thou sand Dollars. GUARANTEE MEXICAN ROOT PILLS To cure SICK HEADACHE. "ABITUAL CONSTIPATION. and all diseases arising from In digestion. They will purify your uiood and make yourcomplexion 8, faik AS A LILY. They are iaun coated. PRICE 25 CENTS. KBOKHEIMEH LOCAL BREVITIES. GATHERED BY OUR REPORTERS. Short Hems Dealing With the News of a Week. Of course you are going to see 'Quo Vadis". Jailer Turner lias 14 prisoners in Hotel de County. Mr. A. S. Hall has added some improvements to his residence. Col. W. B. Ballou has enclosed his residence with a nice new fence. Mr. Willie Howell has moved to the old Hunt residence in East Oxford. Mr. len Pitehford is quite happy over the arrival of another little girl at his home. Bringyour tobacco to Oxford if - 011 want pinnacle prices on each and every grade. Your attention is called to the Executor's notice of B. A. Capehart in auother column. Mr. E. H. Crenshaw has had his residence on Front street nicely paint ed and otherwise improved. Some needed improvements, es pecially stables, have been made at the Home of the Aged and Intirm. It is reported that l'arham Bros. & Co., of Henderson, will open up a branch business in Oxford Jan. 1st. Mr. E. K. Howard is erecting a Cashier of the Bank of Granville, has i i, i anotlier Hue uu a u ma uumo lj c. Large quantities of tobacco con tinue to be sold on the Oxford mar ket and prices have an upward ten dency. Thanksgiving occurs on Thursday the 2Jth, and you have ample time to fatten your turkey and bleach your celery. The Public Ledger continues to be a favorite with the farmers of this territory as 42 names were added to our list in October. Miss Mary Currin, who was sick several days the past week, is much ii-liioli wjill 1 a ivi will npws to'heP many frlelMl8. Jl I 1M tM 1 t ..... - ' I. ' ' " ' ' ' " Mr. Irwin Green, of Gillsburg, Vance county, sold tobacco on our market Friday and was delisihted with prices he received. The revival at the Baptist church closed last Wednesday evening and Rev. Cox left for his home in Rich mond Thursday morning. Dr. E. T. White is having; the storeroom to be occupied by Mr, Wallace White, a clever young gen tleman from Henderson, repaired. Messrs. T. B. Pendleton and.T.T Sizemore, t wo neighbors, are running against each other on raising fine pigs and they have some hue ones. Mr. H. H.Latta.of Culbreth,was in Oxford Wednesday and said 'lass ps lickin' was over and that corn shuckings was the order of the night. Our young friend Wesley Knott was in town Tuesday and rolled out in one of Tayor-Cannady's new bug gies and Mr. Charley Bryan is happy. We learn that next year the Taylor-Cannnady Buggy Co. will en ter largely into the manufacture of wagons as well as buggies and phae tons. Brother Manning we greatly miss the Gold 'Ieaf, one of the brighest weeklies in the State and one we de light to read, as it has failed to reach us for two weeks. Rev. F. W. Milliard will hold service and preach in St. Paul's church, Goshen, on Sunday next Nov. 10th at 11 a. m. All persons are cordially invited to attend. The farmers and people generally will be pleased to learn the dam at the well known Cannady Mill on Tar River, has been repaired and is now busy grinding choice meal and flour and desires your custom. Aunt Charity Turner nursed the late . I osiah Turner when lie was a babe and attended his funeral. She savs she is more than one hundred years old. Hillsboro Observer. Mr. J. F. Cole will have his corn shredder in and arouud( )xford during the coming week and many of our people will have the opportunity to see this new machine work. If you are in search of the place to secure bargains when you visit Durham why call at B. F. Kronhel- nier's Dry j oods store on Main street. Read his advertisement on this page. Mr, John W. Hunt has resigned the position of farm manager at the Orphan Asylum, and Is again at the Hardware Store of Mr. Frank Ed wards ready to serve his old friends. Susan Bullock, who lives at Sat ter white, greatly desires information as to the whereabouts of Rebecca Thorp, who left her home about a month ago, without any cause. She is dark complexed and about 20 years old. After more than twenty years work, Rev. J. A. Stradley has resign ed the care of Rocky Spring church, In the Flat River Association. He began there with four or live Baptists at a little mission station; he leaves a good church with more than one hundred members.