? OUR SUBSCRIBERS Iff i . ti.ls u;i per because we h ; SU: tu-u uud county. a chance and an air of up- $ to-dafeness by advertising JJ In The Public Ledger. -t m L i JOHN T. BRUT, Editor and Owner. VOL. XVIII. DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF OXFORD AND GRANVILLE, COUNTY. One Dollar a Year in Advance. OXFORD, N. 0., FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 1905. NO. 25. Tf if fO ' j ii-ii ; nil x a ir f 1 kvt 11 r tiw i Tflx -x wn . s '" ...: v Large Supply nf Stationery just received. My wri ne is now complete in tablets, composition writer supples, pens, pen- type c:is. siates and inks, in fact every l ;nr m tms line an lm- snse variety. An immense variety of toilet scaps and powder. Garden and flowierseed are K. ling in, I offer nothing now cor but fresh seed for sale. -In Spring a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love, her call and get When you go to see at Halls Drug Store a box of Headley's Nothing better. Gancy Beauntul box candies 1U, 15. 25. and on up to 80c and S2.50. Also all kinds plain and french candy arriving every cay or two. Apples, oranges, lemons, bananas, pecans, salt ed peanuts, etc. Soda water fountain in full blast. The best ice cream al ways on hand 5 and 10c a saucer. Try an egg flip. Spectacles and eye glasses, all grades on hand ranging in price from 25c to $10. Beau tiful gold filled frames guaran teed for 1 0 years. Satisfac tory fit everytime or you get your money back. Hail's spavin cure is the best thing on earth for a lame horse. Hall's hog powder e is the best powder for a hog. lis Prescription Must Is under my special care. Pu rity, accuracy and 25 years experience is what I offer you. Send you prescription to me and you will get eactly what your doctor wants you to have. J.G. HALL. DRUGGIST. Marriage of Mr, Don P. Wagstaff and Miss Alice L. Fleming. There was a marriage In Ve8t Dur ham yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock Mr. D. P. WasBtaff, of Creedmoor, was the groom and Miss Alice Lee Fleming was the bride. They were married at the home of Mr. Li. Jones by Kev. M. I). Giles. Immediately after the weddinjr vows were said the couule left for the home of the jcroom at ( reed moor. Both are well known people. The brldels from Creedmoor tut has lived In West Durham for aoiiie time and has many friends here. Durham Herald 13th. Win-should Virginians complain about the .North Carolinians being firt at Bethel and last at Appomat to.r; Ain't the "Tarheels" the best stickers in the world? OrangeJVa., 'hserver. A NURSE SAYS Pe-ru-na is a Tonic of Efficiency. READ WHAT WOMEN SAT OF IT. MRS. KATE TAYLOR. Mrs. Kate Taylor, a graduated nurse of prominence, gives her ex ptrience with Peruna in an open letter. Her position in society and nmfpKsinnal standing combine tO t tgive special prominence to her ut- terances. i , , .j, I, c HICAGO, ILL., 427 W. Monroe St. "Ad far as I have observed Peruna is the finest tonic any man or woman tun use who is weak from the after t fleets of any serious illness. ' r have seen it used in a number of convalescent cases, and have seen sev--Tal other tonics used, but I found that t!i')e who used Peruna had the quickest relief. ' 'Peruna seems to restore vitality, in- crease bodily vigor and renew heann strength in a wonaenuuy time."... MRS. KATE TAYLOR. la view of the great multitude of women sufferine from some iorm oi men suffering from some m M female, disease. and yet unable to find any cure, Dr. ilartman, the renowned ialist on female catarrhal diseases, has announced his willingness to direct th! treatment of as many cases as make application to him during the summer months without charge. Address The 1'eruna Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio.' J toe ocal Jaconics. BRIEF DASHES OF THINGS HAPPENING. .Note the change n the adveretiee menc or jj red Day, Oxford Jeweler. it does seem at times as thonsh tne fool killer was most shamefully Mr- ll- GK Cooper has purchased me scnool lot near the Currin prize uouse on iiuisnoro street. l l ho Imnarifll TaVioaaa O. "U ; r"- . w vw. , AlckS received a 100 horse power boiler to ero mto tne new stemmery. Little Miss Lillian Spencer who nas been quite sick several days, we axe giau 10 learn is mucn Detter. Rranville Superior Court will con vene Monday with a light docket. His nonor J udge Peebles will again pre side. "Two heads are better than one" but the one to be decorated with the Easter hat is the better one of the two. ; Mr. J. M. Currin has purchased from Dr. H. C. Herndon the Cherry Hill property and will greatly im prove it. Mr. J. J. Renn has moved his fam ily from Stem to Oxford, and occupy the dwelling vacated by Mr. Luther Stark on College street. During the past week there has been a large number of our country friends in Oxford trading and met with a warm welcome at the hands of our up-to-date merchants. Mr. James B. Pruitt and Miss Dora Adcock, both of Walnut Grove township, were married Wednesday, and the editor joins their friends in wishing them much happiness. Mr. Henry G. Cooper, Jr., will re turn next Saturday from Annapolis where he is at. present sranding final examinations"for entering Annapolis. He will