Eczema otl,T to that class of inflammatory and disfiguring- skin eruptions that iso nire genuine bodily discomfort and worry than all other known rieas. The impurities or sediments which collect in the system because j"S ti'oor digestion, inactive Kidneys and other organs of elimination are t IcVti np by the blood, saturating the system with acid poisons and fluids that 1,1 V (Mil llUUUil 11LC IclliUO CtllVl ,Mo itching and burning, and l!ov. water discharge lorms the vi ts and sores or little Drown ite scabs that drop off, leaving :in.i u the km ti'imer ana raw. xne enect i1 I A I.,- iiii'.sim may me SKin 10 bleed, or give it a scaly, fishy n-k aim f innumerable blackheads and pimples or hard, red bumps upon Purification of the blood is the only remedy for these vicious skin Washes and powders can only hide for a ti the glaring consist the taei. skin. S. S. S. is the only guaranteed purely vegetable blood It contains no Arsenic, Totash or other harmful mineral. 1 A 1 1 ' S A t . 4 a Iieve pun v :tc us anout your case ana our Ye - ;l handsomely illustrated book on skin diseases, which will be sent freeto .ill who wish it. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta. Ga. BR. fflOPFETT m I-.l ri..i.J-.Ji-ll-L-.l-l--ia UTOAIUy - .' 1 S .0oO3Or mall 25 ceata to C. J. MOFFETT. M. D.. .xM - 1S78. Db. C. J. Moffbtt My Dear Sir: Justice to you Tr.KKKK A' -.-' ..-,. TP.P-.TTTTM . Our Httla eirl. just thl . )I r; V ill - ' ' ' , , . ,. q ,,r blood and burning fever continued for days at a time. Her life was almost despaired ot, '. -n r e ! to try TEETHIN A, and in a day or two there was great chango new life had returned- , 'r.fular. nd thanks to TEETHIN A, the little babe is now doing well. ,,, ' r " ' Yours, etc., D. W. McIVER, Editor and Proprietor Tuskeece (Ala.) News. .or.;;: lis K fj SMMgpr mm No drummers to worry you farmers as I buy largely of tobacco and tjivc you the benefit of the money that would go to drummers when u sell on my floor, It is always a pleasure to me to put every a t in vnnr nnrli-pt? I.nnk UUiULI 1 v an 1 11 y i - v mil "nave the highest prices on VOU s Dy spepsia ure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of the diet;uits and digests all kinds of fond. It dves instant relief and never fail; to cure. It allows you to eat all the fo'jfl you want. The most sensitive ftom.uhs can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. Is uripnuull.d for the stomach. Child ren with weak stomachs thrive on it. lirstdixe relieves. A diet unnecessary. Cures all stomach troubles Pr'.p:irci on;y by E. C. DeWitt & CO., Chicago $1. buttle contains ZYt times the 50c. size. J. G. Hall. I'aritr '! ;r::;, j,', ljy the ' One of the death : in the United States and Canada I jutable Life Assurance Society i within one day after receipt Of A i: 1 during no month of the year i rccnt3ge been below 98 per cent. I,r0of has the This .x. ''ha, , the Society's own great record, r even been approached by any my. ' Strongest in the Woill." ".! ITADLE LIFE ASSURRANCE SOCIETY f the United States. i EON B, JONES. Special Agent Oxford, N. C. TlIK Off, K(: "1 Hunt building upstairs. ' A. Ilr,. . B. W. MIMOB TlKS O meys-at-Law, P 1 . . 1 , ' HKUDBKBON, N.O. tiu ;,-"u,;ilce together in the courts 01 uran- i,,! 'arice. franklin and Warren counties, and PWierg reaalrine- their loint Attention. 1 m tlT wDe ,by Prompt, diligent and faithful atten 6 thi i.neB8 10 deaerve and receive a portion uifl jjfjwt u MmWM Record mm lOOs soriasis, Salt )UlCO yjX WiC lvlll, piUUULlllg C4.H muc- " I can cheerfully endorse yotir S. S. S. as a cure for Eczema. I was troubled, with it for 25 years and tried many remedies with no erood effects, but after using- a few bottles of S. S. S. was entire ly relieved. Win. Campbell, 313 W. Central St., Wichita, Kan. appearance; again the eruptions may blemishes. S. fc. S. eradicates all poisonous accumu lations, antidotes the Uric and other acids, and restores the blood to its wonted purity, and stimulates and revitalizes the sluggish organs, and the impuri ties pass off through the natural channels and pnysicians win aavise wiinout cnarge. Cure. GfioJera- Infantum. Diarrhoea, Dysentery, and the Bowel Troubles of Children of Any Age. Aids Digestion, Regulates the Bowels, strengthens the Child and Makes TEETHING EASY. ST. LOUIS. MO. demands that I should Rive yon .r teen months old, has had much . 