Colisflieoics OXFORD PUBLIG LEDGER. JOHN T. BRITT. OWNER AND EDITOR. Are a benefit to healthy women. But to women who are suffering from diseases peculiar to their sex they are an injury. When there is weak back or bearing down pains, sideache or other indications ot womanly weak ness, exercise can only aggravate the condition. The womanly health must be first restored be fore strength can be developed by exercise. Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite Prescription I makes weak women istrong and sick women well. It does this bv healing the l womanly diseases which undermine the general health. It stops the drains that yrfl i 1 I weaken women, heals ' 1 " H I inflammation and ul- tciauuu aiiu mica female weakness. When I first com menced using- Doctor Pierce's medicines," writes Mrs. George A. Strong-, of Gaoeevoort, Saratoga Co., N. Y., "I was suffering from fe male weakness, a dis agreeable drain, beariner- down pains, weak and tired feeling- all the time. I dragged around in that way for two years, and I began taking your medicine. After taking first bottle I began to feel better. I took, four bottles of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, two of ' Golden Medical Discovery,' one vial of 'Pleasant Pellets,' also used one bottle of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. Now I feel like a new person. I can't thank you enough for your kind advice and the good your medicine has done me. " I have a sister who is taking your medicine and it is helping her.'' Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets promote regularity of the bowels, and assist the action of "Favorite Prescription." No other laxative should be used with Dr. Pierce's Medicines. THURSDAY. - JUNE 19. 1902, n n A X V-A-i if fa' I kin, ) V A fortune awaits the man who can invent a stomach for millionaires. There are now 900 newspapers In Japan. Thirty years ago there was only one. Simon Sain, la te bounced President of Haiti, is credited with having sto- len,while holding his job, all the way from $1,300,000 to $8,000,000. Some girls are lusty ball Hitters. An Indiana girl playing golf the other day hit the ball so hard that it caught her father on the fly and killed him. The Republicans that are expect ing tariff revision at the hands of their party should take a day off and think over the Cuban reciprocity situation. It seems that the brilliant para- grapher of Durham Herald daily thrust at J udge Clark did not keep the Durham Democracy from endors ing him for Chief Justice. Some men never know how to mod erate their hilarity. One of that kind in Williamsburg, Mass., was so tick led by a joke told that it took him two hours to put on the laugh brakes and when he did he was so fagged nut, thnt be fell asleen. When he woke up he couldn't say howdy to his wife, and he hasn't spoken since, although that was about 3 months ago. The doctors think he may come around all right after a while. one day last It is said that there are now only three negro postmasters in North Carolina, where,three years ago there were scores. No more will be ap- poimeu, as xuey want to make a lilly white Republican party in the State. During the month of May 30 new national banks were organized, mak ing 1,010 since the new law went into effect on March 19, 1900. Several prominent men of Rirming- At the age of 90 years "Uncle Jack" Hay don, as he was familiarly called, died at Fredricksburg, Va on Sat- ! urday. He was during the civil war a guide to Generals Uee and Jackson in the battles around Fredericksburg. At Emporia, Kas week, a convicted murderer who had been sentenced to 5 years in peniten- tiarydellvered an address of thanks as follows: "I am entirely satisfied with the verdict and the sentence, and I am confident that not one jury in ten would have been so lenient with me. I desire to sincerely thank the court for its just and courteous manner of conducting this trial, and I hope that the blessing of ( 1 od will remain with you all." Congressmen Eever, of South Car olina, the "baby of the house," said the other day that as the labor ques tion is a live one in his district he proposed to seek admission to some union. "Why, you are just out of college," said one of his hearers, "and never did a day's labor in your life.' "Haven't, eh 7" said the young mem ber Indignantly. "Why, the way I've toiled to get Democratic legislation out of a Republican House makes me fit for membership in a score of labor unions." Che State Convention. Senator Blackburn, of Kentucky,ls not easily induced to walk into . ham, Ala., are arrested on charges of steel trap. He has just remarked : embezzlement in connection with de funct securities companies. Every woman loves to think of the time when a soft little body, all her own, will