--o-to UaS and easy to act is famous littls Pill DeWitt's ..' rr,r!v Risers. This is due to :'SLct that they tcnic the liver in t- ii cf FurS!nS il- They never SrlPe ,r sicken, not even the most aencaie V, and yet they are so certain in -;.;':s that no one who uses them is .--rointed. They cure torpid liver, -.Ration, biliousness, Jaundice, '."i.ichs, malaria and ward off pneu- va ar.d fevers. PREPARED ONLY BY r DcWITT & CO., CHICAGO Don't Forget the Name. Wood's Seeds. VIRGINIA GRAY It lilml UriiSs Sow Early For Best Results. Our Trade best ami c Marl: Brand is the J. C. HALL fe&l HAIR BALSAM riT" V3 C1c!mn and beautifies the hair. . 3 promote! a luxuriant growth. fe"T?5'N N-vor Fai's to Hesture Gray r -5:i'T II:iir to its Youthful Color. VCX-V'. StJ3S Cuics ca!p Uiseaws A hair tailing. HV .ri V sTS 50c. ami 1 1 1 t Druggists ituost quality t o procure. that 5-5 it is possibk Hairy, or Winter Vetch, Sown with Win tor Oats, makes the largest possible yield of the best aiid most nutritious hay. Write for prices. WOOD'S DESCRIPTIVE FALL CATALOG Tells all about seeds for fall sowing. It is the most valua ble and helpful publication of the kind issued in America. Mailed free on request. T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsman, - Rishnusnd, Va. OXFORD PUBLIG LEDGER. STEAM JOB PRINTING Complete Hue stationery always on hand Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Visiting Cards, Wedding Invitations, Pamphlets, Iegal and Commercial Printing. Everything In the Job Printing line. Get the best we guarantee ours. WADE II. HKITT, LOCAL EDITOR, THURSDAY. - - - SEPT. 15, 1904. County Jfcappenings A FRENCH VIEW OF US. tyetvs 0sAed ? SSy Our Cor respondents. Quiet TTfarriajpe. At Berea on last Sunday evening Sept. 4th, at 6 o'clock there was a quiet marriage at the home of Mr, J . T. Murray 's when his grand-daughter Miss Addle Hicks became the bride of Mr. S. L. Green. The words that made them one were spoken by Rev. Beam, of Bethel Hill. Only a few friends and relatives were present to witness the marriage. The bride Is a most popular young lady and Is the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Hicks. The groom Is the son of Mr. S. A. Green, of Vance. We wish Mr. and Mrs. Green all the joy that life can bring. Kind You Have Always Bought, find -which has been, use for over SO years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per- IHXZSjrjZ ZtCU4Z on a i f tfo oivft von ill this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good" are but i:poriments that trille with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is C ASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It Contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORSA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of Mr. W. L. Kimball was in the lage Saturday afternoon. The revival at the Baptist church eglns the 4th Sunday In Sept. Mr. Pervls Tllley and Miss Myrtle eed have returned from St. Louis. Mies Gray, of Durham. Is spending some time with Miss Dora llklns. Misses Lizzie and Lottie Tllley, of Durham, are visiting the Misses Wat er this week. Mr. Chas. Roberts went to Oxford Saturday to attend the Republican Mass Meeting. Miss Lucye M. Twine our most ac complished teacher Is here and will open school the linn Inst. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over SO Years. THG CENTAUR COMPANY, 77 MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK CITY. pn uu OD FARMER r rs w i riat ! T'O the secret of success is through cultivation if he reaps a bountifu to repay him for his labor. We can help you out of a quandai i ire in doubt as to which are the best improved implements, as, w an up-to-date stock of everything in this line. Our stock of gen Hardware and Agricultural Implements .nricoc inrrror nnnntitl nnrl greater varieties than ever before. Our . .c ;c c inrrrp tiiat it rlpm.nnds it In securincr the large quanti . -r. ni,.'n,'c cpmrp lnwpr nrirps and our customers Sfet the nrfit. HEADQUARTERS FO Mm Lima FEtiQ Jfnctp of Sieeds. vll- Disquisition By Paris Newspapers On "Roosevaldt and Perkor." The following from the Newark (N. J.) Evening News Is supposed to be taken from the columns of the Paris Pictorial, and while we have grave doubts as to its ever having graced the pages of the French paper, yet it deals out doses of the ridiculous with such Impartiality that we lve It space. And yet, ludicrous as" the statements are, they are not much wider of the mark 'than those of the average French newspaper In treat ing of American affairs: "The struggle between President Roosevaldt and Judge Perkor Is one of individualities. A man cannot amount to much In the United States