1 i ni,..j.;-n. TTt,i hnwp are regular winners at the out and come to the Johnson and - all grades that can be reached. m i Yours to continue to serve, Z. W. LYON, Oxford, N. C. Snyder, Treastarer of Hie Itrooklyn SOisst !:: Art dnl. " !f women would pay more, attention to their health we would have more happy wives, mothers and daughters, and if they would observe results they would find that the doctors' prescriptions do not perform the many cures they are given credit for. " In consulting with my druggist he ad vised McElree's Wine of Cardui and Thed ford's Black-Draught, and so I took it and" have every reason to thank him for a new life opened up to me with restored health, and it only took three months to cure me." Wine of Cardui is a regulator of the menstrual functions and is a most as tonishing tonic for women. It cures scanty, suppressed, too frequent, irreg ular and painful menstruation, falling of the womb, whites and flooding. It is helpful when approaching woman hood, during pregnancy, after child birth and in chanee of life. It fre- rjuentlv brings a dear babv to homes that have been barren for years. All drugeists have $1.00 bottles of Wine of Cardui. A IT W B. SHAW, Henderson. II. M. SHAW, Oxford. SHAW &SHAW, Attorney & Counsellors at Law, OXFORD, N. C. We offer our professional services to the citizens of Granville and adjoining counties, and solicit a share of your patronage, pro mising to cive to the smallest as wellas the largest case our most lidligent attenti n and best efforts. Our tees are moderate. Refer vou to anv one in Oxford or Hen derson . yalifilB Land lor Sale! 1 1 1 xtA-rtAs. at. Kim Grove in Williams town ship, Chatham ccunty, N. C. well timbered and suited for raising tobacco. fi05i Acres in Cedar Fork township. Wake county, N.O , about four miles from Cary and Morrisvlllc, well timbered and suited for all crops. For particulars addrees MBS. JTLOKSNOB P TUCKER, Raleigh, N. C. i Miss Idsv M ssss: OXFORD PUBLIG LEDGER. AVAIE II. 1JR1TT, LOCAL EDITOR, THURSDAY, NOV. 27. 11)02. Even a Trust on Turkeys. Hardly is the President's Thanks- frivlnjr proclamation out when we hear that there Is to be a turkey trust thin year and Thankssgiving; so near at hand. We have endured the beef trust and weathered the coal combine, but wiien tne trust reaches out after the American gobbler it is too much. What shall we have to give thanks for by and by after the trust has cleared off the table? To corner the very bird which we make the basis of Thanksgiving is going it just a little to steep. 1 he trust vandals even threaten to corner our INew JKnglanu traditions. Is the yankee spirit dead? Boston Ulobe. Report on State Institutions. The Board of Examiners of State Institutions Tuesday made their re port to the Governor. It is a volum inous document, eolmr exhaustivelv Into the details of management and the needs of the various institutions. The reDort contains a severe criticism of the A. and M. College for the col ored race at (.reeasboro. A wretch ed state of man. moment is shown to exist there. It is r commended that the State make no further appropria tion to this colloirc Several of the color- d normal schools also come in for severe criticism at the hands of the boavd. Rough Experience. Revenue men who went from Raleigh on a raid had a bad time Wed nesday night near I'ocomoke, Frank lin county. They found the illicit distillery for which they were looking, and twelve men, moonshiners and their friends, seated around a big fire of logs in the woods 100 yards distant playing cards. The two deputies made a rush at them and the twelve lied. One ran into a deep creek, the deputy in after him and both were over their heads. The deputy held 011 to his man and as he came up on the bank found another man hid ing whom he also took by the collar. The other deputy captured one. The three Avere released and the still de stroyed. Luck in Thirteen. By sending 13 miles Wm. Spirey, of Wal ton furnace, Vt., got a box ot .tJucklerrs Arnica Salves that wholly cured a horrible Fever Sore on his lsg. Nothing else could Fositivelycures bruises, felons, ulcers.erup- tions. boils, burns, corns and piles. Only 25c. Guaranteed by J. CI, Hall. A crowded gambling house at Min neapolis, Minn., was held up by a lone bandit, who shot one of the at tendants and got away with $:,000. Starling. But True. "If every one knew what a grand medicine Dr. King's New Life Pills is," writtsD. H. Turner, Dempseytown, Pa., "you d sell all vou have in a dry. Two weeks use has made a new man 01 me " Infallible lor con- stipatiop, stomach and liver troubles. 25c at I. ti. Halls. Cured of Piles After 4O Years. Mr. C. Haney, of Geneva, Ohio, had the piles for forty years. Doctors and dollars could do him ro lasting cood. DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve cured him permanently Invaluable for cuts, burns, bruises, sprains, lacerations eczema, tetter, salt rheum, and all other skin diseases, Look for the name DeWitt on the package all others are cheap worthless counterfeits. J. d. Hal'. Frank A. Melluijh, of New York, I jumped from a train near Spartan burg-, S, (;., and was killed. . If you are billiou and seelcinc advisers. Take DeWitts I.itile Early Risers. Just before going to bed. You will find on the morrow, You are rid of your s now That's ap; just enouthsaid. These famous pills do not gripe, but move the bowtls gently and easily, cleansing the liver. Their tonic tffect eives strength to the Piands. preventing a return of the dis order. J G. Hall. The second trial of Wilcox for the murder of Nellie Cropsey will be held in Perquimans county. i Cares Rheumatism or Catarrh. Would you like to get rid of that chronic rheumatism or oltensive catarrh lorever. Then take a bottle of Botanic Blood Balms which has cured thousands of hopeless cases that had resisted doctors and patent medicine