I bequeath to 1113' children Scrofula with all its attendant horrors, humiliation and suffering-. This is a strange legacy to leave to posterit ; a heavy burden to place upon the shoulders of the young-. This treacherous disease dwarfs the body and hinders the growth and development of the faculties, and the child born of blood poison, or scrofula-tainted parentage, is poorl3T equipped for life's duties. Scrofula is a disease with numerous and varied symptoms ; enlarged glands or tumors about the neck and armpits, catarrh of the. head, weak eyes and dreadful f kin eruptions upon different parts of the body show the picseuce of tubercular or scrofulous matter in the blood. This dangerous and stealthy disease entrenches itself securel- in the system and attacks the bones and tissues, destroys the red corpuscles of the blood, resulting in white swelling, a pallid, waxy appearance of the skin, loss of strength and, a gradual wasting away of the body. 1 S S. S. combines both tmrifviner and tonic nrrvnertiVs nn,1 4c omarafi. lost properties to the blood and quickens the circulation, bringing a healthy s.-oL.r to the skin and vigor to the weak and emaciated body. Write us about 3-011 r case and our phj-sicians will cheerfully advise and .V-1p you in every possible way to regain 3-our health. Book on blood and skin diseases free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. Atlanta, G. Tlio Kind You Have Always Bought, and wliicli lias been in use for over ISO years, lias borne the signature of and lias been made under liis per s TJZfs sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, imitations and Just-as-good" are but 10p'i'inieiits that trille with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and toothing Syrups. It is lleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fcverishuess. It cures Diarrhoea and AVintl Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's lanacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, 77 MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK CITY. ;ww Mw i .'.; M-tiii.il. iwji iii.iwuim.pn j. . ii uiu. 0IF0ED ORPHAN ASYLUM Wood-working Shop, OXFORD, N. C. I Sash, Doors, i V Rfinrlp MnnTrh'nrfc" V DI111U0, lUUUIUlUgO) l Brackets, Porch & I (J ' () I Stair Work, Door S it Onnnnnn f! 0WGG11O MANUFACTURED. All kinds of inside finish in pine made to order. We solicit a portion of your trade. Good workmanship and materials guaranteed. - Wire screens and doors are almost essential to comfort in the summer time. They are not expensive. A. W. Graham. VV. A. Devm. GRAHAM & DEVIN Attorneys at Law. Careful attention given to all busi ness entrusted to us. 4, A. HIOKS. S. W. MINCB. II' rll'HN A 33 1 IV OK, Altorneys-at-Law, ASHOOIATH ConNHKI,: ff. HICKS, 11SNDSKSON, N.C. Will practice together in the courts oi Gran ville, Vance, Franklin and Warren counties, and t11 matterB requiring their joint attention. We hope by prompt, diligent and faithful atton t on to business to deserve and receive a portion o law bn.ln... nf tj .-tlnn CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PiNYRQYAL PILLS r k d . . , " khu winy urnuinc. (.".SAIK. Alav reliable I.mltna. ask Dmrrlat i-r CIIlCIIKSTIiK'S ENGLISH in KI and iinA mtrillin hut,, with blue rilbon. Tekene other. Kefuae uo?.(eraai Muiotltutlanii anil Imlta- .. .. Uru8"' M Chichester Chemical C, .Una M.U i,.v.t. M.dU.a (.yuare. J-UIU., I'aI IP if & teea entirely vegetable, making it the ideal remedy in au serotinous aitections. it purities the deteriorated blood, makes it rich and strong and a complete and permanent cure is soon effected. S. S. S. improves the digestion and assimilation nf fA rpoWoo Signature of In every town and village may be had, the Made 8 that makes your horses glad. iff! liPrfi w ILYF Thedford's Black-Draujrilt Las saved doctors' bills for more than sixty years. For the common fam ily ailments, such as constipation, indigestion, hard colds, bowel com plaints, chills and