OUR SUBSCRIBERS GIVE YOUR BUSINESS $ tli!s pnper 1 ccnu-e v e tt i!l the intent news, fnwii and county. j l f!IM' ...... Va !T JJJ a chance and an nlr of up- t.o-1ati-nesa by Hdverllisliig jJJ V In The Public I-ieder. - - $ 1 01 IN T. BR ITT, Editor and Owner. VOL. XVTIT. DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF OXFORD AND GRANVILLE COUNTY. One Dollar a Year in Advance. OXFORD, N O., - FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1905. NO. 14. ti lie First Thought sickness, whether trifling or serious, is the Doctor, and the second thought should be G. HALL'S Drug Store V where your prescriptions can be compounded promptly, accurately and scientifi cally. Full Line Patent Medi cines Always on Hand. Seed Growers. As the early bird gets the the early gardner prices. As in the have the seed that worm, so gets the cast, we come quickest and bear heavi est. Fresh new stock of all kinds of Garden Seeds. All the earliest and best kinds of cabbage and tomato seeds. Our seeds are right and our prices are right. " Y Hold Thee Safe." The First National Bank OXFORD, N. C. A National Bank is always safe Government Super vision makes it so. We welcome your account. per cent. paid on time de- posits. State, Gounty and Town de positary. A safe place for yours. Yours truly, R. w. LASSITER. President. E. C. HARRIS. Vice-President. H. HUNT, Cashier. S. V. MINOR. Assis't Cashier. W. St Dry Goofls anfl Notions. Shoes, Shoes, full line up-to-date styles men's, boys wo men's and children shoes at ClII 11 right prices to all. Wool dress goods at cost, dress outings, ginghams and all winter goods AT COST. 6 cent calico now al 5 cent, 5 cent calico at 4j cents; la dies wool vest and pant goods at co3t; all ready-made winter pants at cost. Blankets at and below cost. All wool rugs $2,50, cheaper grades 1,00 to 2,00; 1 0 bleached sheet ing 22 cents. Gome quick as these goods will not be here long at these prices, and will not be replaced when sold, as I have decided to go out of the dry goods and notion business. Yours for bargains, J. J. MEDFORD. COMPANY. We beg: to announce that we have secured the agency for celebrated Brands of FERTILIZERS. We will make prices as the Lowest Terms Satisfactory. We call special atten- tion to OBER'S SPECIAL COMPOUND FOR TOBACCO. Ammonia 3 to 4 per cent. Available Phosphoric Acid 8 to 1 0 per cent. Potash ( K 2 0) 3 to 4 per ct This brand is manu factured especially for the growth ot Tobacco Ha3 been and is used extensively in the Vir ginias, Garolinas, and Maryland for many years where it is endor sed and highly recom mended for the growth of this plant Contaios no chlorine matter or other delete rious substances what ever, practical results having demonstrated that its use is esp ecially adapted to this plant, producing large fine leaves used wrappers as well, occasioning to burn and hold the ash. OBER'S STANDARD TOBACCO FERTILIZER. GUARANTEED ANALYSIS. Ammonia 2 to 3 per cent, Available Phosphoric Acid 8 to 1 0 per cent Potash (K 2 0) 2 to 5 par ct. Lower in grade than our Special Compound for Tobacco though re sults obtained mark it thoroughly reliable in every way which has stod soome of the sever est tests. We will keep an un limited quantity of these goods on hand throughout the season 100 pound sacks now on hand for Plant Beds so call and get prices and terms. PARHAM BROS CO., OXFORD, N. C. IVe ocel econics. BRIEF DASHES OF THINGS HAPPENING. The county commissioners will meet next Monday. If you have any business in court of course you will be on hand next week. Mr. Alex. Crews who has been quite ill for several days, is reported some better. One lone large rock is yet visible on main street, and that is the proper ty of the town. Mr. W. S Hundley, who has been quite sick f or two weeks with the grip is getting better. Glad to learn that the family of Mr. L P. Smith, who have all been sick, are now much better. Mr. A. A. Hicks after a week's sick ness with the grip is almost ni-nself again and is at his office regu'ar now. Mrs. C. H Easton and Mrs. Wade H. Britt, who have been confined to their homes with the grip, have about recovered. Interest on money is better than innst. Oxford Savings Bank In Bank of Granville pays 