f. roL. x:7"x nsrcx 16. OZXHTJ-OZROD, ZEST. O- THUBSDAT, CTTTZDsTIEj 11, 1903. $1 PEJR . The Medicine That Your Doctor Prescribes For you isthe BEST medicine to take, if it is prepared as he specifies on his prescription. Bring his prescription to us, and there will be no question about accurate preparation. We are careful, thorough, and use only best quality fresh materials in all prescription work. Good Soda Of course, anybody can say his Soda Water is "Good" but apparently there are com parative degrees of goodness. Jf you enjoy really GOOD Soda, step in and get a drink from our new fountain. We don't believe you will be dis appointed. Hall's Drug Store, Main St. 'Phone 72. "We Hold Thee Safe." THE FIRST N n n (11 Oxford, N. C. CAREFUL, PROMPT, ACCURATE ATTENTION To all Business ! 4 Paid Time Deposits. LYNCHS Jewelry Store. New Line of Cut Glass and Solid Silverware! Special attention to repairing. Yours respectfully, W. D. LYNCH,.... Jeweler. Bank, E-il fory of Jocaljlzenfs. Moving Pictures of a Weeks Happen ings. Gardens are growing fast. Our merchants now close up at 7 p. m, Tobacco is spreading out with the good seasons. The will of the people disinherits a good many candidates. Our tobairo men are busy priz ing and shipping tobacco. Mrs. A. MeCulleu is out again after several days sickness. Heart hunger is a great deal worse than stomach-hunger. Mrs. Holly is adding a room to her cottage on College street. What a meeting place of smiles and tears a railroad station is. The labor question will never be solved until the necessity for work Is elimited. Rev. J. S. Ilardaway will run his residence up two stories this summer. It is a wise widow that forgets to draw comparisons with her first husband. Mr. T, W. Jackson, who has been right sick, Is improving we are glad to learn. Whjr are the pages of a book the days of a man? .Because they are all numbered. The cottage of Mr. Sain Hobgood on upper Front street will soon be completed. The Canning Co. is making prep arations to establish Its plant and get ready for business. The Improvements to the resi dence of Mr. C. W. P.ryan are being pushed to completion. Why is an acquitted prisoner like a gun? Because lie has been charged, taken up and then let off. At the Medical Society at Warm Springs last week Dr. (J. T. Sikes, of (Jrlssom, was re-elected Treasurer. Mr. Eugene Lewellyn, who had a horse to step on his right foot last week bruising it right badly, has laid aside his cane. The editor is glad to learn that the Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Stark, who has been quite sick, Is much better. Mr. W. Ii. Ballou has purchased for his little sons one of the smallest ponies we have seen in a long time and is proving a great pet with the boys. llev. F. W. Ililliard will hold ser vice and preach in St. Paul's church, Goshen, on Sunday next, June 14th, at 11 o'clock a. m. All persons are cordially invited to attend. Dr. Rnpport has the highest tes timonials as to his skill and success in adjusting glasses. Dr. llapport can be consulted at Osborn House Tuesday, June 1(. Examination free. Mr. I. C. Dickerson, of Alabama, who is visiting Mr. S. T. Dickerson at Dement, was in Oxford Monday, accompanied by Misses Eillie and Maye Dickerson, and were callers at the Public Eedger office. It will add to the travel of the Seaboard Road if the schedule Is so changed as to allow the farmers in the southern part of the 'county along Durham & Northern Railroad from 3 to ." hours In Oxford. She A well known writer says that in order to succeed a man must be 9" per cent, backbone. He Oh, I don't know. A good many who have managed to succeed are 95 per cent, cheek. Chicago News. A colored Excursion will be run over the Seaboard Road from Ox ford to Raleigh on June 20th, by Ed Smith and J. C. Puryear, Managers. Their excursions are always well managed and are always largely at tended. The Methodist District Confer ence will meet in Louisburg June 24 27 and Messrs. J. T. Cheatham, A. S. Peace and J. H. Bullock are the del egates from the Oxford church with Messrs. R. E. Brown and J. S. Hall as alternates. It is highly important now that Chief S. M. Wheeler give