$A Tli treatment of Catarrh with, antiseptic and , t washes, lotions, salves, medicated tobacco ' .. )f,c ,-r a ti pvternal Or lnral nnnl intmti . i i'lh. " J - - . --. rx y "J cue v.'l1 useless as wouia ue Kinaiing- a nre on top ol . tv,.,-, t . a. t to inaKe ii uuu. xiuc, mcsc slxc temporary i Lit the cavities and passages of the head and the tubes soon fill np again with mucus. T.-.kiU'-i' coUl lirsu step towards atarrn, ior it Pl.ispiiatiou, and the poisonous acids and , uhitli should pass off through the skin, are 'm.'Jsysm. not re.u 5. s- ' ' inu'.tr its u k upon the mucous membrane or inner skin, iiitlainmation and excessive flow of mucus, vhich is absorbed into the blood, and through the circulation vi-ry part of the system, involving the Stomach, Kidneys and other the body. "When the disease assumes the dry form, the breath t-voeediugl foul, blinding headaches are frequent, the eyes red, it , eted and a constant ringing in the ears. No remedy that does i the polluted blood can cure Catarrh. S. S. S. expels from the circulation all offensive matter, and when rich, pure blood is again coursing through the body the mucous membranes become healthy and the skin active, all the disagreeable, painful symptoms disap pear, and a permanent, thorough cure is effected. In ing a strictly vegetable blood purifier does not derange the mil digestion, but the appetite and general health rapidly improve tv'iiie effects. Write us about your case and get the best medical Book on blood and skin diseases sent on application. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. Atlanta. Ga. OXf ORD PUBLIC LEDGER. WADE H. BRITT, LOCAL EDITOR. THURSDAY. JULY 31. 1902. I tt t.rv Fashion's and Other Items of Interest. WEEKLY FASHION HINTS. i 8 New ZZ it n OR.taOFFETrg (TEETHING PQWDIRS) Costs Only 25 cents at Druggists, Or mail 25 cents to C. J. MOFFETT, Cures Chclsra-Infantum, Diarrhoea.Dysentcry, and the Bowel Troubles of Children of Any Age. Aids Digestion, Regulates the Bowels. Strengthens the Child and Makes TEETHING EASY. M. D., ST. LOUIS, MO. Handsome Reception Gown. The Long-Shoulder Effect, The waist of this handsome recep tion sown of buff veiling is made with the fashionable drooping or long-shoulder effect and has a tucked yoke, framed with a scolloped berthe handsomely embroidered with Cor ticelli silk. The sleeves are tucked, prlnging out into large puffs strap ped with embroidered bands. The skirt is tucked in clusters and shows SACRED SUNDRIES. TI3 r woFFLTT-Dear Doctor: to Oil" fi M.c ;cu ...o Columbus, an.. Ana. 84. 187S. We yave your TEETMIXA Teething happiest results. The effects loudi'1 tnaaiealt and. certainly more satisfactory than from anything uereJ- 2d. Yours very trulu, JOSEPH . HEY, ji"hVj Southern Methodist Church.) JPastor of St. uul Church, MAKE 1 I FIBTfliLE 5v adJincr of Furniture to it some of the odd pieces which we are ottering at such low prices. It w ould pay you to visit our store and examine the large JTOCK OF FURNITURE that we carry, and compare the prices with those asked at other stores. If you visit us once you will be a regu lar customer. Our stock was never more complete than now, in every line. Satisfactory guaranteed or money refunded. EPH S- HRLL'S JOS Sou them Railway Time Table. Richmond, Keysville, Durham and Raleigh. Mixed. So. 71. Ii. San. 6 00 pm 11 Ou am f 11 ati pm 11 35 pm 12 n.i arc 1 12 25 am 12 S5 am 12 45 am 12 5' i am f 1 15 am f 1 32 am f 1 4'i am 1 1 52 am I No. 15, Dai:y. ; Mixed, i No. 61. See Note. io so am; i 1 15 psr 1 22 PM 1 32 i-m 1 3"! I'M 1 4 I'M 1 U'J I'M - 1U PM 2 15 PM 2 ! PM 2 .t. PM a y.i I'M 2 14 PM 2 4! pm 7 25 AM 7 44 AM 8 05 am 8 20 am 25 AM ! 