fever, bilious ness, headaches and other like complaints no other medicine is necessary. It invigorates and reg ulates the liver, assists digestion, stimulates action of the kidneys, purines the blood, and. purges the bowels of foul accumulations. It cures liver complaint, indigestion, sour stomach, dizziness, chills, rheumatic pains, sideache, back ache, kidney troubles, constipation, diarrhoea, biliousness, piles, hard colds and headache. Every drug gist has Thedford's Black-Draught in 25 cent packages and in mam moth size for $1.00. Never accept a substitute. Insist on having the original made by the Chattanooga Medicine Company. I believe Thedford's Black-Draught is the best medicine on earth. It is good for any and everything. I have a family of twelve children, and for four years I have kept them on foot and healthy with no doctor but Black Draught. A. J. GREEN, Illewara, La. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cleanses and beautifies the hair. Promotes a luxuriant growth. Never Pails to Eeetore Gray Hair to its youthful Color. Cures scalp diseases & hair falling. 50c, and $ l.i to at Druggists Job Printing Cheap. JJ I Standard I Oil Co. I OXrOliD PUBLIC LEDGER. STEAM JOB PRINTING. Complete Hue stationery always on hand Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Visiting Cards, Wedding Invitations, Pamphlets, Legal and Commercial Printing. Everything In the Job Printing line. Get the best we guarantee ours. WADE II. BRITT, LOCAL EDITOR, THURSDAY. SEPT. 3, 1903. fl Tew Words on temperance. Sprlnghope, N. C, Aug. 19, 1903. Mr. Editor: Allow me space In your most valued paper for the fol lowing subject: Shall we slay the saloons? Woe to him that buildeth a town with blood and establlsheth a city by iniquity. Woe unto him that giv eth his neighbor drink, that puttest the bottle to him and makest him drunken. Habakkuk. Who can tell the story of strong drink? Orators have tried to vivid ly depict it. It has been the theme of poet and singer, the subject of teacher and preacher. Butthedepths and anguish it have caused have never been sounded; the hearts it has broken have never been counted; the homes it has wrecked have neyer been numbered ; the lives it has blighted are beyond apprehension, it Is a subject which touches the se cret springs of the home life. Strong drink has driven the love-light from the eyes, the bloom from the cheek, the color from the lips, the strength from the parent's arms, the love from his breast and the comfort from the home. It has bruised the baby's ten tier form, snatched shoes from its tiny feet, the food from its expectant lips. Strong drink has filled the pris ons and asylums, the poor houses and hospitals with its victims. Strony drink! there is no crime of which it has not been guilty, no cru elty of which it has been innocent, no deception which it has not practiced, no disnonor which it is not capable, no wreck and ruin to body, mind and spirit which it has not wrought. There is a great crowd of wf tnesses. Go to the felon's cell and ask the youthful criminal the cause of his de linquency, go to the murderer's dun geon and ask him what brought him there; go to the struggling widow and ask her what ruined her hus band; go to the stricken mother and ask for her boy; go to the helpless orphan and ask for his parents. One chorus of voices will answer: "Strong drink! strong drink! strong drink!" it is the enemy of all purity and righteousness. There Is nothing new to say upon the subject, but there Is a plenty to do, it seems, to put the evil away from us. All acknowledge its baneful Influence upon the life of our nation, but few comparatively seem to realize their personal obliga tion towards this momentous ques tion. Of many arguments used against prohibitory legislation, there Is one which says "that if prohibition Is granted the traffic will be carried on by 'bot-leggers' and driven into dives. If the traffic must exist at all these