Coughed "I had a most stubborn cougn for many years. It deprived me of sleep and I grew very thin. 1 then tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and was quickly cured." K. IN. mann, rainuiiu, Sivtv vears of cure; and such testimony as the ohnvp have tsiVht US what Ayer's Cherry Pectoral will do. We know it's the great est cough remedy ever made. And you will say so, too, alter you try n. There's cure in every arop. Three sizes : 25c, 50c, $1. All druggists. Consult vcur doctor. If ho says take it. then do he say:-. If he tells you not i. it tlnm don't take it. He kncv.s. Leave it with him P $ C. AY ti: CO., I "v; RECTOR OF ST. uUKES, Ashburnham, Ontario, Testifies to the Good Qualities of Chamberlains Cough Remedy. Ashburnham, Ont.. April i8, 1903. I think it is only right that I should tell you what a wonderful effect Chamberlains Coutdi Kemedy has produced. The day before Eas ter I was so distressed with a cold and cuHi that I did not think to be able to take any duties the ne t day, as my voice was almost choked by the cough. The same day 1 received an order from you for a bottle of your cough remedy. I at once procured a sample bottle and took about three doses of the medicine. To ray great relief the cough and cold had completely disappeared and I vas able to preach three times on Easter Day. I know that this rapid and effective cure was due to your cough remedy. I make this testimonial without solicitation, being thankful to have found such a Godsent remedy. Respectfully yours, E. A. Langfeldt, M. A., Rector of St. Lukes Church. This remedy is for sale by all druggists. Explosion of a tank car of naptha near Dover, Del., caused two deaths, the injuring of several persons and great destruction of property. A Woman's Wealth, Paine's Celery Compound GIVES VIGOK AND STRENGTH TO DEBILITATED SUIT DOWN "WOMEN. AND It is maintained by many distinguished writers that the greatness of a nation depends much upon the physical condition of its women. The general conditions which con tribute to health and long life, are those which do not imply a rapid and unequal exhaustion of those powers by which life is maintained. While we assert that the women of our land stand peerless for beauty and the virtues that make them lovable, we cannot hide the fact that there are thousands in our midst who, owing to overwork, worry, household cares, and an unequal exhaustion of life power, have Ifecome weak, nervous, sleepless, and debili tated. We bring to the attention of all weary, despondent, hopeless, and sickly women earth's great rescuer and health builder, 1'aine's Celery Compound. Thousands of healthy women around us owe their present vigor, activity, and robustness to 1'aine's Celery Compound. Mrs. Stephen Smith, St. Paul, Minn., tells how she was snatched from the grave; she says: " I had a bad attack of la grippe this spring and was at death's door, and no one ever expected me to recover. I was so weak that as soon as they brought me out of one faint I was in another. I could not lake any nourishment, and doctors' medicines did me r.f good. A friend advised my husband to get me a bottle of Paine's Celery Compound, which lie did, but had no faith in it. The second day after taking the Compound, I began to get real hungry and took an interest in things. I had everything that money and l iving care could supply, and with that and 1'aine's Celery Compound, I am now doing my own work, while three months ago I was almost in the grave. I know that I owe cr health and strength to Taine's Celery Com pound, and shall always recommend it." NO NEED OF SOILING THE HANDS WITH Ofamond Dyes Vhcy are easy to use, and i'.ve made for home use and Li: rrc economy. Diamond 'yr.- silver disappoint and .. r'vl snake the old clothes :-.Jz -z vv . 50 different colors. t h (k and 4- dyed pamples free. MONl DYi:S, Burlington, Vt. 'Mm HAIR BALSAM Ef i Si3SSr5vi Js Cleanses and tieautifies the hail. ys Promotes a luxuriant growth. tSX'iSrw:-;- . Vi Never i'aiis to teBWre way KtfiPLi.--&7Z Hair to its Youtfcful Color. iS?SrJ5tSa Cures gcalp diseases & hair tailing. Ere-lA'JJ J0c,anl$l.tiOt Druggists j I if T iL Jakes short roads." t V JL PVi nil light loads. I "Joocl for everything j that runs on wheels. g Sold Everywhere. 1 l Hd by STANDARD OIL CO. t OXfORD PUBLIG LEDGER. ESTABLISHED 1888. Terms: $1 a year in advance. De voted to home interests. Large and established circulation. Good re turns to advertisers. JOHN T. BRITT. OWNER ANU EDITOR. THURSDAY. DEC. 10, 1903. Nothing New Uner the Sun. The papers are tilled up of Ions ac counts about the President's daugh ter, Miss Alice, riding horseback a straddle, in the parks and streets of Washington. That's nothing to be proud of or to publish so promiscu ously. Several years ago the custom of riding a stride on bull back was Inaugurated by an excellent lady In this place. Rut the custom lasted onlv one dav and nobody bragged about It, e see nothing In sister Roosevelt's performance to be proud of. Wilkesboro Chronicle. Courting in North Carolina. An exchange says the following is the method of courtship In Caroline plue woods: "When a boy wishes to express himself to hlsgirl he lakes a piece of fat pine, trims it in the shape of a capital I and then passes It to his girl, which means, 'I pine for vou.' If she rejects him she takes a match and sets It on fire, which means, '1 make light of your pinning.' If she likes him she hands him a pine wood knot, which means, 'Fine not.' am glad to say that most of the boys get a pinewood knot back." Can Be Made a Success. Rife can be made a success. It Is not aquestlonof climbing above pov erty; it Is a question of understand ing life. So many of us have been lured away and fascinated by what turned out to be phantoms and false gods! We have had to wheel back and begin over again and fight along against tremendous odds, and yet with all that, life can be made a suc cess, for success consists in doing rlgnt, iu doing the best you can witu what you have of years or expert- ence, oi sorrows, oi cmuices, ui and of hope. Fight until the end. Schoolmas ter. Woodpeckers Kill Hogs. From llarrisburg. 