50 AM io la a 10 25 am 11 05 am! 11 38 AM 12 05 PM! 0 Eastern Time. Ar. RICHMOND Va. 12 25 PM n si' am f -i 54 pm f 13 43 pm 2 22 am i us pm 1 05 pm f 2 4Uam 3 Ui pm 2 10 pm i 56 am 3 27 pm' 2 35 pm 6-1 PM a 50 PM 3S PM' 3 Ul PM 41 PM 3 10 PM 4M PM 3 20 PM pm f 3 30 pm Pi 3 55 Dm 15 i-i 1 4 15 pm 1 3 u am f 8 14 am f f 3 22 am f f 3 :;l am f i -Ti am f 3 3 55 4m 4 1 am 0 4 9 12 17 25 29 31 31 36 42 45 48 51 55 61 67 70 72 75 78 80 86 88 I'J $ am Si. Mot. 114 KKYSV1LLS ' Powells ' Kort Mitchell ' Finney wood ' Chaae City ' Skipwitb ' Jfj?lfKiiS3 ' Clarksville Jcnction Clarksville Soudan . Bnllock N. Stovali Gregory Lewis OXFORD provideDce Stem Lyon Wilkins Greens Klerbee Holloway Bast Durham DURHAM O, Mixed. No. 6 3 See Note No, 16. Daily. 3 25 pm RALEIGH. Ar. Lv 4 30 pm 4 05 pm 3 45 pm 2 30 pm 3 00 pm 2 03 pm 1 15 pm 12 50 pm 13 45 pm 11 55 am 11 28 am 11 00 am HO 48 am no 36 am 10 15 am 9 20 am 9 00 am 8 45 am 8 38 am 8 27 am f 8 20 am f 8 10 am 7 50 am 7 40 am 1 00 am 12 50 pm 12 43 pm 12 33 pm 12 27 pm 12 18 pm 12 03 pm 11 56 am 11 52 am 11 50 am 11 38 am 11 28 am 11 21 am m 16 am ni 10 am 11 00 am 10 48 am 10 38 am 10 31 am f 10 26 am HO 21 am flO 16 am flO 12 am 10 H) am 9 55 am Mixed. No. 74. Ex. Sun, 6 00 am 10 68 pm no 30 pm 10 18 pm 10 00 pm f 9 33 pm 20 pm 8 59 pm 8 56 pm 1 a 3i pm f 8 10 pm f 7 56 pm f 7 45 pm 7 35 pm f 7 15 pm f 6 30 pm 6 10 pm 1 6 00 pm f 5 53 pm r 5 43 pm f 5 33 pm f 5 25 pm 5 05 pm 5 00 pm 8 56 am 3 50 pm Ex Sun. No. m. -Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays. o. 2. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. ''e.'.iry- Crossing not shown on Time Tibleis flag stop for Trains 1j and 16 Oxford and Henderson. Nil 24. Daily. No. 22. Daily. 4 i'0 pm 11 10 am f 4 17 pm'fll 33 am 4 '2i pm 11 44 am 4 ii im 12 04 am .21, Ni "'a, K&ieiit) an(j pointB North and South, H BKo'a-n. Arent. 1 . o No. 21. No. 23. Eastern Time. Dailyi 3 Ly. Ar- 0 OXPORD N.C, 10 00 am 1 45 pm 5 Hnntsboro ' f 9 44 am f 1 29 pm 8 Dabney " f 9 35 am 120 pm 14 HENDERSON " 9 15 am 103 pm Ar. Lv, Telephone Rates Tli'- fallowing Toll Hates will be in fi--t on und after May 1st. T.t02, sub h t to i-h.-injre or correction. From Oxford to Bntt.Io B.r varkeM-'"' Hi; "'inn Ei.ti,d 'rank; '"eensiii laltiilt.,, naw J, H i' 45c Littleton :50c 24c Lfui8burg 25c rif a 25c More-head City 80c 40c Nashvi le 35c w5c New Bern 65c 95c Newport' 75c 2t;c Plymouth 55c ! 30c Kaleigh 30c 45c Koanoke Rapids 40c 25c Rocky Mount 40c 40c Scotland Neck 45c ' '2.".-; Selin-j 40c 4r,o Mmithll;ld 40c 15i' Spring Hope 30c 1".c Tarboro 45c 4r,-. Wake Forest 25c ; 4')c H'arrenton S.rc , 1.1c Weldon 40c .Inc. Wilson 40c i 10c Winston 60c ! '. lOKIM.KMAN, den. Supt. Administrator's Notice, Having qualified as administrators of the estate of James H. Webb. dec. notice is hereby given to all nersons indebted to eaid esta e to come torward and settle same at once. Parties hold iTitr claims acainst said estate will Drsent them to me for payment on or before the 17th day of Mav. 1903 or this notice will be plead in bar ct their recovery This May 17, 1902, W, J, WEBB, Admr. of the estate of James H. Webb, dec, Mav 22 1902, pd. Administrators Notice. Uavi,, painied as administrator with will 'i the estate of Mrs. Sarah K. Perry ilei,t..rt . ""ur:e is hereby given to all parties in " .I, - f , , , 1 ,.UtUt,. t ,1 fA,0.H ..Till Q..t( ti - L - ' J CUIHb 1 I ! n U 111. Parties holding claims against present them to the undersigned ! ' the 17th dav of Jnne. I!t0'4. or thin li(2. 