nestle in her bosom, fully satisfying the yearning which lies in the heart of every good woman. But yet there is a black cloud hovering about the pretty picture in her mind which fills her with terror. The dread of childbirth takes away much of the joy of motherhood. And yet it need not be so. For sometime there has been upon the market, well-known and recommended by physicians, a liniment called ftfoHier's mend which makes childbirth as simple and easy as nature intended it. It is a strengthening:, penetrating liniment. which the skin readily absorbs. It gives the muscles elasticity and vie-or. prevents sore breasts, morninf sick ness and the loss of the girlish figure. An intelligent mother in RutVr p I ,-s: 'V, ere I to need Mother's KnVn I -I saj 8"'i J. would ODtain U l-rttlj if T 1 I to pay $5 per bottle for it." Get Mother's Friend store. $1 per bottle. " "s THE BRADFfELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Ga. Write for our free illustrated book, " Before uuuy is .Born." WJ.. I. Mil HU, Jjffl,,,U,l ,111111 . tt3lf m 'I am not willing to concede that the President had in mind the Southern States alone when he alluded to lynching," There is no reason why the thrifty e ,. . . larmeis oi Minnesota slum M nut have plenty of bread and butter. The mills of that State turned out last year Hu,(0,.'00 barrels of Hour and the churns turned out over (50,000,000 i pounds of butter. One of the attributes of the Unite States Senate is a large and generous feeling of utter irresponsibility for ex penditures. "If one wants a million dollar court house, why, let him have it, if our streams can be deepened, our pools widened, or our fields wa tered Are there not millions in the treasury? And since the constitution gives to the House the sole power to originate money bills, our brethen, the members, can stand the outcry; we spend and they take the conse quences. Therefore the Senators very largely increase the appropriations in which, in the language of political commerce, there is "pork." And the House conferees must pare down or throw out what, in the same vernac ular, are known as the "steals. "-Ex. Indiana Democratic State Conven tion nominated a State ticket and adoped a platform denouncing the policy of the Republican party. The resolutions adopted have the true Democratic ring, and we believe the Hoosier Democracy will gain a vic- ' tory this fall. PLEASANT MOMENTS. Gov. Jeff Davis, renominated bv the Democratic convention of Ar kansas, has announced himself a can didate for United States Senator. It seems that turning him out of one church for drinking and joining an other did not cut any figure with the Democracy of that State. elected this fall will be chosen under the new apportionment made since Value of Ex-Gov. Hogg Was High. It is told of Ex-Governor Hogg, of Texas, that he had a favorite waiter in a Washington Hotel, and always gave the black man a dollar after eating. He missed Sam from behind him one evening at dinner, which was served by a strange negro. As Hogg pushed back his chair, Indors ed the check for the meal, and reach ed into his pocket for a coin, he asked the waiter: '.Where's Sam?" "Sam's done los' yo', sah." "Lost me?" said Hogg, bewildered. "Yes'ah. Yer see, me an' Sam play ed pokah las' night. Sam was a losnr, an' finally went broke. Den There is no telling what will take Dlace In the State Convention at Greensboro on July 17th. Under the general plan of its organization all kinds of democrats regularand Ir regular, the old guard and the bolt- lug, the appointed delegate and the free pass delegate will have equal voices under the provision that "all democrats who- may attend are to be regarded as delegates." The pur pose of the free pass delegate will be to overthrow the expressed will of the people as it already has been de termined by a certain element that they will either dictate the actions of that body or bring about confusion, disorder, ruin. I t is necessary that the people at large be ready for any contingency that may arise, and in the very great concern we have as to the outcome of the fight for Chief Justice, we seem to lose sight of an equally important matter the manner of naming our U. S. Senator. In the name of the - I people I ask that the Convention give us a primary in order that the people may name the man. The people are the soverign in this country and to none other does king ly power belong. In matters which vitally concern the people their wishes should be expressed and then be car ried into effect. I believe in the doc trine of the "referendum," and our party is committed to this doctrine both by declaration and precedent. For the sake of the perpetuity of the Democratic party we cannot de part from this doctrine, and I there fore ask the State