I bequeath to my children Scrofula with all its attendant horrors, humiliation and suffering. This is a strange legacy to leave to posterity ; a heavy burden to placeupon the shoulders of the young. This treacherous disease dwarfs the bod- and hinders the growth and development of the faculties, and the child"born of blood poison, or scrofula-tainted parentage, is poorly equipped tor lite s duties. and skin erupti Scrofula is a disease wuri numerous ana variea h ('tlipiOIllS , cniillgcu j;iauio iiiiuuia auuui liic nr r. ftSi armpits, catarrh ot tlie Head, weak: eyes and ilreadliu ons upm dintreiit parts ot the bouv snow the nrinre ot tubercular or scroiuious matter in ine uk- .... , , and stealthy disease entrenches itself securely in the system and attacks the bones and tissues, destroys the red corpuscles of the "blood, resulting in white swelling, a pallid, waxy appearance of the skin, loss of strength and. a gradual wasting away of the bod'. I S. S. S. combines both purifying and tonic properties, and is guaran lost properties to the blood and quickens the circulation, bringing a healthy color to the skin and vigor to the weak and emaciated bod. Write us about your case and our physicians will cheerfully advise and help you in every possible way to regain -our health. Book on blood and kin diseases free. THE. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ca. The Kind You Have Always Bought, and wliicli lias been in use for over ISO years, lias lorne the signature of All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-jfood" are but Experiments that trille with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR I A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bow els, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAUR COMPANY. 77 MURRAY STREET. NEW YORK CITY. OXFORD ORPHAN ASYLUM Wood-working Shop, OXFORD, N. C. 1 Sash, Doors, S) D f in A n M s unuua, niuuiuiugo, g 1 Brackets, Porch & f 1 Stair . Work. Door 8 Pr Winrlmsr CMiflflnP v a iniiuuw1 owggiid ! MANUFCTURED. All kinds of inside finish in pine made to order. We solicit a portion of your trade. Good workmanship and materials guaranteed. Wire screens and doors are almost essential to comfort in the summer time. They are not expensive. A. W. Graham. Y. rt. Dcvm. GRAHAM & DEVIN Attorneys at Law. Careful attention given to all busi ness entrusted to us. 4., A. HICB.B. e. w. mnoe. II' JK L t: o rneys-at- aw, OXFORIJ, N. O. asoooiATH Cousest.: jy T. ifJCfifs, HJENDBWSON, N.O. Will practice together in the courts ol Gran ville, Vance, Franklin and Warren counties, and in all matters reqniring their joint attention. We hope by prompt, diligent and faithful atten t 02 to bus'saia to ve 3i4 reeaiva oorticB 5ft ChlCHcbltR'S ENGLISH 2EnriYR0YAL FILLS HtTK Orlultial nnil Only (Genuine. .TaHAFK Al avs nl'KfjIe. I.alle, ask bruffrlut '.fJfl fx CliIC'Hl;SXEK'S KNGUSU Nliifc';5 i a KKJ an i Uul! mttBllic boisi. Belel hlae rit bou. Tike i.u other. Kefusq 1 fi Vi'i icerou Subntitutlonn and Imitu. t!on. Huf of jour Irut;iHt, or send 4c. in ftinipa for PnrticulnrK, TeatlmonUl eiier lar l.uille," tn letter, by re Mail. lO.OOO Tefiinionil. Sold by turn Mt El. l!:a',U. Uuq ttu Madlaoa liuun, HM1LA.. fJL, fill . . . , , t d. This dangerous teed entire!' vegetable, making it the ideal remedy in all scrofulous affections. It purifies the deteriorated blood, makes it rich and strong and a complete and permanent cure is soon effected. S. S. S. improves the digestion and assimilation of food, restores the D vs. and lias been made under Ins per sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. Signature of oarness You can mf.l:e your har ness us sole aa a glove and aa toiiti as wire by utsius EiJ !C EK A liar ness Oil. You can lengthen its life make it last twice as long as it ordinarily would. makes a poor looking har ness like new. Wade of pure, heavy bodied oil, es pecially prepared to with Btund the weather. Sold everywhere la cuns all sized. Mada bj STANDARD OIL CO. Tbedford's Black-Draught has saved doctors' bills for more than sixty years. For the common fam ily ailments, such as constipation, indigestion, hard colds, bowel com plaints, chills and fever, bilious ness, headaches and other like complaints no other medicine is necessary. It invigorates and reg ulates the liver, assists digestion, stimulates action of the kidneys, purifies the blood, and purges the bowels of foul accumulations. It , cures liver complaint, indigestion, sour stomach, dizziness, chills, rheumatic pains, sideache, back ache, kidney troubles, constipation, diarrhoea, biliousness, piles, hard