T" Catarrh begins -with a stubborn cold in the head, inflammation or sore ness of the membrane or lining of the nose, discharge of mucus matter, headaches, neuralgia and diiYicult breathing, and even in this early stage is almost intolerable. Hut when the filthy secretions begin to drop back into the throat and stomach, and the blood becomes polluted and the system contaifnnaUd j. d continual headache, my cheeks had grown by the catarrhal pois- purple, my nose was always stopped up, my breath nn then the sufferer lad a sickening and distrusting odor, and I coughed Oil, men u e incessantly. I heard of S. S. S. and commenced to use begins to realize wliat a it and alter taking several bottles I was cured and dismstinr and sicken- have never since had the slightest symptom of the . U t Lrr1l is d"ea". Miss MARY L. STORM, ing disease Catarrli is. Northwest Cor. 7th and Felix Sts., St. Joseph, 5ffo. It affects the kidneys and stomach as well as other parts of the body. It is a constitutional disease and as inhaling mixtures, salves, ointments, etc., are never more than palliative or helpful, even in the beginning of Catarrh, what can you expect from such treatment when it becomes chronic and the whole system affected ? Only such a remedy as S. S. S. can reach this obsti- - i 1 A 1 1 . ... - - parts, and a permanent cure is the result. S. S. S. is guaranteed purely vegetable and a reliable remedy for Catarrh in all stages. Write if in need of medical advice; this will cost you nothing. TH smFT SPEcmG COmf ATLANTA, GAm mm Agetable Preparationfor As similating UieFoodandEcguIa ting the Stomachs andBowels of Promotes D igcslion.CheerFur nessandRest.Contains neither Opium.Morphine norIineral. KotKahcotic. yikape ofOMArSAMUELPlTCHER fttmpian Seed jlix.Senrta Rcrhellt Sails jinise Seed Ji&ienrwtt - . Bi CarboruUeSbcUt-- Cimfted . fts?" lffitiriyrem Flavors A perfect nemedy forConstipa Fion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca Worms .Convulsions Jeverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. AGO nWI Jiiilli Hawuvwuivwinuui n mm wmmimrmmmm i v1Sfti!r'- -n j I FARMER IN That the secret of success is through cultivation if he reaps a bountiful crop to repay him for his labor. We can help you out of a quanda if you are in doubt as to which are the best improved implements, as we keep an up-to-date stock of everything in this line. Our stock of gen eral Hardware and Agricultural Implements comprises larger quantities and greater varieties than ever before. Our business is so large that it demands it. In securing the large quanti ties, we can always secure lower prices, and our customers get the benefit. HEADQUARTERS FOR rsa m a sa m tee bi i stlel r?s3a ALL STEEL gssj El I 1 Mf I Ei 1 ft n I ess m if e m la POULTRY, RABBIT Absolute efficiency at least expense, A practical fence that will positively turn cattle, 42INCH horses, hogs and pigs. A fence sginch that is strong, practically ever- lasting, proven 2 thoroughly effi- W , " O.;. 'l-V c i 6 n t under ELLWOOD FIELD FENCE (STANDARD STYLE) MADE IN SiX HEIGHTS every possible condition. EVERY ROD OF ELLWOOD FENCE IS GUARANTEED. If you want your fencing problems satisfactorily solved, call and see the ELLWOOD FENCE and let us show you for how little money you can get absolute satisfaction. Stock til Full stock Builders materiat, Paints and willow ware (Jrockery, Lamps aim vjia.b& waic, jumi Beltings. Packings, Lacings, Pipe and Pipe fittings. I have one of the u4. a rir cmito in MrtVi r"nrnlina. If vour exin is out of or der bring it to me for repairs. Guttering, Roofing and Tinning supplies generally. I want your trade and 1 promise you my best efforts to serve you satisfactory. Yours very truly, J". IEY A COMMON COMPLAINT, naie, cicep-seatea disease ana purge the blood of the catarrhal poison. S. S. S. purifies and builds up the diseased blood, and the inflamed membranes are healed and the excessive secretion of mucus ceases when new. rich blood is cominp- tr the rlispnsert ti1ih.lmaililiii.il For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of sn Use For Over Thirty Years TMI CENTAUR OMMNV. NSW VORR ITT. 3 LUiyl AND LAWN FENCE. 