Convention to give us a primary throughout the State, at which primary the people can say whom they will have the Legislature to elect as U. S. Senator. We must have a primary for this I No one objects to it, the applicants STATE GLEANINGS. There is no change in the strike sit uation in the southern portion o West Virginia. On the Chesapeake & Ohio, 12,000 miners are out; and 2,000 are at work. On the Norfolk and Western, out of 14.500 men 1,500 are at work. The depot of the Southern railway at Davidson was robbed and about $65 in cash was secured. A negro by the name of Will Armour was sus pected of the theft. Today he was arrested in Winston Salem and the larger oortion of the money was found on his person. A London dispatch says: The Im perial Tobacco Company has received a report from the agents it sent to the United States for the purpose of organizing a fight against the Ameri can Tobacco company. This report says that a large number of addition al agents, buyers and experts have already been engaged, and that architects have been commissioned to design a number of large leal factories. Six millions of dollars for commer cial fertilizers is a pretty heavy bill for North Carolinians to pay in one year. That was last year's figure. And half that was a dead loss. The rains washed it away or "leached" it out of the soil. This sort of fertilizer is of no permanent benefit to soils. Cotton and tobacco' growers are slaves to the "guano habit;" as bad in its way as the cigarette habit or a lot of others. Greensboro ltecord: Durham is agitating the question of requiring the saloon men who desire license to advertise the fact beforehand. Greens boro has followed this plan for 10 years or more and it works like a top. o in fro nn V i EMSYB BUY THE and save labor, they do perfect work. Double shovel plow points and steels. reduced Diices. See the Stonewall and Climax Large stock best -sted 1 Hit'; DEERINQ & W. A. WOOiV n Improved steel mowers and hay rakes, host mnde. SUnriEK Q00D5. purpose, and to this end I shall use my utmost endeavor. Will all, who agree with me join in with me in such a demand? Let every man in North Carolina (from the mountains to the sea) who is infavorof suchaprliuary speak out, and there will be produced such a loud acclaim that our ren- esentatives will know we are in dead earnest, and will then grant the re quest. Kespectfully, Rohkkt A. Foard, Charlotte, N. C. Read It in his Newspaper. Geoage Schaub, a well known German itizen of Lebanon, Ohio, is a constant reader of Dayton Volkszeitung. He knowns that this paper aims to advertise orlv the best in its columns, and whem he saw Cham berlain's Pain Balm advertised therein tor lame back, he did not hesitate in buvinp bottle of it for his wife, who for eight weeks score mile post in his journey through had suffered with the most terrible pains in this vale of tears, Mr. John Charles "rPafrBSalS --.fcltyls about to come my wife said to me, -I feel as thourt boin hnto possession of property and m on- anew,' and before using the entire contents lev which will enable himtosnend hi of the bottle the unbearable pains had en- time on this earth where the shad- themselves being satisfied. Close Screen doors and windows, 5 minute ice cream freezers, Refri- them at ten o'clock at night, remove all screens and then watch them and the system beats a dispensary all hol low. Greensboro Record: Will JVIcAdoo this afternoon was given a indue- ment for $110.41 and costs against Clarence Cone before J ustice I'ritch ett. The case is one growing out of that joke last spring which caused Mr. McAdoo to go to Charleston seeking his sweetheart. An array of witnesses had been summoned two or three times and it is safd that the costs will amount to more than the judgements. An appeal was taken to the superior court. Goldsboro Argus: After working hard all his life and nearingthe three vrators fly fans, milk coolers, pans, churn jars aud fruit cans tsest linp naints rn!; vn rniQlipc 1-tu-u- o rar -. ; 1 . w.iv-vj. j c wj. kjlii uy t;A.uui iiunator aii( make life comfortable for vour horses and cows, it keeDs off fk-;nnr); absolutely harm ess to stock. Saw mills, Engines, Boilers, wheat threshers, pipes and mat-liVx fittings, Guttering, roofing, tobacco flues, sheet iron. Full line Irn.l , I g:ass ware, crocky. MvnriPP? nrp (riidront-PArl t r Ko 00' I ... r.r, r. Ti. 1 tomers for their liberal patronage. 