Granville's Financial EXHIBIT. Prom December 1, 1900, to ber 1, 1901. Showing the amount of orders is sued during the year, various disbursemen s. GEN SEAL COUNTY ORDERS. DECEMBER, moo. U Mis, three diys as cotmilniicr aud m leageSfmea $ V i-u iocs, twodira as ranim'l,.ii and mi eage 2 time A. 1-uliock, two davs commi tee wnrK and mileage twice H. C. " ut uco, bridge at Amie mil .... A. Hb d. holding inquest t nody of Willie Allen . J P. Bradsher, four days waitiu g jnry Mn M F Hockaday. land n-ed pub road J F. Uery, lumber for public roal L. B. Dixon, ho'dlng election. rentvete. r.. L,. Crews. 240 leet lumber-public road F. M. Hiackley. coiveviai? wilii ve,rrv from Louisburg, etc r. jnangum. salary as janl or, Nov ... 8 D. Booth, health officer, medicine, etc CF Ore wa, throe days cum'er, mileage J. B Mayes, account against county.... N B. Daniel, 1 da c jm'tee work, m leage N.B Daniel. 4 pave com'r. mileage Stimes R. 8 Boath. registrar, holding electioa B. C. Harri-. holding- election T. Fa-abow, commute work, mileage w. t,. Mitchell, hree days at comm'er.. W L. Mitchell. 2 Javs com'ieew rli miiVi. J G Hunt, account aainct county J. G. H unt, cross indexing special pro'gs j-m. .urriu, poles fur public road . .. luner, dim ror jn for November B S. Royster. salary for 6 months, h ring nt convicts, evidence railroio euit.. J B. Mayes, assisting B S Koyster mik- b, ? tax ab--t'ct9 in railroad snit h. F Smith, boarding and InrliHncr inn InGittisvsKUgoBUit 7 -J 'furoer.charejurvGattis-Kilgocase uuukuuu, inquest over Doay or Steph en Vanghau . . 8am H. Jones, building Dr'ge Minor mill m m ,'emiDS. court services Mo. term T. W. Jackson, ctationer-' for court i T' iJfitt' Publishing county exhibit. stedlI"t- supplies to c 'nrt. A W Wood brifiyinir (niirtnoo Vapujai from Durham..... a " f .;,ewl". coave ing as Bullock to jail ........ J. T. Britt. stationery clerk's office".'!!. W " w Ir"'ke'"on hau'iiig rock for road barker & Hunt coa for aide house n iJr" S s'wd' nomine election.. t N- l reeis rr. Holding election , V,v oard, regi-trar, holding election r 5 DKnj,eell.registrar, hold ng election Zr Bncnanan,reg'tr ir,holding election i ' iJorkadiy. regtrar ho'ding e!ec ion Kycrofrr'ri',trar holding election w a Biack ey 'egistrar.holding election J K Hart, regi trar, holding election., u t ; Lvon' fgisirar, holding election.. t V1arr,n'r'Sist ar. h .Ming electioo. . i 1 rel'rar, h aiding elec ion.. J aljijl'regi',ttar,holdlng election., in. K,y,'Tter' regis'rar,hilding election lhos U Jones, building abutment at Minor's mill bridge J U Hunt, esc fees, state fai .nres cases ui rranKy uay.... or William Green of Arch lia nrae or William Chavis .... ot Sam Wilkins of J.-hn Tally .' of Ro.i Aje'tn. of R Lawrence of Frank Ridley ore. Rice of Wilie Pe ry of Matilaa Cheatham T. L. H jw-11 Bro, soap f jrjail.. 20 US 7 84 To al fjr December Si 342 JANUARY, 1901. U P rews, aave-tieing wo-k on delin. queai im . examining Ur Hunt's re- C. Gill, 2a0 fciumner, repiiring bridge B Dixon conveying L, Lewis tojil Dixon, en .rdintr Or 1 K vy ' ' 1 mi 1 1 11L;, etc. 7 5 8 75 3 25 bridges five days . .. 5 L Crews, enardino- i rpwa indVil bridge? Ave davs . J"" D Hobgood.ii q iest over b VdyVf "aVther 5 00 vtcu .... ..,,. ..... F M. Biackley. con'y KmmiAiVen to jail 30 00 t no 14 0 ' 17 0 15 00 5 00 w Cha'dier. takinor rtrniia Hr,n i foffcnp'intenrtent Health i ,V Wun .accouat for December.. .... p fja rs- cT"Qit ee, work m.ieage.. 7 Jsm. 8Uda;8 com'r mii'ge 4t's J AI Howel . guarding smallpox v. S. Gooch idavap 1 2 00 7 95 a 10 11 00 6 (A i 6 1)0 13 KO C4. )ti llirh R H 11 17 j i n 8 tO 13 40 75 10 li 00 6 (K) 1 45 - j i n n r. jdil acc unl for December 1. Rfl 'urtr Ma i u n - J. P. Mangnm. BH'urir iar,!,.,. A" BnnKrin' hor,e and tagy for 'bVs. Booth in smallpox t w. uanpnrk. innnii.j (v.. court. Ur ti 8 fiarding smallpox 5 days. ir. . u. Henderson, money paid small- 5 50 24 01 50 00 pox guards, Wiison, Pr. ddy et al.. J. G 1 (HI 12 10 ?ting . F. Crews In eettling with 1 reaeurer 1 Ra'a"? Pa " banket for co'y 2 50 6 ().. J B Mayes account for Decemoer 79 5, D .8. D Booth health officer, and II 75 v 0 email )-JI Ifidwars & Broah'on,cie 'chts lax'&oo'k Va'ker, Kva s & Cogell. t htel mo?t gage book for KegisterV office. . snrt ' Co,nveying Jack Gren to jail t b1 cleaning nt courthouse well 1 hom aId8' accot"ir against county.. 79 83 2 25 12 (!0 I 4 5u 1 25 JO 7 ?,GwH"iItQe?iclna f?r smWlVpor", et'c!: 11 . 