58 !NCH scikch T77AZVSff A ft V Vk .7 W ; W 4 ' 4 fl V. A ft V, .'t 17 .' i.' V. H iU, JJ U .WM A' ii "Ji JUi .X Oils Turpentine, Varnishes, Wood AW sr. rv ftp W 63 Q$ wasp K?. aKKfiMMKKAMKHKKriHKMn 'i j ii j vi j i" iiviifny vuvw vuvwv OXfOgD PUBLIG LEDGER. STEAM JOB PRINTING Complete line stationery always on hand Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Vlsltins Cards, Wedding Invitations, Pamphlets, Legal and Commercial Trlntins. Everything In the Job Printing line. Get the best we guarantee ours. WAIK II. BRITT, LOCAL. ESUTOIS, THURSDAY. - APRIL 7, 11)04. STATE NEWS- Fifty-two colored people were bap tized Sunday at Greenville, at one service. The physicians of Pitt county have arranged a "black list" of delinquents according to the plans of the Retail Grocers' Association. Henry Thompson is in jail at Wil mington charged with criminal as sault on his wife's 11 year-old sister, In Middle Sound, near Wilmington. Justice Ware, of Ashevllle, has been bound to court In a bond of f 200 for failing to turn over to the school fund a fine of $5 which he had collect ed. Peruna seems to be doing consid erable business in dry towns. The Argus urges the enactment of re strictions regulating Its sale In Lum berton. Geo. I. Pell, now an attorney at. Winston Salem, has been selected by the Code Commission to assist in preparing their manuscripts for pub lication. Lee Stlrewalt, the youth whose arm was shot off In Cabarrus county a few days ago by the accidental discharge of a gun, died from the ef fects of the wound. The sowpaw business must be get ting unprofitable. . John W. Ham mill, who has been conducting a sa loon in Salisbury for 20 years, has filed a petition In bankruptcy. An old farmer tells the Winston Republican that the present year will be a good fruit year because It was cloudy and rainy Christmas Day. This, he says, is a never falling sign. If Christmas Day be fair a fruit crop failure Is certain. A few days ago W. E. Aldrldge, of Anson county, left home without advising his family as to his destina tion, and as he didn't return next day search was made and his dead body was found In an old well in which there was 12 feet of water. The ladles of Concord did a most charitable act a few days ago. There is a blind lady In that town who Is a good musician and is very fond of music. She was not able to buy a piano and neverexpectedtoownone, but a few days ago the ladles of Con cord presented her with a good, new piano. Monroe Enquirer. Mrs. Will Poll, a well knowh resi dent of Rowan county and her young baby were burned to death last Tues day night. She was sitting In front of the open fire place holding her child when she was seized with a fainting spell and fell headforemost into the open fire place. The child with her was burned to death. The Wadesboro Messenger says that Isham Dean, colored, of Wades boro township, Anson county, was 13 years old at the close of the war. He went to work and has continued to work ever since and attend to his own business. The result Is that he owns about 300 acres of land, Is well fixed, contented and happy and en joys the respect of his acquaintances. Moving Dollars. A stationary dollar Is a poor thing. Money is made to circulate. It is not Intended that it should be Idle and remain in one place all the time. He who gets hold of a dollar and con fines it so It will do no one any good prevents it from its legitimate course and use. So then, every man ought to be In a hurry to pay his debts, so that the man to whom he pays mon ey may In turn pay It to anoher, and he to another. Thus one dollar may pay ten times a dollar debt In a day If men were careful to keep the dollar in constant circulation. Every man who can ought to pay his hon est debts every day. Object to Judge Peebles. Lumberton, March CO. The Robe son county bar, at a meeting called to fix the calender for the April term of the Superior Court, to be held by Judge Peeble,. unanimously declined to arrange the cases, and agreed to continue the docket. This action was taken by reason of the reports received from other counties In which this judge has held court, of his dis courtesy to counsel, unfairness and partiality, a notable Instance being the Haywood case. The lawyers here are unwilling to appear before him InVany capacity. It is likely the May term wlil also