treatment Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) cures through the blood by destroying the ooison which causes the awful aches in the bones, joints, shou'der blades and back swollen glands, hawkirg,spitting, bad breath impaired hearing, etc, thus making a perfect cure. Botanic Blood Balm thoroughly test ed for 3o years. Composed of pure Botanic Drugs. Perfectly safe to take by old and youne. Uruceists. ifci. iriai treatment free by writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. Describe trouble and tree medical advice given until cured. Dont give " up hope, but try. B. B. B., which makes the blood pure and rich and builds up the "all run down," tired body. For sale by J. O. Hall. If President Roosevelt didn't set the a pop at a bear he at least had freedom of the canebrake. The Best Remedy For Croup. f From the Atchison, Kan., Daily Globe. This is the season when the woman who knows the best remedies for croup is in de mand in every neighborhood. One of the most terrible things in the world is to be awakened in the middle of the night by a whoop from one of the children. The croup remedies are almost as sure to be lost, in case of croup, as a revolver is sure to be lost in case of burglars. Ihere used to be an old-fashioned remedy for croup, known as hive syrup and tolu, but some modern moth ers Fay that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is better, and does not cost so much. It causes the patient to "throw up the phlegm" ouicker and gives rellet in a shorter time Give this remedy as soon as the croupy cough appears and it will prevent the attack. It never fai s and is pleasant and sate to taKe All Druggist. -o- Senator Scott, of West Virgina, favors llanna for President because he "stood pat" on the tariff. Catarrh Cannot be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the feat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood nr rnnstitntional disease, and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies. Hall's Catairh Cure is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and mncous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine It was prescribed by one of the best physicans in this country for years, and is a regular prescption. It i com posed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting; directly on the mncous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces each wonderful results in curing Catarrh Testimon- F, J, CHENEY & Co, Toledo, C. 2r"Sold by Druggists, 75c. Halle Family Pills are the beet, Granville's Financial EXHIBIT From December 1, 1901, to Decem ber 1, 1902. Showing the amount of orders is sued during the year, and the various disbursements. GENERAL COUNTY OEDERS. DECEMBER, 1901. ' L S Sizemore, wood and hauling, Morton's bridge J G Hunt. CSC, act. for Nov, 'or, T W Jackson, ink for C S C . . . J T Britt, court calendar, letter heads, etc J T Britt, 500 envelopes for Sheriff, F VV Hancock, medicine for jail . J B Mayes, act. vs county .... S A Fleming, act. vs. county . . . VV R Buchanan, bridge abutments Hatchett's run C J Turner, four days waiting on Gattis-Kilgo jury C J Turner, jail act. Nov . . L VV Lancaster, weights and meas ures for standard keeper . 5 29 00 20 65 00 50 80 55 19 7 1 2 45 69 18 00 6 114 ri 00 8n 85 OO J T Britt, publishing Co. Exhibit 80 j Joseph Preddy, 500 ftet lumber for I puouc roaa .... I p n?um! sa,ar.-Y Janitor 6 25 12 00 3615 25 00 17 90 20 83 20 24 132 00 3 5o Dr S D Booth, medical attention in sn a'l pox and scarlet fever . Or P R ardee, medical attention in small oox and scarlet fever . Parker & Hunt, mdse for count r, Dr S D Booth, salary Supt. Nov . H bgond -Sc Davis, lumber Co home B S Royster, salary atty. and extra fee extra work E C Harris, com work and m'ge . E C Harris, 4 days as comr. and mileage 3 Utnes 9 10 50 OO 30 VV T Lyon, 5 days as com'r . . . F Crews, 3 days as com'r and mileage 2 times ... W S Gooch, 5 days as com'r and mileage 4 times 14 80 8 90 13 20 6 30 24 97 VV S Gooch, com work and mileage N B Daniel. 5 days as com'r and mileage 4 times B Daniel, 2 days committee work and mileage F Edwards, mdse . . Parker & Hunt, luirber and nails 12 23 L F Smith, 128 meals, Gattis-Kilgo jury H A Parham, building Grassy G Hunt, CSC, State failure fees vs. Wm. Robinson G Hunt, CSC, State failure fees vs. Bowden and Wyche .... G Hunt, CSC, State failure fees vs George Herndon ... G Hunt. CSC, State failure fees vs H Humphreys, John and Wm Eastwood G Hunt, C S G, State failure fees vs Jim Wilkins 32 OO 297 OO 3 53 7 30 10 63 24 46 4 13 7 42 3 34 5 7i J G Hunt, CSC, State failure fees vs Orange Catlett . . .... G Hunt, CSC, State failure fees vs Otis Hobgood . . ... G Hunt, CSC, State failure fees vs lohn B. Watson G Hunt, CSC, State failure fees vs Plummer Massenburg . . . G Hunt, CSC, State failure fees vs Harriet Howell 5 24 7 3o J G Hunt, CSC, State failure fees us Ship Walker . 