are the very places whither It should be driven. Old topers will find them, of course, but our boys will have the chance for the first time of being saved from the open temptation of the saloons, and when the open saloon becomes illegal, drinking becomes less respected. Let us protect the young men and make them useful men In the future. F. W. PITTS. Raleigh Post: Jacob Flaherty a young white man employed as a flag manon the Seaboard Air Llne.accused of stealing articles with a face value of about $2,000, was sent to jail last week In default of a $500 bond. A Purgative Pleasure. If you ever took DeWitts Little Early Risers for billioasness or constipation you know what a purgative pleasure is. These famous little pills cleanse the liver and rid the system of all bile without producing un pleasant effects. They do not gripe, sicken or weaken, but give tone and streng'h to the tissues and organs involved. W. H. Howell of Houston Tex. says "No better nill ran ip used than Little Earlv Risers for constipation, sick headache, etc." J. . Hall Discovery of rich gold fields in the State of Oxaca, Mexico, causes excite ment there. Gained Forty pounds in Thirty Days. For several months our younger brother had been troubled with indigestion. He tried several remedies but got no benefit from thfni. We purchused some of Cham berlains Stomach and Liver Tablets and he commenced taking them. Inside ot thirty days he had gained forty pounds in flesh. He is now fully recovered. We have a good trade on the Tablets. Holley Bros. Merchants, Lcig Branch, Mo. For sale by all druggists. Occasionally women make fools of men, but they are not responsible for all the fools. The Pleasure of Eating. Persons suffering from indigestion, dyspepsia or other stomach trouble will find that Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat and makes the stomach sweet. This remedy is a never failing cure for Indigest'on and Dyspepsia and all complaints affecting the glands or membranes of the stomach or di gestive tract. When you take Kodol Dys pepsia Cure everything you eat tastes good, and every bit ot the nutriment that your food contains is assimilated and appropri ated by the blood and tissues. J. G. Ha'l. A man doesn't necessarily lead a dogs life because his wife pets him. Doctors Could not Melp her. "I had kidney trouble for years," wriles Mrs. Raymond Conner of Shelton, Wash , "and the doctors could not help me. I tried Foleys Kidney Cure, and the very dose gave me relief and lam now cured. I can not say too much for Foley's Kirtney Cure." Sold by R. L. Hamilton. Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Don't Know it. How To Find Out. Fill a bottle or common, glass with your water and let it stand twenty-four hours; a sediment or set tling indicates an unhealthy condi tion of the kid neys; if it stains your linen it is evidence of kid ney trouble; too frequent desire to pass it or pain in the back is also convincing proof that the kidneys and blad der are out of order. What to Do. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extra ordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its won derful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists in 50c. and$l. sizes. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful discovery and a book that tells more about it, both sent absolutely free by mail. A J J A Aaaress ur., wimer OC Home of Swamp-Root. Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When writing men tion reading this generous offer in this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. The Genuine vs. Counterfeits. The genuine is always better than a conter feit, but the truth of this statement is never more forcibly realized or more thoroughly appreciated than when you compare the genuine DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve with the many counterfeits and worthless sub stitutes that are on the market. W. S. Led better, of Shreveport, La., says: "Af'er using numerous other remedies without ben efit, one hox of DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve cured me." For blind bleeding, itching and protruding piles no remedy is equal to DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve. J. G. Hall. The Hustler says Mr. T. C. Myers, of Wilkes, brought a load of dried blackberries to North Wllkesboro one day last week and realized .