'JK, Admr. with ill annexed 'state of Mrs. Sarah E. Perry, de c'd 1, A "-'"Hit-17' h, l- K. Iti t tin.- 4, W- AHAk, orriey at Law, OltKOKD. N. C. p k. :."-iicen in u... ""iieMaif kna eaei uouni. aii uifld to, ed 40 my c"Wlllb promptly j.nd federal Court!. -All A. A. HICB.B. B. W. KINOB jjICKS A MINOR, Attorncys-at-Law OXFORD, N. V. Assooiatk Couksbl: T. U1CUS, HENDERSON, N.C. win T,rrr.ice together in the courts ol Gran' ville. Vance. Franklin and Warren counties, ana in an Tnnttnrfl reanirine their joint attention. We hope by prompt, diligent and faithful atten ton to baelnees to deserve ana receive a porwu W. B. till AW, II. M. SHAW, Henderson. SHAW & SHAW, Oxford Attorney & Counsellors at Law OXFORD, N. C. We offer our professional services to the citizenof Granville and adjoining counties, and solicit a share of your patronage, pro mising to give to the smallest as wellas the largest case our most lidligent attenti n an best efforts. Our fees are moderate. Refer vou to anv one in Oxford or Hen. derson. strap garniture In addition to narrow velvet ribbon, which also appears on the round yoke. it.acn weeK seems to reveal some new feature In the cotton dress fabrics one of which Is grass cloth in white with a stripe of close weave. Then there new fine lawns with open work stripes lawns with narrow lace in sertions woven stripe fashion into the material. Most beautiful are the embroidered batistes which come In handsome all-over designs as well as n robes, either white or beige color. THE CRADLE HYMN. My cradle was once in my mother's arms While she softly sung to me To soothe my pains and brief alarms, O, hush, my dear" those gentle psalms Of angel melody. Too old to sleep on her gentle breast I feared the cold dark night, Till the guardian spirits came and pressed My lonely pillow, while they blessed My dreams till morning light. My own dear children's cradle bed AVas the ark of my loved, my own, wnentne soit, sweet tears tnat a mother shed, And the gentle smiles on which they led, Soothed my rapt spirit lone. The cradle Is now an empty shrine And seen alone in dreams, For vanished far are the loved of mine, But the fadeless mother-love divine Still shines from the heavenly streams. Where they wander on, sweet babes no more, Veiled In the distance dim; But memory lingers by the shore Where echo still, as long before, The strains of that cradle hynin. Julia Noves Stickney in the Boston Transcript. HAIR-PIN-PICK-UPS. "What made you seem so upset the day we became engaged? You knew I was eroing to propose didn't you?" "Oh! dear me. yes! But I had no idea I was going to accept you.' Brooklyn Life. "He has had an interesting career, hasn't he?" "Well, rather. He has been through two fortunes, three wives and a san atorium ." Life. Mr. PoDDinsrton "Daughter, that VOUD2 Lemnerwell you admire so much Is said to be lazy." Daughter "Oh, papa, he lsn t a bit lazy he told me all about it. He's just so awfully intellectual that he can't make a living." Detroit Free Press. A girl doesn't object to chapped hands when it's the right chap hold ing them. She Did you say he was a lady- killer? He Well, he tried to be, I saw him out rowing with one, and he tried to rock the boat. Yonkers Statesman. Mrs. Jones Wilful waste makes wToful want. Mr. Jones Nonsense, Lots or. wo men waste their breath talking, but never seem In want of more. Judge, A colored denizen of Pottstown, Pa., added some unexpected features to n. marlaare Dros:ramme of a white