of America unless he has marked In dividuality. James M. Blaln was elected to the highest office In the land because he drank more rum at one sitting than any other man In the country. Grover Cleveland was chosen President for having caught the largest fishes ever seen on the Pennsylvania coast. "Each of the two candidates now confronting has some slmlllar attain ment to offer to his countrymen as justification for his election. Presi dent Roosevelt places his hope in the fact that he has the most numerous family In the land, he being the head of the Mormon religion and proprie tor of 10 households, counting Its children by the score. His summer residence at Oyster Bay is the popu lous home In Ohio, as many as 90 plates being laid at a table dally. "Judge Perkor. on the other hand, has endured himself to his fellow-cit izens through his skill in swimming. He once threw a dollar across tne Potomac near his home In Esopus, and plunging Into theturblds tream, he swam to the other siae so rapiuiy that climbing out on the bank.he was able to catch the dollar as It decend ed from its airy flight. Judge Perkor has been known to stay underwater three weeks without uttering a syl lable. Ills aquatic feats are heralded broadcast over the land and great crowds flock to Bee his dally exhibi tion of sensational diving in which he has no peer," New Double Track Bridge Across the Po tomac Kiver. Southern Railway announces that on August 28, 1904, the New Double Track Steel ..bridge across the Poto mac river at Washington, I. C, will be completed and on and after that date all trains to and from Washing ton via the Southern Rullway will be operated over same. This will greatly facilitate traffic to and from Washington and eliminate delays heretofore experienced between Washington and Alexandria, Va.. which have been occasioned by the crowded condition of the old single track bridge. 1 J A 1 J T 11 . I Littleton female conege. Emergency Medicines. It is great convenience to have nt hand reliable remedies for use in ca-;es of acci dent and for slight injuries and ailments. A good linimet and one that is fast becom ing a favorite if not a household necessity is Chamberlains Pain Balm. By applying it promptly to a cut. bruise or burn it allays the pain and causes the injury to heal in about one-third the time usually required, and as it is an antiseptic it prevents any danger of blood poisoning. Whfn ram Balm is kept at hand a sprain may be treat ed before inflammation sets in, which in sures a quick recovery. For sale by all druggists. The bill collector was on the war path 1st of the mouth trylngto effect peaceable settlements In as many cases as possible. This institution with a patronage of more than 200 pupils from five different states, covering an area of 1000 miles in diameter, desires immediate correspondence with any young lady who wishes to go off to school. A postal card or letter will bring immediate reply and interesting information. The 23d Annual Session will begin on Wednesday, Sept. 14, 1904. J. M. RHODES, Pres't, Littleton, N. C. L JhW uSmmmA fy L 0 f 'f T I MTiairaitnaBagi3BPWWS!Bawg Sometimes the hair is not properly nourished. It suffers for food, starves. Then it falls out, turns prematurely gray. Ayer's Hair Vigor is a Watkins. Left out last week. Mrs. Henry Floyd who has been on the sick list ror sometime, is im proving. Judge George H. Brown, has sent his resignation Gov. Ay cock to take effect Oct. i . Mrs. Walter Vaughan and chil dren are on a visit to her sister, Mrs. T. V. Bobbltt. And So He Did. Judge Parker is said to tell as a fa vorite storv the tale of a young man in Savannah named Du r.ose, says tho Phlln.rtplnhln. Ledtrer. who in vited his sweetheart to take a buggy ride with him. The youn? woman had a very fetching lisp. W hen they reached a rather lonesome bit of road the young man announced: "This Is where you nave xo pav toll. The toll is either a kiss or a M":"" . ,. ,T " h. Mr. )u notn ' excianueu ui companion. m The wood ouestlon will soon be gin to bob up as a hard proposition. . And soon the oyster will be In the 80Up. -L UIS IS a moaiu Willi me r ili It. hair food. It feeds, nourishes. The hair stops falling, grows long and heavy, and all dan druff disappears. " Mv liair vas cominpr out terribly. I yns almost afraid to comb it. Hut Ayer's Hair Vifjor promptly stopped the Jailing and also restored the natural color." Mrs. E. G K Warp J,anoing In J. 1. 00 a bottle. j cater co. A rtriiL'L'isrs : j,oHt-n. j-i-.r.. 1UI As the air you breathe, and for some people's health Q almost as necessary sample bottles of Keillim'S n Sure Cure for Indigestion the greatest enemy to Q American health today. Send for our $5 guaran- r tee and list of wonderful cures. 