$150.50 for the load. Rydales Elixir. The new scientific discovery for diseases ot j the throat and lungs acts upon a new prin- l ciple differing greatly from the old style ! Cough Medicines, which are composed ! chielly of wild cherry and tar, which do lit- j tie more than stimulate the lining of the j throat and lungs. Rydales Elixir strikes at j the roof of the trouble, it kills the microbes ! that cause thioat and lung diseases. It re-j moves the cause and hastens recovery by helping nature restore the diseased organs to health. J. G. Hall. The agricultural department of the country is lucky. It is the only one which can use grafting methods with out subjecting Itself to suspicion. Baltimore American. Is Indigestion a Disease? The best medical authorities say that indi gestion is not always caused by diseased stomach, but may result from a disordered liver, constipation, excitement etc. 1 he cause is of little consequence when Rydales Stomach Tablets are taken as they never fail to digest the food, check fermation, free the stomach from irritatng acids and an excess of gas. They relieve at once, belching heartburn, sour stomach, fullness after eat ing etc. Rydales Stomach Tablets have a specific tonic effect on the stomach and or gans of assimilation and are guaranteed to cure the worst forms of stomach trouble. J, G. Hall. A country which Is free from lying Intrigues hasn't much need of diplo macy. She can be open and fair In a proclamation of her rights and prop erly resentful if she Is Imposed on. Cincinnati Enquirer. Feet Swollen to Immense bize 'I had kidney troub'e so bad that I could not work," says J. J. Cox of Valley View, Ky., "my feet. were swollen to immense size and I was confined to my bed and physicians were unabl" to give me any relief. My doc tor finally prescribed Foley's Kidney Cure which made a well man of me." Sold by R. L. Hamilton. Speaker-to-be-Cannon continues in his opposition to financial leglstation so dear to the President and the Wall Street contingent In the Senate. Foley's Honey and Tar is peculiarly ad apted for chronic throat troubles and will positively cure bronchitis, hoarsness and all bronchial - diseases. Refuse substitutes. Sold by R. L. Hamilton The vice presidental bee is natural ly disconsolate at so seldom finding a bonnet that he may call his own. Judge. A New Jersey Editors TesttmonaJ. M. T Lyneh, Editor of th Philipsburg, N. J. Daily Post writes: "I have used many kinds of medicines for coughs and colds in my family but never anything so goodas Foley's Hone and Tar. I cannot say too much in praise of it." Sold byR. L. Hamilton. Teach your boys bread winning and your girls bread making, and the divorce mills will soon run out of grist. Dallas News. Used for Pneumonia. j Dr C. J. Bish'p, of Agnew, Mich., says, j 'I have used Foley's Honey and Tar in 3 j very severe cases of pneumonia with good I results in every case." Refuse substitutes, j Sold by R. L. Hamilton. i ... j If Wall street was as conservative ' In financial operations as it la In pol-; ltics the stock market would be In better condition than It Is Detroit Free Prees. Ten Thousand Churches " In the United States have used the Longman & Martinez Pure Paints. j Every church will be given a liberal quan- ; tity whenever they paint. ! Don't pay Sft.jo a gallon for Linseed oil j (worth 6oC) which you do when you buy j thin paint in a can with a paint label on it. j 8 & 6 mak- I4 therefore when y- u want ' 14 gallons of paint, buy only S gallons oi L & M.. and mix 6 gallons of