. I OXf 0D PUBLIC LEDGER. STEAM JOB PRINTING THE OLD RELIABLE 18 oo 65 1 2o 9 THE A-TPZ KING, tnessed the intense Those who have ever ill ' torture, and that it is rigrht ? ':.r of others, know u ai wicu . S"11" 7 1.-n,. lCitvr of Tain 7 Alld.Miotsutleralike. 'Some are suddenly seized with the most exerucia- Complete line stationery always on hand-Letter lleada, Bill Heads, Visiting Cards, Wedding Invitations, Pamphlets, Legal and Commercial Printing. Everything in the Job Printing line. Get the best we guarantee ours. a su t :.. l,n n'- .Mill a ---- 11 I'.uu. J,lcii cliange in s on a tierce v was beinsr torn Mild It SceUliJ C v.i v ff ,,1-c ni-mnnt IS wllPtl 1 . r , ,1 niv occasional sutriit pains. iui ntnui. , -- ----- Others feel onl ao b i , , ...imls or nls:ht t no weaiuer m c.v jwonv t- . ttack, lastintr tor clays pcinaj. a.m . ""'fe stitution or crippled ana aeioimeu iui cm blood is the cause oi every ioii-.i xory an and reach all ttitraliz- is makes the old acid blood rich, and the pain-tortured, mus- cVs and joints are relieved, tne soauereu ucivca made strong, and the entire system is invigorated and toned up by the use of this great vegetable remedy. teus, and our pnysicians win immoij. WADE H. BRITT, LOCAL EDITOR. THURSDAY. DEC. 10, 1903. 4-iVnt Y I AuacM.pomu.u - ,,,1l!Ml1(ir Articular. Acute. Chronic, Iullamma Wktv of Rheumausia ltW1 ' , ninr;ricd before there is Sciatic, ana the Dioou V.WIations. theuse of liniments Ul to vour aches ana pan, r c1lMl trpatmentdoes not C ,,u,:,. doinuchtowara tenipo . he o ?1u real cause or cleanse im. , :;c, lw nntulotin-and n !ood puri Hers and tomes t "ak and sluggish blooey It Ht-the poisonous acias a k,u V: : v.t ;i. onus of Rheumatism. It K fill UlVii""-- Stay on tfte farm. No better advice can be given to people who are anxious to make a living for themselves and those de pendent upon them. The earnest aim of all parents should be to give their children the best possible chance In life. To go to towns and put chil dren in factories is to make slaves of them. It Is to cut them off from all reasonable hope of health, education or promotion in life. Rut few great C ... fnflfflVTT men nave ever arisen irum If von have Rheumatism, write us, ana our uu 0- out book on Thousands of the greatest and t ir-e -ny information desired, and we will mail free out Dook on te8t men have comeUp from the hum .'Unnati.sm. .W!FT SPF.GEFSG CO., ATLANTA, GA. blest farm life. There 1 o , I II "' '"" IJ!gT"!3 wVCV.XXVJV - - - mm Absolutely Pure THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE Granville's Financial Exhibit. Continued. in - use for over The Kind You Have Always Bought, and wliicli lias beca SO years, lias lorne tne sigiuitux i and has been made untier ins per sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. AU Counterfeits, Imitations anttuusi-Ji-s Expe riments that trifle with and endanger the health or Infants and Children-Experience against Experiment. ihat is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other cotic Mibstance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverislmess. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Children's Panacea-The luotner s rnemi. The GENUINE SA Bears the Signature of C ALWAYS 9 inspiring and ennobling in the bright sunshine, the pure air, the blue skies, the towering mountains, the verdant vallies.the singing birds, the gushing iA,.noino Vif rirmline- streams, the majestic rivers. "Man looks through uature up to nature's God," and learns how to be purer and better. The professions and factories and nil kinds of business are crowded to overflowing. People get tired of the 'arm life. Part of the year they have to work hard. They do not handle much money. They think of the fac tory life, and of the money that comes into their hands at the close of each dav or each week. They are eharmed by the thougnt oi nanunug money so often. But tney iorgeL that rent, fuel, food, clothing and all family expenses have to come from their sum 11 earnings. They forget that if they are taken sick that their wages stop and their expenses go on. Thousands of people have sold their stock and tools and have gone to factories, or other kinds of busi ness. Alter a year or two of trial, they find they made a mistake. They would gladly return to the farm, but they cannot, because they have noth ncr with which to begin farm work. A man who left a farm eight years no-o nnd went to town, and has tried various kinds of business, said to me: "i hnn nifl.(lfl a mistake. The farm Mf 1 t.bft hnnmest. ana alter an, is the easiest and surest way to make a living." , . . a rson In the factory or In busi aess has to work every day in the vear except Sabbaths from twelve to frmrtppn hours a dav. On the farm o mnn works hard five or six months in thp vear. during crop making. The remainder of the year he is not press or with work. He can find time for nDQt onrl rpprpation. If he is sick his 6 oo i2 oo 6 oo 6 oo 6 oo 6 oo 6 oo 6 o 6 oo 6 oo 6 oo 6 oo 3 6 oo 7 oo 6 oo 6 oo 12 oo 6 oo 6 oo 6 oo 15 oo 47 3 lo 85 2o 6 i The KM You Have Always Bought Sn Use For Over SO Years. rftM DANV. 77 MURRAY STREET. NEW YORK CITY- n c - rrorj anu nis biucb. die sine- in value. So many people have quit the farm nnd (rnn to towns that farm pro- stnna orp In e-reater demand than ever before, and at better paying ThP nrosuect for farmers is Kirrhor than ever before. Have small farms, make them rich, culti vate them well with your own labor and you will be happy ana wen yam. Z w Allen for Mary Johnson . . . W L Raland for Robert Kinton... I H Hanis for I'atsy Lewis J S Brown for Dave Lewis T L Howell & Bro for M Longmire N G Crews for Irene Lyon E K Howard for Dolly Lewis T L Howell & Bro for 11 Lewis . . C (i Royster for Lucy Morton T D Brooks for Peter Marable M B Hobgood for Chaney Moss . . Dr G T Sikes for Susan Merritt ... Howard Dorsey for Ann Marrow.. John Mchee for Priscdla McGhee E H Crenshaw tor A McAdden ... N E Faucette for Sallie McGhee... N E Faucett for Nancy McGhee.... U R Gooth for Mrs B Meadows ... C G Rovster for Bella Newton R T Pittard far Matilda Oakley . W D Amis & Co for P O'Biiant ... R H Currin for W K Oakley ........ 12 oo R II Currin for Err.ily V Oakley . O oo Z W Allen tor India Oakley oo T E Bobbin for Louisa Parris 000 Ott Lee for Betsy Page oo TJ (i. WilKnrn fnr Murtha Pool ...... O oo T Sikes for Ann Parris ... T S Brown for Hannah Parham...... T L Howell cc uro ior is js.oDins.uu W R Jones for Francis S Richards I H Gooch tor Rachel bw-aney ... T T. Cannadv tor Betsv Moss L S Royster for Peter Smith o " Rnssell liros for Polly Slaughter... o o J R Nelson & Bro for M G batter- while 9 00 S H Jones for Mrs J ladiocK o o R E Booth for Fanny Terry 12 oo W A McFariand for ATownes J W Wright f r Martha Thornton Russell Bros for Ann L Thorp W W Dickerson for L lay lor T H Gocch for Joseph Waller J H Gooch for Ned Waller J H Gooch for Amelia Waller W II Green & Son for A Wilkerson J M Wall for self 6 oo 3 00 6 oo 6 oo 6 oo 6 oo W T Lyon for