J'JM'll.'. v.- i. Are ill many respects like other ulcers or "mv. 3 1 V L 111 CUU1 IS LU iltcll ,,,re with washes and salves, because the germs of Cancer that are multi V.:X in the blood and the new Cancer cells which are constantly develop i.,p up the irritation and discharge, and at last .sharp shooting pains , hoc the approach of the eating and sloughing stage, and a hideous, c nijiij- cancerous sore begins its live work, In February, 1899, I noticed a small " .,rnr wre nn pwt willi lump on my lower lip. The doctor cau V ulcer or sore can exist -with- terized it but another came and broke -.Mie predisposing internal cause out into an open sore. I began to take 1 m poisoned the blood, and the S. S. S. and after I had taken seven bot-.";char-inar ulcer, or the fester- u.ea the Place healed entirely and no . . , signs of the disease have been seen on me -up, cnech. ji umci since. W. P. Brown, Hollands, S. C. t':e body v.ill continue to nd eat deeper into the flesh unless the blood is purified and the erms or morbid matter eliminated from the circulation. S. cleanses the blood of all decaying effete matter. It has great and purifying properties that soon destroy the germs and poisons rc the blood to its natural .condition. And when pure blood is carried to the ulcer or sore the healing process begins, the discharge ceases and the place heals over and new skin forms. S. S. S. is a strict vege table blood purifier containing no mercury or minerals of any description. a have an ulcer or chronic sore of any kind, write us about it, medi- will cost you nothing. Books on Cancer and other diseases of u iii be .sent free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. . qpk -5 I 'Ml:: Vi'f tabic rreparationro'rAs miiatinQ ilicl-oodandKegula-iv the Slotaaths andDowels of rromotes Dicstion.CheerfuI rss andRost-Contains neither Opium .Morphine nor Mineral. 'OT "NARCOTIC. .h- offte Or SAM I EL PITCHER imtfjkut Seatl' SJx.Srnna &KAI Salts -st'lv Seed fiDntrmint -B' 'CcrtunatrSoda It of Seed -C "'Lt'r'iuf .iugnr A ported Remedy forConslipa Fkm, Sour Stomach.Diarrnoea WVnns .Convulsions .Feverish IK5S and LOSS OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. mmmmwm exact copy or wrapper. m Li 'J iliii For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of MP In Use For Over Thirty Years ffl ill THE CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW VOHK CITY. -orn, Cotton, Tobacco, Selling High ! Likely to continue to sell high! The Philosophy of Farming : mailer Surface. & Labor Saved. Fertilize with a free hand ! rs Buy of your own people ! iniaCarolina Chemical Co. Southern Makers of Fertilizers For Southern Farmers. 2h Standard. 000 High Service. Moderate Prices. crics at Fifty Points and Agents Everywhere, 1 IE 1 n ra crra ra mr n P3a hi tmit 1;y idding to it some of the odd pieces of Furniture irli we are offering at such low prices. v,-ould pay you to visit our store and examine the large JTOQK OF FURNITURE '-t we carry, and compare the prices with those asked at other stores. If you visit us once you will be a regu customer. Our stock was never more complete than now, in every line. Satisfactory guaranteed or money refunded. JOSEPH S. HALL'S OXPORD PUBLIC LEDGER. WADE H. BRITT, LOCAL, EDITOR. THURSDAY. MAY 29, 1902. Fashion's and Other Items of Interest. WEEKLY FASHION HINTS. 