AN OLD SORE months of diligent and faithful use of external remedies that the place remains as defiant, angry and offensive as ever. Every chronic sore, no matter on what part of the body it comes, is an evidence of some previous constitutional or organic trouble, and that the dregs of these diseases remain in the system; or, itmaj'be that some long hidden poison perhaps Cancer has come to the surface and begun its destructive work. The blood must be purified before the sore will fill up with healthy flesh and the skin regains its natural color. - It is through the circulation that the acrid, corroding fluids are carried to the sore or ulcer and keep it irritated and inflamed. S. S. S. will purify and invigorate the stagnant blood when all sediment or other hurtful materials are washed out, fresh rich blood is carried to the diseased parts, new tissues fonu, and the decaying flesh begins to have a healthv and natural look ; the discharge ceases and the sore heals. Several years aero, my wife had a se vere sore leg and was treated by the best physicians but received no benefit. Our druggist advised her to try S. S. S., which she did. Fourteen bottles cured her and she has been well ever since. J. R. MAEOLD, 22 Canal St., Cohoes, N. "2". skilled ph- sicians for which no charge is made. Diseases free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC ny n Dyspepsia Cure Digests 'what you eat. This preparation contains all of the diestants and digests all kinds of food. It cives instant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all tne iooa you want, xne most seusiuve stomachs can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. Is unequalled for the stomach. Child ren with weak stomachs thrive on it. First dose relieves. A diet unnecessary. Cures all stomach troubles Prepared only by E. C. DeWitt & Co., Chicago '.Che $1. bottle contains VA times the 50c. size, J. C. Hall. Notice. Having qualified as administratrix of the es tate of Dr. J. M. JsmmeU, deceased, notice is hereby given to ali persons indebted to said es tate to come forward and settle the same at once. Parties holdiDg, claims against said estate will prrsent them to me for payment on or before the tith day of Feb., W04, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. TMs. 6th day Feb., ym MUS. (JAMDAC'fi EMME2T, Admx. Dr. J. M. EM JjKTT, dee'd. Administrator's Notice, Haying qualified a administrator of the es tate of James F. Jones, deceased, notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to said es tate to come forward and settle the same at once, l'arties holding claims against said es tate will present them to me for payment on or before the 27th day of Jan., 1904, o- this no tice will be plead in bar of their recovery This 2th day of Dec, 'M)i. R F- JONES, jan2C. Admr. James F. Jones, dee'd. A. W. Graham. VV. r. Devin. GRAHAM & DEVIN Attorneys at Law. Careful attention given to all busi ness entrusted to us. Vestibud mm p,,tD Double Daily Service Between New York, Tampa, Atlan ta, New Orleans and Points South and West. IN EFFECT APRIL 13TH.1902, SOUTHWARD, Daily. No. 31. Lv. New York, P. R. K 12 55 pm -Lv. Philadelphia, P. li. K... 3 29 pm Lv. Baltimore, P. R R 5 45 pm Lv. Washington, W. S. Ry...7 00 pm Lv. Richmond, S. A. L. Ry.. 10 37 pm Lv. Petersburg " 11 20 pm Lv. Norlina " 1 55 am Lv. Henderson, " 2 28 am Lv. Raleigh, " 4 12 am Lv. Southern Pines, " 6 C5 am Lv. Hamlet, " 7 20 am Lv, Columbia, " 9 40 am Ar. Savannah, " 2 10 pm Ar. Jacksonville, " 7 00 pm Daily No. 27 12 10 am 7 20 m 9 34am 10 41a m 2 15 am 2 56 pm 5 30 pm 5 54 pm 7 27 pm 9 27 pm 10 35 pm 1 05 pm 4 40 am 9 15 am 10 50 am 5 45 am No. 4 1. 8 55 pm 11 26 pm t 6 30 pin 6 30 pm 9 25 am 11 55 am 1 40 pm 2 10 pm 3 55 pm 6 18 pm 10 35 pm 3 05 pm 10 32 pm 1 &5 pm 3 43am 6 13 am 7 50 am n'35'am 6 25 pm Ar, St, AugS6tine, " Ar. Tampa, " " 6 45 am No. 33. P &N,t 7 55 am Lv. New York.N. Lv. Philadelphia. 