pure linseed oil wi'h it. You need only foar gallons of L & M., paint and 3 gallons of oil mixed therewith tn rtnin! a pood sized house. Houses painted with these paints never grow shabby, even after 18 years. The e celebrated paints are sold by J. F. Edwards. In McDowell county, we are told. Mr. Cornelius Wheeler was bitten in two places by a venomous snake. Under the advice of "Aunt Jennie Simmons." a snake doctor of repute, Cornelius drank about a pint of whiskey, one-half pint spirits of ter pentine, one quart of blackberry wine and ate two and one-fourth plugs of the "Red Elephant" tobacco and within twenty-four hours he was able to sit up and was reported still improving. Now the question arises, if Wheeler could survive that treat ment isn't it proof positive that he would recover from the bite of the biggest rattlesnake that ever drove its fangs into human flesh? A Good Liver. A bad liver means a bad breath, bad com plexion poor digestion and olten constipa tion. A gool healthy active liver means a fine clear skin, free from pimples and spots, bright eyes buoyunt spirits, in other words good health Make the liver healthy and keep it healthy by usine Rydales Liver Tab lets. They act specifically on the liver as a mild stimulant and tonic, arousing it to activity. They gently stimulate the muscu lar walls of the bowels and intestines and thus assist nature to restore a regular health habit. J. G. Hall. H. O. Smith and a colored man broke out of Davie county jail by lifting the tell door off its hinges. Doth were awaiting trial for larceny. The white man Is charged with steal ing a cow. YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TAKINQ When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic be-ause the formula is plainly printed on every bottle showing that it is simply Iron and Quinine in a tastless form. No Cure, No Pay. 50c. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of TAX SALE. In default of the payment of town taxes for the years 1901 and 19 j2, 1 have levied on and will sell at the court house door on Sept. 26, 1903, the folio Alng town lots to satisfy said tax. O. S. K ASTON, T. '. 1901. liass, Arthur 1 lot on McClanahan St.. ad joins Wade Mills and others $ 2 18 Baskerville, Kobert 1 lot on Williamsboro St., adjoins Peter KoyBter atd others.... 6 5 J. A. Fuller 1 lot on Henderson road, ad joins Meggie Hunt and others 5 07 Day, J. R. 1 lot on Broad St., adjoins C. A. Carroll and others 23 90 Davis, Rosa, 1 lot on McClanahan street, joins G. C Shaw and others 2 41 Kingsbury, J. M. 1 lot on Farmers and Me chanics St , a joins W. V. Reed et al... G 10 Littlejohn, John 1 lot on Oranee St., ad joins D. Y Cooper and others 5 33 Lynch, Mrs. B. S. 1 lot on Main St., adjoins .T. Q. Hall and others 2 91 Mills, Mott, 1 lot on McClanahan St., ad joins Arthur Bass and others 2 91 Moss, Willis, 1 lot on Williamsboro St., ad joins C. M. Green and others 1 97 Norwood, Mrs. S. D. 1 lot near foundry branch, adjoins llollman & Daniels et al 1 71 Ragland, L ;e 1 lot on Williamsboro St., adjoins Jordan Tucker and others 2 62 Richmond Ish m 1 lot on Williamsboro St , adjoins A. u. Bnllock and others.... 2 66 Slaughter, S, L. 1 lot on IFilliamsboro St., adjoins S W. Parker and others 7 01 White, Mrs. Lizzie 2 los on Williamsboro St., adjoins A. W. Graham and others.. 43 90 1902. Baskerville, Robt. 1 lot on Williamsboro t adjoins Peter Royster and others.... Bass, Arthur 1 lot on McClanahan St., ad joins Wade Mills and others Bass, Florencj 1 lot on So. Ry , adjoins A. JS. Bnllock and others Day, J. R. 1 lot on Broad St., adjoins C A. Carroll and others Ellis, Mrs. C. A 1 lot on Alexander Ave., adjoins J. S. Brown and others Fort. Dr. C. D, H. 1 lot on Broad St., ad. joins Mrs. W. L. Mitchell and others, tax 1901 and 1902 Hunt, Mr1. Maggie 1 lot on Henderson road, adjoins J. A. Fuller and others.... Jenkins, isham 1 lot on Orange St.,adioins Annie Smith and others Kingsbury, -1. M. 