'- . t Zf." il-ii ! ' - The crowmnc joy o; woman- nood is mother hood and the crowning joy of is to have healthy no joy in children. But there can be motherhood without health, and without he.illh for the mother there can be no lK-alth for the child. It is of vital importance for women to fc now that the health of mother and child is in general entirely within woman's control. The thousands of women who have used Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription when expecting motherhood, have testified that it made them healthy and happy in the days of waiting, made the baby's advent practically painless, and gave them health to give their chil dren. Mrs. V. J. Kidder, of Hill Dale Farm (Enos burg Center). Knosburg, Vt., writes: During the past year I found nivself expecting maternity and in rapidly failing health. I suffered dread fully from bloating- and urinary difficulty. I was growing perceptibly weaker each dav and suffered much sharp pain at times. I felt that something must be done. I sought your advice and received a prompt replv. Took twelve bottles of Doctor Pierce's FavoVite Prescription, and also followed your instructions. I began to improve immediately, my health became excellent, and I could do all my own work (we live on a good sized farm). I walked and rode ail l could, and enioved it. I had a short, easy confinement and have a healthy baby boy." The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser, a book containing 1008 pages, is given away. Send 21 one-cent stamps for expense of mailing only, for the book in paper covers, or 31 stamps for the volume bound in cloth. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. OXPORD PUBLIC LEDGER. JOHN T. liltlTT. OWNER AND EDITOR THURSDAY. - JAN.15, 190:, THE GOVERNOR'S MESSAGE. The cost of producing- sugar in Cuba averages 1 cents a pound. The message of Governor C. B. Ay- cock, which occupies nearly two pages of the supplement to this issue of The Observer, is an able State paper. The most important portion is perhaps, his recommendation for a .$r00,000 bond issue to meet the de ficit of $319,419.41 in the Treasury. The Governor has wisely recom mended the best course that can be taken in this dilemma. lie recom mends that the revenue and machin ery acts be re-enacted with very slight changes, as the State officials and the people have just become thoroughly familiar with these tax laws and hence it would be unwise to radically chnnge them. The Governor comes out boldly In opposition to the sentiment that de mands negro taxes for negro schools and white taxes for white schools. He shows that the negroes, with 221, 1)5S children of school age, pay $121, 442.90 of taxes, leaving- less than r7 cents for the education of each negro child, which would provide not much more than one month's school in a year. 1 he Governor recommends a child labor law forbidding the working in factories of children under twelve, aud of children, under fourteen at night, and, after 190,"), of children who cannot read and write. The fixing of the working day at eleven hours and the working- night at ten hours Is recommended. A column of the message is devoted The New York Times gives Senator I'ritchard credit for the following story: The Senator, while tellim now wealthy his section of North Carolina is, remarked, "A mountain eer, aged 92, and his wife, aged 90, were returning: trom the funeral of tneir oldest child, who had died at the age of 71 They were both deep ly grieved. As they were discussing their lot the wife said, 'I always told you, John, that we would never raise that child.'" If you have catarch, rheumatism, kidney to urging the importance of increas lrouble, or any disease caused by impurities h no- thu ..il!fiua f ut t in the blood, take Rheumacide. This won- ! fdcl,lties of the Stte S instl- derlul remedy destroys the root of the ease. At druggists. dif . j.ne nrst electric railway was that of Siemens of Berlin In 1S79. mLionH ior caring: ior ner insane. The Governor discusses this import ant subject intelligently and earnest ly and calls attention to the needs tie larmer who makes the most above cost is the one who is the most successful. The farmer who spends $ SO on two acres of tobacco in order to make $S0 is no better off than the one who spends .