couple at which he was present. When the ceremony was concluded he Insisted upon kissing the bride. The groom objected to this, which the colored brother resented by whip ping out his razor and cutting the groom's throat. A THANKFUL HEART. Thou art not rich, thou art not poor, Thy fortune keeps the middle way; No ills thy strength cannot endure, Apportioned to the passing day. Thou are not young, thou art not old Yet, calm thou seest thy years de part; And joys are thine, a thousandfold Because thou hast the thankful heart. A thankful heart for life alone For beauty in the earth and skies; (And for such share as thou dost own By happy gift of seeing eyes). For human love's endearing bond, WThere stanchly thou dost bear thy part For solace here, and hope beyond For all thou hast the thankful heart, So, to this day of crowning cheer. By easy course thy steps did tend, Since with each day of all the year Some grateful leaven thou didst blend. No chance they prize from thee can wrest; While life shall last thou shall not part With that good gift (of all the best,) The treasure of a thankful heart. Edith M. Thomas in Harper's Bazar. Thoughts to Carry Through the Week. SUNDAY It is enough Enough just to be good! To lift our hearts where they are un derstood; To let the thirst for worldly power and place Go unappeased;to smile back in God's face With the glad lips our mother used to kiss. Ah! though we miss All else but this, To be good is enough. James W hitcomb Riley. MONDAY Let us be content in work, To do the thing we can, and presume To fret because it's little. Mrs. Browning. TUESDAY No life can be pure in its purpose And strong in Its strife, And all life not be pure and stronger thereby. George Meredith, WEDNESDAY Do not look for wrong and evil You will find them if you do; As you measure for your neighbor He will measure back to you, Look for goodness, look for glad ness You will meet them all the-while; If you bring a smiling visage To the glass, you meet a smile. Alice Cary. THURSDAY The common problem, yours, mine, every one's, Is not to fancy what were fair in life, Provided It could be but finding first What may be, then find how to make it fair, Up to our means. Itobert Browning, fkiday Every day is a fresh beginning, Listen, my soul, to the glad refrain, And SDite of old sorrow and older sinning, And puzzles forecasted and possi ble pain Take heart with the day and begin again. Susan Coolidge satttkday We, ignorant of ourselves, Beir often our own harm, which the wise Powers Deny us for our good; profit By losing of our prayers UGOIES CO TAYLOR-GANNADY BUGGY HAS NO SUPERIOR.! We carry in stock high-grade Pheatons and Wagons, Harness, Col lars. Robes, &c. Yours to sell, TAYLOR CANNADY BUGGY CO. and timid hearts as if every one men tioned in the World of God was help ed, but they are left without help. They seem to have stood before per plexing problems, face to face with life's mysteries, eagerly longing to know what to do but no angel has come to tell them, and no iron gate has openedto them in the prison house of circumstances. But we must not make the mistake of thinking that God Is not guiding us because He does not always do it in a miraculous way. He often sees fit to guide us through our own resources. When Peter was shut up in prison and could not possibly extricate himself, an angel was 6ent to do for him what he could not do for himselfjbut when they had passed through a street or two of the city, the angel left him to consider the matter for himself Thus God treats us still. We