llAie GHN SUPPLY YOUR MHNTS. - 4 In Glothing Shoes Hats Gaps and Gents' Furnishings our line is strong and up-to-date. In Dry Goods and Notions we have bought carefully. In styles and quality we can please you. The on all are right On such staples as Plaids, Sheetings, Lonsdale Gambric, Gannon Gloth, Bleached and Unbleached 5-4, 9-4 and 10-4 Sheetings, "Androscoggin," "Barker Mills" and other well brands of bleach which we are offering at 9 cents per 3'ard by the bolt. We have a big stock of these goods and can save you money. Our stock of Heavy and Fancy Groceries are fresh, reasonably and well assorted. We trade for and sell all kinds of country produce, nave on nanu meuiuin auu mgu guc icumicib. win sen uu umc auu iui ua&ii. ou tax as we nave neara i.uu per ton is ti .r lowest cash price 2.8.2. goods have been offered. This however is a close one and ours a good one. bee us before you buy. Yours truly, pncos J) n J i u v; n priced . - ' i i i" - Com os to Tidily Jfco. The next Union Meeting of the Flat River Association will be held with Tally Ho church May 2Sth and 2!)th. This meeting is not intended for a religious picnic, but to discuss lm portant questions pertaining to chris tian faith and work. Let christians pray that It may be a real spirited meeting. The people of Tally Ho neighbor hood are noted for their hospitality and we are sure they will all gladly help to entertain the meeting. At this time of year there is not much to eat but bread and meat, and sen sible people will not expect much else. Look for the program of the meet ing in this issue of the Public Ledger. It Is very important for christian workers from other churches to at tend this meeting, especially on Sat urday. PASTOIi. WOMAN'S EDITION On Wednesday at Raleigh, the Sec retary of State chartered the Rowan Chair Company, of China Grove, with an authorized capital of $100, 000 and $25,000 paid In. The compa ny will manufacture chairs. Senator Lee S. Overman and others took out the charter. Of The Evening Chronicle Under Aus pices of The Thompson Orphanage Guild. The E vening Chronicle, of Charlotte with characteristic enterprise and forethoue-ht. has tendered to the Thompson Orphanage Guild their is sue of Mav 20th next, the profits on which will be given to the Orphanage The Chronicle, alwaj'S newsy and In teresting, will be especially so for this edition. as no pains will be spared to make it of exceptional merit. The ladles of the Guild and their friends will manage the edition entirely, and the best talent obtainable will con tribute to its columns for this occas ion. The caper will be brimful of newsy items and intefestlng articles covering all departments, and will be sold over the entire State. Those who have the management of the edition In hand have gone about the work in a way that makes success a foregone conclusion. It will be a rare and unusual opportunity for adver tisers. Advertising rates, one dollar per inch. Write at once regarding contracts or other information to Woman's Edition The Evening Chronicle, Charlotte, N. C. Five Physicians bad done their best to cure James Wi!kes, of Diiloa, 3. C, who had one or me most lernoie cases oi rcnturviA I ca record. They ail failed uotli one doctor prescribed IT CURED HELPLESS CRIPPLE. Mr. Wilkes writes in the course of a long letter, dated August 18, 1902: "My legs were drawn back until my (eet touched my hips. I was as helpless as a baby for nearly 12 months. The muscles of my arms and legs were hard and shriveled up. I suffered death many times over. Was treated by six different physicians in McColl, Dillon and Marion, but none of them could do me any good, until Dr. J. P. Ewing, of Dillon, told me to try your RHEUM ACIDE. I began to take it, and before the first bottle was used up I began to get better. I used 5 bottles and was completely cured." Dr. J. P. Ewing confirms Mr. Wilkes statement in every particular. FREE TRIAL BOTTLE SENT ON APPLICATION TO BOBBITT CHEMICAL CO., PROPRIETORS. BALTIMORE, MD . y-Tfr-j fi"r-di rriaiftiiiiiiftf aThffaT-.sr53gteadgtgraS5C The great rule of health I Keep the bowels regular. And the great medicine if Ayer's Pills. Want your moustache or beard u beautiful brown or rick Mack? Use J. C. Ayor Co.,5 If tea js, it! a rixi i tia. Vb.UU'jiStd UU 0, f. ILUi 3 CO., SASirU.I. K. II. JET mtLjUbU Beautiful Regina : Music Box. : i In order to introduce to our customers the celebrated AMERICAN BEAUTY re :vT -Yf-. )lSt ! X... ' 1 I f ILk., rc V.rt r . 