1 lot nn Farmers and Me chanics St.. adjoins W, C. Reed et al... Littlejohn, John 1 lot on Orange St., ad joins D. Y. Cooper and others Littleiohn, Sam 1 lot on Granville St.. ad joins colored graded school and others, tax 1901 and 1902 Lynch. Mrs. E. S. 1 lot on Main St., adjoins Mrs, S. Hall and others Mills, Wade 1 lot on McClanahan St., ad joins Arthur Bass and others Moss, Willis 1 lot on Williamsboro St., ad joina C. M. Green and others Parham, Sandy 1 lot on Granville St.. ad joius Mrs. M. C. Cannady and others .. Peace, Rosa 1 lot on McClanahan St ad joins G C. Shaw and others... Puryear, J. C. 1 lot on Henderson road, ad joins Arch Morton and others Rag'and. Lee 1 lot on Williamsboro St., ad j oins Jordan Tucker and others ......... Slaughter. S. u. 1 lot on Williamsboro St., adjoins 8. W. Parker and others Young, I. J. 1 lot near So. Ry. d'pot, ad joins W. C Reed and others Washington, Jane, 1 lot near So. Ry. d -pot, ad?oins Martha Hollman and others, Carrin, Richard 1 lot on Orange St., ad joins H. A. Pool and others 16 01 3 72 4 13 7 77 2 33 13 07 2 73 2 79 1 91 8 61 2 79 5 11 2 42 6 38 3 72 I 63 4 SS MOW KtADy "REPORT ONIOOO CONFINEMENT CASES" UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF MEDICINE vi Rc? nTa MEDICINE-DENTI&TRY-PHARMACY "CLINICS l02-3"-"TEACMINO METHODS" W B BIIAW, Henderson. II. M. SHAW, Oxford. SHAW & SHAW, Attorney & Counsellors at Law, OXFORD, N. C. We offer our professional services to the citizens of Granville and adjoining counties, and solicit a share of your patronage, pro mising to give to the smallest as wellas the largest case our most lidligent attenti n and best efforts. Our fees are moderate. Refer you to any one in Oxford or Hen derson . . 444 50 YEARS' VV r EXPERIENCE D Trade Marks Designs Copyrights &c. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention is probably patentable. Communica tions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest apency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice, without charge, in the Scientific American. A handsomely illustrated weekly. T,argest cir culation of any scientiflc Journal. Terms, f 3 a year: four months, ft. Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN &Co.361Broadway' New York Branch Office. 625 F St.. Washington. D. C. 3 281 o 10 I 3 . - . 1 JMM Take laxative uromo quinine Tablets. e Seven Million boxes sold in past 12 months. This Signature. EIZVP ff. mo 1 " frr rTM I MA Costs Only 25 Or mail 25 ceati to T h font, r, rfn. T7TxxfICB OF,D-J?JT HxKDT, Secretary of Stats, Austin, Tex., Not. 21, 1900. boy was a , teShi Vw?? i?Hn' ?,PIendid remedy and aid lor my teething children. When my tides! tShiwa ..A. d' .eyerr 8"cc,ee,d"? day warned us that we would inevitably lose him. I happened upon ?w h?J' Snd beffan o?ce administering it to him, and hi improvement was marked in 24 houri, and from S?nijeaE? nteA 1 .hTf, contny kept it and used it since with my children, anl hare taken great &3d wis 22 9tmM mo0uz rouug children. I found it invaluable even after the teething eroa was Passed. lia. D. H. HARDY. NINETEEN THREE! Buggies, Harness, ies, Etc. TaylorCannady Buggy Co., C. W. BRYAN. Salesman. A 0 FARM That the secret of success is through cultivation if he reaps a bountiful crop to repay him for his labor. We can help you out of a quanda if you are in doubt as to which are the best improved implements, as we keep an up-to-date stock of everything in this line. Our stock of gen eral Hardware and Agricultural Implements comprises larger quantities and greater varieties than ever before. Our business is so large that it demands it. In securing the large quanti ties, we can always secure lower prices, and our customers get the benefit. HEADQUARTERS FOR 2 2 F L 8 58 IL POULTRY, RABBIT AMD LAWN FENCE. Absolute efficiency at least expense, soinch A practical fence that will positively turn cattle, 42 hnrepc. Iincrc jinrl 34INCH o - pigs. A fence 26inch that is