his especial attention to the back lots and see that they are cleaned up as the heated days are at hand and the health of the people should be pre served. Don't put it off act at once. Potato plants for sale, A. S. Peace. NERVOUS HEADACHE Pi 1 1 IIJ without any disagreeable fV.Cri results by a dose or two of At all Drug Stores. CAPUD1NE (Liquid) I1R. H. II. CAXNADY. I)I. X. C. DANIKL,. Drs. Cannady & Daniel. Offices two doors below Hall's Drug Store. SOffice hours 10 to 12 a. m.; 8 to 9 p. m. O Mr. C. A. Carroll had a nice $"0 cow to die Tuesday. The Masons held their regular communication Monday night. Just received nice lot flower jars. 2w. J. F. EDWARDS. M r. j; F. White Is having the basement to his residence concreted. Mr. L. R. Hunt, who has been numbered with the sick for several days, is convalescent. Mr. J. J. Medford has caught the spirit of Improvement and Is making some needed repairs to his residence. Dr. I. II. Davis has purchased from Sheriff E. K. Howard the resi dence on upper Gilliam street now occupied by Mrs. Pender. Dr. S. Rapport, eyesight special ist, will be at the Osborn House Tuesday, June l(!th, for the purpose of examlnlngeyes and adjusting glasses. Mrs. John JJ. Booth's School of Music will reopen Monday, August tenth. A thorough and complete course in both vocal .and Instru mental. G-4t. Mr. E. T. Crews for the county and Mr. E. T. Rawlins for the town commenced taking the tax list In the Court House Wednesday, and now Is the time to list your taxes. The editor is gratified to learn that the road force continues to put In good work on the Oak Hill road some three miles from Oxford under the Supervision of Superintendent N. H. Fleming. Mr. and Mrs. John Niles will cele brate the first anniversary of their marriage this Wednesday night at their pleasant home In South Oxford and have Invited some of their friends to dine with xhem The engagement has been an nounced In Richmond of Miss Rosa Booth Spratley to Dr. Isaac Hilliard Davis, of Oxford. The wedding Is to take place on the 17th of June, at 603 West (irace Street, Richmond, Va. Rev. W. R. Cullom, of Wake b orest College, preached a very prac tical and interesting sermon at the Baptist church on last Sunday morn ing to the delight of his many friends here. Rev. J. S. Hardaway, who has been unwell durfng the past week, was able to occupy his pulpit on Sunday evening. The Town Commissioners held their regular meeting Monday night and elected Messrs. S. M. Wheeler and L. F. Smith policemen for the next 11 months. They also decided to buy a mule and cart for street purposes, as the rock crusher will be put in operation just as soon as rock can be procured. Advertising pays as has been fully proven by Messrs. Landls & Easton. Two weeks ago they ad vertised 25 dozen handerchiefs for sale, and they went off like "hot cakes." They hope to have in another big lot soon and will make it known through the columns of the Public Ledger. In the meantime they have many rare bargains awaiting all who come. The attractive home of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Cheatham, near Oxford, was the scene of a happy reunion on Monday evening when, for the lirst time in a number of years, mother, father, and the ten children, were all seated to a sumptuous sup per. Tuesday morning the twelve drove to Oxford where they had Mr. Brlnkley to make a large photo of the family. The National Music Teacher's Association will meet in Asheville, June "0 th to July H, which Is an ideal summer convention city and can amply care for three or four thous and visitors. The Southern Asso ciation is young but energetic, and will undoubtedly gain great strength from the meeting; during the session seven grand concerts will be held by artists of National reputation. Re duced rates on railroads and hotels will be given. DR. BENJ. K. HAYS will go to Buffalo Llthia Springs on June 15th and remain for three months. During his absence his practice will be looked after by Dr. T. Jj. Booth, with the assistance of a competent man If necessary. New Medical Firm. In another column appears the notice of Drs. Cannady & Daniel who have just formed a copartnership for