Bettie Waikins .... W" A McFariand for E Wortham... T L Howell & Bro for F Young ... J S Brown, 5 mo s p L Gregory ... J 8 Brown, 5 mo sup M Gregory. . W B Cash, 1 mo sup J Jones... T L Howell, i niosup M Montague S II Jo? es, 3 mo sup S Oakley. . . . A S Peace, 4 'no sup Add Oakley A S Peace, 4 mo sup M Oakley... S Parham, 1 mo sup Sarah Parham V i h,,fiffr.nprAfflTms J S Brown, 4 mo sup KKusseu ies yuuus iucu u-r "j - r ;- - mnt, ,lcIK!,,1v!, ana go to vv " f,Vl S H Jones. mo sup S WUliford. men. - ' Oxford, N. ('. U ER mows xt A TJ. Kane, a prominent druggist of R.vtnr Cr.rinrr. Kansas, says: 'Chamber- i;.c Qtnnwrh and liver Tablets are in mv 10.lM.L-a W- . f lament the most superior preparauou 01 Jto"V . . , TllPV nnvthinp in use tcaayiorcuusuuauui'. are sure in action and with no tendancy to nauseate or gripe." For sale by all druggists. county vorce. rf hQ fift.-o-t.hrpp final iudarments - i V 1 IjlL J " . 1 ... , That the secret of success is through cultivation 11 ne rcv entered at tne ia ,B rrop to repay him tor his laoor. e cau uciF " " ' H :!fl indmibt as to which are the best improved implements, a we il J . , r i.u: : l-.;c 1 np keep an up-to-date stocK oi everyuinug m eral Hardware and Our stock of gen ft Agricultural Implements in,r nTit?t.P.s nnd oreater varieties than ever before. Our hJp i so la?ire that it demands it. In securing the large quanti ties, we can always secure lower prices, and our customers get benefit. HEADQUARTERS FOR Be Qnick. Not a minute should be lost when a child shows symptoms of croup. Chamberlains Cough Remedy given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy m,nh nnnears. will prevent the attack ii never fails and is pleasant For sale by all druggists It and safe to take. the "If you refuse me I Bhall never love another woman." "Does the promise hold good li 1 accept you?" The Good For Children. r,lMjnnt tn take and harmless One POULTRY, RABBIT AO LA WEI FEIiOS. 58 INCH Absoluts efficiency at least expense, soinch A practical fence that vill 42!Nch posuiveiy iuiii i-dinc, fiii horses, ho-s and 34!CH that is strong, 'f,'S practically ever- H 1 li 'c r -J lasting, p ro ven ' j thorouehlv effi- J o--44-M--iH Hiirhrfi'iTfti ' ' '' i' I Viiiri jiiiViiifllfrirtf-2 cient under i. :;i;;i.ir;.brVrvipVMAr)E in six nEicnTs ELLftOOu rltLU rciiv-c isiiuiura" - c0VndiLP0S5ible EVERY ROD OF ELLWOOD FEHCE IS GUARANTEED. If you want your fencing problems satisfactorily solved, call and see the ELLVOOD FENCE and let us show you for how little money you can get absolute satisfaction. EniigiL mxfiixiAimm Mi,,m rr,i,o1i Pnrp jrives immediate relief J1II1UIV iv.. . . in all cases of cough, croup and lagrippe be cause it does not pass immediately into the stomach, but takes effect right t the seat of the trouble. 1 1 draws out the inflammation, heals and soothes and cures permanently by enabling the lungs to contribute pure life giving and life sustaining oxygen to the blood and tissues. Dr. Armstrong ot Delia, Tex., prescribes it daily and says there is no better cough remedy maae. ooiu uy J. Hall. For three days service in the House of Representatives, Congressman Ball of Texas will draw $ 3,000 pay. He has been a member-elect since last Uflrrh and resigned his seat three days after he was sworn In. One Hundred Dollars a Box ; he- value II. A. Tisdale, Summerton, C places on I R Perkmson, 4 mo sup JN Wilson J S Hall, 3 coffins W L Ragland, special al for Robt Kinton ., S O' Bryant, 1 mo sup I Burton ... ROAD ORDERS. A L Gooch, serv