1 1 " 5- ; -r"5 'au 9 40 5:t 72 Bmal,p r." :::::.r.:?J35oo Total for Jaonary $ 765 7 FEBRUARV, l9oi, H. 11 l.atta. for man -f rK 47 50 a 00 1 wwi"' Kec-eiYin wk at Cornwall j t' w m.bul ding Aron creek "r'ge l'eX ford ' Pa" Pay fr bndge Uan- 1 E'-11111' 150 00 105 CO J. ti Cnandler 14 00 COllVf'V nc nrianna. 5i i lr. Dr ft. B smallpox 2 41, 80 00 II If. r On. ti Hmvj nn.b t J. V AUngum. f alary as janitor .;Hackley: waitlnS on gran-jury and conveying prisoner to Iail.. v rtlZ Hlnn ma?e ,or conmy.... ::;: I'arfter & Hunt. enl fnr i.ii ' 1 J 00 6 50 76 SO W. U. Kovster. fnnrrlau. ViL" " " ' "f "' 23 S; iu !am a 1 en rai d GofwaiteCrHoVteH filVure. "cases of Hayw;odCBa.a.nd.mfna Allen of Bill Carpin'er... ' of Jack G.een ." 6 0'i 26 9 8 85 12 SO 71 to 19 00 3 1. of Da i 1 Morrow of B G Usry et al. or Haywood Basa... of William" Jmes . of Will Howeli of K li. Bui lock and 01" Lawson Knn;t 6 0 8 7tj 5 83 55 1 15 M L. Oakley. TO JsTnrHe;,aU antVor" jknilVy.V T x. Jr' Bootn' salary as sup of heaiih John Tally guar ling sroa lp.x . ... L Fh8,,,Irt),!"l aad lodgings "for 80 5 20 81 14 75 J U L J ' F J P J. T -.-lijuij, Biuujry term 55 00 1 i Mnnr. npMiint : - . .... , agsiusi CODniV 17 SB B -c. me county.. OiX'in. tbr-e fin v ivoi , i .... u 5 ' 34 so A Builock.o etfar;TA.iuJu H 0l 2 00 W Hancock, dru, s for JaTi:. "cr"" rWKUan.r,ot kJ' dra-8 ln "minpox'cas'ds It iber t Wood, mattresses for jail tJ. Spenc-r, le egram in smallpox case , ves account agin-t c nntv i Cannart v. m l .maiin.. i ''' 2 50 7 00 2 25 1 18 SO dwds Brouxhton," pl fr.ceed- ing-t dock, t f r clerk of canrt..... T f,e-8 probatin deed for rot'd 8 80 7 50 1 25 1 00 100 00 CT . . awuimtu J OODr. T e lIirfir 14rnnvliu Grays . amount not before called for, , . - ---- oumiig VJ J Total for February $1,032 12 MARCH, 1901. L' Tt. "1'l'fo,d, ld in full for Dan'el w. wi, i'uuuiu nU" men IS 10 Driuge at Norwood mill asm 80I O'Brien, building big - ovr cre?k Martin Uanie .hnilrtiug biiusf overcr ek J H U'e-d ovr, c n')'g B. Lewis to jail J T Britt. stationery for shentr... .... A B Spencer, woikatjoor huu-e.. J f. Hunt, account for Febrna y... ".".".". . J A Oortre!!. serving rad notice Pa'ker & Hunt, 100 feet flooring p house J. f bd wards work and merchandise. . G B tfoyst r.letting aud receivinir h'dge JJr 8 D Bo tb, salary supt of he-dth Dr.R. B Hend rnn di-infecth g mal pox J. . Hall, rollia for pauper J H A Parbam, but ding bridge '. S C. Harr s three days co""r .mileage 7 u Hu-r'8- c 'mmiftee wo. k. mileage.. - a Goocb, th'ee davs comV, mileage ' -7- Go ch, committee wo k, mileage W. H. Daniel, three davs c mV, ml eage J. a -Eanlel, c-rjimlt'ee work, ni,'ea e " Crews, seven days com'r. mileage , V'-yon. nln days commissioner... 12 50 10 0 1 75 2 00 3 50 21 30 30 80 40 1 50 9 Si 5 00 20 82 10 00 2 00 80 0 1 7 00 3 60 8 40 8 40 7 60 8 SO 17 21 IS 00 v.-a. ,uSui, uaraing fciniiipox t has Hunt guarding smai pox , r1.6-'1'8' gna-ding smallpjx J. n lOanillir. remir k S "aDle,!' committee work, mileage 0. Dan el. 5 dava rnm'ar T. Hnnt. monev nai.-i f ....1' '1 I . rV Puo'hing repo.t clerk C s O m . 1. rraiier, asfistini? . F i e i'iiarrs. enardlnc hii nl'iinr 8 00 Charles Parriah.guarding tml pox...... 7 CO ' " r. uBj ior emti p x pail ta J. W. Harris, mertse smal pox patientB Koht wood, coffin for panper J T Britt. Btatlonery for Reg stc of D . H. Maye. accoint for tTeb uarv. . I, Unxnam, salary as Janitor, Feb'y 2 HO 3 09 3 00 4 7 9 2 AO 19 00 rarser b uunt, roal for county v 4 i nrner, iau account , W. L. Mithell otip dav mm nrnrlr inil'ja i- ' J , au.B - I J, -noDi wooa, matteses for poorhouse a j. ua dv, iana need for Dablic road Total for March $ APRIL, I901. Decern Dr R B Henderson, one day In ema'lpox Green Bros. 312 ft lumber put at bridge J A Brinkly, 202 feet p ank and nails.... Charles Parrbh. euirdin imallnnT.. . Joe WilliaT b. gnarding smallpox 16 days C F Crews, one dav settling with Tr and the Iri K mball. r moving rift from bridge C J Turner, iail account f ir M J B Maie', account f .r March " J G Uuat. account fo- Mtreh W T Lyon, alining C F Crews aettHn' with Trra-urer Landis & Kaetori, blanket for ....". 10 80 J T Britr stati. n ;ry for Keeisters offlce 6 80 tiuni. coai ior county ui o n d oin. s iarv mnr nr hua th 8 S0 u f a n u". eer vini? ionr mart nnt ra. Walker, Kv ns & Cogewelj. stationery for Mrk's office . 71 50 Bdwards . Brouehton. rrnn linn hWnb" 85 80 J T Britt. blanks for (lrb m 8 00 J ' U " M nsnm. salarv as isniror 8 oo L B Dixon. C"nvevini7 nrisnn. r In iail I J. 3 7 J W Daiiiel. makif? crnnaino' nv rpLt 10 1 5 i 40 Total for April $ MAY, loot. 34 65 12 00 R C Bullock. Inmher And null nnK . 