colds and headache. Every drug gist has Thedford's Black-Draught in 25 cent packages and in mam moth size for $1.00. Never accept a substitute. Insist on having the original made by the Chattanooga Medicine Company. I believe Thedford's Black-Draught is the best medicine on earth. It is good for any and everything. I have a family of twelve children, and for four years I have kept them on foot and healthy with no doctor but Black- Draught. A. J. GREEN, Illewara, La, PARKER'S WW BSy;.7iEra?!S. M Cleanses and beautifies the hair. gS4 Promotes a luxuriant growth. B33gte'C J&3 Neve Fail to -Restore Gray ESST&i tl i-JwS?l Cures scalp diseases St hair falling, KeSFt 50c, and gl.wat Druggists M Am w eA J n Harness 01! I &THE GREAT f N Job Printing Cheap OXfOD PUBLIG LEDGER. STEAM J03 PRINTINU. Complete line stationery always on hand Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Visiting Cards, Wedding Invitations, Pamphlets, Legal and Commercial Printing. Everything in the Job Printing line. Get the best we guarantee ours. WADE II. liKITT, LOCAL EDITOR. THURSDAY. JULY 9, 1903. Fashiion's and Other Items of Interest. RIDDLE. God made Adam of the dust, But thought it best to make me first, So I was made before the man, According to God's holy plan, My body He did make complete, But without legs, arms or feet, My ways and actions did control. And 1 was made without a soul. But God in me did something see, And put a living soul In me; A soul in me the Iord did claim, And took from me that soul again. nd when from me that soul had fled, was the feame as when first made, But without legs, arms, feet or soul, travel from pole to pole. An Allegory. Now, upon a time, says Judge, there were two swrains, and each loved the same tair laciy. upon a aay tney came unto the damsel and the first made ppeech unto her, saying: "Behold, I am consumed with the fires of devotion for you. I would go to the ends of the world for you. Whereat she responded, "Go": And he went out in great happiness, be lieving that when he had sought the end of the world he should have her haud. Then came to her side the second swain, much cast down in spirit and exceeding heavy of heart. "Oh, fair one!" he sighed "I would not go to the end of the world for vou'but I would goto the end of the world with you!" "Come," she said. This teaches us that the way to make 'em happy is to make 'em hap py with us. Girls Choosing Their Husbands. In England, leap year Is supposed to confer upon the fair eex the prlvl lege of choosing life partners for bet ter or for worse, but custom is more honored in breach than in the observ ances. The gypsies, especially In Hungary, enjoy and make a very ex tensive use of the right at all times, I In accordance with an ancient cus torn, l nus a marriageable youDg gypsy girl In the land of the Magyars, as soon as her heart is smltten.takes good care that the smlter shall hear of the havoc he has wrought and have a chance of consoling her With this praiseworthy object in view, she has a love letter Indited, places a coin in a piece of dough, bakes it and throws the cake and the billet doux during the night into the bedchamber of her bridegroom-elect Then sue possesses her soul in pa tience and awaits developments The Burmese maiden begins her mar riage campaign at a much earlier stage, in order to get together a goodly gathering of young men from whom to choose, she places a lamp In her window at night It Is known as "the lamp of love" and entices all those youths who are candidates for the order of benedict. In sunny Andalusia, the peasant girl whose heart has been stolen by a stalwart young husbandman, prepares a tasty pumpkin cake and sends It to his home. If he eats it and the An dalusion girls take good care to make It highly edible the pair are fortwlth betrothed. London Telegraph. The Music Cure. Day by day It is demonstrated that this Is an age of fads. And it Is growing with the greatest rapidity The St. Louis Post-Dispatch has discovered something entirely new and discusses it at some length, in a breezy manner. It is musila therapeutics. And a woman started It. A passage from Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata" is recommended by Mrs. Augusta Vicellus, the high priestess of the cult, as a sure cure for fever. For paralysis, take huge doses of Wagner. Why not plenty of ragtime In cases or notsalgia or extreme melancholy? Why not a lullaby or a swing song for insomnia or distorted nerves? Why not "Hark! from the. tomb a doleful sound" to frighten a torpid liver into performing its natural functions' Why