be continuea unless an exchange of judges is or dered. Pneumonia May be Prevented. If a cold lingers, there is danger of pneu- -w r - i .1 1 - noma, it xajrnppe leaves me lungs in an inflamed condition, there is a great danger of pneumonia. Prevent this fatal disease by using Kydal es Lhxir, it cures colds quickly and leaves the throat and lungs sound. It is the best remedy tor mat pe culiar inflamed condition of the lungs so frequently follows lagrippe. This modern scientific throat and Inng remedy is a sate remedy for young and old, in all throat and lung diseases. J. G. II all. mm-mm- And so Col. James H. Tillman after poking his head up for a day or two pulled It back down. A hang man's cap would better adorn that knot on the end of his neck than a congressional ganfolon would. Sal isbury Globe. Good for Children. The pleasant to take and harmless One Minute Cough Cure gives immediate relief in all cases of cough, ' roup and lagrippe be cause it does not pass immediately into the stomach, but takes effect right at the seat of the trouble It draws out the inflamma tion, heals and soothes and cures permanent ly by enabling the lungs to contribute puie life giving and Jife sustaining O'ygen to the blood and lissuess One Minute Cough Cure is pleasant to take and it is good alike for young and old. Soli by J. G. Hall In Mecklenburg Superior Court last week Thos. liatclfffe was award ed $2,250 damages against the South ern Railway for the loss of three toef, which were crushed off while he was coupling cars for the Southern. . "Starts to work with the first dose " Let Rheumacide begin today the campaign against disease in your body. At all druggists. Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor and cheerfulness soon disappear when the kid neys are out of order or diseased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that it is not uncommon for a child to be born afflicted with weak kid neys. If the child urin ates too often, if the urine scalds the flesh or if, when Jthe child reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon it. the cause of the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made mis erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of SwampRoot is soon realized. It is sold by druggists, in fifty cent and one dollar sizes. You may have a sample bottle by mail iree, aiso pampniet ten- Home of Swarap-Root. ing all about it, including many of the, thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., be sure and mention this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y on every bottle. To nave and to Hold. To have and to hol l a beautiful complex ion is desired by every woman,young or old. Few women are blessed with nature's most desired gift a good complexion; but ever woman can improve her complexion by the judicious use of Ryd ale's Liver Tablets. These Tablets prevent the blood becoming laden with bile which deposits in the skin layers, causing that muddy appearance call ed a bad complexion. They make the skin clear and white, the eyes bright, the step bouyant They ire pleasant to take, pleas ant in effects. Fifty chocolate coated tablets in each box. Price 2c per box, J. G. Hall. Ruskin's Idea of Home. The home Is the place of peace; the shelter not only from all Injury, but from all terror, doubt and division. In so far as It is not this, It is not home; so far as the anxieties of the outer life penetrate Into it, and the Inconsistently minded, unknown, un loved, or hostile society of the outer world Is allowed by either husband or wife to cross the threshold, It ceases to be home, It is then only a part of the outer world which you have roofed over and lighted fire in. But so far It Is a sacred place, a ves tal temple, a temple of the hearth watched over by Household Gods before whose face none may come but those you can receive with love, so far as it Is this, and roof and fire types only of a nobler shade and light shade as of the rock In a weary land and light as of the Pharos In stormy sea so far It vindicates the name and fulfills the praise of home. And wherever a true wife goes, this home is always round her. The stars BEGINS cleansing i mmt ' acids that produce RHEUMATISM, driving out all the dangerous germs