1 1 The Proper Style of Skirts. A Decidedly Novel Sleeve. This sown combines all the new features of the current mode. The Eton has loose fronts that open over a vest embroidered with beige and pale blue Corticelli Filo silk, similar embroidery adorning the deep pel erine collar. The sleeve is decidedly novel and deserves special mention. It is cut with a point edged with a band of stitched voile and is com- I if 4 m ; pleted with a kind of under sleeve of cream liberty silk formed Into puffs with straps of beige velvet. Beige velvet ribbon in a darker shade adorns both the jacket and skirt. The latter shows the fashionable sheath effect and in addition to the velvet a trimming of straps in invert ed scollops stitched with Corticelli silk. The new skirts are fitted closely at the hips but flare very much indeed below the knees. A great many skirts with hip yokes are shown, either of shirring, tucking or thiny bands, joined with a fancy open stitch. Some very attractive skirt models in sheer materials are laid in narrow box plaits from the waist to the knees and below that there is a prettily flounce with insertions of cream lace and a garniture of narrow gathered ribbon. THE SHIRT WAIST. I have seen shirt waists constructed In a thousand different ways, And been thoroughly instructed In the fashion's waisty maze; I have seen them long and bob tailed, 1 have seen them short and stout; I have seen them cut with bias, I have seen them without; I have seen them done up glossy, I have seen them in the rough; And I've seen them thin and flossy, And I've seen them thick and tough; I have seen them high in collar, And so low they made me laugh; I have seen them worth a dollar Or that didn't cost a half; I have seen them tucked and plaited, I have seen them finished plain; I have seen them, when completed, Ripped apart and made again; I have seen them in repose and T have seen them on parade I have seen more, I suppose, than Any mortal ever made. Baltimore News. Wisdom For Women. Men praise or abuse women too much never so much, however, as women do. Love is a human law, duty is a so cial one. Love is greater than duty. Happy the men and women who can obey both laws. Women die twice. Their first death takes place on the day they cease to be attractive. An old woman who tries to be beautiful is like a corpse that tries to look alive. In matrimony love is only a hors d'oeuvre; friendship is the piece de resistace. Foolish are the married people who do not retain friendship when love becomes out of season. The heart of a good woman is a well of love. She has a smile for all joys, a tear for all sorrows, a conso lation for all miseries, an excuse for allfaults.a prayer for all misfortunes and a word of encouragement for all hopes. New York Evening Tele gram. Cures Rheumatism or Catarrh. Would you like to get rid of that chronic rheumatism or offensive catarrh forever? Then take a bottle of Botanic Blood Balms which has cured thousands of hopeless cases that had resisted doctors and patent medicine treatment. Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) cures through the blood by destroying the poison which causes the awful aches in the bones, joints, shoulder blades and back swollen glands, hawking.spitting, bad breath impaired hearing, etc, thus making a perfect cure. Botanic Blood Balm thoroughly test ed for 3o years. Composed of pure Botanic Drugs. Perfectly safe to take by old and young. Druggists, $i. Trial treatment free by writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. Describe trouble and free medical advice given until cured. Dont give up hope, but try. B. B. B., which makes the blood pure and rich and builds up the "all run down," tired body, For sale by J, G, Hall. t CALL HIM QUICK. Here's an end to the frolic, Heavens, the baby's got the colic; What will save the kid, avick? Call on Pierpont Morgan, quck. Tear your hair, for Daisy's beau Lays poor Daisy's fond hopes low; Daisy's jilted, Daisy's sick, Run for Pierpont Morgan quick. Heavens what makes