A..JI A . ,! ( OXFORD PUBLIG LEDGER. JOHN T. BKITT. OWNER AND EDITOR THURSDAY. MAY 29. 1902 Admiral Sampson's part In the bat tie of Santiago enabled him to leave an estate of $22,000. lion. , w Kitchln delivered an able address Thursday at the com mencement of U hitsett Institute. SUGH A CHANGE. Not only in feelings but in looks. The skin is clear, the eyes are bright, the cheeks are plump. No more pain and misery, no more sick headache, no more jaundice. What worked the change? Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, which cured the disease of the stomach tii.it prevented proper nutrition, and also cleansed the clogged and sluggish liver. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition. It cures diseases of lungs, heart, liver, and other organs which seem remote from the stomach because many of these dis eases have their cause in a diseased con dition of the stomach involving the allied organs of digestion and nutrition. "I sent von a letter about a year ago," writes Mrs. J. Knis Hamilton, of Farmington. Marion Co.. West Va. I Mated my case as plainly as I could, and received a letter from vou iu a few days, tellinar me to use Dr. Pierce's'Golden Med ical Discovery and ' Favorite Prescription ' a bottle of each. I used three of each, and feel like a new woman. Don't suffer anv pain or misery any more. Before using: voiir medicines I sullered all the time had jaundice, caused from food not digesting properly. I would have sick headache three and four times iu a week. Could not do the work myself. I commenced using- your medicines as recommended for liver complaint, and think I am cured now. I asked our doctor if he couldn't cure me, and he said he could give me medicine to help me but the trouble might return anv time. I doctored three years without any relief. Haven't had sick headache siuce I took the first bottle of your medicine." Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure constipation. The United States has at last pro claimed to the world that Cuba is free, self-govern iu and Independent. The line monument to the gallant Lieutenant William E. Shippwas un veiled In Charlotte last Wednesday. Politics is warming up in the State and the "Commercial Democrats" are predicting the re-election of Pritch ard to the Senate. We hope when the true Demo crats of Granville meet In Convention they will brejik the record and join the large number of counties In unan imously endorsing Judge Clark for Chief J ustice. Governor Candler, of Georgia, is gray-haired and benevolent looking, but breathes a fiery spirit when speaking of crime. Referring to the recent troubles in Pittsburg, the ne gro settlement just outside of Atlau ta, he said: ''All harmless negroes and their homes will be protected at whatever cost, and all riotous con duct on the part of anybody, white or black, will be met with whatever force may be necessary to preserve order. 1 have the utmost confidence in the bravery of the troops and the discration of their officers. They will never fire on the mob until they are forced to do so, but when they must they will shoot, and shoot to kill. But I hope and believed no such ne cessity will arise. WORTHY OF EVERY WORD. Editor Hale, of the Fayetteville Observer, in speaking of the scholar ly Dr. Kingsbury says, he has for years occupied, with great uisunc- THE EXIT OF AN INGRATE. Under the above head the Atlanta Constiution of May 12th. thus sizes up Jeter C. Pritchard, and we repub lish what that able paper says, In order that our readers, (some of whom are belna: urged to lend their influence to the furtherance of his cause ) may be apprised of the kind of man that he is: It was an unlucky day for North Carolina when. In 1S73, a streak of cholera ran through east Tennessee and chased Jeter C. Pritchard across the mountains into the State of Bun combe. Jete had been roller-boy and office "devil" for George Graham, publisher of The Jonesboro Flag, but when he struck "the land of the sky" he took on higher ambitions. He climbed through the degrees from a great revenue raider to a