OXFORD PUBL1G LEDGER. li The liniment bottle and flannel strip are familiar objects in nearly every household. The3r are the weapons that have been used for generations to fight old Rheumatism, and are about as effective in the battle with this giant disease as the blunderbuss of our forefathers would be in modern. warfare. Rheumatism is caused by an acid, sour condition of the blood. It is filled with acrid, irritating matter that settles in the joints, muscles and nerves, and liniments and oils nor nothing else applied externally can dislodge these gritty, corroding particles. They Were deposited there by the blood and can be reached only through the blood. Rubbing with liniments sometimes relieve temporarily the aches and pains, but these are only S3rmptoms which are liable to return with every change of the weather ; the real disease lies deeper, the blood and system are infected. Rheumatism cannot be radically and permanently cured until the blood has been purified, and no remedy does this so thoroughly and promptly as S. S. S. It neutralizes the acids and sends a stream ol rich, strong blood to the atiected parts, which dissolves and washes out all foreign materials, and the sufferer obtains happy relief from the torturing pains. S. S. S. contains no potash or other mineral, but is a perfect vegetable blood purifier and most exhilaiating tonic. Our physicians will advise, without charge, all who write about their case, and we will send free our special book on Rheumatism and its treatment. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. pi n7 Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This Tjremration contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds of, , food. It gives instant relief and never g fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most seusiti ve j SLOmacns can mite it. ry ius use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. Is unequalled for the stomach. Child ren with weak stomachs thrive on it. First dose relieves. A diet unnecessary. Cures all stomach troubles Prepared only by E. C. DeWitt& Co., Chicago Ibe $1. bottle contains 2Ya times the 50c. size. J. C. Hall. akes short roads. &nd light loads. I Ai UBprallGllGfl Recoro. ioo Daring August Every One cf the death claims paid in the Uned States and Canada by the Equitable Life Assurance Society weie paid within one day after receipt Of proof And during no month of the year has the percentage been below 9S per cent. This evcels the Society's own great record It has never even been approached by any other company. "Strongest in the Woild." THE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURRANCE SOCIETY of the United States. LEON B. JONES. Special Agent Oxford, N. C. Office in Hunt building upstairs a, A. HICRS. a. W. JtlKOB B1 Attorneys - eit-law, OXFO RD, N. C. Associate Counsel: y T. HICHS, N.C. Win practice together in the conns oi Gran ville, Vance, Franklin and Warren counties, and In all matters requiring their joint attention. We hone y promnt, diligent snd faithful etten t n ti t -irnpag to d?ee and 'ecie portion Would You Like to increase the flow of milk in your COWS? AMERICAN Stock Food Does this at a very trifling cost It keeps cattle looking nice and prevents diseases. Sold under a positive guarantee. None genuine without picture of Uncle Sam. For Sale by Jos. S. BROWN, Oxford, N C Wm. H. BAKRI3011T, ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR AT LAW, OXFORD, N. C. The criminal practice and the Set tlement of Estates specialties. iUPPINCOTPSl MONTHLY MAGAZINE A Family Library The Best in Current Literature 12 Complete Novels Yearly j MANY SHORT STORIES AND rArtRS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.50 per year; 25 cts.acopy NO CONTINLIP-O STORIES EVERY NUMBER COMPLETE IN ITSELF i V j 2 pood for everything that runs on wheels So id Everywhere. ffiaao tyy STANDARD OIL CO J ft VcV-4J,?a I MR.S. L. S. ADAMS. Of Galveston, Texas. "Wine of Cardui is indceda blessing to tired women. Having :."fered for seven years with weakness and bear-ing-down pains, and having tried sev eral doctors and different remedies with no success, your Wine of Cardui was the only thing