spend several months in Ox ford. - The weather seems to be playing a game of regular old fashion "er back." The weather man ought tote arrested, for he trying to euchre us out of our fruit and" early vegetables. Durham Sun. Administrators, guardians and ex ecutors who have not complied with the lawwhich requires them to make annual reports, should attend to this duty at once otherwise they are all liable to get in trouble. A spark from a passing freight set fire to tne woods at Lewis station Tuesday and a large area of wood was burned over before the fire was gotten under control. Have not heard of the extent of the damage. The pardon mill at Raleigh is be ginning to get in its work again and Gov. Glenn is no doubt over run with petitions, letters, etc. "Why should .1 adges try law breakers and Solicitors prosecute and convict them and then turn round and ask for their pardon? Messrs. Landis and Easton have on display a most attractive stock of spring and summer goods in great va rity and if you have not already done so you are most cordially invited to call and supply your wants. Look out for their advertisement next week. Mr. Jackson, who has charge of the erection of the electric wires, is in deed a veritable hustler and is making splendid progress in the installment of the Electric Light Plant. It will not be many moons before we will again enjoying electric lights in Ox ford. Th fine choir of St. Stephens Epis eopal ehurch, under ihe leadership of Mrs. R. W. Lassiter and Mrs. John Booth, have prepared some choice music for Easter Sunday in com mem oiation of the Risen Lord, and the ser ices will be beautiful and soul inspir ing. The "Granville Grays" Chapter Daughter Confederacy have commenc ed work in earnest on the monument fund and will give an entertainment in the Opera House Friday evening, May 12th. "A Noble Outcast" is the play being rehearsed for the occasion and is composed of the best talent of Oxford amateurs. Sunday was a regular March day as it rained and snowed with a rapid fall of temperature and by Monday morning the ground was frozen in many places. There was also a heavy frost Tuesday morning and the winter crook and overcoats were again in or der. It is not known whether the fruit is killed or not. Mr. Joe Baird arrived in Oxford a few days ago, and purchased -from Mr. J. J. Medford his stock of goods. The store until the first of September will be in charee of Mr. L. F. PerkinH son as Mr. Baird will continue to trav el for the Oxford Furniture Company until that time. Mr.- Medford has not decided frhat he will do. On Tuesday nigbt, 25th, the Ox ford Lodge 3?o. 103 I. O. O. F., will celebrate the 86th Anniversary of Odd Fellowship in this country in their Lodge Room, and addresses will be made by prominent Odd Fellows. Every member of this grand and not le order is cordially invited to at tend. J. H. LO?G, Committee. The new law cutting the fees of sheriffs in the larger counties will cut Sheriff F. D. Markham's in this conn ty, out of something like $1,800 or $2,000. Sheriff Markham ays that the law would cut away practically all profits of the office, as he had to pay out a great deal for clerks and deputies. Durham Sun. Gov. Glenn has'granted pardon to William Garner, serving a; six tence in Granville county for mo n slnnchter. on recommendation of Solicitor Brooks.and many citizens on the ground that the prisoner had great provocation, was viciously a Hfl.ll Ued before he shot and in . the so cliitors opinion, ought to have been acquitted. Love takes all kinds of freaks sometimes. At Winston a license was issued for the marriage of a 51 year old boy anda 14-year-old woman. The affair was interrupted before the cere mnnv could be performed. The youth was very much "hurted aDOUt his feelings and o3ered a policeman $10 tQ help him get marriej.Green vine Reflector Henderson regrets the loss of Mr. M H. Allen and his excellent family os Aitizpns . They have moved to riTfnrd. the change of Mr. Allen's run patting him tnere at night, thus sep erating him almost entirely from his famil v here. But our loss in Oxford's train. Our friends over there will find iLv, Mr and Mrs. Allen excellent WUU A , . the town is fortunate to claim among Its citizenship. Gold Leaf. Vl VUl UltAUCJISUO readers is called to the change in the auveriisement of Messrs. Lone, Bla loek and Haskins on 4th patre. This progressive firm is anxious to supply your wants in all kinds of spring wear of the 1 p.. test Ktvloa TOn xtcb onrl vino In up. Their stock in Dress Goods, Milii nery, Trimmings, .Notions, Clothing, --" uuuen, cw;., le complete auu can cvjuijj juu irom neaa to ieec A crear. furnishing notions, etc, is on at KapIon and Allen's on Main street, and prices a muicaiea in tneir page advertise now is the time to take advantage of mre u(i(njriuDiy ouerea to pecure goods almost at what is termed your own nrinn." RaoH fha lam atuirtiu - X -- .wuv wuw U1 uu. t 1.1.717 ment carefully and pick out what you nraui, mm uitthe a Dee line lor the great bargain centre. Good Shooting. The Granville Gravs had their an nual target practice last Monday after noon and some very good shootin&r with the Krag Jargensen rifle was re portea. 