not a bit of a waltz music for a broken leg or a paean of praise for lockjaw. Since Music hath charms to sooth the savage, To melt a rock or split a cabbage, what is there to prevent the belief that it has power to heal broken limbs, cracked heads and decayed tissue, or even to "minister to mind diseases?" We are advancing so rapidly in a scientific way that soon it may be no surprise to see a physician drive up to a house and leave three or four rolls of music or half a dozen phono graph cylinders at the door to be "taken" as prescribed. Medicine may ! give way tomuslc.nostrumstonotes, boluses to bars, maladies to melodies and physicians to phonographs. ii 7or "pfe on)ei). The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths, There is a disease prevailing- in thi country most dangerous because so decer mi i ii iiiiii v j. .. r live. Many sudder deaths are caused b' it heart disease, pneumonia, heart failure or apoplexy are often the resull of kidney disease. II kidney trouble is al lowed to advance tha kidney-poiso ned blood will attack the A. 1 . kidneys themselves break down and waste away cell by cell. Bladder troubles most always result from s derangement of the kidneys and a cure is obtained quickest by a proper treatment of the kidneys, if you are feeling badly you can make no mletake by taking Dr. Kilmer's SwampRoot, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. It corrects inability to hold urine and scald ing pain in passing it, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wop derful cures of the most distressing cases. aSujik-o. vital organs or trie iwamp-Koot is pleasant to take and solv by all druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar sized bottles. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful new dis covery and a book that tens an aDOUl II, DOtn Home of Swamp-Root. S1T - ii 1 i i a 1 sent free by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co. riinghamton, N. Y. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper. uon t make any mistake, but remember Ihe name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N.Y., on every bottle. STATE NEWS. Raleigh will notexpaud. The vote on extension of the corporate limit b fell 523 short of the required number. Ira Bray, a clerk in a saloon at Durham died July 1 in the guard house from delerium tremens and heart trouble. The number of rural free delivery mail routes In this State is now 323, this being an increase of 60 since the first of the year. The trustees of St. Mary's Female College elected as rector Rev. McNee- ley DuBose, of Asheville. This action was unanimous. Grand Secretary Woodall has re ceived applications for new lodges of Odd Fellows at Weaverville, Burns- ville and Jamestown. An Asheville physician, says the Citizen, has listed an income for tax atlon of igu.ooo above the $i,uoo ex emption allowed by law. Whether his total Income of $10,000 is from his profession alone is not stated. Jack Screws met a tragic death at Plkeville, near Goldsboro, Saturday night. With the proceeds of a huch leberrv picking, he bought some whisky. Results: He became intox icated. laid down on the railroad track and was run over by a train. Kev. I. G. McLaughlin, a venerable minister of the Associated Reformed Presbyterian Church, pastor of Back Creek church in Alecklenburg county Treat Your Kidneys for Rheumatism Wh'n you are suffering trom rheumatism, the kidnevs must be attended to at once so that thev will eliminate the uric acid trom the blood. Foleys Kidny Cure is the mos effective remedy for this purpose. R. T. Hopkins, of Poplar, Wis., says, "After un successfully doctoring three years for rheu matism with the best doctors, I tried Foleys Kidnevs Cure and it cured me. I cannot sneak too hiehly of this ereat medicine for sale by K. L; Hamilton. Negro arrested in Jacksonville; Fla., Is believed to have murdered a man and a boy about the first of the year. No False Claims. The proprietors of Foley's Honey and Ta do not advertise this as a "sure cure for consumption." They do not claim it will cure this dread complaint in advanced cases but do positively assert that it will cure in the earlier stages and never tails to give comfort and relief in the worst cases. 