Is the iiame Sonietinies given to what is generally known as the BAD DIS EASE. It is not confined to dens of vice or the lower classes. The purest and best people are sometimes !j fl infected with this awful malady y through handling the clothing, drinking from the same vessels. using the same toilet articles, or otherwise coming in contact with persons who have contracted it. It begins usually with a little blister or sore, then swelling in the groins, it-u cupi.uu uicco wi. Ten years afro I contracted a bad case the body, pores and ulcers appear of Blood Poison. I was under treatment of a physician until Hound that he could do me no yood. Then began taking: S. S. S. I commenced to improve at once and in a very sliort time all evidence of the disease disappeared. I took six bot- Splotches and pustular eruptions and ties and today am sound and well. F vrr ,o B.. M. Wall, Mornstown, Tenn. sores appear upon different parts ot ' the body, and the poison even destroys the bones. S. S. S. is a Specific for this loathsome disease, and cures it even in the worst forms. It is a perfect antidote for the powerful virus that pollutes the blood and penetrates to all parts ot the system. Unless you get this poison out of your blood it will ruin you, and bring disgrace and disease upon 3rour children, for it can be transmitted from parent to child. S. S. S. contains no mercury or potash, but is guaranteed a strictly vegetable compound. Write for our free home treatment book and learn all about Contagious Blood Poison. If jrou want medical advice give us a history of your case, and our phvsicians will furnish all the information yon wish without any charge whatever. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. . . . 1 A1 Al- 1 in tne mouLii, tiie viiroat uecomes ulcerated, the hair, eye brows and lashes fall out ; the blood becoming more contaminated, copper colored OXFORD PUBLIG LEDGER. WADE II. BRITT, LOCAL EDITOR, THURSDAY. FEB. 5. 1903. Dyspepsia ture Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds of food. It gives instant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. Is unequalled for the stomach. Child ren with weak stomachs thrive on it. First dose relieves. A diet unnecessary. Cures all stomach troubles Prepared only by E. C. De Witt & Co., Chicago Hie $1. bottle contains VA times the 50c. size. J. G. Hall. AD llfflllsllefl Record 3 til VX lOOs During August Every One of the death claims paid in the United States and Canada by the Equitable Life Assurance Society weie paid within one day after receipt Of proof And during no mouth of the year has the percentage been below 9S per cent. This exceis the Society's own great record. It has never even been approached by any other company. "Str ngest in the Woild." THE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURRANCE SOCIETY of the United States. LEON B. JONES. Special Agent Oxford, N. C. Office in Hunt building upstairs. A, A. HICB.S. S. -W. XINOB jjICKS A MIJVOK, Attorneys - at-Law, OXFORD, W C. Absociatb Counssl: r X. HICKS, HSNJJBRPON, N.O. Will practice together in tha coarts ;1 Gran ville, Vance, Franklin and Warren counties, asd in all matters requiring their joint attention. We hope by pronrRt, diligent and f'tafni stten t to tivV. ess to deswe and receive rirtior O -. , -m'iimr fj" GCtl W ould You Like to increase the flow of milk in your COWS? AMERICAN Stock Food Does this at a very trifling cost It keeps cattle looking nice and prevents diseases. Sold under a positive guarantee. None genuine without picture of Uncle Sam. For Sale by JOS. S. BROWN, Oxford, N C Wm. H HABUXSOF, ATTORNEY I COUNSELOR ftT LAW, OXFORD, N. C. The criminal practice and the Set tlement of Estates specialties. Coort F ( nice in Oppinootts MONTHLY MAGAZINE A Family Library The Best in Current Literature 12 Complete Novels Yearly MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.50 