often make a mistake also by thinking that God Is not guiding us at all because we cannot see far ahead. But this is not His method. He only undertakes that the steps of a good man should be ordered by the Lord. Not next year; but to-morrow Not the next mile; but the next yard Not the whole pattern; but the next stitch in the canvas. NOTES ON EDUCATION. Sentiment is Growing in Favor Consoli-! dation and Taxation. I The partiality to numerous small schools, with only a few pupils to' each, has become strong from long j i continuous custom. This obsticle has stood in the way of this improve ment by consolidation in every coun ty where it has beeir attempted and effected; but when once secured, its advantages become so great that a return to the old system would be al most impossible. Several counties in the State have notified trm st.tP Kn-' cured after everything- else failed. Is unequauea ior t.ne stomacn. uniia ren with weak stomachs thrive on it. Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds of food. It gives instant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been so find we The Boy Killer. Talk about whiskey! We have no doubt there are hve victims ol cigar rettes where there is one poor drunk ard. We were talking the other day with a bright young woman who is holdiue an important position in a North Carolina graded school. She said that one of the laws of that school is that a boy seen on the grounds with a cigarette in his mouth is arraitrned for punishment; for the second offense he is expelled from the school. This is wise and necessary One smoker can demoralize a whole school, and do more damage than a dozen drunkards. It is appalling to see the eyil that this pernicious habit is doing all about us. And yet we are strangely silent and the cigarette makers are eulogized and praised as benefactors of mankind because for sooth, they shed a little of the money they have made from the blood of our boys, upon a college or two. Why are they a wit better than a saloon keeper? why are they so good? Their work Is more destructive and their victims are far more promising than those of the rum mills. There Is such n, thine- as straining at a gnat swal lowing a herd of camels. Themanu facture and sale of cigarettes Is the most deadly evil of the day. Ana if every dollar of the countless mil lions the traffic has made was turned Into channels of benevolence it would be none the less an evil and a curse. Charity and Children. TO FIGHT TOBACCO COMBINE. Shakespeare. In The Home. Despondency comes to all of us at times, but no class is so temped to give way to despair as those who, by sickness or old age, have been cut off from the ordinary pursuits and treasures of life. In their hours of loneliness the.v sometimes feel as though they had been utterly for saken. In these moments it will be well for such to turn to the sacred book and refresh their confidence in God by noticing how In all ages. He has guided them who dared to trust Him. but who. at the time, must have been as preplexed as we are often. now. Here we can see how Abraham left kindred and country and started, with no other guide than God, across the trackless desert t.n a land which he knew not. We learn how for forty years the Isralites were led through the peninsula of Sinai. We know how J oshua, in en- Negotiations For the Formation of a $100,000,000 Company. Following: a favorable outcome of conferences now being held in London between representatives of Imperial Tobacco company of Great Britain and Wm. H.Butler. Dresident of