lawyer's license and then pushed onward until u less than twenty-five years he found himself in the senate of the United States! J I is career in that body has not Two hundred leading furniture m;uunacturers meet m Chicago and form a trust, and prices will be put up from 10 to 20 per cent. The true Democrat should see to it that not a single "Commercial Dem ocrat," alias Trust-Kailroad-ilepub- lican, is chosen a delegate to any Democratic Convention as they are wolves In sheep's clothing. The rural deliverjr routes continue to increase in North Carolina. Fif teen have been established since the first of May, making a total of 116. This is one thing the government has done for the direct benefit of the far-mere. Like a Drowning flan. 'Five years ago a disease the doctors called dyspepsia took such hold of me that I could scarcely go" writes GeoS Marsh, well known atrorney of Nocona. Tex. ,-I took quantities oi pepsin ana oilier medicinee but nothing helped me. As o drowning man grabs at a ... T 11 .1 1 r 11 . r i . . miuw x grauueu at rvouoi.i iett an improve ment at once and after a few bottles am . . . . . ,1 . 1 .11 ) J I - . T . I auuuu auu wen. r.ouoi is uie only prep aration wliieh exactly reproduces the natural digestive juices and consequently is the only one which digests any good food and cures any torm ot stomach trouble. J. G. Hall Wind and water swept over Cin cinnati and adjacent towns one day the past week, killing six persons. The damage to business section of Cincinnatti Is estimated at one mil lion dollars with as much more in the suburbs. tion and incalculable usefulness, the place of the leading editorial writer j heen brimallt byany means. Ills abil indeed, he IS gen- :ti.s n of the commonnbiee order Robert T. Baptist, ex-slave from Virginia, who has given 1,000 to Booker Washington for the endow- of North Carolina erally regarded as standing head and shoulders above his contemporaries. To an astonishing knowledge of North Carolina affairs, acquired in a long life devoted to a minute as well as a broadmlnded study of them; to a candor of expression which has never, so far as we could discern, found Its impulse In malice; to a fe licitous and ornate style that has ever charmed his thousands of read ers; to an honesty of purpose that was as transparent as it was inflexi ble; to a generosity to his competi tors that was literally overflowing; and to a love of his native State, her people and her Institutions, that is akin to idolotry this noble old gen tleman has added an intellectual in dustry that has no equal, within our observation, outside of that of Judge Clark, in behalf of whose righteous cause, by the way, he was moved to lay down his life work. PREFERS JUDIAS ISCARIOT. The lialeigh Times says the oulv ment of a Tuskegee scholarship, is an semblance of a sensation that occur- At Lansing, Texas, a negro, who assaulted a white woman, was cap- j tared and tortured to death by hot j Irons. lift is hard enough as it is. It is to her that we owe our world. and everything should be made as easy as possible for her at the time of childbirth. This is just .what OTHER'S Friei r A t A old man, but still active. He is em ployed as a coachman by General Carpenter, of New York. Dan Castello, known to a world wide community of circus folk nnrl amused the people of the new and old country and at one time a partner of P. T. liarnum, is dying at a Chicago county hospital. Although he was once worth 1,000,000, Castello is now penniless. red last week in the candidacy of Judge Walter Clark for Chief Justice is an editorial in the Biblical Recor der, of which Mr. J. W. Bailey is edi tor. While the editorial does not take sides in the justiceship, still It is perhaps the most severe denuncia tion ot ex-Governor Russell that has ever appeared in any North Carolina paper. It speaks of the recent "ex posure of personal and confidential letters." and in its comment says, 'Even now he (Governor Russell) n-hn haa ilnna lii li ? , v.r.n . . e in Chicago, Is the first victory for the Mmif hw,... llQo, ,rv-wl t 1.. I