111., comes a strange story. William Alcfariana, a farmer from Wabash county naa a drove of f0 hogs. As McFarland has lost his voice he was accustomed to call his hogs to feed by pounding on the board fence. He ran short of corn not long ago ana turneu iuk drove Into a lot to shift for them selves. There are a few dead trees In this lot, occupied by woodpeckers When the woodpeckers "drummed" on the dead trees the hogs, thinking it was their customary dinner alarm, ran hither and thither, till they were ill dead from exhaustion. W abash count v is the same place wnere a farmer crossed his bees with light ning bugs so they could work over time. Not Built That Way. An Iowa farmer who has been troubled securing labor, has adver tised the foil wing terms as an Induce ment: "Wages will be G a day. Rreak- fast will he served in bed. YY orklng hours will be from 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. All heavy work is to be done by the boss. Cigars furnished free. Any hand working the entire season can have the farm." This offer Is made with an under standing of human nature, and com menting on It The iew ork Com mercial says that he Is in no danger of losing his farm. He knows well enougn tnac tue net ter tne iarmer treats his "hired men" the less they appreciate It and the shorter time they stay with him. They don't know when they are well off. No ambitious applicant for a job there will last "the season out." The craft isn't built that way . Chorlotte Ob server. All Honor to Them. Take off your hat to the girls who work. It is not an ideal condlton of society which makes It necessary for a woman to earn an Independent living, but conditions, like the poor, we have with us always. The girl who works bears the heat and bur den of the day with poor re ward, and she is often looked down upon by her more fortunate sisters, but she has a heart and soul as far above the lux urious woman as the sky is above the earth. She looks with pitying, sympathizing glance upon the bowed heads and bent shoulders of her fath er and mother, or sbe watches over and toils for her orphaned brothers and sisters that they may not stum ble and fall upon rough places. She sings when her heart Is heavy, and shelaughs In the joy of her loved ones and mingles her tears In their sor rows. She rests only that she may have strength to try and try again. The roses in her life are few, but those few are sweeter than any blossom the Idle woman can pluck. One Way to Be Happy. One way to be happy, says the Gas tonla News, is for every man to take his home paper. And he should not only take It, but pay for it as well which some people do not do. Don't borrow it from your neighbor, but subscribe for It In your own name and pay the price like an honest man and loyal citizen. Don't play the dead-beat either on your neighbor or the puliHsher. I he latter can stand it, but your neighbor does not want to be bothered that whv about so small a matter. And yet he dls likes to refuse. Some people do not stop to think how much they owe the local paper. When you want a favor to whom do you go? Is It to the big city dally? No, the city paper don't know you; but the editor of your local paper does; and if he don't know you, call to see him the next time you go to town, or go up and speak to him, for he will be glad to Fee you and form your acquaintance. If you dou't take his paper subscribe for It. If you have an item of news give It to him, or write to him and tell about It. He is the man who tells of your success In life, and does you many little favors. If you do not help to support his enterprise you are not treating him right. He will treat you right. Be on his side. You don't know when you will need his help. Not only stand by his newspaper, but stand by every legitimate enter prise In your county as much as you possibly can. YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARETAKING When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula is plainly printed on every lotlle showing that it is simply Iron and Quinine in a tastless form. No Cure, No Pay, 50c. " J I WHEN BABY USE j Mother's Friend Woman's greatest dream of beauty and glory is v hen nature has chosen her to become a mother. Kvery faculty is keenly alert as she foresees the joy, ambition, success and the life-long satisfaction com fnjjr nearer, day by day, in the dear and innocent bointf so soon to see light, and the uncertainty whether she shall see a sweet gi:l or a brave boy face beside lief on the pillow adds zest to her expectancy. Mother's Friend applied externally throughout pregnancy will relieve the pain of parturition, and no mother and child can fail to be healthy, hearty, strong, clear cotiiplexioued, pure blooded and cheerful in disposition, who are mutually influenced by the continued use of thia great liniment, MOTHER'S FRIEND. Buy of druggists, i.oo per bottle. Our treatise "Motherhood" mailed free. THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta. Ga. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests all classes of food, tones and strengthens the stomach and digestive organs. Cures dyspepsia, indigestion, stom ach irouble. and makes rich red blood, health and strength. Kodal Dyspepsia Cure rebuilds wotnout tissues, ouiifies strengthens aud sweetens the stomach. Gov. G. W. Atkinson, of W. Va. says: I have used a number of bottles or Kodol Dyspepsia Cure -nd have found it to be a very effective and indeed a powe-ful remedy tor stomach ail ments. I recommend it to my friends." Sold by J. G. Hall. The railroads of the United States receive nearly $ 70,000,000 a year for carrying the mails. Constimnti human weed flourishi;;" hms. Like t r. t in weak weeds it's easily destroyed while young ; when old, sometimes im possible. Strengthen the lungs as you would weak land and the weeds will disappear. The best lung fertilizer is Scott's Emulsion. Salt pork is good too, but it is very hard to digest. The time to treat consump tion is when you begin trying to hide it from yourself. Others see it, you won't. Don't wait until you can't deceive yourself any longer. Begin with the first thought to take Scott's Emulsion. If it isn't really consumption sc much the better; you will soon forget it and be better for the treatment. If it is consump tion you can't expect to be vared at once, but if you will egin in time and will be igidly regular in your treat ment you will win. Scott's Emulsion, fresh air, :.t all you can, eat all you m, that's the treatment and it's the best treatment. We will send you a little of the Emul sion free. V.e sure that this picture in the f rm of a label is on the vrap; er of every bottle of Kiiiuision you buy. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, 407 Pearl St., N. Y. 50c. and all druggists. r3 Sour tomach No appetite, loss of strength, nervous ness, headache, constipation, bad breath, general debility, sour risings, and catarrh of the stomach are all due to indigestion. Kodol cures Indigestion. This new discovery repre sents the natural Juices of digestion as they exist in a healthy stomach, combined with the greatest known tonic and reconstructive properties. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure does not only cure indigestion and dyspepsia, but this lamous remedy cures all stomach troubles by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and strengthening the mucous membranes lining 1115 OlUlllitUIl. ..... w. . Ddii, ra rcavenswooa. W. Va., says: trlT, "wu"'cu wlt", eour stomacu for twenty years. rvOaol cured ma and ma m ..t i. i :n ui .. uaniK 11 ill 11111a Kodol Digests What You Eat. Bottles only $1.00 Size holding 2 times the trial size, which sells for 50 cents. Prepared by E. O. DeWITT & CO., OHIOAQO J. G. HALL Public Sale. By virtue of the authority conferred on me In a certain mo'tgage deed executed to me by w H. Champion, G. B. Vaughan and wife jEseie E Vaughan on the 11th day of August, 1902, and rtuly recorded in the offie of the Kegh ter of Deeds pf Gratsville county in book 54 page 525 I will sell at public auction for cash to the high eft bidder at the court house door in Oxford, N, C . on MONDAY, DECKMBSR 21, 1903, the following real coDerty in Brassfield town- sMd. to-wi : 'A undivided interest in a certain tract or parcel of land lying on the east side of rarnoro road, ana oounaea on xne norm oy d K. Wright and T. J. Wright, on the east by K. N. EvauB, South by J. 1 Champion, on the weet by w. ii. Ohamnion. and known as W.H. Cham pion's part of the Kittle land, cortaininer 3 acres, more O' less. Tim of sale 12 m This Nov, IB 1903 J- W. WHITFIELD, novl9 4tpd. Mcrtpagee. ar'- '1 a. Granville's Financial EXHIBIT From December 1, 1902, to Decem ber 1, 1903. Showing the amount of orders is sued during the year, and the various disbursements. DECEMBKli, 1903. L. Parham, registration and holding ' election. North Oxford $ 14 58 20 64 17 10 12 94 8 25 17 88 2 CO 15 01 2 10 2 00 23 S9 19 45 12 74 2 00 5 oO 19 10 5 50 9 10 4 CO 2 0 17 15 14 37 fc5 20 13 75 15 Gl 80 00 74 30 1 50 4 00 10 CO 20 83 35 SC 15 5 00 2 50 12 9G 15 43 15 98 3 41 1 5J 2 50 105 00 10 40 5 40 10 CO 52 70 11 68 21 42 11 10 11 78 9 10 1 50 39 35 3 40 52 30 13 40 3 5i 10 5 1 22 8 53 27 10 6 30 12 50 2 4J 1 61) 2 00 13 37 W. t Blacklty, registration aud hold- iDg electiOL, IHiion L. li. Dixon, registration and holding election. Bell Town S. J Carrin, registration and holding election, Stoyall W. 1'. "Wilkerson, hauling rock ana lumber public road A', f. Wnkerson, registration and holding election, Bucnanan G. T. Wallers, hauling rock public . oad Tallv Ho townshu C. A. Daniel, registration and holding election, Geneva VV F. Lyon, eervitg notices on poll holders, Dutcnviile VV F. LyoD, attending hungjury it. Ai. Tittaid, work Island Crtek brdg Li A, K; ycroit, rctnetiation and noia- i ir election, wilkins G. J. Daj, S70 feet lumber public road Tally ilo D. T, Winston, hauling rock one day lor public road C. J. Turner, jail account C. J Turner, waiting on hang jury and taking man to aeyium A. J. Daiby, wood and poles public rd. L. Smith, feeding hung jury B. L Hester, s'Ai leet plank lor t'j.... Li. B. Dixon, conv. Jane Landis to jail W. T. Hockaday, registration and hold ing election, Grissom J. is. Daniel, registration and holding election, BuL'ock J. G. Hunt, hia account as clerk D, is. Hunt, registration and holding election, Salem iS. C. Har it. registration and holding election. Dement J. T. Biitt, publishing Co. exhibit S. A. Fleming, his account vs. county November, 1902 J. T. Britt, 