33 38 T M Tboma-eon. r n iirtno hriHo- t t 7 no 32 85 3 B0 10 4i 9 (19 9 0 J M Loftis. reDairino' hr!dir m.FKuuV W P H'lkerson. letrmcr anrt rtxf hrlrf" Dr S D B joth. talarv as Tint. of hoalth C J Turner, iail ..-. n r, r a 1 J P Mangum. sala v a janitor for VAVii a fi . - . . - 3 30 6 00 1 I ra,"nl Ior April iir'...BC leeB "'ate taiiurec seo of ZW Allen and M Jackson 6 Oo 24 r!ij 75 00 of Tom Parker of Kssex Morton ...". ,' iu 00 67 VO 01 r- ummer masenburg lrf - i oam Anen ana una J G Hunt, account fir Anri 90 00 7 n ""cisnan. expense cee vs J Green J "8t dm -a mdse for jiii J T Kritt, printing Cou.t ca'endar' "V J P Stedman, mdse for county J T Britt, stationery for Sheriff oflic5!. A B Suencer. wort at. nnnrhnu an 13 00 6175 9 00 L b&m th, 12 meals hune(rv)jury Daniel, 'ommittee work, ml eage.. yH Daniel, thr e days 'omr and mileage 48 75 vl3 5J 5 20 I 20 80 00 8 40 t o ueucn. e Dimi'tM worlr nun milooa V Gooch. three days comr and mileage c F Crews, three days comr and mile ge n, tiarris. tnree days comr and mileage . iVu"'?' ,ettini?' rec Cannsdy bridge J U Breedlove, lu Tiber for bridge Kdwrd A Brought n. tax noticn 5o 2 20 3 00 2 CO 2S 35 6 09 P Sinderford.sanitary commitcee J B 41 aye, account for Anri 1 u . ........ .... J" "wiuu, repa'nng bridge S C Hobgood. rep iring bridge"...'.."""" F. u111 " e waiting on g jury Ur t D Booth, smallpox at Green's Ur 11"-' B oth, services sanitary ccm'te s A Fleming, expenses for Miss Jiil to Jnsa-eAs mm 8 03 5 12 6 S9 6 09 8 12 11 21 8 54 7 Oil 10 00 Total JUNE, 1901. WI,IJl9 Vaughn, abn menta t bridge. . . 5 00 9 27 8 0 7 4S , .7 ""rente, mmer lor 0rlde 1 w S ck' repairs to britfee 1 ?. V,"?1, rem ,v nS raft f rcm briuge .... o "heeler- builait g bndgj at Ooochs Hobgood. inquest over V ill Cathro .. 1 n e,'er IePira to b id e. T Acdmy ' .V wheeler, reua ra to brides. oivrrf 25 00 75 4 10 55 So 20 47 1 50 4 .'0 11 0(1 3 75 3 00 3 00 2 57 r vi u ,tood- lumoer for tlarri-bar; bV J Kobert Ifood. coftins for paupere, -tc r r mI? ' x ,minl1 g So1 Kia'ey, certfl c J J JVledf, rd, euaraingjail thre nigata d t iMy, g .ar ,iEg ja., tllree nights ,i V rewB- Jnmber and nails for bridge.. - J rnrner, jail account lor May....? . a rnlog, expenses Carrying of Ben R TT-?lsan ?nd.Fo1 13ly Aayinm.. (, rews hauling bridge timbers ... J 1 urner. gnardine-iail twn nicrh 15 45 14 bi e tw 1 4-1 j 00 46 20 36 80 20 hti 2 CO 60 t h Unnt-coU nd lamber 21 sb "i S.Jee. a count for May tl w. 45 Or m'T.'8'. .brid8 4 U r ej oaiaij supiui ueaitn. 20 H3 8 90 6 r5 4 50 c K (' ic WJ T n ran nauu .j-vm 1 1 A It u jw vuii, UIUCBKe T p u u ' "u" uu oriagetiuKs pond la 00 2 00 7 30 1 50 V 1 (! r D it' alter hav r.g Harrisburg rebuilt J T Brill, stationery for bheritf's office.. J P btedman. md-p fnrrnnnti R H Gooch, lemovingraft from bridge W A P-iham. building Ua'risbnrg brVe Long Bros, mdse for B W Mn-n it,o 00 40 0U 0 5 O'j 15 Oil 14 s2 Jsmeo H Cai-n, extra work on bridge ... ' im Cash, rf Dnirinsr hrirlr H rf u L B Dixon, lumber for Min r's bridge L B Dixoo, c eefe bridge. I'ar Kiversta'n J M Lynch, work building Minor bridge C H Landis, nails lor Minor bridge H G i-uke, irons for Minor bridge...""' 20 75 33 0 a 3 i5 Total for J nee JULY. lsoi. ..f 478 t5 D N Hnnt, tax list for Salem township s J Currin. tax list for Sassafra- fork J M Bnliock, tax list for Tally Ho !"" J J P -ediiy. gnard over body S Vanghan 8 H Jones, building oridge at Da 'iei f'd J M Bullock, carrying O Lyon lo Jail J L o'B ien, 10 feet lumber W'TLyon. ruling with treasurer".'.".". C J Turner, account for jail for Jnne. C F Crews, settling with t'rea urer '. C F Crews fou-days a com'r and mii'ge WS Gooch, seven days as comr, mileage fi-ur dtvs commir.r.oo wn.b' 2"- 00 :-" Oil 40 OO 1 00 94 70 1 50 1 50 2 00 64 55 2 65 8 65 16 40 10 70 15 60 13 0 1 to 2 7 6 00 N B Daniel. seveft.days comr, mileage!! ' ' Ave days cora'ttee work. mil V , Cnrriu hauling on public road.. i.nnr' copy ffrHnd jury report, etc.. 7 D Hoard, lnsuectlug and rec'g bridge f Crews, work on ford at Minor mius J a Ma es. acconat for June J H Wheeler, bni.ding bridse. Oedar "crk Or S 1) Boo h, salary supt of health Edward? & Broughton, liquor dealer re turns Rr I w ''""isxamtniDg pension "a"-pl't a U Cannadj, exam'ing pension xoung & tfeidon three rto. ni hnnir. 3 00 2i 57 48 Ou 20 8 75 5 oa 7 1 u Register of Deeds u W) f T Britt, stationery for eher fl fflce. 