$40 on one acre and makes 40 This is the les son that we must all learn. If every farmer in the State would adopt the intensive method of farmingit would be one of the greatest blessings that could be bestowed upon North Caro- ina. Fewer acres, more dollars; more acres, fewer dollars. Proirress- ve Farmer. 1 In cleaning up the court house by the janitor siuce the installation was found a large roll of Judge Boyd's charge to the federal court gTand jury in October, 1902. It will be re membered that this charge of a judge on the bench was printed in circular form with large scareheads of "fed eral court's authority over State elections; vote guaranteed to all races alike," etc. It is probably the nrst time and the only time in the history of this or any other State that the charge of a judge of any court was used as a campaign docu ment. Ex. The President threw a sop to the lilv whites Jan. 7, removing Captain lnhurst, a colored man, as survey or of customs at Atlanta aud ap pointing Marcellus (). Markham, white, who is classed as a lily white In his stead. In view of the fact that Wlnhurst has made a good record Pretty, but so Thin! .4 Doctor," said our clerk, as a customer went out, that wo man would be a beauty if she were not so horribly thin." " Yes," said the doctor, " she is really ill ; most thin women are ill." Unusual thinness may mean worry, extra work, care of the sick, nervousness, dyspepsia, bowel troubles, or the first sign of a serious disease like consumption. The best thing we have found for thin people, whatever the cause, is Vinol. To combine the medicinal properties of cod liver oil with organic iron in such a powerful and yet well-tasting prepara tion, was a great discovery. If you try it and are not pleased, we pay the money back R. L. HAMILTON, DRUGIST. for moral improvement, for political reform and for better school', but to find a new way of living that will give the assurance which fading, faiuting creed no longer supplies. The greatest thing in life is activity, and we live most finely and most sanely when we prove a right action in others. The spiritual, mental and moral nature of a man is only par tially developed. We must so live that by our influence wre get out of others the best that is in them. NOT LONG SiNCE. Once, and the time Is not far to the rear of us, the problem of the South was to provide schools for its chil dren. Now the schools are provided and the problem is how to get into them the children who do not at tend, in other words, the task is now to educate the parents to show them the necessity for training their children and to point out the oppor tunity offered in the schools now in operation throughout the State, ! There are many parents who toil ! and endure hardships in order to ! give their children the advantage of I an education, there are others who I either give no thought to the future of the child, or as soon as it is capa ble of a day's toil put it to work in a factory or on a farm, denying to it all chance in life. Of course the man who does this sins against both his child and his State, and the problem is how the evil may best be remedied. For unquestionably the State has a right to remedy it by law if it sees lit to do so. Ashevil'e Citizen. A Scientific Discovery. Kodol does for the stomach that which It is unahle to do tor itselt. even when but slightly disordered or overloaped. Kodo! supplies the natu al juices ot d'gestion and does the work cf the stomach, relating the nervous tension, whi'e the inflamed muc!es of that organ are allowed to rest and hea. Kodol digests what ou eat and enables the jnmWPT in I thiiiii 11 ipwuin iMII, a " -- 1 St J Thoroughly eradicates the excess of Uric and Lactic Acids from the system starts tne Kidneys into neaitny action, cures consupauon ana indigestion THIS DONE, YOU ARE WELL OF HEOMHTISfl AND ANY OTHER DISEASE CAUSED BY IMPURE BLOOD. Do not be discouraged if other remedies have failed. RHEUMACIDE has made its repu ion by curing alleged incurable cases. Does not injure the organs of digestion. GoiiDSBOKO, N. C, Aug-. 