papa rear, Kicks young dudelet down the stairs. All the neighbors hear him cry, "Call for Pierpont Morgan, fly!" Oh what bliss to feel indeed We have such a friend in need; When far off 's the angel band Pierpont Morgan's close at hand. Louisville Times. HA1R-P1N-PICK-UPS. Marriage is not a matter of a license and a ceremony and Mendelssohn March and gaping crowds and a tour. "And do they never quarrel?" ask ed the girl in white. "Never," replied the girl in blue. "Then what's the use of being en gaged?" Chicago Evening Post. A young woman 23 years old is now making from $8,000 to $10,000 a year on a cattle ranch in Ari zona which broke her father up. Perhaps she understands the management of cowboys better than her sire did That was a "new women" indeed, who said in a speech at Birmingham England: "The only complaint we have to make against men is that they are a little too reti ring." Mary Elvira Gillespie at the age of S4 has just been admitted to a hos pital in Denver. She is the mother of thirty-seven children, including 15 sets of twins, but she knows not the address of one of them. As an illustration of the three p's, pluck, patience and perseverance, a Missouri grand-mother, aged 74 years, .has just graduated after a four-year course in history, astrono my, &c, and is now finishing up with taking lessons on the piano. Mrs. Sylvia Durham, who lives in a little village near Boston, and was born in 1S00, took her first coach ride at the age of 5 years, at the age of 49 she took her first railroad jaunt, at 9S her first spin on an electric car and at 100 her first dash on an automo bile. But she never did any bicycle scorching. At 102 she is up and about and is watching patiently 'till some fellow runs an air ship so she can take an excursion in that. The man who has a good and in dustrious wife has reason to get down on his knees three times a day and thank God. good woman can bring more sunshine and happi ness into a family circle than a gold mine or a barrel of cider, and can make all around her happy and con tented as well as being the same her self. The nearest to heaven that a man gets on earth is when he comes home to the bosom of his family where peace and ha,ppiness reigns and where discontent and turmoil enter not. Exchange. XHIE BEST BTTO-O-IES 1 C-Ih PS CD XITAYLOR-CANNADY BUGGY HAS NO SUPERIORS We carrv in stock hierh-e-ra.rip Phnntnno qh Trrr,o. tt lars. Robes, &c Yours "to BelT f ZyZoaZZI n801' A. ROMANCE AS IS ROMANCE. How a Tramp Won a Maiden and Proved to be Wealthy in Tatters. Here is a thrilling romance that has filtered its way out from Par kersburg, West Virginia Whether it is a reality or merely the product of a "pipe dream" of an imaginative writer, it has a Laura Jean Libby flavor. Under date of the seventh of May the article tells how, disguised as a tramp Harry Williams, an alleged wealthy young man of high social position, won a beautiful bride at Montrose, W. Va., on Tuesday a week ago. He met her first through an anony mous correspondence, started in fun. After some time a meeting was ar ranged. Before the meeting the tramp appeared at the young lady's home and was given employment. His man ner captivated her, but on account of his a pparent lack of social position and money she told him when he spoke to her of love that she could not consider him at all as a lover, al though she frankly confessed that she thought well of him. The man she expected failed to appear at the time arranged for the meeting, but instead the tramp appeared again and told her once more of his love for her. Upon being again refused on the ground of his being a tramp he tore from him his disguise and stood before her, young