And while not nlways painful are aggravating beyond expression. With few exceptions tliey are worse in spring and summer when the system begins to thaw out and the skin is reacting and making extra efforts to throw off the poisons that have accumulated during the winter. Then boils and pimples, rashes and eruptions of every con ceivable kind make their amearance, and me to keen it w 1 1 r,onn inTVtter the was as smooth v7 i ? W " f i && and 1 have never had any trouble since, twin terrois ot Stm MISS GENEVA BRIGGS. diseases Nettle-rash, 21Q go ?th gt Minneapolis Minn. Poison Oak and Ivy, , and such other skin troubles as usually remain quiet during cold weather, break out afresh to torment and distract by their fearful burning, itching remains smooth and soft and free of all disfiguring eruptions Send for our free book on diseases of the skin and write us if you desire medical advice or any special information. This will cost you nothing. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, CAm ill Vegetable Prcparatlonfor As similating the Food andRegula ting the Stomachs andBowels of Promotes Digestion.Cheerfur nessandRest.Contains neither Opium.Morpliine norJIineraL Kot Narcotic . Jbcyx afGTdBrSAltUELPirCHER fStrnpktn Seed'" Mx.Senna RochelU SaUf ytnixe Setd- Jtppermwt -Bi Car$0hatpSoda Harm Seed. -Clarified Sugar hbitrryvea Flavor. A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion , Sour Stomach.Diarrfioca Worms .Convulsions ,Feverish ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature oF NEW YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. am i 1 I That the secret of success is through cultivation if he reaps a bountiful crop to repay him for his labor. We can help you out of a quanda ii you are in doubt as to which are the best improved implements, ab we keep an up-to-date stock of everything in this line. Our stock of gen eral Hardware and -5 i j Agricultural Implements comprises larger quantities and greater varieties than ever before. Oui business is so large that it demands it. In securing the large quanti ties, we can always secure lower prices, and our customers get the benefit. HEADQUARTERS FOR nnn ALL STEEL m IS 11? ft POULTRY, RABBIT Absolute efficiency at least expense. A practical fence that will positively turn cattle. Verses, hogs and T pigs, a tence scinch k v m K mat is strong, practically ever- lasting, proven iXIijUMU ELLWOOD FIELD every possible condition. EVERY ROD OF If you want your fencing problems ELLWOOD FENCE and let us can get absolute satisfaction. ock I 1 la Full stock Bu ilders materiat, Paints Oils Turpentine, Varnishes, Wood and willow ware, Crockery, Lamps and Glass ware, Meat choppers, etc. Beltings. Packings, Lacings, Pipe and Pipe fittings. I have one of the best gun and lock smiths in North Carolina. If your gun is out of or der bring it to me for repairs. Guttering, Roofing and Tinning supplies generally. I want your trade and 1 promise you my best efforts to serve you satisfactory. Yours very truly, THE OUTCROPPING OF BAD BLOOD I suffered with Eczema of the hands and face for over a year, it was not only annoying1 and painful but very un sightly, and I disliked to go out in the streets. I tried at least a dozen soaps and salvse and became very much discouraged until I read in the paper of the cures performed through the use of S. S. S. X had little faith at first but determined to give it a month's fair trial at least. I am pleased to state that I soon noticed a slight improvement, sufficient to decide up. After the use of six bottles my skin and soft as a baby's. This was a year and stinging. A course ot . t. now win purny and enrich the blood, reinforce and tone up the gen eral system and stimulate the sluggish circulation, thus warding oft the diseases common to spring and summer. The skin, with good blood to nourish it, B773 ma 9 B mm For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years Mir" I 1 A HfiL TM OtHTAOR (OMMNV, HCW VO ITV. n Sa AMD LAWSr 50!ncn A A A A UN fr7rHHWHrftlii LjLLMM V, V, W. VVGM X M K M K K K H K K K K K H X