1' o leys Honey and Tar is without doubt the createst throat and lune remedy. Refuse substitutes, for sale by K. 1. Hamilton Explosion In a. coal mine in Wyo ming caused loss of many lives; the number of dead Is estimated at 235 Bronchitis for Twenty Years. Mrs. Minerva Smith, of Danville, 111 writes: "1 had bronchitis lor twenty years and never got relief until I used foley Honey and Tar which is sine cure. For sale by R. L. Hamilton. Comptroller R. M. Love, of the State of Texas, was shot and killed in his office at Austin by W. G. Hill an ex-employe, who was afterward himself shot and killed. Foley's Kidney Cure purifies the blood by straining out impurities and tones up the whole system Cures kidney and bladder troubles. For sale by R. L. Hamilton. Negro who attempted criminal as sault upon a young white woman at Scottsboro, Ala., was hanged by a mob: the sheriff was shot and wounded in attempting to preven the lynching. By taking a thorough course of Rhemacid you rid your system of the poisons that cause rheumatism. A permanent cure is the re suit. It is the standard rheumatic remedy laxative and tonic. At Druggists. A man in Knoxville has just mar ried his housekeeper in order to save paying her wages. The first millinery bill Will make him calculate how much a divorce would cost. When Other fledicines Have Failed take P'obvs Kidney Cure. It has cured when everything else has disappointed For sale by R. L. Hamilton. What some men need is a curb that will prevent them from butting in. A. R. Bass, of Morgantown, Ind., had to yet up ten or twelve times in the night, and had a se ere backache aud pains in the kidneys. Was cured by Foleys Kid r.ey Cure. For sale by R. L. Hamilton. There Is always room at the top of a ball costume lor more costume. last Friday celebrated the 60th an niversary cf his ministry. He is now 4 years old and has served tte aiae church continuously for over a half century. It Is decided by Governor Aycock and the committee of gentlemen in various parts of the State which has in charge the collection of funds for North Carolina's exhibit at the St. Louis Exposition to put two agents in the field, to raise .f 50,000. These agents are Hugh G. Chatham, of lkin, and F. B. Arendell, and they begin their work immediately. Judge Walter H. Neal of the Su perior Court bench, has been collect- ng divorce statistics In North Caro- Ifna and in the returns received from 85 of the 97 counties he finds that 515 divorces have been granted during the past year and 601 cases are now pending. Mecklenburg county heads the list with 33 divorces granted and 2 pending; Wake Is second with 25 granted and 23 pending, and Guilford s third, with 24 granted andl9pend ng. The number of charters granted to orporations this year by the Secre tary of State Is even larger tnan usual. North Carolina's industries show that there are already In oper ation 6,000 manufacturing plants, the value of whose annual output is no less than $00,000,000. Thee fig ures will no doubt startle North Car olinians, who are not aware how great Is the progress of their .State, but the figures have been very care- ully secured, and are valuable. our ti air "Two vears aeo my hair was falling out badly. I purchased bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor, and soon my hair stopped coming out. Miss Minnie Hoover, Paris, 111. Perhaps your mother had thin hair, but that is no reason why you must go through life with half starved hair. If you want long, thick hair, feed it with Ayer's Hair Vigor, 1 and make it rich, dark, and heavy. $1.00 a bottle. All druggists. If your druggist cannot supply you, send us one dollar and we will express you a bottle. Be sure and give the name of your nearest express office. Address, n Dyspepsia Cure Digests what yon eat. This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds SSto KKe:tVall the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By its use many mousanus oi uyspepLius nave uccu a i ji js j a. ; i curea alter evervtnintr eise laueu. xa uneaualled for the stomach. Child ren with weak stomachs thrive on it. First dose relieves. A diet unnecessary. Cures a!3 stomach troubles PreDared onlv bv E. C. DeWitt & Co., Chicago he $1. bottle contains 2V4 times the 50c. siza J. C. HALL Notice. North Carolina ) Granville County f In the Superior Court. Civil action for Divorce. Kosa Uarrie, rMaintin", vc William Harris, Defendant. The defendant above named will take notice that an action eat.itl d as a rove haa heen com menced in the Superior Court of Cranville vill r-onntv. wherein the above nlaint ff seeks divorce from the bonds ot matrimony, the al leged cause being abandonment, and tne defen dant will fiuth-r taKe notice mat ne is required to appear at he next term of the Superior Court nf HrTivill Count to he held or. the 5-n JVlon day nefore the 1st Monday in Sept. 1903, in the court house of eaid county in Oxtord, and an swer or demur to ihe