A Thanksgiving Dinner. Heavy eatin- is usnally the first cause of in digestion. Repeated attacks inflame the muccus membranes lining the stomach, ex poses the nerves cf the stomach, producing a swelling after eating, heartburn headache, sourrisings and finally catarrh of the stomach. Kodol rel.eves the inflamation, protects the nerves and cures the catarrh. Kodol cures the catarrh. Kodol cures indigestion, dys pers:a, all stomach troubles by cleansing and sweetening the glands of the stomach. J. G. Hall. Tlevenue oflleers destroyed six large Illicit distillers In Greenville county, S. C. Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets. When you feel dull after eating. When you have no appetite. VV ,en you Lave a bad taste in the mouth. Vhen your liver is torpid. hen your bowels are constipated. when you have a headache. When you feel billious. hey will improve your appetite, cleanse an invigorate your stomach, and rtgilate your liver and bowels. Trice 25c per box. All Druggists. f!ri. William Gaston Henderson, nostmaster at IMloxi, Miss., died there Nov. IS, aged 74. lie was a nntironf Tnawpll countv. N. C. He rtlc.Iner law when the civil wir broke out and enlisted in the Confederate service. While LaFayette Quinn and Thos. Taylor, two young negroes, were hunting near New Bern Tuesday, Qulim was shot and killed by Taylor. Taylor was behind a bush and at ,.,oi ahnnt, n. bird and his trim wns discharged and the entire charge struck Quinn, who was on tne otue side of the bush, in the head. Health is a magnet which irresistibly draws the man to the woman in life's mating time. Health does more than tint the skin with beauty ; it puts music into the voice and buoyancy into the step, as well as happiness into the heart. A great many women covet beauty and are constantly seeking aids to beautify them. Let a woman first seek perfect health and all other charms shall.be added to her. There can be no general health for women while there is disease of the delicate womanly organism. The first step to perfect health is to cure womanly diseases by the use of Dr. Tierce's Fa vorite Prescription. It establishes regu larity, dries weakening drains, heals inflammation and ulceration and cures female weakness. "I used four bottles of vour ' Favorite Pre scription ' and one of ' Golden Medical IMscov ery.' writes Mrs. Elmer D. Shearer, of Mount hope, Lancaster Co., Pa., "and can say that I am cured of that dreaded disease, uterine trouble. Am in better health than ever before. Every one who knows me is surprised to see me look 60 well. In June I was so poor in health that at times I could not walk. To-dav I am cured. I tell everybody that Dr. Pierce's mcditiues cured me." Free. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing otily. Send 21 one-cent stamps for the book in paper covers, or 31 stamps for the cloth bound volume. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. A negro who assaulted two white woman In Knox county, Ind., was taken from the sheriff by a mob who intended to lynch the man if he is Identified by his victims. H. T. Mclntyre, St. Paul, Minn., who has been troubled with a disordered stomach, says, "Chamberlain's Stanindi and Liver Tablets do me more gcod than anything 1 have ever taken. All Druggist. Fires at San Francisco destroyed the Southern Pacific boat and ferry slips; loss over .."iO.OOO. YOU A ARE YOU EXPEGTANT? f J OTHER'S FRIEMD makes childbirth easy by preparing the system for parturition and thus shortening l:.ior. The painful ordeal is robbed of its terrors, and the danger lessened to both tti- iher and child; the time of confinement is shortened, the mother rested, and child fully developed, strong and healthy. Morning sickness, or nausea arising from pregnancy, is prevented by its use. As pregnancy advances, the breasts en large, become swollen and hard. Long before the child is born, they are prepar ing for the secretion of milk. It is import ant that they receive early attention. Mother's Friend softens the skin and facilitates the secretion of Life Fluid. Undeveloped breasts, hard-caked shortly after delivery, are the result of non treatment, and likely to culminate in Mammary Abscess, from which so many suffer excruciating pain and are left with these organs permanently impaired. Softness, pliability and expansion are given to the muscles and sinews, thus bringing comfort and causing an easy issue of the child. Trv it Of druggists $1.00. Our book "Motherhood" free." THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., ATLANTA, GA. Wallace White, Dealer in STAPLE AND FANCY GRO CERIES, FINE CIGARS, TOBACCO, SNUFF, CANDIES. Fruits and Vegetables in Season. PHONE 83. OXFORD, N. C. r a ifI vJvk L 3 OXFORD PUBLIG LEDGER. JOHN T. 15 II ITT. OWNKR AND KDITOR. THURSDAY. NOV. 27. 