25, 1302. Gentlemen Some six years ag-o I began to have sciatica, and also a chronic case of muscular rheumatism. At times I could not work at ail (my business being baggagre master on Southern K. It.). For days and weeks at a time I couid not work. My suffering- was intense. Physicians treated me, without permanent relief, however. Tried a number of advertised remedies without permanent benefit. Finally I tried " Riieumacidtz." It did the work, and I have had ex cellent health for three years. I can cheerfully say that all rheumatics should use "Bheumacide," for it Is by far the best remedy. it. A. iiOilAX. Price $1.00 prepaid express, or from you Druggist. Bobbitt Chemical Co., - - Baltimore, fid., U.S.A. fe"iiLJ FOR THE:) JINTE Aly stock of wood air tight heaters are now on exhibition and em braces the jatest iniDroved line, nlsn rnal h r 7 v.u..v.j icuji aiuuK. I OOK SCOVeS useful THE JIIGIIEU LIFE. stomach and digestive orfrnns to trancf I ana ranees, and housekee oers froods crenersillv IUic. ri c a - --3 " 11 o o - - , . 1 iivucouuo yji ! all food into rich, red bl od. J G. Hall. I things. I Mo er y "My mother was troubled with fcj consumption for many years. At lief C rr 1" ; - o tin r- TV ex "Ul out. wao 11:1 Lip lu lilt;. X 11 w 11 she tried Aver's Cherrv Pectoral. and was speedily cured." D. P. Jolly, Avoca, N. Y. for increased accommodations at the ana there are no charges against Morc-anton and fraleiirh HnsnitHlH him, another explanation from the The Governor defends his Dardon Wbite House is in order- Negroes all Old-Time ReHglon. I record : calls attention to the 2-rati- over the country are greatly pleased G,ve me the old-time religion I tying fact that the penitentiary iswith the president's friendly policy! The one that our fathers knew self-supporting, having paid off a I displayed toward the race, and this ree from the surpliced choir, 54,000 debt; deprecates the State's fact is giving them hopes for even record of eight lynchings in two I greater things. Raleigh Post. years: recommends confining the I The time may come when the own manufacture of liquor to incorpor-ler of a small potato farm will find it porated towns; commends the build-1 as profitable as an average cold- WOOD'S Gardi NEW DEERING No matter how hard U your conga or how ions I you have had it, Ayer's I Cherry Pectoral is the I best thing you can take, gj It's too risky to wait I untn you have consump- tion. if you are coughing I today, get a bottle of Cherry Pectoral at once. ing of good roads, and recommends! an exhibit at the St. Louis World's I Fair. j. lie message gives a rnorougn re- mlning claim in producing districts. He will not have to employ so much I J 1 -m capital nor dig so deep to develop nis bonanza, and yet the returns will When the And style in the ministry, too- Free from all pomp and fashion; With all the "amen's" left out: In a church with an "amen corner," Where a penitent sinner can shout! Give me the old time preacher, On his cob with his saddlebags. W ho valued not more a broadcloth soul Than one in a habit of rags; ui.ru- jj and practical f if iiiree sizes : 25c, 55c, $1. All druggists. Consult your doctor. If he says take it. J.-I ...ic.i uu iic Bi . 11 ne lens you not 4 to take it, then don't take it. He knows V Isve it with hiin. We are willine. i J-1;. AVER CO., Lowell, Mass view of his administration, and is in I he steady and entrancing every respect an able State paper, I great values that are to be realized I Wno humbly along his humble way Charlotte Observer. I in the exploitation of the humble Was ever content to plod, I inurPny r "spud," as the Yan- wuri no other wish than to preach 1 ukck 3 KCPUK 1 . kees have it, become known we may The State Treasurer's report has 1 8ee syndicates organized to run po- been put in circulation. It shows tato development companies listed I H. C. F. that the deficit for the years 1901-1902 1 on the exchanges with those of min- on the appropriation was $287,180. 1 inff oil and rubber propositions. buttheamount owed by institutions I Atlanta Constitution. I Is S14!),G;J: ; and there is also the J A certain editor who is about to tf-'OO.OOO borrowed early in 1902 from pull up and leave for lack of snnnnrt I a New York bank, making a total of I sarcastically remarks in partingthat 349.082. From this must be deduct-1 editors don't need money. "Don't White boy found dead In a field near Mobile. Ala.; a negro boy is sus pected of the murder. worry about the editor," he says. " He has a charter from the State to Dislocated Her Shoulder. Mrs. Johanna Sderholm, of Fergus Fal's, Minn ,fe!l and dislo-ated her shoulder She had a surgeon get it back in place as soon as possible, but it was quite sore and pained her very mu h. Her son mentioned that he had seen Chamberlain's Pai tisedfor sprains and soreness, and she asked him to buy her a bottle of it, which he did It quickly relieved her and enabled her 10 s'etp which she had not done for sever. 