1 . .vpmtT us this handsome music box to be given 'JxMW0i " I -A to one of the purchasers of a corset. 0 JsMt'k3 Come in and see the fine instrument, )t A'M V&W hear it play and let us tell you how vou mWiVA? '" - can get it. We have received our AMERICAN BEAUTY STYLE 286 Kalamazoo Corsei Co. So!e Makers Spring Stock of Goods, Lawns, White Goofls, Percales, r Zephyrs, &c, and if you will only give us a look we promise to show you the prettiest line in summer fabrics that you have ever seen. We have the prettiest line of mattings, rugs and floor oil cloths that we have ever shown, and the prices are right. You know we always sell goods a little lower that, anyone else. Gome to see us and we will prove in PARIS DRY GOODS GO. ssssesesssesass Sale of Land. By virtue of the power of sale contained in a corta'n deed of trust executed to me on the 17th day of November, 18J14, Dy A. A. Bryant and wife, Sallle A Bryant, and duly recorded in mort page bonk 42, page 37S, of the Office of the Keg ister of Deeds of Granville County, 1 shall on SATURDAY MAY 21st, 1904, eell to the hlgest bidder for cash at the court house door in Oxford the lot or parcel of land described in said deed of trust, situated in Fish ing Creek Township, Granville county and more particularly denned as follows: Being lots Nos. 10'!5, 1006, 1007, 1008, 1010 of the eurvey of the land of "Oiford Land, Improvement and Mma factnring Company," bounded as follows: One hundred and fifty feet on the South side of 10th Btreet, S0O feet on the east side of Granville Avenue, 150 feet on the north eide of 11th street, and aOO feet on the eastern line of said lots to the corner on 10th street, containing one and one thirtieth acres more or less, as shown In Bald map or eurvey. It being the same land con veved to A A. Bryant by A. S. Peace and wife byydec recorded in book 44, page 378, Register of Deeds Office of Granville County. Time of eale 12 o'clock m. & y KOYSTfiR, Trustee. Tbl April 20th, T904. Notice. Notice is hereby given that th j Board of Town Commissioners has ordered an election to be held in the town of !xford at the usual voting place on Thursday, the 10th day of June, 1901, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of said town an ordinance passed by said board on the 18th day of March. 1904, providing a system of waterworks and electric lights for said town. Those who consent to said ordi nance will vote a ballot with the words "Ap proved" written or printed thereon, and those who do not consent to said ordinance will vote a ballot with the words "Not Approved" written or printed thereon, W. A. DKV1N, Mayor. By order Board Commiseionere. Administrator's Notice. Having quailifledas administrator of M. V, Lanier deceased, late of Granyille county. North Carolina, this is to notify ail pereous having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 11th day of May 1905, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate nayment. A. B. LANlfilt. Administrator, This May 11th 1901. Richmond, Va NATUE'S BOUNTY. Wonderful Cures Effected by Buffalo Lithia Water. The past year has been replete with evidence of the wonders that can be accomplished by Buffalo Llthla Water In the treatment of rheuma tism, brlgjhts disease, and all diseases dependent upon a uric acid diathesis The proprietor of the Buffalo Lithia Springs of Virginia has issued a little book containing page after paare of statements so wonderful that they would be incredible were it not for the fact that they are substantiated by the unquestioned authority o many of the most distinguished phy sicians In the world, who prescribe Buffalo Lithia Water in all cases of rheumatism, gout, diabetes, brlghts disease, calculi, stone