1902. () : - - IT w i fir on)en Fashion's and Other f Items of Interest. THE QUEEN OF MY HEART. (By Percy Tiysshe Shelley.) Shall we roam, my love, To the twilight rove, When the moon is rising bright? Oh, I'll whisper there. In the cold night air, What I dare not in broad daylight! I'll tell thee a part Of the thoughts that start To beinpr when thou art nigh ; And thy beauty more bright Than the stars' soft light, Shall seem as a weft from the sky. Wnen the pale moonbeam On tower and stream Sheds a flood of silver sheen, How I love to gaze, As the cold ray strays, O'erthv face, my heart's throned queen ! Wilt thou roam with me To the restless sea, And linger upon the steep. And list to the How Of th w.m.vhs below. How they toss and roar and leap? Those boiling waves And the storm tha t raves At night o'er their foaming crest Resemble the strife That, from earliest life. 't he passions have waged In my breast. Oh, come, then, and rove To the sea or the grove, When the moon is shining bright, And I'll whisper there, In the cool night air, What I dare not in broad daylight! HAIR-PIN-PICK-UPS. How the world admires a girl who Is not boy struck? Nowadays fathers are blocks of the young ship. Some men seem to think that wo men are nothing but pincushions. A girl who has a round, jolly laugh has something to make the world happy. The hardest woma n to please is the one who doesn't know what she wants. The diet of love is a flower for breakfast, a smile for dinner and a kiss for supper. Isn't that light enough for any taste? Monks The man whr trips t.n change a woman's views is a fool. eeks 1 low do you know? Meeks My wife told me so. Awoinan cannot be said to have on a dress that Is made In the latest style unless every one who seee her In it does not wonder how she iets it on. Gerald "As it is to be a secret en gagement it would not be wise for me to give you a rlnpj at present." Geraldine "Oh but I could wear It on the wrong hand." Judge. "I hear your son is reading law." Xo sir. It's a mistake. My son Is sitting in the back office, with his feet on a desksmokine: cigarettes." Chicago Record-Herald. Doctor's Little Girl "Your papa owes my papa money. Lawyers Little Girl "That's nothing: papa said he was glad to get off with his life.' Baltimore American. Doodley Is Miss Pechis at home? Servant Yes, sah. Doodley Is she engaged? Servant Yes, sah, but de gemman ain't hyan dis evenin', sah. Step rijLfht in, .sah. "She's the worst sort of a. gossip." "I never heard her retailing any scandal." "No, she leads you on until you tell it to her by wholesale, and she'll never tell you any in return." Ida Mabel's father thought hf would discourage that young man from calling by saying that there was no coal to heat the parlor. May Did the scheme work? Ida No. The young man brought a few lumps in his pocket. "Mum Sociables" is a diverson in the West where a fine of live cents is imposed on a person for each word he or she may utter within a given period. A drummer attended one of these affairs the other evening, and his tines aggregated seventeen dollars and a half in live minutes. Miss Maud Rerr. an actress, has achieved fame by performing an act never before accomplised by any ac tress In this country. She swallowed her watch, and did it in her sleep too. If she could do that In her sleep and without trying, she could probably swallow the town clock If she want ed to and went at it earnest. Cousin Nell You know you told me you were going to propose to May when you called on her hist night Did she say "Yes"? Jack Polk Yes, she said "Yes." Cousin Nell Well, you don't look very happy about it. Jack Polk No. You see, she said it to Tom Rnpidde, who got there about half an hour before me. An Arkansas printer in making up his forms