that infest the body that is Other medicines treat symptoms; Rheumacide removes the cause, and, therefore, its CURES ARE PERMANENT. Helps the digestion, tones up the system. Sample bottle free on application to Bobbitt Chemical Co., Pro prietors, 316 West Lombard St., Baltimore, Md. it true von want to look old ? then use Hall's Hair Renewer, earlv life restored to vour 1 4s s IF "Tl "n Beautiful Regina : Music Box. : In order to introduce to our customers the celebrated AMERICAN BEAUTY CORSETS the manufacturers have sent us this handsome music box to be given to one of the purchasers of a corset. Come in and see the fine instrument, hear it play and let us tell you how you can get it. We have received our Spring Stock Dress Goofls, Lawns, win Goofls, Percales, Zephyrs, &c., and if you will only give us a look we promise to show you the prettiest line in summer fabrics that you have ever seen. We have the prettiest line of mattings, rugs and floor oil cloths that we have ever shown, and the prices are right. You know we always sell goods a little lower than anyone else. Gome to see us and we will prove it. PARIS DRY GOODS CO. l go SSSSSSSSSSS93?SSSSSSSSSSSS only may be over her bead: the glow worm in the night-cold grass may re tne only hre at the foot; but home Is yet wherever she ie; and for a noble woman it stretches far around her, better than celled with cedar, or painted with vermllllon, shedding its quiet light far, for those who else were homeless. John Ruskin. A Romantic Alfair in Caldwell. The Lenoir Topic tells of a roman tic marriage In Caldwell. One Wm Navy bought license to marry Minnie Perry. When he reached the home of his affianced he found Wm. Clarke, another &ultor, on hand. When Clarke found that Navy had license to marry Miss Perry he became fran tic and vowed that he couldn't live without her. Finally, In desperation. he proposed to refund Navy the mon ey the latter had paid for the license and also give him "boot" If Navy would drop out of the game. Navy seems to have been a trader and he accepted Clarke's offer. Clarke re turned the license Issued to Navy and exchanged it for papers for himself and Mies Perry, and "so they were married." New Business For Creedmoor. Arrangements are being made at Creedmoor for the erection of one or two large tobacco warehouses du ring the coming summer. Itlslearn ed that the Messrs. Coopers, of Hen' derson, are backing the move and that the buildings will certainly be erected. There Is no doubt but that this move will be of right much benefit to the Creedmoor section, as the Ameri can Tobacco company will put buyers on this market when they open for business next fall, and the "weed" will be bought as fast as it can he placed on the warehouse lloor. It Is also rumored that should this move be made, that one of our most prominent Durham banks wlllestab llsh a branch banking business there for the accommodation of those who patronize the new market. Durham Herald. flint jfcill. Mrs. Mary J. Shotwell is visiting her son Mr. J. A. T. Shotwell this week. Miss Fannie Moseley Is at home from an extended ' visit to Mrs. Young In Henderson. Misses Ruby and Grace Woody were the guests of Miss Emma Shot well Thursday and Friday. We are glad to see the carrier of No. 5 out again after a spell of the grip. During his illness his gallant young son Joe took charge of the mail and gave perfect satisfaction. On March 21, 1904, the death angel visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Owen and took from them their oldest daughter Pattle, aged 17 years. For several months she lingered under the hand of disease during which time she suffered greatly but bore It all with patience. She was a member of Island Creek Baptist church and leaves behind a father, mother, three brothers and three sis ters to mourn her departure. Tothe grief stricken family we extend our deepest sympathy and would point them to Him who doeth all things well for His glory and the good of his children. VIOLET. Eli WORK with the first dose, the blood of all the poisonous the way cures are effected by -sm- VEGETABLE SICILIAN air Kenewen Then keeo vour gray hair. If not, and have all the dark, rich color hair. " "??ffiSSr&53LGtrf l of AMERICAN BEAUTY STYLE 286 Kalamazoo