in the bladder. gall stones and all kindred diseases due to uric acid In the blood. It has also been fouud unusually effective In many diseases peculiar to women. An interesting book, containing doctors reports of many cases and their cures by a free use of Buffalo Lithia Water, will be sent to anyone by addressing the proprietor, Buffalo Lithia Springs, V lrglnla. STATE NEWS. The next session of the Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows will be held at Elizabeth City. The people of Greensboro gave a purse of about SI, 100 to evangelists Jones and Stuart who have been holding a meeting there. The State Anti-Saloon League Is making a very complete map of North Carolina, showing the prohl bition and dispensary territory. A petition is prepared and will be presented to the board of aldermen of Greensboro asking them to call an election to decide whether the city have saloons or not. It is regarded as probable that there may be strong recommenda tions for a change of the regulations so that officers of the National Guard of this State should be appointed in stead of elected. A bathing pool has been establish ed in Pullen Park. In Raleigh. 1G0 feet long and GO feet wide, from three to eight feet deep, for the benefit of the children of Ilaleigh. It is the best one in the State. It Is said that Senators Simmons and Overman, Governor Aycock and Josephus Daniels will probably be the four delegates at large from this fttate to the National Democratic Convention. Franklin Times. Tom Curtis, of Aehevllle, was killed at a saw mill near the North Carolina and Tennessee line, In the Catahoo- chee mountains one niarht last week. e was shot and killed by a fellow workman named Dunk Murray. The cause of the homicide Is unknown. Miss Emma Mcintosh, of North Carolina, graduated as a trained nurse on Tuesday at the Columbian University, Washington. D. C. WIl helmlna lilackwcll, colored, of New bern, graduated as a trained nurse ast week at the Freedman's School, Washington. It has always seemed to The Mes senger-Intelligencer that passing res olutions commendatory of a judge. by the bar of the county at which he may be holding court, is more or a reflection on the judge than anything else. We hope it has not come to pass in North Carolina that the character of our judiciary has to be bolstered up in any such question able way. Wadesboro Messenger- Intelligencer. How to Help Your Girls, ijil'iil jC5 II US I II II . V 111 II H The .mviniln mntliBr r.f tUa fnn,ii times carries the whole burden of respon- okmiiij ou mi els me Dome medication of common ailments of the frirls or boys are concerned. The- mot -f tUa Att ..j are very often too great for consideration. A 4- . . - t a " j . . . . "v:u nines me motner is invitea to write to Dr. R. V. Piprop rf Tti.ffal Tsi V medical advise, which is given' free. Cor- icapunutmce is neia strictly confidential. 500 REWARD FOR WORSEN WHO CANNOT BE CURED. T't tt i a li.. j-t.r.- n . i. : .i , f . . .v i.j., uvi a umu uj a century Of re mark n hi f ,... "--'" in .uitO, t tZZKJt X such as no other rpniwliT fn.r tVic " - v " V. ana weaknessess peculiar to women ever cii.uuiik.-u, mc proprietors ana makers of Dr. - - ------ . . .v-i ij.ri.nll 11VJ VV 1CC1 fully warranted in offerintr to pay 5oo In cKcu money 01 me unuea states, tor any case of L,eucorrhea, Female Weakness, Pro lapsus, or Falling of Womb which they cannot cure. All they ask is a fair and reasonable trial of their means of cure World's Dispensary Medical Asso ciation, Proprietors, Buffalo N Y Take Dr. Pi of any other laxative. eaQ WHAT EDITORS SAY. President Roosevelt favors a short platform. That's Just like him. He proposes to do as he pleases, and it's a reckless platform that will take him for '"a pent up Utica." Wilmington Star. That negro delegate from the District of Columbia to the republl can national convention will feel mighty lonesome, and there is no chance of any boodle either. Wilmington Mes senger. The presence of Rev. Sam Small, of Georgia, at Indianapolis in charge of the Hearst boom was one more evi dence of the things that