and handsome, the very man she had arranged to meet. Their courtship was of short dura tion and after a couple of days they were married. He is reputed o be very wealthy and she has always been a popular society girl in her com munity. Why He Did not Move. The new clergyman had been asked to Sunday dinner by one of the fam ilies of his congregation, and had accepted. "You are a real good boy!" he said to the small son of his host at table. "Me?" said the boy, surprised at unsolicited commendation from any source. "Yes," went on the minister. "I watched you all through the sermon this morning, and you hardly moved." "O!" exclaimed the lad, as a light broke upon him, "Well, you see, I was afraid of waking pop up." Salisbury Sun: Mrs. Margaret Young, of Davidson county, died Monday night in Boone township of old age. She was 89 years old and has over 300 lineal descendants. She has 15 grandchildren and up to with in the past year has enjoyed excellent health. Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear, There is only one way io cure ueaiueas, ana tnat is Dy constitu tional remedies, Deafness is caused by an in flamed condition of the mucous 11 ing of the Eustachian Tube, When this tube gets inflamed you haye a rumbling sound of imperfect hearing and when it is entirely closed Deafness io the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out this tube reptored to its normal condition, hearing will be des royed forever; nine cae out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflame'; condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give 100 dollars for any case of Deaf ness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cu'ed bv Hails Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. f.J. CUBNEY & Co. Toled -. O Sold by Drusrei-ts. 75c. Halls Fam.ly fills are the best, 224 bodies have been taken from the Fraterville, Tenn., mine and 20 more are supposed to be still in it. Dangerous if Neglected. Burns, culs and o'her wounds often fail lo heal properly if negleted and become troub lesome sores. DeVVitts Witch Hazel Salve pievents such consequences. Even where de lay has aggravated the injury De Witts Witch Hazel Salye effects a curt. 'I had a runnirg sore on my leg thirty years," says H. C. Hartly, Yankeetown, Ind "After using many remedies, I tried DeWitt's Witch HazelS-'lve. A few boses healed the sore." Cures all skin diseases Piles yield f it at once. Beware of Counterfeits. J. G. Hall Meat stores in New York and Bos ton are wrecked by mobs because the proprietors refuse to quit selling trust beef. Sciatic Rheumatism Cured After i4 Years of .Suffering. "I have brn afflicted with sciatic rheu matism for 14 years," says losh Edgar, of Geraiantown, C-il. I was a'le to be around but constantly suffered I tritd everything I cou'd hear of and at 1 st was told to try Chamberlain's Pain Halm. wEich I did and was irrmed'atf Iy r- lieved and n a short time cured, and I am happy to say it has not since returntd. ' Whv nt ue this liniment and get well? It is for sale by ? G Hall Southern Railway Time Table. Richmond, Keysville, Durham and Raleigh. Mixed. No. 71. Ex. Sun, 6 00 pm 11 00 am 1; 2fi 11 3 Li UU 12 00 i t 43 12 'M 15 6-i 4 ri 59 32 40 2 66 3 07 3 14 3 '22 3 31 3 37 3 55 4 15 pm am am am am am am uin am am am am am am am am am am am kixi am .0 30 am io. 15, Daily. 