How We catch a Col J. coM is s ndirnes contracted while re in lining inactive for a while in an uncomfort aile room or a cold draft and by falling to sleep under like conditio is. But most colds are caueht while sleeping too cold at night. Deep sleep causes sluggish circulation which renders She system suceptaMe to change of temperature.' To prevent colds sleep linger 1 1,-uty of cover. To cure colds use Rydales Elixir, it lessens the severity and shortens 1he ion of a col J and prevents pneu monia bronchitis mi l consumption. J. G. Hall. The exfr.-i session of the 5Sth Con jrress cxpirod ly constitutional limi tation Monday, when the regular session Wjzan. Ciimatic Cures. The ir.flutnce of climatic conditions in the cure of consumption is very much overdrawn. T'ne poor patient and the lich patient, too, cr.n -'o much better at home by proper at i; n!i n t food digestion, and a regular use i f ' :-t man Syrup. Free expectoration in t!i i:i !!ii!ig is made certain by German :!, s- is a good nights restsnd deb-lital-iu . night sweat. Restless nights a il the i-y'-uis'ien lue to coughing, the greatest c i and dread of the consumptive, can be : i- veiled ( r .-topped by taking German Syruo i'iera'ly ami regul rly. Should you t e ; ble to i o to a w inner clime, OU will find ilnt of 'he thousands of consumptives thou, the few who a: e benefited and regain stre-gth are those who use German Syrup. Trial bottles 2-5c; regular size 7-"c. J 1'. Stcdma-i. A meeting of cotton mill men was hold in Charlotte Tuesday to consider he advisability of curtailing produc tion. !s Beauty uniy zaln Deep. IVauty is only ?kin deep, but the forces that create beauty are as deep as the fountain from which they ilow, when the Blood is charged with impurities 1 eauty disappears, when the blood is pure beauty blossoms in face and form. Rydales Liver Tablets keeps the liver healthy and the bowels regular, prevents the blood becoming ladened with I'ile and waste matter, make the skin clear, eyes bright and beauty more than skin deep. J. G. Hall. Administrator's Notice, Letters of administration upon the estate of Kohert D. Koyster, deceased, having this day been issued to me by the. Clerk of the Saperior Court, of Granville conniy, notice is hereby given to a'l persons indebted to t?aid estate to come forward and make immediate payment; and all persons holding claims against said estate, are notified to present them to me or my attorneys, Oraham fc Devin, Oxford, r. C within one year from this date, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. JOHN 1 KOYSTKR. nov.19.pd, Adnir. of Kobt. D. Koyster. Sale of Stock Merchan dise. By virtue of the power cf sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed to me on the loth day of October, 190c, by J. T, Co!e, and at the request of the owner of the bonds secured by said deed of trust, I shall on SATURDAY, JAN. 2, 1904, at 12 o'clock M., sell to the highest bidder for cash, at Satterwhite, in Granville county, the following described personal property: A certain stock of general merchandise, con sistirg of dry goods, notions, clothing, hats, shoes; hardware, tobacco, cigars, heavy and fancy groceries and all other articles of mer chandise usually kept for sale in a general country store, also all store furniture and fixtures of every kind and description, in cluding shotv cases, iron safe, sca'es and all other i ;ms of furniture and fixtures required in a general country store same being the stock of merchandise and fixtures in store formerly occupied by said J. T. Cole. An inventory of the above property may be see, 1 up on application to the undersigned. This December 2, 190. B. S. ROVSTER, Trustee. ! W Ri A V S3fci. W t R rS r.i ft. ' Bone Pains, Stchirsg, Scabby s;;;n Diseases. Swellings, Carbuncles, I'implos, Scrofula rerinanniitiy eur. .1 ly takirrj Botanio lilood Balm. It di-stroya the artivo l'oicoa in Vao blood. If you have aches and pahs in bones, tack and joints. Itching S'-.Vnby Shin, TUoo-i fools hot or thin, Swollen Gland3, K-sings and l:r.::ips on the Skin, I'atches in Mouth, Sore Iro-.f, rhn;,lrs, or offensive eruptions. Com11 r-Colcrt (I f.;iots or ras'.i on Skin, all run-down, or nervous, l'h-.- r3 on any pnrt of tha body. Hair or Eye i.rows falling out, Carbarn los or Iioi'.s, ta!:o ( Botar-Ic BSood Erdm, guaranteed loonreevf-n the vrorr,t and rur.rtd'cp-boatcd cases whero doctors, jiatent iueii.