500 envelopes for Saherili.. J T. Britt, S00 court calendars i)r, s. D. Booth, quarantine and disin fecting 4 rooms Dr. . L. Booth, salary for November, r. L. Hamilton, his acct. vs. county... Dr. S. D. Booth, services as Supt of Health 3. W. Cooper, 3 days services a9 Chair man Board Education J, T. Br2t,t, 2,000 application blanks.. . ti. W. Hobgood, registration ana noia- ing election, Howard IV. H. Harrison, registration and hold ing election, bouth Oxford L. L. Crews, re?. titration and holdiDg election, Tally Ho W- A. Devin, 3 days services Board ot Election W. JS. Critcher, 100 oak lumber & nails M. SI. Nelson, lumber and repairing bridge Mountain Creek B. B. Koyeter, salary one year and rent mg Hobgood land N. B Daniel, 4 dya as commissioner and mileage 3 twines W S. Gooch, 3 aas as commissioner and mileage times JS. B. Daniel, 3 days committee work and mileage S. A. Fleming, conveyitg Will Garner from w llson and otner expenses .... J, T. Britt, c. e. c, hail fee in case Joe and Arcn Veazey Lee Harris Arch feneed Geo. Satterwhite General Speed.... Jim Lewis Braxton Bragg James Allen whole fees Will Garner.... hah fees Sam Henderson, Eugene Gre.n General Speed L.wrence Wortham Nathan Tuck John Sriattjr white et, al.... whole fees T S. Kogers half fees K. G. E liott J. P. Mangurn, salary for jiV-, 19C2 J, P. fc teaman, drug account J. P. Stedman, stationery account J. Bobt. Wood, mattress for jail James li, Kart, registration and hold ing election, tc JANUARY, 1903. L. M. Carrington, building bridge Graesv Creek $ 100 00 5 08 5 00 14 53 2 00 2 03 2 00 35 00 111 33 3 95 18 25 40 180 00 fcO 52 75 15 08 3 00 2 00 8 00 2 20 21 55 18 05 15 00 12 59 4 00 21 00 20 83 4 t5 16 S5 223 09 loo 47 Harvey Hobgood, s37 feet lumber Shel- ton Creek bridge T SA. Thonia"son, moving Red Marian to County Home E. C. Harris, 6 days as commissioner and mileage 5 times W. T. Lyon, 6 days as commissioner. November, 1902 B. S. Royster, seryices settlement with Treasurer E. T. Crewe, services aeeistlng C. F. Crews m eettling with Treasurer.... C. F. Crewe, making delinquent list and settlement J. B. Mays, account Dec , 190i it. tv. Howard, conv. pauper to vance county Walker. Evans & Cogswell, supplies for C, S. C, office J. A. cottrell, delivering 1 road order, Harvey Hobgood, buildiug North Fork Bridge J. P. btcdman, drugs for jail C. J. Turner, repairing jail B. L. Hester, registration and holding election A. A. Lyon, surveying public road near Providence Z. H. Burnett, land for public road.... H. L. Burnett, land for pubiic road.... L. B. Dixon, conv. Sam Morgan to jail C. J. Turner, aect. as jailor Dec, 1902, Parker & Hunt, coal Nov. and Dec.,'02, J. P. Mangum, serv. janitor Dec, 190a, Lcui3 Thorp, registration and holding election J. T, Britt, expenses going to examine Mrs. Washington j, 2'. Britt, supplies for C. S. C. and Sheriff's office Dr. S. D. Booth, salary upt. of Health Decern bsr, 1902 Dr, S. D. Booth. teleg"a?'S, stamps, stationery and 23 miles traia W. H. Hunt, premium on court house, J. F. Edwards, gen.act. & sewage p'pes J B Mayee, account, wood, etc , Edwards & Brcughton, Office Record Bock, loo Sales Blanks, PAUPER ORDERS. J. U. Patterson, coffin Louvenia Skip wit h Sandy Parham,l mo.snp.Sarah Parham S. L. W ilson, 5 mo. eup. M. Dickereon FEBRUARY, 1903. Herman Allen, work on bridge Braes field Abner Newton, lumber for bridge Henry SatterwMte, cutting ditch for sewage pipes J. W. Davis, lumber and nails for pub lic road E. T. Rawlins, fees in case vs Ann Marrow E. L. Smith. 581 ft. lumber for road.... J P. Mangum, janitor January Spottswood Burwell, 300 feet lumber for Dridge W. H. Hunt, 3 years insursnce on c, h. Dr. S. D. Booth, salary Supt. Health January, 1903 W- H. Jones, building bridge Ledge Rock creek J. D Kintoii, guard, etc., smallpox.... Dr. S. D. Booth, 10 days services small pox, telegrams and m ssoges C M. Lawrence, lumber for bridge.... J. B Mayee, acct. ys. county January, Long Brop., mds. for smallpox patients Parker & Hunt, coal for county W. J. Barnett, serving 2 road orders.. Long Bros., m"ls for prisoners in jail.. N. B. Daniel, 5 days and mileage two times as county commlesiocea C. F Crewe. 1 day meetirgwith health officer, emallpox C. J. Turner, jail account January.... J. G. Hunt, bal nct for making perma nent roll cf county D. N. Hunt, 3 sills for bridge J. T. Britt, C. S. C, half fees in case State va. Louis Raney & Sue Taylor. . Arthur Haywood Eugene Green Sam Morgan Horace Day Ella Smith Caroline Allen et. al King and others Lindy Spencer j G nail, merchanniee, PAUPER ORDERS. THE FOLLOWING FOB SIX MONTHS! C, N. Floyd for Maria Allen W. H, Garner for Joseph Allen Russell Brothers for Rachel Allen H. D. Mangum for Espen Allen J Brown for Laura Burwell J. M Bradeher for J M. Bradsher... - R T Pi ttard for Booker Burton A. L. Jones for Mary Burton A G Fleming for Esther Byrd Howard & McFarland for L. Barton. ... W, H. Jenkins for Martha Boon N. E. Fau-ett for Maria Ball R V. Blaekwell for Henry Blackwell .. R. M. Hight for Edith Brandon A. L. Carrington for Luetta CVzirt 8 53 2 00 2 00 5 00 7 00 11 25 28 22 14 70 1 10 8 71 15 00 4 50 33 15 20 83 20 00 5 50 51 50 14 36 47 05 4 (0 21 :5 80 3 10 11 90 2 65 47 30 70 58 50 13 50 64 50 8 00 12 25 11 67 2 20 6 25 9 35 4 48 22 60 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 12 00 6 00 3 00 3 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 12 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 3 00 12 00 1 00 6 00 6 00 6 CO 6 00 a. Li, carnngtoT) ror Martna c zrt.... T. L Howell & Bro. for