PER YEAR ; 25 CTS. A COPY NO CONTINUED STORIES Rain and sweat have no effect on harness treated with Eureka Har ness Oil. It re sists the clamp, Keeps the leath er soft and pli a!;e. Stitches do not break. No rouh sur face to chafe and cut. The harness not only keeps J looking like t ntiv. but A. at s tvie ; as K'TVTl-vth. : -- of t-llir 11 :irncss Oil. here s?.rv i M .WJT- k Constipation is nothing more i than a closcrine'- of the bowels ' a ml nothing less than vital stag- ration or death if not relieved, if every constipated sufferer could realize that he is alloAving poisonous filth to remain in his system, he would soon get relief. Constipation invites all kind of contagion. Headaches, bilious ness, colds and many other ail ments disappear when consti pated bowels are relieved. Thed f ord's Black-Draught thoroughly cleans out the bowels in an easy and natural manner without the purging of calomel or other vio lent cathartics. Be sure that you get the origi nal Thedf ord's Black-Draught, made by The Chattanooga Medi cine Co. Sold by all druggists in 25 cent and $1.00 packages. Korean, Ark., 3Iay 25, 1001. I cannot recommend Thedfonl's Black Dranalittoohiirltly. 1 keep It In my house all the time and have used It for the last tea years. 1 never gave my children any ether laxative. I think I could never he able to work without it. on account of heini? troubled with constipation. Your medicine Is , all that keeps me up. C. B. McFARLAXD. W H. M. SHAW, Oxford. B. SHAW, Henderson. SHAW & SHAW, Attorney & Counsellors at Law, OXFORD. N. C. We offer our professional services to the citizens of Granville and adjoining counties, and solicit a share of your patronage, pro mising to give to the smallest as wellas the largest case our most lidligent attenti nand best efforts. Our fees are moderate. Refer vou to any one in Oxford or Hen derson . Notice, To whom It may concern : This is to cive notice that applica tlon will be made to the General As sembly of North Carolina, now in session, for a charter for the Oxford Graded Schools. Jan. 7, 1903. 21 EVERY NUMBER COMPLETE IN ITSELF Jl NOTICE. Annlication will be made to tL General Assembly of North Carolina, session l'J03. to charter the " Oxford Savings Bank and Trust Company." This, January 7. 1903. 11. G. COOPER, J. G. HUNT, E. T. WHITE, J. S. BROWN, J. G. HATjL, B. S. ROYSTER. N otice. Notice is hereby jriven that appli cation will be made to the legisla ture of North Carolina for 1903 to pass an act for the establishment of a dispensary at Oxford, N. C. Oxford, N. C, Jan. 6, 1803. Trade Marks Designs Yffi Copyrights &c. Anyone sending a sketch and description may ouickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Communica Stlycmifldential. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive e-nerinl notice, without charge, in the cientific American. A handsomely illustrated weekly. I,a rgest eir- MUNN &Co.36,Broadway-New York Branch Office, 625 F BU Washington. D. C. THE FARMER. At early dawn when birds begin To chant their morning lay The farmer rises from his bed To greet the coming day. He sits him not in idle mood Nor waits the shining sun, But e'er its light the hill tops touch His day's work has begun. He calls upon the "boys" to "Come And plant the held in corn;" And they in very looks partake The vigor of the morn. With joyous heart he plants the corn, With light steps sows the wheat, For then he knows when winter comes He'll have enough to eat. He'll have enough for each and all Of those who claims his care. And to his neighbor, poor, in want, Perhaps a little spare. On, on he toils until the noon When comes the frugal meal, :.nd then 'tis "Roys, the team yoke up And back into the field." And thus he toils from morn till night, Fulifilliug the command That man shall e.'irn his daily bread By work of his own hand. And in reward