7 00 J G Hunt, CSC, State failure fees vs Herbert O'Mary . . G Hunt, CSC, State failure feee vs Vandegrift G Hunt, CSC, State failure fees vs J E Lumpkins G Hunt, CSC, State failure fees vs Martha Lassiter b 52 30 67 2 70 3 50 11 73 J G Hunt, CSC, State failure fees vs Martha Lassiter J G Hunt, CSC, State failure fees vs Ship Walker and Anna Kings bury 12 86 3 47 8 85 11 08 J G Hunt, CSC, State failure fees vs C Harris G Hunt, CSC, State failure fees vs Hughey Cozart G Hunt, CSC, State failure fees vs Wrri Robinson J G Hunt, CSC, State failure fees vs Archie Sneea . . ... 10 84 J G Hunt, CSC, State failure fees vs Tom Hamrae . . .... 3 67 5 46 1 77 19 17 J G Hunt, CSC, State failure fees vs Turner Guss J G Hunt, CSC, State failure fees vs R S Usry J G Hunt, C S C, State failure fees vs Thos Allen J G Hunt, CSC, State failure fees vs Oliver Stancill I G Hunt, CSC, State failure tees vs Haywood Smith J G Hunt, CSC, State failure fees vs VV R Causey I G Hunt, CSC, State failure fees vs Wm Timb.rlake and John Taborn .... J G Hunt, CSC, Slate failure fees vs Otis obgood, Tom Hunt Ira Evans, F. Blackley J G Hunt, CSC, State failure fees vs Stephen Bragg ....... 2 20 08 4 18 12 17 12 30 11,392 70 $ 8 34 4 07 2 00 2 65 3 oq 4 52 2 50 43 15 13 09 35 00 2 OO 2 50 18 OO 3 5o 40 10 80 50 4 10 25 75 5 00 7 25 12 75 12 OO 9 85 7 25 1 OO 2 OO 18 25 I 50 25 OO $ 287 72 JANUARY, 1902. W R Buchanan, work, iron, etc., Hatchet t's run oeek budge. . S E Tackson, lumber and nails for public road. Tally Ho M Blalock, com. work Meadows mill bridge ... C F Crews, 1 day settling Treas'r and mileage VV A Parham, committee work and mileage 2 days J F Edwards, merchandise .... F W Hancock, merchandise . . CJ Turner, jail act. for Dec. . . C H Landis, merchandise .... C F Crews, making de'inq't list . T D Waller, 1 day set with Treas. J T Britt, 1000 1. heads for sheriff . I T Britt. pub. esc financial ex'it G A Faucett, conv. Lucy Roberts to jail . . I A Cottrell. serv. road notices Edwards & Broughton, supplies for esc office . . F W Hancock, pens for county . . W H Hatrison, repairs to room.etc J G Hunt, wood for court house . . S D Booth, disinf ng at W Alston's J R Wood, table.etc Parker & Hunt, coal Nov and Dec 1 P Mangum, salary janitor Dec . Dr S D Booth, salarv as Supt . . . J G Hunt, act. Dec " WJ Jones, lumber for pub' ic road Pete Bullock, cot for jail J B Mayes, acct. for Dec Edwards & Broughton, 150 blanks A A Hicks, part payment for road through Mrs M C Cannady's . . FEBRUARY, 1902. Sarr'l H Jones, building bridge at Gooch's mill $273 C E Fleming, conv. B Crews to jail 3 N B Daniel 1 day com. work and 3 70 3 20 60 mileage B R Humphreys, blacksmith work bridge, Providence Green & Stem, lumber for bridge . 11 WT H Jones, work and nails for brg 1 1 4 C L Eastwood, coffin for Mrs Elea nor Dickey N B Daniel, 4 days as com'r and mi'eage 3 times C F Crews. 3 days as com'r and mileage 2 times E C Harris, 3 days as com'r and mileage 2 times C H Landis, merchandise .... S A Fleming, acct for January . J W Phipps, remov. rafts fm. brdg L L Crews, lumber for p. road Lonnie Tinsley, paint and painting fcourthouse R J Aiken, nails for public road . C J Turner, jail acct. for Jan . . . Parker & Hunt, lumber for bridge C T Turner, conv. VV Jones asylum 2 oc 10 40 7 95 7 10 25 1 8 67 30 80 1 80 12 35 13 35 89 45 15 00 Dr S D Booth, reed, at'n s. fever . Harvey Hobgood, lumDer ior Drag Pete Bullock, 1 hog Co. Home . . Geo D Barnard & Co, 1 record wills CSC 8 J A Satterwhite, removing raft fm. bridge L Thomas, 1 hog for County Home J R Wood, coffin inmate Co Home Parker & Hunt, coal for county . . J G Hunt, acct for Jan Dr S D Booth. SiiDt heal h Jan . . J B Maves. acct for Jan .... J P Mangum, salary for Jan . . . I 50 10 00 2 OO 14 15 25 50 2' 83 69 54 i.5 00 Total . . $711 44 7 90 2 35 20 00 MKJH, I902. W B Newton, conv. 3 pris. to jail . I W Davis, lumber for bridge . . J D Wheeler, building bridge . . E B Cozart, lumber for bridge . . D J Gooch, removing raft fm. hrdg VV T Lyon, 2 days as com'r . . . Dr S D Booth, supt. hea th .... S A Fleming, acct. for Feb .... L B Dixon, 3 days grand jury . . Edwards & Brough.on.300 bills cost C J Turner, jail acct. for Feb . . . Green & Stem, lumber p. road . . J A Cottrell, serving 5 road orders J H Daniel, removing raft fm. brdg J H Daniel, articles lost in river re moving raft ... .... Landfs & Easton, 7 pairs blankets for jail J B Mayes, acct. for January . . . J P Stedman, medicine for jail . . J P Stedman, paper for ShfTs office S A Fieming.conv B Morgan as'lm J R Wood, mattress for jail .... J G Hunt, acct for February . . . j F Edwards, merchandise . . . 24 47 3 00 4 00 26 68 25 50 6 00 OO 80 77 00 50 2 24 2 2 1 2 40 7 00 28 90 1 80 1 00 17 50 2 25 18 90 15 62 7 o. 75 7 5o 15 00 10 OO IO 76 13 50 9 3 29 10 1 -rut, worn lor sanitary com . Baker. 6 sleepers for p. road . . T Britt, printing for Sheriff. . . P ManguiD, salary janitor Feb . S Brown, contribution. to good roads association . . G Hunt ha f fees State vs Burwell Hester and M Wilkerson . G Hunt, half fees State vs Will Marrow G Hunt, half fees State v A vV Jones . . ... . . . G Hunt, whole fees State vs Chas May . . ... G Hunt, half fees tate vs Lincoln Lassiter G Hnnt, h;df fees State vs B Cross G Hunt, half fees vs A L Jones G Hum, half fees State vs Ed Rid ley and Jim Harris 81 65 7 70 6 86 Total . $ 365 APRIL, 1902. 