X WM FENCE (STANDARD STYLE) MADE IN SIX HEIGHTS ELLWOOD FENCE IS GUARANTEED. satisfactorily solved, call and see the show you for how little money you Mrt AW IP it w wore OXfORD PUBLIG LEDGER. STEAM JOB PRINTINU Comnlete line stationery always on hand Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Visiting Cards, Wedding Invitations, Pamphlets, Legal and Commercial Printing:. KverytnlDg in tne jod Printing line. Get the best we guarantee ours. WAD II. BBITT, LOCAIi EDITOR, THURSDAY. - MAY 19, 1904. jfcampton. Farmers In this section are riht much behind planting corn. The fruit crop In this neck of the woods Is almost an entire failure. Mr. J. P. Thomas has purchased him a cutaway harrow on wheels. Mrs. John Coleman, of Morlah, we are sorrj to learn Is In quite feeble health. Mrs. Mack Tllley who has been critically 111 for several days we are glad tJ note Is convalescent. Miss l lattle Thomas who has been sick for several months we are sorry to chronicle is still In feeble health. Died suddenly at his home near Hampton Saturday April 30th, Mr. Fen Ellis, In his 82nd year of heart failure. He had been in feeble health for some time. He was a member of the Prlmatlve Baptist church at Camp Creek for several years, he leaves a wife, son daughter with a host of relatives and friends to mourn his loss. He was laid to rest Mon day May 2nd In the family burying ground there to await the resurrec tion morn. ST. ELMO. emoriam Mr. .lames VV. Breedlove In his 69th year died in Durham April 27th, 1904. He was born in Franklin coun ty but lived a large portion of his life In Granville where he had many true friends and relatives. He was a conslstant member of Salem church and could be found there both at church and Sunday School. He moved with his family to Dur ham about three years ago and for some months he had been In declin ing health. He and family moved their membership with them to .Dur ham. He leaves a wife one son and seven daughters. Mr. Ike Itenn and wife and Mr. Joe Breedlove of Salem at tended the burial. Below we give what the Durham Herald said of his death: Mr. J. W. Breedlove died at his home od Ramseur street last night a few minutes after 11 o'clock. The funeral services will be conducted from the home tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock, after which the inter ment will take place in Maplewood cemetery. The deceased was bo years of age and had been in declining health some six months, suftering from a conpli cation of diseases. A few days ago he received a stroke of paralysis and since last Saturday his condition had been serious and It was known to those who watched by his bedside that he could not survive long. He left a wife and eight children, and in addition to these many other relatives in this section of the coun try. His children are as follows Joseph Breedlove, Mrs. Fowler, Mrs Kenn and Mrs. ivery, of li ran vine county; Mrs. I. R. Dlckerson, Misses Bessie, L.lla and Dora Breedlove, or this city. He was an old confederate soldier being a member of the K. F. Webb camp iu this city. The funeral services will be conduct ed by Rev. R. C. Beaman, pastor of Trinity Methodist church, or which the deceased was a consistent mem ber. Jfnap of Sieccis, Left out last week. Hon. John W. Atwater, of Chat ham county, spent a few days here last week. Misses Fearl and Sadie Ball, of Buchanan, visited the Misses Um stead Sunday. Mr. J. G. Roberts, who has been in Cuba about 15 months with The American TobaccoCo.,ls on a month's visit here to his sisters. This Is election year. Let us look before we leap and not give our yote to any man who will not give his vote to wipe out the liquor dealer. We now have a telephone here con nected with Stem and Tar River. We hope to be connected with other points this summer. Dr. Hardee of Stem is doing this work, and we thank him heartily for his liberality in assisting our people in this way. We hear a great many people say that Sunday Schools are a faflure. They are not a failure but if every one act as some do they would fail for they would be