Corset Co. Sole Makers tt T Makes the food more nutritions to both I have given the Training Table to the Cornell University for five years very satisfactorily, and am certain that much of the success has depended upon the quality of articles used. In baking powder, I use the Royal, for it is undoubt edly the best. I have occasionally given others a trial, and have dem onstrated to my satisfaction that there is but one always reliable, always making perfect, delicious and wholesome food, The Old Reliable " Royal." (Mrs.) Amelia Morey Atkins. It has been printed In several of our exchanges; one pint of boiling water poured on an ounce of cream of tarter, three times a day will pre vent or cure smallpox. A drummer had this disease In a pest house In Salisbury last January twelve months ago, told the writer that his wife was .exposed to the disease at the sa me time, and went with him to the pest house; that she used cream of tarter and It was next to nothing with her. Some of our people may "I don't think we could keep house without Thedford'B Black Draught. We have used it in tha family for over two years with the best of results. I have not had a doctor in the house for that length of time. It is a doctor in itself and always ready to make a person well and happy." JAMES HALL, Jack sonville, 111. Because this groat medicine relieves stomach pains, frees the constipated bowels and invigor ates the torpid liver and weak ened kidneys is necessary in the home where Thedford's Ulaek-Praught is kept. Families living in the country, miles from any physi cian, have been kept in health for years with this medicine aa their only doctor. Thedford's Black -Draught cures bilious ness, dyspepsia, colds, chills and fever, bad blood, headaches, diarrhoea, constipation, colic and almost every other ailment be cause the stomach, bowels liver and kidneys so nearly con trol the health. Bone Pains, Etching, Scabby Skin Diseases. Swellings, Carbuncles, Pimples, Scrofula Permanently cured by taking Botanic Blood Balm. It destroys the active Toison in tlie blood. If you have eches and pains In bones, back and joints. Itching Scabby Skin, Blood feels hot or thin. Swollen Glands. Risings and Bumpson the Skin, Mucus Patches in Wouth, Sore Throat, rimples, or offensive eruptions, Copper-Colored Spots or rash on Skin, all run-down, or nervous, Ulcers on any part of tho body, Hair or Eye brows falling out. Carbuncles or Bolls, take ( Botanic B'.ood Balm, guaranteed to cure even the worst and most deep-seated cases whera doctors, patent medicines, and liot springs tail. Heals all sores, stops all aches and pains, reduces all swellings, makes blood pure and rich, completely changing tho entire body into a clean, healthy condition. B. B. B. has cured thousands of cases of Blood Poison even after reaching the last stages. Old Rheumatism, Catarrh, Eczema are caused by an awful poisoned condition of the Blood. B. B. B. Btops Hawking and Spitting, Itching and Scratching, Aches andriuns; cures Rheumatism, Catarrh; heals all Scabs, Scales, Eruptions, Watery Blisters, foul festering Sores of Eczema; by giving a pure, healthy blood supply to affected parts. Cancer Cured Botanic Blood Balm Cures Cancers of all Kinds, Suppurating Swellings, Eating Sores, Tumors, ugly Ulcers. It kills tho Cancer Poison and heals the Bores or worst cancer perfectly. If you have a persistent Pimple, Wart, Swellings, Shooting,- Stinging Pains, take Blood Balm and they will disappear before they develop into Cancer. Many apparently hopeless cases of cancer cured by taking Botanic Blood Balm. OUIl OUAUAXTEE. Slay !. larre bottle for of any druecriet, tsik.e as directed. Butnole ISlood llm(lS.JS.lS.) always cure when tbe right quantity is taken, ir not cared your money will miflr 'n me tit'. dICTnl tf3 oSclX&O ' Botanic Blood Balm (B.B.B.) is Pleasant and safe to take. Thoroughly tested f or80 yrs. Composed of Pure Botanic Ingredients. Strengthens -weak kidnevs and weak, Btoroachs, cures dyspepsia. Complete directions go with each bottle. Sample of It. II. It. and Pamphlet Hent Free by writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Oa. Describe your trouble, and special free medical advice, to Suit your case, also sent In scaled