-in'-3, and hot springs fail. Heala ,V.l sores, stops all ac!;;-s a:ul pai'is, reduces all swellings, makes p.;ro an 1 rich, completely changing tho entire bo.ij- i: : o a clean, Isoallfcy condition. B. B. B. has cured thcr.f.and3cf case3 of Blood Poison even after r- chins the la -t siatrcs. Old Iilieumat:.i;m, Catarrli, Eczema arc caused by an awful poisoned condition of the Blood. B. B. B. stops Ilawkin-; and Spitting, Itching and Scratching, Aches and I'iiins; cares Rheumatism, Catarrh ; Leui3 all Scabs, Scales, Eruptions, Watery Blisters, foul festering Sores of Eczema; by giving a, pure, healthy blood supply to affected parts. Cancer Cured Botanic Blood Balm Cures Cancers of all Kinds, Suppurating Swellings, Eating Sores, Tumors, ugly Ulcers. It kills the Cancer I'oison and heals the Bores or worst cancer perfectly. If you haTO a persistent riniple, V.'art, Swellings, Shooting, Stinging Tains, take Blood Balm and they -will disappear before they develop inlo Cancer. JIany apparently hopeless cases cancer cured by taking Botanic Blood Balm. Kay :i larsre lott"e :r Si, of any i'uc:i;i'i take as directed. JSotanic iSioiid Jliilin ( IS.ii.Ii. ) always cures when the rigrlit quantiity is taken. 2 f not cared your money wiJi ?Tn U1? TviTh" Of) ft 1 ' out, arf.ument'.OOJCCWC UjoSUaaJEjB . Botanic Elood I?nlm fn.TI.T?.) ig rieasant and saf rito take. Thoroughly tested forSOyrs1. Composed of I'ure Botanic Ingredients. Strengthenj Tie:ik kidnevg and 'weak stomachs, cures dyspepsii. Complete directions go with each bottle. Sample of nn( Pamphlet Kent Free by writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Oa. Describe your trouble, and special free medical advice, to BUit your case, also sent in. sealed letter. J. G. Hall. i 'm 3 1125 A New Scienrijic Discovery for the Lei3 and NEHYES. It purifies .the blood by eliminating the wrist e matter aii'l ctlir impurities and by .IvHlroyiii;'; the germs or microbes that infest the blood. It builds up the blood by reconstructing and multiplying the red ( i,rpi:scles, making the blood rich and red. It restores and stimulates the nerves, pausing a full free flow of nerve force throughout the entire nerve system. It speedily cures unstrung nerves, nervous ness, nervous prostration, and all other diseases of the nervous system. RYDALES TONIC is sold under a posi tive guarantee. Trial size 50 cents. Family size $1.00 MANUFACTURED BY The Radical Remedy Company, HICKORY, N. C. J. G, HALL. -.,, ,tipu winnine books. written bv men who know, tell you all about F They are needed by everv man who owns a field and a plow, and w ho desires to get the most out of them. They arefree. Send postal card. (iEKMAN KALI WOKKS New York 98 Jiassau Street, Atlanta, GB.-S8J4 So. Kroad St. TOBACCO PUf-FS. Put it in Your Pipe and Puff it. J. F. Meadows, Proprietor Farmers Warehouse, averaged for the month of November 10.04 for all the tobacco sold on his lloor Including scrap. Ke member when you are loading your tobacco that the Farmers Warehouse is leading (Jranville county and the State on high averages for single loads for one break orfor one month. Below are a few sales made recently: E. Jj, Aiken averaged 20.70, J. M. Sherron averaged L'4.7."i; 11. M. Ourrin averaged 21.50; .1. T. Aiken 27.40; Green & Eaton 0.10, 1214, 4, 20 and 10; Ned Hester M, 11, lSft,-30 and 40: J. M. Tingen 11, 43, 24, 13, G-30; W. E. Suit 10, 13, 24, 37 41. Give the Farmers Warehouse a show ing on your next load and the high est market prices shall be yours. Fine Deer Killed. News has come to this city that a number of deer have been killed in the neighborhood of Bullock's, In Granville county. Several hunters went out in that section a few days ago and It is learned that one of them killed a large buck, which had six prongs to each horn and weighed 100 pounds after being dressed. This is very good for our sister county of Granville, and we would appreciate the act if some one would scare some of them over into Durham county. Durham Sun. .... - - I fie Lone Star State Down in Texas at Yoakum is a big dry goods firm of which Mr. J. M. llaller is the head. Mr. Haller on one of his tr'ps east to buy goods said to a triend who was with him in the palace car, 'IIere take one of these Little Early Risers upon retiring and you will be up early in the mornirg feeling good." For the "dark brown" taste headache and that logy feeling DeWltts Little Early Risers are the best pills to use Sold by J. G. Hall. Board County Commissioners. This very important body met In their room In the court house Mon day at 10 o'clock. The first thing