10 Hobgood & Davis, lumber for road,$ 8 40 1 95 35 44 18 50 3 50 3 75 2 00 2 05 2 00 3 60 4 12 10 00 1 85 1 65 20 00 15 o 14 25 2 00 15 00 r btedman, drugs lor jail . . . Parker & Hunt, coal March and Apl C J Turner, jail acct. for March . . Edwards-.Broughton, order book . 500 license . Dr r L Booth, 1 day san'ry com . E Pleasants, wod for p. road . . T D Waller, assisting C F Crews in settlement with county . . Dr J F Sanderford, 1 day sanitary com. and mileage . . . . Mrs C M Wilder 5 cords wood for public roac VV P Wilkerson, opening p. road . T P Curl, conv. Ta lor to jail . . Dr S D Booth, express, etc, for Co Dr P R Hardee, watching quaran tine and prof. serv. Lucy Goss . Dr P R Hardee, watehing quaran tine and prof serv. W.H.Puckett Green-stem, lumber public road . R T Smith, pine poles for p. road . P. Mangum, salary janitor March R L Pitchford, 1 day hauling p. rd 2 50 T P Curl, serving 2 road notices . Sam Webb, conv. C Eastwood to 80 13 05 Asvlum E C Harris, building bridge . . . 37 80 F Edwards, merchandise .... 43 2 4 8 C R Gordon, wood for public toad. VV J Barn tt, serving 6 road orders W G Crabtree. arrest and delivery Uempsy laylor . . . . . W S Gooch, 3 days com work and mileage VV S Gooch, 6 days as com'r and 4 milesges . . c F crews, 1 day set. with Treas E c Harris, 3 days com'r and mile age 2 times 16 80 2 65 7 00 J H Gooch, taking deposition W C Eastwood 2 OO J B Mayes, acct. for March .... J H chandler, warrant and comp't 19 25 55 25 83 Dr S D Booth, acct. as supt.and dis infecting at R T crews' .... J T Britt, stationery for R of D . . J G Hunt, cash paid for inquest of Jim Wilkins b 50 59 60 Total 4i 44 MAY, 1902. A J Yancey, lumber ad hauling public road . $ Ballad Norwood, lumber and build ing bridge, etc Dr P R Ha-dee serv. to c Eastwood N J Puckett, lumber for road . . . J P Mangum, janitor April . . J G Hunt, half fees State vs Virgin us Cheatham J G Hunt, half fees state vs . . . A catlett Mot Mill Forsyth and Bullock . Arch Howell Rosa Newton .... chas Thorp A catlett A catlett VV K Jenkins .... John Steed . . . Charley Veazey . . . S O Parham, cow for co. Home . N B Daniel, 4 days as com'r and mileage N B Daniel, 1 day com and mil'ge C F crews com work and mileage Sept. to May 6 . . . ... J ! Murray, conv J N Hicks to hospital ..." L F Smith, keeping order in court house January term T D Waller, 3 days services and mileage on Shelton bridge . . . VV R Fleming, lumber for road . . Dr S D Booth, Supt. Healih . . J T Britt, 500 notes of levy .... J T Britt, env. and 1. h. c. s. c . . Town of Oxford, half expenses curbing well . . ... c J Turner, acct. jail April .... Stakatta Pen co, pens and fast'rs M L Winston, terra cotta for road, J B Mayes, acct. for April .... I. S Elliott, conv. P Brewer to co. Home Walker, Evans and Cogswell co , envelopes and paper ... R Wood, coffin for R cannady . j G Hunt, wood and cut' ng same ch H c Gill, arrest VV K Jenkins and taking to court ...... S A Fleming, acct. for April . . . M D Oakley,3days wait'g on g jury j G Hunt, acct. for April . . . carl cozart, lumber for public road D P Wagstaff, land for road j G Hall, drug acct. from jan. 1901, to Oct. 1901 j G Hall, drugs for jail 4 00 10 00 2 00 3 15 18 5 47 5 8 5 8 9 17 2 8 2 4 26 9 3 11 1 00 10 4 20 1 4 3 16 2 OO 10 22 2 10 2 15 I 90 3i 6 II 7 IO 13 10 Total $ 396 36 JUNE, 1902. S H Mize, hauling ........$ 300 Eugene Umstead, lumber for road 2 00 T G currin, poles for road .... 2 25 j G Hunt, account for May ... 25 85 j McKee, returning j W Wortham to Hospital . . . 13 80 D R 'Knott, hauling poles and rock 2 50 W T Lyon, 4 days as commissioner 8 00 R L Hamilton, stationery .... 70 j W Dean, dynamite used on road 6o j P Mangum, janitor 15 00 j H Bailey, coffin for E Wilkerson 2 00 Edwards-Broughton, p. tax record 3 00 j R Wood, 2 mattresses for jail . . 4 25 Dr S D Booth, Supt. Health ... 20 83 c j Turner, jail account 33 40 W J Barnett, serving road order . 40 W F Lyon, conveying Harris to jail 2 55 j B Mayes, account for May .... 34 02 j N Watkins, reward cap're Owen, 25 00 j N Watkins, conv. R Owen to jail, 6 05 Edwards -Broughton. 2 doz j.p.dkts 19 20 j h Hicks, arrest Spencer currin 4 25 F S Beasl'ey, hauling rock . . 1 25 Dr j McKee, clothes for S currin . 10 00 N D Hobgood, 4 bis. corn co. home 16 00 50 00 14 95 50 50 65 Total 9 266 JULY, i.902 Mary L Newton, land for p. road, O. HillS 5 00 J R Renn. listing taxes, Fishing Creek.. 35 00 E J Jenkins, listing taxeo. Brassfleld .... 40 00 L A Lyon, listing axes, Dutchville 40 00 .r a shotwell. listing taxes. W. Grove.. 80 00 00 L A Boy-ter, Hating taxes, Oak Hill.... 80 00 L L Crews, listing taxep, Tally Ho S J Cnrrin. listlner taxe. Snnssfraa ffnpt 40 00 HO 00 B I Breed'ove, listing taxes, Salem 95 b. 1 crews, listing taxes, Oxford J E Duncan, hauling and nails for road.. Capt W A. Devin, ap'n to Q Gray Dr S D Booth, salary upt Health fi C Harris, 3 daya S U Harris, 4 days cem'r and mlge 3 t. . . O F Crews. 3 days com'r and m'ge 2 t... C F Crew., 1 day and mlge , settlement wir.h Treaeuier J Q Hnnt, examination of E Jones, etc.. J T Brif stationery.... Walker Evans Cogswell Co,chat m book J P Mangum, janitor K A Tnnstall. 