letter. J. Q. Hall. i! wholesome, and more brain and muscle. try the experiment. They say It la harmless, if It Is no goodi Croakers and complalners are al ways annoying to any company they chance to be In, unless the entire crowd Is composed of their own kin d. Everybody should strive not to be either a croaker or complalner. Neither ever amounts to much. Franklin Times. Subscribe to Public Ledger. - E. K. HOWARD, SHKUll l-oi- Ovi ORl), N. C., says : " I am Kl.nl to announce that I have used Bliss Native Herbs with fine results, having 1fcti a ;reat sufferer from Indigestion anl Hiimoroids. I cheerfully recommend this preparation as being of sound merit." A BOX of Bliss Native Herbs is a family doc tor always in the house. Its use prevents and cures Constipation, Dys pepsia, Kidney and BLISS NATIVE Uver Trouble, Skin 1HTDT1C Diseases, Rlieuma tism and many Blood diseases. It is purely vegetable contains no min eral poison and is pre pared in Tablet and 200 Powder form. Sold DOSES in One Dollar boxes with a Guarantee to $1.00 cure or money back. Our 32 page Almanac telling how to treat disease sent on request. MEDICINE MAILED PROMPTLY BY T. E. DEMENT, Agent, Oxford. N. C. THE ALONZO O. BLISS CO., WASHINGTON, D. C. Sour StomacSi No appetite, loss of strength, nervous ness, headache, constipation, bad breath, general debility, sour risings, and catarrh of the stomach are all due to indigestion. Kodol cures Indigestion. This new discovery repre sents the natural Juices of digestion as they exist In a healthy stomach, combined with the greatest known tonic and reconstructive properties. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure does not only cure Indigestion and dyspepsia, but thl famous remedy cures all stomach trouble by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and strengthening tho mucous membranes lining the stomach. , j Mr. S. S. Ball, of Ravanswood. W. V., ay: I was troubled with sour stomach for twenty year. Kodol cured ma and wa ara now using It In mi tor baby." Kodol Digests What You Eat. Bottles only. $1.00 Slza holding 2M timas tha trial size, which sells for 50 cents. Praparad by E. O. DaWITT & OO., OHIOAOO J. G. HALL Sale of Land. liy virtue of the power of Bale contained in a certain deed of trust executed to me on May 20, 1S92, by Luke UmBtead and wife and duly re corded in Book 57, page 100, of the office of the Register of Deeds of Granville county, 1 shall ON MONDAY, APRIL 25, 1904, sell to the highest bidder for cash at the conrt house door in Oxford the following described tract of land: Beginning at an oak stump in Vin cent Smith's line, thence by his line N. 4 de grees K. poles to a pile of rocks, his corner in Clayton's line, thence by his and Milton's line H. 80 degrees E. 84 poles to pointers, Mrs. AI.en's corner, thence by her line S. 52 poles to a pine, Scott's corner, thence by his line W. 80 poles to the beginning, containing 39 acrec, more or less, being the land bought by Lnke Umstead of Dr. J. W. Booth. Time of sale 12 o'clock M. This March 28, 1904. S.24. J. II. LONG, Trustee. .Notice. By virtue of the power of sale contained in a deed in trust executed by J. B. Kliis and wife on Dec. 5, 1903, in renewal of one ipsned to the late II. T. Watkins on Nov 2, 1893, default havitg been made in payment of the debt and interest thereon, I shall sell for cash by pnblic auction to the highest bidder, at the court house door in Oxford, N. C, on MAY 2nd, 1904. at 11 o'clock a. m., the tract of land described In said two deeds in trust containing one hundred acres, more or less, bounded viz.: Begin at a (tone on the road from Dex'er to Stovall and run N. 83X degrees E. 120 poles to a pine in Jor dan Overby's line, then S. 12 de trees K. 132 poles to a stone, then S. 2 degrees West 110 poles to a stake in the Stovall road, then along said road to th beginning 1((4 pole-. If desired time will be given on 250.00 of the pnrcha-e money, T. T. HICKS, Truetee. Henderson, N. C, March 28, 1904. PARKER'S HAIR El A l SAM Clcamea and beautifies the hall; Promote! a luxuriant frrowth. . . ; Never Fails to Restore Gray ziair 10 11s xoutmui JOlOT. Cures scalp disoaw & hair i all ing. 60c and tl -UP at Irup)rigU 2i

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