-Bihlical Recorder, The Graded School continues to increase in numbers and popular favor with the people, and is the greatest institution ever established in Oxford. Mr. Wallace White, of Henderson, has located in the good and pros perous town of Oxford and is opening up a stock of dry goods and groceries in the store next to Landis &; Kaston. It is said that Mr. I.,. Thomas, who believes in good stock, has on his farm near town, the finest Berk shire Boer ever seen in this part of the State. His hogsliip weighs over (500 pounds. The brick work on the large plaining mill and shop at the Oxford Orphan "Asylum will probably be completed this week by Contractor Lawrence if the rainy weather does not interfere. Little Ophelia K., the 2-months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John P. Williams, of Oak Hill, and grand daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Wil- kerson, of near Oxford, died Thurs day, October -')1 st. The painting fever is catchingasM r. W. D. Lynch has become infected and has hadhis jewely store painted inside and out. We hope the fever will con tinue to rage as a number of places in Oxford need repainting. Reserve seats for the splendid "Quo Vadis" will be on saie next Wednesday at Hancock's drugstore. Secure them early and get choice seats. Reserved seats $1. Gallery oocts and General Admission oOcts. The pews for the new Episcopal church have arrived from Grand Rapid, Michigan, Tuesday, and are being placed in the church. Work on the inside of the beautiful tower has begun and will be pushed to comple tion. Three great essentials needed to assure Oxford's onward progress: A new Hotel, Oxford & Coast Line Rail road and an Electric Light Plant. Will not some of our capitalists move to establish these great essential to Oxford's prosperity V Mr. Paul Cameron Graham, of Durham, and Miss Courtenay Chest ney, daughter of Major and Mrs. T. O. Chestney, win ue umreu in mar riage at Christ Episcopal church, in Macon, Ga., on Tuesday afternoon, November lDth at 5:-0 o'clock. Dur ham Sun. Superior Court Clerk Dr. J. G. Hunt, is busy getting ready for court which commences on Monday the 18th, with Judge Shaw presiding. The docket is a full one this time and will consume the full two weeks unless a number is postponed until the next term. Solicitor A. L. Brooks desires to meet every magistrate of Granville county and the Mayor of Oxford, Tuesday November 10th to discuss to them the duties of a magistrate. This is an important matter and he hopes every one wrill make it conven ient to be present at the meeting. Every day is good sales days on our Tobacco market where highest prices reign supreme. There was ouite a lively sale at the Johnson Warehouse Monday and Zack Lyon wrapped the glorious banner of high averaeres around mm anu sent ms customers home joyous and happy Fun Ahead For the Boys. All arrangements have been com pleted for the holding of the "Old Maids Convention at Oxford )pera House on the night of Nov. isth un der the direction of Anna L. Duukel. It will be under the auspices of the ladies of the Episcopal church, and will be the funniest thing seen in Ox ford for years. Take it In. It is rare that the people of Ox ford have the opportunity of seeing such a high grade play as "Quo Vadis," which will be at the Opera House, Saturday night, Nov. 10th, and we urge everybody to attend and encourage our tine young man a gers, Messrs. Peace & Hobgood, to get first-class companies to visit Ox ford. Needs Your Patronage. It seems some few of our business men have lost sight of the fact that we have a job ottice attached to the Public Ledger, and have their print ing done elsewhere. While weare doing all we can to build up and draw bus iness to Oxford wTe would be pleased to have you encourage us with your patronage. Give us a bid on it be fore you send your work elsewhere Council Twice Hanged. Louis Council, convicted of criminal assault on Mrs. J. H. West, white, farmers wife, and who was respited three times by Governor Aycock, was hanged at Fayetteville Nov. 2. The trap was sprung, but the rope broke and a second time the noose had to be adjusted. The negro actually stood upright on the trap duringthe second ordeal. He was absolutely cool. Reliable and Qentle. UA pill's a pill, says the saw. But there are pills and pills. You want a pill which is certain, thorough and gentle Mustn't gripe. DsWitts Little Early Risers fill the bill. Purely vegetable. Do not force hut assist the bowels to act. Strengthen and in vigorate. Small and easy to take, J , G Hall, PUNGO TOBACCO PUNCHINGS. Mayor B. P. Alston and Constituents full ot Praise tor Walter Stark and the Oxford Tobacco Market. Pungo, one of the prosperous sec tions of Vance county, was well rep rented on our market the past week and we found the farmers clever gen tlemen and fine tobacco growers. They are the we-rni friends of Mr. Walter Stark and of course sold their tobacco at the Owen Warehouse and were delighted with the high prices received for their cutters. They pro nounced Oxford a stunner on high prices, clever buyers and warehouse men, and will come again. The fol lowing is some of the prices scooped in for cutter grades: T. W. Lassiter walked gladly off with $2:, 12, 20, 28, 25, 21, V, 12. Wilson & Renn were the next men who struck the buyers pocket heavy blows and smiling pocketed $10, 30, 2S, 25, 11, 12, 25, 2:1, 24, 18. 