8'5 ft. oak lumber, road.. E T Crews, a's't'g chmn in set Tre.'r Edwards & Broughton, lien record and tax book J B Mayes, acct for Jnne...- A C Parham, repairs to bridge.......... W V Lyon, conv. C Lyon to jiil J F Edwards mdse from April to June.. li B Turner, lumber for bridge S M Wheeler, casn paid hanf s and his services on bridge S E Johnson. 350 ft. nlank for road 75 00 3 75 1C0 00 20 83 5 70 9 50 7 30 2 65 3 6 4 50 12 .0 15 00 12 38 2 00 16 00 10 75 5 00 3 30 28 65 3 45 29 85 3 51 5 00 2 00 f'5 Dr N C Daniel, med services pension bd. J F Hobgood, repairs to bridge,TalIy Ho J P Stedman, bottle ink K. of D Sam'l H Jones. 17 cords wood. 2 1 2 d hauling J N Watkins. conv. i, Kovster to iail. " 11 80 3 00 51 25 X CO 3 00 3 00 1 50 2 00 4 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 I CO 1 00 125 19 125 0 t 10 40 3 50 1 40 2 00 11 60 1 00 2 00 2 00 C J Turner, jail acct for Jane I T Britt. otice of reward, c.te.. J T Brit, 200 receipt, etc J T ritt. 1,000 envelope, for Rot D. Ptrk'r & Hu:i. 500 nounds coal. F Ham me. nttiig I.fA Harrisbare- 8AF1 min nmmonln? 5 jurors Sm Wbb, service as juror J Y Wheeler, services as juror John Dayis, services as Jaror C L Eii-twood. crviccs as juror . . ....... J ' 1 ...... ...... ! J G Hunt, p .ying'handB "n SheltinV bg. 11 noogoup, lumo, r &nc!ton s Dndge.... N B Daniel, 4 days com'r, mlge. 3 times. N B Daniel, 1 day c m, work and mlge.. II T Norwood, conv. Wm Gregory to jail W S Gooch. committee work W 8 Gooch 4 days com'r, mlge 3 times Long Bros, ov rslls and shirts B Smith.. T L Booth, exam. Ezra Jones J T Britt, application for Tom Parker.. Total f 1,147 10 AUGUST, 19C2. J d ' nnt, fRC, acct, f .r Jnlv $ S2 80 C " Crewf, 2 days om'r and mlge. 2 t.. . 5 30 L W Stark, banling 2 trips Shelton's bg, 2 50 J V Edwards, material for Shelton's bg. 58 12 R !. Ufiailton. medicine for jail . 1 45 J G "unt, esc, errors m bills cost 9 ?5 .1 P Mangum, janitor Jnly 12 50 C J Turner waitingon jury 7 50 J T, 500 rebate blank. 1 50 J r Britt, 500 letter head, for Sheriff 1 50 J B Mayes, acct. f r .Inly 24 10 Edwards & Brnughtor, binding 2 books 7 00 C J Turner, -ail acct July 69 00 L P Smith, 115 meals, etc., jury 28 r5 G Hnnt, esc, nan tees Mate vs Grant Penix 10 a 5 Monk Korster 8 00 Taswell Marrow .. 8 83 C H Parham 4 33 Wm. Gregory 9 68 Braxton Bragg 12 8 E 1 Jones .... 4 73 E P Jones 4 13 .tones and Lnck s 05 George Vaughan I 58 George Vaughan 23 30 wnole fees State vs Robert Owen 89 95 hair fees State vs Charles Kittrell 6 10 Walter Bell 4 64 Taswell Marrow 5 5)5 W H Elliott 4 50 Lnna Veazey 4 88 J N Watkins.... 7 13 Thomas Boon 2 60 Day and Humphreys 4 45 Peter Conningham 1 40 Jim Harris 95-5 W E Minor 10 00 Total $ 495 96 SEPTBMBER, 1902. D W Fowler, conv. Geo. Vanghan and Gran Penix to 1 ail 17 60 8 J Cnrrin, holding inqnest Jno. Hardy.. 21 20 yj d ru-ner, jail account August 52 10 Landis & Ea.ton, pair blankets for jail.. 1 J P Mangam, janitor August 12 Harvey fir-bgood, bal. due tor I timber 32 4i tt C Harris, 3 days com'r. mlge, 3 times 7 60 E C Harris, 5 days set, with Sheriff 10 40 N B Daniel, 3 days com. work, mlge. 3 t 9 N B Daniel, 2 days com'r and mlge, 2 t.. 5 T ML Tomasson, repairs bridge 3 15 25 1. h uison, conv. l. L.wis to jau 2 T D Walter 55 1-2 davs work Shelton's bg 25 ir u uootn, salary supt ueaitn, eic. Mi K it Hamilton, drugs lor jail August.. 2 K T Crews, 7 1-2 days set. with Sheriff. ... 20 J G Hnnt, examination Luetta O'Brian. . 3 J B Mayes, acct. lor August 35 8 Edwards & Br nghton, 1 oles and tax bk. 2 J H A Barham, building bridge 100 Total $388 OCTOBER, 1902, W A Blackley, paying hands, etc $ 31 A S Crazier, naaling poles for road 1 R L Cla k nnd Rob Daniel. building abut ments to Swift creek bridge 35 W C Cnrrin, sery. 8 notices poll-holders 2 R E Bootu, serv. 4 notices poll-holders.. 1 G B Kovster, acct. B Day pauper order. 2 T P Car!, serv. 5 road orders 2 R L Hamilton, iru8 for jail 1 K D Arrington, bnllding small bridge.. 7 Dr S D Booth, Supt, disinfection, etc ... 25 fart, r nun', lumber 3 C F Turn r. building bridge 49 W S Gooch. 5 days com'r and mileage.. 14 C J Turner, jail acct for September.... 5i - A Firming, acct. la ad sold, &c 2.0 j p Mangum, j .nitor -epttmber 12 W T Lyon, 5 nays as commissioner 10 j B Mayes. mothly acct .computing taxes 266 00 00 JT Britt, envelopes, tax receipts, etc.. 15 Total $ 777 NOVEMBER, 1902. 45 45 J W McGhee. cutting tree from bridge.. $ W C Currin, cony, L Wortham to jail.... C J Turner.coy.E Cannady to Goldsboro 16 D U Fowler, conv. Miss Dement to jail. 4 47 77 53 13 Bd wards & Broughton, ona tax book 2 J G Hunt, acct. a3 clerk 15 Sta'e Hospital, Lucy Roberts' esrenes, 8 J K Wood, mattress for jail 2 30 J B Maye, account a cierk, etc 8 73 03 B C Bullork, 700 feet lum -er ...a 9 J S VJoss. building abutments to bridge 5 35 40 50 C F Crews. 3 days com'r and mlge 3 t.. 7 Dr S D Booth, acct. as 8 pi. Health 20 I'arker & Hunt coal J P Maneum, salt.y as janitor Oc'.ober.. U A Pool, repairing wel in jail 60 Total 126 50 OUTSIDE PAUPEES. JANU BY, 1902. 30 55 Kobt, Kinton, special allowance $ FEBRUARY, 1902, G W Parker, Special al. Sandy Owen ... C N Floyd, 6 mo. sup. Maria Allen W H Garner. 