1 he range was ?00 yard: measured. W. W. Fuller won the medal with the hich score of 22 out of a possible 25. .Claude King was sec ond with aseore of 19,and S. M. Wheel er and I. B.Wilson tied for third place with score of 18. The Company's cnapiain, Kev. .ino. JS. Wool, was on hand and tried his hand at the mark but the best he could score was 2. Good for Mr. Milner. Under the direction of Mr. Milner, who has been employed for the spec ial work, the old oak tree on Williams horo street is being made one of the prettiest places in Oxford, turfed in very best manner with seats around the base of the tree and a rock on which is chiselled "wayside tree." A fountain is also to be placed on the terrace. The improvement will ttand as proof of the taste and ingenuity of Mr. Milner who has made many friends in Oxford by his courteous at tention to the wishes of the people. Naval Academy Examinations. Examinations of candidates f or ad mission to the Naval Academy as Af id shipmen took place Tuesday, Wednes day and Thursday of this week under supervis'on of civil service commission at several stations throughout the country. Our younsr friend Henry r. uooper, Jr., was in the contest at Washington City in a class of about 100. He had three alternates from this district after the same place. These boys have been preparing for about a year and it makes the contest very interesting and exciting to them. Our best wishes for the Oxford boy. i t will be some time before the re suit will be announced. Judge Graham at Home. The many friends of Judge Graham will be glad to learn that he has sufti ciently recovered to return home, but is not yet able to he in his office ex cept at intervals. He i. however, rap idly improving an we bone will soon be himself again. He certainly made a record in the Legislature ot which he should feel proud. He was the ac knowleged leader of the House. His friends are stratified at the record he made but were much saddened to learn of this illness. We are sorry to learn" that Mrs. Graham continues qutie ill and Judge Graham returned to her bdeside in Kaleigh V ednesday afternoon. f Villeford Club Reception. Handsome invitations have been is sueo by Oxford's popular club which read as follows: The annual master Reception of the Villeford tClub, of Oxford, N. Cwill be held in the Club parlors, on Monday evening the 24th of April in the year of our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and nve, rrom nine until twelve o'clock. The honor of vour presence is requested. Patronesses Mrs. J. Graham Hunt, Mrs. James Locke Ervin, Mrs. Wil Ham E. Massenburg, Mrs. Sol William Cooper. Mrs. Bransford BalIou:Mrs.Ed mund T. White, Mrs. William Henry Hunt. Mrs. William A. Devin. It promises to be the greatest social event of the season and many out of to urn people have been invited. Death of a Young Lady. The editor did not learn until Pri day that Miss Carrelene, . daughter of Mr and Mrs 1. u. Manguui. or .nrass field township, passed into Heaven's Morning Land on April 6th, after an illness of about 3 months. She was 19 years ot age and possessed many vir tues and graces and greatly beloved bv all who had the pleasure of her ac quaintanee. She was active in church and Sunday school work and scatter ed brightness and sunshine wherever she went. Oh ! death how cruel to strike down one just blooming into beautiful womanhood, the pride ot fond parents, brothers and sisters, the light and joy of home. We join the numerous friends of the family in offering profound sympathy to the erief strrcKen household. There is no death! The stars go down, And bright in Heaven's jeweled crown. They shine forever more." Col. Minor Leaves Oxford. It is with deep regret that we have to chronicle the departure of Col. Sid ney W. Minor from Oxrord. He has spent his life here and we consider his departure a distinct loss to the town. He was a highly esteemed and very useful citizen, and his friends here part with him with great reluct ance. . He has served the town well and honorably in the various capacities to which he has t een called. For about 5 years he was mayor of Oxford, and has also served on the Board of Com miss Loners. In both of these positions he was of great service to the town. By profession he is a lawyer, being a member of the well known firm of Hicks and Minor for several years. For two years he has been with the First National Bank of Oxford and is a most capable banker and business man. We bespeak for him a 'arge measure of success and popularity in his new home in Durham. Col. Minor left here Tuesday and will enter upon his duties as Assistant Cashier of 'the Fidelity Bank of that town at once. JNow is the time to take a spring tonic to puify the blood, cleanse the liver and kidneys of all impurities Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will do the business. Wanted Board for my wife and three children. Address, C. A. Stacy, care Exchange Hotel, Oxford, TS.C Frightful Suffering Relieved. Suffering frightfully from the vir ulent poisons of undigested food, C G. Grayson, of Lula. Miss., took Dr Kings fiew Life Pills, with the re suit." he writes, "that I was cured." All stomach and bowel disorders give way to tneir tonic, laxative properties. 