to claim the atten tion of the Board was the appoint ment of Mr. W. S. Gooch a commit tee to look after the bridge over Ledge of Rock creek. Kobt. Bryant was put on the out side pauper list at 1 per month. A number of people are allowed to list taxes at single rates. Mary Hunt was allowed to go to the home of the Aged and Infirm. Messrs. W. Gooch and J, B. Mayes were appointed a committee to look after the building of a bridge over Knap 6f Iieeds creek at Mr. Sim Co zart's. Quite a large mimber of accounts against the county were allowed and ordered paid. T fJKS I A V THR KOADS. The first business of importance was the election of a Superintendent of Roads, and after some consulta tion Mr. S. L. Roberts, the foreman In charge of the convicts, was elect ed for the term ft one year from Jan uary 1st, 1004, at a salary of 40 per month and board at the camp. Mr. N. 11, Fleming has made a most ex cellent officer and has put in admira ble work on the roads he has worked. Ordered that $10 be allowed Char lie Tunstall for taking care of and guarding Lyles Reavis for one month only. E. C. Harris was appointed a com mittee to notify the Seaboard rail road authorities to grade all road crossings in the county and keep same in proper repair and also to have bridge near Dlckerson's built. Ordered that R. T. Moss be paid $1." in full for damages to tobacco by convict force. After allowing a batch of road or ders against the county the Board adjourned. it I have no more nervous headache and r vzeil night. When r. -;:m suffers from fc---' weakness . r regularity or othe r of worn;-.;: I- .iscase, the effect :. tain to be iked in her nerve-.-tern, the gt-.K-ral effect being, as i. Woodin's ca-.-z, " nervous headaches, lessness at. night" and a run-down co don. It is simply common sense thf which says if you cure the female v.e;.k ness, irregularity, etc., you will cure tlit nervousness, sleeplessness and other con sequences of womanly disease. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription cures the womanly diseases which undermine the general health. It establishes regu larity, dries enfeebling drains, heals in flammation and ulceration, and cures female weakness. It cures headache, nervousness, sleeplessness, etc., by cur ing the womanly diseases which cause these ailments. Sick women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, free. All correspond ence strictly private. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. "I feel more than pratefnl to you for the benefit I have received from Dr. Pierce's Favor ite Prescription and 'Golden Medical Discov ery," writes Mrs. Ervie E. Woodin, of Millerton, Dutchess Co., N. Y., care of Box No. 1. For a mimber of years I had been troubled with female weakness, "nervous headache, irregularity, rest lessness at night, and, in fact was all run-down, but after taking three bottles of ' Favorite Pre scription and one of ' Golden Medical Discov ery ' feel that I am entirely cured. I have no more nervous headaches, and rest very well at nig-ht ; in fact, feel like a different person, thanks to your kind advice and wonderful medi cine. I earnestly advise all who suffer from any similar troubles to write to Dr. Pierce at once. They will not regret it." w Favorite Prescription " has the testi mony of thousands of women to its com plete cure of womanly diseases. Do not accept an unknown and unproved sub stitute in its place. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets should be used with w Favorite Prescription " when ever a laxative is required. 1 f1 CM ) g jg Short Accounts of Hap f) penings Among Our Neighbors. j By Our Correspondents i Blue 01 in a Budget. Deer and bird hunters are all the go up this way now-a-days. Mrs. T. .1. Allen, of Laton, Cal., Is on a visit at Mrs. V. A. Tuck'p. We learn that Mr. W. T. ('handler, of near Buchanan, Is very sick. Hope he may soon recover. Mrs. M. Ij. Hurley and son, Dan, of Durham, have been visiting Mrs. 11. T. Chandler the past few weeks. Died, on the 20th of November, the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Sol Tuck. Thel-ord glveth and thel-ord taketh away, Blessed be the name of the Lord. DENNIS. Stem stemming. The farmers are about through shucking corn. Very few farmers of our sections have sown any wheat. The hunters horn Is heard ringing out 011 the night air, and "possums and taters" almost makes our mouth water. We have heard of boys being whipped until their hides would not hold shucks, and if there Is any