the Universal Tobacco company of Amer ica, the American Tobacco company may soon be confronted by a $100,- 000,000 competitor. According to prl vate cable dispatches plans for the consolidation of the two companies to wae-e war against the American company have reached a promising stage. In any event. It is announced, the ImDerial Tobacco company', intends commencing operations in this coun try within a short time, manufactur ing a full line for the tobacco trade Its policy is the acquisition from large Independent factories of the best sell lng brands of tobaccos, snuff, cigar ettes and cheroots and cigars. The Imperial company has a fixed charsre of S1.G00.000 a year, and hav- terlng the Land of Promise, was able -to cope with the difficulties of an un- ing shown to their subscribers an an known region and to overcome great nual earning power for hve years pre- and warlike nations. We know how in the early church the apostles were enabled to thread their way through the most difficult questions and to solve the most preplexing problems The Dromlses for guidance to us are unmistakable. Paslm 32, S: "I will Instruct thee and teach thee in the way in which thou shallt go." Proverbs 3, u: "In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and he shall direct thy paths." Isaiah 28, 11: "The Lord shall giude thee continu ally. ' ' John 8. 12; "I am the light of the world, he that followeth Me shall not walk In darkness, but shall have the light of life." These are but specimens. The vault of Scripture inlaid with thousands of such, that glisten as the stars which guide the wanderer across the deep. And yet It may seem to some tired vious to the amalgamation of $5,(500,- 000 leaving $4,000,000 a year for divi dends. Stops the Cough and Works off the Cold. .axtive Biomo Quinine Tablets cure's cold 11 on? Hav No Cnre. no Pv, Price 2 'en' perintendent that the sentiment of the people is almost unanimous for taking another advanced step in the way of improving the school build Ings, employing better teachers, and J increasing the length of school term, I The county Superintendents in most I of the counties are doinsr excellent! work; and this evidence, th.it about one-fifth of the counties are about prepared to vote on the question with an assurance that one or more solidated districts will vote a local tax, is a most gratifying result. It means more than appears on the sur face. It is this feeling that some thing more must be done for the chil dren of North Carolina than has yet been done, that has caused about one hundred districts, in every section of the State, to ask the educational board to send speakers in their midst to discuss this question with the peo ple. THE KFFKCT OF AN ATTRACTIVE SCHOOL HOUSE AMI A OOOII TEACHER ON POOR CHILDREN. In one of the western counties three small school districts were consoli dated and a new school "building with two rooms, well lighted and ventilated, was built at a cost of $600. Heretofore these three districts had been running from two and a half to three months with one teach er in each. Last year the three com bined, taught bj- two teachers, ran four and a half months. At the Teacher's Institute this summer there was an honest but ignorant old far mer present and he was the most en thusiastic man in attendance. He said that until the past year his chil dren never attended school, that they didn't care to go, they preferred to work in the field, and he never made them go; but two weeks before the school began last year the teachers spent a few hours at his