4 per cent, com pounded twice a year. Mr. J. T. Sizemore bade his old store farewell Monday and moved across the street to the store recently vacated by Mr. C. A. Carroll. We are glad to learn that the traveling public are greatly pleased with nice manner in which they are entertained at the Exchange Hotel. A box of churn power fixtures is holding down the curb stone in front of the court house. The question arises who ownes the eaid"crank" out fit. . " . Prof. EdwardBaxter Perry, a no ted pianist, gave a classical concert at the Opera House Friday night which was greatly enjoyed by our music lov ing people. The Woman's Literary Club met with Mrs. J. G. Hall Tuesday after t oon and a number of excellent papers were read, and the meeting proved an enjoyable one. Master J.B. Bacfgett,aged 9 years, cultivated the past year a patch of to bacco, and sold his crop in Oxford Wednesday and was quite proud when he received a check for 40. Joe Moore and J umbo, the 2 big hogs of Granville county, will be in town the coming week, and you are invited to go and see them and hear these tremendous hogs grunt. Ono of them weighs 975 pounds. Miss Wellman,who has many friends in Oxford and Granville, was happily married inBaltimoreWednesday toMr. Scott. He is to be congratulated upon winning the heart and hand of such a charming young lady, We learn from our Stem crtrres pondent that Mr. Ed Brogden, of that section stands ahead on killing Targe hogs this season. He killed one a few days ago that weighed 715 pounds. We must ask the question: Who can beat it? Married at the Currin Hotel, Mon day.Jan. :50th, by J. K. Wood, Justice ot the Peace, Engine Oakley, of Stem, and Miss Lllie Mary Bell, of Durham. After being bound in the happy bonds of matrimony the couple went to Dur ham by the Seaboard railway. Miss Lucy Jarvis, the highly eul tured daughter of Bit-hop Jarvis, oi Connecticut. head ot the Mission study classes of Woman's Auxiliary of the Episcopal church, will address the Wo man's Auxilliary in Oxford on Tues day afternoon. The Villeford Club, recently or ganized by our young men, has already become quite a popular resort as the club is admirably conducted. It is something that has been needed in Ox ford for a long time as the young men spent most of the evenings setting around the stores talklQg, Mr. Wm. Jones, a cripple of Tally Ho township, who has been in the State Hospital once, attempted a few days ago to kill his mother with an axe, ana wouia nave done so n some one had not caught the axe. He was so violent he had to be brought to jail until he could be returned to the asy lum. There occurred a runaway mar riage at the Exchange Hotel Wednes day evening when Mr. J. A. Harper, of Crewe, Va., and Miss Grace Blanton. quite a youthful looking ladyof Black stone, Va., were united in the bonds tf matrimony by Rev. J. E. Wool. They left Thursday morning for their home over the Southern Railway. J. F. Meadows, proprietor of the Farmers Warehouse don't fail to get top notch prices. Below we give some prices obtained dv him ior tne past few days. P. C. Adcock, 10,21,40,13-9. average 23.10. Siriney Green, 8,13, 24,45,15,10. $22.25. B. E. Greeni 8 3-4 11,42 1-2,23 9. average 24.60. Harris and Thomas 8 3 4.11.14,45,27 1 2,12 1-2 8 1 2. average 25.02. There were large breaks of tobac co in Oxford Friday and Tuesday.and the warehouse floors were crowded with farmers. The break Tuesday was quite large and the sales continued un til late in the afternoon, and the far mers faces were devoid of bright smiles, they complained of low prices. They said instead of prices getting bet ter they v ere getting worse for the producer as a whole. Messrs. Landis and Easton have an important chanare in their large ad vertiseemnt on the 4th page which is dollars in your pocket if you will read it and keen moving until you reach their stoies and take advantage of tne low prices they are offering on goods. The ladies are deeply interest ed in new white goods as spring is cominsr on and their especial attention is directed to this part of this reliable firms advertisement. Mr. H. L. Millner, who contracted to put in water works and electric lights for the town, is here to begin work. The outfit for