6 mo. up. Joseph Allen.... Rnssell B:os, 6 mo. snp Ka he Allen .. G B Royster, 6 mo sup Betsy Beasly.. 00 79 3 25 50 J Brown, 6 mo snp. L Barwell s child. J M Brad-her, 6 mo. sup. 1 M Bradsher.. 12 J W Fuller, 6 mo. sup Dick Barton 6 K T Pittard, 6 mo. sup. Booker Barton.. 6 A L Jones, 6 mo. sup. Mary Burton A G Fleming, 6 mo. snp. Estha Byrd Howard & McFarland.6 mo.snp. I Barton K A Lyon 6 mo sup. Pattie Bovyen 37 10 89 W K Jenkins. 6 mo sup. Martha Brown, 6 A L Royster. 6 mo. snp. Maria Jones.... 6 W L Ragiand, 6 mo. sup. Robt Kinton .. 12 R V Blackwell,6 mo,snp. H Blackwell 9 35 OO 80 OO 69 T L Ropers, 6 mo. s" p. Maria Ball ...... 6 J S Hrown, 6 mo. sup. Random Cannady. 9 J L Carrington. 6 mo sup Lnetta Cozart 8 J L Carrrngtn.6 mo. sup. Manh Coz .rt 3 T L Howell & Bro, 6 mo. sup H Cooper. 3 C L Howard. 1 mo. snp. Emiline Cash .. 1 W J Wilxon, 6 mo sup. Maria Dickerson 6 W A Parham, 6 mo up. Nancy Davis .. 6 R M Hight, 6 mo. sup. Maria Davis 3 J H Gooch, 6 mo. snp. Parmelia Dixon.. 6 F M Dixon, 6 rao. sup. L Evans 6 Sion U Kogers,6 mo. sup. Fo ly Freeman 3 E H Crc shaw. 6 mo. sup Rowan Fields 6 C J Roberts, 6 mo sup Wm Forsythe .. 6 C J Roberts, 6 mo. sup. R Forsythe 6 John Balloc?r, 6 mo. sup. G Gregory .... 6 G W Watkins, 6 mo. snp. W H Gre nway 6 J A Anderson, 6 mo. sni. Ritta Horner. . 6 E H Crenshaw, 6 mo. sup.L Hobgood 6 B F Hester, 6 mo. snp. Woodfln Hester. . 6 W S Barwell, 6 mo. sup. Maiy Hnnt 6 Miss Pattie Hicks,6 mo. snp. P Hicks .... 6 3 W Harris, 6 mo sup. Jacksie Harp.... 1 D H tVaestaff, 6 mo sup. B Hudleston.. 6 B C Harris, 6 mo. snp. Scofield Hester.. 6 Wheeler & Boyd, 6 mo sup. T Harris. ... 6 B I Harris. 2 mo. sup. David Haithcock.. 2 J W Harris. 6 mo. sup. Mary Inscore.... 6 Mrs A M Jones. 6 mo. snp. self 6 T L Ho ell & Bro. 6 mo. su. P Lewie. . 6 J S Brown. 6 mo. sup. Dan Lewis 6 T L Howell & Bro.6mo sup.M Longmire 6 N G Crews, 6 mo. snp, Irene Lyon 6 C G Royster,6 moe. sup. Lucy Morton.... 6 T L Howell & Bro, 6 mo. snp P Marable 6 T L Howell & Bro, 6 mo. sup. C Moss.. . 6 Dr G T Sikes, 6 mo. sup. Sosan Merritt... 6 A P Hobgood, 6 mo. snp. M Montague 6 Dr 1 H Davis, 6 mo. snp. Mary Mathews. 6 Dr 1 H Dvi,6 mo.sup Fannie Matthews 6 Howard Dorsey, 6 mo. snp. Sun Marrow, 3 C G Royster, 6 mo. snp. Mary Masten.... 1 John McGhee, 6 mo sup. P McGhee .... 6 E H Crenshaw. 6 mo. sup. Add McAdden 6 T L Howell & Bro.6 M Montague 6 C G Royster, 6 mo. sup. Belle Newton... 6 Sam H Jones, 6 mo. sup Sallie Oakley.. 6 K T Pittard, 6 mo. inp. Matilda Oakley... 6 W D Amis & Co, 6 mo. -up. P O'Briant . 6 R H Currin, 6 mo nnp. W R Oakley 6 R H Carrin, 6 m?. sup. Emily Oakley.. . 6 T E Bobbitt, 6 mo. sup. Louisa Parrish. . 6 T L Howell & Bro. 6 mo. SHp.Betsy Page 6 H C Wilborn, 6 mo. snp. Martha Pool .... 6 Dr G T Sikes, 6 mo. sap. Ann Parrish .... 3 J 8 Brown, 5 mo. sup. Hannah Parham.. 3 T L Howell & Bro, 6 mo.snp B Roberson 6 T L Cannady, 6 mo snp. Betsy Ross.... 6 JJ1 Gooch, 6 mo. sup Kachel Sweaney.. 6 J W Beck, 6 mo. sup. Penna Stanly 6 S D Norwood & Co, 6 mo.sup. P Smith... 3 C Q Royster, 3 mo. snp. L Skipwith 3 L D & E C Veazy.6 mo.sup.M Satterwhite 6 '3 OO 13 91 OO 23 05 50 A Golden Rule 00 of Agriculture: Be good to your land and your crop will be good. Plenty of Potash in the fertilizer spells quality ana quantity in the har vest. Write us and we win 6enu you, free, by next mail, our money winning books. GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau Street, New York. Sam H Jones. 6 mo. snp. Mtb J Tadlock, T L Howell & Bro, 6 mo. snp Mat Taylor. T L Howell & Bro,4 mo.enp.M Jhompaon K E Booth. 6 mo. snr. Fan 6 08 6 00 4 OO l T l-i- C . T.. . Ji 12 00 t rm. ' V ""J- " moiBon 6 OO Pete Thorp, 6 mo. sud. a Tn.w 600 I. a itoyster. b moe. sun. M Thnminn 6 00 600 6 OO 6 00 600 6 00 12oo 6 00 6 00 lo OO 3 OO J H Gooch, 6 mo. sup. Joseph Waller.... J H Gooch, 6 mo. s c p. Nice Waller .... J H Gooch, 6 mo. sup. Amelia Walker.. J S Brown, 6 mo snp. Andrew TTi'kerson J C Pitta d, 6 mo. su). Elizabeth Weaver J M Watts, 6 ms. sup. J m Hall.. 1 u Harris, 6 mo. sup. Kosa Wright Sam H Jonee, 6 mo. sun. 8 Willcford W T Ljon, 6 mo. snp. Bella Watkins . J P Stovall, 6 mo. snp. Isham Vonncr MARCH, 19c2. J I Haithock, coffin for D Haithcock 2 OO APRIL 19o2. Robt Kinton, special allowance 3 OO JUNE, 19o2. J R Wilson & Son, sup. Mrs S Cnrrin.. 3 O0 JULY, 19o2. Robt Kinton, special allowance 3 00 AUGUST, 19o2. UN JTloyd, b mo. sup. Mary Allen. ... 6 00 6 OO 600 600 6 OO 6 OO 12 00 6 00 3 00 3 00 6 00 6 00 600 6 00 12 OQ 6 00 w 11 Garner, b mo. sup. Joseph Allen.. Russell Bros. 6 mos. bud Kachp.i aht. H D Mangum, 6 mo. sup. Espie Allen.... G B Royster. 6 mo. sop. Betsy Beaely.. J S Brown. 6 mo. sup. Laura Burwell.." J M Bradeher, 6 mo. sup. self . v iu. cup. ..uuK-.r Dunon A L Jones, 6 mo. .up. Mary Burton.. " A G Fleming, 6 mo. sup. Esth. r Byrd.... tiowara b jacr ariard.o mo.sup. I Burton J W Wright, 3 mo. sup.Patue.Bowen...." nr . neMUB, o mo. sup. marina Boon.. N E Faacette. 