which helped me, and eventually cured me It seemed to buiid up the weak parts, strengthen the system and correct irregularities." By "tired women" Mrs. Adams means nervous women who have disordered menses, falling of the womb, ovarian troubles or any of these ailments that women have. You can cure yourself at home with this great women's remedy, Wine of Cardui. "Wine of Cardui has cured thousands of cases which doctors have failed to benefit. Why not begin to get well today? All druggists have 81.00 bottles. For any stomach, liver or bowel disor der Thedford's Black-Draught should be used. Tor advice ami literature, address, giving symptoms, 1 lie Ladies' Advisory Depart ment, The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. W. B. SHAW, Henderson. H. M. SHAW, Oxford. SHAW & SHAW, Attorney & Counsellors at Law, OXFORD, U. G. We offer our professional services to the citizens of Granville and adjoining counties, and solicit a share of your patronage, pro mising to give to the smallest as wellas the largest case our most lidligent attenti n and best efforts. Our fees are moderate. Refer you to any one in Oxford or Hen derson . Executor's Notice. Having qualified as executor of the es tate of Alexander Smith, deceased, of Gran ville con- ty, notice is hereby given to all parties indebted to the estate to come for ward and make payment, and all persons having claims pgainst the estate are hereby notified to present them for payment on or before the i4fh d-y of Nov mber, I903 or this notice wi l be plead in bar cf their re covery. " ANCY SMITH, dec 1 1 Es'x of Alexander Smith, dee'd. Executor's Notice. Having qualified as executor of the estate of Mary P. Jenkins, deceased, of Granville county, notice is hereby given to all parttes indebted to the estate to come forward and make payment, and all persons havingclaims against the estate are hereby notified to pre sent them for payment rr or before Dec. 9th, 15k3, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. W H P. Jenkins, Executor of Mary V. Jenkins dec. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks itfC Designs TftfWS Copyrights &c. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Communica tions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securinepatents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice, without charge, in the Scientific American. A handsomely illustrated weekly. T,argest cir culation of any scientific journal, lerms, fd a year : four months, $L Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN & Co.361Broadway- New York Branch. Office, 625 F SU Washington, D. C. WADE II. 15 K ITT, LOCAL EDITOR, THURSDAY. JAN, 15. 1903. Oxford Orphan Asylum Annual Report to the Governor. January :lrd Secretary Rosenthal, of the trustees of Oxford Orphan Asylum, filed the annual report with Governor Aycoek. The report shows an excellent state of affairs. There was an outbreak of typhiod fever last summer, but only one death re sulted. There were two other deaths during the year. Permanent improve ments amounting to $7,500 were made. The water supply is now ample. Electric lights are needed, but the system will cost $4,750 and it will probably be several years be fore it is installed. There are 247 pupils, 20 increase over last year. The full capacity is 2(!0. There were 120 applications, 89 approved. The singing class which made a tour of the state raised $;, 5S2. The annual cost of maintaining and educating each pupil was .ft (54 41. Donations in kind aggregate $1,215. The Masons gave more than usual, churches, schools and private individ uals less. (oflotg fews fl of es. li por "ife rfon)ti). Mass Meeting of Citizens and Tax-Payers The citizens and tax-payers of the county are respectfully invited to at tend a mass meeting to be held in the court house in Oxford on Mon day, the 2nd day of February, 1903, for the purpose of discussing "How to improve the puhlic roads of the county." This is one of the most important matters to all classes of our people now being agitated and It is hoped that we may have a large attendance upon this meeting and a full discussion of the subject. TeU all of your neighbors about the