THE OXFORD PUBLIC LEDGEK, FRIDAY, APRIL 28,, 1905 3 Effl stttlft&iD? (wff IHi 'Gsifftflh ' There is a quality in Royal Baking Powder which makes the food more digestible and wholesome. This1 peculiarity of Royal has been noted by physicians, and 1 endorse and recom-it. ingiy mend ROVAl BAKING POWDER Sunday near Askew, Ark., ne prsi lynched a negro lor murdering iie of their race. SCROFULA The tainted blood of ancestors lays upon the shoulders of innocent off jprinsr untold suffering by transmitting to them, through the blood, that bUcht'-ng disease. Scrofula; for in nearly every instance the disease can be t'.K L-d to some family blood trouble, or blood-kin marriage which is contrary to the taws 01 nature, oweiiing, ulcerating gianas 01 tne neat, catarrh, weak eves, sores, abscesses, ... ekin eruptions, white swell- ScCA appeared on the head of my little (,, ,!,!.. nnrl nther grandchild when only 18 months old, and spread ,.. htp disease and other rapidly over her body. The disease next attacked oclonnities. with a wasting tne eyes and we feared she would loss her sight, of the natural strength and It was then that we decided to try S. S. S. That vit.uity. are some 01 me ways medicine at this miserable disease man ifests itself. The poison transmitted through the blood pollutes and weakens that nutritive qualities nus ine circulation witn scrotulous matter and tubercular deposits, often resulting in consumption. A disease which has been in the family blood for generations, perhaps, or at least since the birth of the suf- proves, the symptoms all pass away, there is a sure return to health, the dis ease is cured permanently while posterity is protected. Book on the blood ml any advice wished, furnished by our physicians, without charge. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA. CAm HOW CROP REDUCTION WORKS. Tne i nited States Tobacco Jonrnal of New York.s-ounds the alarm to tne rftnil tobacco dealers and advises itiem to eareiolly read the reiorts from the tobacco rrowiny districts. Trie Journal says: "According to the latest returns on the last crop in th bands of stalistic iaus the entire crop of the Soiithtrn Stare ill fall at least 100.000 Out) pouuds short of the recent average That this shortage was brought about mainly through the deliberate 'reduc tiou iii acreage on the part of the farmers is L'eoerallv believed In a report receiitlv published in the Uu iu-d tares Tobaceo Journal appeared tht- news item that the farmers in a number of growing districts had agreed to reduce their acreage anoth . , . , in er . . per cent, this year, which will naturally cause a further decrease in the supply of the tobacco. "But what is this to us C many an unthink in retailer will ask. "We do not haniile leaf tobacco. We have all we cm do to sell our goods without med flling in the leaf dealers' business." Now it has been the complaint of re laileri that the price of mnufactured tobacco is constantly being pushed un. ani they never can tell when iirii'fs will be raised on them. Tne matter here presented should help ' EARMERKN That rh scrret of sur.cess is through hie laVi-r W vou are in doubt as to which are the keep an up-to-date stock of everything in this line. Our stock ot gen eral Hardware and Agricultural Implements nnonhtipc anri trreater varieties than ever before. Our business is so laree that it demands ties, we can always secure lower benefit. HEADQUARTERS FOR I I WOU vinven FIELD FENCE uu woven POULTRY, RA8BST Absolute efficiency at least expense. A practical fence that will 42IIICH positively turn cattle, horses, hogs and pies. A fence 86inch 34 INCH that is stro IB INCH practically ever lasting, proven thoroughly effi- " " " - ' W00D FIELD -o.-Kl ::V:r fvfry KM OF LUUU1UUU. w- - - 1 If you want your fencing problems ELLWOOD FENCE and let us can get absolute satisfaction. full Stock . ,,f Points Full stock u rocker7 Lamps and willow ware Crockery, Wmp ?el!ingS- a?J T smUhs in North best gun ar-H lock smiths in i neralTl want 3e d. you satisfactory. VoUrs ft Twva a atva aaa ATxTx a a rumiirjiiJ2J j- :f Ed-rards g" Tato Laxative Bromo tiinine Tatiets. Sevco Million boxes sold In past 12 they accord- CO., NEW YORK. Joseph Jefferson is able to sit up and it is believed he will recover from his illness at Palm Beach, Fia. A Disease We Inherit once made a speedy and complete cure. She is now a young lady, and. has never had a sign of the disease to return. 150 S. 5th St., Salina, Kan. Mrs. R. BErkly. health-sustaining fluid and in place of its lerer, requires constitutional treatment. S. S. S. is the remedy best fitted for this. It cleanses the blood " of all scrofulous and tuberculous poisons, makes it rich and pure and under the tonic effects of this great blood medicine the sreneral health im them to make some pred ctione. It the supply, of the leaf is reduced,-the nrice of the leaf will be increased and if the cost of the raw material is ad vanced, the price of the finished pro duct will surely be' raised, and the retailer will have to pay more for his tobacco. The wise retailer will remeru ber such matters and take them into account in his buying." Exactly, "If the supply of the leaf is reduced the price of tne leaf will be increased. It s as plain as the noon day sun, and as sure