25c at E. L. Hamilton's drug store guaranteed. . - GEN. LEW WALLACE'S Mighty Romance Ben Hur to be Pre sented in Richmond. Arrayed in all its splendor Klaw and Erlander's stupendous produc tion of Gen Lew WallaceVBen Hur" will inaugurate a week's engagement at the Academy of Music, Richmond. Va., on .Monday evening, - April 241h. There will be a matinee on Wednes day and Saturday during the week. Of all the spectacular productions of modern times, none has been credited with so long a run of prosperity as this great and popular religious his toric romance. "Isen Hur" is today crowned with a record of nearly 1,1)00 performances in a little over 5 years, and has been seen by more than four million people. Reviewing "Ben Hur" as a play it is one of the most stirring and impres sive stories ever given to the stage, and white the keenest admiration and astonishment have been manifested for tne marvelous scenic and mechan ical effects that are unfolded in its en actments the impression that lasts and lives, and that which has been responsible for the wonderful success scored, Is the beautiful, fervent and highly dramatic story, so forcibly and truthfully told with its endowment of grand music supplied by Edgar Stiliman Kelley. Richmond is the only city in the State that "Ben Hur" will he present ed in. The Com pany numbers over 350 persons. Ten 60 feet baggage cars are required to transport the scenic effects and two stock cars are pressed into service, two cars for the horses and camels used in the production. In the great chairot race scene eight horses, harnessed to two chariots are shown in their struggle for suprema cy- The entire stage of the Richmond theatre is to be ieoonstructed for the handling of this colassal attraction. A force of carpenters are now busy put ting in a new stage with a sub stage for the mechanical effects of the char iot race scene and the movii g pano rama showing the excited spectators in the Roman Hippodrome. The advance sale of seats for ''Ben Hur" opens Thursday morning, April 20th at nine o'clock. Mr. C. W. Rex. Business Manager of the Academy of Music announces that all out of town orders, if accompanied by the cash on money order, will be filled as soon as the regular box omce sale opens. iu ring the engagement of "Ben Hur" in Kichinond all railroads entering tne city will make special excursion rates. Attending the Presbytery; Rev. John E. Wool and Dr. L. C. Taylor left 1 uesday for Raleigh to at tend the spring meeting of Albemarle Presbytery which is in session there this week. Messrs. N. B. Daniel, of Oak Hill church, Otho Daniel, of Ge neva church and H. C. Nelson, ot Shiloh church, aie also in attendance on the Presbytery: The Presbytery of Albemarle covers the territory from Oxford to Currituck embracing the towns of Newbern, Washington, Goldsboro, Kinston, Rocky Mount, Wil son, Henderson, Raleigh and Oxford. In seventeen of these counties there are 88 Presbyterian churches, ivhile in thirteen no- church of tnis aenom ination is found. The oldest church is , Grassy Creek in Granville county, un der the pastorial care of Rev. E. P. Bradley, organized in 1150. The youngest is Enfield, organized in 1905. There are hfteen ministers in cnarge of twenty -nine churches, and ten churches are at present vacant. Ar rangements are pending hy which all will be regularly supplied with preach Ing with possible one exception. The total membership of all the churches in this Presbyetry is something over 2 500. Honor Roll Oxford Graded School Seventh Month, 1905. TiT-wf Or siil a 1st. ' Tii vision Marie Meadow a, Beatrice Parham.Sallie Bur uroll Riislo MoailnwK. -ln.snnhiiift 111 gold', Lilias Millis, John Gulick Mitch ell. Edith Parnam, Gillian spencer, George Jones, Jessie Carroll,' Joseph Bryan. pirat. rrra.de 2nd Division Susan Webb, Bessie Howell, Harry Jones, Rachel Parham, Helen Melvin, Frank Furman. Guy Wheeler, John Graham Webb, Bernard Spencer. Second Grade- -Mary White, Ken nnn Tavlor.Sol CooDer Bessie Daniel. Julia Council, Willie Pendleton. Third Grade Sylvania Parham, Mary Shaw.Helen Paris, Virginia Car rol, isstner mitcneii, irrace uarrm, Mamie Moore, Luclle Ellington, Ma rion Wyatt, Hallie Meadows, Jose phine Medford, Thomas White, R T. Smith, Jr., Gorden Spencer, Raymond Ulapp. Fourth Grade Louise morris, more head Emmitt, James Taylor, Lucy Wyatt, Page Morris, Julia Cooper, Dallis Buchanan.Clyde Cannady.Lois Perkinson, 'Willie Landis, Estelle White. Helen Howell, Buiuner tua dick, Sallie Webb. F.fth Grade Oscar Kagiand, joe Lassiter, Esther Wyatt, Irving Roys ter, Lillie Currin, John Baker, Marsh Rav. Marie Medford, jj'rances ways, Annie Walters, Archie Walters, Ben Thorpe, Ellie Baker, Estelle Bullock; Sophronia Cooper, Willie Alston. oixtn trraae Aiieine minor, iturma RnrwAll Tsahel Fleming. Mary Coop er, Alma Ragland, Susie Brown, Pearl Parker, same ttius, Aaaie wooa, ra len Steagall, Virgie Pendleton, tuza beth Coleman, Jack Bullock, Sallie Raker.LeonardMitchell, Fannie Webb, Edlar Chappell. Berkeley Spencer. Seventh Grade James tsootn.irene Hines, Augusta Landis, Lucy Smith, Willie Grimsley, Russell Webb. Eighth Grade Lillian Minor, Louie Mitcnell, Willie Murray, Sophy Tay lor, Willie Lee Thomas. Ninth Grade Katie jnemmg, uior ence Landis. Highest Averages Oscar Kagland, 99.85, James Booth, 99.40, Sylvania Parham, 99 40, Mary Shaw,99 40,Mary White, 99,25, Allene Minor. 