the other day got a mar riage notice and a grocer's advertise ment mixed so that It read as fol lows: "John Rrown and Ida Gray were united In the holy sour kraut by the quart or barrel. Mr. Rrown is a well known youngcod-lish at 10c per pound, while the bride, Miss Gray has nice pig's feet which will be sold cheaper than at any store in town. " Stepped on a Hot Stove. A child of Mr?. Geo. T. Benson, when getting has usual Saturday night bath, step ped back against a hot stove which burned him severely. The child was in great agony and his mother could do nothipg to pacify him. Remembering that she had a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm in the house, she thought she would try it. In less than half an hour after apply iug it the child was quiet and asleep, and m less than two weeks was well. Mrs. Bensori is a well kuown res ident of Keller, Va. Pain Ba'm is an an tiseptic liniment, and especially valuable for burns, cuts, bruises and sprain. All Drug g'st, ' - Hats in all the latest shapes and styles, values the best at Crenshaw's. I 1. ft ft ft ft ft ft i i Boys and Girls Married in this Country When the tvnsus enumerators made their last rounds in the United States they found ;7 boys under 1.1 years who were married. This is one of the interesting facts disclosed by the census reports on the conjugal condi tions of the inhabitants of this coun try. There was :.7Sf girls under 15 years of age who are married. The Infant widowers under 15 years of age numbered 43, and the Infant wid ows 120. There were 7 divorced boys and 30 divorced girls under 1.5. New York and Pennsylvania led in the number of boy husbands, each hav ing 44. Texas' led in the" number of girl wives, with :47. r REFLECTIONS OF A BACHELOR. The less a man has to say in his own house the more some women will let him known he ought not to say it. Some women are so deceptive that when they are swearing they can make you think they are singing hymns. Widows are a rich diet highly sea soned. Guess the serpent in the Garden of Eden was a garter snake. A fat man never seems to take up as much room as a fat woman. Falling in love doesn't make as much trouble for the average man as falling out again. Time will tell but the woman with a secret never gives time a chance. Girl Duped by Matrimonial Agency. Advices received from Hickory, Miss., an inland town in Newton county, gives an account of a Missis sippi girls having been duped through a matrimonal agency in Chicago. The young lady answered an ad vertisement in a matrimonial paper met ti man through correspondence, and finally the young man sent her a ticket to Chicago and money to pay her expenses on the trip. She left for Chicago, but upon her arrival there the young man failed to meet her at the depot as per arrangements. Be ing in quite a quandary she appealed to the police department.and through their aid found her intended swain living in a suburb of the Windy City lie proved to be a married man and was at the head of a family. The officers took charge of him. but upon paying the young lady 100 for her trouble and also furnishing her wtlh return transportation home, he was released. Accounts say the young lady has again resumed the duties of her country home, and is answering no more matrimonial ad vertisements. A Wedding Family Reunion and Birth day Celebration. The home of Esq. J. S. Coleman was the scene of much merriment last Thursday, the 13th. Children, grand-children, relatives and friends had gathered to rejoice with Mr. and Mrs. Coleman in a birthday celebra tion, family reunion and to offer con gratulatlons to the youngest daugh ter in her happy marriage. Flowers greeted you everywhere. Deft fingers had oven festoons 01 flowers and tastily decorated the whole house We were struck with the beauty and profusion of the flowers and the splendid taste of arrangement. First came the marriage at high noon of Miss Zela O. Coleman to Mr. ('has. O. Veazy, of Granville. Miss Ella Reade skillfully presided at the organ and Rev. G. T. Watkins per formed tne ceremony. Air. h.dgar Veazy and Miss Carrie Burch. Mr, Marsh Waller and Miss Amelia "Wil son, Mr. Roger Wilkerson and Miss Jennie eazy, Air. Herbert W ashing ton and Miss Belle Veazy, Mr. Arthur Wilson and Miss Hattie Veazy were the