truth In the statement, Prof. B-ass-etta will not hold black jack brush. If Nicholas doubts the truthfulness of our statement in regard to the work done on the roads In this sec tion (and we did not refer to Oxford or Salem Townships) let him come and see for himself. L.ACK LAND. $100 Reward $i00. The "-eaders of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its etatres, and that is Catarrh Hall'eCatarrh Cure is the oniy positive cure known to the medicine fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dis ease requires a constitutional treatment, llall's Catarrh Care is taken internally, acting direct ly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up theconstitution and assisting nature indoiug its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curattivepowers,that they offer jflOO for any case that it fails to cure. Send for lit of u-stimonials, Address, F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. EST" Sold by Druggists, ?5c. Halls Family Pille are the best. CarRtoer Cares. Miss Lillle Moss and Mrs. Nevllls went to Oxford shopping last week. Miss Bettie Hunt and her brother visited Mr. Tom Hunt near Tar River Sunday. Miss Ella and Miss Lynda Davis visited Mr. and Mrs. Bob Averett Sunday afternoon. We are glad to learn that Mr. and Mrs. Bob Averett are going to live at Mrs. Buck Daniels next year. Mr. G. W. Duke made 105 barrels of corn with two little mules and plug hands. How is that for the Southside? Mr. W. A. Moss swapped horses last week at court and got a horse that can trot 14 miles In 15 days. How is that for a trotter? Mr. W. A. Moss killed two hogs at 18 months old, one weighing 497 lbs and the other 512, and Mr. Erby Ad cock killed one wTelghing 493 lbs, Mr. Moses Adcock killed one weighing 408 lbs. LITTLE GIRL. Safeguard Against Accident. The best safeguard against accident is to use good judgment in directing every act. But, accidents will often occur in spite of every effort to pt event them. The best safe guard against injury resulting from accidents is Elliotts Emulsified Oil Linimnt. It is the most servicable accident and Emergency Liniment ever made and is the most satis factory Liniment for use in the tamily and on animals ever offered. Large bottles 25c. J. (;. 1 1 ah. Stwall Sftort stops. Left out last week. Prof. A. C. Loughlln, principal of Stovall High School, 1 am glad to say is doing good work. Mr. O. M. Jackson went to Oxford Saturday and was confirmed by the Bishop. We truly hope he will live a better life. Miss Jessie Perkinson, who is go ing to school at the Oxford Seminary, was at home Thanksgiving and brought with her two of her school mates. Mr. 1). M. Stovall, teacher of Oak Grove, had a nice Thanksgiving: ex ercise last Thursday. It composed the song Carolina sung by the school, the Thanksgiving class, the class of information, recitation by Miss Mav Stovall, recitation by Miss Liilie Munn. last the song "Any where with Jesus." pa. On Beam ef Br. B. SUDite. Mr. Editor! Allow me a short space in your paper to add a few lines upon the life of the late Dr. White. It was mv plea sure to board at his house two years 1873-'74 (when a school boy) and I think I know something of his life. Tome he was indeed a father and friend, and I shall ever love and cherish his memory for the many kindnesses shown me, and for his many words of advice that I have so often found beneficial. He was superintendent of a flour ishing Sunday school at Banks Chap el in which he took a great interest. There I was taught to love the Sun day school work in which I have nearly ever since been engaged. He was one of the kindest men in his family I ever knew, kind to the poor, kind to the sick, yea, kind to every body and everybody so far as I ever knew or heard of loved Dr White. If he had a. fault I never found It out He came as near living a christian life as any m?m I ever knew. Since he moved to Oxford I have often had. pleasant talks with him, and I have never heard one word ;fr;oin bim f an unpleasant nature toward his fel low man. In his death Granville county has lost one of its best citi- DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK ? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the news papers is sure to know of the wonderful ,l U,, l-lv V JE ill K'ilmsr's.Swamn-Rnot. the great kidney, liver fc; and bladder remedy. teenth century; dis covered after years of scientific research by Dr. Kilmer, the emi nent kidney and blad der specialist, and is wonderfully successful in promptly curing lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou bles and Bright's Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec ommended for everything but if you have kid ney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found just the remedy you need. 1 1 has been tested in so many ways, in hospital work, in private practice, among the helpless too poor to pur chase relief and has proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing hamton, N. Y. The regular fifty cent and Homo of Swamp-Root, dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y.. on every bottle. zens, the church militant one of her most loyal members. His Influence for good will be felt for many, many years. A FRIEND. Coughs, Colds and Constipation. Few people realize when taking cough medicines other than Foley's Honey and Tar that they contain opiates which are con stipating besides being unsafe, particularly for children. Foleys Honey and Tar con tains no opiates, is safe and sure and will not constipate. For sale by K. L. Hamilton. MULES. For sale pair choice young mules, worked one season, thorougniy broken It. Call or address Lotus ih Lacuoix. lUilton ttJbispertnss. About all the cotton in this section is out and sold. Mrs. S. J. Bragg spent Tuesday at Mrs. F. M. Blackley's. Mrs. J. E. Whitfield was a visitor I to old Wilton Tuesday. I Mr. W. A. Blackley is through work- ! ing the roads this time. 1 Mr. Li S. Jeffreys spent Wednesday and Thursday in Durham. Mr. R. D. Horner killed all months old shoat that weighed 390. Mr. R. B. Blackley and family, of Wakefield, has moved to Old Wilton to live. Mr. M. Fowler killed hogs on Thursday last the heaviest tipped the scales at 285, Miss Viola Fowler, of near Raleigh, Is spending a short time among rel atives near Wilton. Dr. J. A. Morris is having a new house built which he will use for an office and' drug department. Mr. John Whitfield and family, of Creedmoor, will soon occupy the J. W. Harris building at Wilton. Mr. J. W. Harris and family have moved to Durham where they will make It their future home for a while. Mr. Chester Harris, a son of J. W. Harris, of Durham, has been visiting relativies near Wilton the past week. Good many people of this section are attending Federal court at Ital eigh this week but some had just as soon not be there. WHEEL WRIGHT. A Timely Topic. At this season of coughs and colds it is well to know that Foleys Honey and Tar is the greatest throat and lung remedy. It cures quickly and prevents serious results from a cold. Fcr sale by K. L. Hamilton. Some of the best make 1 and 2 horse wagons for sale at and below cost at Pete Bullock's. Negro lynched near Tampa, Fla for attempted assault. . . A kidney or bladder trouble can alwavs be cured by using Foleys Kidney in time. For sale by R. L. Ham lton. Tony Bond was fatally shot while hunting near Whaleyville, Va. Boys life saved from Membranous Croup. C. W. Lynch, a prominent citizen of Win chester, Ind., writes, ''My little boy had a severe attack oF membranous croup, and only got relief alter one dose and I feel that it saved the lite of my boy." Kefase sub stitutes. For sale by R. L. Hamilton. E. L. Wentz, the missing million aire, has been found demented. "Joints pain you this morning?" Rheurna cide will give you quick and thorough relief. Ask your druggist. Richmond, Fredericksburg & Potomac R. R. Washington and Southern Railway. The Richmond Washington Line. The link connecting the Atlantic Coast Line Railway, Baltimore & Ohio Railway, Chespeake & Ohio Railway, Pennsylvania Railway, Sea board Air Line Railway and Southern Railway and between all points via Richmond, Va. Fast mail, passen ger, express and freight route be tween Richmond, Washington, Bal timore, Philadelphia, New York, Bos ton, Pittsburgh. Buffalo and all points north, south, east and west. W. D. Duke, Gen'l Manager, C. W. Ctji.i', Ass't Gen'l Mgr. W. P. Taylor, Traffic Manager. Notice of Summons. North Carolina 'Granville County, Ellen Buliock ve. John Henry Bulloi The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled 88 above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Granville Coun ty by the plaintiff for the purpose of obtaining a divorce from said def ndant, and the said de fendant win further take notice that he is re quested to appear Jit the next term of Granville Suparior Court to be held on the 4th Monday be fore the 1st Monday in March 1904, at the cou't house in Oxford, nnd answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff wi ? ap ly to the court for the relief demanded in eald complaint. JOHN T. BR ITT Clerk of Tho Sn 1 Dec. 7th, 1903. 