10 IB am Lv. New York.O.D.S.S.Co. t 3 00 pm Lv. Baltimore, is. . r. (Jo Lv. Wash'ton, N, & W. S.B. Lv. Portsmouth, S.A L.Ry. 9 05 pm Lv, Weldon, ' 11 45 pm Lv, Norlina, " 1 55 am Lv, Henderson, " 2 28 am Lv. Raleigh, " 4 12 am Lv. Southern Pines, 6 05 am Lv. Hamlet, " 7 25 am Lv Wilmington, ' Ar, Charlotte, " Lv. Chester, ' Lv. Greenwood, ' Lv. Athens, " Ar. Atlanta, " Ar. Augusta, C & W. C, 10 08 am 10 22 am 12 35 pm 2 50 pm 3 55 pm 5 40 pm 7 20 pm 9 20 pm 2 55 am 7 25 am 4 00 am 4 15 pm Ar. Macon, V. of tia. Ar. Montgomery, A.JisW.P.. Ar. Mobile, L. & N Ar. New Orleans, L. & N . . Ar. Nashville, N.C.&St.L.. Ar. Memphis, " 6 55 pm 8 25 am NORTHWARD. Dally, Daily No. 32. No. 38 12 45 pm 8 40pm 9 30 pm 9 30 am 8 10 pm 12 30 am . . . . - 6 50 am 1 80 pm 8 00 am 4 20 pm 10 05 am 12 00 pm 8 00 pro 2 57 pm 11 23 pm 5 14 pm 1 j 8 a 7 '7 pm 4 06 am 7 27 pm 4 50 am 3 05 pm 10 40 pm 7 40 am 11 83 pm 8 34 am 1 35 am 11 05 am 3 U5 am 12 35 pm 3 50 am 1 45 pm 5 00 am 3 00 pm 7 15 am 5 35 pm 6 55 am f . . t 6 45 am t 5 50 pm t 5 46 pm 5 10 am 8 15 pm 8 00 am No. 84. No. 66. 9 00 pm 8 00 am 7 45 am 5 50 pm 9 45 am 8 00 pm 1 55 pm 11 55 pn 7 05 pm 5 00 am 10 40 pm 8 25 am 11 33 pm 9 2 am 1 35 am 1 1 35 am 3 (15 am 12 58 pm 3 45 am 1 45 pm 5 51 am 4 07 pm 6 35 am 4 65 pm 10 10 am 8 36 pm 11. 25m 11 25 pm Lv. Memphis, N.C.& Ht.L... Lv. Nashville, " Lv. New Orleans, L. & N Lv. Mobile, " Lv. Montgomery, A.&W.P. . Lv. Macon, C. of Ua Lv. Augusta, C. & W. C. lv. Atlanta, S. A. L.Ky ... Ar. Athens, " Ar. Greenwood, " Ar. Chester. Lv. Charlotte, Lv, Wilmington, Lv. Hamlet, " Lv. Southern Pines, " Lv. Raleigh, Lv. Henderson, " Lv. Norlina, " Ly. Weldon, ' Ar. Portsmouth, " Ar. Wash'ton, N. & W. S B. Ar. Baltimore, B. S. P. Co. . Ar. New York, O.D.S.S.Co. Ar. Phila'phia, N.Y.F.&N.. Ar. New York, " Lv Tampa, 8. A. L. Ry Lv. St Augustine " Lv Jacksonville " Lv Savannan Lv Columbia " Lv Hamlet " Lv Southern Pines " , Lv Raleigh " Lv Henderson " Lv. Norlina, S A L. Ry.. Lv. Petersburg, " Lv. Richmond, ' Ar. Washington. W S. Ry. Ar. Baltimore. P. K R Ar. Philadelphia, " 1 36pm 2 56 am at. new York, " 4 .13 im B 3U am Note ? Daily Except Sunday, t Central Time Kap'ern Time. ' H. 8. Leard T. P. A. Raleigh N. C. Lfxl Will sour the sweetest disposition and transform the most even tempered, lov able nature into a cross-grained and irritable individual. If impatience or fault-finding' are ever excusable it is when the body is tortured by an eating and painful sore. It is truly discouraging to find after C5. o. o. is me oniy uiooapuriner that is guaranteed entirely vege table. It builds up the blood and tones up the general system as no other medicine does. If you have a sore of any kind, write us and get the advice of experienced and Book on Blood and Skin CO.. Atlanta, K: isists the damp, gsr keeps the leath- ffEJ& ItCC er soft and pli- g V ISiIaI & Stitches JA'exir'k,AJ ;X do not break, v ' No roULLh sur W M MM B x El face to chafe and cut. The harnt-ss not only keeps looking like r. c w, but wears twic : as lonihy thij n-;e of F.urcka Harness Oil. i iold .wry where 1.1 ."is a"- lizes. Mide by Standard Oil Company BLACK-DRAUGHT THE ORIGINAL LIVER MEDICINE A sallow complexion, dizziness, biliousness and a coated tongue are common indications of liver and kidney diseases. Stomach and bowel troubles, severe as they are, give immediate warning by pain, ut liver and kidney troubles, though less painful at the start, are much harder to cure. Thedford's LHack-Praught never fails to bene fit diseased liver and weakened kid neys. It stirs up the torpid liver to throw off the germs of fever and ague. It is a certain preventive or cholera and Bright's disease of the kidneys. With kidneys re inforced by Thedford's Black -Draught thousands of persons have dwelt immune in the midst of yel low fever. Many families live in perfect health and have no other doctor than Thedford's Black Draught. It is always on hand for use in an