as supervisor W L Taylor b'Png bridge, lumber L H Moss, 2 days as comm'r .1 V. Mos, work on road J B Mayes, serv as clerk, recording notices and orders W (1 Averett, putting in bridge .. A C Parham, 2 days work on raad, K C Harris 5 days as comn'r and mileage d T Walker, putting in bridge W- S Gooch, 2 days serv as cona'r... N B Daniel, 5 days C F Crews 2 days C F Crews, 1 day letting ana re ceiving bridge N B Daniel, serv $2 and 30 miles, committee work N H Fleming, salary as Supt 62 00 N H Fleming, cash pdDr Halstead and J R Day making snirts 9 33 T F Edwards, merchandise 122 73 T M Thomasson, lumber 12 79 E H Crenshaw, hire of horse 13 13 .JW&DS Fuller, merchandise .. 24 16 V A Parham, flour, bran, grinding, 9 55 Long Bros., merchandise 6 70 S L Roberts, salary as foreman 20 00 T G Hall, mercha dise 1 25 Lewis Baker, damage to crop. 3 o S A Flemine, amt pel 1 R Day, g'd 4 00 W E Wilson, salary as guard 18 00 w B Wilson, salary ae gnard, U li Hamilton, merchandise. Addison Bines, three cords wood, OCTOBER, 1903. J P Hangum, salary as janitor. J Turner, fees as jailor, Q Hall, 155 virus. J F Sanderford, K Howard, account vs county, Sept., .Edwards & Broughton, 1 deed boob and chattel mortgage noon, 1 Edwards & Broughton. 1 ShflTs boob, Public Ledger, env and setter heads, 3 Public Ledger. 5oo posters. Sheriff. l J B Majes, account as clerif, 1 J K Moore, 1 mattress ana 1 comion, Dr 8 D Booth, telegrams and his ealary. 9! P Stcdman. mercaanttise, C M Lawrence, building bridge, 6 w S Gooch 2 days com'r and mileage. 1 K J Harris, 2 days, i C F Crewa. 2 davs. E K Howard, cov Humphreys to asylum, 1 iralber, Evans uogsweii jo, mouoa Docket for V S U, T P Carl, cov Tom Downey to jail, Parker & Hunt, 5 do pounds coal, PAUPER ORDERS. J R waiters, sal Supt and md?, 14 Sandy Parham, 1 mo sup tarau rarnam, ROAD ORDERS. R A Adcocb, services as supervisor, k S Carrmgton, services as eu ervisor, j w L Taylor, work on Gill's bridge, N 11 Fleming, salary aupi oep emoer, 1 T J lirummttt, feervices as supervisor, T D Aiken, services as supervisor, : Nat Tones. 612 it inmDer a&a nans, S L Roberts, salary road foreman, w K Wilson, salary guard, 1 Dnrell Jiangum, serv as supervisor, T G Taylor, vegetaoies roaa iorce. R T Moss, one cord wood, R T Moss, services as supervisor, T M Thomasson, lumber for bridges, i T M Thomasson, lumber and nails, J E Pleasants, services as supervisor, 11 E Overton, right of way, w S Gooch, 2 days com'r and mileage, w S Gooch, 1 day com work, mileage, E C Harris, 3 days com'r, E C Harris, 1 day com work, mileage, C Crews, 3 days commissioner, J S Biown, merchandis , Pete Bullocb, merchandise, Crenshaw's livery, horse one day, E h Crenshaw, merchandise, Tfcylor-Cannaoy Baggy Co, mdee, T D Clement, desb, J F Edwards, merchandise, S L Roberts, supplies for road, - J J Davis 1 day with 2-horse plow. Public Ledge--. 25o copies road law, w A Parham. flour. J B Mayes, account September, First Nat'l Bank, vouchers paid Sept, T M Tally, repairs to bridge, J P Stedman, prescriptions, Parber & Hun, 4oo fdet lumber, Acme Load Machine Co, tools, NOVEMBER, 19o3. L M Carrington, building bridge, ! Jim Mangam, sa ary as janitor, O J Turner, jail account, Landis & Easton, 3 pairs blannets, C 11 Landis, paint f jr court house. First Nat'l Banb, cash advanced, Public Ledger, looo letter h for R of D, Hall-wood Furniture Co, mattress, Parker & Hunt, brick, lumber, coal, Dr S d Booth, salary Snpt health L h Moss, comm'r and mileage, i w Fowler, conv w Evans from Raleigh, N