1 days. The son was so m ch nlearpd with the relief it gave his mother thst he has sin e recon mended it to many others. For sa e by all druggists. eu ine oaiance 011 linri sn9v making the net debt $319,419. It is pretty certain that bonds will have to be issued. This can be TbeNtMt rIVl!l Ulirm- DOlmn il.. linn. r. -wl 1 H - i tomiiczi.es me "- v , auu otauu up ior you wnenvou expenses for the years 1903 1904 at run for office, and lie about vour 1,899,000, including, so far as public I pigeon-toed daughter's tackev wed- institutions are concernpd. nnhr ldinr and hlnw nhnnt: uoup Ki,Pf.,i -, - - r ' - 7 wui UiiilUULC'J The Golden Rule. The Rev. H. o. Gibbon, Presbyterian, Philadelphia, Pa. When we can teach men the Infinite worth of the golden rule and bring them to cherish an enlightened con science, the rich will not oppress the poor, nor will the poor envy the rich; but the rich and poor will meet to- Best fortiio"S South," ! because they are speciaTIv irrowri ana seiectea witn uiuj; in owied . . C xl 1 , - T -u me conditions tu:a reiu ments oi tne fcout. years experience giowiug ot ;m ine oiiierent vege tables enables us to h.iov,' the ve-rv best, and to oiler seeds tbn.t v.i'i give pleasure, satisfaction and. proht to all who plant them Wood's New Seed Book for 1003 (Mailed on request) is full of pood things, and gives the most reliable information about all seeds, both tor the 1? arm and Garden. T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, Richmond, Va. WOOD'S SEED BOOK a..o tolls all aDOUL urass and Clover Seeds, Seed Potatoes, and all Farm Seeds. Write for Seed Book and priec-t- ol Farm See 3s rcquiisd. ! up-to-date mowers, simplest and strongest nnd lio-htrQt rimiv av would like for everv farmer to see this wonderful machine. Anne and Cutaway Disc Harrows, spring and spike tooth harrow pulverizes the land and all crops yield more. Agent for the celebrated any 'i I i OO 1 1 wi n . . . . . - C J 1 S o W1 iur cue commu- gether, recognizing that the Lord is nity. lie 11 get the paper out some- thft iukor r,f .hQt on At the trial of Miles Johnson, of Augusta, charged with criminal as sault, the court house was surround ed with soldiers. t r our men are under arrest in Col umbia, S. ('., charged with robbing ptoiiices. maintenance. During the past two years .f.",000 of old State bonds were went in for exchange, and for them vi, oi new ones were issued. The debt is now : Four per cent., $3,399, l."0; 4 uer cent, penitentiarv bonds. $110,000; 4 per cent, penitentiary farm bonds, $00,000 Total, $3,509,. Io0. Six per cent, bonds, $2,7l0.000. The old bonds not yet presented will require of 4 per cent, bonds if all are presented .'io.i'i'0, and 0 per cent, bonds amounting to .22.onn sons, and weep over your shriveled soul when it is released from your grasping body, and smile at your giddy wife'ri second marriage. He'll A Hundred Ways. The Iiev. Dr. West.Congregationalist, Winona, Minn. God has spoken to us in a hundred ways through all the ages of history; but when He would speak His last message He wrapped Himself in hu- The world's population is increas ing about 500,000,000. A:qcL Rertilier I3rill Labor savers These Drills stand second to none, does peifect work Cxrain drilled last season yielded much greater than that done by hand.' General Agent for Ohio Feed Cutters, Ensilage Cutters, Chain Elevators, and Blower or Wind Elevators. get along. The Lord only knows man flesh and folded us to His divine- how but the editor will get there somehow." Exchange. The farmer who wants to leave the country and move to town cannot make the excuse now that a livino ly human heart, He crept beneath our heaviest burdens. Hegave Him self to our uttermost need. 1 g&ghtt when II Stock No Man Perfect. t I Til. . T -r -v . . - cannot be made on the farm. He has iixon, Uaptist, Boston, mriKt. iiwMiirtxllT' liuil j- I ivlclSS. . v . .j me (iiiViiiiLtijie of the town man this year, and, in lie a little blind to the faults of unredeemed, making the total debt, fact, for several years past notwith-1 others- Remember that no man is 0BM -o r"5 ; iiun-Hiieimt uearing, standing poor crops, for the increase cuu vuclv me uei ue can ao f T , c J0,o2 ,770. The $200,000 borrowed in price of all necessaries has made ,s t0 aPProach as nearly as possible iWUrfliliing, taC jCOtt from the Park National Bank of New the life of the consumer a. hnrri the perfection of Jesus Christ. The I Fmnkinn VOU Can't eat hr(.ak. Fuii stck Builders materiat. Paints Oils TnrnenHnP Vnmidc vv.,i ' i ii ' r- v.w, w liiunjiivj, m uu 4- ihr C i- ana willow ware, brockery, LaniDS and Glass warp. lip.nt rl,n,.r.Prc iMSWt jii. s a-fiSUIMOn. Beltinfrfs. PnrHncrc T.o p; d:. ' " TV . . - , . i , yc ipc; munjrs. i nave one ol the cm yoa Can I eat DreaG ncs'. 