meeting. Come yourself and urge them to do the same. Remember the day and place. C. F. CREWS, Chmn. Bd. Co. Com'rs. In the United States 40,000 locomo tives haul 1,500,000 cars. Lee Stratton was shot and killed by Bob Nixon, at Barnett, Ga. Mrs. Mary Benedict shot and killed herself at Baltimore Thursday. Croup. The peculiar cough which indicate- croup, is usually well known to the mothers of croupv children. No time shou'd be lost in the treatment of it, and for this purpose no medicine has received more universal ap proval than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Do rot waste valuable time in experimenting with untried rt-medi s, nomateerhowLighly they may be reepmmended, but give this medicine as directed and all symptoms of croup will quickly disappear. For sale by all druggists. Six hundred people in Berlin ban queted entirely on horse meat, served in various forms. Cures Rheumatism or Catarrh Would you like to get rid of that chronic rheumatism or offensive catarrh forever? Then take a bottle of Botanic Blood Balms which has cured thousands of hopeless cases that had resisted doctors and patent medicine treatment. Botanic Blood Balm iB. R. B ) cures through the blood by destroying the poison which causes the awful aches in the bones, joints, shoulder blades and back swollen glands, hawkir.g,spitting, bad breath impaired hearing, etc, thus making a perfect cure. Botanic Blood Balm thoroughly test ed for 3o years. Composed of pure Botanic Drugs. Perfectly safe to take by old and young. Druggists, $1. Trial treatment free by writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta,(a. Describe trouble and free medical advice given until cured. Dont give up hope, but try. B. B. B., which makes the blood pure and rich and builds up the "all run down," tired body. For sale by J. Ci. Hall Prisoners charged with lynching a negro in jail, in Marshall county, Tenn., were released by a mob of masked men. Unconscious from troup, During a sudden and terrible attack of croup our Jitt'e girl was unconscious from strangulation, says A. L. Spafford, post master, Chester, Mich., and a dose of One Minute Cough Cure was administered and repeated often. It reduced the swelling and inflammation, cut the mucus and shortly the child was rosting easy and speedily re covered. It cure; coughs, colds, lagrippe, and all throat and lu g troubles. One Min ute Cough Cure lingers in the throat and chest and enables the lungs to contribute pure, health-giving oxygen to the blood. J. i. Hall. The amount invested in the Sibe rian railway is .$401,700,000. One Hundred Dollars a Box is the value H. A. Tisdale, Summerton, S. C , places on DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve He says: "I hd the piles for 20 years. I tried many doctors and medicines, but a!l failed except DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. It cured me. ' It is a combination of the healing properties of Witch Hazel with an tiseptics and emollients; relieves and per manently cutes blind, blf eding, itching and protrud-ng piles, sores, cuts, bruises, ecze ma, salt rheam and all skin diseases. J. G. Hall The average New Yorker pays $10. 44 street car fare a year. New century Comfort. Millions are dally finding a world of com fort in Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It kills pain from burns, scaMs, cuts, bruises; con quers ul ers,and fever sores;cures eruptions, salt rheum, boils and felon; removes Corns and warts. Best pile cure on earth. Only 25c at J. G. Halls. In a rear-end collision, of passenger trains, near Ada, Ohio, Thursday night, three passengers were killed and others injured. Heads Should never Ache. Never endure this trouble. Use at once the remedy that stopped it for Mrs. N. A. Webster, of Winnie, Va.. she writ s "Dr. King's New Life Pills wholly cued me of sick hcudaches hrd suffered from for two years." Cure he dache, constipation, bil-ou-ness. 25c -t Hal'.'s drug S'ore. PACKER'S HAIR BALSAM fr8ssg5gfgj- if ever I'aiia to jr;esrore way KEJa Hair to its Youthful Color. HCKsKiifSJKI Cures scalp diseases & hair falling. t8aKsalf 50c,and$l.u0at Druggists I Short Accounts of Hap- penings Among Our Neighbors