99.13. Nor ma Burwell, 99. 02, Joe Lassiter. 99,Hel en Paris, 99, Kennon Taylor, 99. A Daredevil Kide oftens ends in a sad accident. To heal accidental injuries, use Bucklens Arnica Salve. a deep wouna in my foot from an accident," wiites Theo dore Schuele. of Colubmus, Ohio, "caused me great pain. Physicians were helpless, - but Bucklens Arnica Salve qnickly healed it. isootnes ana heals burns like magic. 25c at R. L. Hamiltons drug store. Mrs. NormanBurwell will give les sons in oil, water color and - china painting at her home. Broad street. Wednesday and Thursday afternoons For Sale 1 will sell to the highest bidder for cash on Friday April 2th, 1905. near Buchanan, one bay horse, farm bell, etc., a large lot of sawed lumber, house hold and kitchen fur nit are and all other appliances belong ing to the said Wash Amis, deceased. Time of sale 12 o'clock. . CONELTDS AMIS, Administrator, VIrgllina, Va. 351 (on)ii)g and (join?. YOU OR YOUR FRIEND MAY BE MENTIONED. Mr. J. S. Hunt is in town for a few days. Mr. J. M. Currin went North Wed nesday on business. - Gen. B. S. Royster was in Raleigh Saturday on business. Mr.R. W Lassiter is on a business trip to New York City. Mr. Joe. Hall, of Durham, was an Oxford visitor Monday Mr and Mrs. Ed Landis, of Hen derson, were in Oxford Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hobgood, of Enon, were in town Tuesday. Mrs. Cheek of Henderson, is visit ing her daughter, Mrs. A. S. Hall. Mr. G. L. Allen, of Brass field township, was in town a tew hours Monday. Mrs. Emma Lynch returned Fri day from a visit to Mrs. W.B. Bullock at Hester. ' Mr. J. E Whitfield, merchant of Wilton, was on our streets a few hours Monday. Mr. Peter Pruitt, of Enon section, was in town Friday and called on the Public Ledger. Mr. D.W. Adcock.of Satterwhite, was in town Saturday and called on the Public Ledger. Mr. C, L. Lewis, of Stovall, is at tending the Albemarle Presbytery at Raleigh this week. . Mr. J. D. Greenway, of Oak Hill Township, was in Oxford Tuesday and called to see the editor. Mr. and Mrs.Dorsey Mangum and daughter ot Brassfield Township, were in Oxford Monday. Miss lmogene Bernard.of Binning ham, Ala., is visitiag her sister, Mrs. W. A. Devin on High street. Mr. Bl G. Rogers, a prominent young businecs man of Creedmoor, was in Oxford Monday on business. Mr. John Dorsey,of South Boston, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. How ard Dorsey, several days the past week. Mr. Frank Landis joined Mrs. Landis in Oxford Friday and spent several days with her and the dear children. Mrs. W. C Tryee, who has been on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Currin, returned to Raleigh Wednesday. Mrs. Irving Anderson and child, of Greensboro, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Landis on upper Hillsboro street. Rev. J. E. Wool returned Friday from Asheville where he attended the meeting of the Grand Lodge of Royal Aicanum. marriage of her niece. Miss Charlotte Harris to Mr. W. C. Porter at Greens boro Wednesday. Mr. and Mra Vernon Walters and Miss Mollie Cozart, of Tar River sec tion, were in Oxford Monday and hon ored the Public Ledger with a visit. , Mrs. A. E Wilson and children of Weldon, visited Mrs. Anna Landis a few days the past week and Mrs. Wilson s many old time friends were pleased to see her again. Mrs. Minnie Shields, of Jackson ville, Fla , is on a visit to her sister Mrs. R. W. Lassiter, and her old time friends are delighted to meet her again and see her looking so well. The manv old friends of Mr. B. F. Taylor were glad to see him in Oxford Monday. He came over from Chase City Sunday afternoon and returned Monday evening. Mr. T. S. Chandler, an experienc ed pharmacist who has been connect ed with the drug business in Hender son for several years, is now with Mr. R. L. Hamilton, and we trust he will be pleased with Oxford. Misses Esper Moss, Lesie Moss and Lee Moss,of Brassfield Township, and Miss Hallie Haskins, of Hester, four attractive and pleasant young ladies, were in Oxford Tuesday shop ping and the editor was pleased to receive a call from them." . Mr. Louis de Lacroix and daugh ter, Mrs. B. K. Hays, Dr. T. L. Booth and Misses Janie Booth and Rosa Crews struck the fnll force of cold wave at Cliff dale on the Roanoke River Sunday and Monday, which admonished them that the camping out season had not yet arrived. . Death oi Mrs. Chas. J.' Roberts "In my Fathers House are many Mansions. I go to prepare a place for you. that where I am there e may be aiso saia our oavior to U10 iwi " v " -" -" - on Friday last we have reason to be Kmro nociuH Mra nh.fl.rles .1. Roberts. of Knap of Reeds, for truly in life she followed in tne ioottteps oi jesus rVli a 1 1x7 a Tra aaA tn t.hiR homn F.tAr nal in the Heaven," as she had been a member of the Methodist church fmm aai-lv Vl In h rwirl . Sh was the only daughter of our late friend and countyman.John A. Waller, who pass - A . .1 A- A t ... .AnM1 ago, and