1 'lib. Yours very truly, J"- IF1 mi- YOU DEAF? Steh& HEAD NOISES? tirely vanished and she could again take np her household duties." He is very thank ful and Lopes that all suffering likewise will hear of her wonderful recovery. This valu able liniment is for sale by J. G. Hall. The Senate passed the Naval ap- TZJIan he ter l-'d l-tyo' gainst PPtlon bill, $78,000,000. ujouik,io, nui Lii Caro lina gaming one, bringing up the to tal membership of the next House to 38(, and there is some uncertainty as to the political changes caused by the reapportionment in several of the States. The venerable Senator l'ettus, of Alabama, remarks: "The secret of living long is to work. 1 am si, and happy and healthy as a bo v. I nn- two-dollah's wuth of chips, sah; an' Sam well, Sam jus' dun los' yo', Mistah Hogg," How He Figured in It. The Philadelphia Times says the I pronounced incurable cancer, late James Shakespeare is said to have told a story of a trial wherein a well known politician was charged with having tried to bribe a negro voter. The negro was taken in hand ticetliat all my neighbors who eot , " , , "uu-ru-h .nri ? . got ant's lawyer, who began: an ueau. 1 never I "Mr Virulent Cancer Cured. Startling proof of a wonderful advance in medicine is given by druggist G. W. Roberts of Elizabeth, W. Va. An old man there had long suffered with what good doctors Thev hfliv- 11- , .... . ea nis. case nopeiess till He used Electric ir..w o iimta oaive which treatment completely cured him When Electric Bitters are used to expei billious, kidney and microbe poisons at the same time this salve exerts its matcMf healing power, blood diseases, skin eruptions ulcers and sores vanish. Bitters. 5oc. Salve 25c at J. Gr. Hall. I ...': ; 1 hurne,., , 1 nil Kl:tc!. n-ss Oi:. I S!M5 the !.;i keeps the ic . tr sou : ml r,ii. r;bie. SlUtiits iio nft It-, ak. No rorih n:r face to chafe and cur. '1 he uarnps not only 1: cciis lookin,; like new, Lut wi ars twir ; as Ion;; by thu ne ot Kurcka Harness Oil. r Sold everywhere in .-.Is a", sizes. AUde by Standard Oil Company P. ;- ' i !:'" i? V .?' ':m'Sy ? jot rich, and 1 never retired. I tell you, young man, the most fatal dis- easel know of is to nuit wnrt i kills every time. Keep working n nri you'll keep alive." Major Gantz, of Fairfield. Town claims the distinction of beina- the smallest man in the world. He is 3fi veji rs rll , ..w.wo pounas, ana is eighteen inches high. Major (iantz claims the minimum size on ground that Tom Thumb was ;5( inches hi h l-ommodore Nut a trifle taller, j.nrl Airs. Iavina Stratton still taller. This little man's parents are now res- luen lm oi i-airneld and are of usual statu re. 4 5oc, Salve 2jc ai o. yj. nail. Now, repeat what the defendant said, using his exact words." I ne most potent engine of civiliza "He dun said he'd gib me fifty tion in Syria is the American printing I ner dor" omee, which occupies a handsome "Now, he didn't speak in the third new huilding at Beirut, and is the person! llepeat his exact words. If especial pride of the American col he said anything, he spoke to you In ony- the first person," interrupted the lawyer. A eaI Friend. CiT I7...J f -i . ... "I doan' think I 'stands, sah." said " aysPePsia and indigeston for the puzzled witness. ows begin to lengthen, with ease and comfort. He has been notified thro' r t t i . Air. rescoau, xne uerman (Jousul at Wilmington, that there was money and land waiting for him in theFad- erland. Particulars of a tragedy which oc curred in Madison county Monday afternoon were learned Thursday. James luce was killed near Middle Forks by Gus Murray, Murray had accused Rice of slandering his charac ter. Ilice was found dying in a corn field, A bullet had entered his back j and penetrated his heart. Middle Forks is seventeen miles from Mar shall the county seat, and is a moun tain district. Owing to the location j of the place it was not until the day following the killing that news of the killing reached the Sheriff and Coro- ALL CASES OF DEAFNESS OR HARD H EAR! s'JC ARE NOW CURABLE by our new invention. Only those born deaf are incurable. HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. 1001. dive vou I lust F. A. WERMAN, OF BALTIMORE, SAYS: . Baltimore, Md., March 30 Gentlemen Being entirely cured of deafness, thanks to your treatment, I will now . ' " " JK Ally HiSC, 1U UC tlMtTll tl L (1111 11 lt 1 1 11 ) II. About five years ago my right ear began to sing, and this kept on getting worse, imti my neanng in mis ear entirely. I underwent a treatment for catarrh, for three months, without anv success, consulted a num ber ot physicians, among others, the most eminent ear specialist of this city, who told mr that only an operation could help me, and even that only temporarily, that the head noisr- wuu.d then cease, but the hearing in the affected ear would be lost forever. I then saw your advertisement accidentally ineni. Aiier 1 naa usea it only a tew days according to your directions the noises cca--.'; to-day, after five weeks, my hearing in the diseased ear has been entirely restored I thai heartily and beg to remain Very truly yours. F. A. WERMAN, 730 