S) j-y wui wuiicapuiiucmb '(XSXSX) 6a$tcn County Good Roads, M (5) W () The following interesting facts from Gaston county show the progress now being made in road Improve ment in that lively locality: The public roads In Gaston are worked by free and hired labor, su perintended by supervisors m each township. Each supervisor has a supply of tools, including a road plow. In Cherry ville township the plow is pulled by a twenty horse power traction engine. The county commissioners are contemplating buying engines for all the townships. Horses for plows cost $8 per day, The engine is furnished by indviduals for the same money and does 50 per per cent, more work, Theengine and plow require four men and a mule to operate them; an engine driver, a plow tender, a man to fire and un couple and couple at turning points, and a man to haul wood and water for the boiler. The county convicts are employed in making macadam roads exclusive ly. Three guards and a superinten-' dent work and care for about forty j men. The whole system in thecoun-i ty is under the supervision of a com-' petent and enthusiastic superinten-j dent of roads Mr. W. P. Eddleman. F. B. K. I Fashion's and Other s Uems of Interest. j DON'T FORGET THE OLD FOLKS. Nay, don't forget the old folks, boy, they've not forgotten you; Though years have passed since you were home, the old hearts still are true; And not an evening passes by they haven't the desire To see your faces once again and hear your footsteps nigher. You're young and buoyant, and for you Hope beckons with her hands, And life spreads out a waveless sea that laps but tropic strands; The world is all before your face, but let your memories turn To where fond hearts still cherish you and loving bosoms yearn. No matter what your duties are nor what your place in life. There's never been a time they'd not assume your load of strife; And shrunken shoulders, trembling hands, mid forms racked by disease, Would bravely dare the grave to bring to y ou the peart of peace. So don't forget the old folks, boys they've not forgotten you; Though years have passed since you were home, the old hearts still are true; And write them now and then to bring the light into their eyes, And make the world glow once again and bluer gleam the skies. Will T. Hale, in Tenn., Farmer. !& V v'-n-- Vigorous Old Age Paine' s Celery Compound makes the old feel young, and cures their ills. It has added years of health and enjoyment to many a life. Use this great medicine regularly, and its invig orating powers will fill your declining years with health, strength, and happiness. Read what George F. Morse, 67 years old, writes: Wells & Richardson Co., Gentlemen: Just a word in favor of Paine's Celery Compound, hoping it may catch the eye of some afflicted person, and they may receive the same satisfactory benefit. Some 15 years ago I had a combination of malaria, chills and fever, and grip, which con tinued for a year or more; meantime I lost in weight about 60 pounds, trying different medi cines and doctors with unsatisfactory results. Paine's Celery Compound was recommended, and, after using a little I began to improve, gaining about a pound a week. In a year I had regained 50 pounds of the lost weight and good health, and have been a well man ever since. Yours truly, GEORGE F. MORSE. Leominster, Mass., Oct. 27, 1902. 1 SALMI nwTfco Double Daily Service Between New York, Tampa. Atlan ta, New Orleans and Points South and Vest. IN 33TECT APEIL 13TH.19C2. Resolutions or Sympathy. One of the principle objects of our beloved order Is to extend to our brethren when they are "passing through the deep waters of afflic tion" words of sympathy. The home of one of our best beloved mem bers nas been invaded by the Angel of Death, and a loying, devoted and tender wife and mother has been taken unto the Father. Mrs. Annie Gordon Hunt, wife of our brother, J. S. Hunt, died on the 24th day of Nov., 1902. Her death to us seemed untimely, but we bow in humble sub mission to the will of Him "who doeth all things well," and desiring to assure our brother that his sorrow is shared by us, therefore resolved 1st. That Brother J. S. Hunt has the deepest sympathy every member of this Ijodge in his bereavement, and we tender to him our words of comfort and consolation. 