B Daniel, comm'r and mileage, w E Cannady. lumber bill. J T Britt, writ 01 lunacy, copy J u Ji's bond. J B Mayes, services as clerk and fess, PACPEE ORDERS. F M woody, coffin for Miss N Wilson, J R waiters, salary and mds Co home, Mrs w w Ragland, special allowance Robt Kinton, Sandy Parham, 1 mo eup Sarah Parham ROAD ORDERS. R A Pleasant, supervisor, horse, etc A d Frazier, 23I leet lumber, A d Frazier, services as supervisor, K A Adcocb, services as supervisor, J T Averett, services as supervisor, R H Gooch, eerviccs as euptrvisor, w L TJmstead, services as supervisor, j K Clement, services as sapervis r, Lauriston Elliott, land for road, Levi Brogden, land tor road. K T Crewr, account against county, M B wailtr, i2 ,0 feet .umber, E A Powell, ex conv convicts to Oxrord, C E Loyd, services as supervisor, eic, J M Phipp , w ;rk, naiL, etc, w u Jonee, f-ervices as supervisor, C w Fioyd, services as super risor. J A Catlett, services aa supervisor. Mary Hester, right 01 way, W A ISiaCKiey, services as sa ;erviour, T M Thomasson, lumber, N h Fleming, salary Superintendent, B w Adcocb. services as euperviso. K h Patterson, services as supervisor, S 1. Roberts, salary as lortmin. N h Fleming, mds lor convicts, S L Roberts, vegetables for convicts, w E wiison, salary as guard, L B Turner, lumber and coal. Long Bros, mase lor convicts, C h Landis, mdse for cony cts, J T Cheatham, wood lor roaa tarce, J S Brown, m ise for road force. J F Edwards mdse lor roaa iorce, T d Aiken, lumber and serv supervisor, J 11 Lyon, lumoer ana serv supervisor. L h Most, serv road commissioner, L L Moss, committee wora on roau, E w Dement, services as supervisor, N B Diniel, 2 days ana m'ge com wors, N is uaniel, 2 days comm ssione'", C F Crews, one day commissioner, Sarah Amis, (ltm t- cot on opening rd, Archer waibins, yds una lor roaa, Joseph Noblin, 91o yds land for road. First Nat'l Banb, amt pay rolJ. J B Mayes, account for October, J w & d S Fuller, tt bnsheis of cora, w A Psrham, a Darrein 01 corn, Hill.wood Fnrnbnre Oi, merchandise, Crenshaw Livery, horse hire, buggy, E h Creoehaw, ladee for road force, J N Watkins, services supervisor, GENERAL COUNTY ORDERS Issued in December, 1902 $1,250.97 January, 1903 899.0. " February. w-i.to March. 1903 1,512.29 April, 1903 1,279.90 May, 1903 441.59 June. 1903 290.35 July, 1903 503.30 August, 1903 511.1 i September, 19f 3 674.50 October, 1903 271.90 November, 1903 574 40 NINETEEN THREES Hi THE NEW YEAR FINDS THE POPULAR Taylor-Cannafly Buggy Still in fto Leal We are going to make a bid for a still larger business this year. New features will be added to our product, and our Motto will continue to be 'Handsome, Durable and Up-to-Date." WAGONS Of the best makes always on hand, and sold at the lowest sible prices. Call and see them. pos- We can certainly please you in S Harness, Robes, Whips, Collars, &c, the best facto- E3 as our stock is large and the best products of ries. Yours to sell, Tay lorCan nady Buggy Co., C. W. BRYAN. Salesman. Granvi 9 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 12 00 I2 00 6 00 6 00 5 00 4 00 1 00 5 00 3 00 4 00 4 00 2 00 4 00 5 00 3 00 b 00 9 00 3 00 1 00 21 72 liO 15 4 OQ 7 OO 8 55 i 25 X OO IO 50 I "0 4 00 10 03 4 OO 2 OO 5 5o 3 7J 8 5o 2 ro Jc6 42 13 5o a 3'- 18 Ski 23 25 20 00 14 00 16 13 25o lo 00 12 5j 5 00 15 00 9 2o 7.35 1 7o 13 o 12 25 14 15 6 00 5 00 55 00 Hi bo 19 5o 25 25 00 6 65 5 67 18 00 883 60 lu 718 3 00 71 62 9ot2 63 11 15 to 8 co 2 80 6 00 6 30 4 00 2 00 2 00 15 00 15 00 251 to 7i5 4 80 24 00 18 00 1 5o 8 5i S7 5o Ti lie Farmers dl KND OTHER COUNTIES- Having: served you for seveial years as warehouseman in the sale and purchase of your tobacco, I want to advise with you in regard to selling your present crop. Our market is fully open for the sale of all grades I would advise j'ou to commence to market your tobacco as prices are very much better than they were a few weeks ago. The outlook is for this crop to sell low, yet we have seen it lower. 