without patron age. Any religious or political or ganization will die if it does not have followers or In other words people whose hearts are in the work. A Sunday School may have scores of pupils and then not attend regular, it is simply minus of thatmuch heart and hand. Nothing was ever ac complished without work. No work was ever really successful without an interest In it. "He who reaps must toll." A persons own church and its works is of first Importance, all other religious services are second ary. Young people who go to church to see and to be seen, can see and be seen just as well at their home Sun day School or that of your friends and besides they should go on Sun day where they can be helped. If they have no interest in the work some one has an Interest in them and is always ready to aid them. But we are glad the Sunday School work in this state is moving onward and upward. The recent Sunday School Convention at Greensboro reports show a great increase over the pre vious year, there now being 390,000 teachers and pupils in the State. We should certainly work to help in crease further Its attendance and in terest by giving our time and efforts to this great work of christianizing the world. LITTLE LAMB. Quick Arrest. J. A. Gulledge of Verbana, Ala. was twice in the hospital from a severe case of piles causing 24 tumors. After doctors and all remedies failed, Bucklen's Arnica Salve nmVtlv arrested further inflammation and cured him. It conquers aches and kills pain, 25c at all druggists. Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Don't Know it. How To Find Out. rni a Dome or common glass with vour water and let it stand twenty-four hours; a sediment or set tling indicates an unhealthy condi tion of the kid neys; if it stains your linen it is evidence of kid ney trouble; too frequent desire to pass it or pain in the back is also convincing proof that the kidneys and blad der are out of order. What to Do. There is comfort In the knowledce so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or Daa eiiects ioiiowing use of liauor. wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity oi Deing compelled to go otten during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extra ordinary effect of Swamp-Root Is soon realized. It stands the hiphest ior its won derful cures of the most distressing cases. ii you neea a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists in 50c. and$l. sizes. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful discovery and a book that tells i more about it, both sent absolutely free by mail. Address IJr. rUimer Ot Home of Swamp-Root Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When writing men tion reading this generous offer in this paper. Don t make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. Cured His flother of Rheumatism. "My mother has been a sufferer for man) years with rheumatism," says W. II. How ard, of Ilushand, Pa. "At times she was unable to move at all while at all times walking was painful. I presented her with a bottle of Chamberlains Pain Balm and after a few applications she decided it was he most wonderful pain reliever she had ever tried, in fict she is never without it now and is t all times able to walk. An oc casional application of Pain Balm keeps away the paf 11 that she was formerly troubled with " For sale by all druggists. &t'fth Sunday The next union meeting of the Flat River Association will be held with Tally Ho church, Granville county, the 2Sth and 29 th of May, 1904. PROGRAMME SATURDAY. 10:30 Devotional exercises by Rev. J. R. Pace. 11 Individual evangelism led by Dr. A. B. Dunaway and Rev. J. A. Beam. 12 Religion In politics led by Dr. R. II . Marsh and T. II. Street. I Dinner. 2:30 Why do not baptists invite other chris tians to the Lord's Supper? led by Revs. J . A. Stradley and P. II. Fontane. 4 The world the field led by Revs. J. R. Pace and J. H. Gordon. SUNDAY. 10 Sunday School mass meeting conducted by H. M. Shaw. II Sermon on the "Scrlpturalness and usefulness of the Sunday School work" by Dr. A. B. Dunaway. 