I sleep ivell enough at night, A nd ike blamcdest appetite Ever mortal man possessed." Riley's farmer is the very picture of a man advanced in 3Tears, yet in the enjoy ment of perfect health. A good appe tite, good digestion and sound sleep, are the clnei lactors in a vigorous old age. Life is sustained by food, when it is properly digested and assimilated. When digestion fails, there is a loss of nutrition which soon shows itself in physical weak ness, nervousness, sleeplessness, etc. Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition. It strengthens the body in the only way possible, by enabling the as similation of the nutrition extracted from food. & Hi OXFORD PUBLIC LEDGER. JOHN T. BKITT. OWNER AND EDITOR. THURSDAY. FEB. 5 1903. "I used ten bottles of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and several vials of his 'Pleasant Pellets a year ago this spring-, and have had no trouble with indigestion since," writes Mr. W. T. Thompson, of Townsend, l'.ro;id water Co., Montana. "Words fail to tell how thankful I am for the relief, as I had suf fered so much and it seemed that the doctors could do me no good. I got down in weight to i-s pounds, and was not able to work at all. Now I weigh nearly 160 and can do a day's work 0:1 the farm. I have recommended vour medi cine to several, and shall alwavs have a good word to say for Dr. Pierce and his medicines." The Common Sense Medical Adviser, 100S pages, in paper covers, is sent free on receipt of 2 1 one-cent stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Address Dr. R. V. Tierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Four men killed and several serious ly injured by explosion of gas at Fort Wayne, Ind. Bucklens Arnica Salve. The best and most famous compound in the world to conquer aches and kill pains. Cures cuts, heals burns and bruises, subdues inflammation, masters Piles. Millions of boxes sold yearly. Works wonders in boils, ulcers telons, skin eruptions. It cures or no pay. 25c at J. G. Flails. ON EDUCATION. There are certain questions which are troubling the minds of our peo ple, and these questions are widely discussed and frequently little under stood. It does in it matter whether the question Is how to cure tobacco, how to break a horse, or how to regulate the trusts the ability to take an In tellectual view of the thing you are trying to do and then to do It is what I call education. A blacksmith, a musician, a preacher and a farmer all require a different kind of educa tion to do their work successfully: but each is a citizen and takes a hand In the running of the government, and there iw a certain amount of ed ucation which all American citizens 1 I ought to possess in common. To begin with, every citizen should vote, and this, after 1U0S, will require a man to be able to read. To vote intelligently a man must be able to read now, and it is just as much every man's duty to vote intelligent ly now as it will be in 190S. If this government is to stand and the peo ple are to rule, In fact as well as in name, then the people must know, Individually and collectively, the sig nificance of the vote which they cast. The farmer's son must have more education than he had fifty years ago. Why? Uecause the invention of machinery lias thrown three out of every four farmers out of employ ment, and by actual count it is shown that of every four boys raised on the farm, three must seek a liveli hood in some other occupation. What are these boys going to do? Some of tbem have made Presidents of the United States, and thousands of them have acquired wealth in the trades and professions, for the his- Flrst What use is there for me to work when the trusts get all I make? and Second I am too old now to learn. On these two subjects I will have something to say latter. B. K. II. These Won't Pass. Some years ago when there was a notable miKcarringe of justice in this State an agitation was begun to have the law changed which gives the de fendant so much advantage in select ing a jury In a capital case. An earnest effort was made by the lay men but It failed, as was to have been expected, because the lawyers In the Ijegislature had the last pass at it and they killed it. In capital cases the defendant has 23 peremptory challenges in selecting a ju ry, while the State has only 4. This gives the defendant, with shrewd