was a most excellent woman, kind neighbor, steadfast friend, devot ed wife and mother. All who have been in any way associated- with her IU UOU . V v. - - - - - f by her death and should be nobler and oetter ,for her example. RHa leave behind a brokenhearted an infant about a month old, to sorrow over her death, hut they nave tne con solation ot knowing that her God will be their Uoa a very present neip m tine of trouble." She was tenderly laid to. rest in the family graveyard in the presence of a large concourse of nor rowing friends and neighbors, and left to sleep beneath the emblems of . puri ty and love which kind friends had brought as a last tribute of affection. In the. hour of deep sorrow and gloom we eineerely tender to our friend C. J. Roberts and children our heartfelt sympathies. "A loving mother.gentle triend is gone Has answered to the call, And round her home so lately fair and bright; . Death hovers like a pall. A eloud of sorrow rests upon this home, Her presence is not there; . r . She's gone into a home beyond the " Where all is bright and fair. Are you a subscribe to the Pablfc Ledger"' Don't borrow It. , AT EASTER DAWN. Sweetly the birds are singing At Easter dawn; Sweetly the bells are ringing On Easter morn. And the words that they say. On this glad Easter-day, Are, "Christ the Lord is risen." Birds! forget not your singing At Easter dawn; Bells ! be ye ever ringing " On Easter morn. " In the spring of the year. When Easter Is here, Sing, "Christ the Lord Is risen." Buds! ye will soon be flowers. Cherry and -white; Snow-storms are changing to show ers, .-. , t Darkness to light, With the awakening of spring. Oh, sweetly sing. "Lo! Christ the Lord Is risen." Easter buds were growing, Ages ago ! Easter lilies were blowing By the water's flow. All nature was glad, . Not a creature was sad. For Christ the Lord Is risen. Sale of Personal Property. On Friday, May 5th. 1905, 1 will sell at public auction, for cash at my res! dence in Fishing Creek Township, a lot of personal property consisting of 1 horse, 1 cow, 1 wagon, 1 buggy, lot or harness, farming tools, corn, fodder, shuckc, bacon, household and kitchen furniture and other articles. The sale will begin at 10 o'clock, a. m. This April 17th, 1905. REBECCA S. MONTAGUE. For Sale Fine tobacco Farm 179 acres situated in Dinwiddie county, Va.. about 4 1-2 miles from Wilson's depot. Improvements, two ttory frame dwelling and kitchen, small log stabler, crib, tobacco barn, etc. It has a nice apple orchard on it. Most ex cellent fine bright tobacco land. For further particulars apply to W. A. Adams, Oxford, N. C. A GUARANTED CURE FOR PILES. Itching, blind, bleeding or protruding piles. Druggist refund money if PAZO OINTMENT tails to cure any case, no mat ter of how long standing in 6 or 14 days. First application gives ease and rest. 60c It your druggist hasn't it send cOc in stamps and it will be forwarded post paid by Paris Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo. I have on hand at all time Dunlop Mills Flour, meal, oats, corn and mill feed. J. J. MEDFORD. Two large comfortable rooms for rent. Apply to T. Lanier. We have just received a manufae turers line of sample skirts, no two alike, will be told at less than whole sale price. Paris Dry Goods Co. Speoial Low Rates to the Pacific Coast. Seaboard announces the sale of one way second class colonist tickets from all points in North Carolina to the Pa cific Coast., commencing Mareh 5th and continuing on sale until May 31st. Rate Raleigh to San Francisco is $48.25, Wilmington to San Francisco is $48.25; corresponding low rates from other stations will apply to all princl pal points on the Pacific Coast. For further information, time-tables, and etc.. apply to, W. M. Bull ard, Agent. Oxford, N. C. CHAS. H. GATT1S, T.P. A., Raleigh, N. C. Be sure and see the sample line of Misses and ladies skirts at prices less than cost to manufacture. Paris Dry Goods Co. FOR SALE Barred Plymouth Rocks, White Wyandottes and Single Comb White Leghorn chickens. Ap ply to W. H. Britt. Letter to W. A. Parham, Oxford, N. C. Dear Sir: When yon can buy paint for less than Devoe : don't; save your money. Mr. Aaron Higgins, Plainfield, N. J. always used 15 gallons of paint for his house; Devoe took 11. Mr. Ezra Rathmell. Williamsport, Pa., always used 11 ; Devoe took 6. Mr. Burt Young.Girard.Pa., always used a gallon for certain rooms; took half as much Devoe. Mr. Nathaniel Barber, Canton, N. T. bought 12 Devoe; used less than 6. You can always buy paint for less than Devoe; don't; save you money. The wearing count the same way and doubles the diffenence. The cost of painting is by the gal Ion. Weak paint costs mostanost gal Ions. Yours truly, F W. DEVOE and CO. P. S. J. F. Edwards sells our paint. Sold out to J. M. Baird. I s nnonnee to my friends and custo mers that I have sold my entire stock of goods to Mr. J. M. Baird. who will continue the business at the same stacd, and warmly commedd him to my old patrons as he will t e sure to treat them right and sell them goods at the lowest possible prices. 