12 Dinner. 1:30 Sermon on missions by Dr. R. H. Marsh. T. H. STREET, J. A. BEAM, G. T. VV ATKINS. Committee. What the Farmer Forgot. A story Is going the rounds regard ing a farmer who is greatly troubled with absentmindednesss. On the way home from town, so the story goes, the thought came to blm that he had forgotten something. He took out his notebook, went over every item and checked It off. He saw that he had made all the pur chases he had Intended. But as he drove on he could not put the feeling aside. When he arrived home and drove up to the house his daughter came to meet him, and with a look of surprise, asked, "Why, where is ma? Rice Rustler. A Girl of Seven Years as Large as a 16- Year-OId. Living at Inanda. in this county, is a child 7 years old, who has the weight, proportion and intellect or a person more than twice her age. The child Is Miss Jjonnle Plemmons, and on her seventh birthday, a few weeks ago, she tipped the beam at 127 pounds. She Is now in height an average 16-year-old girl, and is well proportioned. Dr. Burroughs, of this city, who recently saw the healthy North Carolina lassie, de clared that Lonnle Plemmons, not withstanding her size, was a very pretty girl, and that her mind was that of one many years her senior. She is -the daughter of James L. Plemmons, who was killed on the firing line during the Spanish-Amer ican war, and since her father's death has lived with her grand-latner at luanda, a few miles west of thlsclty. Asheville Dispatch. "Come out, American rooster; Get on your feet and crow; Exalt your head, erect your tall, And let the breezes blow Full thro' your featnery whiskers, And o'er your well combed head, For your busy wife's a corker At laying eggs, 'tis said." The Chicago News says: "Court ship is a two sided game, in which each player, tries to fool the other." When both parties are trying to stack the cards on a-show down for matrimony it is calculated to break up the game. Wilmington Star. Whooping Cough. "In the spring of 1901 my children had whooping cough," says Mrs D. W. Capps, of Capps, Ala. "I used Chamberlains Cough Remedy with the most satisfactory results. I think this is the best remedy I have ever seen for whooping cough." This remedy keeps the rouh loose, lessens tLe severity and frequency of the coughing spells and counteracts any tendency toward pneu monia. For sale by all druggists. Capt. Walter Allen, of St. Louis, brother of Congressman John Allen, of Mississippi, committed suicide. The door to heaven is often hidden in a humble home. Earth may be but an episode In the history of heaven. Give the reins to appetite and you give wings to happiness. "Most praised where best known." The best advertisement of Rheumacide is the I hundreds of wonderful cures it has made. DEADLY CANCER Is on the Increase, and No Remedy Can Be Discovered. Cancer is the aerentefi name for certain varieties nf t that from unknown antiquity have ueen uumoerea among the list that flesh is heir to. and that affprt, nln some of our poor little frieuds In the - m . worm 01 small animals, as the dog and the cat. Great pain, unmiti gated miserv and the an na tion of certain death in a comparatively short period combine to make even me name 01 tne disease a word of terror. Scientific men now o-ivlno- mnih attention to this subject. Medical investigators are divided mainly into two camDB. On one hnnd It. la halri to be proved that the disease Is due to a parasite; that there is no cancer where this parasite does not exist; that OWinsr to t.hfi nonalltlo rn ance of the parasite the disease is contagious, ana mat the hereditary tendency to Its concurrence signifies simply a hereditary predisposition, or the offering of a favorable soli for the development of the parasite. On the other hand It Is maintained that the existence of a parasite is at least not proved, and that all the Dhenomena of the rilsp.asp n.r o-s-rH- cable upon the theory that the cells of which every cancerous tumor Is maae up are tne normal cells of the human system in a state of degener ation; that