lawyers as counsel, an opportunity to select a jury favorable to him or one that can be controlled by his at- torne3rs. At the opening of the pres ent Legislature Mr. King, of Pitt, a layman and a newspaper editor, in troduced a bill to reduce the number of the defendant's challenges from 23 to 0. The judiciary committee, com posed entirely of lawyers, of course, was unanimously against the bill, A motion to reduce the number from 23 to 15 also failed, and the murderer will continue to have everything in his favor. Another bill introduced in the Ieg islature which ought to pass but which wont, makes public drunken ness a misdemeanor. The bill pro vides "that it shall be unlawful for or ne A omen but he Fashion's and Other Items of Interest. (X JL s MOTHERHOOD. The night throbs on, but let me pray, dear Lord ! Brush off his name a moment from my mouth, To Thee mine eyes would turn, they go back, Back to my arm beside me where lay So little, Lord, so little and so warm? I cannot think that Thou had'st need of him! He is so little, Lord, he cannot sing. He cannot praise Thee; all his lips had learned Was to hold fast my kisses in the night. CJive him to me he is not happy there! He had not felt his life; his lovely eyes Just knew me for his mother and he j died. j Hast Thou an angel there to mother j him? I say he loves me best if he forgets. And runs not out to meet me when I come What are my curses to Thee? Thou hast heard The curse of Abel's mother, and since then We Took Up for the Men. At a church meeting several of the brethren made informal talks on the subject in hand a prominent Bible character. One of the speakers ex pressed the opinion, which Is pretty generally aceepted, that if a man amounts to anything in this world the credit is due to his mother; that whatever good there is in him is due to the mother's care, training and prayers. Thereupon Mr. Thos. C. Anderson got up and filed a protest. "I am here." said he, "to stand up for the man. A man who doesn't rule his own house Including his wife is no man at all. I've heard the man talked down so often that I am determined to say a word for him." These remarks should make the men warm to Mr. Anderson. It may endanger his popularity with the ladies and it may not. Women are strange and uncertain at times. Statesville Landmark. Magnificent bronze group, "The Spirit of the Confederacy," Is now on exhibition in New York. Q 00 sting Medicine Ta Cod liver oil is in universal re- have not ceased to threaten at Pute as tne best body builder in 1 Thv throne. any person to drink a sufficient quan- To tnreat and pmy Thee that Thf)U tity of intoxicating liquor or to so be under the Influence of the same as to become drunk, intoxicated, stag ger or be boisterous or troublesome at any public place." The fine is $10 or 10 days imprisonment for the first and $25 fine or 30 days for the second offense. This is a wholesome law. People who get drunk do so voluntarilv and If he my Give him tory of successful men shows that they should be made responsible for That Indiana woman who has 11 fingers on each hand finds no trouble in sifting the contents of her hubby's pockets while he snoozes. mas the farm is the nest place for a bov to be raised. But what is your boy going to do? Put him to work at the carpenter's, DiacKsmitn s, mason s, tinner s or painter's trade, and if he has no edu cation and does not acquire one. then he will live and die just where tnelr acts. VV e have little patience with the sympathy wasted on the "poor drunkards" while all the de nunciation is poured out on the liquor dealer. No man is compelled to drink liquor. Nobody forces it on him. And whenever one does drink to excess and make himself a nnis- you put him, neyer earning over a ance he should suffer the consequence. Ar attack v 'h a bad coui i had c-nsur;;-Av-i's Cherrv cured me promp:ly. A, X. Randies, Nokcmis, 111 1 if frinHe coi' in. 1 CIv -1 n tried and it dollar a day. But give him a com mon school education and teach him the value of work, and, if ne is not lacking in mother wit, he will be a success. The unconouerable man hood of the American people is latent in that boy. It Is being developed Statesville Landmark. V r-.ii forgot -Ail. 1 I ?c buyabot- of Ayer's Cherry Pec :i; when your cold first on. so you let it run aions. even now. with 7 all yci:r hard couching, it will not disappoint you. There's a record of sixty years to fall back on. Throe iizesr 25c . 