14, is, 27, 2;4, 21, 14. J. H. Evans stepped up and pulled in $10, 2H, 20, lisft, 1:5. Weldon & Foster hooked on next and pulled the legs of the buyers for .ft 14, 30, 24& 25, U. J. T. Weldon rolled up and rolled iu U, 21, 10, 10, 21, Vt, 10J E. T. Finch had a bright smile on his face when he received $17, 10, 10, 14K, l:t, 10. V2, 17, 25, :, . A. R. Stauback let the boys know money and yanked up ifsV,, 14, 21, Lewis Askew struck the kejnote when he received VJ, 12, 12,12, 17, 10, 11, 2: 17, 20. J. R. Lassiter come to the front and pulled off with $10, li), 12,15, 17, 15. P. J. Stauback received $11, 12, 11. Dr. B. P. Alston rallied around the boys with some medium grades and they shelled out to him $15, 20, 17, 15, 10. J. T. Weldon stepped up again and received $!, 14, 17. J. H. Finch was on deck and cap tured $20, 17, 11, 10, 11. 0. Dr. B. P. Alston, the veteran Mayor of the capital 01 Pungo, was on our tine inarket Tuesday and sold with Walter Stark. Of course he sent his old friend home happy with $400 in his wallet. Hurrah for the farmers of Puniio and if they want to con tinue to get pinnacle prices for their tobacco why bring it to Oxford ! County Commissioners. The County Comniissioners met on Monday with all the members at the table. There was not much business be fore the Board except the regular in stallment of rebates, and the rickety old rebate mill ground out a number of rebates. Ordered that Daniel Haithcock be put on the outside pauper list at $1 per month. Quite a number of persons were al lowed to list their taxes at rates. single It cost the county $105 05 to feed and take care of 10 prisoners in jail during the month of October. Sheriff Sam Fleming reported the following taxes collected for month of October: State $1,020 (; Schools $1,177 i:; County $1,551 87; Railroad $45 07 total $.5,795 S2.- After allowing a number of claims against the county tne Board ad journed. A Growing Business. The new Clothing Department of Messrs. Landis fc Easton has proved a great success. Their great variety of clothing, shoes, gents furnishings and hats they are showing the low prices they are giving is continually bearing fruit in increasing sales. Their clothing are made up of the latest fabrics aud styles and tailoring the best, and sold at bottom figures. Their line of boys clothing is also up to-date, and made of best material. The cold North winds announce very pointedly the coming of winter and von are cordially invited to call atLandis&Easton's clothing depart ment and let Mr. sneelor, tne very capable manager, assist you in keep ing warm by selling you a winter suit, overcoat, shoes, hat, under wear, etc, at bed rock prices. We call attention to advertisement on 4th page of this paper. Ths Children's Fr.end. You'll have a cold this winter. Maybe you have one now. Your children will suffer to J. Ft coughs, croup, bronchitis, grip and other winter complaints One Minute C Uih Cure never fads. Acts promptly It is very pleasant ts the taste and perfectly harmless C. K Grorge, Winchester, Ky., wrl tes our little girls attacked with croup late one night and was so hoarse she could hardly speak. We gav; her a few doses of One Minute Cough Cure It relieved her immediately and she went to sleep When she awoken next morning she had no signs of hoarseness or eroup." J. G Hail. Mens and boys heavy ribbed fleece underwear 25c a pair at Crenshaws. A great line of childrens clothing at Crenshaws. WANTED At Oxford Furniture Factory 0 young men that are will ing to work. Apply to B. M. Hau bold, Superintendent. Stops the Cough and Works off the Cold. axtive Biomo Quinine Tablets cure's cold one day. No Cure, no Pay. Price a5 cent. Always Welcome. Bishop and Mrs. J. M. Horner and children, of Asheville, were the guest of Mrs. J. H. Horner several days the past week. Bishop Horner has just returned from the great Episcopal Convention at San Fran cisco and entertained the congrega tion of St. Stephen's church Sunday with a partial account of the work