house and talked with the family. The result was that the children started to school, and he added: "My little boj's think these are the greatest teachers in the world, vvhy, every night they would get their books and until they went to bed they talked of nothing but what the teachers had told them at school. They never wanted to go to school before and they never went; butthey never grow tired now, and I am here to-day to see if we can't make the term longer." As this honest old man spoke these words there was an expression of joy and pride in his rugged countenance that would have answered any ar eument against the improvement of the public schools. His chidren had been won by two faithful women and what these have done can be done in everj' county in trie otate. Attrac tive school houses and entertaining teachers will draw half the children who now have no desire to attend school. VHAT THE COUNTIES ARE DOING The closing days of the Teacher's Institute at Carthage were full of en thusiasm. The teachers pledged themselves to a greater interest in all their school affairs. A vigorous cam palgn for better school-houses, local taxation, and higher attainments among the teachers will be carried on this fall. In Durham County Superin tendent Massey says the average length of white school is 31 weeks, an increase of one week over last year. Every white school in the county has a library, the total number of books being 4,733. The board of education has decided to establish a central graded or high school in each district; one of these has already been estab lished in Mangum Township. The people of Lucama, Wilson County, have raised $1,000 for a new public school building. E. C. UHOOKS First dose relieves. A diet unnecessary. Cures all stomach troubles Prepared only by E. C. DeWitt& Co., Chicago he $1. bottle contains 2 times the 50c. size. J. C. Hall. STIBULEO (IMITED TrAins Sfti 11 Double Daily Service Between New York, Tampa, Atlan ta, New Orleans and Points South and West. IN EFFECT APRIL 13TH.1902, SOUTHWARD, . Daily. No. 31 Lv. New York, P. R. R Ly. Philadelphia, P. R. H... Lv. Baltimor, P. R R Lv. Washington, W. 8. Ry., Lv. Richmond, 8. A. L. Ry.. Lv. Petersburg " Lv. Norlina " Lv. Henderson, " Lv. Raleigh, Lv. Southern Pines, Lv. Hamlet, Lv, Columbia, Ar. Savannah, Ar. Jacksonville, Ar, St, Augustine, Ar. Tampa, 13 65 pm 3 29 pm 5 45 pm .7 00 pm 10 37 pm 11 20 pm 1 65 am 2 28 am 4 12 am 6 (5 am 7 20 am 9 40 am 2 10 pm 7 00 pm " 6 45 am No. 33. P.&N.t 7 65 am 10 16 am Lv. New York, N. Lv. Philadelphia, Lv. New York, O.D.S.S.Co. .t 3 00 pm Lv. Baltimore, B 8. P. Co Lv. Wash'ton. N. & W. S.B. Lv. Portsmouth, S.A L.Ky Lv, Weldon, " Lv. Norlina, " Lv, Hendprson, " Lv. Kaleigh, Lv. Southern Pines, " Lv. amlet, " Lv Wilmington, " Ar. Charlotte, " Lv. Chester, Lv. Greenwood, " '.iV. Athens, " Ar. Atlanta, " Ar. Augusta, C. So W. C Ax. Macon, C. of Ga At. Montgomery, A.&W.P. . 9 05 pm 11 45 pm 1 55 am 2 28 am 4 12 am 6 05 am 7 95 am 10 08 am 10 23 am 12 35 pm 2 50 pm 3 55 pm 5 4) pm 7 20 pm gomery, A.dcw.p. . au pm Ar. Mobile, L. & N 3 55 am Ar. New Orleans, L. .& N... 7 25 am Ar. Nashville, N.C &3t.L. . . 4 uu am Ar. Mempbis, " 4 15 pm NORTHWARD. Daily, No. 32. L.V. Memphis, N.C.& St.L... 12 45 pm Lv. Nashville, " 9 30 pm L.v. New Orleans, L. & N-.. 8 to pm Lv. Mobile, " 13 30 am Lv. Montgomery, A.&W.P. . 6 20 am Lv. Macon, C, of Ga 8 00 am Lv. Augusta, C. & W. C 10 05 am ov. Atlanta, S. A.L.Ry .... 