10 (0 - r ot umm, mease for (ail 1 0i 12 00 ieo 00 10 00 so 00 35 (Kl 5 HO fo 00 45 00 40 00 14 25 i 50 45 00 1 f .w antrum sa arv rh iAnir. tr f..t i 1 d 'Ilp-'roPrlllou ura'viile (irasg r 1 u ner, hiuiing timb -r ti Lyon bdee ii f Th' rp, t x lt-tWalr nt Qr ve...... U P ensant, tax list oak - til o nship At Bullock, bal tax list Tally Ho . v U Blalock tax '1st oxford towDfthln il'Jenkl e, tax liet fo' B a-ofldd f i Taylor, tax list Hishtng Creek. . B spencer, work on Hicks b:ldge... v A Lyon, land for r a 1, K A Lyon estate v A Lyon tux list or Dntchvllle U 11 MnRay, repairs to Court House....'.". 82 Oil Total for July j mi j0 AUGUST, 1901. M Black'ey, conveying Olona and Andrew P.eodv u .111 Kerney 1 MBillock. g arding jury in State ts Andrew Wil-on H Jones, building wortham's bridge LCannad . repain gOannad- bridee a K Howard, r-nildine bridge B lltown v. L Ooley. letti g and examine bridge. 6 00 74 5 3' 3 - 5 E0 2 00 1 00 2 00 7 70 57 ai 2 P0 ,'u m,, l'I)el.t- s rait' ng r'd Lyon bridge 1 H Wilson hHurnir o 1 public ro d 'J ,9Qke & Co' bolt8 ,or Kimball bridge K Howard, building Kimba 1 bridge I L Chandler, conveying PtariK Mil er to jail ar.d metis W Lynch, c'.oc for Clerk's office.'.."" I R Day, waiting on jury two da8.. 'r8 D Booth, salary Hupt health W ft Hunt. insnranr n.-i nnnnhnn. 11 00 8 0(1 20 15 00 10. 8 07 25 53 3 00 8 00 12 0 40 3 rlinor- typewriting listo pensioners t li spencer work at poorhoue. 1 B Mavi-e, account for July Osnorn 11 ane. bo-rding am lodging'iurv in Andrew Wilson case ..... y J T B'itr. c urt calendar.' stationery." i P angnm. salary a j miter for july.. I i Bunt, c c arc mnt fnr .Tn in Idwards & Broughton taxbook for eh'ff C j y'u ner, jail account for Ju y OJTnrrer, brirg'ng Bjb Hayes "from H-nderson W S Oooch. 3 days comr and mV'eaee m m'V. . com'tte work. mVl'e N B Daniel, 2 days co 'r and milpase I Daniel. 2 davs Mm'tt .i. 9 Oi 67 4 75 B 40 5 31' 5 60 L V Smith, ten meals Tor j ury . " f rew.8' 2 dav8 com'r and mileace . ." ." k 6 00 5 3' uiing. account Tor Julv rf Davis, banting bridge lumber. 5 ! 7fi 2 5" 20 00 - - a.r Bf inmiesion r.... S M Jones, bringing C P Yowlrom Moore - i mhu, i"navdai"inn)l88iori J G Hiint. c e r. fpes tate fiiluree'in'c'ase of Bever ey Kdmondson of Caroline Ly.n of aro1 i n Lyon of ona Kernry.... of Franklin Miller .'."."." of Frank Lwis ofOonway Fu'ler ".".'."." of Edgi MangUTi..... of Kicbard oaks of Anrirom 7lla.n 20 25 7 30 8 90 8 rV 6 7i'. IS 83 7 53 17 7 10 65 5 0 j ' ' vi. .... ......... ini of Kobt Hayes ,i 101 fi VV in 9 w un i 1 cuc ia v in ... ........ 11 03 Total for Anguat SEPTEMBEB, 1901. W. B. Catlett, coffin for pauper . John H Daniel, building rock wail --"" 1 iic ..1. 2 00 vnc 10 t-annady bridge C F Turner, buildi.ig Lyon" bridge F M Blacklev, conveying; two pris oners to jail . C J Turner, jiil account for Aug. J P Mangum, salary as janitor " R VV Adcock.tuttingraftfm bridge W H Slovall, con'y Ro.ster to jail V,rews' 4 days settling sheriff E C Harris, 6 days corr'r, mileage EC Harris, com'tee work, mileage Harvey Hobgood. Jum, Hicks b'ge B Spencer, work on Hicks bd'ge R T Blackwell conveying Martha Lassiterto jail .... L B Dixon, conveying Wm Robin son to jail CONTINUTD ON 4TH PAGE 30 50 156 72 5 00 uiiii ict;u 52 45 12 00 5o 3 00 cess 00 13 SO 3 80 39 41 20 95 2 75 riue j men 8 80 0XP0RD PUBLIG LEDGER. 19 65 o ii 'J W 8 CK) f. m JOHN T. BRITT. OWNER AND 40 THURSDAY, DEC. 5 00 2 65 2 07 7 00 HON. W. W. KITCHIN. This able and distinaruishd o 8 00 2 R5 1 00 89 30 22 15 6 60 man entered Mondav nn hi term in Congress and has arrived at 1 tnestaare when hp pan fit to his District and the State. tne truest and bpst. mri rQ o nn 2 00 or in politics todav. anrinnw!ni 5 mffnVtw has a more honorable t . ? " 1 .u 1 KePrtseu tati ve th an VV. V Kifchin. We believe that the aenVr-.i 2 50 7 20 m 00 1 fo mi me rinnuistnct is that ne should be aain nominated for a fourth term as he has proved to be the best Representative the District 12 75 11O 2 50 12 ( 0 2 50 nau iu years, in this opinion we ueartily fntninr 4 20 . ' ' ' - V VI, . In enterinir ntwm fiiit. 