2nd. That a copy of these resolu tions with the seal of the Lodge at tached be sent to Brother Hunt by our Secretary, and that the Public Ledger be requested to publish the same. B. S. ROYSTER, H. M. SHAW, J. C. HASKINS, Committee. Wallace White, Sec. Subject of DrinKing. Mr. Editor: I wish to say a few words on the subject of drinking as we are going to have a government still soon. We claim to be free men, although every man must consider the dangers to personal purity through even occasional indulgence in wine or strong drink, but even if one is strong enough and sure that he can drink in moderation there is always the sin of setting an example that f ill cause some weak brother to fall into sin ; nor are we relieved of responsibility because those who are influenced by us are too weak to withstand temptation, and their weakness is the very reason for our being strong enough to avoid setting them a bad example. Paul's verse might read : If wine or strong drink make my brother to offend I will drink no more wine or strong drink while the world standeth, We all know these things do make others to offend, then If we believe Paul spoke the mind of God no christian ought to keep up the example of drinking too much. If this example cannot be estab lished or the whiskey business blot ted out of existence I believe it would be best to let every man make all the brandy, whiskey, rum or wine he wants, then I believe there would be less money spent, lees lying and less drunkenness. 1 think it would be more than probable that men would live long enough to see their error, even in drinking pure wThiskey in stead of drinking so much concen trated lye. WTith best wishes to the editor and his Interesting paper, I will close for fear this will go to the waste-basket. Your friend, J. H. MORRIS The tear down childhood's cheek that flows Is like the dewdrop on the rose; When next the summer breeze comes by And waves the bush, the flower is dry. Scott. To the girl who sees the swift years go The saddest words of tODgue or pen a nf- "PTf a.akpri mo: E said No The poor fool never came again." J The Fries syndicate has secured an option on the Cawthorn and Estt'lle; cotton mills at Selma, Ala. j ... I HAIR-PIN-PICK-UPS. When a man marries his debt be gins. Most men find it very easy to make love to all women except their wives. A piece of a woman's mind is not good for her husband's peace of mind. The man who always tells his wife he is sorry he was so cross when she scolded him, is bound to get along in the world by making friends. A woman on the death of her hus band telegraphed to a distant friend: "Dear Joseph is dead. Loss fully covered by insurance." Tit Bits. When a girl comes out of a corner where she has been alone with a man you can always tell whether he has kissed her by the way she looks as if he hadn't. She fishes much for compliments, Does fair Elizabeth, She fishes with a joy intense, Also with bated nreath. DIAMOND DYES COLOR ANYTHING ANT COLOK. Dresses, cloaks, suits, ribbons, coats, featbers, stockings, everything wearable, Diamond Dyes make to look like new Direction book and 45 dved samples free. DIAMOND DVES, BurliDgton, Vt. Valuable Town Proper ty for Bale. The undersigned w'll sell at public auction on TUESDAY, FEBUUA.RY 3rd, 1903 The following described reul estate eituated in the Town of Oafo-d, N. C: 1 One house and lot, situated on the North eide of Wiiiiamsboro street. In paid town, be tween the residence lot of Dr. J B. Williams and the livsry stable aid p-ize house lot of the Fielding Knott estate, said lot rnnmn? back from Willi-, msboro street to L. C. Tavlo'-'e garden, on which slid lot is situated a t wo-story seven-room dwelling h ;use with stables and out buildings. 2 The Livery Stables and Prize House, adjoin ing the above described lot, situated on the Northeast corner of VTilliamsb'oro snd Gilliam streets, on which is fita ited two la.e ptables andapizehou e bei:;g tha property recently occupied bv B. W. Ia?, known as Days stabler. 