driving a deer well came yesterday also a car load of cement to be used in laying the founda tions for the water tower in town. Just as soon as the weather opens our people may look for work to begin in earnest. From the plans now on file at the First National Bank it can be readily seen that we are to have a plant second to none. Great Hamburg Sale, During the month of February, I will sell at greatly reduced prices my entire stock of laces and hamburgs. Come and see the great 5, 10 and 15 cent bargains, MISS. MARY BELLE GREGORY. Mr. Duke is Said to be .Improving. It is learned that the condition of Mr. Washington Duke, who recently fell and bruke a bone in his hip, is so much improved that his friends hope that he may soon be able to leave his room. It is feared that on account of his age of the gentleman that it would be sometime before he would get around. This will be good news to his many friends in the citj. Puj. Sun. A Quiet Home Marriage. A quiet home wedding took place at the home of Mr. Alex. Baker Wednes dav evening at 8 o'clock witnessed by a few friends and relatives. The eon tracting parties being Miss Calla Ba ker.the oldest daughter of Mr Baker, and Mr. Jeter Brinktey, of Dutchville township. The ceremony was impress ively performed by Rev. F. M Sham burger. Tne editor joins the many friends of the happy couple in wishi ig them a long ana happy wedded life Best on the Market. i ot vtolk weariD,S white organdies , . . i and bearing jonquils. Next came the Every farmer who raises tobacco nat;maidof honor Miss Mattie Ferebee, urally desires to buy the best Guano manufactured in order that he may be able to produce fine tobacco, at d it is said that the old Reliable Obers brand of fertilizers stands head of the list. The best results always follows the use of the celebrated Obers brands and the farmers can secure it this sea on in any quantity they desire from Parham Bros. Company, Oxford, as they are selling agents. For further information as to this find tobacco fer tilizer we refer you to Parham Bros. Co's advertisement in another column Squally Time. Mr. Abner Newton, of the Wilton section, was on the large tobacco break Tuesday, and informed the editor of a novel experience he had last Thursday night. He heard one of his chickens squaling as a rapid rate, and went cut as soon as he could dress to see what was the trouble. About the time he got out side near the tree where some of the chickens roost one commenced to squal and flutter on the ground some distance from him. He went to her re lief and found that an owl had the hen, and had to kill his owlship before he loosened his grip on the hen. Death of Mrs. Johnson. After a illness of several months Mrs. Mollie Johnson, reiict of the late John Johnson, died at the home of Mrs. M. V. Lanier Thursday morning at 6 o'clock. Mrs. Johnson was a mem ber of the Episcopal church and until her health failed was a regular attend ant upon the services. Her sirter-in-iaw, Mrs. Kate Crenshaw, of Louis burg, was with her when the end i came. The funeral services will take place today and the interment will be j in tne i!iimwooa cemetery. Wood-Mize. A beautiful wedding occurred at the j home of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Mize on j Wednesday, Feb. lst.at 3 o'clock wber. Mr. Willie Wood led to the hymenial altar the beautiful and accomplished Miss Hettie Mize. The ceremoLy was performed by Rev. R H. Marsh wit nessed by neighbors and a nu?nber of friends. "After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Wood left for their home in Os ford where a sumptuous sapper was served in honor of the joyous event. Mr. and Mrs. Wood are two of Gran ville's most popular young people,and we wish for them a long life of joy and happiness. A FRIEND. Death of Miss Jennie Best. Chapel Hill correspondent of Char lotte Observer of January 31st says: Miss Jennie Best died this morning about 10 o'clock. Her death was due to lung trouble and though it was not unexpected by her relatives and friends, as she had been an invalid for practically 4 years, it is a peculiarly sad one. Just 4 months ago a brother of the deceased died "also of lung trouble. Miss Best was a very attrac tive young lady, beloved