have all along made Mr. Hearst's candidacy impossible. Raleigh News and Ob server. Mr. Bryan should know that a good many other democrats are not enthusiastic supporters of Judge Parker, but believe that he is decent and feel that they can vote for him with a clear conscience. Durham Herald. William Hartley, a young white man requested that he be not hanged with a negro at Pittsburg the other day, for the reason that he feared the public would get the idea that he had committed crime with a negro. The incident is Interesting as show ing that seldom, under any circum stances, does a white man entirely lose sight of the fact that there Is a color line. Charlotte Observer. North Carolina should send an In structed Parker delegation to St. Louis. Judge Parker is the strong est candidate in the field for the Dem ocratic nomination. He can poll a larger vote than any other man In the States of New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Indiana and Illinois. These States will be the battleground and the distinguished jurist and statesman stands a fair chance of winning in all of them. Washington Gazette-Messenger. Ex-Senator Marlon Butler declares that he Is out of politics, and here after will devote his time to making money. He left the democratic par ty and joined the populist and alter he got all out of that party that was of any service to him he began to hobnob with the rads, and for the past year or two he has been a con stant visitor to the Roosevelt-Booker Washington headquarters. More lat terly it Is said that he is classed among the "Wall street" fellows whom he used to cuss out, when he was hoodooing the farmers. Louis burg Times. Judge Walter Clark's brother, Mr. E. T. Clark, of Halifax county, has renounced his Republicanism and has returned to the Democratic party. He was a fusion senator in the legis lature of 1S97, and until last week was chairman of the Republican ex ecutive committee In Halifax. There are many others like him, who will return to the Democratic party, when they see the same old Republican leaders getting control of the Repub lican party. The Republican partv in North Carolina is still controlled by the old revenue ring and federal officers. Chatham Record. Curtis Jett, tha notorious Brehthitt county, Kentucky, murderer is under sentence in two cases first to life Imprisonment for the murder of At torney James B.Marcum. of Jackson. and, second, to death for the murder of Town Marshal Cock rill, of Jack son. His lawyers, in the effort to save his life, have abandoned the ap peal in the hie Imprisonment case, ana it win now be necessary for Gov ernor Beckham to oardon him in that case in order to execute the can ital sentence in the second case. Such a course, it is said, was once pursued oy a iventucky Governor, but it is not thought that the present Gov ernor will lollow this rare example. Jett is a cold-blooded, red-handed assassin, and richly deserves to hang. Asheville Gazette-News. "Do It Today." The time worn injunction, "Never put off 'til tomorrow what you can do today," is generally presented in this form: "Do it today!" That is the terse advice we want to give you about that hscking couah or demoralizing cold with which you have been struggling for several days, perhaps weeks. Take some reliable remedy for it to-day and let that remedy be Dr. Boschee's Ger man Syrup, which has been in use for over 35 years. A few doses of it will undoubted ly relieve your cough or cold,and its continu ed use for a few days will cure you complete ly. No matter how deep seated your cough, even if dread consumption has attacked your lungs, German Syrup will surely effect a cure as it has done before in thousands of apparently hopeless cases of lung trouble. New trial bottles, Side, regular size 75c. j. ir. btedman. THIRTY YEARS' 6 i w - J f , 3 few 5 U EMPERIEPJCE TI IP of Buffalo Lithia Wafer it E5 Hie The doctors now declare that bed rooms swarm to the very doors with microbes and bacilli. We fear that we will j'et be frightened into roost ing in the top of a tree where those terrifying things can't reach us. Wilmington Star, lie. mere is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be In curable. For a great many years doctors pro- liuuuceu it a iocai disease, ana prescribed local remedies, ana Dy constantly tailing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. science nas proven catarrh to be a constitutional diseaee, and, therefore, requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only tuuciHuuuum cure on me marKet. 