3 One lot on the Southeast corner of Oillism and Lee s re -ts, opposite the H'liiard School, fronting ISO feet on Oiilim S' reet, and 213 fee on Lee street, on which said Jot. is situated four cottagep. 4 One undivided fourth interePt in the Ware house nnd lot on Main street known as t.hf Farmers Warehouse now occupied by Hunt & Meadows. Time of Sale 12 to. Term, one-fourth cah. balance in three, six and nine month?. Saltie A. Knott, Joe. B. Knott, C. M. Knott, ir. If. Knott, Executors. Lv. Lv. Lv. Lv. Lv. Lv. Lv. Lv. LV. Lv. Lv. Lv, Ar, Ar. Ar, Ar. Lv Lv. Lv. Lv. Lv. Lv. Lv, Lv. Lv, Lv. Lv. Lv. Lv Ar, Lv. Lv. Lv. Ar. Ar. Ar. Ar. Ar. At. Ar. Ar. R H. K. K S. By. . New York, P. K Philadelphia, P. Baltimore, P. R. Washington. W, Richmond, S. A. L. Ry retersourg Norlina Henderson, Raleigh, Southern Pines, 11am let, Columbia, Savannah, Jacksonville. St, Augustine, Tampa, SOOTH WARD, Dally. No. 31. 12 55 pm 3 29 pm 5 45 pm .7 00 pm 10 37 pm 11 20 pm 1 55 am 2 23 am 4 12 am 6 15 am 7 20 am 9 40 am 2 10 pm 7 00 pm B 45 urn No. 33. New York, N. Y. P. &N,t 7 55 am Philadelphia, " 10 16 am New York.O.D.S.S.Co. t 3 00 pm Baltimore, B . P. Co Wash'ton. N, & W. S B. Portsmouth, S.A L.Ry. Weldon, " Norlina, Henderson, Raleigh, " Southern Fines, ' Hamlet, Wilmington, " Charlotte, Chester, ' Greenwood, " Athens, " Atlanta, " Aueusta, C. & W. C. . . . Alacon, C. of Ga 7 20 pm ituiiiigomery, a.w.i'.. h AJ pm Mobile, L. & N 3 55 am New Orieans, L. & N... 7 25 am Nashville, N.C.&St.L. . . 4 00 am Memphis, " 4 15 pm NORTHWARD. Daily, No. 32. 12 45 pm 9 30 pm 8 CO pm 12 30 am 6 20 am 9 05 pm 11 45 pm 1 55 am 2 28 am 4 12 am 6 05 am 7 Sf5 am 10 08 am 10 22 am 12 35 pm 2 50 pm 6 55 pm 5 40 pm Daily No. 27 12 10 am 7 20 m 9 34 am 10 41a m 2 15 am 2 5ti pm 5 30 pm 5 54 pm 7 S7 pm 9 27 im 10 35 pm 1 05 pm 4 4 ) am 9 15 am 10 f 0 am 5 45 am No. 4 1. 8 55 pm 11 26 pm t 6 30 pm 6 30 pm 9 25 am 11 55 am 1 40 pm 2 0 pm 3 t5 pm 6 18 pm 10 55 pm 3 05 pm 10 c2 pm 1 35 pm 3 43 am 6 13 am 7 50 am 11 85 am 6 25 pm Eliza Was Surprised. A story is told of a Nebraska far mer who wore his old suit until every one was tired of it, and his estimable wife was almost ashamed of the hust ling man who had been inside it so long. But one day he went to town to sell his produce, and while there he determined to buy a new suit.and happy thought, surprise Eliza. So he bundled a neat suit into the wag on and drove homeward. It was after night as he hurried his team along, at a bridge over a river he stood up on the wagon and "'peeled" and threw the despised old suit in the water. Then he reached for his new clothes. They were gone had jolted out of the wagon. The night was cold and his teeth chattered as he hurried home. He surprised Eliza even more than he anticipated. Omaha Mercury. Sale of Land ) By virtue of a deed in trust executed to H. LaUa by J. ') Hundley and wife on he 1st a -of Sept. 183. and duly rt corded on pfie 45 book 41 of the mor'gage records of Granville couutv, and at the equest of the pre!ent owner of the land pecured dv saH deed in trntt, I will sell to the highest bidder for ca h at the Court House ; door in Oxford, N. C, on FRIDAY THE 0th DAY OF FEB. 103. that tract cf land situated on Bowling Moun tain in Tally Ho Township, 5'i acres of which wa" purchased by said J. C. Ilurdley f;om said I H. Latta and bounded as follows, by the lindi I of R. W. Booth estnte. Solomon Hardin, S. W. ' Mitchell and others, 100 acres cf which wa pur chased by said J. C Hundley from W. A. '-la'cne I and other', executors of Geo. 7i!Iey and bound ed Nor! hand West by S. 11, Gooch. East by lsns of So'omon Hardin on South by 'and of las IFheeler and known as the Robert O'Brien land. ALLEN LATT-a., Executor of H. Latta, dee'd Trustee Notice. Notice is hereby given that appli cation will be made to the General Assembly of North Carolina, session 1903, for the passage of an act to pro hibit the manufacture or sale of spir ituous, vinous or malt liquors or any other substance, liquid or solid, that produces or may produce intox ication, within three (3) miles of Fel lowship Ba ptist church in the county of Granville. This, January (, 1!)03. Lv. Memphis, N.C,& St.L. Lv. Nashville, " Lv. New Orleans, L. & N , Lv. Mobile, " Lv. Montgomery, A.