by all who knew her. She was a member of the Baptist church and an ideal Christian. The deceased leaves to mourn her death a mother and father, Mr. Mrs R. R. Best and 2 brothers Theo. Best, of Chapel Hill, and Charles Best, of Oklahoma. and Mr. Mr. Against Increased Salaries. Tuesday the senate bill increasing the judges salaries to $3,500 was up before the judiciary committee oi the house. Mr. Warren, of Jones, favored the bill and so did Mr. Biggs, of Dur ham, but Mr, Graham, of Granville, opposed it, saying that the insane, the schools, the Confederate soldiers must be looked after first, that, if the state could not pay all obligations to these salaries should not be increased, that the people complained of taxe. He thought that the best talent could be had on salaries as suggested by Mr, Winborne. That with 31,000 just ! stricken from the receipts by the I finance committee he desired to know ! where this 15,750 was coming from j Special Rates to Washington, D. C , j by S. A. L. Railroad. Account of the President's Inaugura j tlon March 4th, the Seaboard acnoun j ces a rate on one fare plus 2d cents from all points on its line to Washing t ton and return. Tickets will be sold j March 2nd and 3rd, final limit March i 8th, with the prvilege of extension to iuarcn 10m upon payment ui icbui ji. For millitary companies and brass bands.one cent per mile per capita for 25 or more on one ticket. We have double daily service from principal points in North Carolina without change to Washington, trains consist ing of vestibuled day coaches, dining and sleeping cars. For further in forma tion as to rates, schedules and time tables apply to, W. M. BDLLARD. Oxford, N. C. CHAS. H. GATT1S, Traveling Passenger Agent. itaieign, jn kj. . - . . Letter to J. F. Royster, Oxford, N- C Dear Sir: You ask how many square feet a gallon will cover. Depends on conditions of building. There is a great deal of lying on this point. The stock claim of lying painte is 300 square feet, two coats Its a lie, as a rale. Devoe covers 300 to 500, our agents think, w e thiDk 300 too low and 500 too high; though doubtless, they both occur. How much the other paints cover is equally doubtful ; we guess 100 to 400 The truth is found in another com parison. Devoe is all paint, true pant, strong paint, and full measure; the others in general are, at the best, di luted, adulterated and short measure. They co vex according to body meas ure. You cant paint with clay lime chalk sand barytes water or air no body In them, Go by Devoe, Yours truly, F. W. Devoe and Co. P. S. J. F. Edwards sells our paints. tfcaTM. S. Brown la offering the high est market price for beef hides, green or dry and for all good fur skins, beeswax, etc., Oxford, N. C. 3m. BEAUTIFUL HOME WEDDINi The Pretty Miss Ruth Ferebee Be comes Bride of Dr. B. R Kennon. The crowning social event of the mid winter season was the marriage Wed nesday of Miss Ruth Ferebee and Dr. Beverly Randolph Kennon.of Norfolfe Va. The ceremony was performed in an impressive manner by Bishop Rau dolph,oVirginia. cousin of the groom, in the parlor of the home of the brides parents, Dr. and Mrs. Nelson M. Fere bee. The spacious home had been elabor ately decorated for the occasion in stately palms and trailing smilax with a profusion of cut flowers in every room, jonquils prevailing. Thejgroom entered from the hall with his best man Dr. J. B. Davidson, of Richmond, Va. Then came the brides maids carrying ribbons to form an aisle, they were Miss Nancy Kennon, sister of the groom and Miss Girdie Chaaibertayne, wearing white organdie and carrying bouquet, of white hyacinths. From the library the bride entered on the arm of her father, by whom she was given away. She was exquisitely lobed in white satin and lace with veil grace fully caught with orange blossoms. The bride is possessed ot remarkable beauty, fine traits of character and is well known in the social life of Wash ington Ci;y. Philadelphia, Noriolk and other places where she has spent much time. The groom is a good physician of Norfolk, where he is very popular and has a bright future be tore him. After the marriage an ele gant reception was given to which many were invited: only relatives and intimate