50c. and $1 a (j bottle. R. L. HAMILTON, Druggist. g TO DRINK "CHESTEEFIELD GIKGR ALE" t 1 Is to like it. It is not only very delicious and re- t J freshing but healthful. Sold in Oxford by j J. G HALL, Druggist, R. L. HAMILTON, Druggist, 0. W. HAWLEY. ) ( curing to than they Our farmers are busy bacco. It ripens faster can cut and cure It. The Sabbath school at Herman added several new names to its roll on the fourth Sunday. Misses Eunice and Annie Crews vis ited the Shady Grove section on Sat urday and Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis and two chil dren, of Oxford, visited our burg the third Saturday and Sunday. There will be prayer meeting at Herman church next fourth Sunday at 3 p. m., conducted by Mr. Robert Barnes. Mr. W7llliam Burroughs, one of the old veterans, returned from Asheville on Saturday last, Ing a good time. Mr. Wilmot Crews boarded the cars at our station on Wednesday last forCary, where he Intends spend ing nine months at the Cary 'High School. ROSE. The Seaboard Air Line is greatly- Improving Its property In this State and the south iy putting aown uai last and new 75 pound rail. A great deal of money will be spent in these improvements. . Postmaster Bailey, of Raleigh, has rpp.pived notice from the depart ment at Washington that all rural free delivery carriers in the State are to be paid a uniform salary or sfxzu a year, regardless of theleugth of the routes. The store of J. O. Fitzgerald, at Pelham, was entered by burglars Frlrla.v nie-ht. The robbers succeeded in getting about $1"0 in cash and all the stamps in the postomce, wnicu 11- located in the Fitzgerald uuuuing. There Is no clue. ill Iftli IS lis Hffflii an mtmi. ik 42iKCH POULTRY, RABBIT Absolute efficiency at least expense. A practical fence that will positively turn cattle, horses, hogs and pigs. A fence ssinch I8INC practically ever- "For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dis solved, w have a building not made with hands, but eternal In the heav ens." Death has again visited our com munity and this time claimed as its reward the spirit of Nathaniel Cur rln, oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Currln. He was accidentally killed at Rocky Mount on Friday after noon, August 26, while coupling a car. He was only M years or age. now sad Indeed to see that bright young life cut off so mysteriously in Its early iiiirlni? a. thunder storm on Sunday afternoon a Miss Dement, living i a limit twn miles out of Loulsburg, bloom, before Its youthful promise waa etruck by lightning and Instant- had come to maturity, auu wuub iv killed. 501NCH MM?: , proven r- Anj'ZliXir-:irifivi r;vi vutiiimf ghIy ,e ffi- itmsrmtmt lasting, thorou c i e n t f:vtry possible condition. II 4 A , i 34 INCH I I I I h 'if V W 'J v i -' ' V "ii r n i 1 1 m LALM . 1 ' at; ti-LWOUU MUU r-tlH-t I3lnunu O I I U.1 nnui. ... EVERY ROD OF ELLWOOD FENCE IS GUARANTEED. If you want your fencing problems satisfactorily solved, call and see the ELLWOOD FENCE and let us show you for how little money you can get absolute satisfaction. Stock rtlware I;, if ii iock Huilders material. Paints Oils Turpentine, Varnishes, Wood Class ware. Meat ciioppers, etc t onH Pine fitl n?s. I have one oi the ... ( 1 i . ; xr.fVi rrn us. It votir nun is out 01 ui r bring it to me for repairs. Guttering, Roofing and Tinning supplies '"rally. I want your trade and 1 promise you my best efforts to serve " satisfactory. Yours very truly. iriMi News has reached Shelby that Mr. Henry Warllck's 15 room house in No. 8 township was struck by light He reports hav- inff during an electric storm late Sun day evening and was almost a xoitu wreck. The house hold furniture was torn to pieces. The occupants of the house were not killed but severe- lv shocked. The house was Insured t m . in Praise of Chamberlains colic Cnoi- era and Diarrnoea Remedy. 'Allow me to give you a few words in Thamberlains Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy." says Mr. John Ham- lett, of Eagle Pass, Texas. "I suffered one week with bowel trouble and took all kinds of medicine without getting any relief, when frlpn.l Mr. C Tohnson. a merchant nere advised m'e to take" this remedy. After tak inrr fine dnse T felt preatlv relieved and when I had taken the third dose was entirely cured. I thank you from the bottom oi my heart for putting this great remedy in the hands of mankind." ior saie y an mug gists. FEMALE WEAfCrESS 642 1-2 Congress St. Portland, Maine, Oct. 17, 1902. I consider Wine of Cardui superior to any doctor's medicine I ever used and I know whereof I speak. I suf fered for nine months