for honest toil His Maker kind doth give All He has promised in His word To those who work to live. He's bread, milk, butter on his board, And in his smoke house meat, His barns are stuffed with hay and oats, His cribs with corn and wheat, A hardy yeoman of the land, The monarch of the soil, He seeks alone to gain support By honest, daily toil. No greed for office fills his mind, No anxious cares his breast, The day he gives to honest work, The night he takes for rest. Then honor to the farmer who Leans on his own strong arm, Who loves his country, trusts in God, And this his model. Lawson Eavks, Polkville, N. C. (ouDfg jews otes. Short Accounts of Hap penings Among Our Neighbors. By Our Correspondents (XsxsXsXaXS) Stovais Sftort stops, The Easy Pill. De Witts Little ij.arly Kisers do not gripe nor weaken the system They cure bilious ness, jaundice, constipation and inactive livers, by arousing the secretions, moving the bowels gently, yet effectually, and giving such tone and strength to the glands of the stomach, liver and bowels that the cause of the trouble is removed entirely. These fa mous iittle p lis exet a decided tonic effect upon the organs involved, and it tneir use is continued for a few davs there will be no return of the trouble. J. G. Hall. Minority makes report on the anti trust bill and advocates depriving any corporation, which violates the Sherman act, of right to use mails and telegraph and telephone lines. A Weak Stomach causes a weak body a d invites disease Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures and strengthens the stomach, and wards off and overcomes disease. J. R. Taylor, a prominent merchant of Chriesman. Tex., savs: "I could not est because of a weak stomach. I lost al strength and run down in weight. All that money could do was done, but all hope of recovery vanished. Heating of some wonder ful cures effected by use of Kodol. I conclud ed to try it The first bottle benefitted me and after taking four boitles I am fully re stored to my usual strength, weight and health." J. G. Hal . Love may make the world go round, but it isn't always able to make the girl's father come round. Do you know the latest? Mud, mud ! We are sorry to learn that Miss Mary Butler is suffering with a bone- felon. We are glad to say the carpenters nave arrived to put up the new school building. Messrs. Critcher and E. F. Perkin- son, of Oxford, were guests of the Misses Butler Sunday. Beport says that one of our old bachelors is getting tired of living alone and will soon take a Virginia lady to keep him company. We are having right much sickness in this section, airs, liettie .Hester. who has been sick for several days, we are glad to say is considerably better. PAPA'S PET. husband, and drag her down to pov erty, sorrow and ruin. a young man who smokes cigar ettes can never expect to have physi cal health or strength to be of any account to himself or any one else. A young man who has no more re spect for (iod and his house than to stay out of doors during religious worship can never be counted on for anything good in future life. These are matters of vast import ance, and demand serious considera tion and earnest action. Young ladies, do as aboA e suggest ed and many a reformed young man will thank and honor you; and God will bless you for having done a noble work. J. A. STRADLEY. How to Make Money With Poultry -and Incubators. That is the title of our new 1903 book 19G large pages. It is far su perior in every way to its predeces sors. It embraces all that is best in poultry keeping, duck growing. brooder raising, egg farming and the production of winter chickens or roosters, drawn from the experience of the best experts in this country. It fully describes and illustrates the unequaled Cyphers Incubators and Garden Seeds Best for the "Sunny South," because they are specially rown and selected