the practice of medicine. The mem bers of this new firm are Dr. S. H. Cannady and Dr. N. C. Daniel. Both of these gentlemen are good physi cians and are well known to our peo ple and will doubtless command a patlentage. Dr. Cannady was a highly success ful physician in Oxford for a number of years and had built up a large and lucrative practice but left about a year ago to go to New York to en gage in other work, but we are glad he has decided Oxford is the best place to live and has "brought his clothes back home" to remain. Dr. Daniel has only been in Oxford for about twelve months but has al ready built up a good practice and made a host of friends. We bespeak for these gentlemen a most successful practice. j Potato plants for sale, A. S. Peace. A Delightful Card Party. . . . i i A delightful card party was given at the home of Dr. and Mrs. T. L. Booth on College street on last Thurs day evening in honor of their guests. Misses Alice und Stella Grimsley, of Snow Hill, sisters of Mrs. Booth. Six hand euchre was the game played and the occasion was much enjoyed by every one present. The first prize, a handsome fan, was awarded to Mrs. J. A. Niles. The gentleman's prize was captured by Mr. Sam Peace, while Col. Sidney Minor car ried away the booby. Goes to Darlington, S. C. We very much regret to lose our friend, Mr. J. S. Hunt, who left for Darlington, S. C, Saturday, which place he will make his future home. He will locate there and engage In the tobacco warehouse business. For several years he has been a ware houseman here, being a member of the firm of Hunt fc Meadows. He is a good tobacconist and warehouse man and our people both in Oxford and all over the county will regret to know of his departure. In his new home he will doubtless do well and gather about hlrn a large host of friends. We hope he may be pleased with his new home and wish for him the highest success. He is an honest, capable and kind-hearted man and deserves to succeed wherever he may go. May good fortune at tend him. His horse and buggy were shipped Monday. His buggy is a fine rubber tire, one of the handsomest made by the Taylor-Cannady Buggy Co. Dr. Cole in Oxford. Rev. Dr. J. N. Cole, of the Fifth Street church, Wilmington, preached two very excellent sermons at the Methodist church on last Sunday morning and night. His subject on Sunday morning was "Faith in Christ's Words," and was from the text: "Ye believe In God: believe also In me." He handled this beautiful text In an able manner, and delighted his congregation. At the morning service the two sweet little children of Mr, and Mrs. W. S. Stark were baptized and the sacrament was also administered At night his subject was: "soul Winning," which also contained much valuable instruction for those who would labor for the adv.ance- ment of true religion. Dr. Cole spent many years In his youthful days In Oxford and is pleas antly remembered. He Is connected with several of Oxford's leading fam ilies. His friends here are much grat ified at his success in the ministry. New Pension Board. The new Pension Board of Gran vllle county Is composed of the fol lowing: Milton Blalock, I. II. Breed love and J. T. Britt, C. S. C. Section 2 of the Pension Act passed by the last Leglslatvre says: Sec. 2. That all persons entitled to pensions under this act, not now drawing pensions, shall appear be fore the County Board of Pensions on or before the first Monday in July of each year, for examination and classification in compliance with the provisions of this act: Provided that xll such as are unable to attend shall present a certificate from a credita ble physician, living and practicing medicine in the community In which said applicant resides, that the ap plicant is unable to attend. All those already drawing pensions must come before the Clerk of the Su perior Court and certify to the fact that he or she is alive and still dls abled and entitled to draw a pension Let all remember this and attend to it so that there will be no misunder standing An Enjoyable Reception. Miss Helen White, the popular and accomplished daughter of Dr. and Mrs. E. T. White, entertained a num ber of her friends at