'WUIk Baptist State Convention. The Baptists of North Carolina have done a remarkable work during the year. The State Convention met in Charlotte yesterday and Rev. Livingston Johnson, the secretary of the mission boards.makes his reports, which show that the total amount of contribution exceeds that of last year by $8,000. The contributions for the various kinds of mission work are: State, .ft 26,302; foreign, $17,500; home, $7,702. The contributions for education are $4,071, for the orphan age at Thomasvllle $25,000, for min isterial relief $1,700, miscellaneous $500; total $83,000. In the past nine years the contributions have more than doubled. There are 5'J associa tions, and every one is co-operating with the State Convention. No less than 103 missionaries are working in the State and on mission fields alone 25 churches have been organized dur ing the year, while 02 are built or building on mission fields. The mis sionaries occupy 477 churches. It is likely that no debt will be reported on any objects, as State missions now lack less than $l,000,and it is ex pected the churches will send in that much if not more. The mission board calls for $30,000 next year for State missions alone. There are 331 women's missionary societies, and these have raised $12,000. The largest increase of the year was for foreign missions, $38,000. Foley's Honey and Tar positively cures all throat and lurg diseases. Refuse subst -tutes. For ssle by R. L. Hamilton. Roll of Honor of Oxford Graded School For 3rd Month Ending Dec. 4th. 1st Grade Section I. Jessie Bullock, Hallle Fuller. Rachel Parham, Ruth Shaw, Helen Melvln. Section 11. Julia Council, Mary White, Esther Mitchell, Lucy Landls, Mamie Moore, Josephine Webb, Char ley Behlen, Raymond Clapp, Jno. Roller, Kennon Taylor, Graham Wheeler, Willie Grant. Second Grade. Virginia Carroll, Mary Shaw, Sylvanla Parham, Minnie Workman. Third Grade. Will Adams, Uriel Harris, Willie Landis, James Taylor, Lucy Wyatt. Fourth Grade. Francis Hays, Esther Wyatt, Estelle Bullock. Kerr Taylor, Annie Walters, Bulah Lynch. Fifth Grade. Allelne Minor, Jose phine Brown, Leonard Mitchell, Ellen Steagall, Susie Brown, . v.k Bullock, Sallie Ellis, Fannie Brown, Sallle Baker, Isabel Flemiug, Ethel Day, Virginia Pendleton, Fannie Webb, Pearson Harris, Berkley Spencer. Sixth Grade. Fay Parham, Russell Webb, James Booth, Willie Grimsley, Lillie White, Lucy Goshen Smith. Seventh Grade. Sam Currin, Lillian Minor, Gray Yancey, Louie Mitchell, Annie Bryan, Willie Murray. Eighth Grade. Allene Cooper, Flor ence Landis, Mary Webb, Easley Roller. Carl Adams. Ninth Grade. Annie Crews, J ante Booth, Katie Fleming, Mary Fort. Rydals Stomach Tablets Rydales Stomach Tablets are made for the stomach and organs of assimilaton ard art rot intended for a 'cure all." Theycon'ain concentrated aseptic, Pepsi u. Pure Pancrea tin and digestive agents They con tain powerful tonics and mi'd slimulauts that have a specific effect on the stomach and organs of assimulation and which aid nature in reconstructing' the broken down cells and strengthening the flacid mnscles of the walls of the stomach and other digestive organs. Rydales Stomach Tablets are a perfect stomach medicine, they relieve at once and soen cure the worst forms of stomach touble. Price 25 and 50; a box J. G. Hall Go to Pete Bullock and get your horse blankets and lap robes if you want to keep warm. HORSE FOR SALE. A large, well-made, handsome mare thoroughly gentle, kind worker, sound and home-raised. Will be sold at a bargain. Apply to E. W. Jones, Oxford, N. C. We pay more for minK and other furs than any one in the State. Baikd & Ciiamhi.eio. W. L. Douglas shoes $2.50, $3 and $3 50 just received at J. .1. Medford's. Don' t forget the graphophone tickets. Bring your harness to Pete Bullock and have It repaired and cleaned for Christmas. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Sweetly Sleeps. "I am come a light Into the world, that whomsoever belleveth in me should not abide in darkness." St. John 12:40. Charlie Bennett, worn to a shadow by consumption, with just enough strength left to gasp for breath and whisper the promises of the author of this light, proved that "He will be our guide even unto death." Not long before the spirit left the body he called his father to him and told him thatGod had called him, that he had a home in heaven and was going to see his brother, who went there some time ago. This leaves the assurance 1o his biveri ones and friends that Willie is there too for God never dis appoints us. and would not have given hi dying child the consolation tUatin giving up one home and loved ones he was only going to a better and lasting one, in which already the family circle was b-gun. In Durham Thursday Nov. 20,at 1:30 o'clock the struggle eudi'd arid the rest and j y beg-in. It wan legally Thanksgiving day on earth and while sorn) wand sadness came with It 1u one sens-, yet in reality It was Thanksgiving day to the one who 1 ft, to the ones he found waiting in the perfect home, and Jesus, who through His blood, gives us victory over death. Charlie Bennett was 21 years old and leaves a young wife, aged grand father, father, mother, five brothers, two sisters and many friends to whom we wish to extend our svm pathy and the consolation thatthe separation will not be long at the longest and may the Shepherd who so gently and lovingly guided him through the "Valley of Shadows" make it also onlv a shadow for each of us who sooner or later must make the journey. May we all meet in that home where they "need no candle neither llcrht of the sun, for th Lord' God glveth them Ibjht." The remalus were carried to (!ran ville Friday and the interment took place at Bethel church. A FRIEND. Ftve Physicians 5. C who had record. IT CURED HELPLESS CRIPPLE. Mr. Wilkes writes in the course of a Ion? lrtter, dated August IS, 1902: "My legs were drawn back until my feet touched my hips. I w;is as ht-lplpss ss n hnV for nearly 12 months. The muscles of my arms and lrj;8 were hard and shriveled up. suffered death many times over. Was treated by six different physicians i.i McCnll i . ;i; and M arion, but none of them cou Id do me any good, unt il Or. J. I', l.vtnz. r,i l!i!:.,n, : , me to try your RHKUM ACIDE. I began to take it. and before the first bottle w:is u-.eil i, I began to get better. I used 5i bottles and was completely cured." Dr. J. P. Ewing confirms Mr. Wilkes' statement in every particular. FREE TRIAL BOTTLE SENT ON APPLICATION TO BOBBITT CHEMICAL CO., Dr. J. V. Jay was found guilty of murder in the second degree in Bun combe countv court Tuesday and sentenced to -0 years at hard labor. Jay killed his three children several weeks ago. Insanity was his plea. Physician to the Late Pope Leo XIII., and Now Phy sician in Ordinary to Pope Pius X., Finds Of "Marvelous Efficacy in Gout, Rheumr ihm. G astro-intestinal Dyspepsia, and in all Various Forms of Following is Exact Translation of Dr. Lapponi's Testirrcnial as Written by Himself: Rome, August 24, 1903. In the Hospital of San Giovanni Calibri'n. (del Fatebene Fratelli) in Rome, directed by myself, I have largely experimented with the natural mineral water, placed fjfJE?pO IjT0lfeTf? in commerce under the name of wa.aifciif ejSi.fei2.ii c u;i and am glad to be able to attest that, by its richness of composition of labia, it is of marvelous efficacy in cases of Gout, of Chronic, Articular and "Muscular Rheumatism, of Hepatic Congestion 5 and Functional Disorders, of !."s;ro intestinal Dyspepsia, of Gravel and Renal Insufficiency, of light Nephritic Affections and of all the various forme; of Uric Acid Diathesis. The same water is also to be recommended highly in the initial proce ss f Arterio-sclerosis and in obstinate forn s of Bronchial Asthma. May also be used as a good table water. So much I declare for the 1n:th. (Signed) Prof. Giuseppi Lappoxi, Principal Physician of the Hospital of San Giovanni Calibrila (del J-'a! c;:e Fratelli) in Rome, Member of the Academy of Medicine of Rome, ctc.u. Dr. A. Gabriel Pouchet, Professor of Pharmacology and J.:, ;: Medica of the Faculty of Medicine, Paris ; Director of the Laboratory c'th Consulting Committee of Public Hygiene of France, in an analytical n-j.rt, dated Paris. Februarv 12th. iSq'7. demonstrates bevond question tho s.i ! n.t andelmimat- t?-jn s ine power of EJUXrAUl blllUH HrUCK and, at the sa strongly confirms the claim made by Dr. Lapponi for this water in Rheumatism and all troubles dependent upon an Uric Acid Diathesis. Both Serines. No. 1 and No. 2. are Malarial Poisoning. all imputation or question sent to PROPRIETOR BUFFALO Fight Will be Bitter. Those who wi-1 persist in closing their ears against the continual recommendation of Dr. Kings New Discovery for Consump tion will have a long and hitter fight with their troubles, if not ended earlier by fatal termination. Read what T. R Beall of Beall, Miss, has to say, ".Last fall my wife had every symptom of consumption. She took Dr. King's New Discovery after every thing else had failed. Improvement came at once and four bottles cured her." Guar anteed by J. G. Hall druggist. Price 50 snd $ 1. Trial bottes free. DR. BENJ. K. HAYS may be found at the oflice of Hays & Booth every dy Ix'twt en 10 and 12 a. m except Sunday. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Lnxative B omo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure, E. Vv. Grove's signature is oneacb1ox 25c Christmas Rabbit Hunt. The usual Ghristraashunt will take place on Monday Dec. 2S. The place of meeting Is Mr. Roy Currin's on Roxboro road. Time 10 a. m. No horses permitted in the fields. Let everybody come and bring his hounds. imK & Your physician will tell you that you should always have some pood whiskey in iho house. For accidents, fainting spells, exhaustion, and other emerrency crises, it rt-'A-- vt 3 and revives. But you must have good whiskey, pure whiskey, for poor whiskey, ac! :l i r.-' J whiskey, may do decided harm. HAYNER WHISKEY is just what you need f ir it r'-s direct from our own distillery to you, with all its original strength, richness uml f! i' !" carrying a UNITED STATES REGISTEKED DISTIL L-EIl'S GUAUANVKK c: 1"" ITY and AGE and saving the dealers' enormous profits. We have over a cnKirir of a million satisfied customers, exclusively family trade, who know it is best for purposes and prefer it for other uses. That's why YOU should try it. Ycur money b'iek if you are not satisfied. Ulreot from our Savos Dealsrs' Profits PURE SEVErJ-YEAR-6LQ HS FULL $gj PBS I Bed?H.FOUJl FULL QUART BOTTLES of ITAYNER'S SEVEN-YEAR-OLD RYE for $3.20, and we will pay the express charges. Try it and "you011''" ni it all right and as Kood as you ever used or can buy from anybody else at any price, send it back at our expense and your $'3.':J will bo returned to you by next mail. Just think that offer over. How could it be fairer? If you are not perfectly satisfied you are not oat a cent. Hetter let us send you a trial order. If you don't want four quarts yourself , get a friend to join you. Shipment made in a plain scaled case with no marks to show what's inside. Orders for Ariz., Cal., Col., Idaho, Mont., Nev., N. Mex., Ore , Utah Wp1). otyo. must be on the basis of 4 Quarts for tti.OO bv Sixitrvav Prepaid or SO Quarts for 8I6.OO by i-'reajjlkt Prepaid. Write our nearest office and do it NOW. THE HAYNER DISTILLiSIG GOTZPPJfi ATLANTA GA. DAYTON, OHIO ST. LOUIS, M0, ST. PAUL, KINN. 151 Distillery, Tbot, O. Established 1866. a ; f had dons thels best to cure Jam W!!!es, of f'! "on one of the most terrible cases of RHEDMATJS'rt o'' 13 H a V. 3 i PROPRIETORS. BALTIMORE, M3 There need not be sr tim-c), prlee after all that the v' should have shown a spirit i, h i lawlessness after having icii.u,,,,! u' ; teachings of I'.assett. r-,l, ; flector. '' 1 4.i i Uric Acid Diathesis ZtBnrm-Kn. in vesical and rcn :!C liC'iill, time, Gout, valuable, and No. 1 specific in all chronic is for sale by Grocers and T)rop-:4s generally. Testimonials which defy any address. LITHIA SPRINGS, VIRGINIA. Report From Reform icho 1 J. G. Gluck, Superintciidcii' , 1 iun!y town, W. Va., writes, "A'ter tr hi nil 1'Jn.r advertised cough medicines webavj .xuiik-i to use Foley's Honey and Tsx e.xduve'y in the West Virginia i? 01111 Selio' 1. I 111 ! that it is tiie vr.ost effective and ni - l .icy harmless." For sale by li. 1.. i 1 .' n . i 1 " ' n- Organization of the L. T. S. Company A, of the Gr;i n villi1 vlslon of the ljoyn.1 Tempt'r.i.c' l.i glon of North Carolina, was nrnn ized by Mrs. Mary E. Cart lam), ef Greensboro, at the Methodist el.iinli Tuesday afternoon, Ih -wmIht 1, ;it o'clock. Mrs. Emmet t was Hmwii leader and Mth. .la men I'aris and Miss Lela Uonton assistants'. Th" officers elected were: Carl 1'. A l.uns president; Edna Spencer, vut -jtp'fi-dent; Lillian Minor, secretary: l' Mitchell, treasurer. The meetings which are iu ld at tin' Methodist church are int"eret'ir,', in structive and well fittendi'd. W" have 4f members and will !a''ly welcome more at any time. I'aivnt will ileas(; see that the children it tend regularly and punctually. Th'1 pullic are cordially Invited t atteinl the meetlns's held every Sunday fit :: o'clock in the Methodist church. CAUL B. A D.A.MS. President. EBB H distills" t m ! Precis &utemVm I i 0 1 .SklrWhrf trail 1 . t . -: "