emergency and saves many expensive calls of a doctor. Mullins, S. C, March 10, 1901. ! have used Thedford's Black-Draught for three years and I have not had to go to a doctor since I have been taking it. It is the best medicine for me that is on the market for liver and kidney troubles and dyspepsia and other complaints. Rev. A. 0. LEWIS. W. B. SHAW, Henderson. II. M. siiaw, Oxford SHAW & SHAW, Attorney & Counsellors at Law OXFORD. N. C. We offer our professional services to the citizens of Granville and adjoining counties, and solicit a share 01 your patronage, pro mising: to cive to the smallest as wellas the largest case our most lidligent attenti n'an'd best efforts. Our fees are moderate. Refer you to any one in Oxford or Hen lerson Would You Like to increase the flow of milk in your COWS? AMERICAN Stock "Food . Does this at a very trifling cost It keeps cattle looking nice and prevents diseases. Sold under a positive guarantee. None genuine without picture of Uncle Sam. For Sale by Jos. S. BROWN, ' Oxford, N C Wm. H. HARRISON, ATTORNEYS COUNSELOR AT LAW, OXFORD, N r. The criminal practice and the Set tlement of Estates specialties, OflioM in the Conrt Hon. . .. . ...... ., it...:.: j - v .ft M Rain and sweat m J have 110 effect on tStWlVfr tT'Sirn c 1 harness treated fpS g EH M t with Eureka Har- If J MjL,MS.jt1eL i 1 ness Oii. It re- " , R;: 1 MS- OXFORD PUBLIG LDDGER. WADE HE. UK ITT, LOCAL EDITOR. THURSDAY. - MARCH, 5. 1903 Stovall SDort Mops. Left out last week. Plant bed burning Is all the go in this neck of the woods. We are sorry to say that we don't think we will get In the new school houae this session. "Mr. Li. F. Perklnson, of Oxford, was the guest of his father and mother Saturday and Sunday. Miss Clyde Hart and brother, of Oak Hill, were the guests of Miss Emma Frazler Saturday and Sun day. We were sorry to receive a telegram from Uiehmond Monday morning, Feb. 1(, saying that Mr. Jack Nor wood was dead and the remains would be here on the evening train rhe body was taken to his brother-. in-law's Monday night and the burial services took place at Island creek church P'eb. 17. He leaves a wife, six children and two sisters to mourn his loss, lie had been in bad health for the last four mouths. He moved to Richmond Jan. 8. The Lord glv- eth and the Lord taketh; blessed be the name of the Lord. A.I AX. And thus the same old story is fitly rounded outand completed. The railway octopus was to be a very benevolent animal. He would not suueeze anybody for worlds. And now tne ueouie or tne west una themselves compelled to pay an ad vance of 33 per cent, in freight rates. The non-aliiliated roads may also be In the pool, but they are relatively unimportant. It is the merged roads that are in a position to put on the screws. flore Riots. Disturbances of strikers are not nearly as grave as an inaiviaual disorder 01 ine sys tem. Overwork, loss of sleep, nervous ten sion will be followed by utter collapse, un less a reliable remedy is immediately em ployed There's nothing so efficient to cure disorders of the liver or kidneys as Klectric Ritters. Its a wonderful tonic, and effective nervine and the greatest all round medicine for run down systems. It dispels nervous ness, rheumatism and expels malaria germs. Only 50c, and satisfaction guaranteed by J. P. Stedman. Lots of excuses are not worth the trouble it takes to make them. READ IT THROUGH. Twould Spoil This Story to Tell it in The Headlines. To use an eighteenth century phrase, this . . . . 