S. Broadway, Baltimore. M l. Our treatment does not interfere ivith your usual occupation. Tce3"4 YOU CAN CURE YOURSELF AT HOME lNTERPATniA!. AURAL CLINIC, 598 LA SALLE AVE,, CH!?n v .u YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE Taking when you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula is plainly printed on every bottle showing that is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. No Cure, No Pay. 5oc. m THE BOWELS If yon haven't a, healthy movement of the bowe s every day, you're ill or will be. Keep your bowels open, and be well. Force, In the shape of vio lent physic- or pill poison, is dangerous. The smooth est, easiest, most i-erfer-t way of keeping "ne bowels clear and clean is to take uoweiu CANDY CATHARTIC The. Democrats hope to make Con Kiessional sains in the West and the Republicans fear they shnll sustain losses in the North and South. Be tween these two views of the case it seems prohattle that the division of "I see you don't!" snapped the lawyer, Impatiently. "Now, did he say this: 'Sam, I will give you fifty dollars?" "No, sah! He dun said noi'in 'bout yer 'cept ter tell me dat If I eber got into any trouble, yo' wus de slickest rascal he knew ter fool de judge an' jury an' get me outende scrape, sah. Dat wus all he said 'bout yo' !" in teen years," says W. T. Sturdevent ol Merry Oaks, N. C. "After I had tried mnnv doctors and medicines to no avail rn r.f my Iriends persuaded me to try Kodol. It gave immediate relief. I can eat almost anything I want now and mv difestinn is good. I cheerfully recommend Xodol." Dont try to cure stomach trouble by dieting i nai omy mrtner weakens the system. You need wholesome, strengthening food. Kodol enables you to assimilate what you eat by uigesung it without the stomachs akl .1. G. Hall. Proceedings In the federal court In New Orleans against the beef truct has been suspended to await the ac tion of the court in Chicago, President Wagener tells the house committee that the Charleston Ex position Company needs $ ir.0,000 to A County Affair. Tle late "Tom" Marshall, one of Kentucky's most brilliant wags and I square Its accounts. the next House will be considerably I lawyers, was always as poor In that of the i resent Pocket as lie was rich In wit. On one Saved From an Awfnl Fate "Everybody said I had consumption,' writes Mrs. A. M. Shielde, of Chamberr- Lurg, I'a , "1 was so low after six months ot severe sickness, caused, by llay Fever ami Asthma, that few thought I could get well, but I learned of the marvelous merit I of Dr.lvings New Discovery for Consump tion used it, and was completely cured." For desperate Throat and Lung Diseases it is the safest cure in the world, and is infall ible for Coughs, Colds and Bronchial Affec tions. Guaranteed bottles 5oc and r. Trial bottles free at J. G. Halls. uinerenc iron. i -ongress. The Democrats have cer tainly been furnished with excellent material for their Congressional cam paign. EAT JEM Pleasant, I'alntahle. Never Kieken, Weaken per box. V health. Addi fcmtLINO LIKE CANDY Potent. Taste Hood, Do Good, ipe, 10, as, and 60 cents IT ti .v .v.. .ice sample, ana booklet on s 433 unir i.i . uni'ANY, IIH ACO or NEW YOItK. 'S KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAN LIPPINGOTT MONTHLY MAGAZINE A Family Library The Eest in Current Literature 12 Complete Novels Yearly MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS S2.50 PER YEAR ; 25 CTS. A COPY NO CONTINUED STORIES EVERY NUMBER COMPLETE IN ITSELF Of ninety boy criminals confined in tiie Kansas City County Jail in the last six months all but two were vic tims ot tbe cigarette habit. Tho pro bation oliicer of the county reports further that all of these bovs who were induced to give up the cigarette habit were reformed and after their release lived rightly and did well. t iiunu niiu sluck iu tue cigarette turned out badly after they were dis charged. There Is a five-cornered fight In South Carolina for the seat in the United States Senate now occupied by Mr. McTanrln, Messrs. Lat timer, Hemphill, Klliott and Johnston be ing the contestants. People down there think It dflicult to make a safe prediction as to the winner, though a good many regard M r. L,attimer's chances as best. Mr. McLaurin's po litical career In the State Is at an end. As one South Carolinian put It: "He went up against Ben Tillman, and he might as well have run into a stone wall." occasion, he found the judicial senti ment setting strongly against iiini: time and time over did the court rule against his process of questioning the witness Involved. At last, losins: spring Fever. Spring fever is another name for biliousness It is more serious than most people think A torpid liver and inactive bowels mean a poisoned system. If neglected, serious ill