their malignancy is due to some unknown perversion of the normal processes of nutrition, and that the whole secret of cancer Is to determine the cause of this loonl rip- generation. These theories are not absolutely Inconsistent with one another, since the local growth is assumed to be possibly dependent upon a local irri tation and the parasite, if it is of a funflrold nature, mnv well be source of the irritation. But the sta tistics of the Increase of cancer nat urally give urgency to the hope that the discovery of effective treatment may not be long delayed. In Eng land in 1840 one person in 5,646 had cancer. In 1890 theie was one case in every 1,306 persons of the total population. The Cause of the Biues. Nine times out of ten, that mental condi tion which results in depression despond ency the blues is caused by a torpid ac tion of the liver. In fact the conditions described above are usually the first mani festations of a sluggish liver. If the attack continues, swollness will soon appear. The next time yon will feel "blue" take Rydale's Liver Tablets. You will be surprised to see how quickly the blues will vanish and liow bright and cheerful you will feel. Rydale's Liver 1 ablets make the liver healthy and keep it healthy. They regulate the bowels and keep them regular. Fifty tablets for 25c. J. G. Hall. Wants Too Much. "I've got a purty tuff case on hand fur you," said the old man, as he en tered a lawyer's office and deposited his hat on the floor. "Well?" "Me'n the old woman hev had a spat." "That's too bad." "But thar's wuss to come. We've agreed to separate," "Yes, that's worse," "But that ain't all the wussness She wants what they call alimony." "How much?" "Ten dollars, and durn me if I'll pay over $6.00. Git ready fur the blamedest biggest lawsuit ever heard of in North America, and prepare to hang on till the last breath leaves my body!" Soft and crooked bones mear bad feeding-. Call the disease rickets if you want to. The growing child must eat the ng-ht food for growth. Bone must have bone food, blood must have blood food and so on through the list. Scott's Emulsion is the right treatment for soft bones in children. Littlcdoses everyday give the stiffness and shape that healthy bones should have Bow legs become straighter, loose joints grow stronger and firmness comes to the soft heads. Wrong food caused the trouble. Right food will cure it. In thousands of cases Scott's Emulsion has proven to be the right food for soft bones in childhood. Send for free sample. SCOTT & BOVNE, Chemists, 409-415 Pear! Street, New York, 50c. and $1.00 ; all druggists. TO BE GIVEN AWAY This Handsome Embroidery Outfit, stamped on good ma terial, will be mailed absolutely free of charge. It consists of 1 Crysanthemum Centerpiece ( 11x11 in.) with 6 Doilies (each 5x5 in.), 2 dainty Collars. 2 Anchors for sailor suit, 1 Bookmark, 2 Butterflies ( for collar), 2 Autumn Leaves and 2 Conventional Designs for shirt-waist ornamentation. BEAD OFFER BELOW Sfce NEW IDEA Woman's Magazine is, without exception, the finest 50-cent magazine published. It is an authority on all matters pertaining to dress, and contains tlie latest and most practical styles to te found anywhere in the magazine world. If you wish to dress well at a moderate exense, the New Idea Woman's Maga zine is a positive necessity. Each issue contains illustra tions in colors. It treats also of all subjects interesting to women in their home life. Send your name to-day with 50 cents and we will enter your subscription for one year, and mail also the Embroidery Outfit shown above. Re sure to mention this paper when yon write. NEW IDEA PUBLISHING CO., 636 Broadway, NewYorkJ vniCHL'3Teh"S ENGLISH Orisinsl and Only Genuine. SAFE. Always reliable. Ladle, ask Drurrlit for CHICIiKSTliK'S JiNtiLlSii in HE1 and Hold metallic boxei, sealed with blue ribbon. Take bo other. Benin Dangerous Substitution and Imita tions. Buy of your DruggUt, or send 4e. In tampi for Particulars, Testimonials and "Relief for Ladles," m I turn-, by re turn Mali. 10.000 Testimonial. Bold