U.6.U Uuai, nai uioulJgUlBU iwic m. luc gieai nguL ior tne re- Judge Gro8eeup's temporary in junction against the Beef Trust.issued straint of an odious attempted mo nopoly, it snouia be wiped out. along with the other trustc that take advantage of the people. his name far longer than the title that his high office would have. He will be remembered not as the Gov ernor whose ungovernable temper ruined his administration, but as the man who played the traitor with a With all her bluster Great Britain was anxious enough for peace with I consciencelessness not surpassed bv the Boers and to placate them agreed I Benedict Arnold or Judias Iscarlot to pay 25,000,000 to rebuild farm I Their opportunities were larger, it is houses destroyed, and to compensate I true; and they were probablv men of for other damage to farms. Hurrah I larger mold." will do. It will make baby's coming easy ana painless, and that without tak ing dangerous drugs into the sys- it saiipiy to De applied to luua" oi tne abdomen. It ucnaies mrougn the skin carry ing strength and elasticity with it It strengthens the whole svstem r,ri prevent all of the discomforts of pi eg nancy. The mother of a plumb babe in Panama, Mo., says: "I have used Mother s Friend and can praise it Get Mother's Friend at the Drug Store, SI per bottle. The Bradfield Regulator Co., ATLANTA, GA. Write for our free illustrated book, Before Baby is Born." for the Boer, as they got the best of the great English power! The oldest employe in length of service of the Nashville Ami-u.u vmu o negro janitor, Uncle Lewis Martin. 1 40 years on the paper. In the fifties. though a slave, he fed the uress on the old Nashville Gazette. His pic ture occupies a prominent ulace in last Sunday's American. Cn June :J the anniversary of Jef- The Raleigh Christian Advocate, the Methodist organ, has not entered into the matter in recent issues, tho' when Mr. Page's first criticism of Judge Clark appeared the Advocate contained an article considered hos tile to Clark on account of the al leged discrimination against corpor tions in the courts. and his grasp of national questions no larger than that of the average southern republican politician. Up to date he has been as harmless as. he was helpless. Being void of the sense to make a statesman he was also void of the skill to become a marplot and a peril. North Carolina has had to tolerate him just as the senate has had to suffer him because there was no legal escape from him. But now Jeter Is nearly up to the jumpiug-off place. Having recovered from the follies of populo-republican fusion the reunited democracy of North Carolina Is prepared to retire Pritchard from the senate and send him bark to the valley village in the western part of the state where he "fits best." He is not likely to trouble the State, or the United States senate a second term, unless the president shall find him some federal job that will further perpetrate him upon the public purse and patience. The caliber and character of Pritch ard reveal themselves in the Indecent speerh that he made in the senate on Friday. He could not consent to leave that exalted body without showing his venom against the peo ple of the state. With evident gusto he revamped the miserable bloody shirt slanders of the past and heaped them afresh upon the state that has honored him and that he dishonors. Upon the flimsiest of partisan hearsay he has sought to pillory North Caro lina to the objurgations of the world for crimes and inhumanities that never happened that were born in frenzied imaginations and nursed in hearts of hate. It will not be difficult to brand t hose charges as the lies they are and their authors as the pariahs to truth that all men know them to be. This latest speech by Pritchard vindicates the wisdom of the people ot A orth Carolina in repudiating both him and the party thaty is god-father to him. He is unworthy to be nam ed in the same breath with the honor able men who have given illustrious service to that state and to the na tion in her behalf. eDIWIING N Our spring stock is now