strong, 'HifH practically ever lasting, proven thoroughly effi- 10 men cient underw every possible ELLWOOD FIELD condition. EVERY ROD OF If you want your fencing problems ELLWOOD FENCE and let us can get absolute satisfaction. full Stock Full stock Builders materiat, Paints and willow ware, Crockery, Lamps Beltings, Packmgs, Lacings, Pipe best gun and lock smiths in North der bring it to me for repairs. Guttering, Roofing and Tinning supplies generally. I want your trade and I you satisfactory. Yours J IF1, Sale of Valuable Land, Under anl by virtue of the authority confer red upon the under igned. by the will of the late Augu&tns D. Frazier, 1 will eell by public auc tion tu the higoest bidder, at the court house door in Oxrord, N. :., on MONDAY, THE 7th DAY OF SfCl'T., 1903, the following two tracts of land in Walnnt Grove townehip, in Oranyille county, to-wit: 1st. 1-29 acres of land on the North side of the Oxford and Foxboro road, adjoining the lands of B. T- Critcher on the North, A. 1. Gooch on the Kast, said Oxford and Koxboro road on the South, and the A. D. Frazier home tract on the West 2nd TO arrea of land on the South Bide of said road, opposite the above mentioned tract, bounded on the North by said road, D. J. Gooch on the Kast, W. N. Oritcher on 1 he South, and B. T. Smith's S. W. Smith place on the West Said two tracts are all of the A. D. Frazier home place except 50 acres cut on" around his house. For enrveys and plats call on me or my attorneys. Terms, one-half cash, balance in 12 months. A. S. FKAZIBH, JBx'r of the will of A. D. Frazier, dec d. Hicks & Minor, Atty's. 8-6 4t. To Cure a Cold in One Bay ff ETTOim Cures Cfiolera-lnfasto, tTXrZMnnrd1 Ml rrnoea,UyJenUry,nl nyAge. Rcculai Wnii w ' DjSesti.oni. the Bowels, Strengthens cents at Druggists, tne imia and Makes TFF.THINfi FAQV . C. O. MOFFETT. M. D.. ST. LOUIS. MO. THE NEW YEAR FINDS THE POPULAR Taylor-Cannafly Buy Slill id 1 lhl We are going to make a bid for a still larger business this year. New features will be added to our product, and our Motto will continue to be "Handsome, Durable and Up-to-Date." - WAGONS Of the best makes always on hand, and sold at the lowest pos sible prices. Call and see them. We can certainly please you in Harness, Robes, Whips, Collars, &c, as our stock is large and the best products of the best facto ries. Yours to sell, WW S8INCH INCH FENCE (STANDARD STYLE) MADE IN SIX HEIGHTS ELLWOOD FENCE IS GUARANTEED. satisfactorily solved, call and see the show you for how little money you Hardware. Oils Turpentine, Varnishes' Wood and Glass ware, Meat choppers, etc. and Pipe fittings. I have one of the Carolina. If your gun is out of or promise you my best efforts to serve very truly, House and Lot for Salo. By virtue Df an order of the Superior Court duly entered in the special proceeding entitled W. A. Devin adm'r vs. Thos. Freeman and Kobt. McAden, the undersigned will fell on MONDAY. SKFT. 7th. 1908, a certain house and lot near the town of Oxford, Granville County, described as follows: On the east side of Goshen road, adjoining the lands of Willis M. Alteon and Tom Keyeer, containing acre more or less, beine the house and lot for merly occupied by Ann McAden deceased. Terms cash. Time of sale 12 in. W. A. DKVIN, Commissioner. This Aug. 5th. 1903. Administrator's Notice. Having this day qualified as administrator of the estate of Julia V. Boyster, deceased, I here by notify all persons having claims against the deceased to present the same to me on or before the 7th day of July, 1B04. or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All pe son in debted to raid Julia C. Boyster will make im mediate payment. B. D. aOYSTKB. Am-. This 25th of July, 1903. 8 6 4t. Cures Crip In Two Days. -Cr on every box. 25c. ji m... 1 U ' 1 v I A ' I P ft ' ' ' 'i ' 'i ' 11 u ft : ft 1 , n ft t rv , , v ' -1 KAriAHnHAARXXRAHRHHKXUk W m V ill IW Edwards

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