1 cor dially thank all who kindly extended me their patronage while in business, -which was highly appreciated. j.j. uuuD'um From the above announcement it will be seen that I have purchased the entire stock of Dry Goods, Shoe and notion of J J. Medford, and will con tinue the buisness uninterrupted al the same old stand, and seek the eon tinned trade ef the old customers ot Mr Medford as well a the new ones who are seekers after the bett bar gains. . For the present the store will be in charge of Mr. L. F. Perkinson. who will take great pleasure in sery ing you. J. M. BAIRD. Sale of Land. By virtue of an order of the Superior court ofGranvi'le county, rendered on the 28th day of Marrh, 1905, 1 shall at Court House door in Oi ford, on MONDAY, MAY 1st, 1905. sell for cash the following trct of land j A certain tract or parcel of land belonging to the estate of Arra3tead Daniel, deceased, being a two third interest in said estate(the dower interest of Lucy Daniel, widow, hav ing been allotted) and more particularly described as follows: Begin at a stone the northwest corner of the dower land in J. H. "Taylor's line 14 feet east of hickory and 10 feet north of oersimmon. runs thence along the dower line S X W 26.90 chains to a stake or stone, thence S 89 1-2 E 11.45 chs. to a stone and dogwood pointers, said dower corner in J. B. Powell's line S 3 W 8 65 chs. to a stone, J. B Powell's corner along said Powel's line S 65 W 21.25 chains to stake Sam Daniel's corner being a part of tract of Land belonging to the late Arms'ead Daniel, deceased,situated in Sassafras Fork townshio. GranviMe county, containing 48 1-2 acres more or loss, said lands be ing sold to make a?setts, the personality of the estate of the said Armslead Daniel be. ing insufficient to pay the debts due by the said estate. WM. H. HARRISON, Adm'r of Armstead Daniel. March 28, 1905. Sales Real Estate for Taxes, Pursuant to the Laws of North Carolina authorizing the sale of real estate for taxes, I shall sell for cash by public auction at the Court House door tn Oxford, on MONDAY, MAY 1, 1905, the real estate hereinafter de scribed to satisfy the taxes due there on for the year 1904. Time of sale 12 m. E. K. HOWARD. Sheriff. FISHING CREEK TOWNSHIP. McKee. M. J.. 160 aeres. $ 8 96 Pltchford.J.O.A T.W.254 acres 12 17 Itenn, A. H., 55 aeres. 3 46 Tunetall, R. M., 115 acres, 13 Barberl. J. S.. 164 acres, 5 13 Blackwell, a S., 40 acres, delln., 4 60 colore n. Alston; Darling, acre, Brandon. A. D.. 84 acres, Brandon, Pat, 25 acres, Braswell, Betsy, 25 acres, Cannady, W. P., 9 acres. Cousins. Wm, 2 acres. Crews. Tim. 15 acrea. 47 13 48 47 70 31 57 Crews, Henry, 40 acres, 87 crews, caivin, 23 acres, Eaton, Rebecca. 11 acres, Harris, Lucy, 9 acres, Harris, Wm.. Sr. 140 acres, Uoleman, Lizzie, acre, Holeman. John, 2 acres. Minor, Lucy, 4 acres. Peace, Jennie, 25 acres. Richardson, Ben, 22 acres, Taylor. Lama. 50 acres, Thorp, A. T., 51 acres, . Davis, J ackson, 2 acres, Hodges, Henry, acre, Pettlford, Betsy, 35 acres. Hunter, Phlllls. acres, Hayes, E. O., 20 acres. Hill, Annie, 3 acres, Mallorv. Estelle. 1 acre. 25 2 20 2 47 6 65 1 94 2 07 2 14 2 65 3 10 2 14 5 46 66 47 81 20 07 81 13 47 01 Cheek, J. R.. 36 acres. Taylor, Pattle, acre, BRASSF1ELD TOWNSHIP. Champion, Flora, 171 acres, 5 75 Champion, W. H., 168 acres, 7 16 Cole, Mrs. E F., 100 acres, 4 47 Davis, Mrs. Hawkins, 75 acres, 3 80 Davis, J. M , 115 acres, 9 84 Delnoback, C. D.. 15 acres. 4 65 McGhee, W. H., 67 acres, 4 31 McGhee. W. L.. 73 acres. 3 81 McOhee. J. Y. estate, 180 acres, 9 13 Peace, J. I., 74 acres, 5 53 Wall, W . hi., 102 acres, 5 13 COI.ORKD. Jones, Mary, 14 acres, 2 20 Johnson, W. S., 93 acres, delln' t, 9 61 DUTCH VILLE TOWNSHIP. Forsyth, D. J., 102 acres, v 10 22 Wheeler, R. H., 11 acreB, 6 35 COLORED. Moore. Young, 32 acres, 5 65 Robertson. Wm.. 70 acres, 7 35 Warren, Henry, 23 acres, . 4 09 Harris, Manerva. 78 acres, delln 5 44 Warren, Henry, 23 acres delln't 6 38 TALLY HO TOWNSHIP. Johnson, M. H.. 68 acres, Oakley. C N . 58 acres. 16 31 25 47 47 35 81 26 65 00 40 20 34 65 46 1 Uley, Lucius, 30 acres, ' - COLORED. Clement, Anderson, 20 acres, Day, Dock, lo acres, . Evans, Jones, 48 acres. Hobgood. Roane, 44 acres, Lassiter, Rob t J. .trustee. acre Mitchell. Robt. 20 acres. Waller, Polly. 7 acres, . Gobs. Dfn1el, 25 acres, Smith, Tempe. 79 acres, Lyon. Nancy. 3 acres. Haltbcock, Isabella, 2 acres, 2 WALNUT GROVE TOWNSHIP Hobgood, S. P., 222 acres, 4 Oakley, Mrs. Francis, 120 acres. 3 COl.OKEI). Harris, Horac, 95 acres, Hall, Willis, 16 acres, Lyon, Neal, 50 acres, 5 65 4 14 3 65 2 44 2 20 7 40 3 50 3 31 Latta. iNeverson, z acres, Lyon. J. H .2 acres. Speed. Rob 83 acreo, Thorp. Wm, 30 acres. Thorp, Bird, 19 acres. OAK HILL TOWNSHIP. Eustls. W.E.. 60 acres, Eakes, A. s , 114 acres. 8 47 3 70 9 84 5 65 3 46 6,70 5 53 2 81 2 14 EllxHon. C. S.. 198 acres, Eoftle, J. R.. 72 acres, Morary, J. H. 11 acres. Puryear, J. D., 133 acres. Puryear, 8. A estate, 187 acres, Seat, W. B., 50 acres, Wlmfree, J. W , 10 acres. COLORBD. Chandler. James, 200 acres, Cook, Mike, 44 acres, Cunningham, Peter, 1 acre. 47 46 90 34 10 22 90 22 95 47 Downey, tJeorge, & acres, Downey. Ellis, 15 acres. Olllts, Edward, 24 acres. Lassiter, Charles, 16 acres. Pool, Henry, 5 acres, Royster. Jaura, 1 acre, Koyster. Jim v., 1 acre, Royster. Judith, 6 acres, Royster, Henry, 40 acres, Royster, John, 11 acres. 