lriends witnessing the cere mony. The guests were met in the hall by Mrs. Henry Sherley, of Towson, Md., among those in the receiving par ty were Dr. and Mrs. Ferebee, Dr.and Mrs. Beverly Randolph Kennon, Mr. and Mrs. William Kennon, "parents of the groom, Mr. and Mrs. Stamps How ard, of Tarboro. From the parlor the guests were invited into the library, where punch was served by Miss Bes sie Kennon and Miss Susan Graham. In the dining room elegant salads and delightful ices and cakes were served ! by Mrs. E. T. Rawlins, Misses Fannie i tjregory and Lulie Biggs, cottee was j I poured by Mrs. W. H. Venable.of Nor i folk. In the gift room presided Mrs. i Mamie Hargrove, Miss Nannie Greg ory and Miss Mary Horner where the ! many handsome presents attested the I popularity of the bride and groom, j The presents were very numerous and i beautiful, conspicious amid the bright j array cf cut glass gilts and chest of silver, was tne gut irom tne grooms rei :' JLi i ,v,.,JT i . ., - . - , i i atives ot the rich and massive silver I ervice of Beau I tiful china and costly ornaments I dainty centre pieces and oranments of ; newest desitrna a inahneran v tab!f ot" w. ""I -J- rare old handwork, beautiful jewels made a lovelv sceue. I Many costumes ot tnose present Uwere very elegant, Mrs. .Nelson Fere bee,mother of the bride, was handsome ly attired in black lace over white silk, Mrs. Kennon, mother of the groom, wove elegant black silK, Mrs. Stamps Howard s costume was of white silk, with old lace and diamonds, Miss .Nan nie Gregory wore black lace over black taffety, Mrs. H. A. Pennix black silk. The following were the out cf town guests: Mr. and Mrs. William Kennon, Misses Bessieand Nancy Kennon, Mr. Chas. Kennon, of Tubletts. Va., Mrs. I W. H. Venable, Mr. H. M. Kerr, of j Norfolk. Va , the Messrs. Wright, Mr. j Louis Dobe, Richmond. Dr. Hugh ! Nelson, U. S. Navy, Mr. William Towne, Kichmond. An Afternoon Reception Greatly En joyed. A most charming reception was held yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Robert C, Strong on Blount street, the occasion being acird party that was a delight. The event was in honor of her guest. Mrs. Shirley, of Baltimore, and her lovely home was artistically decora ted. this being on a color scheme of piuk and blue, the parlor decorations being especially lovely. The receiving party was composed of Mrs. Strong, Mrs.Shirley, Miss Susan Graham. Delicious punch was served hy Mrs. H. W. Miller and Mrs. George Strong, while coffee was served by Mrs. Julian Timberlake.Mrs. Josephus Daniels, Miss Susan Clark and Miss Gertrude Winston. Dainty refresh-! ments were served. The amusement irr.-i n rtit -wt a 4- Vi rr ry a a Vi Ci i i T full ftf in rerest,each participant entering hearti ly into the spirit ot tne contest, xnere were present about 75 guests and the j occasion was a most charming one, re I fleeting the greatest credit upon the gracious hostess. News and Observer j Lost A gold coil scarf pin with j small diamond set in centre. Finder will be rewarded by returnins: to , J. D. BRINKLEY. Wandered Off. j My brown mare with a small white j spot in forehead, wondered off from my home last Thursday, and any in formation as to her wherebouts will be rewarded. G. Y. PARHAM, It pd. near Oxford. WANTED: Lady or gentleman rtf foil Arli-irtuirvn tr, trfLVAl for A. firm rf j g.250 000 capital. galary 81,073 per j vear anJ exnensi vear and expenses: paid weekly. Ad dress M. Percival, Oxford. A FEW WORDS TO THE LADIES. One of the most Important ad juncts to a household Is a sewing machine, and lam ready to sell you a Standard, Domestic. White, New Home or Wheeler & Wilson machine, all of which are furnished with latest attachments. Offer big bargains In second-hand machines and it will pay you to examie them. Repairing a specialty. .You will find me at the store of Mr. Len Pltchford on Col lege street. Phone 87. A. J. KITTRELL. HAS STOOD THE TEST 25 YEARS The old original Groves Tasteless Chill Tonic You know what you ere .taking. It is iron and quinine in a titleless form. No cure no pay. 50c- SIt will pay you to visit the big slashing sale even If you do not care to buy just to see the beautiful deco rations decorated by the London Stock