50c. SI. All dragglsts. Wanted to Prohibit Old Jones." "fcT a. one 01 us are consistent in every respect, but, speaking of prohibition, it is unquestionably true that a very large number of persons who for one in millions of boys all over this great reason or another advocate prohibi- nation. I tion not oniv use much sr wrmw rmt Do we people here in Granville they have no idea of stopping its use. county intend to see the rest of the I They think no matter how many pro- hold them still In memory of us. See Thou tend him well. Thou (Jod of all the mothers! lack One of his kisses ah my heart. heart, Do angels kiss In Heaven? back! forgive me, Lord, but I am sick with grief. And tired to tears and cold to com forting, Thou art wise, I know, and tender, aye and good, Thou hast my child and he is safe with Thee, And I believe Ah God, my child shall go Orphaned and among the angels! All alone. So little and alone! He knows not Thee, He only knows his mother give him back. wasting diseases, and the best reconstructor in recovery from severe sickness known to medicine. Nevertheless, three-fourths of the people are really made sick by the taste and smell of cod liver oil. Half of them can't take it. Their stomachs either reject it, or are so upset by it that the dose does more harm than good. Vinol is the only preparation of cod liver oil which contains no grease or bad taste yet does con tain all the virtue of cod liver oil, and is deliciously palatable. It also contains organic iron. Iron gives quality to the blood. Almost every ailing person needs it. the combination of these two elements with table wine is both scientific and accomplished right here in we are doing Is a new and scientific compound made from roots, herbs and barks contain neither opiates nor poisons, it purifies the blood and removes the causes of rheumatism and all blood diseases. Anyone can take RHCUflACIDB with abso lute safety. Does not Injure the digestive organs. TWO Florence, S. C, Aug. 16, 1902. Gentlemen : I began to suffer from rheumatism about three years ago, and had it very bad in my limbs. At times I could hardly walk. Was treated by a physician without benefi t. More than a year ago, Mr. Oeorge Wilson, an engi neer on the Coast Line, living in Flor ence, told me that " Kheumacidk " cured him. I got a bottle and it bene fitted me. I took five bottles and am now as well as I ever was in my life. i regard "Rhettmacide" as a great medicine. I know of others it has cured. Truly, S. T. BTJRCH. CURES. Darlington, S. C, Aug. 19th, 1902. Gentlemen : About two years ago I had a very severe attack of inflamma tory rheumatism. 1 suil'ered great pain and was confined to iny bed for five weeks. During the time I was treated by two Physicians without permanent relief. Capt. Harker, a conductor on the Atlantic Coast Line heard of my condition and snt me two bottles of "Rheumacide." I began to take it and in a week I got up and walked on crutches. After taking three bottles of the remedy I got entirely well and went back to my business. I personally know of a number of other bad cases that were cured by the use of your medicine, in this town and vicinity. It is all that you claim for it. Truly, J. L. SISKRON. Sold by Druggists. Will be sent express paid on receipt of $1.00. BODDitt Chemical Co., - - Baltimore, fid.. U. S. A. 'WW' IF f tr ItW If I! FOR THE WINT lK NOW. Consult your !ootr. if he says take it, then do ;is lie s:lys. If he tells you not to take it. then don't take it. Ho knows. Leave it with him. We are willing. J . C. AY EE CO.. Lowell, Mass. world making progress while we are hibitory laws are made and passed hands." Idle I that the Stuff will mflrlo nrwl arr I - w -muv MJUVA It is true that the bravery of the I somewhere and that thev. In some older generation, now rapidly pass- way, will manage to get what thev 1 ing away, won the admiration of want. These are not only inconsist ntHrrA Trrn.lJ. - -4- J-V. -1- I i il 1 ., luc uniiicu wwnu, ins true lucii wtjitjut Liiey are Hypocrites, iney are have developed judges and generals the people who want to prohibit "old and congressmen in recent years; it Jones." They want other people is true that we have built railroads j stopped from doing what they have ana establlsned