176 60 JY'itiuu litis , Driu'lit fiif.i 1 . c - null uuii. in lii, il 1 i-t 1 riik in 1 1 j allovvprl IklOltl tn l r? An pnffre88 another term 9 97 43 80 12 50 4 00 20 SH 5 5)5 12 tO line in Consress Mr K'ioKt 1 made a most enviable record a man of real ability and stands for true Democracy and thp iipHf ir,., ests of the Soutli and of North Caro lina During-his first term he stood as the lone star Dpi 44 45 88 6 ur ffressfrom.VVorthCaroJina.the remain- g gi, ...... n-iiirm-uittuiH iivini rnia 85 being of the "black-and-tan" variety 8 ao UlUtT IlUrtllll KPllH hMnan l...Jl tion. He is not only a good talker in Congress, but a worker and a prac tical and constructive legislator. He stands for something and is a real power in that august body, having 1 60 1 i5 1 5u 45 s 00 i 80 761 . a numoer of important committees. Mr. Kitchiu is now entering upon a period of great usefuness. In states manship, as other th intra i 6 00 8 40 7 ao 7 (10 5 0 IS 3 60 in no o.: r r . llul'lt;8 ume seii r with e to uaint him self with public questions and also 1??r the ropes" and how to se cure the best legislation for his con stituents. We are in the habit, some- 95 00 10 00 6 00 4 HO 2 00 11 90 5I9 5 yji LttHiug away a Kepresenta f he time when Ke clfbe " , LU 1J1S contitueuts. It S-fi ml8ht Secure another man as good as Air. Kitchin, but we Sho,iiertaialy8ecure no better man? nivt ? We even nominate for the next term an mini! .... . 10 00 8 75 10 00 5 00 7 H5 ' a" I I-: 1 uiciu fits 'it Mil Kitchin he wimM hc , jMr. . " I . " v ' ,J u c lu Krt rue 1 J -j I I ti 1 r-i. ... . 1 - 1 . . ' -"i 1 1 n:ui t ? v f 1 iri 1. ; 4-. . 1 . . already has. THE FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Tilt. V7fl, 1 ... . .. '"K'ess met M onday a nd never oetore in the histoi :lhe,Luid St?tes, certainly n jui.., ,.1 ..' r j ""u has a United States Congress been confronted with nmhw L ,ln tncate and as far reachino- " r Lillc.?uu as rar reaching that will devolve upon this( 1 lie acquisition of a vast Congress. ..v. icu lury with millions of inhab itants whose interests 'Vill and i'Jentical with our V ,l inoT m,,8t ,,e verned from U aslnngton presents the most com ostconi plex 01 problems. lhe construction of an isthmian canal whir l, will deflect the commerce and change the military lines of the wor d calls for statesmanship of ex! ceptional character. lJSity re?irded as a panacea bj ahiree contingent of the Ameri can people, and opposed by a major icy oi the American mi1n,.f.Jn ?.?l!.aS inu8t 1e adopted as a nal The tariff' should be revised as its lY!!nsj ia the interest of mo- wijr ct Lue expense of the people V ast monopolies known as trusts' with stupendous ca pital behind them' must be investigated and restrictive legislation enacted as the mass of ti, peojue ot this country are rapidly be- i,i,.n f.r immense cora- wi irmisportation lines must re ceive attention, the people demand ing a curtailment of their alleged ra- , .r cu, L1JC- promoters streuouslv opposing governmental interference cuuiiiious anu gnndiim- rpwn- ues taxes, which are . i, Vi ' oeonte Riini,i 1 . - r , ..v..j,t c IfUUmi Tltrtr Tii - 1 1 , uoutllB. Ollt Wi tl.a I,,...i: cans do it? -uu- These are a few of the weighty mat ters that will exact from 57th Con gress the highest decrees of states nanship ad political perspicacity Jth'rt Kubncan majorities in oth the Senate and the House will render easy of accomplishment all escalation which that partvmav de ermme upon and will fix "upon the !arty the responsibility of all meas ures which may be adopted or-tdm k d In addition to the responsibility which rests upon the Republicans in 1- on uress there is th ftin,i.. liZinJ? a, "e.w "ntried Presi- itiAV - i "f"0" who takes a leiigrht in having negroes dine with Irlw. t7.mJU fort' Social equality lown the throats of the Southern leople, but he will never do it no ever, as long as his name is Negxo velt. Hoosevel t is young, impulsive ind untried. His lead him to regard as irksome th ..t-ciL oeuaronai prerogatives which custom have established and an an .VTS1S beteen the White House and the Senate would almost result in a disaster to the Hepublicanpartv winch should come as it is against the interest of the masses as it fos ters and passes laws to protect trusts oecause said trusts furnish the "cold hard stuff" to run the f.,mn0:m buy votes with. 1 aiJl1 r a . . 