11 la tanen internally m doses from 10 drens to a tcasDOon- fnl. it acts directly onthi blood and mucous sur faces of the system. They ofl'er one hundred aouars lor any ease it fails to cure. Send for cir culars ana testimonials. Address. Address, F. J. CtlENEY & CO., Toledo, O. oja oy uruggists, 70c. Halls Family Vilht are the beet. iilHICi I Have Found Pure Buffalo Lithia Superior in Practice to Any of thi Preparations of Lithia and Potasl's (From the New York Medical Time of February 7, ink;. Dr. E. C. Laird, former Resident Physician ai 'Buffalo JJlhi, IT Blue Kibbon Extract, lemon vanella, 10 and 25 cents at O. Ilawleye. and W. In New York a Jap was on a crowd ed street car when he hestrd that the Japanese army was victorious. He was so overjoyed that he gave a yell and began to hug all the pretty girls in sight. The girls knew that a fel low could "rush a girl," but doubt less they objected to the way the Jap was Kusslan them, for they had Jap the hugger promptly arrested. Wil mington Star. former Resident Physician at Hot Springs. JV. C, aid now at J'a!' Hotel, Ashville, N. C. : "To tne n-aitors 01 the New 1 orK Mcatcal Times 1 want to state to your renti ers some of my experience with more than thirty years, since my first vteit to thoso now .-ir-fitine-l ;; year of my professional life 1 have used these waters more ;ui!i inc.; ( linding their virtues npplicahlo to a widtu- ran go 01 (I!:h';.scs. 1 ant thoroughly convinced of the eorrwtnor-s of tin views f vpi' . : Dr. Hunter MeOuire, in tho lollowing words, when speaking of th-. w Huffiilo liithia springs: 'I know from constant use of it personally. i tice, that the results obtained from its use arc far beyond t ho: c which o ranted by the analysis given. 1 am of tho opinion that it either cor wonderful remedial agent, us yet undiscovered by medical science, or it.- : so delicately combined in Nature's laboratory, that they defy the utmost chemists to solve the secret of their power.' I have often and repeatedly prescribed tJic vnrlau i propariUio.-a and potash, tout cini thoroughly coni isics-dt that the rctnlln o??i pre BtFIFAILO MlMiViMEU are far superior. 1 have frequently heard Prof. William T. Howard declare, bcto.e hi: University of Maryland, THAT HE HAD SSKJJ MOK1-; AS!) i:i ' 0 A '.it k .1 ul tii hin : :i III" HI'. I t lie June Number New Idea Waman's Maga zine. A number of new features charac terize the June issue of the New Idea w oman s Magazine. Amonar them may be mentioned especially "Perdl- ta's Problems." the first of a series of papers bv Alice Chittenden, tel lino- how a small family may live comfort ably on a moderate Income. "Sum mer Comfort" is another Interesting paper by Maud Murray Miller. "A Glimpse of Capri," by Jean B. -Stearns, is a charminur tale of travel. -a German Hrlde's Outfit," by Mabel A. Potter, is both Instructive and enter taining. In fiction, fashions, theat rical news, domestic sclen re n.nrl in terior decoration, the number fairly teems with trood thl na-s. n.nrl tho 11- ustratlons fitly supplement the text. The People Make a Town. We have seldom seen more truth packed into one paragraph about town building and town Improve ment than in the following from the Goldeboro Argus: "It is perfectly natural that outsiders who have capital to invest and who are seeking a congenial atmosphere in which to live, should expect some manifesta tion of nubile SDirit and p1vlr from those who are already residents of a town. If the clti selves show no Interest and loyalty In their own town thev can ttcaroxr expect others from outside to enthuse uver it. iocai pride and patriotism nave a wholesome tntinn visitors