being received daily. Some are now in stock and await your inspection. We want you to come in and see us and take a look at what we are offering. Our line of SPRING GINGHAMS is beautiful just the thing for early spring dresses and shirtwaist We have the most beautiful line of BLACK DRESS GOODS We have ever carried in the new weaved and paterns. Oui line of embroidery are exquisite, We want to call our attention especi ally to the line at 6f c, 7J, 10 and price and good in quality. "1 cents per yard, medium in 7 . SHOES! SHOES! We have the largest stock of Oxford we ever carried. We have the celebr a t e d (QriaV5o I Drew Jsheiby bELEY6H&Co.Oxford we havethem in twentyfive different style SHOEXG and prices. Patent leather and Patent Vici Kid, the f it , ,t. v"v 1 irom 31.50 to $3. uur if 2 patent leather is a Deau y "JSC fesL ' mm "VJ .6l r remove-:', fn i i 11 qua: Potasl 1 lie fcrt il; plied, imi.:f ( enough l' ,u,! land will uucin c i' 1 W .!.'.. O 1 "".!. Read carefully OI on crops M ii j, Oh K MAX KAT.l rust's Lotton Root cnflYROYAL FRILLS AM) price range Never be have we been able to show such a line at DODular Drices We also the celebrated H- 'J. Godman line of Oxfords and shoes, the price $1, $1.25 and $1.50, all warranted and none better at the price. For men we have the L. AJ. Reynoids & t o. fine shoes and Lill Brack ett & Co. ffne shoes, Patent leather and Vici Kid IN GENTS FURNISHINGS GOODS. Wre carry the line Wilson Bros, of Chicago. It is conceded by all to be. the best and most up to-date line on the.market. Our line of always reliable and always ask for Dr. Koot and renriyroval They never fail mu j Mailed to any address on ! eaie fty J. v. Htedmen. Oxford iilHl '"niiii e Fema j.;V-D safe. never iiijn,. receipt v jn. V, Gentlemen, Get the New Novd , , PIGEON MILK ' In ection. Cure- (-ionorrhcea ami Gleet ii, 1 i() 4 ,lv . ,, action is magical y eventa stricture' a, plete. To carried iu vem. po k-t ventative. Sen:, by ma-1 U plain p.i( i,-l' paid, on receipt of price f 1 per ho.i; :j r", For sale by J, P Stedman, clnirM. ..;,,.,. CLOTHING will be large and well selected, Ve hope to have just what you want. VV e promise you the best values that can be bought in all our lines. Give us a call and get our prices before you buy as we believe we can do i.s well for as any house in the country. Thanking you for past favors and desiring to serve you in the fnture. V e are vours, Very Respectfully, Womanly Beauty, LONG OXFORD, N. C. mkjQ DEAF? fSi any mmwu HEAD F IL 1 ir SPAKKLJSG KVH AND HKKiHT fcUC JC I II I LB OI DOnnU iMTVc- HINDIPO lJsV VITALIZEK Cures Nervous Siliaii. ,,,,, tena, Dizziness, Headache, HocfcK-he 3ii('i wl' ..ale Weakness so common anemia montbly periods, " Girls ?&eBilg th "gh the trying rUcj VXllia from Girlbood to W.-cianh.d v- And it a wonderful relief and hiitit it f.,,;...1. and strengthens the nerves. pipKr.s'iu v'. ., i" clears the brain and tones- np the who V -vt,.m' MAKES A WOMAN LOOK YOUNG ANoVina YOUNG. Price 60c. 12 boxe f5 S ,,,"" mail to any address Sold by ,1 . 1. h-, ,ii -Turgist, Oxford N. C. VIGOR OF MEN! Easily, Quickly, Permanently Eestored ! HTTJUTPn I)r- JKAN O'IMIt.vs TklTltK. ten guarantee to cure Nervous Debility Lot Vitality, Falling Memory, Fits, Dizzines-, liv teria, stops all drains on the uervots ey-f.'m caused by bad habits or excessive upe of To bacco, Opinm, Liquors, or "Living the 1' ce that Kills." It wards off insanity, coninmpiiur. 'Bd death. It clears the btood and brain, builds np the shattered nerves, restores tt.e fire nf youth, nd brings the pink glow to pale cKek and makes you young and strong again. 51c 13 Boxes $5. By mailto any address. For me by J. P. Stedman, druggist. Oxford, N. C CHiCHtS i iiH'S ENGLISH NOT TO BE IDLY IGNORED. Tt) ffOa wnvfrnin li,.iii,if,,1,,.,.. 