1 1 is an "o er true taie. tiaving nappeneu in a small Vircrinia t'-vvn in the winter of iqo2. it is a story very much of the psesent. Up to a short time ago Mrs. John E. Har mon, of Melfa Station, Va , had no personal knowledge of the rare curative properties on Chamberiains Cough liemedy. ".Last Ian- uarv." she says, "my baby took a dreadful cold and at one time I feard she would have pneumonia, but one ot my ngW told me how this remedy had cured her little boy and I began giving it my baby at once and it soon cured her. I heartily thank the man ufacturers of Chamberlains Cough Remedy for placine so great a cure within my reach I cannot recommed it too highly or say too much in its favor I hope all wIo read this will trv it and be convinced as I was. tor sule by J. G. Hall. The unpardonable sin, in the eyes of woman, is not to admire her. Pneumonia Follows A Cold but never follows the use of Foley's Honey and Tar It stops the Cough, heals and strengthens the lungs and affords perfect se curity from an atlack of pneumonia lie fuse suViStitutes. For s le by R. L. Hamil ton. It is easy to gauge a man's empti ness when he is full. The best pill 'neath the stars and stripes; It cleanses the system and never gripes. Little Early Risers of worldly repute Ask for DeWitt's and take no substitute. A small pill, easy to buy, easy to take and easy to set, but never tailing in results. DeWitt's Little Early Risers arouse the secretions and act as a tonic to the liver, curing permanently, J. G. Hall. Most men enjoy being found out by the bill collector. . . Well Again. The many friends of John Blount will be pleased to learn that he has entirely reaover ed from his attack 01 rheumatism, tnam beilain's Pain Balm cured him after the best doctors in the town (Monon, Ind) had fai'ed to give relief. The prompt relief trom pain which this liniment affords is alone manv times its cost. Jfor sale by .1. . tlall, As an all-round musician the or gan-grinder heads the list. Whats in a Name? Everything is in the name when it comes to Witch llazer balve. uevvut x -o., of Chicago, discovered, some years ago how to make a-salve from Witch Hazel that is a specific for piles. For blind, bleeding, itchine and protruding piles, eczema, cifts, burns, bruises, and all skin diseases.De Witts C 1 1 . 1 TUir. liA? mnan vico rn oar e nab uu ciju.ii. x mo fc.v... "- Ee Witts the genuine. J. G. Hall. The bunion's progress Is painfully interesting to the pilgrim. Dangers of Pneumonia, A cold at this time if neglected is liable to cause pneumonia which is so often fatal, and even when the patient has recovered the lungs are weakened, making them peculiarly susceptible to the development of consump- tion, Foley's noney ana iar win stop me COUgn, Ileal 1UU OUCIIJIIICH luugo anu prevent pneumonia, roi sale by K. L.. Mr Hamilton. It's easier to make good resolutions than to break bad habits. A Remarkable. Case. One of the most remarkable cases of a cold deep-seated on the lungs, causirg peneumo- nia. is that ot Mrs. uertrude it, renner, Marion, Ind., who was entirely cured by the use of One Minute Cough Cure. She savs: 'The coughing and stiain ng so weak ened me that I run down in weight from I48 to 92 pounds. I tried a number of remedies t" no avail until I used One Minute Cough Cuie Four bottles of this wondeiful rem- 1 edy cured me entire y of the cough, strengh- 1 en d my lungs and restored me to my nor mal weight, healttTand strength " Obituary. Editor Public Ledger: T send an old copy of my grandmother's obit uary with a request that you publish it In the Public Ledger. I do not know of another copy and I do know that many of her grand-chil dren and great-grand-children who are subscribers to your paper would be glad to have a copy. Very respectfully, (MISS) MAGGIE HICKS. Oxford, N. C, 11. F. D. No. 3. Died, at her residence, in Granville county, N. C, Marcn 17th, 1863, Mrs. Sarah J. Crews, consort of Mr. James Crews, in the 73rd year of her age. In many respects Mrs. Crews was a lady of extraordinary character. She governed and reared up her children by the pure principles of Christianity "in the nurture and admonition of the Lord." She saw all of them ac ceptable and useful members of the church of the living God. She was much beloved by all who knew her, for her many superior excellencies of heart. In early life she experienced