6 mo. bud. Marv Rail R V Blackwell, 6 mo. snp. H BlackwelJ... n, jn xiigni, o mo.sup. jaitn Brandon.... THE FOLLOWING FOB SIX MOM TUB : J L Carrlngton for Lnetta Cozart J L Carrington for Martha Cozart ... . T L Howell for Henderson Cooper C L Howard for Emeline Cash J H Gooch for Kate Carmichell W H Green for Andrew Wilkerson S L Wilson for Maria Dickerson W A Parham for Nancy Davis R M Hight for Mona Davis 00 ,1 u uuutu iui Q.ruieiia iiLon...,. .... ft OO B" M Dixon for Louyenia Evans 2 nn mm iwa a - mm Sion H Rogers for Polly Freeman S 00 n. t ijrensnaw ior Kowan Field 00 C J Roberts for Wm Forsythe una r ,Krt-. r . . V. TI, . O u .fci'ui b u . uttta c ur cyme. . km John Bullock for Grand Gregory w w uLj-iub ior vv wreenway . . . J A Anderson for Bella Horner I , lir ,11 . j. 1 : F , rr w . - 00 50 87 E H Crenshaw for Louisa Hobgood d r nesier ior wooann ueeter.. 50 W 8 Barwell for Marv Hunt nn 50 x, 1 .. . 1 1 t : .. 1 1 c u iuiB. x aLLie xii iur sell...........,,,. G O Pitts for Tamah Harris 80 bO 25 D P Wagstaff for Benny Hudleston a C Harris for Scolield He.ter 55 Mrs A M Jones for self 50 J W H'ris'ht for Maria Jones 12 00 li W L Ragiand for H bt Kinton 12 00 10 T L Howell & Bro for Pat. v Lewis nn CO 86 J D Brown for Dave Lwis 00 T L Howell & Bro f r M Lonemire 00 N G Crews for Irene Lyon .... goo 2o w u amis ior Mary Lyon K 00 00 C G Royster for Lucy Marrow. J D Brooks for Peter Marable... 72 M B Hobgood for Chanev Moss JLr G T sikes lor Susan Merritt. Dr 1 H Davis for Mary Mathews oo r , T 1 r - m . ... 1 u 99 00 .IIUUDISIUI 1U.) iTiauuuws ... Howard Dorsey for Ann Marrow John McGhee for Priscilla McGhee 00 B H Crenshaw for Add McAdden 40 20 00 00 70 50 83 T L Howell & Bro for Maria Montaeae.. C G Royster for Bella Newton 00 Sam H Jones for Sallie Oakley g 00 k -j; i-i.iara ior juatuaa uaKiey 6 00 W D Amid & Co for Harthenia O'Briant, a 00 It U Currin for W K Oakley 12 00 K 11 Carrin for Emma F Oakley ft 00 31 T E Bobbitt for Louisa Parrish r 00 13 I T L Howell & Bro for Betsy Page r 00 80 u u uoorn ior jwnrtna I'ool k 00 75 45 50 00 25 G T Sikes for Ana Parrish 8 00 J S Brown for Hannah Parham 8 00 T L Howell & Bro for Ban Robinson.... g 00 T L Cannady for B jtsy Hobs 00 J S Brown for Kovena Kussell 5 00 J H Gooch for Rachel Sweaney g 00 J M Beck for Reme Stanley 6 00 C G Royster for Loiena Skipwith k 00 N L Gillis for Mamie G Satterwhite .... 9 00 Sam U Jones for Mrs Joe Tadlock 500 T L How-U & Bro for Mat Taylor goo K E Booth for Fanny Terry 12 00 K T Pittard for Lovena Tillotson a 00 Pete Thorp for Anderson Townes 9 00 J H Gooch for Joseph Waller 6 00 " for Ned Waller oo " tor Amelia Walker goo " for Elizabeth Weaver goo J M Wall for self 12 00 1 II Har.-is for Roa wright g 00 w T Lyon for Bett ie watkins 12 00 Sam U Jones for Sallie wi lliford goo J P Stovall for. Isham Young 3 00 J S Brown for Morando Montague goo L A Royster for Martha Thornton 6 00 J S Brown, 3 mo. snp. Ransom Cannady, g 00 w U Green, 2 mo. sup. Mrs S Cnrrin .... 4 00 J w Fuller, 2 mo. snp. Richard Barton.. 2 00 J w Harris. 1 mo. sup Jackale Harp.... 1 00 " 3 mo. sup. Mary Inscore.... 800 w F Dement, 3 mo. sup. May Inscoe.... g 00 E K Howard, 5 mo. sup. Dolly Lewie.... 5 00 N E Faucett, 2 mo. sup. Sallie McGhee. 2 00 1M K Fnncett. 2 mo. snD. Nancv McGhee.. 2 00 00 81 75 80 10 40 25 00 65 25 9o 00 50 fe5 83 8t 12 50 162 31 3 0J Z w Allen, 1 mo. snp. India Oakley 1 00 Sandy Parham. 1 mo. sup. Sarah Parham 3 01 S D Norwood & Co,3 mo.sup.Peter Smith 1 5o 3 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 L S Royster, 3 mo. snp. Peter Smith.... 3 00 Russell Bros, 3 mo sup. P Slaughter.... 800 Hnspel: Bros. 3 mo. sup. Tilly A Thorp. . 3 00 S V Morton, 5 mo. sup. E wilkerson .... lo 00 w A McFarland, 2 mo. sup. E wortham. . 2 00 C G Hovster, 4 mo. sup. Jane Davis 4 00 James Clark, 3 mo. sup. Jane Elam 3 00 Total I 69 50 SEPTEMBER, 1902. Mary wright, coffin for Rose wright.... 2 00 N Johnson, conv. R Fielis to c. home.... 75 w D Amis & Co, coffin for Mary Ladd ... 2 00 Sandy Parham, 1 mo sup. Sarah Parham 2 00 6 00 0) CO 00 3 00 3 00 6 00 6 00 00 00 00 00 00 0') (K) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 CO 00 00 00 00 00 00 OO 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 CO 00 00 00 21 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 Total OCTOBER, 19o2. Robt Kinton, special allowance self ... Sandy Parham, 1 mo. enp. Sarah Parham Total NOVEMBER, 19o2. Sandy Parham, 1 mo. sup. Sarah Parham AGED AND INFIRM. J. R. Walters Dec, 1901, salary and mdse Co.II 120 00 I46 22 9t 41 no 02 45 23 198 67 149 97 152 75 154 46 164 44 Jan., 1902, Feb., Mch., " Apl., " May, " June, ' July, Aug.. " ' Sept., " w Total $1,341 17 AMOUNT PAID JURIES. Nov. Term, I90I $ 466 80 February Term, I9O2 214 25 April Term 202 15 July Term 358 50 Total $ 1,241 70 RECAPITULATION. Rec'd from Gen. Co. tax $I3795 4 RecM from pauper tax 934 99 Total $14.73 4Q EXPENDITURES. Gen. Co. Orders issued $6, 103 07 Pauper orders issued 2,564 13 Faid jurors 1,241 7 Total Expenditures $ 9,9S 90 Total Receipts I4,73 4 Excess rec'ts over disb'ments...$ 4 821 JOHN B. MAYES, Register of Deeds Granville Co. 5 OO 6 OO 3 OO 6 OO BOO 6 00 8 00 6 00 6 00 6OO 6 OO 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 OO oo 6 OO 6 OO 6 OO 6 00 6 00 Boo 6 00 8 00 6 OO 6 75 3 OO 2 eo 5 00 3 00 5o