4-1 ereon Davis birth, collections will news, is especially applicable to many be made in every town in Misslssioni persons in ovflrv n,,,,. m Uid,,f, th f Und f r t he urcha8e of el ther do not subscribe, or too hastily Davis Deauvoir house, near Biloxi. read their local nwn,r x 1 ' miss., for an ex-Confederate Wn More than one-half of the required amount, $10,000. has already been raised. m o (4-' llEeil "til t M Harness A MM You can mi.ke your hap. &fl && nesa us .soft !,. IP&tZ&W He alone lives wisely, with ever widening hope and courae-e and strength, who sees bevond the mo ment to the wider goal toward which he moves and in the light of which every step he takes wins a wider and nobler meaning. That nation alom is great whose policy is born of vvid. and noble dreams. That they see only what is near is the death sen tence alike for the individual and the commonwealth. ik'i.A Kl cs IjS'j-SsVV leu.' 1 km You can mpke your har ness u.s hoft us a giove aiid ns toui;h as wire tiv Eni EKA Jirtr s Oil. You ean then its life it, Hk it. lust twice u.s long ua it ordinarily wouU. Harness Oli makes a poor loofcin har ness like new. Made of pure, heavy bodied oil. es pecial ly prepared to wiih- oiaiiu ino weather. Soll everywhere in cans all sizes. Matfa by STANDARD OIL CO. Wilmington Messenger siy8 thai one cent to every soldier of the fede ral army for every day he served du ring the war sounds very small, but should Congress pass the bill now be fore the Senate committee on pen sions, Uncle Sam's Treasury will be as much surprised at the result as was the man who bon agreeing to pay one cent for the first nail in the horse's snoe and doubling- ine amount for each additional nail. The non-subscriber of the local pa per, if not a borrower, is as ignorant of the real conditions of his or her community as though they lived In another place. They may imagine they know, through neighborhood gossip, but this Information is as skim milk to cream, compared to what is actually taking place says the Newbern Journal. The non-subscriber must go about vith distended ears and a mouth as in interrogation point, In order to gather meagre news, while the real material, social and educatioual af fairs take place and pass away with out the non-subscriber having know ledge of them. The hasty reader of the local paper rareljr appreciates it as It should be, for with a quick glance the paper is scanned when articles of importance are not seen, and the subscriber may see the same weeks afterward in an outside paper, and give the same credit for what appeared first in his The Sin of Ingratitude. There are few sins greater than the sin of ingratitude, and yet, perhaps, there are few sins more common. We are so apt to forget, and specially are we prone to forget the good things we receive from the hands of others, says the Durham Sun. We remember well a wrong or an imagined mistake on the part of others, but we forget the long years of true service rendered on their part towards us. We take their sacrifice we count their gifts, we use them for all they are worth during their health and times of prosperity, but we for get them and all they ever did for us when once they are unable to serve us. Then we watch for some flaw, some reason for complaint, and un mindful of all their good works, their deeds of love we strain for the mote of imperfection until in our evil hearts the mote appears like a mountain. This too frequently the way of the world, and it is well to be reminded of this besetting sin - , uy lest we too, find ourselves guilty of the same base ingratitude. ALL CASES OF DEAFNESS OR HARD HEARING ARE NOW CURABLE by our new invention. Only those born deaf are incurable. HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. F. A. WERMAN, OF BALTIMORE, SAYS: JT . . , Baltimore, Md., March 30, 1001. Gentlemen . Beingr entirely cured of deafness, thanks to your treatment, I will now give you full history of my case, to be used at vour discretion. ADOut nye years ago my right ear began to sing, and this kept on getting worse, until I lost my hearing in this ear entirely. i underwent a treatment tor catarrh, for three months, without anv success, consulted a num ber of physicians, among others, the most eminent ear specialist of this city, who told me that only an operation could help tne, and even that only temporarily, that the head noises would men uasc, uui nic iicarmg in ine anectea ear would De lost Torever Miirr 11:,.,..". . t -,. VV"-- . lr .mile. lr-ic-!l tor CHICI KSTIfi;': . v r:..i in lft'lfe on.) 1 m. -,fe.d "ith blue rit'hon. T.L. ... 