religion, and united in church fellow- snip with the Methodist Episcopal church, and during her long life was a living demonstration of the truth of our glorious Christianity. She gave diligence to add to her faith. virtue, and all the rich cluster of christian graces. No one of them was neglected, nor was any culti vated to the exclusion of others. She read and thought much, and it was ever pleasant and profitable to con- verse with her upon the great princi- pies of religion. She was not a chris tian in word, nor in tongue, but in deed and in truth. No trivial excuse ever kept her from the house of Goa. Her great excellency was found In her almost unbounded kindness to the suffering and the poor often wao euc oecu """uu.y seeK- mg tne uesxixute tnat sne mignt re lieve their suffering; many hearts have been cheered by her timely pres ents. She never spoke of her munifi cence her many deeds of charity. Thus she lived well, and she died well. She discharged with christian fidelity the duties of every relation of life: as wife, mother, sister, friend, neighbor and mistress. When she was stricken down with her last sickness, she was convinced that her days were numbered; but she was ready her house was in order. Her mind in her last days was almost entirely occupied with divine things. Day and night were the songs of Zion sung around her sick couch; her favorite song, "O sing to me of heaven," was often sung for her. Great was her peace. Her faith was simple, grand, unwavering, until a glorious entrance was ministered to her abundantly Into the everlast ing kingdom of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus ennst. May ner numerous posterity and her many friends be re united with ner in ner brignt raan- si and th(J crushefl heart of her I venerable husband be healed by grace divine, until he greets her happy in heaven. W. S. C Granville Co., N. C, June, 1S03. Here is one editor who is going to rest easy next summer. The New port News Press says: Every con dition Qf Hfo ha8 ,ts compensations. The man who owns only one suit of clothes doesn't have to lie awake at I night worrying about the appetite of tne festive moth. Wise is the man who marries young, makes a mt ana a.oesn t oraj about it. Nothing pleases some men more than to be caught in the act of doing a good deed on the sly. It Saved tils Leg. P. A. Danforth, of LaGrange, fla., suf fered for six months with a frightful running sore on his lec; hut writes that Bucklens Arnica Salve wholly c'Ted it in five days For ulcers, wounds, piles, it s the best salve in the world. Cure guaranteed Only 20C Sold by J. P. Stedman. A woman can test a man's patience by asking him to thread a needle. The Stomach Is the flan. A weak stomach weakens the man, becaus it cannot transform the food he eats into nourishment. Health and strength cannot be restored to any sick man or weak woman without first restoring health and strength to the stomach. A weak stomach can no digest enough food to feed the tissues and revive the tired and run down limbs and organs of the body. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cieanses, purifies, sweetens and strengthens the elands and membrances of the stomach and cures indigestion, dyspepsia and all stomach. J. G. Hall. The enjoyments of life depend largely on ones desires. Raw or Inflamed Lungs yield quickly to the wonderful curative and I A J w-w , , ' healing qualities of Foley's Money ana lar, It prevents pneumouia and consumption from a hard cold settled on the lungs. For sa'e by K. L. Hamilton. Lovers, like armies, get along wel enough till the engagement begins Folevs Honey and Tar Cures coughs and colds. PnrM KrnnrhitiQ finrl nsthma. r,lr rrriin nmi whooninfr courh Cures hoarseness and bronchial trouble?. ' Cures pneuraonia and la grippe For sale by R. L. Hamilton. The proverbial luck of fools is never mentioned by the lucky Individ ual. Foley's Kidney Cure makes the kidneys and bladder rignt. coiuains noining t- 1 1 T T Tl "III jurious. for saie Dy i. j-.. namiaun. A pain that doubles a urally increases his sighs. man nat cough Settled on Her Lungs. . "My daughter hai a teriible cough whieh settled on her lungs" says N. Jackson, cf Danville, III. "We tried a grea' manv rem edies without relisf, until wej.ave her Kolty' Honey and Tar which cured her ' Rtfu-e substitutes. Fur sale by K. I naunlio .