to- all Druiiiu. Chlehaater Cheaaleal Co.. tettsm IU fir. MaaiMB lur FHXLA fA z3 RjilmMcBiP cwff HI (B&ntlDD There is a quality in Royal Baking Powder which makes the food more digestible and wholesome. This peculiarity of Royal has been noted by physicians, and they accord ingly endorse and recom mend it. ROYAt BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. On camly he was good and strong, ne iirougnc ner many a pound. And she was sweet on him as Ions as ne brought sweetness round. Chesapeake and Ohio Railway WORLD'S FAIR SCENIC ROUTE TO SAINT LOUIS, MO. SHORTEST. OTICKEST and BEST ROUTE. VesHhnlerl. EW. trie Lighted Trains with Pullman j.nrougn ticKets irom .North Uarolina with direct connections. Spe CIAL RATES FOR SEASON, SIXTY OR FIFTEEN DAY TICKETS. miteen day tickets Irom Uxtord, N. (J., 23.30, Sleeping car accommodations engaged upon application. SPECIAL COACH EXCURSIONS on authorized dates, tickets good for ten days at rate of $17.00. Special accommodations arranged for parties. USE THE C. & O. ROUTE and purchase your tickets accordingly. For coach excursion dates, reservations and other information, ad dress W O. WARTHEN, D. P. A., C. & O. R'y, Richmond, Va. "I was troubled with stom ach trouble. Thedford's Black Draught did me more good in one week than all the doc tor's medicine I took in a year." MRS. SARAH E. SHIRFIELD, Ellettsville, Ind. Thedford's Black Draught quickly invigorates tlieac .ion of the stomach and sures even chronic cases of indigestion. If you will take a small dose of Thed ford's Black Draught occa sionally you will keep your stomach and liver in per fect condition. THEDFORD'5 SLACK-DR More sickness is caused by constipation than by any other disease. Thedford's Black-Draught not only re lieves constipation but cures diarrhoea and dysentery and keeps the bowels regular. All druggists sell 25-cent packages. ' "Thedford's Black Draught is the best medi cine to regulate the bowels I have ever used." MRS. A. M. GRANT, Sneads Ferry, N. C. Bone Pains, itching, Scabby Skin Diseases. Swellings, Carbuncles, Pimples, Scrofula Permanently cured ly taking Botanic Wood Balm. It destroys tlio active Toiaon in the blood. you havs aches and pains in bones, back and joints. Itching Scabby Skin, Blood feels hot or thin. Swollen Glandfi, Risings and Bumps, on the Skin, Mucus Tatclies in Mouth, Sore Throat, Timples, or offensive eruptions, Copper-Colored Spots or rash on Skin, all run-down, or nervous. Ulcers on any part ot the body, Hair or Eye brows falling out. Carbuncles or Boils, take Botanic Blood Balm, guaranteed to cure even the worst and most deep-seated cases where doctors, patent medicines, and hot springs fail. Heals all sores, steps all aches and pains, reduces all swellings, makes blood purs and rich, completely changing tha entire body i::to a clean, healthy condition. XJ. B. B. has cured thousands of cases of Blood 1'oiaon even after reaching the last stages. Old Rheumatism, Catarrh, Eczema are caused by an awful poisoned condition of the Blood. B. B. B. stor3 IIawlii::g and Spitting, Itching and Scratching, Aches and rains; cures Rheumatism, Catarrh; heals all Scab3, Se;.ic3, Eruptions, Watery Blisters, foul festering Sores of Eczema; by giving a pure, healthy blood supply to affected parts. Cancer Cured Botanic Blood Balm Cures Cancers of all Kinds, Suppurating Swellings, Eating Sores, Tumors, ugly Ulcers. It kills the Cancer Poison and heals the sores or worst cancer perfectly. If you havo a persistent Pimple, Wart, Swellings, Shooting," Stinging Tains, take Blood Balm and they will disappear before they develop into Cancer. JIany apparently hopeless cases of cancer cured by taking Botanic Blood Balm. OUU eUAKANTEE. Bay n large bottle for nf any drufrerlst, taiie as directed. ISotnnte Bluud Halm (I3.JS.1I.) ulwayi cures when the riicbt quantity is taken, ir not eared your money will jiromptlybere Sfo (J fS f)y ' oat argument! 