her elegant home on Friday evening. The reception was given In honor of her guests, Miss Holmes, of Richmond, Miss Hern- don, of Durham, and Miss Drake, of Clarksvllle. The parlors were decor ated with rare taste, white and pink carnations and potted plants being used In profusion. The guests were met at the door by Misses Edna White and Irene Hlnes. The receiving party were, Dr. and Mrs. White, Miss White, Miss Ilemdon, Miss Drake and Miss Holmes. The punch bowl was pre sided over by Mrs. Kate Widte. De lightful refreshments were served. The color scheme In the dining room was red. The occasion was much enjoyed by the large number of friends present. It will be remembered as one of the leading social events of the season. Dr. and Mrs. White and Miss Whfte proved themselves charming hosts and everybody went away delighted with the pleasant evening they had spent. That Throbbing Headache Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. Kings New Life Pills. Thousands of suf ferers have proved their matchless merit for sick and nervous headaches They make pure blood and build up your health. Only 25c. money back if not cured. Sold by J. G. Hall. 5Any one having dry cattle or colts would do well to call on R. C. Puckett, Oxford, for pasturage. May 28th, 3t.pd- Brother Manning on the Move. Though the editors do not get everything they wish every time, yet the office sometimes comes their way we are happy to say. Our good friend, Thad R. Manning, of the Gold Leaf, Henderson, has recently been appointed tax collector of that town. We have no doubt but that he will prove a most excellent one, as he has excellent business qualifications and Is popular with the people. In his hands the finances of the town are safe. He will, no doubt, perform the duties of the position with credit to himself and satisfaction to the town. Hard on Carriers. In order that the people on the three delivery routes going out from Oxford every morning may not have to wait over one day for their North ern mail the Postofhce Department has ordered that the carriers not leave Oxford until after the 10 o'clock mall arrlves.This change Is especially hard on the carrier of route No. 1, as he has 30 miles to drive and deliver mail to over 100 boxes. After the first of July the Northern mall will arrive in Oxford over the Seaboard road at 8 o'clock in the morning when we suppose the carriers will go back to the old schedule. Henderson Rejoices. Henderson takes no back ward step. She has set her face to the front and is constantly moving forward. The latest evidence of this is the result of Monday's election on the question of issuing $40,000 In bonds for sewerage and street improve ments. The bonds are to run thirty years and are to bear four per cent, interest. Of the votes cast there was a majority of 2:53 in favor of bonds. Only 20 voted against it. The result speaks well for the pro gressive spirit of our people. As to the wisdom of Monday's action time will fully demonstrate. And we be lieve It will be but a little while be fore those who opposed the measure will see the mistake of their position and assume a different attitude to ward it altogether. Gold Leaf. a am "Suffer Little Children to Come Unto Me." After several weeks sickness the in fant son of Mr. and Mrs. Titus Cur rin died Monday about 12 o'clock at their home near town, and the angels bore Its little soul away to adorn our Heavenly Home. The funeral took place Tuesday afternoon at o'clock, conducted by Rev. J . S. Hard away, and the remains were tenderly laid to rest in Elmwood cemetery. There Is deep grief in the hearts of the parents, "which time alone can nurse Into a pleasant memory and It is shared by all their friends. But Hope's star shines brightly over their household," for we know that "Around the throne of (iod in Heaven Thousands of children stand, Children whose sins are all forgiven, A holy, happy band, Singing: Glory, Glory, Glory, Glory be to God on high." Dr. Hays Goes to Buffalo. Our good friend, Dr. Beuj. K. Hays, will leave on the 15th for Buffalo Springs, where he will remain for three months as resident physician of this famous resort. The proprietor of