1 am prepared to take the very best of care of your interest, and will see that you get the highest market price for every pile of to bacco placed on my floor. I want to thank you lor your very liberal patronage in the past and ask a continuance of the same with the promise that you shall have the same service from me that I have aiven vou in the past. There is no warehouseman better pre- n!,rPd to orotect vour interest than I am. I will advise you of the con- I , 1 , r a l 4-o li given j:..- t 4.1 m.rtpt from timfi to time and will sell vour tooacco to UlllUU J1 LIU- llittinvi. " " - the very best advantage. Thanking you again for your very liberal patronage in the past, I am v cry ixuijr ywui niuuu, Z. W. LYON. Iblack-bmught 4J hi Stock ardware. s. De Witts Witch Hazel Salve. tj -.,- t hoH thp niles for 2ovears. I tried lie aftja 1 -. r -1 1 many doctors and medicines, but all failed except DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve. It cured me." It is a combination of theheal : f; r.f Witrh Hazel Sa've, with antiseptics and emollients; relieves orm-inoTiilv cures blind, bleeding, it .-.A rrotTudir,? piles, sores, cuts bruises, eczenn salt rheum and a'l Soli by J. G. Hall. Pnn man c auilB inau ub cau ith oats. We've heard a TTiifinifrbt in the full of the moon. and hin2 skin disease-. Full stock Builders material, Paints Oils Turpentine 1 V"hes Wood and willow ware, Crockery, Lamps and Glass ware, Mt dhopperj etu Beltings. Packings, Lacings, Pipe and Pipe fittings. I have one ot the best gun and lock smiths in North Carolina. If yourf"nn1nSinstUpDl der bring it to me for repairs. Guttering, Roofing and Tmnm : supply generally. I want your tVade and 1 promise you my best efforts to serve you satisfactory . Yours very truly, J". IF"1, Edwards A Thousand Dollars Worih of Good A II Thumes, a well known coal opera tor of Buffalo, O., writies, "I have been af flicted with kidney and bladder trouble for vrs nassine cravelor stones with excruciat- i : t rrt nn relief from medicines ;i T lcran taking Folevs Kidney Cure a., iko cnlt was surDrisine. A few doses )n,f,i ih brick dust like fine stones and r like a new man. It has done me r, fcr ooo worth of eood." For sale by R Hamilton, least nut that Klneton murderer where he will be able to kill nobody else, that Is if he Is carefully watched. Durham Her ald. Don't be imposed upon by taking substi tutes offered for Foleys Honey and Tar. For sale by R. L. Hamilton. - T ' Subscribe to the Public Ledger 25oo 63 45 14 00 115 ! 12 00 6 25 llo 3 00 12 60 3 95 2 5o 22 95 46 7o 1 77 15 00 lo 00 15 00 2 00 2 80 25 00 53 00 308 00 2 34 149 47 600 2 cc 600 S L Roberts, cash pd for vegetables 6 4 First Nat'l Bank, vouchers paid ... 86 33 SEPTEMBER, 19os. S D Booth, salary as Supt Health, C J Turner, jail account August T C Rogers, 3 days as tax assessor, R Ii Hamilton, merchandise. nhlic Ledger. 