and eneoiif,iroa recognize the good points of a place. Every Cltv and h,, ia . M Vr- - w mm id vv ii(xj l La CI L" zens make it. In nth people make the town. And 'they very often unmake It." 1 hi & """" """'-m ffk SYRUP I .HUTS. Dinntl ! l!ij a 1 11 lit tl EUIFALO Lif MlfiW&gER uCroinoVelli;:;, forms of dyspeptic trouble affecting thi- whole, or any part ot the ali m -titai y 1 1 Physicians and patients all testify to i ts virtues hh u powerful restoi at i . broken down or enfeebled system, whether resulting from overwork, worry or !;'jie. It acts directly in producinK a bet ter finality of blood, and in vi;;orat inland .e. iin; up the nervous system generally, its aphrodisiac roperlies arc very distinctly shewn in many cases each year. As an alkaline diuretic and HKAUT TOXIC, it lias irv-tl mttst ?U :. toiin and certain. In the variou.-; forms of r.ITII.K3IIA It is. especially etrectivo and luippv m it actiou. , , , HEPATIC disorders, whether of OUTY or IlATAUl AI; oritrtn and :itt-ndo.l With JAUSD1CK or IIILilAltY VAIA VIaI, j-S-11 to tin- action uf this U'nt 1 like malc. In many cases of fJSAitKTS I have i-een most cratlfyintr losults from it u . ;.UiSBASKi i'KiJS.SAll Ti? tt'OMMN AMKNOKRmKA, MKSi! E J J i A 1 ; I A , DVSMKSOltltlltEA -:ue ea-h regulated and adjusted in a wonderful .u liic l.y these waters. Kjieclisllj- is tnla tlic :.to with yonie; oisel nu;vuiti' Im just merirtnsr Into V5n:i;ii!i:xl. CiUT, lilliITSl ATISM and AS.I VKIC ACII tronnirR are ts.r.ai;. ur mrmj3UTBUiWirER nx 'SEHHiHor iMWrti lliCAll'V,' in which my patient is comparatively c h., and often abb; to attend to lure business interests, eo Iouk as lie is f:;l!.v n Infiuenco of these waters, but to suspend tlicir use for even one day so bib 1 Of his symptoms of failing circiilatiou as t utterly prostrate biiti. As a solvent i!I ULIiir , l itli ot I'liosriuvj ii; or i tut ' thravwatrri: hare never luilt-;! inc. I have often idaced WltAVK!. I water, and to hasten the di sin tewrrat tug process, chanced 1 lie water a few tin the gravel would tirst become ' hoiiev-coui ied,' and then break do vn i:.t ; It Is this action on LARiiB STONE in the KIDNKV, iII.An5!:a ISLiADOfCR that causes the continiied outpouring of Hinall particles, so days or weeks, wit H the nltlniato nlc r-ll-f of all t hose dlst re: situ: s; from u'h ich the itfw.r KiifTerpr hs no hir v '.om ivlrMned. inwl soie-b t relict in V SIXTY'EIUHT CALCULI vin one dav, fallowing n nttat-k of !!-:8'H COLIC Another patient (a lady), after a severe ntlack of HKPA'i'H' fiasscd ten gall stonea in one niltt, a, once expericncini; -sstt-e n ii most Iis!i'Mii; avmiitonifl, from wJiicIi 3ie haul suMVretl for mniUli". CYSTITIS and lIUIiTISKITIS, stniila or fionorrheval, often yield to the Influence of these waters, at once, wlien other nut! stdarl 1-. im dlts la completely. 3 IJUIGIIT'S DISEASK In every tfo onl form in bencfltert !y tliest- Ai:u.rs. In many cases lanje amounts of ALBUr-IlGjV, 101'ITH S,5r.'-; , SJVAi.n'i -GtltAIVllLAIi CASiTS entlrel vdleniinenri d from the nriiic. ivliiic Ji 4h lue kidneys are too far gone to kope for psimanoiit !! lit, (;!) Jii symptoms are : meliorate lis an nistoiiislitit; c?.p . Ill NKPIIltlTIS following SCARLET PEVEH. the action of these wi In suspectel, and liave yet been done. In the NAUSEA and VOMITING, UU7 ofPREtiNASCY.Iliuowof nitmnn. B r! notlilns to t omnarv with BjUff VttSAS 5 H been my experience with this agent, that It has lonpr been my o.h it nrnnlivlacttc. as well an most notent remedy throws GESTATION. , rl , My object in this letter is to lead my professional colleagues to think ot t ins ,it 1, in cases where they have not before used it, with the belief that the experience win -i--.. -l .Titl, Tv rwiun 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 i-(iiciu o manv rpii rs." Fraternally yours, E. C. Ii A 1 IU, M iti !. f ! ho lie- -111 A V Ki, troli , w hen -.!!!. 1. lei m 1 'loins 1 i 1 1 tVoiu i.