1 1, ... " r"fe SS Danffcroua nhlll,.ti...w .,...1 1...1,..' rrr Hon.. liuy of jour l)ruW;,t. or -n 1 4... it,' Inn it "'""''". Testimonial, nd '-Keller f..r I a, lie, "in l,t:er, ,v rf .urn tiuii. . T,.,tiKioniiU S i 'r r-1 u frTl n I i i Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you cat. I then saw your advertisement accidentally in a New York paper, and ordered vour treat- m, . it. After I had used it only a few days according to your directions, the noises ceased, and I ThlS preparation lav. after five weeks, mv he.-irino- in thp rliwaeofl Mr hoc j T , I j ; , . you i uiKestants ana to-day, after five weeks, my hearing in the diseased ear has been entirely restored heartily and beg to remain Very truly yours. F. A. WERMAN, 730 S. Broadway, Baltimore, Md. Our treatment does not interfere with iour usual occupation. vTcree YOU CAN CURE YOURSELF AT HOMF at a nominal INTERNATIONAL AURAL CLINIC, 5S5 LA SALLE AVE,, CKin VV n - You Need Not Take Chances When buying an Incubator, if you will decide in favor 01 CYPHERS INCUBATORS & BROODERS contains all nf (Lo flijrp(;f. .,'1 1-ir,,lc ,(' iooct. it gives instant relief and m v, r fails to cure. It allows you to cat ail the food you want. The most sensi t i w. stomachs can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have Udi cured after everything else failed. Is unequalled tor the stomach. Child ren with weak stomachs thrive on it. It irst dose relieves. A diet unnecessary. Cures all stomach troubles oTP';e?0nl,yby E- C- DEWITT& CO., Chi. :,,'!) he $1. bottle contains ZVS times the Mc. sin: J. C Hall- Wants Others to Know. "I have used DeVVitt's Little Early Risers for constipation and torpid liver and they are all right. I am glad to indorse them for I think when we find a good thing we ought t let others know it," writes Alfred Heinze Quincy, 111 They never gripe of distress. Such safe pills J G. Hall. w Illir" Ia mmmm 11 1 Ji mnmrn m .' ..s:. . if Remember that the Cyphers is today used with uniform snccess on twenty- six irovernment Kxpenment Stations in the United States! Canada. Australia, and New Zealand, aiso by America's loremost poultryman ann by n an thousands of persons in every walk of life. While you are about it, wh not buy the best and know that you are getting the Standard Hatcher of H. M. SHAW, Oxfuu W. B. SHAW, Henderson. SHAW & SHAW, Attorney & Counsellors at Law, OXFORD, ti. C. We offer our professional services ioti:'. citizens of Granvil e and adjoining couiitu -, and solicit a share of your ualionnc, : mising to give to the smallest as will as i In largest case our most lidligent attention :u; l Sest efforts. Our fees are moderate. Refer you to any one in Oxford or iic i 'erson wm "bTbTjb is of, ATTORNEY X COUNSELOR AT L1W. OXFORD, N. C Stand Like a Stone Wall mils own paper, The local paper may be small, but Texas in the next Republican nation it Is the most important industry in al convention to Roosevelt, We learn from the Raleigh Pnaf the community, and as its home uat- that the hearts of the officers and rons do it justice through a liberal friends of the Methodist Orphan Asy- support and encouragement of every lum at Raleigh have been made glad kind, so will its importance as a fac- by and grateful for generous contrl- tor for community development in- butions of late to the building main- crease. tenance fund of that most worth v in- You cannot expect the editor to the World. Read the following testimonials: WEST VTRQTNT A tv1 ; k tor and brooders obtained from you last vear have o-ivpm mrt MHcf' The eolWHm. nf r-1; John Grant, the deposed Texas U. tion,''J. H. Stewart, Dirrctor W. Virginia Exneriment StnHrm M L 1 V I A TIT "T T X w- fi- ail" I . he declined to ttterlem tliA JNiiVV YUKK: "I trot rh finon. V ' f ms h specia tv 'Botli my wit'o and mviri i nsln CASCAUKTS and tf.are the