- H Strange Cbiog. I see that your correspondent from Stovali said in the Public Led ger that people from that section were going to Henderson to sell to bacco because Oxford had closed her bar-rooms This is'a strauge thing. It seems from this that there are people who think they must drink and get drunk every time they carry a load of tobacco to market. They seem to think that the market where whiskey is sold is the best market. . As low as tobacco is now, I would think they would rather patronize a market where they would not be tempted to worse than waste a large part of what little they get for their tobacco. Many a man sells a load of tobacco and then goes to drinking, gambling and carousing all night long, spending his money and dis turbing those who want to rest. Many a man in this way fools away nearly half of what he gets for his tobacco. His family at home are in rliiAMi"l ill I " 'T.imtk lit 1u rinci fi,i f l. . ...... ... " 11c: vv 111, 111 mn lunujlSUJ, uui li HUIim one or get hurt. And perhaps, too, they may suffer for food and cloth ing that might have been bought with money spent for whiskey. A drinking man ought never to sell to bacco in a market where there are bar-rooms. He will be sure to waste a good part of his money. The men about Stovali are instrik lg contrast with two farmers I heard talking recently They said they liked to sell tobacco in Oxford now; they could get as good prices there as anywhere else, and then they said we can lie down and rest at night and not be disturbed by runken men. They declared that closing the bar-rooms had made Ox- ord a much more desirable market to patronize. These men are right. Open bar-rooms are a curse to the people of towns, cities and country. They ought all to be closed and never opened again. It would make better markets and better people. J. A. STItADLEY. swim in shackles. It isn't a question of his winning a race, but a question of being able only to keep anoat. The man who is suffering from malnutrition is like the fettered swimmer. His stomach and its allied organs of digestion and nutri tion are diseased. It is not a question with him of winning in the race for busi ness but of simply keeping up under any circumstances. Whenever disease affects the stomach it is affecting also the blood and the health of every or gan of the body. For blood is only food converted into nutrition and nutri tion is the life of the body and every organ of it. Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutri tion. It purifies the blood and enables the perfect nutrition of the body which means perfect health. "For six long years I suffered with indiges tion and my liver and kidneys, which baffled the lest doctors in our country," writes E. I. Ran sell, Esq.. of Woolsey, Prince Wiliiarii Co., Va. " I suffered with my stomach and back for a long time, and after taking a ' cart-load ' of medicine from three doctors I grew so bad I could hardly do a day's work. Would have death-like pains in the side, and blind spells. I began taking Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and 'Pleasant Pellets.' Before I had taken halt" of the second bottle I began to feel relieved. I got six more bottles and used them, and am happy to say I owe my life to Dr. Pierce." Accept no substitute for " Golden Med ical Discovery." There is nothing "just as good" for diseases of, the stomach, blood and lungs. The Common Sense Medical Adviser, 100S large pages, in paper covers, is sent free on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. rHT!