attendants. Miss Coleman is pronounced one of Person's most charming daughters and Mr. Veazy is a worthy son of old Granville. This happy couple start in life undermost favorable circumstances. Next was the magnificent dinner. Seldom have I seen such an array of good things to grace a dining table. Between one and two hundred I should think enjoyed this dinner and wished the Squire the return of many more birthdays and the family many more reunions. Roxboro Courier. The Wyche-Jordan Wedding a Brilliant Social Event. Henderson, Nov. 22. One of the most brilliant marriages that has taken place in Henderson for years was celebrated at the Presbyterian church at 9 o'clock Thursday night, the Rev. J. H. Henderlite officiating, in the presence of a great throng of friends. The contracting parties were Mr. Clarence Adolphus Wyche,of Roanoke Rapids, and Miss Eemme Mclvenzie Jordan, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thadeus K. Manning, and one of Henderson's most beautiful and ac complished young women. The church was artistically deco rated with palms and mammoth growing chrysanthemums bearing gorgeous rainbow-tinted blooms. Miss Emma W. Averett presided at the organ rendering Mendelsshon's wedding March as the bridal party entered the church. The ushers marched up the three aisles in pairs as follows: Messrs. C. A. Eewis and John B. Pinner, of Suf folk, Va.; J. T. Alderman and Col. W. II. S. Uurgwyn, of Weldon; J. H. Bridgers and A. C. Zollicoffer. Miss Charlotte Young, of Raleigh, lirst bridesmaid, and Mr. John Hor ton, of Petersburg, Va., then entered from opposite aisles. The attendants were as follows: J ohn Patterson, of Roanoke Rapids, with Miss Ella Tucker; Henry Thorp. Rocky Mount, with Miss Birdie Wat sou; Dr. Blackwood Pierce, of Roa noke Rapids, with Miss Eols Wright, of Portsmouth, Va.; Robt. Davis, of Petersburg, Va., with Miss Maud Jones, of Farmville, Va. ; Richard Wortham with Miss Margie Urque hart, of Eewiston, Va.; Wilson Mul len, of Roanoke Rapids with Miss Amy Butler. Elttle Miss Katherlne Pinner, falry-like, In pink silk and lace, was flower girl, and Master Rives Man ning, in picturesque costume, bore the wedding ring in a small silver tray. The bride, who was handsomely gowned in white silk tissue, accor dian pleated, over white satin, with pearl trimmings, and whose beauty was enhanced by the delicate flow ing bridal veil and shower bouquet of lilies of the valley and maiden-hair fern, entered with her maid of honor, Miss Minna Dunlop, of Baltimore, Md. Miss Dunlop wore white silk and lace and carried pink carnations. The groom and his best man, Mr. David Traynham, of South Boston, Va., joined the bride and her maid of honor at the altar. Immedietely after the ceremony a handsome reception was tendered at the home of the bride's parents. This was quite an elaborate social func tion, as over 300 cards of Invitation had been Issued. Bad Taste in the outh When you get up in the morning with a coated tongue and a bad taste in the mouth, you may or may not be seri ously ill, but if there is any disease going, your system is just right to catch it. We know what you think first you are half persuaded to try Vinol, and then you say to yourself: " That's the same story all the medicines tell ; I've heard it before." But Vinol is not like other medicines. If it were, we shouldn't be talking about it in any special way. If you will regulate your bowels with Vinlax and take Vinol to improve your diges tion and assimilation of food, these troubles, with the head ache, "liver complaint," neu ralgia, rheumatic pains, and nerve troubles will disappear as by magic. We pay back the money if it doesn't help you. Mail Orders Supplied, $1 per ' Bottle, Ex press Paid. R. E, Hamilton, Druggist. It Is said that in Wail street in the flurries last week a thousand men had losses aggregating $07,000,000, but they acquired some experience. oughs 'My wife had a dep-seated cough for three years. I purchased two bottles of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, large size, and ir cured her com pletely." J. H. B::rge; M-con, Col. Probably you knew of cough medicines imt re- 1 lieve little couSis, 7 J coughs, except d.cp ones! The medicine ihzt nas 1 been curing the vor?: cf deep coughs f j r ay years is AyerY i. I ,ny Pectoral. Three sizes : 23c. 51c, . Ail .!