10 35 am 1 15 PM 1 2i PM 1 32 pm 1 38 PM 1 48 PM 2 03 pm 2 10 pm 2 15 pm 2 18 pm 2 27 PM 2 37 PM 2 44 PM 2 4 PM 2 51 pm 3 U5 PM 3 16 PM 3 27 PM 3 a4 pm 3 3b pm 3 4i pm 3 49 PM 3 53 PM 4 05 mi 5 15 PM Mixed. Ho. 61. See Mote. 25 AM 44 AM 05 AM -'0 AM St5 AM 5U -.M 12 A 10 25 am 11 05 am 11 3H AM 12 U5 I M 12 25 PM t 12 43 PM 1 05 PM 2 10 PM 2 a5 pm 2 50 pm 3 0U PM 3 10 pm 3 20 pm 3 30 pm 3 55 pm 4 15 pm 4 9 12 17 25 29 31 31 to 42 46 40 6i 55 tl t)7 70 72 75 78 80 be 114 Eastern Time. Ar. KIOBMOND. ..Va. S.iSVILLK .Powells Hort Mitchell Jfmney wood :Jtta-e City flkipwitn JlS jKu,sjS Ciarkevii e Junction. Cl'trksviiie aocionii , OUilOCK SitovaH Kregory .Lewis UlfoKU -rovidence stem yoa Wiijiins.. Oreet-s Klerbee Uolioway iSaac Durham DUKHAM RALEIGH -vr 2o. 61. -Mondays. Wednearitttra (frirtova So. 62. Aueeaays, I nurstlaye and Saturdays. Gregorys Crossing not show., on Time Tiblei Mixed. No. 6 2. See Note 4 20 pm 4 05 pm 3 45 pm 2 30 pm 3 00 pm 2 03 Dm 1 15 pm 12 eu pm 12 45 pm 11 55 am 11 28 am 11 00 am flO 48 am flO 38 am 10 15 am 9 20 am 9 00 am 8 45 am 8 38 am 8 27 am f 8 20 am f 8 10 am 7 50 am 7 40 am 1 00 am No, 10. Daily. 3 25 pm 12 50 pm 12 43 pm 12 33 pm 12 27 pm 12 18 pm 12 03 pm 11 56 am 11 52 am 11 50 am 11 38 am 11 28 am 11 21 am fll 16 am fll 10 am 11 00 am 10 48 am 10 38 am 10 31 am f 10 26 am flO 21 am flO 16 am flO 12 am 10 00 am 9 55 am 8 56 am Mixed. No. 74. Kx. Sun. 6 00 am 10 58 pm no 30 pm 10 pm in nn .im f 9 33 pm 9 cu pm 8 59 pm Kft 11m If 8 33 pm f 8 10 pm t 7 56 pm f 7 45 pm t Stfi 11m f 7 15 pm f 30 pm o iu pm K (Ml nm f 6 53 pm f 5 43 pm i" m. i o oi pm f 5 25 pm o uo pm 6 00 pm 3 50 pm Ex. Sun, on Time Tible is flag'stop for Trains 15 and 16. Oxford and Henderson. No. 24. JNo. 22. Daily. Daily. j 4 00 pm 11 10 am 0 1 4 17 pm ill 33 am 5 4 26 pm 11 44 am 8 45 0 pm 12 04 am 14 i-V. .Eastern Time. Ar. OX?OKD Unnteboro Da Sney HJfNDEKSON. Ar. .N.C, No. 21. Daily. 10 00 am f 9 44 am f 9 35 am 9 15 am No. 33. Dally. 1 45 pm f 1 29 pm 1 20 pm 1 00 pm tona, tiaitugh &Ld point 'tirtD ui.-d bocth . . n: ..... 1DR. M J I. From o'clock until midnight last Tuesday St. Auftiistiue, Fla., experi enced con tinuons earthquake shocks accompanied with detonations. i 1 LL OF F ETT 'S EJ Jl 23A i VLTU (TEETHING POWDERS) Cures Cholera-lnfantum, Diarrhoea, Dysentery and the Bowel Troubles of Children of dJAqe. Aids Digestion, Regulates the Bowels, Strengthens the Child and MAKES TEETHING EASY. Cures Eruptions and Sores, Colic. Hives and Thrush. Removes and prevents Worms. TEETH IN W Counteracts and Overcomes the Effeots of the Summer's heat upon Teething Children, and costs only 25 cents at Druggists, or mail 25 cents to C. J. WOFFETT, M. D.. St. Louis. Mo. How To Gain Flesh Persons have been known to gain a pound a day by taking an ounce of SCOTT'S EMUL SION. It is strange, but it often happens. Somehow the ounce produces the pound ; it seems to start the digestive machinery going prop erly, so that the patient is ab!s to digest and absorb his ordinary food, which he could not do be fore, and that is the way the gain is made. A certain amount of flesh is necessary for health ; if you have not got it you can get it by taking tC0ir$ JFHIlliSiOH You wiil find it just as useful in summer as in winter, and if you arc thriving upon it don't stop because the weather is warm. 50c. and $i.oc, all druggists. SCOTT & BOWNE. Chemists. New York. mm Athens, Tenn., Jan. 27, 1901. Ever since the first appearance of my menses thev were very irregular aud I suffered with great pain in my hips, back, stomach and legs, with terrible bearing down pains in the abdomen. During the past month I have been, taking Wine of Cardui and Thedford's Black-Draught, and I passed the month ly period vithout pain for the first time in years. Nan nib Davis. What is life worth to a woman suffer ing like Nannie Davis suffered? Yet there are women in thousands of homes to-day who are bearing those terrible menstrual pains in silence. If you are one of these we want to say that this same will bring you permanent relief. Con sole yourself with the knowledge that 1,000.000 women have been completely cured by Wine of Cardui. These wom en suffered from leucorrhoea, irregular menses, headache, backache, and bearing down pains. Wine of Cardui will stop all these aches and pains for you. Purchase a $1.00 bottle of Wine of Cardui to-day and take it In the privacy of your home. For advice and literature, address, giving symp toms, "The l-adies' Advisory Department," The Chattanooga .Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Term. GGARAKTEE MVNROOrPlLLS To cure SICK HEADACHE HABITUAL CONST! PAT lOH and ail diseases ari3lnsr from i n- : digestion. They will purify your o'ood and make yourcomplesiot? Lr. ASH AS A LfLY, They ari '.Ctir. coaceri. PRICE 23 " I In tne Superior Conrt ( Before the Clerk ""'or'b 1. rolina Granville county Anthony Marrow and Klla Marrow bis wife, H' H Harris and Annie Harris hie wife and Susan Marrow, plaintiffs ys s"at Marrowand Lizzie Marrow hie wife and John Marrow NOTICE The defendants above named will please take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior County of Granville c unty. before the J G- Hunt cle.-k, for the pur pose of making partition of th real estate of w) ich Levi Marrow died seized, and the said defendants will further take notice th 't they are rt qaired to appea- before said J G II un". Clerk "f 'h Superior Court, on the 29th day f May l'.H)2 and answer or demor to the romplriut in said ac'um r the rOaintifl's will aDply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. This April 17th IP02 J G HUNT. Clerk of the Superior Court Administrators Notice. Uaving qualilied as administrators of the es tate of Mrs 1'art' euia Wiliiford, deceased, no tice is hert by nivtu to a!l patties indebted to said estate to come forward and ee'rle same at tnce; parties holding claims asainst said estate wi 1 present them to me for payment on or be fore the 29th d-iy of April. 1903 or this noice will he nlead in bar of tteir recovery This April S9. 1902 JffSSE WILLI FORD, JOHN T W1LLIFOKD. Administrators of the estate ol I'artnenia Willi- 'ord, deceased. SiViEsriB llMfTED Trails Double Daily Service Between New York, Tampa, Atlan ta, New Orleans and Points South and West. IN EFFECT APRIL 13 TH. 1902, OUUTUWARD, Daily No. 27 12 10 a m 7 20 a m 9 31am 10 41 am SI 15 pm 2 fjti pm 5 30 pm 5 64 pm 7 37 pm ! 27 pm 10 35 pm 1 05 am 4 40 am 9 16 am 10 E0 am 5 45 pm No. 41. 8 65 pm 11 26 pm Lv. New York, P. K. R Ly. jehiladelphia, P. K. K... Lv. Baltimore, P. K R Lv. Washington, W. S. Ry. Lv. Richmond, 8. A. L. Ky . . l.v. Petersburg " Lv. Norlina " Lv. Henderson, " Lv. Raleigh, " Lv. Southern Pines, " Lv. 11am let, " Lv, Columbia, " Ar. Savannah, " Ar. Jacksonville, " Ar, St, Augustine, " Ar. Tampa, " Daily. No. 31. 12 55 pm 3 29 pm 5 45 pm ..7 00 pm 10 37 pm 11 20 pm 1 55 am 2 28 am 4 12 am H 15 am 7 20 am 9 40 am 2 10 pm 7 00 pm North Carolina, In the Superior Court, Grsnville County ( Before the Clerk. H M Shaw, Adm'r d b n. c t a (. Notice N Berkenstock deceased, t vs. of Uattic A & Lill'e L Berkenstock I heirs at law of N Berkenstock. deed ( Summons. The defendaete above named will take notice that an action as above entitled h.s been com menced in the superior court of Granville connty (the same being a Special Proceeding tiefore the Clerk) to sell land to make assest with which to py the debts agiinst the estofe of the paid N Berkenstock, ritc't The said defendants, heirs at aw cf said N Be'heuetock, deceaoed, will take notice that they are required to appear be fore the sajd Clerk of this ronntv. at his office in oxford, N C. on May the 39th. H02. aud answer or demur