of that intelligent body. Stoled a March on His Friends. Mr. Sam Wheeler, our handsome and etlicient chief of police, stole a march on his Oxford friends last Wed nesday and went out to Providence and was quietly married to Miss Alma Piper, one of bright young ladies of that community.. The editor joins their many friends in wishes them a prosperous and happy voyage on the sea of life. The State Guard. The Adjutant General B.S. It oys ter authorizes the formation of a mil itary company at Greensboro. He says he does not know to what regi ment the company will be assigned. There is only one vacancy this being in the First Regiment, but the adju tant general says there will probably be some transfers, as it is his desire to reiirrange the regiments better geographically. Will Make Oxford Her Home. Miss Ida Long, sister of Messrs. James and Willie J. Long, arrived in Oxford a few days ago accompanied by her little niece, and is keeping house forJier brothers. Their homehas been nicely furnished and admirably fixed up. The editor welcomes Miss Long to Oxford and feel confident she will be pleased with our thriving town. Marriage of Miss Mary Ferebee. This card has been sent to friends: Dr. and Mrs. Nelson MacPherson Ferebee request the pleasure of your company at the wedding reception of their daughter,Mary MacPherson, and Mr. William Stamps Howard, on Thursday evening, November the iourteenth, nineteen hundred and one from half alter seven until nine o'clock Director's House "Naval Hospital, Norfolk, Ya. Tom Parker Pardoned. Gov. Aycock last week pardoned Tom. Parker, who was convicted at the April term of Granville Superior court of an assault with a deadly weapon and sentenced to' twelve months imprisonment on the roads of Orange county. The pardon was recommended by Judge Council and the county officers. The prisoner who was in jail in Oxford was in very bad health. Lost End of His Thumb. There was another accident at Taylor-Cannady Buggy Company on Tuesday afternoon when Mr. Sand ford Walker lost the end of his right thumb while sawing out some body timber. The saw in its rapid whirl struck a knot, jerked the piece of tim ber and went whirling in another part of the building, along with it the end of Mr. Walker's thumb, which entirely disappeared. Dr. S. H. Can nady dressed the wound and Mr. Walker suffered but little pain. The Elections Tuesday. A virtuous streak struck New York City Tuesday and Seth Low, Repub lican, was elected Mayor over Shep ard, Tammanite, by :!0,000. This is a blow at Croker and the wigwam, and there will be a shaking up among the dry bones. Maryland swiugs back into the Democratic column and Gorman will return to United States Senate. Massachusetts, Pennsylva nia, Ohio, Nebraska and other wes tern States go Republican, while Vir ginia, Kentucky and Mississippi go Democratic. Taking the Law in their Own Hand. Raleigh correspondence ofCharlotte Observer says: Tne State Auditor was astonished Monday upon the receipt of a statement by a register of deeds, who said he and the county commisssiouers had decided to put the poll tax for pensions at the old figure, lOcts, instead of the the new one 12cts. In the same mail there came another astonishing report from another register, setting forth that he had decided to make the pub lic school tax lOcts on the $100 valu ation, instead of the lscts fixed by the Legislature. Popular James A. Young Coming. We take pleasure in announcing that Mr. James A. Young, as leading man in E. J. Carpenter's "Qou Vadis" j will postively appear with the. Com- pany Saturday night Nov. IMth. Mr Youug is well and favorably known in Oxford, having appeared here in Hamlet, Richiliue and Richard HI, and is a widely known Shakesperian scholar. He is supported by an ex cepionally strong company, and we hope the people of Oxford will show their appreciation of this first-class Company secured by Messrs. Peace & Hobgood by giving them a packed house. !"LCST One pocket book con taining.f VA and a few cents, also re ceipt for $70, betwreen Oxford and Mr. West Brummitts. The finder will please return it to this and be rewarded. ON THE WING. YOU KNOW SOME. BUT NOT ALL The Varied Movements of a Number of People. Mr. T. W. Jackson was In Hender son Monday. Mr. H. O. Furman enjoyed Sun day with his family. Dr. R. T. Gregory, of Stovali.was on our streets Thursday. Mr. J. W. Chandler, of Durham, was in Oxford Sunday. Mr. S. H. Allen, of Henderson, was on our streets Saturday. Mr. W. M. Rogers, of Lyon, was on our streets Tuesday. Mr. W. T. Allen, of Tar River Academy, was in town Saturday. Judge A. W.Graham left