Buffalo is for tunate in securing the services of this eminent young physician and sur geon who is fast being recognized as one of the most skilled physicians in the State both In the practice of med iclne and in surgery. As a surgeon his reputation is even extending be yond the limits of his own State; for wherever he goes his work is such as to at once convince the people of his superior skill, particularly as a sur geon. Dr. Hays has made a, special study of all diseases of the kidneys and bladder, and, for this reason. wiil be especially prepared to render efficient service at Buffalo, where many of the patients are afflicted with these troubles and for the treat ment of which the Buffalo water is so much famed. He will, no doubt, add still greater encomiums to his already fine reputation while at Buf falo. Those who visit these springs this season can be assured of the very best medical service and for every kind consideration for which this gifted physician is noted. We shall greatly miss him In Oxford, but wish for him a pleasant stay while there administering to the sick. Letter to J. D. Bullock, Oxford, N. C. Dear Sir: Messrs. Ieachman & Edelin, Grafton, W. V., had been sell ing a paint, which they thought well of; and this had occurred. They had sold a customer IS gal lons of it to paint his house. A few years later, they sold the same man Devoe lead and zinc the same num ber of gallons to paint the same house. He had 7 gallons left. The point of the tale is: 11 gal lons Deyoe paints an 18 gallon house. Of course, that isn't all. Why does II gallons Devoe go as far as 18 gallons of other paint? Be cause it is all palnt,all true.no sham, and full measure. But that isn't all. Devoe last longer. No, no; you haven't got to wait ten years to find that out. Ten thousand people know it. We've got their names. Our agents know them; they think a heap of Devoe. There's no difficulty in showing your townspeople what to expect of Devoe. $10 will paint a $15 house; and the palnt'll last twice as long. Yours truly, F. W. Devoe & Co., New York. P. S. J. F. Edwards sells our paint. friends Strangers. An Interesting List Of Those Who Came & "Went, Mr. J. K. Wood returned from Raleigh Friday. Mr. Ben Lasslter is at home from the University. Mr. John H. Webb, of Stem, was in town Monday. Mr. E. L. Crews, of Hester, was In Oxford Sunday. Capt. Geo. Daniel, of Satterwhite, was in Oxford Monday. Mrs. C. D. Osborn Is on a visit to relatives in Greensboro. Miss Annie LeeCurrin has return ed to her home from school. Miss Mollle Lanier, of Asheville, is on a visit to her old home. Mrs. R. B. Owens and son are Visiting relatives at Salisbury. Mr. R. D. Royster, of Creedmoor, was an Oxford visitor Monday. Miss Willie Skinner visited rela tives in Henderson the past week. Squire T. D. Aiken, of Northside, was in town Saturday afternoon. Mr. W. K. Jenkins, postmaster at Stovall, was our streets Friday. Mr. J. J. Davis, of Stovall, was on our streets, Saturday afternoon. Miss Lulle Biggs Is on a visit to friends and relatives at Norfolk, Va. Mr. Rufus Knott, Jr., of Raleigh, visited relatives in Oxford this week. Rev, A. McCulIen attended Trin ity commencement at Durham this week. Mr. E. H. Lyon has returned from Baltimore to his home near Hester. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Skinner, of Smlthfield, are visiting relatives In Oxford. Mr. Milton Booth, of South Bos ton, Va., is visiting his brother, Dr. S. D. Booth. Miss Carrie Hobgood returned Tuesday from an extended visit to Norfolk, Va. Mrs. Paul Cannady, of Raleigh, was the guest of Mrs. W. Z. Mitchell the past week. The bright Master Elliott Cooper is on a visit to Mrs. Jennett Elliott, at Norfolk, Va. Mr. Marvin Minor, of Raleigh, spent a few days with his mother the past week. Mr. B. M. Haubold is attending the Episcopal Convention at Greens boro this week. Mrs. Kate Hays Fleming has re turned from Richmond greatly im proved in health. Mrs. James Paris and Miss Helen are on a visit to Mr. Paris' mother at Ilocky Mount. Mr. and Mrs. William Smith and children, of Wilson, are on a visit to Mrs. Eva Taylor. Miss Hannah Atmore, of Stone wall, Is visiting