witn suppressed menstruation which completely pros trated me. Pains would shoot through my back and sides and I would have blinding headaches. My limbs would swell up and I would feel so weak I could not stand up. I naturally folt tliacourag-ed for I seemed to be beyond the help of physicians, but Wine of Cardui came as a Ood-send to me. I felt a ciia,uge for the better within a week. After nineteen days treatment I menstruated without suffering the agonies I usually did and soon became regular and without pain. Wine of Cardui is simply wonderful and I wish that all suffering women knew of its good qualities. Treasurer, Portland Economic League Periodical headaches tell of fe male weakness. Wine of Cardui cures permanently nineteen out of every twenty cases of irregular menses, bearing down pains or any female weakness. If you aro discouraged and doctors have failed, that is the best reason in the world you should try Wine of Cardui now. Remember that headaches mean female weakness. Secure a $1.00 bottle of Wine of Cardui today. Cream of the Market Guaranteed Every Load. on STARK BROTHERS CO., m ri 1 PROPRIETORS OF emoriam. Have Every Gonvenienge for Your Gomfort and Garing for Your Team. With a thorough knowledge of the warehouse business and the ability to know tobacco and its worth, we invite you to sell with us. We are going to win our way to the top, not by any illegitimate practice at the expense of our competitors, but by our knowledge of tobacco and its worth and our per sonal attention to our business and its worth. Respect for and consideration of others are the true marks of gentility. We do not claim to be the only people in business, nor lay claim to your patronage and valued influence without giving you value received. We intend to make our significance by adhering to business principle and prompt you to sell with us because of our ability to protect your interest and secure for you tip top prices for every pile of your tobacco. Messrs. G. F. Grews and John F. Hicks are with us. Mr. Grews will have charge of the books and weighing and will see that your tobacco is weighed right and that your bills are rendered promptly and correctly. Mr. Hicks . will have charge of the floor and will see that your tobacco is always placed to best advantage. Gome to see us whether you sell tobacco with us or not. Gome and see how we do business. A glad welcome awaits you at the Owen warehouse. Your friends, STARK BROTHERS CO. the hearts of his loved ones are al most crushed with this their nrst real sorrow, while they feel that it Is so hard to give up one so much loved, so hard to say "Thy will be done," may they bow In humble submission to the Lord's will realizing tnat in some way lis Dest, r or ms aum pleased the Lord: therefore hastened he to take hlra away irom iae wicked." Nat was a kind and loving broth- or. 1 J J l er. an aneciicnaie auu uueuieut uu. one whom his parents couio say nau never in his life given them a cross word. What a rare and good thing to have said oi one alter tney nave passed away. Human power can do but little to comfort his loved ones in their great sorrow, still we would assure them that their many friends are deeply touched and share with them the sorrow or tneir oe reavement. May they be consoled by the thought that heaven Is dearer and nearer to them oecause tney nave one more treasure there. t or tie only a little while when they all shall meet again "where there'll De no sor row there." The interment took place at the saddened home, witnessed byalartce crowd of friends and relatives. The burial services were conducted by Squire M alone and after all that was mortal or the remains was cousigueu to the tomb to await the coming of Jesus "to gather his loved ones home," a few friends took charge of the grave which they made beautiful with evergreens and flowers. "For me to live is Christ, and to die Is gain." H. 'TEETHINA" as its name implies, Is used by every mother wise, To stay convulsions that come on When teethirg time begins to dawn. For Nausea, Vomiting and the weak, hri table stomach of chHdren. nothing equals Dr. Moff-tt's " TEETHINA " (Teething Powders). It aids digestion and regulates the bowels. From 148 o 92 Hounds. rtna -.f fli mnct remarkable cases 01 a rnld. deeo seated ont he lungs, causing pneu monia, is that of Mrs. Gertrude E. Fenner, Marion, Ind.. who was entirely cured by the nf fine Minute Coueh Cure, fche says; 'TV.O r-rmtrJiincr and straining so weakened me that I ran down m weight from i48 to 92 r.e T ti-;d a number ot remedies to no avail until I used One Minute Cough Cure. Four bottles of this wonderful rem edy cured me entirely of the cough, Ftren- p-thened