Monday on a business trip to New York City. Mr. Bernie, of nearBoydton, Va., is on a visit to Mr. Louis deLacroix. Mrs. J. F. Cole and daughter, of Sunset, were on our streets Satur day. Miss Crowson, of Raleigh, Is the guest of Miss Annie Cannady this week. Miss Nettie Smith, of Salem, Avas among the shoppers in Cxford Sat urday. Miss Hattie Webb returned Tues J S J . t A- i. 1 , m uay irom a visit to relatives near Stem. Mr. B. F. Hester, of Walnut Grove Township, was on our streets Wed nesday. Mr E. D. Baptist, of Boydton, Va., was on our tobacco breaks Wed nesday. Mr. Lat Jackson, of Norfolk, Va., is on a visit to his brother, Mr. T. W Jackson. Mr. N. A. Perry, of Hester, was on the breaks Tuesday and called to see the editor. Mr. Wm. H. Harrison returned Tuesday from a visit to homefolks at Smithfield. Mr. W. C. Pittard, of Clay, was on our streets Monday and called to see the editor. Madam de Lacroix returned a few days ago from a visit to relatives in Massachusetts. Misses Susan and Alice Graham returned Thursday from a delightful visit to Buffalo, N. Y. Mr. T. L. Cannady, of Cannady's Mill, was an Oxford visitor Monday and called to see editor. Mr. B. N. Duke.of New York City spent a few hours at the Oxford Or phan Asylum Saturday. Messsrs H. M. Vaughan and R A . uoie, 01 nicumonu, v a., wrere on our live tobacco sales Friday. Mr. C. F. Thomas, of Big Rock was on the tobacco break Friday and called to see the editor. Mrs. Ann Davis and Mrs. J. J Davis, of Stovall, were the guest of Mrs. John Paris Monday and Tues day. Mr. Ed Landis, who has been sick at Rex Hospital, Raleigh, has recovered and is spending a few days in Oxford. Messrs. Louis Chandler, of Bullock, and J. W. Wright, of Cornwall, were in Oxford Monday and called on the Public Ledger. Messrs. R. W. Farabow, of Stem, and James Pleasant, of Creed moor, were in Oxford Friday and called to see the editor. Dr. W. W. Cozart, the able phy sician of Dutchville, was on our streets Friday and called on the Pub lic Ledger on business. Mrs. M. E. Sears and daughter, Mrs. Floyd, of Clay, were in Oxford Friday and the editor had the honor of a call from them. Messrs. W. A. Blackley and F. M. Blackley, of Wilton, were in Oxford Monday and Mr. W. A. Blackley call ed to see the editor. President R. W. Lassiter, of the First National Bank of Oxford, ar rived home Saturday from business trip to New Y'ork City. Miss Nele Currin returned Mon day from a visit to her sister, Mrs. W. C. Tyree, at Durham. Miss Cur rin will leave Monday for Portsmouth to attend the marriage of Miss Mary Ferebee. Mrs. Eva Taylor and children left Thursday for Wilson where they will make it their temporary home. Mr. B. M. Haubold has rented her handsome residence and has moved in. Their luany friends regretted to see them leave Oxford. Col. R. O. Gregory arrived home Tuesday evening from a visit to his sons Frank and Charles at Florence, S. (J. We are glad to learn from him that these young gentlemen are doing well in the Palmetto State. Modern Surgery Surprassed. While suffering from a bad case of piles I consulted a physican who advised me to try a box of De Witts VV itch Hazel Salve." says G. F. Carter, Atlanta, Ga. "I procur ed a box and was entirely cured. DeWitts Hazel Salve is a splendid cure for pilts giving relief instantly, and I hearti'y reco mmend it to all sufferers " Snrgery is un necessary to cure piles, DeWitts Witch Haz 1 Salve will cure any case. Cuts, burns bruises and all other wounds are also quick ly cured by it. Beware of counterfeits, J, G, Hall, MINT WORRY about something nice for yourself,or company send to JACKSON'S and get a box of Kennedys Almond Bon Bons. Banquet Wafers. Sultona Fruit Cakes. Vanilla Wafers. Holmes and Cottts Assorted Cakes, 8 kinds in each pkg. Graham Wafers. Zu Zu Ginges Snap. Ramona Wafers. Uneeda Biscuits. Animal Crackers. Athena Wafers. Five O'clock Tea Cakes. Kennedys Oysterettes, the nicest Oyster Crackers made. Chocolate Wafers. i Charlotte Russe Our Line of STATIONERY always the best in Ox ford. 15 kinds week. fresh" every All leading Magazines, Richmond,Washington and Baltimore papers received daily. HeadquartersforCigars, Tobacco, Pipes and smokers supplies at Next to Bank of Granville. sees c- xmjmm w iji.i ji i m. in inji' In Oxford Saturday Night November 16th. Important to Mothers. Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, a safe and pure remedy for infants and children. and see that It Bears the Signature of b Vn Vor Over 30 Years. Tb Slad You Save AJwayi 8eag& lev 1 Candies JACKSON'S m

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