6QiPPg jaEcCfcCtf ' . Botanic Blood Balm (Ti.B.B.) 19 Pleasant and safe to take. Thoroughly tested for 80 yra. Composed of Pure Botanic Ingredients. Strengthens weak kidneva and weak, stomachs, enrps dyspepsia. Complete directions go with each bottle. Sample ;f It. It. It. and Pamphlet Sent Free by writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. Describe your trouble, ami special free medical advice, to suit your case, also sent m seaiea leuer. J. Q. Hall. I AU5HT The boy sat on the moonlit deck, His head was In a whirl; His eyes and mouth were full of hair, And his arms were full of girl. Sleeping and Dining Cars. J E. K. HOWARD. Ki!KI:ik:miv(1xi-i)1!Ii, V N. C, savs : " I am Jj'-'"1 toaiiiiijiiiioc Hint j I have iiseil IMiss Native II-1 1-; with !'im J results, having lwcil 11 great snifci er ! rum ; Indigestion nnl Hunioroirls. I cheerfully I recommend this preparation as l-jin of sound merit." ; A BOX of Bliss Native Herbs is a family doc tor always in the house. Its use prevents and cures Constipation, D3S pepsia, Kidney and Liver Trouble, Skin Diseases, Rheuma tism and many BLISS NATIVE HERBS. Blood diseases. It is purely vegetable contains 110 min eral poison and is pre pared in Tablet and Powder form. Sold in One Dollar boxes with a Guarantee to cure or money back. 200 DOSES $1.00 Our 32 page Almanac telling how to treat disease sent on request. MEDICINE MAHED PROMPTLY BY T. E. DEMENT, Agent. Oxford. N. C. THE ALONZO O. BLISS CO., WASHINGTON, D. C. f omac No appetite, loss of strength, nervous ness, headache, constipation, bad breath, general debility, sour risings, and catarrh of the stomach are all due to Indigestion. Kodol cures Indigestion. This new discovery repre sents the natural Juices of digestion as they exist tn a healthy stomach, combined with the greatest known tonic and reconstructive properties. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure does not only cure Indigestion and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy cures all stomach troubles by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and strengthening tho mucous membranes lining the stomach. Mr. S. S. Ball, ot Rarenswood, V. Va.. Myt: I was troubled with sour stomach for twenty years. Kodol cured mo and w ar now using It In mik tor baby." Kodol Digests What Yon Est. Bottles only. $ 1 .00 Size holdlnc VA times the Mel size, which sells for SO cents. Prepared by B. O. DeWITT A OO., OHIOAOO J. C. HALL Notice. State of North Carolina 8nperlor Court Before the Clerk Granville County It. B. Hobtrood, J. B.) Hobgood and Su Notice to Graham CaBh ean Uobgood, vs. Lizzie Cash, Elijah Sherman and Addie.hls wile, Graham Caen, Ben Cash, Mamie Cash, Lena Cash and iSseie Caeh, the last four being minor children of Thop. M. Cash and hie deceased wife Nannie Cash. To Grahsm Cash, Greeting: It being made to appear on affidavit that Gra ham Cash is a non-resident of the State of North Carolina, and that he is interested in the event of this Special Proceeding, and that after due diligence he cannot be found in the County of Granville, this is therefore to notiy the said Graham Csh that a special Proceeding for tne petition 01 a tract of land on the waters of Tar Kiver, in Wal ut Groe Township, Granville county in which he is tenant in common with the aboye named plaintiffs and defendants, has been filed in this conn and that the same will be heard ou the 13th day of May when and where he can appear and answer or demur to the petition which has been filed in said cause, if he so desires. J. T. BKITT, C. S. C. This 18th day of April 1904. Administratrix Notice. Having qua'ified as administratrix of Thoa. L. Daniel, deceased, late of Granville county, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or befere the 4th day of May. 1905, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to j said estate will please make immediate pay ment,, x mo April iULU. iau. FANNIE B. DANIEL, May.5 4w Administratrix. !Tv PARKER'S KaH I HAIR BALSAM x Cleanses and beautifies the halt; & Promote! s luxuriant growth. "iiiTiz .! Never Fails to Bestore Oraj Wtr-h'V Hair to its Youthful Color. tf3W4'Jr- Curea icalp diwaaei 4t hair f Ailing, ?W!f?0 3) 0c,andll.Wat DrugginU