-;. - ists. The board of examiners of State institutions files its report with the Governor. The total appropriations to these by the last Legislature were 4815,000 but the board recommends only $000,000, a decrease of .HS.OOO. The reduction is made in the amount for permanent Improvements, very few of which the board recommends the total being under 75,000. Of this amount over half, or $40,000 being for new buildings at the Agricultural and Mechanical College to replace Watauga Hall which was burned. b- ien you can i eat orcaii take Scott's Emulsion. a 9 B ast, vhen -A you can't eat bread butter, Mi-z Scott's nialsien. When. you have :i Ifvsng on a milk diet and :nt something a Iitt!e more 'Urishing, take Scott's vision. c get fat you most eat colt's Emulsion is a fattener, a great real giver. Those who have lost flesh want to increase all body tissues, not only fat. Scott's Emulsion increases them all, bone, ftesh, blood and nerve. For invalids, for con valescents, for consumptives, for weak children, for all who need flesh, Scott's emulsion is a rich and com fortable food, and a natural tenic. Scott's Emulsion for bone, ksh, blood and nerve. We will send you a free sample. Be sure that this picture in the form of a label is on the wrapper of every bottle of Emulsion you buy. SCOTT & BOWNE, CHEMISTS, 409 Pearl St, N. Y. 50c. and $1 all druggist, IH ' tj Consult your doctor. If lio says -i:!:e it, IS 5 then do as lie s:iys. If lie te!N v ii not g Bj to take it, then don't, take it. lie knows. f g Leave it with him. We are willing. fc g J. C. AYEK CO., Lowell, Ma33. g IBISI Capt. W. H. Snow, postmaster and the veteran manufacturer of High Point, died at his home there Tues day night of last week at 11 o'clock. He had been in failing health for sev eral months. It Is asserted by some persons who say they have inside Information that F. H. Whitaker, who was duringthe last campaign chairman of the in dependent movement in North Caro lina is to to succeed Oscar. I. Spears as assistant United States district attorney. President Roosevelt says: "The question or the so-called trusts Is but one of the questions we must meet in Connection with our industrial sys tem. There are many of them and they are serious, but they can and will be met. Time be may needed for making the solution perfect, but it is idle to tell this people that we have not the power to solve such a prob lem as that of exercising adequate supervision over the great industrial combinations of today. We have the power and we shall find the way. We shall not act hastily or recklessly,but we have firmly made up our minds that a solution and a right solution, shall be found and found it shallbe." LOOK OUT. Don't make a purchase un'il you know what we offer and compair our prices with those mentioned at other places. We carry a line of HARNESS AN i; HORSE GOODc that we have full confidence in. The har ness is not hurriedly s'aped together kind, it is made to look well and to wear well ami the quality of material and workmanship will insure both Yours truly PETE BULLOCK. KNIGHTS OF OLD had great difficulty in keeping their armor and trappings clean and bright. But that was before the days of "SILVE CREAri,' the universal polisher. It quickly re- (! moves all accumulations of dirt and tarnish from silver orgold, without injury to the article. No hard rubbing neces sary. Absolutely free from injurious substances. 0c. 25c. 50c For sale by W. D. Lynch. Sale of Valuable Mine ral Land. By virtue of a decree of the Sunerior Court of Granville county. N. C . in a sue cial proceeding therein pending entided II M Shaw and .A A Hicks, Administrators, d. b. n., c. t. a of N Berkenstock, deceased against H. A. and L Berkenstock, heirs at law of N Berkenstock, deceased, the under signed will on THURSDAY, 27th DAY OF NOV , i9o2. at the Court House door in Oxford, N C, at the hour of 12 m. offer for sale to the high est bidder the following described valuable tract of land, viz: Bounded on the North by lands of Dr. Sandford on the South by the public road leading from Blue Wing to Buchanan, on the east by lands of Wm. Baker.on the West by road leading from Blue Wing to Red Bank containining 175 acres. (See deed