13 00 pm Ar. Athens, " 3 57 pm Vr. Greenwood, " 5 14 pm Ar. Chester, " 7 17 pm Lv. Charlotte, " 7 27 pm Lv, Wilmington, " 3 05 pm Lv. Hamlet, " 10 40 pm Lv. Southern Pines, " II 33 pm Lv. Kaleigh, " 1 35 am Lv. Henderson, " 3 05 am Lv. Norlina, " 3 50 am Ly. Weldon, ' 5 00 am Ar. Portsmouth. " 7 15 am Ar. Wash'ton, N. & W. S. B, Ar. Baltimore, B. S. P. Co.. Ar. Ar. Ar. Daily. No. 27 12 10 a m 7 20am 9 34a m 10 41 am 2 15 pm 2 6( pm 5 30 pm 6 64 pm 7 27 pm 9 27 pm 10 35 pm 1 05 am 4 40 am 9 15 am 10 60 am 5 45 pm No. 41. 8 55 pm 11 26 pm t 6 3(i pin 6 30 pm 9 25 am 11 65 am 1 40 pm 2 10 pm 3 55 pm 6 18 pm 10 35 pm 3 05 pm 10 32 pm 1 35 pm 6 43 am 6 13 am 7 50 am "ii 35 "am 6 25 pm 6 65 pm 8 25 am Daily No, 38 8 40pm 9 30 am 1 80 pm 4 20 pm "8 "66 pro 11 23 pm 1 66 m 4 06 am 4 50 am 7 40 am 8 34 am 11 05 am 12 35 pm 1 45 pm 3 00 pm 6 35 pm 6 55 am t 6 45 am New York, O.D.S.S.Co t 5 50 pm Phila'phia, N.Y.P.&N. New York, Lv Tampa, S. A. L. Ry Lv. St Augustine Lv Jacksonville " Lv Savannan Lv Columbia " Lv Hamlet Lv Southern Pines Lv Raleigh " Lv Henderson ' Lv. Norlina , S A. L. Ry. Lv. Petersburg, " Lv. Richmond, ' Ar. Washington, W. S. Ry Ar. Baltimore,P. K. R Ar. Philadelphia, " Ar. New York. Note. t Daily Except Sunday, t Central Time f Kaetern Time. H.S. Leard T. P. A. Raleigh N t 6 46 pm 8 15 pm No. 84. 9 00 pm 7 45 am 9 45 am 1 55 pm 7 05 pm 10 40 pm 11 33 pm 1 35 am 3 05 am 3 45 am 5 53 am 6 35 am 10 10 am 11 25am 1 36pm 4 13 pm 5 10 am 8 00 am No. 66. 8 00 am 5 50 pm 8 00 pm 11 55 p 5 00 am 8 25 am 9 v2 am 11 35 am 12 68 pm 1 45 pm 4 07 pm 4 55 pm 8 36 pm 11 25 pm 2 56 am 6 30 am MY SWEETHEART. I have a swetheart whom I love, And she says she loves me, My sweetheart thinks it not amiss To sit upon my knee. Her eves are blue, her cheeks are pink, Her hair a wealth of gold; She loves me true as I love her; She's only four years old. Two negroes who foully murdered the policeman of Wolmesdorf, W.Va., j were lynched by a mob of both races Thursday. say "Consumption can be cured." Nature alone won't do it. It needs help. Doctors say "Scott's Emulsion is the best help." But you must continue its use even in hot weather. If vou have not tried it, send for free sample. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, 409-415 Pearl Street, New York. 50c and $1.00; all druggist. Executors Notice. 1 hereby give notice that I have qualified as executor of the estate oi John W. WiUou, de ceased, and all persona having claims against said estate are notified to present the same to me on or beiore July 14th, 1003, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. 2"hi8 July 14, 1902, LUCY C. WILSON, Cwpd Executrix of John W. Wilson, dec. Wm. H. HARRISON, ATTORNEY I COUNSELOR AT LAW, OXFORD, N. C. The collection of claims a specialty Office in tha Court Houip. Executors Notice. I hereby give notice that I have qualified as executor of the estate of Lee Pool, deceased and all persons having Claims against said estate are notified to present the same to :ne on or be fore May 5th, 19i)3 or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. This May 5th, 1902. HUGH A. POOL, Executor ol Lee Pool, deceased. Administrators Notice. Having qualified as Administratrix with the will annexed of William M. Kstes, deceased, late of the c nnty of Granville, N. C. this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersign ed, at Creedmoor, N C, or to my Attorneys, at Oxford, N. C, on on before the 26th day of June 1903, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This June 26th 1902 8ALLIE KSTES, Shaw & Bhaw, Atty, Administratrix. July Oxford, N.C.

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