factories; it Is true no idea of quitting themselves These that Granville boys have taken the I are the folks that idve one wearinpss highest honors in various colleges; I of the flesh. Candid Confession. Aunt Sally: "iou werenot awk ward at your debut, were you.dear? I not help you. hope you knew how to hold your effective. It has wonderful things town. We think a service to every run-aown, ailing, coughing, ner vous, debiltated person in calling attention to Vinol. We sell it on its merits money back if it does You run no risk My stock of wood ah tight heaters are now on exhibition and em braces the iatest improved line, also coal heaters, laree stock cook stoves and ranges, and housekeepers goods generally. Ihousands of usfcil tnings. NEW DEERING up-to-date mowers, simplest and strongest and lio-htest draft. We would like for everv farmer to see this wonderful machine. Acme and Cutaway Disc Harrows, spring and spike tooth harrow pulverizes the Sana and all crops yield more. Agent for the celebrated 'I didn't have to hold them Helen: auntie." Aunt Sally: "Why not, dear?" Helen: "Because one of the young men was holding them for me." Another Romance Blighted. ne: "it i were a snowdrop a soft little flake I would watch from my piace in tne sky till 1 saw you There is a class, very fare forth; then I'd fall on your cheek, I have a nerve soother of that kind in the house iiritisli Steamer Sagami has ar rived at Cadiz from Norfolk, with cargo on fire. but it is also true that there arehun- few in numbers, already referred to. and there T would hannllv dip " rl-,..lr, I . , , . 'I 1 L ,xj uurcuuuiy who arms nquor and advocate pro- She: "If you were a snowdrop a 1H uu mem wno I niumon at one and the sam timl-.- anft fli.-0f v.o v,, Q ' I AAV usv - J. V -i L11V A -T 111 VA ui 11 t y Drill Labor savers. These Drills stand second to nnne Hnps t-rfw i, Old people revive under its influ- Grain drilled last season yielded much greater than that done by hand! Nursing mothers and over I General Agent for Ohio Feed Cutters, Ensilage Cutters, Chain Elevators, and Blower or Wind Elevators. ence worked people get new vitality, R. L HAMILTON, rmuGoisT. Miss Jneld, a grand daughter of Cyrus, who laid the first Atlantic cable, will soon be married to a phy sician who cured her of nervous dis order. She thinks it a arood idea to YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TAKING When you take drove's Tasteless Chill Tonic lie nuse the formula is plainly printer! on every bottle showing that it is simply Iron ard Quinine in a tastless foim. Nc Cure. No Pay. Coc. In a railroad collision nearLaFox, 111 , three persons were killed and eight Injured. can never be what they might have been had their fathers not been too poor to give them an education. What are we going to do about It? Fold our hands and say "I never had no chance." By the help of God, no! I-rfit us learn first the value of work Let us learn that the Creator has in a thousand ways stamped his bless ing on labor and his curse on idle ness: that labor brings health, cheer- cause they want to quit, think they pointed star, permit me to say that can t, and want to be restrained. These are not to be criticised but are to be pitied. Then there are those who touch not, taste not, handle not. They are the earnest, sincere, con sistent advocates of the abolition of the liquor traffic and all men of what ever views can resoect them Hut not all teetotalers are prohibition ists. Some who never drink or df,l fO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative li omo Quinine TabletF. All druegists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. VV. Cirove's signature is on each box. 25c fulness and good feeling toward our in liquor don't believe in prohibition, and frequently this is because they, being non-drinkers, think that other people can let liquor alone, too, if they wanted to. Statesville Land mark. while idleness breeds poverty, filth and dis- King's Daughters of the State are advocating a bill for the establish ment of a reformatory for young criminals. WBiEM mBMBY i USE n.n I ABU 'i 3 3 S iiher's Friend V.-o7::;m':i trn.