with a full knowledge of the conditions and require ments of the South. Twenty-five years experience and practical growing of all the diilerent vege tables enables us to know the very best, and to offer seeds that will give pleasure, satisfaction and profit to all who plant them. Wood's New Seed Bcokfor 1903 (Mailed on request) is full of good things, and gives the most reliable information about all seeds, both for the Farm and Garden. T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, Richmond, Va WOOD'S SEED BOOK also tells all about Grass and Clover Seeds, Seed Potatoes, and all Farm Seeds. Write for Seed Book and prices of any Farm Seeds required. Sale of Land. One Minute Cough Cure gives reiiet in one minute, because it kills the microbe which tickles the mucous membrane,causing the eough, and at the same time clears the phlegm draws out the inflammation and heals and soothes the affected parts. Ore Minute Cough Cure strengthens the lungs, wards off pneumonia and is a harmless and never failing cure in all curable cases of coughs, colds and Croup. One Minute Cough Cur : is pleasant to take, harmles" and good alike for young and old. J. G. Hall. Indians have attacked the town of San Marcial in Mexico ; eight Ameri cans, among the defenders, were killed. Tendency of the Times. The tendency of med'eal science is toward preventive measures. The best thought of the world is being given to the subject. It is easier and better to prev nt than to cure. It has bee?i fully dem'nstrated that pneu monia, one of the most dangerous diseases that medical men have to contend with, can be prevented by the use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Pneumonia always results from a Co'd or from an attack of influenza (grip), and it has been observed that this remedy counteracts any tendency of these diseases toward pneumonia. This has been full" proven in n-any thoasa ds of cases in which this remedy has been used during the great prevalence of colds and grip in recent years, and can be relied upon with implicit confidence. Pneumonia often results from a slight cold when no danger is apprehended until it is suddenly discovered that there is fever and difficulty in breathing and pains in he chest, then it is announced that the patie t has pneumonia. Be on the safe side and take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as soon ps the cold is contracted. It always cures All Druggist. A man and woman are killed by a S. A. L. train near Savannah, Ga. A nothers Recommenaation. I have ued Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for a number of years and have no hesitancy in s-ylng that it is the best remedy for coughs, vds and croup I ha- e ever used in my fnmily. I have not words to express my confidence in this remedy Mrs. J. A. Moore North Star, Mich. All Druggist. University of North Carolina is have a dental s-chool. to i PARKER'S : ii:'SS.J?iifS 1 HAIK BALSAM I i3S-4 fjSSsCS Oanses and beautifies the hair. K-l!kaSHsfmSi Pmnxitpa a luxuriant growth. SSSJSsa4 - &e-3 Never Pails to Restore Gray W?tSSBN Hair to its Touthful Color. ft4isJBiPS! Cures scalp diseases & hair falling. W-rn S)c,andai.00at Druggists Jadoniram Articles, The farmers are undecided about how much tobacco to plant as it has dropped down so low. We are sorry to chronicle the ill ness of Mrs, K. T. Pittard, but glad to say she is some better. We are glad to say that Miss Gracie Wright, who has been quite ill for several weeks, is some better. Alice Smith, the oldest daughter of Jacob Clark, colored, died at her home near Blue Wing last Wednes day night of consumption. She was highly respected and beloved by all who knew her. Mr. George Hart and Miss Mittie Belle Blackwell, of Cornwall, were married last third Sanday morning at the home of Mr. Hart. It was quite a surprise to every one, espe cially to some of our young