&W.P Lv. Macon, C. of Ga ....... . 8 00 am Lv. Augusta, C. & W. C 10 05 am Liv. Atlanta, 8. A.L.Ry 12 00 pm Ar. Athens, " 2 57 pm Ar. Greenwood, " 5 14 pm Ar. Chester, 7 17 pm Lv. Charlotte, " 7 27 pm Lv, Wilmington, 3 05 pm Lv. Hamlet, " 10 40 pm Lv. Southern Pines, " II 33 pm Lv. Raleigh, " 1 35 am Lv. Henderson, " 3 05 am Lv. Norlina, " 3 50 am Ly. Weldon, 5 00 am Ar. Portsmouth, " 7 15 am ir. Wash1 ton, N. & W. S. B t. Baltimore, B. 8. P. Co vr. New York, O.D.S.S.Co Ar. Phila'phia. N.Y.P.&N.. 5 46 Dm ir. new xor&, 6 55 pm 8 25 am Daily No, 38 8 40pm 9 30 am Lv Tampa, S. A. L. Ry Lv. St Augustine " Lv Jacksonville " Lv Savannan Lv Columbia " Lv Hamlet " Lv southern Pines " Lv Raleigh " Lv Henderson " Lv. Norlina, S A. L.Ry.. Lv. Petersburg, " Lv. Richmond, ' Ar. Washington, W. S. Ry.. Ar. i;altimore,P. R. R Ar. Philadelphia, " Ar. New York. " JNote. t Daily Except .Sunday, t ntrH' Time $ ttasrt) Time. U. S. Leard T. P. A. Raleigh N. C. 8 15 pm jno. S4. 9 00 pm 7 45 am 9 45 am I 55 pm 7 05 pm 10 40 pm 11 33 pm 1 35 am :t 05 am 3 45 am 5 54 am 6 35 am 10 10 am II 25am 1 30pm 4 13 pm I 80 pm 4 20 pm "866pra 11 23 pm 1 am 4 06 am 4 50 am 7'40'ani 8 34 am II 05 am 12 35 pm 1 45 pm 3 00 pm 5 35 pm 6 55 am t 6 4r am t 5 50 pm 5 10 am 8 00 am No. 66. 8 00 am 5 50 pm 8 00 pm 11 55 pm 5 00 am 8 25 am 9 am 11 35 am 12 58 pi". 1 45 pm 4 07 pm 4 55 pm 8 36 pm 11 25 pm 2 56 am 6 30 am Telephone Rates The following Toll Kates will be In effect on and after May 1st. 11)02, sub ject to change or correction. From Oxford to Aydsn 45c Littleton 30c I Boydton 24c Louisburg 25c j Bull'alo Springs 25c Morehead City M)c ' Burlington 40c Nashvi le 35c Beau!ord 85c New Bern 65c Chase C ly 35c Newport 75c Clarkesville 26c Plymouth 65c Chapel Hill 30c Haleigh 30c Dunn 45c Koanoke Rapids 40c Durham 25c bocky Mount 40c Endeld 40c Scotland Neck 45c Frauklinton 253 Selma ' 40c Goldsboro 45c Smithlleld 40c Greensboro 45e Spring Hope SOc Greenville 45c Tarboro 45c Hamilton 45i Wake Forest 25c Haw River 40c Warrenton 25c Henderson 15c Weldon 40c High Point 50c Wilson 40c Kinston SOc Winston 60c F. C. TOEPLEMAN, Gen. Rupt. 1 tK- ENGLISH I El.-7v . Original and Only Genuine. i2AtTV SA FE. A;v.v.riiai.-I. I.adle. mk brmrelut '"r CUICIIJ-JSTEIfS ENGLISH S'JftX In KEI d4 Gold metallio boxei. utile! "ihiuiuoih'uuu. jBKeRO uincr. js.eruie Dangerous Subxtltultonn and Jmlta. tlonn. Buy of your Drupgiit, or nend 4e. la Btampt for Particular. Testimonials snd "Relief for IJadles,"n Utttr, by re turn Mall. 1 1KOOO TeiUmoniili. Hold br St! DrUKKiltH. Ch,lchBl.r r'k.iHl..! II... Hsntion this pspar. Madison Square, FlULA., F7 s iSJi-wi rtisn fif? Afti - - 1 E. VJiW y t VvV'V1 A'-Vf'-'j Y v 9-:- lg,- The Johnson Warehouse, Oxford, N. C, Has been given up as the place for farmers to sell their tobacco Each pile, good or bad, fine or common, brings top market price every sale no piles neglected, no piles overlooked. Glad to say that wrappers continue to sell well and, along with other grades, always bring top-crust prices on the Johnson floor. The rich and the poor, the big farmer and the little farmer, receive equal justice at the Johnson. I have no " special pets " but am surely a true friend of all. If hard work daring the new year, honest dealings and highest market prices for every pile and all grades of tobacco count for anything, then everybody should sell at the Johnson. Sure as you are born the Johnson Warehouse is the place to sell tobacco. I take this opportunity to warmly thank my farmer friends for their very liberal patronage during the year just closed, with the hope that I shall continue to merit their confidence and esteem. Wishing each and every one a happy and prosperous New Year, I am, Yours very truly, v Z. W. LYON, Prop'r Johnson Warehouse. f jr n CE ansa bekv O r I Grove s Tflstel Subscribe to the Public Ledsrer. iSS LrDlll I BIO has stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales over One end a Half Million bottles. Does this record of merit appeal to you ? No Cure, No PayJ 50c. 7 i J kMla Se a Tav -Pati. wva.Mrirrc rf tlffWIO- KlflCle ILOOt LlVer PUIS

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