-at.est dream of beauty and jrl. y is .ii-:i nature has chosen her to Income a inoLher. K very faculty is Wn1v and the histnrv nf Nnrrh Carolin r.L:t as she foresees the iov. ambitimi . v.s success and the liie-long satisfaction com f nearer, clay by day, in the dear and innocent beinrj so soon to see light, and t!ie uncertainty whether she shall see a sweet girl or a brave boy face beside her on the pillow adds zest to her expectancy. Mother's Friend applied externally throughout pregnancy will relieve the p::i:i of parturition, and no mother and child can fail to be healthy, hearty, strong, clear coiuplexioned, pure blooded and cheerful in disposition, who are mutually i iflucnced by the continued use of thig greet liniment, MOTHER'S FRIEND. Bny of driKists, fi.oo per bottle. Cr.r treatise "Aiotherhood" mailed free. Tit 33ADFIELD REGULATOR CO.. Atlanta. Ga. fellow-man, stagnation, ease. A thousand times have I heard old Dr. AIcGuire say: "Genius is hard work, well directed," and the ability to have one's work "well directed" constitutes education. Having made up our minds to work, we next want to know how to work intelligently, that we may reap the largest reward forourlabor. The best way to polish a stone is to rub it against anotherstone, and the best waj' to polish a human mind is to bring it into contnet with other minds. Seek the company of intelli gent men, attend upon their sayings and reflect upon them when alone. The boy of an intelligent father might acquire a very good education and never go to school; but this is some thing that never happens for all in telligent fathers send their boys to school. But how can all of us come in con tact with men of large Intelligence? Through the printed page. Head your liible, studv it, not just to say you have read a chapter.but find out what the man was thinking about who wrote it. God never inspired a man's fingers to write; the inspira tion was put into his heart and brain, and it is our duty to study It and un derstand it. Head the history of theUnited States a. Know something of the country in which you live and of the men who gave you this Government. Head the papers. Read jour county paper, your church paper and a paper de voted to the industry in which you are engaged. Read one of the great Northern magazines, and when election time comes again do not listen to every howling demagogue that comes around, but follow the men who are pure and noble minded. North Carolina Mills. i here are now 276 cotton and woolen mills In the State, of which 14 are wool and 40 knitting mill?. I hese operate 1,745,431 spindles, 38,- 501 looms and machines. The em ployes number 40,569, of whom 23,011 are males over twelve years, 22,627 are females over twelve. Reports from 17S mills show 1)29 children under twelve employed. The other mills do not answer the Question. Lighty-four per cent, of the adults can read and write, while 7 per cent, of the children can read and write. The highest average wages to wo men is 94 cents, the lowest 45 and the average for children is 35. The high est average is $1.90 a day. you'd not be a bit more soft than at present you are." M Isn't it Strange. How some men conceive the idea that to praise another man is an evidence of weakness? How many women will work them selves up to anger and not al low the fact to become known? How many men try to laugh away the consequence of an act of meanness? How many women pride themselves on an ability to straighten out a tangled love affair? How many men dislike having their from sick blood constanc3r to a wamon discuss ed? How many women show their feel ing In the countenace? How easily some men settle affairs which puzzle their intellectual superiors ? How many women rate a man's in fluence by his financial standing? How often men overestimatp t.hofv strength for a hard struggle? many women wish for things beyond the possibility of being secured. Philadelphia Bulletin. Stock Mkm, Full stock Builders materiat, Paints Oils TurDentine. Varnishes Wood and willow ware, Crockery, Lamps and Glass ware, IMeat choppers, etc. Beltincrs. Pfirkincrs T.nr-inrrc Pine unH Pino fin-Jrivo T u j i . , . i . " ' " x "dvc une oi me x ecu pdic gins uii oCOIt S I oesc gun ana iock smuns in iortn tarouna. It your gun is out of or- Emulsion. We do not need to give all the reasons whv Srott'c Emulsion restores the strength and flesh and color of good Health to those who ?nHW der bring it to me for repairs Guttering, Roofing and Tinning supplies generally. I want your trade and 1 promise you mv best efforts to