6.000 tax receipts, Pablic liedger, court calendars, receipts -L and executor's notice, J P Stedman, merchandise, U P Smith, boarding jury. trS D Booth, inquest ana amanpox. T Britt, half fees state vs v nan M Wheeler. Inquest child A Royster w -Rritt. accouDt vs county. E K Howard, account vs county, Dr S D Booth, telegrams for self, james P Mangum, salary as jani;;or. C F Crewe, 0 aays sewing aa out nu. IS T Crews, services jettling with Shff S A Fleming, caen pam u ounce, suui N B Daniel, 1 day as com'r and rr lge, S A Fleming, indigent pauper's tax, S A Fiem'ne', land sold for tax & bought by county, J B Mayes, monthl y act and com ?, tax Wm Ridley, tax anu coot pan oiuiiuu land sola ior lax., me mi uaus paid prior by Pete Bullock, PAUPER ORDER!?. T T? waiters, sal as upt i numc, mun Hall Wood Fur Co 2 coffins Sandy Parnam 1 iuu dui oaiau m.. j H Gooch, 6 mo eup E weaver, ROAD ORDERS. L S Sizemore, building bridge over Gras sy creeK, wm. Williamson, work on road, L M. Carrington, work on road, A C Parham, 2 days work on rotid, R A Lyon, services as supervisor, B T Bll, services as supervisor, N H Fleming, services as Supt., w C Evans, services aa supervisor, w B Royster, seryices as supervisor, w A Blackley, services as supervisor, j M Sherron, services as supervisor, J M Shermn, building bndg. J A Catlett, services as supervisor, w C Daniel, services and supervisor, Jerome T Averett, serv as supervisor. J B Mayes, acct as Clerk, etc., w L Taylor, 1760 feot lumber, S L Roberts, salary as foremar , j F Co e, for engine and engineer, j F Edwards, merchandise August, chandise August, S L Roberts, vegetables for wmvicts, N B Daniel, 1 day as commissioner N B Daniel, 1 day com work, mileage, First Nat'l Bwnfc, vouchers p.id, C H Landi, merchandise, K T Moss, 2 cords wood, - G Taylor, veseta les for road hands, B S Royster, counsel fees, A M Jones work on road, . S M Slaughter, services as snvisor. Sandv Moss, vegetables for road lorce, Pete B llock. merchandise, n.nTt. Hill-wood Fur Co, mattress & comfort', Howell Bros, 1 gallon eyrup, Total 58.813.2J) PAUPER ORDERS Issued in January, 1903 $ y.uu February, rJ0i$ bio.ou March. 1903 124.90 April, 1903 140.88 May, 1903 184 93 June, 1903 159.26 July, 1903 252.5G Aiurust. 1903 797 44 September, 1903 163.47 1 inn") 1 ".rt FUI October, November, 1903. 150.59 113.42 Total $2,711.95 ROAD ORDERS Tccc In Tnnf 190. 2.849.4 inou"1 " " : - , , -, n July, 1903 MZ.V4 August, 1903 588.54 September, 1903 992.91 October, 1903 675.46 November, 1903 1,231.25 Total $7,149.67 AMOUNT PAID JURIES hDhi-iiflrv Trfiu. 1903 A11 Term. 1903 299.60 August Term, 1903 November Term, iwa 257.50 217.S0 Total $947 li R ECA PITU E AT IO N. Rec'd from Gen. Co. Tax $lu,db4 o Rec'd from Pauper Tax 877.59 Total $11,242.24 EXPENDITURES p,pn. Co. Orders Issued o.oio.j " ?5 Pniinfir Orders Issued 2,7ll 450 r Is 46 237 5o 17 00 Paid Juries J4.io 715 62 00 29 00 29 00 2n 4o 15 5o 24 52 14 25 9 5o 600 610 22 00 2o OO 9 00 12410 46 95 4 7o 2 00 3 5o 153 83 1 2o 3 00 615 27 7o 3 53 18 00 4 8i 465 7 25 45 Total $12,472.39 This does not Include Treasurer commissions. ROAD. Amt. from Road Bonds $20,561.69 Ttnnfl Orders Issued 7,149.67 Total $13,412.0: J. B. MAYES, Reg. of Deeds THE ORIGINAL FP MF.nir.IKIF; A sallow complexion, dizziness, bilious:iess and a coated tongue are common indications of liver 3,nl kk.npy diseases. Stomach and bowel troubles, severe as they are, jri ve immediate warning by pain, but liver and kidney, troubles, though loss painful at the start, are imeh harder to cure. Thcdford's Hi ick-T'raught never fails to bene fit d iseased liver and weakened kid neys. It stirs up the torpid liver to throw off the germs ot teverand ague. It is a certain preventive of cholera and T3right's disease of the kidnevs. With kidneys re inforced by Thedford's Black -Draurrht thousands of persons have dwelt immune in the midst of yel low f.