11 riaiOCK smitns ln oh Carolina. If your gun is out of or- J butter, take rnislsion, When you have you satisfactory. zzn mmg on a milk diet and ant something a little more s Crnuc rw I1JC iU1 repairs, muttering. Kooling and Tinning supplies 3COU S generally. I want your trade and 1 nromise von mv host rffor t c,,p J J w v -' ' - v Yours very tru'y, 1,1 f ue .uarcn tst. him of ate vears 'Pb fni.mnv OA -i- c- i COMMENTS OF THE PRESS K p cent- Detter Pcee x M' I tor his oroducts tha.n hp riii t Mecklenburg county now ha,s lis J years ago. With improved rural schools, rural free delivery of mail and good roadn, the life of the farmei has been made much pleasanter and easier. Wilmington Messenger. to most women is a term of a; dely, serious thought as. 1 sweet anticipation. itli the cessation of pain 1. -ssary to childbirth, tii. re conies calm nerves, sis ep and recuperation. KiOT HER'S END does dimmish the pain accompanying maternity. With its aid mothers can and do bring healthy, sweet dispositioned and ideal babies into the world. Morning sickness, sore breasts and ex cruciatiug pains caused by the gradually expanding organs, are relieved bv this penetrating and relaxing liniment. miles of good macadamized roads and is contemplating the immediate construction of 110 miles more. N wonder this good county ipr- . gross ing so rnpidly in the material and substantml wealth of it people flood roads and free rural delivery will make any county prospen u-. These will hringntheragenciesi which go to build up. Italeigh Post. Some )f the New York papers are bocoming alarmed at the birure tide of immigration to thi country. One of them, the Mail and Express, notes the fact that of the 54.",sr0 who ar rived at Ellis Island last year. tby had an average in money of only f. I..")! and only 22,274 had more than $30, But they manage to hustle along and get a grip notwithstand ing the small amount of cash they bring. Reports show that the market is glutted with meat, yet the robbery of the public continues the same as To get fat you must eat M. Scott's Emulsion is a Jreat fattener, a threat Donlan, R. C., Brook- strength lVcr. Ev rv B tls tf Charoberlain's Ough Remedy Warranted. We guarantee evry l ule of Cha..,bei ain's Cough Remedy a-1 willr f. , ! u non-y 'o anyone wh i-; not sat sfic- l ib ; using two-thirds of the contents. This is tht nest remedy in tne worid for la grippe, c ugh-, colds croui and wlionnina'.-n.i.-h and is pleasant and safe to take. ll j rr verts any tendency of a cold to result' ir pneumonia. All druggists. golden rule is, in these circumstances, a guiamg ngnt. Let us live up to the spirit expressed in that. Charity of Christ. i he Rev. .1. 1 irn TVT V It is the charity of Christ that waiu lidVS ium nesn should be infused into the human Want to increase all body houI from the earliest dawn of reason. nf fcf rU'e It is the love of God and neighbor "ucs U0 0n!y l3t. 3COU S hat should be inculcated with the Emulsion increases them all " ree it s mat aione can bring about kno a union that shall reflect the true spirit of Jesus Christ and a genuine nerve. charity. ana j3Pt I: A party of about sixty colored peo ple, from Irwin county Ga., havi sailed for Liberia, Africa. For invalids, for con valescents, for consumptives, for weak children, for cf' who need flesh. Scoff w u The Secret of Long Life Consists in keeping all the ma n organs of the body In healthy, regulai action-nd i quickly destroying .eadly disease germs. Electric Bitters reflate stom ch, livt-r ar.d kidneys, purify the h ood, and give a pl n did appetite. Thev work wonders in curing kidney troubles, female complaints, rer vous diseases, constipation, dysoepsia, and manna Vigorous health nnd ctrBr,n, a. i gamed a prestige among rich women 8Uers D,ame the retailers, the retail- ways following their use. Only 25c at J as well as poor; it is found and welcomed ers blame the wholesalers, and the HalIs ln ieinrmsionaswellasinthecabin. . Republican