-.v;i la s' SS IK I TIC iMC, ; -f from failxt distlT-iklllU to see any JS,ilney trouble follow wiinv "'is md AMU :mk) poisoning S9'- I IN fit I A - 111. i rn ; R, -,;.!i!;.i..ulsu h:i hit to iii'i'K'-ri!"' H li all tlJ (-Ja-.s of .1). Additional medical testimony mailed. For sale by the general dm; :i mineral water trade. Hotel at Springs opens June 15th. i PROPRIETOR BUFFALO LITHIA SPRINGS, VIRGINIA- FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS, TWO SIZES, 50C AND $1.00. If you have never tried this great remedy SEND TO-DAY for a free sample and state your symptoms. We simply ask you to try it at our exrtense. IVe Unoiv what it will do. Thacher Medicine Co. CHATTANOOGA, TENN. YOUR HONEY'S WORTH OS YOUR MONEY BACK. Another Hit. Every Stroke we make counts in the same of business, are in it to win, and we do win bv ma'kintr the best effort. only benefitting our customers, but doing ourselves good at the sane time. St way we can nii your appreciation. ClOtilinST. Tfyu are very thln or very stout, come to a store that picks oi: , . right sort of materials for you and makes them up in the most I ing style. For instance, a stout man should nemiK. checks and plaids because these materiAl hpl . 0UII1XI13P l? OOtWear. lnekindof shoes that protect the feet fro . . , """ - K"- v, w lua mill VLl l-llilll. LUC II! tLV.cn ' the ankles cool. LOvV SHOES FOR MEN ANn vvomrm t!,v- u, fortable hot weather shoes sold ber our shoes and Oxfords are all samples and worth double the price we ask for ! t!"- .O.'PJ- man 1 t' A MAN LIKES TO WEAR, fun a stock of men's furnishings wh Sale of Larid.. IHiranont 1 - . 1 . - - IV UUIUU11LV V I " 1 I'll in nc A j 1 s r J a -- !r , Vl aoiKnmeni maae Dy the Boston Candy Company to hb as trustees, we shall on 6th DAY OF JUNE, 1901. at 12 o'clock sell at public auction at. tho rr,nrt House door in Oxford to tho Mcrhnot k;w, r Out. . . " . -- -'""."1UUW IUI u. ciiui unuiviaea interest in the fol i?.T?SiwCtB or,. Parcel s of land: One tract in li 111 LV. Clifton hei Maurice Smi more or les? lormerlv known na tho npmna n,. . t now known as the Pncbett tract, nrii,,,- JSSS-' K.T- ThrPe, Bnmpass and others, ooum1, 90 c.re3 more or lese- ne tract in Oak Hill townehip adjoining the laud? of Robert Williams, R. T. Thorpe, Reed and others, con taming 3 ;2 acres more or less. An undivided one-sixth interest in a hon e and lot in fae town of Oxford fronting on Broad street and running back from said etreet S20 feet more or less to the Gmded Schoil lot and adjoining the lot of J. T. Crews on the north and Dudly Bnllock on the nuth. TUCKER A FAULKNER, Trustees. For Information regarding the above apply to The Kind of Furnishings enable the man with a last vear's suit to loot wU nnrl ivhirh will trpnutiis,, ti of this year's clothes. New ties, new collars and culls, new underwear, new nrir . , , . , TO the Strone You recall the maxim, "The race is not to the swift, ' - the Strotlf ." Thrrp nrf mtinv hntc r'itfoiio ihin i uicic many you can Duy more quickly with less money; there are man look nearly as well, but are there any which wear like the Panama? Also a co, line of straw hats from 25 cents to $1.50. Shirt aiStS. Beutiml'y trimmed with laces and embroidery. Sotn l-n.iii.cii siulk. auu uuieis nave sou stocks. 1 They are all styl:- ists are?i.oo and ::t..s- 1 1 1 i'r 11 1 'wuemy aajoming tnc lands of the I "cauumny maue, ana art aesiraote waists at any price. r . r jnuiuc ciniLn. 1 juai tnc iiiiug lur mis season oi tne year, i nese va ()TiVtrnt Tr, acV.eB' vve are selling them at prices from 48c to $1.00. ill Viail, 11111 1 .1 I W ilM II I Tl I lH- I'''' V A- Skirts Skirts in all desirable colors and materials, nicely tailor stitched ! seams and bottoms. These skirts i -j -, r .ki "'iuiv. in inu irtiLiii ru should sell for one-half more than we ask for them. All sizes ami tho nrire is .-J Pique skirts worth $1.50 and $2.00 our price from 75c. to $1.00. Kemember our stock is new no one and two season nnruU tr cull r,n Om , an way down. our stock. 1-. . .1 . r . : ... . . ucwiihuicuuiuui &uieiur quality ana low prices You will receive a cordial welcome if you do not buy. Yours to serve, call and ntspf Kaplon & Allen, Stores Roxboro, South Boston, Chase City. Next to Landis & Ea - ton