to the petition filed in said action, or the ulointitf petitioner will apply for an order by the co"rt to sell the land ..entione i therein to make assets with which to pay the di hts of said estate. J G HUNT, C S C. This April 12th. 1902 Granville County Administrator's Notice, Having qualified as administrators of the estate of James H. Webb. dec. notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to eaid esta e to come lorward and settle same at once Parties hold irg claims against said estate will pr-sent them to me fc payment oa or before thet7th day of May. 1903 or this notice will be x lead in bar of their recovery This May 17, 1902, W, J, WEBB. Admr. of th estate of James H. Webb, dec, May 22 1902, pd. N. C. DANIEL, M. D., Oxford, N. C. Office in Roller building, next to Hall's Drug Store. " 6 45 am No. 83. Lv. New York, N. Y. P.&N.t 7 55 am Lv. Philadelphia, " 10 16 am Lv. New York, O.D.S.S.Co. t 3 00 pm Lv. Baltimore, B. S. P. Co Lv. Wash'ton, N. & W. 8.B Lv. Portsmouth, S.A L.Ry. 9 05 pm Lv, Weldon, " 11 45 pm Lv. Norlina, " 1 55 am Lv, Hendorson, " 2 28 am Lv. Raleigh, " 4 12 am Lv. Southern Pines, " 6 05 am Lv. Hamlet, " 7 V5 am t 6 30 pm 6 30 pm 9 25 am 11 55 am 1 40 pm 2 10 pm 3 55 pm 6 18 pm 10 35 pm 3 06 pm 10 32 pm 1 35 pm 3 43 am 6 13 am 7 50 am Lv Wilmington, " Ar, Charlotte, " 10 08 am Lv. Chester, " 10 22 am Lv. Green wood, " 12 35 pm jV. Athens, " 2 50 pm Ar. Atlanta, " 3 55 pm r Autrueta, C. & W. C 5 40 pm vr. Macon, C. of Ga 7 20 pm 1135 am i.r. Montgomery, A.&W.P.. 9 20 pm 6 2. pm ir. Mobile; L. & N 2 55 am Ar. New Orleans, L. & N... 7 25 am r. Nashville, N.C &5t.L... 4 00 am 6 65pm tr. Memphis, " 4 15 pm 8 25 am NORTHWARD. Daily, Daily No. 32. No. 38 v. Memphis, N.C.& St.L... 12 45 pm 8 40pm Lv. Nashville, " 9 30 pm 9 30 am Lv. New Orleans, L. & N... 8 CO pm Lv Mobile, " 13 30 am Lv Montgomery, A. &W. P.. 6 30 am 180 pm Lv. Macon, C. of Ga ... .... 8 00 am 4 20 pm uv. Augusta, C. & W. C 10 05 am l.v. Atlanta, $ 3. A.L.Ry 12 00 pm 8 00 pm A.r. Athens, " 3 57 pm 11 23 pm t. Greenwood, " 5 14 pm 1 6 am ir. Chester, " 7 '7 pm 4 Oti am uv. Charlotte, " 7 27 pm 4 50 am Lv, Wilmington, " 3 05 pm i,v. Mmlet, " 10 40 pm 7 40 sra Lv. Sonthern Pines, " II 33 pm 8 34 am Lv. Raleigh, " 1 35 am 11 05 am Lv. Henderson, " 3 05 am 12 35 pm Lv. Norlina, " 3 50 am 1 45 pm Ly. W eldon, 5 00 am 3 O'J pm Ar. Portsmouth, " 7 15 am 5 35 pm ir. Wash'ton, N. & W. S. B, 6 55 am Kt. Baltimore, B. 8. P. Co t 6 4 am r. New York, O D.S.S.Co t 5 50 pm ir. Phila'phia, N.Y.P.&N..t 5 46pm 6 10 am Kr. New York, 8 15 pm 8 00 am No. 84. No. 66. Lv Tampa, S. A. L. Ry 9 00 pm 8 ( 0 am Lv. St Augustine " 7 45 am 5 50 pm L.V Jacksonville " 9 45 am 8 0J pm Lv Savannah 1 55 pm 11 55 pm Lv Columbia S " 7 05 im 5 0J am Lv Hamlet ' 10 40 pm 8 25 am Lv Sonthern Pines " 11 33 pm 9 2 am Lv Raleigh " 1 35 am 11 35 am Lv Henderson " 15 am 12 58 pm Lv. Norlina , S. A. L. Ry.. 3 45 am 1 45 pm Lv. Petersburg, ' 5 53 am 4 07 pm Lv. Richmond, ' C ?5 am 4 55 pm Ar. Washington, W. S. Ry.. 10 10 am 8 36 pm Ar. Baltimore,P. R. R 11 25m 1125 pm Ar. Philadelphia, " 1 36pm 2 50 am Ar. New York, " 4 13 pm 6 30 am Note. t Daily Except Sunday. t Central Time feastem Time. H. S. Leard, T. P. A., Raleigh, N. C. Administrators Notice, The undersigned having duly qualified as ad ministrator of the estate of R 8 Buchanan, de ceased, notice Is hereby given to all parties in debted to said estate to come farward and e'tle same, and all parties holding claims against said estate are notified to present same within twelve months from this date or this notice will be pleaded in bar of this recovery This March 31st. ll:Ui Wm E YANCEY, W A Devln, Atty Admr of E 8 Buchanan, dec