pa rtv refuses to chamre t , l.v lessening the mother's agony of xnfad J .nrffr Ju l?.! Paul Woodward was hanged in and (uininisninrrain a ipnnd ni I v..... .... vcnira cut- iiuuor- is wrought upon the child, and instead of tation of foreign meat fir coal except peevish, ill-tempered and sickly forms you at prices that give the dealers in the Ail Dntr-ists fc'.i Mother's Friend at $r oo Brooklyn Citizen, Dem. Write for our fres Book "Motherhnli . HE CF.ADrlELD R2GULAT0R CO.. Atlanta, C Executor's Notice. Having qualified as Fxector of the estate of II. h. iMns, deceased, of Granville coanty.notice 3P hereby g ver; to all purtie- indcMed to the es la e to crime forward and mako payment, and f .) ereons havine rlaima asinst the estate are hereby iioMfiod to present them for payment ot in ba 'if -h-ir recovery. m-jj von ec.2,im. ixecutir. t he crowned heads cf every nation, The rich men, poor men and miners Al' jom in paying tribute to De Witt's Little Early ttigers. H. Williams, San Antonio. Tex., writes: Little Early Riser Pills aie the best I evt r used in my fairily. I uiihes'tatinolv rP,-. ommend them to evervliorlv Th . constipation, si k headache, torpid liver , ,lm o.iuuiniivenrouDlts J. (. 1 1 all. jail at Camden, N. J., for the murder of two boys in October last. Finds Way to Live Long. The startling announcement of a disc-v- ciy inui win sar ly lengthen life is i- ad by editor O. II. Downey, of ChurubuCo, hid 4 I wish to state," he writes, "tint Dr" Kin 's New Discovery for Consumption is the most infallible rem-dy that I hfee ever jv.iuwii ior cougns, colds and grip. It's ii - valuable to peopie with weak luntrs M mg tnis woncterlu8 medicine areaa pneumonia or con liel 11 instant and Hrll wdl no one need isumptio . its ri - cute certain ' ? ; guarantee everv tor- nn.l Sir louie, and give trial bottles lree. Anxiety, The Rev. Dr. Landrum, Haptist, At lanta, Ga. Anxiety or corroding care on the imin.i .icuiisuauiuuBi ne a greatlc 1 . . sin. And it must be a sin vpw doon t-musssGR is a nzn and com in the heart. So large a part of the fortfible food, and 3 naf lirxl t(kTTll m T t . , . I . . A- , -, I ' i wjwij vu me aiuuui wouiu never h ive been directed against anxiety, nor so many arguments heaped up against it, if the sin were not very large and its grasp very rude. "Fret not" Is Christ's constant caution. Heredity. The Rev. R. A. White, Universalist, Chicago, 111. Heredity conserves the moral and intellectual capital of the race. It must also conserve the evil tenden cies God could not make a river which would float only ships bound on errantis ot righteousness. That so many are born with evil tendencies is due to the fact that parents some where along the line have broken la ws of health or morals. 1 tonic. Scott's Emulsion for bone, bsh, blood and nervs. We will send you a free sample. Cc sure that this picture in tz form of a label is on the wrapper of every bottle of Emulsion you buy. SCOTT & BOWNE, CHEMISTS 409 Pear! St., N 50c. and $! , all druggi l You Need Not Take Chances 171 1 ; t . . vviicn uuying an incuDator, it you will decide in favor of CYPHERS INCUBATORS & BROODERS Remember that the Cyphers is today used with uniform success on twenty six Government Experiment tations in the United States Canada, Australia, r.nd cw Zealand, a'so by America's f remos! pouitryman ann by rriatiA thvusan is of persons in every walk of life. While .j you are about it, why not vr. nuv the best and know that you are getting the Standard Hatcher of the World. Pead he following testimonials: WF.ST VTT?r;rMTA -Tb inr-,,hn. tor arid brooders obtained from you last year have given complete satisfac uon. J. H. Stewart. Dirrctor VV. ViTo-inin 1?; Qtorir. Mnm,n. town, W. Va. Geoai?11""1 SOt 305 Chicks out of 3 18 fertile eggs." Edw. Sharp The Cyphers Incubator Com nnrle f ft no endorsements like aboved mentioned. Send 10c in stamps and get a discriptive catalocrue that tells nil "abr.it f n, w cir eiitiIating Incubator circulars free. yphers Incubators f, o. b. Oxford Y. I WADE H. BR ITT, AGENT, OXFORD, 3ist. I am also Agent for all kind off o : jtrv nt 00 The Ethical Society. rof. Adler, Ethical Culture, New York City. The Ethical society does not stand & w vus c ct 111 jme. May idKe aaxauve sromo quinine Tablets, js & Seven Million boxes sold in past 13 months. This slenatOTG. jfcj&Ti Cures Grip in Two Days. oi every Dox. 25c. 1 3S