H, Cooper W. H- Green & Sons for Mrs S. Currin w. P. M-rris for Laura Oansins C. I.. Howard for Hmili e;Cah.... ... J. H. Gooch for Kate Carmichell . W. A. Parham for Nancy Davis.... J. H. Gooch for Pa-melia Dixon 6 01 F W, Dixon for Lou Evans.. , james Cash for Jane Elam . Sion H, Rogers for Polly Freeman. -C. J . Roberts for W m. Forsy the ..... . C. J. Roberts for Rebecca Forsyth John Bullock for Grandtson Gregory.. G. W. Watkins for W. H. Greenway... B. H. Crenshaw for Louisa Hobgood.. J. A. Anderson for Bella Horner a. V. Hester for Woodfln Hester W. S. Burwell for Mary Hunt M iss Pattie Hicks for Miss Pattie Hicks G. O. Pitts for Tamah Harris D. P. Wsgstafffor Remey Hudleston . W. 1. Dement tor Mary Inscore Mrs. A. M. Jones for Mrs A. M. Jonee. J. W, Wright for Maria Jones Z. W. Allen for Mary Jobneon W. L Ragland for Kobt. Kinton T. L. Howell & Bro. for Patey Lewis.. J, S. Brown for Dora Lewis T. L. Howell & Bro. for M. Longmire.. N. G. Crews for Irene Lyon E. K. Howard f ir Dolly Lewis G. C. Royster for Lncy Murton J. D. Broofes for Peter Marable M. li. Hobgood for Chaney Moss Dr. G. T. Sikes for Susan Merritt Dr. I. H. Davis for Mary Mathews . .. Dr. I. H. Davis for Fannie Mathews... Howard Dorsev for Ann Marrow John McGhee for Priscilla McGhee.... a. H. Crenshaw for Add McAdden T. L. Howeil & Bro. for M. Montague.. N K. Faucett or Sal iie McGhee.... . .. C. G. Royster for Bella Newton S H. Jones for Sallie Oakley R. T. Pittard for Maiinda Oakley W. D. Amis & Co. for P. O'Briant K. H. Currin for W. K. Oakley.... . ... It. H. Currin for Emily F. Oakley Z W. Allen for India Oakley i'. E. Bobbi t for Louisa Parrish A. T. Lee for Betsy Page... - . ... H. C. Wiihom for Mariha Fool Dr G. T. t-ikes for A. M. Parrish J. S. Brcwn lor Hannah Par ham T. L. Howell & Bro. for B. Robertson. T. L. Cannady for Betsy Ross J. S. Brown for Roanna Russell J. H. Gooch for Rachel Sweeny L. S. for Peter Smith Kursell Bros, lor L'olly (Slaughter S. H. Jones for Mrs. Joe Tadlock R. E. Booth for Fanny Terry K. T. I'ittard for Louisa Tiliotson L'ite Trorp for Anderso 1 Townes S. D, Howard & Co. for M. Thornton.. Russell Bros, for Lily Ann Tnorp J. H. Gooch for Joseph Waller J. H. Gooch for Ned Waller J. H. Gooch for Armelia Walker W. II. Green & Co for A. Wilkerson.. J. B. Gooch for Elizabeth Weaver J M. Wall for J. M. Wall S. U. Jones for waliie Wiliiford W. T. Lyon for Bettie Watkins W. A. McFarland for Bllza Wortham.. J. R. Wilson for Mamie G. Satterwhite N E Faucette for Nancy McGhee. G. B. Royster 2 mo, sup. H. Beaeley R. M. Hight, 5 mo. eup. Miria Davis... J. S. Brown, 4 mo sup M. Montague. H. t. Gooch, 1 mo.sup.M.v.B.Meadows S. Parham, 1 mo tup. fiarah Parham.. W. Ii. Jones. 1 mo. sup. F. Richards... C. G. Royster, 5 m . sup. L Skipwith.. T. L. Howell & Bro.. 4 months suppoit Matt Tay or W. W. Dickeraon, 1 month support Lone on Taylor J. P. Stovall 5 mo. sup. Isham Yancy.. T. L. Howell & Bro., 2 months support Fannie Young Dr. I. H. Davis, coffin for M. Mathews. Dr. 1 H.Davis, special allowance fir Mary Mathews W. L Kigland, special allowance for Robert Kinton MARCH, 1903. 0. C. Jenkins, work on county bridge.. W. H. Jones, 4S4 ft lumber for road... J. W. Davis, reprs to Ctnnady's bridge C. J. Turner, jaii account fjr Feb.uiry J. H. Wheeler, 15 days guaid. emailpox James P. Maogum, services as janitor. E. K. Howard, hi account for PeVy.. h. L. Hamilton, paper for G. B. Daniel, eurveyirg for county J. G. Hail, nierchandue for jail Parker fc Hunt, coal for county Dr. S. D. Booth, services Supt Health. J. T. Britt, his account as Clerk Public Ledger, 600 envel pes R. of D.. J. A. Belchar, hau intr on public roid.. State Hospital oa acc . of Ezra J.;i;es VV. T. Lyon, insurance on court home A. B. Spencer, repairs to shutters c. h.. W. S. Gooch. expenses, emailpox E. C. llarrie, 5 days as Co. commis'n'r C F. Crews, nine days as County Com missioner ana mi.eage C. F. Crews, one day eetvices sanitary board and mileage L. H, Moss, feeven days as connty com -mis ioner and four mileages L. H. Moe?, one day committee wor'.. J T. Sizemore 37 days guard, small p J. D Kinron, 24 da- s guard, mall px.. Mrs. G. ti. Harrison, lent fmail p. gas. Jasper May, 14 days guaid. smallpox. Henry Satterwhite, cutting d.tch for sewage pipes Ernest Mznioce, as guard, emailpox.. Dr J, B. Williams, vac. 2tl peop e... J. T. Sizemore. md?. lor s. p. ptiente. John Young, team emal pox pitient-". Otboin Harris, team emal' p. patients. Jno. Youn e, d iggin g grave 1 ke Hicks . . R. B. Right, 19 days guard mall pox.. I. H. Steagall, 19 days guard small pox L. P. Curl, 23 days guard small pox .... C, J. Turner, disiniecting places s. p.. Dr. S D. Booth, horse board 2 weeks.. S, L. Slaughter, beef email p. people.. J. H. Turner, 4 das guard smallpox.. C J. Turner, work performed small p. Wyatt Roberts, cutting wood for tm ill 1 ox peop e R. Y. Person, 8 days guard smallpox. Dr. b. D. Booth, etationerv, postage and phone messages, smallpox Dr. S. D. Bo"th, services in small pox Dr. S. D. Booth, ho el bill, hese hire, &c, small pox Louiea Bobbitt. board, &c, smallpox.. Dr. L. C. Taylor, 192 vac out of town... fi. T. Rawlins, costs in 6undry ca-see.... G. fe. Danie', mde. for email p. people.. Dr. T. L. Booth 21 vac Dr. S D. Booth, messages, smallpox.. Robert Norwood, milling Dr. S. D. Booth, cash paid bed quilta... Wm. B. Hart, 19 days guard email pox E. H. Crenshaw, livery accou t 1. W. Bullock, merchandise account. .. Dr. J. F. Saiiderford, 22 days & 148 yac. B. G. Kogerp, mdse. em-illpox people .. Sam Bullock, 21 days guard, em illoox. Wm Royster. expense i.i tm 411; ox.. E E. Coley, 23 days guard smallpox. . E. E. Coley, work, f ma'lpox A. U. 