men, as Miss Blackwell was quite a beile with the boys. ST A II. Oak Oracles. S. M. Evans bought and sold 1,080 dozen eggs at this place last year, and still they come in this new year, He also sold 15 barrels of Mr. J. F. Edwards' high grade oil last year, Mr. West Adcock, of this section, killed some pigs that weighed from two to three hundred pounds each. Mr. F. O. Bumpass killed eleven at eleven months old that averaged a little over 250 pounds. Who can beat him ? Most farmers made fine crops the past year. The writer made 7,000 pounds oats, about 4,000 pounds to bacco, CS barrels corn and a lot o peas and beans with one horse, be sides hauling a lot of goods from Virgilina and Nelson, Va. For the past six weeks we have had some cold, rough weather and the roads from this place to Oxford is almost past traveling even horse back, and tobacco is down so low it is distressing to start that way. If prices don't get better soon the farm ers wont burn but very little plant land in this section. We saw a piece in the Public Led ger some time ago about the jug line between Oxford and Henderson, and since the sale of liquor has been bus pended in Oxford we see the jug ped dlers daily going to the steam dis tillery four miles North of this place. Stopping the bar-room dealers from selling liquor has nothing to do with stopping men from drinking, as some of them would go forty miles to get a taste of it. HAMMER. ft new Society needed. There are entirely too many socie ties. Many now existing ought to be abolished; but an excellent lady has suggested the need of a new one. She says all young ladies. who have any regard for their future happiness and welfare in life, and who desire young men to be some account to themselves, others and society, ought to organize in each community and bind themselves to carry out these three strong resolutions : "We will not keep company with any young man who drinks intoxi cating liquors. "We will not ksep company with any young man who smokes cigar ettes. "We will not associate with young men who stay out of church during public worship." If young ladies would carry out these rules they would bring about a reformation among young men that would be an untold blessing to them. Young ladies have the power and opportunity to reform young men as no one else has. The ability and the opportunity to do good Imposes a solemn responsibility. Young men would quit these debasing habits rather than be deprived of the soci ety of young ladies. A young nun who drinks intox -cants has only a dark picture before him. If he succeeds in marrying a noble young lady, he can only expect to make her a worthless, drunkeJ By virtue of a deed in trust executed to H. Latta by J. O Hundley and wife on the 1st 'a of Sep. 1893 and duly r corded on page 45 book 41 of tbe moriEraare record of Oranviiio mn .to Brooders Which embody the greatest ! ?nd tQe request of the present owner of "the ' i lord aannm A Kn ; a. a , . discovery of modern times in the the Kfor'c'Sh Tthi iC," K field of successful incubation bv nr- doorlc Oxford, n. v., on ttfleia. mean, 2,0 n,strat,oo8 show tba, 3' poultry plants that use Cyphers ex- 1 t4in 1n TiUy Ho Towuship, 53 acres of which -i : "iimiuiKuuiriuim.i,. uu"cuey irom eaid fetates, Lana- H. Latta and bounded as follow?, by the lands cluslvely in the United da, England, Germany, of K- W. Booth estate Solomon Hardin. S. W. IT 11 -i J-lOIldllU, Mitchell and othirn. KMI arra .,f uhixli New Zealand and other foreign coun- caaserl by said J. c. Hnocley from W. a. .va'one tries. Send 10 cents merely to pay postage as the book is free. Circu lars free. Read advertisement in another column. W. H. Britt, Agent, Oxford, N. C. Saved Her Chllds Life. "In three weeks our chubby little boy was changed by rneumoma almost to a skele ton," writes Mrs. VV. Watkins, of Pleasant City, O. "A terrible cough set