Miss Olivia Cheat ham, near Oxford. Mr. Ollle Pitts, the clever mer chant at Clay, was on our streets Monday afternoon. Messrs. Frank Lyon and Wright Spencer will arrive homo to-day irom Trinity College. Mr. F. W. Hancock Is attending the Druggist Convention at More head City this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Malone, son and daughter, of Moriah, were in Oxford Monday shopping. Dr. E. T. White and Mr. J. M. Currln attended the commencement at Trinity College this week. Prof. J. T. Alderman, Superin tendent of Henderson Graded School, was on our streets Saturday. Professors J. C. Horner and F. P. Hobgood are attending the Teach ers' Assembly at Wrightsvllle. Mrs. S. W. Ferebee, of Stonewall, Is on a visit to her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Cheatham, near Oxford. . Rev. It. B. Owens and Miss Mary Horner are attending the Episcopal Convention at Greensboro this week. Dr. R. W. Hobgood, of Sunset, was in Oxford Monday mornlng.and informed the editor that he had just finished planting corn. Mr. Darius Eatman, of Columbia College, New York, arrived in Oxford Saturday on a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. II. Eatman. Messrs. Don Wagstaff, R. II. Rogers and J. R. Neathery, three of Creedmoor's progressive business men, were on our streets a short while Monday. Miss Fannie Fleming is visiting a school mate in Asheville and will remain until after the Music Teacher's National Association which meets In that city June 30th. Mr. J. G. Furgerson, theexcellent superintendent of Durham's Home of Aged and Infirmr was In Oxford Friday accompanied by Mr. Dorsey Mangum, of Creedmoor. Mr. C. F. Burnett, of Hester, was in Oxford Monday, and the editor was pleased to learn from him that Mrs. Burnett, who has been quite sick, continues to improve. The Purity Of our Drugs and Ghemicals, The Accuracy With which our prescriptions are compounded, and The Stability Of all our preparations are the sterling qualities that we pride ourselves are embodied in all goods we possess. Our large stock of chemicals together with our ASSORTED VARI ETY of toilet articles and drug gists' sundries enable us to of fer the public prices that com pare favorably with those of any drug establishment in the State. We Invite Inspection, We Defy Competition. DON'T get an idea that this is a high-priced store because of its all-round first-classness. JUST GALL IN and try a drink at my up-to-date Soda Fountain, and talk with my polite and accommodating clerks concerning your wants and needs. Then you will go away WITH A definite idea of what it is that gives cautious and careful people so much confidence in the store. It's all as simple as a SHOE HORN. We are PARTIGULAR in everything. We are PROMPT at all times. We ask a liberal share of your patronage and GUAR ANTEE satisfaction always. Drink Harris Lithia or Deep Rock Water and feel good. They improve your health or keep you well. R. L. HAMILTON, Next to P. 0., Oxford, N. C. OLD FASHION ICE CREdn ..AT.... JdCKSON'J. My Ice Cream Parlor is now open and will be strictly up to date this season having just put in a new outfit of lovely steel wire chairs and tables. The rear of my store has been nicely fitted up for ladies and their escorts a place where they can sit and enjoy their ice cream, cake and fruit ices, or any drink in perfect comfort. THE QUALITY Of our cream will be the same upon which we have built our rep utation the good old fashion kind, made from the old home recipe, by an experienced ice cream maker. ICE CREdfl BOXES. We have had made several thou sand ice cream boxes for deliver ing cream in any part of the city 10 cents, 25 cents and 50 cents per box. Carry or send your friend a box. CLEANLINESS," said one of our greatest ministers, "is next to vjoauness. ' we De lieve this, and have had a Derfect 1 system of waterworks put in, and every glass is washed in fresh flow ing water. See for yourself. LOWNET'J i FINE CflNDIEJ, i The best candies made, received every week. Apples, Oranges, Pineapples, Bananas, Strawberries. Come, send or 'phone your order to cJReKSOW, The Up-to-Date Confectioner, Stationer and Book Seller, 'Phone 35.