'i ingen. 11 days guard smallpoT.. J. E. Purgason, repairing house, e. p... James Overton, 13 days guard email p. J. E. Pu'gason, 13 days guard em!l p. V. B. Wagataff, lo ' ays guard email p. Violet Suit, 4 bed quilts, emailpox .... Wags'.aff& Mangum, mdse., smailpox. H. H. Eatman, hanUng roc." for road... J. B. Mayes, his acct. for Febru ry J. A. Cottrell, s rvmg bit road orders.. 6 6 3 6 6 6 6 6 6 ri 6 (i 6 6 12 6 12 fi 12 6 0 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 ti 6 - s 6 6 6 fi 6 6 6 fi 12 6 6 3 6 6 3 3 6 6 6 6 o 6 12 6 9 6 6 6 6 )i 0 6 12 6 12 6 9 6 2 5 4 2 2 1 5 4 1 2 2 2 3 3 G. Royster for Jane Dnvia 2 00 6o5 229 46 4o 15 OO 15 00 4 t 00 3o 2 30 1 15 15 6 2 2 4 5o 1 1 11 2o 2 2o 2 55 3t 2 21 r.5 3 14 5o 38 1 1 28 28 34 H 1 6 13 1 12 4 14o 55 12 48 4 2 5 2 2 11 19 17 8 146 3 26 5 34 4 16 4 14 19 15 4 7 6 2 20 9 1 1 7 Io lo 5 53 2o 113 7 22 C. H. landis, 6 window glass and putty J. B. Roller, in urance on court house. S. B. Mize, 7 H-lo cords wood for road.. M. Blalock, conv. B. Burton o. Home J. T. Britt,half fees State vs. G. Herbert J. T. Sizemore, mdee.. email p people. Avereft & Bryant, rniee., unulpox.... J. R. Wood, mdse, smallpox and jail... R. L. Hamilton, mdse., soaall p. people J. G. Hali, mdee.. emailpox peo le Apollus Hunt 20 days guard emal 'p ox. Town of Oxford, half ex. pest house.... W. A. Paltillo. wood email pox people J. F. Edwards, mdse. Jan. 7 to Feb 21. PAUPER ORDERS. J. R. Walters, cleaning off county home grave yard J. R. Walters, salary Supt. cennty home and merchandise for same J. W. & D. S. Fuller, 2 bags shipstnff Sardy Parham, eup. Sarah Parham J. H. Gooch, 3 mo. sup. S. Bullock C. J, Roberts, 6 mo. sup. L Forgythe, APRIL, 1903. S. E. Johnson, lumber for road . . L. M. Carrington, building abut ment Grassy creek bridge . . . W. E. Cannady, 446 feet .umber . W. E. Cannady-, lumber and work on Black weli's bri lge ... C M Laurence, lumber for road, VV. A. Turner, 504 feet lumber C. C Tunstall. builc'ino t uTge R be? son creek ... ... VV. R. Fleming, work and !umbe-, M M. Nelson, 'and for road . . . C. H. Green, 150 fe-t lumber . . Public Ledger, 1000 1. h R. of D., D. C. Roberts, lumber K. of R. bg C. J. Turner, jail acct. March . . Hall Woxi Fur. Co., mattrass . . L. B Turner, lumber for road . . Parker & Hunt, coal and lumber, VV. B. Hobgood serv. 1 road order, Wm Beecher, 5 rords wood and hauling on road B. T Harris, mdse. s. p. people . I. M..Phipps, pine poles for road . J. G. Hall, medicines Public Ledger, 300 certificates and 200 commitments Dr. J. F. Sander ford, 1 days ser vice on sanitary board Public Ledger, 300 posters Sheriff, A. J. Yance?, hauling on road . . Dr. T. L. Booth, 3 days, san. com. Charlie Bradford conveying Ed mond Landis to county home . J. B Mayes, account for March . . 5 OC lo3 2o 2 7o 2 00 600 6 OO 8 05 35 00 6 60 226 32 8 45 5 05 "9 32 5 25 to 2 35 2 50 5 o 55 45 2 50 I 75 o 53 40 5 00 76 1 25 1 60 2 75 3 60 1 25 1 50 6 00 1 00 28 85 has stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales au mis recora oi mem appeal to you Ixo Jure, vio fay. Enclosed with every bottle is a Ten Cent package of Grove's Black Root Liver Pills. T. M. Thomasson, lumoer .... 9 00 CO 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 CO 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 CO 00 (10 00 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0J 03 00 00 00 CO 00 00 00 00 00 CO 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 5) 00 00 50 00 Dr. S. D. Booth, sal. bupt. rieaitn, 20 nr. VV. L. Tavlor. work in small p, 3 VV. S. Gooch, 10 days and 6 mile. ages as county commissioner . . C. J.Turner, assisting Dr. Booth in disinfection 3 5 VV. S. Gooch, 2 days on com. work 4 70 Mary Brodie, attending woman in labor at countv home 2 00 N. B. Daniel 2 days com. work and mileage 2 times 5 80 N. B. Daniel, 4 days as county com missioner and mileage 2 times . 9 60 C. F. Crews, 1 day com work and 1 day settling with Treasurer . . 5 3" Dr: S. D. Booth, 21 days serv. s. p. 105 00 B. S. Royster, 1 day set. Co. Treas and amt. paid to Sec. of State . 5 3 R. B. Right. 2 days guard s. p . . 3 00 A. VV. Graham, amt. paid Sec. of State for copies of road law . . 6 00 VV. A. Pattillo, hauling 5 5 Ike Gregory, exp. with sewage . . 7 11 J. P. Mangum, salary March ... 15 00 J. T. Sizemore, mdse. s. p. people, 1 05 Halt H. Bullock, work in small p. 8 25 Dr. S. D. Booth, cash for pest house and generator ... 27 00 Hays Booth, 17 vac. smallpox . 4 25 J. C. Fleming, nidse.for s. p. people 26 75 T. P. Cuil, serv. road orders ... 4 G S. Daniel, mdse. s p. people . 14 61 Coleman Chappell, mdse for small pox people 2 50 E. D. Lyon, 13 days guard, s. p . 13 00 roe Bullock, 3 days guard, s. p . . 3 00 I. H. Steagall, 21 days guard s. p 31 5 Frank Austin, 13 days board Will Fieming 7 5 Sam Bullock, xodays guard, s p . 10 00 Violet Suit, 13 days lodging Tins ley Lyon 15 Wagstaff & Mangum, mdse for s, pox people 2 99 Dr. J. F. Sanderford, 2 days servi ces sanitary board and mileage, 7 20 T. P. Curl, 20 days guard, s. p . . 30 00 W. E. Daiby, hauling s. p. people, 7 50 E. E. Coley, 20 days guard, s. p . 22 25 Dr. J. F. Sanderford, serv. s. p . . 51 75 J. T. Sizemore, guard, smallpox . 27 00 Oxford Cotton Mills, brick . ... 11 82 National Bank, amt adv sewage.. 122 sr J. T. Sizemore, guard, smallpox . 24 00 Dr. N. C. Daniel, 115 vac .... 28 75 Apolius Hart, guard, smallpox . . 