in; that in spite of a good doctor's treatment for several weeks, grew worse every '3ay. We then used Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, and our darling was soon sound and well We are sure this grand medicine saved his life " Mil'ions know it's the only sure cure for coughs, colds and all lung diseases. J. c-,. Hall guarantees satisfac tion. 5oc. $1. Trial bottles free. Six persons killed and many others injured by a boiler explosion at An niston, Ala. A Legicy of the Grip Is often a run down system. Weakness, nervousness, lack of appetite, energy and ambition, with disordered liver and kidneys otten follow an attack of this wretched disease. The greatest need then is Electric Bitters, the splendid tonic, blood purifier and regu ator of stomach, liver acid kilnyc. Thousands have proved that they wonder fully strengthen the nerves build up the sys tem, and restore to health and good sp'rils after an attack of grip. If suffering, try them. Only 5OC. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed by J. G. Hall, and otber-. executors of Geo. Tilley and bound eu norm ana west by S. 11, Gooch, Eaet bv ana 01 o;onion nardin on South by land of .ias n neeier and Knowa as the llobert O'Brien land. ALLEN LATTA.. Executor of ' H. Latta, dee'd Trustee Bale of Land By virtue cf a deed in trust executed by M JJ. Waller and wife and S. W. Waller and wife to John w. Hays oa the 3d day of September 1894, and daiy Tecrif-d on pare 234 hok 42 of tne ttecord of Morteaff3- of -sraaville coi.ntv. I will pell to the hi rnet bidder for cash at public auction at the Court House door in Oxford on FKIDiY TH3 6 h DAY OS FEB 1903, that lot or parcel of 'and 6i uated on the waters of Knap of Heeds c eek in Dutchvii'e Townehip cori ty 01 uranvme adjoining 1 he lands of uaicl M B. and i. W. Waller and known as the old Walle' -Nance mill property and is deecibed bv metes and bounds in a deed from Calvin Waller to said M B and W Waiter registered in Deed Book 48 page 215 on the Record of Deeds of Granville county containing three acres more or less, which ia in good condition with all machi nery necessary for mating flour by the Roller Process. Tbie Janua y 3rd, 1903. B. K.I1A.YS, Adminifct'ator of John W. Hays, dee'd. Trustee ISK Trains Double Daily Service Between New York, Tampa, Atlan ta, New Orleans and Points South and West. IN EFFECT APEIL 13TH. 1902. SOUTHWARD, Daily. Daily Mo. 31. No. a7 Lv. New York, P. R. R 12 55 pm 12 10 am Lv. Philadelphia, P. R. R... 3 29 pm 7 20 m Lv. Baltimore. P. R. R 5 45 Dm 9 34 a m Lv. Washington, W. S. Ry. . . 7 00 pm 10 41a m iv. Kicnmond, S. A. L. Ky. . 10 37 pm 3 15 am Lv. Petersburg " 11 20 Dm 2 fifi nm Lv. Norlina " 1 55 am 5 30 pm Lv. Henderson, 3 28 am 5 54 nm Lv. Raleigh, " 4 12 am 7 57 pm f-v. Southern Pines. " 6 f 5 am a 27 r.m Lv. Hamiet, " 7 20 am 10 35 pm Lv, Columbia, " 9 40 am 1 05 pm Ar. Savannah, " 2 10 pm 4 40 am Ar. Jacksonville. " 7 00 Dm 9 15 am Ar, St, Augustine, ' 10 0 am Ar. Tampa, " 6 45 am 5 45 am No. 33. No. 41. r.JN,T7 6Sam s 65 pm Lv. New York,N. Lv. Philadelphia, Lv. New York.O.D.S.S.Co LiV. .Baltimore, li. S. P. Co Lv. Wash'ton, N. & W. S.B. Lv. Portsmouth, S.A L.Ry. Lv, Weldon, " Lv, Norlina, " Lv, Hendorson, " Lv. Raleigh, " Lv. Southern Pines, ' Lv. Hamlet, Lv. Wilmington, " Ar, Charlotte, Lv. Chester, " Lv. Greenwood, " Lv. Athens, " Ar. Atlanta, " Ar. Augusta, C. & W. C Ar. Macon, C. of Ga Ar. Montgomery, A.&W.P. , 4 r. Mobile, L. & N Ar. New Orleans, L. & N... Ar. Nashville, N.C.&St.L. . . Ar. Memphis, " 10 16 am 11 26 pm t 3 00 pm T o 3() pm 6 30 pm 9 05 pm 9 25 am 11 45 pm 11 55 am 1 55 am 1 40 pm 2 28 am 2 10 pm 4 12 am 3 E5 pm 6 05 am 6 18 pm 7 25 am 10 35 pm 3 05 pm 10 08 am 10 j2 pm 10 22 am 1 35 pm 12 35 pm 3 43 am 2 50 pm 6 13 am 3 55 pm 7 50 am 5 40 pm 7 20 pm 11 35 am 9 20 pm 6 25 pm 3 55 am 7 25 am 4 00 am 6 55 pm 4 15 pm 8 25 am NORTHWARD. Daily, No. 32. 