-E3 gp-'g The Johnson Warehouse, Oxford, N. C, Has been given up as the place for farmers to sell their tobacco. Each pile, good or bad, fine or common, brings top market price every sale no piles neglected, no piles overlooked. Glad to say that wrappers continue to. sell well and, along with other grades, always bring top-crust prices on the Johnson floor. ' The rich and the poor, the big farmer and the little farmer, receive equal justice at the Johnson. I have no " special pets " but am surely a true friend of all. If hard work daring the new year, honest dealings and'highest market prices for every pile and all grades of tobacco count for anything, then everybody should sell at the Johnson. Sure as you are born the Johnson Warehouse is the place to sell tobacco. I take this opportunity to warmly thank my farmer friends for their very liberal patronage during the year just closed, with the hope that I shall continue to merit their confidence and esteem. Wishing each and every -one a happy and prosperous New Year, I am, Yours very truly,. Z. W. LYON, Prop'r Johnson Warehouse. Grove's Tasteless Chili Tonic has stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales over One and a Half ftlillioxi bottles. Does this record of merit appeal to you? No Cure, No Payf 50c. Enclosed with every bottle is a Tea Cent package of Grove's Black Root Liver Pills.7 (UncBe Sam Uncle Sam, In the person of ten of his government officials, lg always in charge of every department of our distillery. During the entire process of distillation, after the whiskey is stored in barrels in our warehouses, during the seven years it remains there, from the very grain we buy to the whiskey you get, Uncle Sam is constantly on the watch. We dare not take a gallon of our own whiskey from our own warehouse unless he says it's all ritrht. And when he does say so, that whiskey goes direct to you, with all its original strength, rich ness and flavor, carrying a UNITED STATES REGISTERED DISTILLER'S GUARAN TEE of PURITY and AGE, and saving the dealers' enormous profits. That's why HAYNER WHISKEY is the best for medicinal purposes. That's why it is preferred for other uses. That's why we have over a quarter of a million satisfied customers. That's why YOU should try it. Your money back if yoti're not satisfied. EBirecf from easi Saves Dealers' Profits ! nn Av7 PURSE SEE 4 ulinrs 55 7S?na you FOIJR FULL QUART BOTTLES of HAYNER'S SEVEN-YEAR-OLD RYE for 83.20, and we will pay the express charges. Try it and if you don't find it all right andis good as you ever used or can buy from anybody else at any price, send it back at our expense, and your $3.20 will be returned to you by next mail. Just think that offer over. How could it be fairer? If you are not perfectly satisfied, you are not out a cent. Better let us send you a trial order. If you don't want four quarts yourself, get a friend to join you. We ship in a plain sealed case, no marks to show what's Orders for Ariz., Cal., Col., Idaho, Mont., Nev N. Mex., Ore. , Utan, Wash. Wyo- ,musttiS 9n tn1 basis of 4 HuartH for 84.00 by Kxprens lrcpail or 80 0uarta for SIG.Oo by freight Prepaid. Write our nearest office and do it NOW. THE HAYHER OSSTILLING COMPANY ATLANTA, GA. DAYTON, OHIO ST. LOUIS, M0, ST. PAUL, MINN. 1 I Distillery, Troy, O. Established 1866 A. HICK.S. KIWOB IT 1VH.S 4fc M1NOK, A ttorneys - at- Law, OXFORD. N C. ABSOOIATB OOCNSEL: H KSD3KHON, N.O. Will practice together in the courts 01 rai fiile, Vance, Franklin and Warren counties, anf 'e ali matter? - squiring their joint attention. Wo hone by oromnt. diligent and faithful attoti t in liases to i aarve and receivn nortlcr O -VMe -'Mnr Telephone Rates The folio wins Toll Kates will bain effect on and after May 1st. 11)02, sub ject to chanse or correction. From Oxford to Ayden 45c Littleton 30c Boydton. 