Manipulators at Kaplon and Allen's. Look for the long yellow banner. Wanted All kinds of old iron at Hundleys Foundry for which the highest market price will be paid in cash or new casting in exchange. Watches. Please remember that the under signed will be glad to repair your watches clocks and jeweleryat Paris Dry Goods Co. store Prices low and terms cash. Work guaranteed. W. D. STIMSON, Jeweler. hi (oiT)lr)g and oing;. YOU OR YOUR FRIEND MAY BE MENTIONED. Dr. Melville Dorsev.of Henderson, was in Oxford Tuesday. Gen. B. S. Royster was in Raleigh Wednesday.. -' - Mr. A. G. Fleming, of Northside, was in Oxford Thursday. Miss Susan Graham is at home from e visit to relatives in Raleigh. Mr. Brooks Parham returned Thursdav from a business trip to Nor folk : Mrs. G. A. Carr, of Durham, visit ed Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Parker, the pBst week. : Mrs. H. G. Sherley, of Towson, Md., is visiting her parents, Judge and Mrs. A. W. Graham. Messrs. - Sim Tippett and James Tippett. of Clay, and H D. Mangum and G. L. Allen, of Creed moor section, were in Oxford Wednesday. Miss Lula Puckett, of Berea, was an Oxford visitor Saturday and honor ect the Public Ledger with a visit. Messrs. G. W. Noblin, of Noblin, and C. H. Green, of Dexter, were in town Saturday and called on the Pub lie Ledger. Mr and Mrs. Scott Hunt, of Rich mond, Va.,were the guests of Mr. and Mrs S. W. Parker a tew days the past week. Messrs. J. B. Knott, of Burgess, Va., and W. W. Knott, of Dinwiddie. Va ,who are visiting relatives in Gran ville, were in Oxford Tuesday, and Mr. J. B. Knott called on the editor. Col. W. F. Beasley , of Plymouth, was in Oxford a few hours Friday and his old friends were glad to see him. He made the editor a pop call, and we were pleased to see him looking so well. Mr. J, L. Clay, of Church Roads, Va., was among the visitors to Oxford Saturday and the editor was pleased to receive a call from him, and to learn that he was prospering in the Old Dominion, Messrs. J. S. Watkins, of Oak Hill township; W.J. Badgett, of Sunset: A. M Cash and A S. Frazier, of Wal nut Grove township, were in town v ruursuav auu viaiieu ill,- j iiiiiiit T Ledger office. Dr. and Mrs. W, B. Bullock, of Hester, were in Oxford Wednesday and will today take Masters Dorsey and Theodore Lynch to their grand parents, Dr. and Mrs. Kingsbury at Wilmington, where they will make i heir future home. Messrs. J. E. Fra.ier. of S&ssafras Folk township, W. M. Moss, ot Tar River;E. M. Sherman and Jessie Willi ford, of Berea, D. N. Knott, of Oxford townsnip; L, M. Carrington, of Oak Hill township: R. V. Wade, of Stem, were in Oxforu Tuesday and called on the Public Ledger. Dr. N. C. Daniel, who has praetic ed medicine in Oxford for several years, has decided to stop practicing for the present and has accepted a po sition as traveling salesman for a wholesale drug house. His' many friends in Oxford and Granville regret to give him up and wish him every possible success in his new line of work. Mr.W. A Adams, who has been in the employ of the Japanese Govern ment for 4 years in the Agricultural Department at Tikio, arrived at his home in Oxford a few days ago and there was a happy meeting with loved ones. We are indeed sorry to learn that he is suffering with a severe at ; tack of rheumatism and uiiable to get out and mingle with his old friends who will be glad to meet him and wel come him ba?k to his home. MULES FOR SALE. One pair 3 yearold mules partly j DrOJEOD, Apply to LOUIS DE LACROIX, NEW JEWELRY STORE. I will open a new jew elry Store ahout Febru ary 15th in the building formerly u occupied by Dr. N. C. Daniel, second door below Hall's Drug Store. FRED N. DAY, WINSTON, N. C. Sale oFStock JEWELRY FURNITURE ISd Mf DBS. PURSUANT TO AN ORDER OF the Superior Court of Granville coun ty, I shall, on Saturday, Feb. 18, 1905, at 12 o'clock m., sell to the highest bidder for cash, at the store formerly occupied by tt. D. Lynch, deceased, In the town of Oxford, N. C.the stock of Jewelry and Furniture. Fixtures, Tools and Repair Materials owned ; by said W. D. Lynch at the time of his death. This stock consists of j solid Gold and Sliver Jewelry and ; WTare. Cut Glass, China, Clocks. &c. all New