13 45 pm 9 30 pm 8 CO pm 13 30 am 6 20 am Lv. Memphis, N.C,& St.L.. Lv. Nashville, " Lv. New Orleans, L. & N.. Lv. Mobile, " Lv. Montgomery, A.&W.P. Lv. Macon, C, of Ga 8 00 am Lv. Augusta, C. & W. C 10 05 am lv. Atlanta, S. A.L.Ky .... 12 00 pm Ar. Athens, " 3 57 pm Ar. Greenwood, " 5 14 pm Ar. Chester, " 7 17pm Lv. Charlotte, " 7 27 pm Lv, Wilmington, 3 05 pm Lv. Hamlet, " 10 40 pm Lv. Southern Pines, " 11 33 pm Lv. Raleigh, " 1 35 am Lv. Henderson, " 3 05 am Lv. Norlina, " 3 50 am Ly. Weldon, 5 00 am Ar. Portsmouth, " 7 15 am Ar. Wash'ton, N. & W. 8. B Kr. Baltimore, B. 8. P. Co Ar. New York, O.D.8.8.C0 Ar. Phila'phia, N.Y.P.&N. Ar. New York, " The diplomatic debt amounts to $14,000,000. of Virginia Millions put to Work. The wonderfully activity cf the new cen tury is shown by an enormous demand for the world's best workers Dr. Kings New Life Pills. For constipation, sick headache, biliousness, or any trouble of stomach, liver . or kidneys they're unrivaled. Only 25c at J. Ci Halls. Sale of Land. By virtue of authority vested in me by a cer tain df ed of trust, executed to me as trustee by M. T. Clayton and wife, and duly recorded in Book 54, page 82, in the -egister of Heeds of fice of Granvii'e countv, default having been made n the payment of the bonds sucarod thereby, 1 will, on TUESDAY, THE 3kd DAY OS" MARCH, 1903, sell at public auction at ihe court house door in Oxford, to x,he highest bidder for cish, all of the interest of said M. Clayton aad wile in and to the lands alioted to Mrs. Lucy li. Smith as he dower in the estate of L.'G. Smith, decenstd, and alo certain lards inherited bv the sa d Mrs. M. T. Clayton from her father, the sa!d L. G. Smith, defeased. S id lands consist of the fol lowing traits and town lots : A hour".e and lot in Cam Town, on Sycamore s'reet, containing 4 acres, it b'ing the same purchased by L. G. Smith from J. W. Hunt and wi'e, A houe and lot on Broad street, adjoining F. T. Crews ar.d others, and known as the L. G. Smith home place A vacant Sot on the Raleigh road containing one-f jmr'h of an acre being the lo! purchased by Li G. smith irom liiiiis ruryear. Three tenement houses in Oxford on Hicks St . adjoining E K. Howard and others. A tract of land in Waltut Grove townshio. 400 acres, adioinicg the P. Thorp and others, and known as the L. G, mith country h'-me place The Gorches tract of land, adjoinin? B. P. Thorp's ef-taee, William Reed and others, con taining S50 acres, and now occupied by v lem Woo(. A tract of land in Granville coui ty. Oak Hill Lv Tampa, S. A. L. Ry Lv. St Augustine " Lv Jacksonville " Lv Savanuan " Lv Columbia " Lv Hamlet " Lv Southern Pines " Lv Raleigh " Lv Henderson ' Lv. Norlina , 8. A. L. Ry, Lv. Petersburg, " Lv. Richmond, Ar. Washington, W. S Ar, l'.altimore,P. R. R Ar. Philadelphia, Ar. New York, Note. t Daily Except Sunday. t Contra) Time fcas'flrn Time. H.S. Lcard T. P. A. Kaleteh N. C t 5 46 pm 8 15 pm No. 84. 9 00 pm 7 45 am 9 45 am 1 55 pm 7 05 pm 10 40 pm 11 33 pm 1 35 am .1 05 am 3 45 am 5 53 am 6 35 am Ry.. 10 10 am 11 25am 1 1 3pm 4 13 pm Daily No. 38 8 40pm 9 30 am I 80 pm 4 20 pm "s'oo'pra 11 23 pm I CO am 4 06 am 4 50 am 7 40 am 8 34 am II 05 am 12 35 pm I 45 pm 3 00 pm 5 35 pm 6 55 am t 6 45 am t 5 50 pm 5 10 am 8 00 am No. 66. 8 00 am 5 50 pm 8 00 pm II 55 pm 5 00 am 8 25 am 9 22 am II 35 am 12 58 pm. 1 45 pm 4 07 pm 4 55 pm 8 3ti pm 11 25 pm 2 56 am 6 30 am Telephone Rates The following; Toll Hates will be in effect on and after May 1st. 11)02, sub ject to change or correction. From Oxford to i near Berea, containing i lan -s of Thns Daniel. F EVERY CHURCH or institution support ed by voluntary contribution will be given a liberal quanity of the Longman & Martinez Pure Paints whenever they paint NOTE: Have done si for twenty seven years. Sales: Tens of Millions of gallons; painted nearly two million houses