serve you satisfactory. Yours very tru'y, I low HAIR-PIN-P1CK-UPS. i fie lact that it is the best preparation of Cod Liver Oil, rich in nutrition, full of healthy stimulation is a suggestion as to why it does what it does. Scott's Emulsion presents Cod Liver Oil at its best, fullest in- strenp;th. least in taste. Young "women in their " teens " are permanently cured of the peculiar disease of the blood which shows itself in NON-MOISTURE INCUBATORS Are the lh:s Will Interest Many. to quick 1 introduce B. H H. (Botanic Bliiod Balm), the famous Soulhern blood cure, into new homes, we will send absolu tely free o ooi tnnl treatments Botanic Blood Balm (8. B. B.)quick:y cures old ulcers, scrofula, eczema, itchin" skin and Ki.l 1,., rJ? ihulptj UUU1U13 , kzhliii. i -siermiT sores boils, carbunclos. pimples or offensive erup tions, p.ins in bones or joints, rheumatism catarrh, r any blood or skin trouble Bo- a Til l 1 i tame oio-.xi oairu o. d a. rivals everv sore or pimpie makes tne Diooa pure and rich and stops al! aches and pains. Botanir Blood Balm B B. B , thoroughly tested for 30 years in hospital and private practice, a-id has cured thousand of -ases qiven up at hopeless. Women killed 125 deer in Maine this paleness, weakness and nervous- auturan. New disease attacks tobacco in New York State that puzzles all ex perts and does great damage to the crop. ueWitfs Witch Hazel Salve. The only po-itive care f ;r bl n 1, I le?d np itch ng nd protruding piles, cuts, burn., bruise i aczemn snd all abrasisn; of the skin De Uts is the only Witch H-zel Salve that is made from ihe pure, undulteiated wi'ch hnz-i ail others aie coun erfeits. D - It isn't a case of true love if the girl doesn't lose her appetite. When a young man proposes it is up to the giri to lose her self posses ion. An old bachelor says there is noth- dearer to a man than a good wife or at least more expensive. German statistics h'w that out of 1,000 bridesrrooms women older than themselves. "A married man can live on lees than a single man." 'Ofcourse. A married man usually has to." "Yes, and after she refused me she waved her hand in farewell." "Sort of cold wave, wasn't it." Philadel phia Record. ,,-r ness, by regular treatment with Scott's Emulsion. It is a true blood food and is naturally adapted to the cure of the blood sickness from lich so many young women suffer. VV'c will be glad to send a sample to any sufferer. Be sure that this picture in the form of a label is on the wrapper of every bottle of r.rauiMon you buy. SCOTT & BOWNE. Chemists, 409 Pearl St., New York. Hrl Hatchers oltft D U 55 They are used on more large and Bucceselai roultry plants, by more ponltry fanciers of national and inter national reputation, on more Govern ment -ExDerimental stations and by moremore puhl c industrial institu Vi2r.?m A,t' OTIIEii MAKBSOif INCUBATORS TAKKN TOUKI'HBK For abundant proof of theae claims, see our latest caloeue. THE CYHUERS GUARANTEE: Jfacn and evpry incubator we sedd out is sold with the distinct understanding that it will do satisfactory work in-tht; hand of tho purchaser who will give lt.?u-air,ttLal or u can be returned witbin 90 days, in good repair less reasonable wear, and the purchase price wi 1 he refunded. This is a Guarantee that ha1? no string tied to it. Under its provisions ou buy a caitanty in an incubator. This gaarantf e says that our incubator must do satisfactory work in your hards, not that It has or may do good work m some one elee'ij hands. Our tranraction is with yon Send today or our latest com- piece catalogue, (iso pages 8x11 inches m eiZft. Wl. Iif HMI V i i 1 11 Si rI f-rl Lhnninri n...., . . WADE H. BRITT, AGENT, OXFORD, N. C. I am also Agent for all kind of Po$,it Rnnniaa H uts Witch Hazel wa!ve is made to To all of this, I hear two answers, counterfeits are made to se 1. J. G. cure HU. The scratch of a pin may cause the loss of a nmb or even death when blwd poison ing re?ul s from the injury All dangei of t is may be avoided h.ever, by promptly "l i lj l'.gChaml erlain's Pan Halm, ft is -uiibeptic oni heah-g liniment for cut; All druggist. j ' " 1, cy. bruises and bu ns. To Cure a Cold In One Dav iokg juaxauve oromo limine Tablets. oeven mwion Doxes sold in past 12 months. This (tirniAtrrvo Ctores Grip in Two Days. on every cox. 25c. 'S 7

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