book 4o, pago 97 and deed book 48, page 555) Terms ot Sale; One half cash, and balance in 12 months, with 6 per cent, interest on the deferred payment from date of sale. Title retained until purchase money is paid in lull. 1 his property con tains valuable mineral deposits, and is val uable as a farm also. This Oct. 27th, 1902. H. M. SHAW, A. A. HICKS. Administrators d. b. n.. c. t. a CMiOMEs.lu.rt S ENGLISH sYhOYAL pills Original and OnW OmuIhp. SAFE. Always reliable. Ladle. sk Druirrlit for CIIICUKSTEK'S ENGLISH in KEI and Gold metallic boxes, sealed with blue ribbon. Take no other. Refuse Dangerous HubKtttuttons and Imita tions. Buy of jour Druggist, or send 4c. in stamps for PartlpTilnra, Testimonials and "Relief for Lal!e,"in Utter, by re- tllrs Msii. 1 MK, ri'Stimoniai. Solrt h. all Druggists. Chit-heater Chemical Co.. paper. MadSsoa Sa-iare, l'lillA.. 1A, PARKER'S 1-3 AIR BALSAM Cleans-ee and D-cautifies the halt. Promotes a luxuriant prowth. Never Jails to Bestore Gray Hair to its Youthful Color. Cures scalp diseases Sc hair falling. 50c, and $ l.(K) at Druggists Would You Like to increase the flow of milk in your COWS? AMERICAN 4 Stock Food Does this at a very trifling cost It keeps cattle looking nice and prevents diseases. Sold under a positive guarantee. None genuine without picture of Uncle Sam. For Sale by Jos. S. BROWN. Oxford, N C R?Ci rEN rr Mantion tliia t t The great rheumatic form of rheumatism, but Contagious Blood Poison, Scrofula, Sores, Boils, Catarrh and all diseases arising from impurities in the blood Endorsed by physicians and prominent people every where after thorough trial. DOErS NOT INJURE THE DIGESTIVE ORGANS. Gentlemen : I take pleasure in bearing testimony to the cuati veorruVq of your Rheumacidb. Two bottles cured my son of a bad case. If th a wTii be of any benefit to you in advertising your meritorious remedy, you can usiTit Yours truly, "W. H. RAND, Steward State Blind Institution. 9 ? C 9 5 All Druggist9, $i.oo; 7 Bobbitt Chemical Co., w m m W Do You Need Any FURNITURE? W si'! li ti Cir.' !' betf.pr I '- - t h otrw-r kind niturr and you will Hiv r- nfler thai. BED ROOM Mud to spp low aonJ i' o.-tu ir J" Mad ' fo te bnvpr and to build up the sellers rHpntarinri. li1f) FURNITURE to $75 oo. SIDEBOARDS AND DINING TABLES HALL RACKS, Tr us room LOUNGES & COUCHES! kind, no matter what, article it bp. Agent for Oxford Furniture Co.'s Products. Undertaking Department. I am well equipped with caskets from $2 up to $t5o,and burial robes and suits. Prompt service day or night at lowest rates. J. Robert Wood, Oxford, N. C PREPPME FOR THE WINTER NOW, iTl My stock of wood aii tight heaters are now on exhibition and cm- braces the latest improved line, also coal heaters, large stock 00k stoves and ranges, and housekeepers goods generally. ihous;.nds of useful things. NEW DEEKING up-to-date mowers, simplest and strongest and lightest draft. We would like for every farmer to see this wonderful machine. Acme and Cutaway Disc Harrows, spring and spike tooth harrow pulverizes tlie ana and all crops yield more. Agent for the celebrated Ard Fertilizer Drills Labor savers. These Drills stand Grain drilled last season yielded much greater than that General Ohio Feed Cutters, Ensilage Cutters, Chain Elevators, and Blower or Wind Elevators. Full Stock hiwii 1 Full stock Builders materiat, Paints Oils Turpentine, Varnishes, Wood and willow ware, Crockery, Lamps and Glass ware, Meat choppers, etc Beltings. Packings, Lacings, Pipe and Pipe httings. I have one of the best gun and lock smiths in North Carolina. If your gun is out of or der bring it to me for repairs. Guttering, Roofing and Tinning supplies generally. I want your trade and 1 promise you niy best efforts to -rve you satisfactory. Yours C i t i t c t ? c c J c c remedy not only cures makes radical cures of every or prepaid on receipt of price, Baltimore, fid. W UUltllllUl Crf, I 1U. Thp same PxeeHeut construction Such Furniture wiM h" giving good servifp to vour rhiMmi, tor it durnbili'v is such that it can sprvp both father and son. for anv kind of Furnit urn, for ;jhv in thp bouse. Wp sell thv. snmp cm, A a u 0 second to none, does perfect work, done by h:i"d- Agent for very truly, Edward

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