-ver. Many families live in perfect health and have no other doctor than Thedford's Black Draught. It is always on hand for use in an emergency and save3 many expensive calls of a doctor. Muliins, S. C, March 10, 1901. ! have used Thefiferd's Black-Draught for three years and i have not had to go to a doctor since ! have been taKine 11. H is the best medicine for me that is on the market for live- and kidney troubles and dyspepsia and other complaints. Rev. A. G. LEWIS. BriDRlBY's Photo Gallery II. M. W. B. SHAW, Henderson. SHAW & SHAW, SHAW, Oxford Attorney & Counsellors at Law, OXFORD. N. C. ill il'!:' lett Tube paints, water colors, brush es, and material for crayon or char coal drawing. Canvas, drawing paper, water color paper, pastel boards and pas tel crayons. Paint boxes, plaques, rubbers, etc., etc Best line of picture frames and mouldings in town. Frames made any size. Still on top when it comes to high-grade photographic work. Where? Sale of Valuable Farm 2 Miles North-East of Oxford. Bv virtue of the authority conferred upon die undersigned by a certain judgment of he Superior Coutt of Granville county, ren- dered at the JNovember term, IUU3, 01 saiu court, in an action therein penti ng wherein Geo. W Davison and cnaries uaker, Trustees, and others were plaintiffs and N. A, Gregory and wife and others were de fendants, I will sell for cash by public auc tion at the court house dcor in Uxtord. on MONDAY, THE 4111 DAY OF JAN., 'O4, the tract of land which was the subject of said action, situated in Salem township, Oxford township, in said connty, adjoining the lands of Mrs. R O. Gregory, D. T Cheatham, (the Mary A. Hester dower tract) and others, containing loo acres, being a part of the W O. Gregory-Parham tract, which was assigned to in. i. Gregory in the division of the estate of said W. O Greg- , , rn n t i ory, bounded as iouows: nt-gin at a sione, corner of Mrs. Mary A. Hester's dower tract, and run thence west 30 chains to a stake and pointers, Mrs. R. O. Gregory's corner; thenee north 33 chains 33 links 10 post oak corner; thence east 30 chains to white oak, Mrs. Hester s corner; thence alon her line to the beginning. Time of sale 12 M, A. A. HICKS, Nov: 3O, 1903. Commifsloner We offer our professional services to the citizens of Granville and adjoining counties, and solicit a share of your patronage, pro mising to give to the smallest as wellas the largest case our most lidligent attenti n and best efforts. Our fees are moderate. Refer you to any one in Oxford or Hen derson . Administrator's Notice. Letters of administration, de bonis dod, upon the estate of Julia C, lioyster, deceased, havb.g this day been issued to me by he Clerk of the Superior Court of Granville county, notice is hereby given to an persons niueDteu 10 sum es tate to come forward and make immediate pay ment; and all persons holding claims against said estate are notified to present them to me or to my attorneys, Graham & Devin, Oiod.N. C., within one year from this date, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovtrv. Nov. 13, 1903. JOHN P. KOYSTJIK, Acmr, de bonis non of Julia C. Koyster. nov.iS 6t-pd, To Cure a Cold lis One Day Toko laxative Bromo Onine MiTOon boxes sold m pasi 15 mourn. "'O4"" Cures Crip in Two Days. on every box. 25c. .