1 ivepresentative liabcock. Republi-fUv- ,Wi!?cusi- will re introduce his bill lowering the duties on steel and will push it to successful issue He believes he has the approval of thhi iDU est a,ul that acon which will curtail the profits of the steel trust. Senator Vest, of Missouri, is confi- AL rLtlie "P" Diicnns will split on the trust question, that they dare not revise the tariff, and that no rec iprocity treaties will be ratified- he says that the Democrats will watch every move and with an unpreceden ted singleness .of purpose will avail themseves of everv nmmrtif to win the cofidencn of the people. Senator Simmons is at his post in ashinaton and will serve his State the Senate with ?wnr uwi litis n i)ixiinriii ,vi i- a 11 -a . , ' taLis. ,, V. some editor of the States- j jiascoi, nis secretary. rn 1. t- ine L,exinaton Dispatch shows I heu sjjrns i prosperity as it has emarffea ana improved, and 4 i-' ' it! netter printed. It is evidence that the people of Davidson appreciate their county paper, and we congrrat- r aruer upon tne of the Dispatch. suc- If thf nnilHaifoa Y-iil. ,. ti ......... I x - - - ' 11 il. 1 l till v I 1 II M I ATAnf ... ,,uiy people wno Will still live. There are nearlv two million mT. I than women in this country. 1 Tbomaf nttoM,7lUe.pBB' dec;1- ft til u vv Lii ui J J I'll ill lA uiacxurins m rortb Carolina is made evident by the fact that this year the number of factories chartered is far greater than cotton niillH. EDITOR. 5, 1901 General Toon, superintendent of public instruction, is sick at Swan Quarter, Hide county. j - io I t i Of Benefit to You. D.C. Mitchell, Fulford Md. "During a long illness I was tronl, ed with bed sore's was advised to try DeWitt's VVttch Hazel Salve and did so with wonderful rcsul s I He is was penectly cured. It is the best the market.' ure enre for prl burns. Beware of counterfeits, M. Straiiirhan. who far than 30 yaars was janitor of the cap ltol at Italeih, died at his home in that city Nov. 27th, aged 72. He died with paralysis. During the civil war he was in the Fifth North Carolina Kegiinent. He served under ren Gov ernors and every man in public life f r. before in hum state Knew him. wa ior While they are accumulating knowledge on the profound sciences, ate often so ignorant of their own natures that they allow local disease to fasten on them to the ruin of the ache headache, nervousness, txmit to a disordered or diseased local condition Which should have prompt attention Dr Pierce's Favorite Prescription may be relied upon as a perfect regulator ft stops enfeebling drains, heals inflamma tion and ulceration, and n,rM fn,ou weakness. It makes weak women stronr and sick women well. There is no alcohol in " Favorite Pre scriptton and it is entirely free from opium, cocaine and all other narcotics. "Your letter i ex - -v KUfether. of 4S West Sharpnack St.. German town. Philadelphia. Penna. "Words fa o t'V 1 to vouforvo,? timl T ul VSt conf?ss that for the length of ound i "-lug -vour "'dicine I have remedvVo1? .Vf i,.erful and best ry trier) c t j-j "liit 1 ever nave Proserin . d,d nl know f your Favorite Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt of 21 one cent stamps to pay expense of mailing S; N vldress Dr- R- V. Pierce, Buf- - It used to be said t.hit. nr man could luakc a million dollars honest- uuever rrue this may have . ,L. pasr, when wealth was j , iuuru, umeny ny lucky strokes it "V V, " . "', L, usc squeeze it out wt Lue peopte, when it is secured by , T- i . 1 ot Prce Put on the articles they sell. For instance, if juctu couid obtain the profits se- j l,y ranway rates on wheat uom t,nicfig:o to New York a half mill , per pound he would in one year be- come the richest world. nian in the whole 0 1 iourcs ana uicers never become chronic unless the blood is in poor condition is j :u6l2.a- weaK aua unable to throw off piwus mat accuraulate in it. The slciu must oe relieved of the unhealthv lnro'Jgh the sore, and ereat danger to lite would follow s!,oiri ;t ui u,r WOUld follow slionlfl if- Kf the blood has been made pure and health? and all impurities eliminated from the sys tem. S.S.S. begins the cure by first cleans atld invigorating the blood, building up the general health and removing from all6 morbid1 A CONSTANT ORAHi effete matter. HPON THE SYSTEM. VVheu v his has been accomplished the dis charge gradually ceases, and the ulcer heals. It is the tendency of these old u.uUKUl sula 10 grow worse and worse, and eventually to destroy the bones. I,ocai applications, while soothing and to some extent alleviate pain, cannot reach the seat of the trouble. S. S. S. does, and no mattei how apparently hopeless your condition even thougn your constitution has broken down, it will bring relief when nothing else can. It supplies the rich, pure blood necessary to heal the sore and nourish luc ntr', diseased body savs1'" 5ibert' ck Box 245. Winona. Miss. fty Slx years ae my leg from the kneetn the foot was one solid sore. Several pbysiSSw treated me a:id I made two trios to Hot Spring