ness may follow such symptoms. De Witts Liittle Early Risers remove all danger by stimulating the liver, opening the bowels Six railroad men are killed and sev eral passengers injured in the collision of a freight and passenger train at Pikesville, Tenn. You Need Not Take Chances When buying an Incubator, if you will decide in favor oi YPHERS INCUBATORS & BROODERS Remember th;u im Cyphers is today used uit.'i uniform sncccss on tucnty six Government F.xprriiiu'iit Stations in the United St:iti" Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, also by Ann ri u' foremost poultry man rum by man' thousands of person in every walk of life. W'bilc you are about it, why i'"' buy the best and know ib;i1 you are getting the Standard Hatcher of the World. Read the following testimonials:- WEST VIRGINIA The in ub:i tor and brooders obtained from you last year have given complete suih bV cion'J. H. Stewart, Dirrctor VV. Viiginia Experiment Station, iln,.in town, VV. Va. NEW YORK: "I got 305 chicks out of 31S fertile ep-ffs," Kdw. b'n :irp Genoa, N. Y. faS Vt... There is more Catarrh in this section of the h.. .... . .1 . p k d I wuutijr biiau mi uiuci utecKDcg put Li'KUtuer. ami wviuiri, iuaiouau iuiuc;u m iub m ucmisiug ioe ay stem tu impuriiies. oaie i uum me lam lew years was supposed to De in judge and asked Will Your Honor kindly fine me ten dollars?" For what, Mr. Marshall?" asked the judge. Contempt of court." But you've been guilty of no con tempt," insisted the judge. Your Ifonor, believe me I never before saw a court for which I had so much contempt as for this!" Knter a fine of ten dollars against Mr. Marshall for contempt," ordered the bench, turning to the clerk. "manual" said Marshall. "And now, Your Honor, will you lend me ten dollars with which t X'J tuc line?" 'Mark Mr. Marshall's fine 'remit ted,'" ordered the iudee. DromTtKr "The county can better afford to lose It than I!" puis. Never gripe Little Early Risers I have taken DeWitts for toroid liver every spring for years,' writes R. M. Everly, Moundsville, W. Va. "They do me more good than anything I have ever tried." J. . Hall. The Cyphers Incubator Company has thousands and thousands i fine endorsements lib-p aKniro mnntmo c .-i : 1 ,,,-t :i able, For a great many years doctor, pro- L,:c:""; "1"".." " T"",.". P. -1 ;f nouncea u a local aiseaee, ana presctlbed local i H-i omaiuguc Lliat lens ail aDOUC lypnerS J Oll-ivlOlStUrC, 0"" weKraitred.n?eynt? Incubator circulars free. Cyphers Incubators f, o. b. Three Sicilians are dead and two wounded as the result of a factional fight on the streets of New Orleans. Happy Time in Old Town. 'We felt very happy, " writes R. N.Bevill Old Town, Va., "when Bucklen's Arnica Snlve wholly cured our daughter cf a bad case ot scald, head. " It delights all who use it for Cuts, Corns, burns, bruises, boils, ulcers, Eruptions. Infallible .Jer Piles. Only 25c at J. G. Hall's. Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease, and, therefore, requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market. It ia taken internally in doses from 1U drops to a tcaspoon f nl. It acts directly on the blood and murous sur faces of the system. 1 hey oner one hundred dollars for any ease it fails to cure. Send for cm culara and testimonials. Address, F. J. CHENEY & Co. Toledo. C "Sold by Druggists. 75c. Ualls Family Fills are the beat, Colonel Lynch the Irish member of parliament who fought in the Boer army reaches England and is arrested on the charge of high treason. In Roanoke, Va., two persons are burned to death from using a can of kerosene to start a fire. The Best Prescription for Malaria Chills and Fever is a bcttle of Grove' Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is simply Irou & and aVoid f untold quinine in ikic99 ioiui. xno cure, sio Pay. 5oc, Filthy Temples in India. bacred cows often defile Indian temples, but worse yet is a body that's polluted by constipation. Don't permit it. Cleanse your system with Dr. Kings New Life Pills miserv. Thev o;ve livplwl livers, active bowels, good digestion, fine Pile-ine cures flies! Money refunded if it ever fails. Important to Mothers. Examine caretally every bottle of CASTORIA. ft safe and sure remedy for infanta and children, and see that it Bears the Signature of la U&e For Over 30 WADE H. BRITT, AGENT, OXFORD. N. 0. I am also Agent for all kind of Poultry Supplies New Store tk Good LOW PRICES AND FIRST CLASS SERVICE. My stock consists of General Merchandise and Groceries. Your patronage solicited, phone orders will receive prompt attention. Goods delivered anywhere in town free of charge. Give me a call Teara. Tbs Ktoi Tea Bar Jjway Boatfkt WALLACE WHITE. app-tite. Only 2$c at J. G. Hall, Phone 83.

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