5 00 Dr. S. D. paid Orphans Friend, smallpox 1 25 Dr. S. D. Booth, telegratrs and phone messages, smal pox . . 2 25 Dr S. D. Booth, cash pd. B Hi ks 10 00 J. D. Kinton, guard, s i ailpox 14 75 E . C renshaw. 2 pr blankets s p 1 50 Landis & Easton, mdse, smal'pox, 15 63 I. H. Harris, mdse, smallpox 2 S5 Dr. ?. D. Booth, exp, smallpox . . 6 00 J. d Hall, rrds. account 22 40 PAUPER ORDERS. J. R. Walters, mdse for county and salary Snpt 136 88 C. G. Royster, coffin L. Skipwith . 2 00 Sandy Parham. sup Sarah Parham 2 00 MAY, 1903. B. F. Frazier, conv. Will Hunt and Will Wa ker to jail 3 80 W. H. Washington, lumber ... 4 15 Woodson Cooper, wood, hauling . 2 50 J. P Mangum, services as janitor 15 00 I. VV. Davis, 820 leet lumber ... 9 55 J. F. fc.dwards.mds.Mch 2 to Apl 30 36 95 Wa'ker, Evans & Cogswell Co , deed in trust book R of D. office 12 00 J. P. Stedman, drugr ... . . 1 65 vV. L. Urr.stead, 796 feet lumber . 12 86 Averett & Bryan, load wood . . 2 25 Public Ledger, calendars and sum mons for relief 8 00 Public Ledger, 1. h. and jury tkts 3 75 Public Ledger, 500 large envelopes, 1000 letter heads. Sheriff ... 4 75 Public Ledger, 250 env., Sheriff. 1 00 S. S Morris, 2 cords wood for road 50 T. D. Waller, posting O. and C. Railroad account 1 50 R. L. Hamilton, mdse . . . . 1 10 Dr. S. D. Booth serv. Supt. Health 20 83 E. K Howard account lor April . 45 20 C. J. urner, jail actount . . 79 65 D. R. Knott, hauling on road . . 2 50 J. B. Mayes, account for April . . 25 50 Parker & Hunt, coal . ... 4 10 Dr. P. R. Hardee, serv scarlet fvr 15 00 L. E. Jones, nails for bridges . . 1 62 E C. Harris, 3 days on committee work and mile-ge 7 50 E. C. Harris, 8 days as county com missioner and 3 mileages ... 17 00 S. M. Wheeler, supt. putting down sewerage pipes 2 50 C. F. Crews, 1 day auditing sra all pox accounts 2 65 Jesse Wiliiford, remov. dead horse 1 00 Peter Haithcock, Jand for road . 15 00 J. T. Britt, half fees State vs. Wm. Walker and Wm. Hunt .... 17 53 Wm. Jones 7 95 Ollie Wilkerson 11 42 J. A. Massey 12 05 Wiley Rogers 5 78 A Crews 6 68 Walter Stewart 9 82 C. H. Piper 9 10 PAUPER ORDERS. J. R. Walters, mdse. account and salary Supt. county home ... 179 93 Mrs. Rosa Ragland, special allow ance Robert Kinton 3 00 Sandy Parham, sup.Sarah Parham 2 00 JUNE, 1903. L. B. Dixon, conv. L. Lewis to jail 2 20 H. H. Hicks, 2 cords wood road . 2 40 S. M. Wheeler, work on sewerage 1 50 Parham Bros. Co , mdse . . 2 31 Dr. S. D. Booth, sal. health officer and telegram ... .... 25 25 Public Ledger, local notice . . 6 60 Pub.ic Ledger, adv. sale of bonds 1 00 B. S Royster, 6 mo. sal. and pros. Sandford and 60 00 J S. Royster, merchandise .... 42 J. T. Britt, his account vs county . 11 75 James P. Mangum, sal. as janitor 15 00 John Kingsbury, drayage,smallpox 1 00 R. L. Hamilton, drugs for jail . . 415 C. F. Crews, 5 days as county com ruissioner and mileage n 95 VV. S. Gooch,3 days as county com missioner and mileage .... 8 40 L. H. Moss, 4 days as county com- mis ioner and mileage 12 80 C. J. Turner, jail account . . . 26 00 J. B. Mayes, his account for May . 44 33 J. S. Hall. 2 mattress, 2 comforts . 7 50 E. K. Howard, expens s State vs. Walter Sheaiiu 8 65 J. T. Britt, ha f fees State vs. F. Blackley 36 26 F. M. Blackley, April term . 28. PAUPER ORDERS. J. R. Walters, sal. Supt. county home and merchandise . . . , 155 26 C. G. Roystt r, coffin Jane Davis . 2 00 Sandy Parham, sup.Surah Parham 2 00 ROAD ORDERS. J. S. Pool, hauling 1 50 C. F. Crews, 3 days, ro-?d meeting 6 00 C. F. Crews, 1 d iy com work . . 2 65 VV. S. Gooch, 1 day cum work 3 20 VV. S. Gooch. 3 days, rcid meeting 6 00 L. H. Moss, com work and mlge . 2 00 L. H. Moss, 3 days t a. rom'r . . 6 o Henry & Ve;.z v. 131 2 ft lumber . 16 40 A. L Gooch services on road . . 17 50 Bdl Lewis.cutling raft from bridge 1 00 N H. Fleming, salary for May . 62 00 T. A. Shearin, work, Dutchville . 15 00 G. P. Gooch, work near Stem . . 3 00 C. H. Parrish, 372 feet of luti ber . 5 73 Dr. I H. Davis, ex tooth convict . 1 00 Taylor-Cannady Buggy Co., wag on, sadd:e etc 58 10 Pete Bullock, merchandise . . 77 90 C. J. Tutner, caring for convicts 18 days ... 15 00 L. F. Smith, bd Wilson & Roberts 9 00 Long Bros,, 5 yards cloth . . . 25 John Kingsbury, boarding convicts 26 00 S. L. Roberts 26 days work ... 17 41 VV. E. Wilson, guard over conv'ts 15 6 J. G. Hall, merchandise ..... 1 15 J. S. Hall, mattress and comforts . 5 co I H Harris, merchandise .... 39 24 Howell Pros., merchandise ... 21 30 C. H. Landis, merchandise ... 27 96 J, S. Brown, corn, oats, etc . . 16 25 a5 o7 83 2o 25 00 55 00 5o fio 5j 00 05 4o 00 5 00 5 4o 35 00 11 fo 75 00 5o 5 5o OO 600 86 00 00 00 75 5o 00 00 00 00 4o 60 25 44 00 00 00 00 08 00 o5 00 00 5o 5o 5o 00 co 5o 00 00 55 00 515 4o 43 00 00 00 35 32 37 25 fi c5 O 55 00 98 Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic Crenshaw Livery, hay 5 03 00 Crenshaw Co., merchandise J. F. Edwards, merchandise . '. C. H. Landis, ex purchas'g tools ' First National Bank, amt. paid 'for teams, etc . . .... E. A. Powell, conv. A. Hunt to (j'd 1 Arthur Hester, land for road . Jane Jordan, land for road . . ' Silas Harris, land for road . IULY, 1903. VV. H. Green, 5 days assessor, tat R. V. Wade, 6 days assessor, tax A P Overton, listing and ass' ta)r J E Pleasants, listing and ass' tax W P Wilkersoi,list'g and ass'j; tax J P Stovall, listing and ass'g tax D T Winston, list'g and ass'g tax S J Currin, listing and assV tax N G Crews, listing and ass't tax J'T7 Cole, listing and assessing tax DN Hunt, listing and ass'g tax W T Allen, listing and ass'g tax . R L Hamilton, mds for jail W C Allen, conv. Will Hunt anil Will Walker to jail James P. Mangum, sal June . Dr S D Booth, salary Supt. Health J r Cheatham, 8 days tax ass'r J P Stedman, merchandise . C J Turner, jail account June . Public Ledger. 