be." medicine we lmvo evf-r had i the house. Last week my v.iio was frantic with headache for two days, she trieil some of your CASCARETS. and thoy r.jliovea the pain in her head almost Immediately. e both recommend Cascarets " Chas. Stedeford, Pittsburg Safe & Deposit Co., Pittsburg, Pa. stitution. Within the past few days agree with you about many things three good Christian friends have and because ne does not why should given $1,000 each, Gen. J. S. Carr Qf you ignore him and withdraw your Ret ween your children and the tortures ucning ana burning eczema, scaldhead or N. C. uluci sum diseases. tiow.' why, by using Bucklen's Arnica Salve, earth's greatest healer. Quickest cure for ulcers, fever sores, salt Kheum, cuts, burns or bruises. Infalli ble Piles. 25c at J. G- Halls. Genoa, N. Y. The Cyphers Incubator ComDanv h endorsements like aboved mentioned. Send ioc in stamns nrf Z oisture, Self b. Oxford JJ N. ROTNTKK, Attorn ey-at-Lav COOfBh BANK BUILDING. OXFORIt, NORTH OAItOHM. Will DraCtiCe Whprpwur hiu ufirin. o u , d, apd prondseH hiB best ellortrt In beK!f of ' Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good, Do Good, Never Sicken, Weaken, or Gripe, 10c, 2uc, 500. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Sterling; Remedy Company, Chicago, Montreal, New York. M7 IIO-TO-CAC Sold and guaranteed by all drug liisis to Cl'lt: Tobacco Habit. Durham, E. I'., liordon, of Goldsboro, and Walter Mills. This is indeed bread cast upon the waters. A statistician of a practical and somewhat eccentric turn of mind has estimated that something like forty- ive million dollars has been invested in ornamental church building In this country, chiefly in the form of church steeples. If this feature of church architecture were dispensed with and the amount represented turned into the regular channels of church benefi cence, be believes that the religious denominations would be relieved for a long time to come from the neces sity of appealing for funds to carry on their work, I patronage from him, when he bends every energy to build up his town ? Mrs. Jefferson Davis stlngingly re views tne career of General Nelson Miles, styling him "vulgarian, boor ana piebe." Don't Start Wrong. Don't start the summer with a lingering cough or cold. We all know what a summer cold is. It's the hardest kind to cure. Often it hangs on through the entire season. Take it in hand right now. A dose of One Min ute Cough Cuae will set you rieht. Sure cure for coughs, colds, croup, grip, bron chitis, all throat and lutely safe. Acts at it. "Une Minute Cough Cure is the beet rough medicine I ever used," says J. IT. Bowles, Groveton, N. H. "I never found" anything else that acted so safely and quick ly " J. G. Hall. 2 -A. S T O H. X . Bears the si The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature uuU:06uiCUia imc auovea mentioned, bend ioc in stamps i discriptiye catalogue that tells all about Cyphers N on Moist of Veutilating Incubator circulars free. Cyphers Incubators f, o WADE H. BRITT, AGENT, OXFORD N G I am also Aentjorali kind of Poultry Supplies r r - " ' " Attomeys-at-Law. LOW PRICES AND FIRST 4, A. HICB.B. B. W MiHOH r ire in tne railroad tranfer house i i L-i i villi r - i i 1 y I I k 1 -m-. lung troubles. Absr- lu uunaio ew vork, destroyed once. Children like loaaeci cars. 200 CLASS SERVICE. VS'"siStS of,?"al Merchandise and Groceries 1 wviivHU, Ohone nrce-ra prompt attention. Goods delivered anywhere free of charge. Give me a call will receive in town Give us your Job work. This signature is on every box of the genuine Laxative Bromo-Ouinine Tablet. iU rtBtdy tht eiurea cola ia en d 1 Phone 83. WALLACE WHITE. OXFOKD, N. C. Associate Codnrkl: J T. HICKN, HBNDaflSON, N. C. .IHractlce together in tbe conns ot -r .' Wile, Vance, Franklin and Warren t onut lea, ar,d tJt ?alterB reqnirlne their joint Rttention. V. e tope by prompt, dil'.eent and faithfal atton : bens tr erva unrf recj" " W. HKAHATi, A.ttorriey at Law, OXFOKD. N. C. Practices in State md t ede ai Courts. All business enti Kted to my csre will be proinptiJ s