Hf-?Undn reiief- 1 was induced to try S S Is and it made a complete cure. I have be?ti a ner fectly well man ever since per" is the only purely veg etable blood purifier known contains no poisonous minerals to ruin the dio-petin o, add . . . - - . . . , til tv4 iu. ratner TMan ml trigs. If your flesh does not heal readily when scratched, bruised or cut, vour blood is in bad condition, and any ordinary sore is apt to become chronic. Send for our free book and write out physicians about your case. We make no Charge for this service THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA. GA. ' ' i-XAWVC VUllT .VillTTT- On Jellies preserves and pickles, spread a thin coating of BE REFINED fiRAFFIfji ) them abaolnrflv mnimim , proof. Furp ItPri,-H iar.rn'" r," bou' wa -rabou, the nousu. Full directions in each package. 1 STANDARD OIL CO. Executors Notice T 1 1 Aueieny give notice that I have anal flrl a r. ,,f ii... . . . . . v. ijuai iitru U(9 s. Ft-ace ms against are n;lnea 1,1 Present same to me or L;"'"rJr' .n'in fittman. at Hendpr. SORES MME3 t 3 1 P i p win keer II I hi I r"l ' ! iiiiiiiii 1 1 mm- . i dfi Oc7oWil7Q,Srr efore Member 1, 1S02. This p w nioou.nm in n n A Kansas court e-rants Davfd Nation a divorce from his wife, Carrie, "the joint smasher." Captain Diamond of the New York police force is convicted of shieldine; disorderly houses and sentenced to pay a fine of $1,000. TO THE PEOPLE OF OXFORD AND GBANELE COONTF I desire to annnnnro u4- t u mat 1 nave just opened up tiS- StaPle DrJ Goods, Notions, Heavy and salve nn o. xiu,y groceries, Uonlectionaries Trunks, Gents Furnishings comp'ete line of general iresh. and will hp cM Rock Bottom Prices for Cash. vcryooay invised to give please everyone to the best judging quality as U711 Value. In n . In quali j 7 1 ini in a i 11UI llJfi i j mm CROCKERY, CHINA, LAMPS, CUTLERY, in fact anything in the Hardware 1 sou. Our HEATING AND are among the best with lowest prices and best result, in mind that we rar, c.,u. . . "csc results. Bear ; r rhj W nen VOU PCt rpuriv r K.. j uu; OUr customers. ALL OR DEAF1UESS NOW by our new invention. lOn. Onlv IU0 iMS , H K IB" A n J ucctl are incuraoie. HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY F. A. WERMAN. OP rai t m ZL J I " 1 WERMAN, OF Gentlemen .- Btin g entirely cured of deafness, thant, f" Ia.rFa 30. 1901 B IU11 ill hit r - -""''.v v.uira o AboV.i krZJ-Z- be at your discretion my hearing in t'liis ea "su "sy riant ear lit ear began After T .""j acciaenially : ' 'J-. V.Icri "aa "sed it onlv a few d.-ivs r entirelv berof pluSri only an operation could"!? nlc an5 even th-r,0t.,?.Vpeciai,st-,of 'this citJ heari 1 the disd j iciuaiu Very truly K A Our tventmM.t. ,7, . rry.-. Ull fll JfiVG iii.tiniiiaion ana advice free. YOU CAN CURE YOURSELF AT HOf ' a! !?4AI. ".hl CUNICj 588 I A ? UfEA"F.. H ' INTEBUMTinNA U1I M U fteZt?? for anhinTbe1 Zlnn u THIKIG We have just received We not only guarantee our goods HATS. e nave the nroner shnnpc CLO " LUlUia 1(11 I MIC CA-kO-k I - cc ur iine ot Stetson Hats. . J Boys Suits '& Overcoats 1 wear. We don't hesitate to say wecarry the strongest line of Boys Suits in this section of the State. xcu prices. "VU11V-U1UC1 wc "on c nnnaie any "shoduiesM ivji guuu vaiues come to snow goods. LANDIS AND Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers, Cxford, N. Nn. Col. E. B. Young, president . .1 . .1 1 1 a. T- 1 . eunpeuueu oaut at .uiauia, Ala, Is lndieted in the federal court. An invoice of American cotton good shipped to Harput. Turkev, finds ready sale and is liked better than Manchester cotton cloth. pwpic m wAiura ana to tne puD.ic a new and co mnlefp line rf Goods, merchandise, Everything new and me a trial and I of may ability. will endeavor to WALLACE WHITE. T BUYERS, 00 : , , , ? Kiy recognize Good aajuumeill OI ine we are on trm tUi 1111a oca- ine of COOKING STOVES yuur wants in Hunting tmnHc i. . - a.n un us as we strive to snHctv ..uv c.H. ms. Ei NOISES? CASES OF HARD HEARING tflnco AC ; . . BALTIMORE, SAYS- "11'H.lJl, x Will now give you to sing, and this kept Qn gctt;nc worse, until I lo?; success, consulted a num. . who told me tlia; head noises would in a if,, ior.PaPer- and ordered vour treat ing o your direction- the noises censed and J ear has been entirelv restored. I u,.-u L v u vours. WT?T? 