20c tax blanks, Shir Public Ledutr. 500 large, i(,u large env for R of D Edwards & Broughton, tax posters, 20 order booKs, road min b,;,' Edwards & Broughton, 503 j'y t'k's Dr W L Taylor, 1 day serv sanita tary board and mileage W B Royster, 6 days assessing tax j T Britt, account for June .... J B Mayes, account for June . Dr N C Daniel, serv pension hoard Public Ledger, relief summons for Clerk's office VV P White, listing taxes hrd 1 day on board J R Renn, listing taxes and 1 day on board G B Gordon, attention and board of insane sister M L Co'ey, 7 days assessing tax and 1 day on board B L Hester, 7 days . . M Blalock, 6 days G T Sherman, 5 days . . . B F Hester. 5 days D T Cheatham, 4 da s J II Bullock, 8 days . . . ' VV L Taylor, 6 days .... L B Dixon, conv Jim Bennet to jail J P Stova1!, 1 day and mi1e;!;e with equalization board C F Crews, 1 day set with county treasurer and mileage L F Smith, ex in case of Kill Per rell, Durham A Lyon, listing taxes. Dutcliviile E T Zrew;. listing taxes, Oxford . T P Curl, conv Rosa VVms. to jail PAUPER ORDERS J R Walte's, sal as Supt county horre and merchandise ... VV H Moore, conv Lewis Hulood to county home Stark, Crews & Co, mower, rake . J M Wall, special allowance Sandy Parham sup. Sarah Parham ROAD ORDERS. C H Eakes, hauling rock ... L M Carrington, building ;i!lars Grassy Creek bridge G H Faueett, lumber ... P G Pruitt. hauling C G Royster, road tools VV B Royster, services and tea ns . J E Pleasants, 2 days rervices . . VV A Blackley, services . , . A L Gooch, services Mark Overby, land for road . . . W E Wilson, guard June S L Roberts, serv foreman June . N H Fleming, serv as Supt June . First Nat'l Bank, vouchers paid News-Observer, adv. road bords I H Steagall, guarding prisoners . C H Landis, merchandise .... VV A Parham, grinding 50 bu corn S L Roberts, sup for convicts Lawson Knott, damage to crop T M Tnomasson, 3073 ft lumber . J D Brooks, merchand se I H Harris, merchandise Crenshiw's livery, 375 lbs hay, etc L J Kinton, right of way for road . H G Aiken, building 2 bridges . , J F Edwards, merchandise . . . . M L Oakley, work on road . . VV H Jones, work on road .... E P Halstead, treat mule, drugs . AUGUST, 1903, B I Breedlove, 2 days on pension board and mileage C J Turner, jail account July . . . S D Booth, sal Supt Health .... S D Booth, $6 for Miss Gordon, 2 days pension board D VV Fowler, coav jack Taborn to jails guard and mileage J B Mayes, his account, serv. etc . J P Stedman, account July .... Edwards-Broughton, binding 2 tax books Walker, Evans-Cogswell Co, ch u- tel mortgage book VV A Devin, ap'n Granville Grays G B Gordon, providing for his in sane sister . L H Moss, 3 days serv as county commissioner and mileage . . . C F Crews, 3 days W S Gooch, 3 days E C Harris, 4 days N B Daniel 5 days J P Mangum, salary as janitor . . Conrad Walters, conv Lee Rowland to jail State Hospital, ex N Adcock . . . J T Britt.half fees State vs B Dabbs James I Evans James I Evans .... W S Eakes Tom Harris and L Gregory . Walter Sherron Ben Dabbs Venable Hall Wm Ferrell and Kate Lewis Richard Harris Jim Burnett Lonie Lewfs ... Harry Cooper B Hargrove and Becky Green L S Royster PAUPER ORDERS J R Wa'teis, sal and mds Co home FOLLOWING FOR SIX MONTH :: C N Floyd for Marian Allen . . vV II Garner lor Joseph Allen . . Russell Bros for Rachel Allen . J S Brown for L Burwell's child . J M Bradsher for self R T Pittard for Booker Burton . . A L Jo aes for Mary Burt -n A G Flerr ing for Esther Byrd . VV K Jenkins for Martha Boon . . N E Faucett for Maria Ball . . R V Blackwell for H Biackwe 1 . R M Hight for Edith Brandon . L S Royster for Annie Berkley J L Carrinuton for Loretta Cozart J Lcarrington for Martini L'ozut . T L Howell & B o for H Cooper S S Morris for Laura Cousins C L Howard for Ema ine Cash J H Gooch for Kate carm'chel . VV A Parham for Nancy Dean J H Gooch for Parmelia Dixon . . F M Dixon for Louvenia Evans . Jams dark for Jane Eiam Sion H Rogers lor Polly Freen-an c J Roberts for Wm F01 sythe . C J Roberts lor Rebecco Forsyth . C J Roberts for Lawson Forsyth . John Bullock f ir Gran Gregoiy . G VV Watkins lor W II Greenway f A Anderson for Rida nonrer . E H Crenshaw for Louisa Hobgnod B F Hester for Wood fin Hester . WS Burwell far Mary Hunt . . Miss Pattie HicKs for self . . D P wagstaff lor Remey Hudleston c G Royster fot lane Davis . . M F Dement for Mary Inscore . Mrs A M jones for self ! w Wright for Maria Jones . . . Continued on third pae. '9 to '4 93 273 0; 3 2o 5 Ofj 1 5o 5 00 Or, 42 Oo '2 Or, '3 00 1.5 u; i o S ,c, & 00 3!J 3c o.j 4s 00 I 6: J5 0" 25 y, 240 4'' '.0 I Cm 5 00 00 2 3 f"i 12 U 25 75 5 '0 4 00 Si 20 '4 Chi 10 f,ij 1 00 140, 5 00 lO ijO '24, In 2 1? 00 15 20 2 40 4 00 2 k 7 4') 4s ini Ki 1 no 15 cj 50 65 On 3 00 2 00 1 10 on 5 V 3 50 9 12 10 on 3 12 5,, 3' 33 5 uo 15 00 21 00 62 01 214 5' 25 00 1 co 65 0j " 01 3 '; 5 '0 41 20 34 2 -1 614 15 00 12 5) y4 94 I 2; 3 25 15 00 4 v N. 50 25 00 10 00 i -:o 16 10 1 10 7 00 12 00 Iuu 00 10 CO III -0 7 95 0 Oi) 10 no 14 0 15 " 2 oo 14 "5 05 1 75 :5 -j 0 2J 43 '3 2 2" 2 N b j: - ;o 1 4 7s n 12 tS 13 3" 163 44 6 00 6 on 6 00 6 00 over One and a Half Million '0 12 w 6 00 3 00 3 05 6 o.' 6 00 12 00' 6 oi in 00 6 o" 6 1 " , no 6 6 CO 6 oj (j 00 6 00 6 (') 6 00 6 ol 6 00 600 ( i oO 6 00 o "' 6 o" 6 0.' 6 00 6''"' 6 i."' 4 "0 6 6 0 '