complaint in said ac ion, or the niaintill will aiulv to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint J. T, liKITT, C. H. C. IFm. H. Harrison, Atl'y for I'laiutill'. This June 2nd, 1!M)3. NOTICE. North Carolina ( Saperior Court Granville Count? t Sunns "I'erm WiS John K. lla-ki.'is v. Jon II, Nelrou. Amanda J. Nelson, S Ionian Tuck and Sarah .1. Tuck, his wife, V. F.;lfo mack ard Sa'll-j K , his wile, Kobt. H. Bunt in? and U. Bell Buntirg, hi wife. Uarnott Nelson, Carrie Nelson, Jno. 11. Nelson. Fran-c- s Nelson, Wiley G. Nelson, anl Clarence Nelon. To V. F. Womack uid Sall!e B. his wile, Kobt. U. BnntinE' arid IJ Bell Bunting. iarnelt Nel s n. Carrie Nelson. J to. lienrv Nelson. Frances Nelson, Wilev . Nelson aud C arence Nelon; Take notice, that thiw is nn acii- n ending in the Superior Court or Grau-:iie Coumy, North Caroline, wh. rein the plaintill eeks to haves Commissioner appointed to execute a deed to him for the -ai-rt described in the c.t mpla'nt, the OMsrina! deed frfm L nne ford A I'aschail. former administrator of James Winfrey, a commissioner of the Court, having been lo.-t before being reg istered You are therefore comman ed to ap pear at the next term of f aid Superior Court to be held on the 5th Monday before the aret Mn. day in Septembe next and anw r or demur to the complaint aireidy n ed therein, or judgment will bs given in accordance with tho prayer in the complaint T. BUITT, May2Wte,l'.!0-t. fiw. Clerk Superior Court. w. p. sir aw, H. M. SHAW, Henderson. Oxford. SHAW & SHAW, Attorney & Counsellors at Law, OXFORD, N. C. We offer our professional services to the citizens of Granville and adjoining counties, and solicit a share of your patronage, pro mising to give to the smallest as wellas the largest case our most lidligent attenti n and best efforts. Our fees are moderate. Refer you to any one in Oxford or Hen derson . US Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Seven Million boxes sold in past 12 I 1 ' I I 111! TheReady-to- always on A Food for Fighters. "It may interest you to learn that 'Force' is being served at breakfast several times each week to the members of the Second Reg iment, N. G. P., now on doty at this place. "Uabby W. Bkowh." W 10 NINETEEN THREE! HE NEW Of the best makes sible prices. Call Taylor-Can nady Buggy Co., C. W. BRYAN, Salesman A FARMER KI of Th t lhe secret of success is through cultivation if he reaps a bountiful crop to repay him for his labor. you are in doubt as to which are I keep an up-to-date stock of everything in this line. Uur stock oi gen- eraj Uardware and Agricultural Implements comprises larger quantities and business is so large that it demands it. in securing me large quanti ties, we can always secure lower prices, and our customers get the benefit. NEW DEEDING up-to-date mowers, simplest and strongest and lightest draft. We would like for every farmer to see this wonderful machine. Acme and Cutaway Disc Harrows, spring and spike tooth harrow pulverizes the land and all crops yield more. Agent for the celebrated Ariel fertilizer Drill Labor savers. These Drills stand second to none, does perfect work, Grain drilled last season yielded much greater than that done by hand. full Stock Full stock Builders materiat, Paints Oils Turpentine, Varnishes, Wood and willow ware, Crockery, Lamps and Glass ware, Meat choppers, etc. Beltings. Packings, Lacings, Pipe and Pipe fittings. I have one of the best gun and lock smiths in North Carolina. If your gun is out of or der bring it to me for repairs. Guttering, Roofing and Tinning supplies generally. I want your trade and 1 promise you my best efforts to serve you satisfactory. Yours very truly, To Cure a Cold in One Day months. ThlS Signature Jim Dumps on Independence Day, Said : " Force freed us from Eng land's sway. Now independence let's declare From indigestion's tyrant snare. Good friends, shake off this despot grim. 8 Twas Force that freed your 4 Sunny Jim.' " 9gl ire Serve Cereal YEAR FINDS THE POPULAR Tailor-Camfly Buggy ill in ilie Leal We are going to make a bid for a still larger business this year. New features will be added to our product, and our Motto will continue to be "Handsome, Durable and Up-to-Date." WAGONS always on hand, and sold at ihe lowest and see them. pos We can certainly please you in ; Harness, Robes, Whips, Collars, &c, as our stock is larg and the best products of the best facto ries. Yours to sell, We can help you cut of a quanda. , if the best improved implements, as we greater varieties than ever before. Our Hnrdware Cures Crip in Two Days. on every box. 25c Edwards