'XT A TVT . . jOD" roaoay. Baltimore, jrd. v ?oi- usual :ceupafio,t,. Til Clothing Department - datt SUPPly yOUr WamS STORE, another big lot of but U U VisM a our prices to be right. XrUJT s u . valuabie Farm ior Sale one UNDERWEAR. We are agents for the famous Wrights Health Undent r w- C'aKKyJn ad?ition a comPlete line of iuucu ana neecea cotton under- Shoes. Shoes. Can suit you in shoes from th wuiacM io cne nnest dress enamel- ui patent leathi ier at bed rock at all, but if you us. No trouble to see EAST0N C. , OfBce of the - Rusf's Cotton Root IT ? c i.- ,;, ,c"auJe and "'""J" s ror Ui Koot and 1'ermyrova, T k r urees on Gentlemen, Oct il. 1 Di , . 1 , . 1 -isuuve i-itzON MILK V in ection. cure" Gonorrhoea and Gieei 1., 1 t . act on is magical P events Btr cta?e ll plete To carried in vest pocket n1J COni ventatlve. Sent by mal in plan packa pre paid. on receipt of price. 1 i,,,P, ,a"6. pre- -or sale Dy J, . Stedman. rlrnr...'," "'r 5 V. ' sf."", - nil. Oxford, k Womanly Beauty SPAEKLING RY EH AND BKIGHT FACkJ Are tne Fruits of Sonnd Kcr HINDIPO B0"K-ra U , teria, uizzineeB, Headache, UHUMllnt. 11- - a it,-. common attending ,a monthly periods. p '"6" iiie irj find it. mnrfini "i l , r,i" " ""'annood iiuiu ,f rii nnn T f . . . . and strengthens the nerves. ripftar .1! !aiet8 - vi,ui 1Cuci aim oenent. clears the brain and tonei- nxt the whi :ood. MAKES A WOM a r ,7rirnI?,.h"I.e syMem' xouwo. Price 50c. 12 hna 1 mail to an v i)iira. ki ,.0'ut VIGOR OF MEfiT EasUy, Quickly, Permanently Eestorwl ! HINDIPO ,r- ,EiN oHitv.M viiAMZEK is sold with ri7 ten guarantee to rnr M..,,, X'l.TA1'1 rlt- VitaTlty, Falline M r m't. n5"l",V- ? catieed by bad hahltanr oL" ?8 6 m 1 aiJ urams on ab bacco. onlnm. i.i; ?e nse. of To- liquors. and make, you vonr and?it Potti!hpe.k. ia Boxes 5 Bv mail to r, a7,. "5".'u- "c. bvj p For sala uruisL. oxiord. N. C, r EN N Y R 0 V A L PI L LS KVr i " V tsa r.i an l Oold uietallic boxen. "ith blue ribbon I llk(nn nth... , tl.,n. Buy or your Jru," 0"".n 7 'Keller for L " all T.. Chioh...-. 7; "'V -t"? ir paper. Mdl. BauaSTpifiTA?.1 Jl- Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. Th digestants.and digests all kinds ol i xue'vus oisiuntrener and never fails to cure. It allows you to cat all the food you want. The mnt .n.,, . stomachs cau take it. By its use 'many ,r.HVt u peptics nave been cured after everything else failed, it iMcvtJUL iormauonofgascn t ho stom ach, relieving all distress after eating acting unnecessary, rieasant to take. it can't help bat do yon qood The 1. bottit contuius 2Ji times tiic 6oV. L Mali f.JUTliVTTT? To cure sir.K u c n r n , , HABITUAL CONS TIPflTi o n ' and all diseases arising from In digestion. They will purify your Diood and make yourcompjaxion as riK A3 A LILY. 3 gelatin coated. PRICE 25 CtMS. w. P. 8HAW, Henderson. H. M. SIJAW, Oxford. SHAW & SHAW, Attorney & Counsellors at Law, OXFORD, N. C. r , . ..tu.ici uur proressiona srvi tn. , oi uranville and adjoining, and solicit a share of your natron.-,,. mising to give to the smallest as well as the largest case our most lifllirrt best efforts. Our fees are moderate. Keier von tn in,i r..r , . erson Sale of Land. B7 VirtriA rf a Hcri 4.. a. - . v" 1 is truest Jan. 2tth, 1HJI. by Archibald 'o me executel on Kereev, Hawkins "tjvy nun troianne Kassell and dnlv rerorrlprf ,, ".""gage oook S3 FRIDAY, D'CBVBKH 20. in LdJ 1 Ys-mmMii 1 Iwo cer aintracteoHards in Granville county, fere otVt rn n ''ef,.fr?m. Oxford, on the wa SC MnU Creek it being the land bought Archil S K?AJ??",&.h X&ej ibon- 3k mil . ' . "'iiere on uiilaDoro rc ad, ioon i milps wea: r-r oxford rnrtnir u acres more or 'e. bir,r th 1 'W1 '' tilfn'K, octalnirjg 99 acrei- aoicing the larmg of P. Aien and W. G. Waller, KaiTJh UurriT. K mile north of Benneha ed e-npd.i 7 . . ;i"rion. and acapt- whLt e ? VtT fl,ne hacco. rorn. wueai, etc. Has fJne r af nre land , T l.iZZ.'E A 'KEN. ApplvtoJ. T. T.von. Ap-f Nor.hld K P. Geoere 1 taaie Bdsidbss. Havii ng engaged in the Fir In. aarance business in Oxford in con nection with the practice of Law, I hereby announce the samp to mv friends and the public generally and solicit their palronage. I have taken the agency for sev eral excellent companies, as good aa are to be found anywhere, and can guarantee to you the best protection, with terms as libera! as. on la ac eured from the best companies. I am also local agent for toof the best and sfrongest Life Insur ance Companies, and am prepared to write you any kind of life policy you may wish at terms a3 low as the lowest. 1 shall appreciate a fbare of your patronage. Yours sincerelv. Wm. H. HARRISON, nf7rri "V. f!. in Court House. AND r'or by9.