3 26. 3 13 2 47 4 57 3 00 3 13 4 14 4 84 3 31 3 21 3 13 2 14 4 47 2 60 2 60 2 81 Koyster. Ruttln. l.J acres. Smith, O. R., 22 acres, Smith, same rs ,4U acres, Smith. Peter, 5 acres. Tuck, Ruffln, 51 acres. Tuck, Wm , 13 acres, Taylor, Woody, 51 acres, Overby, Charles, 21 acres, Downey, Cornelius, 5 acres, Allen, Lucy, 10 acres. Garnett, Ell, 26 acres. Royster. H. W.. 10 acres, Burton, Low, 16 acres, SASSAFRAS FORK TOWNSHIP. Eakes, L. W., 82 acres, . . j nr m " 4 60 5 46 ttastwoou, vv . m., 00 acres. COLORED. Davis, Ed, 5 acres, Pnrmer. VI It tie. 9 ncrea. 2 2 3 2 3 2 5 4 65 81 40 Gregory, Charles, 57 acres, . 11.11 i- Harris, run, 11 avres, Loftls, J . B., 50 acres, Morton, Dave, 4 acres, Morton. Drewrv. 97 acres. 14 13 07 25 70 Owen. George, 4 acres. Pascal, Emily, 2 acres. Pettlford, Billy, 10 acres, Peed, John, 68 acres. 3 21 2 76 5 96 SA LEM TO WNS H I P. COLORED. Chavls, John, 87 acres. 5 50 4 02 2 61 2 61 3 55 2 21 3 20 3 01 4 61 6 20 Hart, Sbeppard, b acres. Hart, Osborne, 25 acres, Thorp, Ben, 3 acres. OXFORD TOWNSHIP. Beasley, W. F., 1 time 1903 04 McGulre, K." H- 10 acres, COLORKD. Mangum, Jane, 14 acres Neal, John, 4 acres Pascal!, Robt.. 3 acres, Royster, Jacob. 1 acre. Roberts, Wyatt, 3 acres, Kobersoo, Algle, 15 acres, Washington. Jane, 1 lot. Young, Robt., 44 acres. Cooper. Peggie 2 acres, Guy. Elijah, acre. Jones, Wm., 4 acres. Walnwrtght, Ed, 1 lot. Young. Perry. 14 acres, Allen. Moses. 1 lot, Alexandria, Carrie, 1 lot. Crews, Henrietta, 16 acres. Davis. Sarah, 20, acres. Gregory. Artnur, 3 acres. . H -Harris. Aramltta, 2 acres, Harris, Robt., 9 acres, . ' Jackson, Jlmmle. 2 acres. Jones, Jonah, 13 acres, Lewis, Chas , acre, Lewis, Edith. 15 acres, ' 52 41 01 22 41 00 01 3 40 6 60 3 81 3 61 3 61 3 40 1 99 2 46 6 05 2 83 6 77 2 83 2 69 Boo'i Gel met H Yon Can Heli It. as preventation is always bet ter than curejbut if you do get laid up, remember that for the sick room the best of appli ances and the highest quality of medicine ' are the cheapest in the long run. By dealing with R. L. Hamilton the lead ing pharmacists, you run no risk of substitution, or having essentials that are poorly made or unservicable sent you. Garden seeds Fresh and New. Remember you always get the best and only new seed at R. L HAMILTON'S Drug Store, oxford, - - - n. c. TRUST MINT of the Oxford Savings Bank is a distinct and separate de partment under the direct su pervision of Or. J. G. as trust officer. It is author ized to act as executor or ad ministrator, of estates, as guardian and receiver. It acts as manager of estates for per sons advanced in years or from any reason unable to give personal attention to the man agement of their property or estate or the persons wishing to place the care and manage ment of such property in the hands of a capable, trust worthy and entirely respon sible agent, who will Collect Rents, Interests, Divi dends, Coupons, Bonds. Mortgage's, Etc , and who will keep the proper ty insured, the funds invested and will pay taxes and other obligations Safety boxes for rent vaults for " storage of silver chests. NOTICE. State of North Carolina ) Superior Court, Granville County. J Before the Clerk 1 ne tsoara ot commissioners of Oxford, vs. Mrs. Jane E. Young, Ellis Cannady et al Notice to Ellis Cannady: The defendant Ellis Cannady will tak notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Granville County, before the Clerk thereof, to con a em n a certain strip of Land in the rear of the lot formerly occupied bv the late Dr. P. W. Young for the purpose of opening a new street; and said defendant will fur ther take notice that he is required to ap pear at me omce ot the Cleric of said Court on the 14th day of April, 1905, and answer or demur to the complaint in said proceed ing or the plaintiff will apply to the Court (or the relief demanded in said complaint. J. T. BRITT, Clerk Superior Court. This March 18, 1905. REFRESHING DRINKS. Out of the ordinary is our cool Drinks a wholesome sat isfaction for the thirsty man, woman or child. And they are healthful and delicious as we use SMITH'S LITHIA WA TER in our Fountain'. Only the purest of material with fresh made syrups are usd. Get the habit of visiting our fountain where you will be served promptly. ALLEN BROS., I I I Eyes Examined Free at Fred N. Day's Jewelry STORE. If you don't need glasses we will not put them on you. If you do we will tell you plainly and let you decide whether or not you will buy. Give us a trial. We guarantee a fit or refund your money. Fine repairing on watches clocks and jewelry skillfully executed and satisfaction gur anteed. . FRED N. DAY, Jeweler. John H. Waller, Manager. Administrator's Notice. The undersigned having this day duly qualified as administrator of Isaac, N. Day, deceased, of Oxford, Granville county, N. C . notice is hereby given to all persons holding claims against said estate to y re sent them, duly authenticated for payment on or before the 20th day of March, 1906, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Immediate-settlement of all ac counts due the estate is also d sired. FRED N. DAY, This March 20, 1905, Administrator hiiii 1