24c Lonisburg 25c Bufl'alo Sprint's 25c Morehead City Klc Burlington 40c Naehviile 35c Beauford 85c New Bern 65c Chape C'ty 35c Newport 75c Clarkesville 2c l'lymonth 55c Chapel Hill 30c Kaleigh tc Dunn 45c Koanoke Rapids 40c Durham 25c Kocky Mount 40c Enfield 40c Scotland Neck 45c Franklinton 25c Selma 40c Goldeboro 45c Smithfield 40c Greensboro 45c Spring Hope 30c Greenville 45c Tarboro 45c Hamilton 45c Wake Forest 25c Haw River 40c Warrenton 25c Henderson 15c Weldon 40c High Po nt 50c Wilson 40c Kinston 50c Winston 60c F. C. TOEPL.EMAN, Gen. Supt. & fcNGLISH OHirlnal and OfiIt Genuine. .SAFE. Always reliable. I.ixlle., ask Drurel-I for CHICHESTEllVS ENGLISH i KED an4 liold metallic boxes, sealed with blue ribbon. Tuke no other. Kefuae Dangerous Subatltationa and Imita tions, buy of jour Dru?giBt, or send 4c in tampi for Particular, Testimonials and "Relief for l.dlc(s"in letter, bj re tan Mall. 1 0.M0 Testimonial!. Sold br all Druggists. I'hiphMtfr i'lipmliol 41. Uaation this paper. Hadlson Muuure. PllxLA.. PA, MONTHLY MAGAZINE A FAMILY LIBRARY The Best in . Current Literature 12 Complete Novels Yearly MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.50 PER year ; 25 CTS. a copy NO CONTINUED STORIES EVERY NUMBER COMPLETE IN ITSELF PENNYROYAL FILLS i LffPI N COTTS ZEE!! S- y-'i, . . . . says bs dsst ii!esy to Prevents Adulteration ! " mm 1 1 i ; Li 82 -YEAR -OLE RYE 0 EXPRESS PREPAID "MtsmiF-sr; ' i Sale of Land. By virtue of the power of Bale contained in a certain deed of trust executed Dec, 17th, 1898, by Henry d. KoDaras ana other and registered in Deed Book No. 46, at page 319, in the oflice of the Register of Deeds of Granville county, 1 shall on MONDAY, TUB 23rd DAY OF MARCH, 1903, at the court house door in the town of Oxford, sell to the highest bidder, for cash, three tracts of land lyinsr and being in Granviile county, State of North Carolina, and described as fol lows: First. Three nndivided fourths of a certain tract of land lying in Fishing Creek township and on the waters of Fifhing creek, adjoining the lands of R L. Bunt, deceased, 8 W. Dicker son, T. E. Dement and others. It being the tract of land described in a deed from T. T. Grandy to S. S. Royster, trustee, registered in Deed Book No. 18, at page 4S5, of the oflice of the Register of Deeds of said county of Grauville. less 106 acres of the same conveyed by saic" S. 8. Roys ter, trustee, and Mrs. Susan H. Robards to 8ue A. Robards. Second. One undivided half interest in a tract of land lying in said Fishing Creek township on the waters of Fishing creek and bounded by the above described tracts and others, being the same half interest conveyed to Bettie J. Pob ards by 8usan U. Robards bv deed recorded in Biok 35, at page 469, of the office of the Register of Deeds of said county of Granville the whr le of this tract havin" b-en conveyed to Susan H. Robards by 8. S. Royster, trustee, and Mrs Su san A. Robards. Sec Deed Book 2l, page 141, said omce. Third. The lot of land conveyed to the said II. J. Robards and others by C. J. Cooper by deed bearing date Dec. 17th, 1898, and duiv re corded in Book 52, page 233, of the oflice afore said. Time of 6a' 12 o'clock M. F. P. HOBGOOD, JR., Trustee. Feb. 17, 19o3. 50 YEARS a.F - V EXPERIENCE k A Tonr MiRxe s, Designs Tjrrf cH . Copyrights &c. Anyone Rending a sketch and description may quickly aseertain our opinion free whether an Invention is probably patentable. Communica tions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice, without charge, in the Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. I-argeft cir culation of any scientific Journal. Terms, f,'l a yesir; four months, $L Sold by all newsdealers. IVIUNN & Co.36,B'oadwa- New York Branch Office. 625 F SU Washington, li. C. PARKER'S j HAIR BALSAM 5iJ"ri Cleanses and beautifies the hair. ' 3 Promotes a luxuriant growth. Never Fails to Hestore Gray Hair to its Youthful Color. Cures scalp diseases & hair ialling. Give us your job print ing. 1 mm