mv lunas and restored me to my Tipnlth and strength." Sold by J G. Hall. Thfl small bov may be late at Sunday school occasionally, but he never misses the first act when a circus comes to town. Whats in a Name. Everything is in the name when it comes to Witch Hazel Salve. tL. iewiiL oc v.. of Chicago, discovered some years ago now to make a salve lrom vvitcn nazei u.ai is . specific for piles. For biind, bleeding itching and protruding piles, eczema, cuts, burns, bruises and all skin diseases, De Witt's Salve has no equal. This has given rise to numerous worthless counterfeits. Ask for DeWitts the genuine. Sold by J. G. Hall. - Spent dollars like wasted mo ments are lost opportunities. Ox ford Savings liank In the Bank of iranvllle. . . A Power For Good. The pills that are potent in their action and nleasant in effect are DeWitt's Little Early PicpK. VV. S. Philpot, of Albany, Oa says: "During a billious attack I took one. ;m,il as it was it did me more good than calomel, blue mass or any Other pill I ever took and at the same time the etiect was nleasant. Little Early Risers are certainly an ideal pill." Sold by J. O. Mall. Subscribe to Tublic Ledger. Bone Pains, Itching, Scabby Skin Diseases. Swellings, Carbuncles, IMmplc-s, Scrof ala Permanently cured l-y taking Botanic IUood Balm. It destroys the active 1'cisoa in t'-ie blood. If vou have aches and pains in bones, back and joints. Itching Scabby Skin, Blood feels hot or thin, Solli-n Glands, Risings and Humps on the Skin, 3Iac-.is patches in Mouth, Sore Throat, rimrlcs, cr offensive eruptions, Copper-Colored Spots or rash on Shin, all run-down, or nervous. Ulcers on any part cf the body. Hair cr Eye brows falling out. Carbuncles or Boils, take Botanic Elood Balm, guaranteed to cure even the worst and most deep-seated cases -.There doctors, patent medicines, and hot springs fail. Heals all sores, stops all aches and pains, reduces all swellings, makes blood pure and rich, completely changing the entire body Into a clean, healthy condition. B. B. B. has cured thousands of cases of Blood Poison even alter reaching the last stages. Old Rheumatism, Catarrli, Eczema are caused by an awful poisoned condition of the Blood. B. B. B. etov-3 Hawking and Spitting, Itching and Scratching, Ach-a end rains; cures Rheumatism, Catarrh; heai3 all Scahs, be;;:e3, trupnons, eatery Blisters, foul festering Sores ot Eczema; by giving a pure, healthy blood supply to affected parts. Cancer Cured Botanic Blood Balm Cures Cancers of all Kinds, Suppurating Swellings, Eating Sores, Tumors, ugly Ulcers. It kills tho Cancer Poison and heals the sores er worst cancer perfectly. If you have a persistent Pimple, Wart, Swellings, E-hooting, Stinging Pains, take Blood Balm and they will disappear before they develop into Cancer. Many apparently hopeles3 cases of cancer cured by taking Botanic iiiooa .aim. OIIAILIX TEE- BT 22 iin n. larere bottle tSl.of ony nrufflclNit c i. w - A" : n it v is taken. 'V ;-d; y our money vvi.l BAB WAREHOUSE, - Bullock & Mitchell, Owners, Propr's, OXFORD, N. 0. Pleasant and safe to take. Thoroughly tested f orSO yre. Composed of Pure Botanic Ingredients. Strengthens weak kidnevs and weak stomachs, cures dyspepsia. Complete directions go with each bottle. aP r it. It. It. and Pamphlet Sent ree Dy writing iVlooQ Balm Co., Atlanta, C,ar Uescnte your trouble, and special free medical advice, to 6UJ; your ease, also seut iu sealed letter. J. G. Hall. We are ready for your tobacco and all of our buyers seem anxious to buy. Prices are starting off all right, and we thinK the prospect is good for this crop to bring good nrices We have sold nearly all of our last year's pu-chases; so we are m good shape to handle your crop fur you. and if you will sell your tobacco with us, we will see that vou get the top of the market. It does not matter what kind it is, for we want all -rades from the commonest orimings to the finest wrappers. Our market is in good shape, as our buyers have sold their old stock and want to invest the money in new to bacco We are determined to sell your tobacco for vou, if high prices and fair dealings will do it. We haven't any drummers or any on running around trying to buy your tob-cco but we are here at all times to look after it ourselves and see that it is packed and put on the floor to the very best advantage, and we will see that you get the very best prices possible at all times. . . . Thankin" you for your patronage in the past, and hoping by fair treatment and the highest prices for your tobacco to merit a continuance of the same, we are s . Yours very ti uly, BULLOCK & MITCHELL.

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