Stock. Inventory and the ! stock will be shown to interested parties by the undersigned. B. S. ROYSTER. Admlntrator of W. 1). Lynch, dee'd. This, January 26, 1003. Long, Blalock & Raskins. Ann nen To people of Granville and adjoining counties: The new firm of Long Blalock, & Hastes, (Succssors to Long Bros.) Have completed taking onnTr and are now ready for "business. We have a full line of goods in every tint and shall use our best efforts to accomodate and please you in every way. II MOTTO will he fair and square dealing to one and all. All goods guaranteed as represented. The lowest times. prices at all Be sure you see our stock of goods before you buy. It will pay you. Yours to serve. Long, Unlock & Mm. The Leading Store Long, Blalock & Hasluns. OXFORD, N.C. Depar vYIieu Filling Frescrlptions We give our undivided attention to the matter in hand: that is the only safe way and we are nothing but safe. We dispense only drugs of known purity, holding that when human life is hanging in the balance it is a poor time to economize by using "cheap materials and trusting to luck for results. This is an important matter and one wor thy of serious thought. Purity, Accuracy aid Skill are the three essentials in m All of these you get by having your work done at R. .--HAMILTON'S Drug Store, OXFORD, n. c. of the Oxford Savings Bank is a distinct and separate de partment under thedirecisu pervision of DT. J. G. as trust officer. It is author ized to act as executor or ad ministrator of estates, as guardian and receiver. It acts as manager of estates for per sons advanced in years or from any reason unable to give personal attention to the man agement of their property or estate or the persons wishing to place the care and manage ment of such property in the hands of a capable, trust worthy .and entirely respon sible agent, who will Collect Rents, Interests, Divi dends, Coupons, Bonds, Mortgage's, Etc , and who will keep the proper ty insured, the funds invested and will pay taxes and other obligations Safety boxes for rent vaults for storage of silver chests. Crudup-Kittrell Co KITTRELL, N.iC, GENERAL MERCHANTS, Standard Fertilizers, Sc. With plenty of capital and buying in large quantities for cash we are prepared to furnish our customers either for CASH OR ON TIME at bottom figures. We sell DRY GOODS, SHOES, GROCERIES, HAY, SHIP STUFF, BUGGIES, WACONS, HARNESS AND HORSES, MULES, In tc ct anything you may need. We have bought out Mr. C. W. Raney's Cotton Gin and GUANO BUSINESS and have contracted for a full supply of all BRANDS OF GUANO, which will be sold at right pi Ices. Be sure and come to see us when you need anything In our line. Your to serve, CRUDUP-KITTRELL CO., Kittrell, N.C. Executors Notice. Having qualified as executor of the estate of the late Wesley S Lyon, of Granville coun ty.lhis is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to present the same to me on or before the 2and day of January, 19 .6, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. AU persons indebted to said estate will lease make immediate settlement. Z. W. LYON, Executor. -This Jan. 23rd, 1905. Administrator's Notice Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Washington D. Lynch, late of Granville county, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present the san.e to me on or before the 21st day of January, 1906 or this notice wili be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons owing said estate will please settle at once and save cost of collection. B. S. ROYSTER, Administrator of W. D. Lynch, dee'd. This, January 21st, 1905. tflNYROYAL PILLS lor CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH in HED and Hold metallic dozm. mled with bin. ribbon. Take other. Brfan D'umii 8ab.tltMtlwaa Md 1 Halts. Uom. Bj of your Drngciat. or Mad 4. la t?V.,.r. rtleulara, Teatlmenlala and "Killer far Ladle," iutvr. br r. n M 1 1 1 A Ai.A T...I 1... -1 . k Vaatlaa thla aaaw Haalaaa fun. PHII.1. V NOTICE. Application will be made to the General Assembly of North Carolina now In session to amend the act es tablishing the Oxford G raded Schools T. Is. BOOTH, Jan27 it Chairman Board Trustees. Hun at t-VuV

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