under guarantee to repaint if nt satisfactory: The paint wears for periods up to eighteen y ars. Linseed Oil must be added to the paini, (done in two minutes). Actual cost then about $1.25 a ga'lon. Samples free. Sold by our Agent. J. F. Edwards, Oxford, Ts. C. A St. Louis man who was rejected several years ago by a girl of that city died the other day and left her $35,000. It was a very neat way of showing his gratitude. Memphis I towr.ship, containing 52 ao-es and adjoining Appeal. the lands 01 mre. J-iUcy oip, itobt. wiuia m A trac-1 f land in Oak Hill township, adjoin ing the lands of th? Clifton heirs, R. T. Thorp, Maurice Smith and others, containing 75 acre?. I he undivided one-half in part of the Peterson Thorp tract, adjoining thi lands of Dr. Thorp, G. B. Keavis, Morton and others, contaiu- ine 228 acres. A tract of land in Oak Hill township known as the Puckctt tract, adjoining the lands of F, O. Bumpass, R. T. Thorp and others, contain ing 96 acres. For a more accu-ate description of eaid lards see Deed Book 64, page 382; aleo allotment of lands to Mrs. L. B. Pnilpitt, formerly Mrs L. . Smith, und-r will of Louis Smith in C. S. O.'s office. Time of slae 12 M. W, M. NICHOLAS, Truitee. For information apply t T. Lanier. pd. I Ayden 45c Littleton 30c I Boydton 24c Louisburg 25c Buflalo Sprint's 25c Morehead City U)c ; Burlington 40c Nashvi le 35c Beaut'ord 85c New Bern (15c Chase C-ty 35c Newport 75c Ciarkesville 26c PJymonth R5c Chapel Hill 30c Raleigh 30c Dunn 45c Roanoke Rapids 40c Durham 25c Rocky Mount 40c Enfield 40c Scotland Neck 45c Franklinton 25c Selma 40c Goldsboro 45c Smithfield 40c Greensboro 45e Spring Hope 30c Greenville 45c Tarboro 45c Hamilton 45". Wake Forest 25c Haw River 40c W'arrenton &5c Henderson 15c Weldon 40c High Point 50c Wilson 40c Kinston 50c Winston 60c V. C. TOEPLEMAN, Gen. Supt. CH.cs::-.rE ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PSLL V Original and Onlv 4n mlmo. .SAFE. Alwavs reliable, ladle, ftik Driirrlnt 'iiJCVv In KKI1 an4 Gold metallic boxei, tmrl fof a with blue ribbon. Txke no other. Ki-fu.n VvJ Inareroas Hubotltui Ion and Jiuita- tlonn. Buy of your DrucgiHt, or Heod 4c. in lUffipl for l'ftrt lrn lu-.- "C fJ nd "Keller for Ladle" in (etrr, by re turn mall. 1 , Teitlmoniali. gold by all DruKZifls. hlrhar- t 'kn,l.l fin.. Mention thi paper. Hmdlaou Hgiiare, P1MLA.. l'A, "T r mmfegra 7 - mm piiflt wi lafeii its iliiSisiaf The Johnson Warehouse, Oxford, N. C, Has been given up as the place for farmers to sell their tobacco Each pile, good or bad, fine or common, brings top market price every sale no piles neglected, no piles overlooked. Glad to say that wrappers continue to sell well and, along with other grades, always bring top-crust prices on the Johnson floor. The rich and the poor, the big farmer and the little farmer, receive equal justice at the Johnson. I have no " special pets " but am surely a true friend of all. If hard work daring the new year, honest dealings and highest market prices for every pile and all grade? of tobacco count for anything, then everybody should sell at the Johnson. Sure as you are born the Johnson Warehouse is the place to sell tobacco. I take this opportunity to warmly thank my farmer friends for their very liberal patronage during the year just closed, with the hope that I shall continue to merit their confidence and esteem. Wishing each and every one a happy and prosperous New Year, I am, Yours very truly, Z. W- LYON, Prop'r Johnson Warehouse. r Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic has stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales over One and a Half Million bottles. Does this record of merit appeal to you? No Cure, No Pay.' 50c. a . !. W . Ttl rti t. 1V11. ' cnciosea iotih every f9iue iaii. ieni pacitage m urove s xxac& is.oou wvw rui

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