as taxes. Keep down the production and the dealer: will he forced to pay higher price. Increase the production, glut the market, and urices will drop out of The admission by the Journal, which i a trust organ, that the avi cage .At.... - - -" - j (ermination ot the faimers themselves acreace nas Deen reaucea oy me ae is the best argument in the world 111 favor of organization. The tobacco eroivers have it absolutely in their powert to control prices by organ zing and sticking together. JNow Is the time to take a spring tonift to nn if v the blood, cleanse the liver and kidnevs of all impurities. Hoi lister's Rockv Mountain Tea will do the business. cultivation it he reaps a bountiful nan helo vou out of a uuandai , if best improved implements as we it. In securing the large quanti prices, and our customers get the 5 AND LAWN FENCE. SB INCH 5DINCM FENCE ISTAHUAKO SlTLtJBAUt in aiA ELLWOOD FENCE IS 6UARAMTEED. satisfactorily solved, call and see the show you for how little money you Oils TurDentine. Varnishes, Wood and Glass Ware, Meat choppers, etc. x Qf Carolina. If your pu is out of Roofine and Tinning supp 1 promise you my best efforts to serve verv truly. !r: mil. An r A A A A A A A f A A JxJU'Uim,ICi Hardware, To Cure a Cold in One Day This signature, month. THE OXFORD PUBLIC LEDGER. STEAM JOB PRINTINU Complete line stationery always on hand Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Vlsltlnsr Cards, Wedding Invitations, Tamphlets, Legal and Commercial Printing. Everything ' In the Job Printing line. Get the best we guarantee ours. WADE H. BRITT. LOCAL EDITOR. OUR FASHION LETTER. The Latest Development of the Useful Bolero. FITTED AND DRAPED WAISTS. Myrtle and Lizard SKadea ef Green. Advance Htnta of the Spring- and Summer Faaliiona Boiti and Al HTrets In Coiffnrea. i The bolero, which Is so popular, Is nothing like its Spanish namesake. The new development is a half loose coat which finishes in a round belt at the waist. Another example of the bolero is evolved of lace hung in-loose plaits from the shoulders and confined at the waist by a high pointed girdle of soft silk. This girdle is pointed in front and rounded at the back. The fitted and draped style of waist Is gradually gaiuing in popularity. The loose, graceful blouse bodices so long in favor the average woman finds dif ficult to dispense with. Consequent ly a smart wardrobe will have waists of both styles. - Myrtle and lizard shades of green as well as the bronze tones, currant and CASHMERE COSTUME. various shades of red, medium violet, deep plum, burgundy and the golden browns will be the day wear tints for early spring gowns. Most becoming and dainty are the exquisitely embroidered fine white chemisettes designed for wear with long tailor made coats. A hat of one color and gown in a contrasting or harmonizing tone bid fair to be a fashionable vogue later In the season. Very stunning is this dress of gun metal cashmere. The skirt is laid m fine plaits about the waist. At the knee the plaits flare, and each one is caught alternately with passementerie motifs. The sleeves are odd affairs consisting of circular ruffles trimmed with black velvet buttons. ADVANCE SPRING MODES. It is early to think of spring and summer fasmons. atiii many or. tiie advanced modes are appearing in the shons. One summery novelty Is the ribbon parasol. . A novel and dainty new parasol is reminiscent of the mikado's realm. It has bamboo sticks and is covered with white silk heavily embroidered with cherry blossoms In their natural color ings. In the jewelry line amethysts are reicnin" in rasnionauie iavor. oieeye FRENCH FLASKEIi WAIST. links, collars, brooches, natpins ana wfltch fobs are all made up m this lovely purple stone. Jeweled graduated safety pins in sets of three are a new fancy. 'Xhere la a lone bar brooch to close the col lar. The two smaller pins of diminish ing leneth are olaced below the long bar. . Jet is again used as a trimming on evening frocks, the new white varie- tv beinc particularly smart. The attractive waist illustrated is of Hriit blue French flannel. It is tucked Subscribe to Public Ledger. I know a jolly old maiden lady, A lady of high degree, Who never goes to bed without A drink of Rocky Mountain Tea. Sensible woman. " Cores Crip in'TwoDays. on every box. 25c. mw GOOD POTATOES BRING FANCY PRICES To erow a larare croo of rood potatoes, the soil must contain plenty of Potash. - 1 oma toes, melons, cabbage, turnips, lettuce in fact, all vegetables remove large quanti ties 01 Potash trom the sou. supply Potash liberally by the use of fertilizers containing not less than 10 per cent, actual Potash. Better and more profitable yields are sure to follow. Uur pamphlets are noj advertising circulars booming special fertilizers, but contain valu able information to farmers. Sent free for the asking. Write now. GERMAN KALI WORKS New York 93 Nassau Street, or - Atlanta, Ga. 22j South Broad St. a rew mcnes rrom tne snouiaers. juag- ing the plain cloth vest are rows of braid put on in lines, the outer line being in a looped design. A smartly tied ribbon scarf makes a pretty trim ming down the front of the bodice. A girdle of ribbon encircles the waist OPERA CLOAKS. Oyster shell white is a favorite shade for smart opera cloaks. These cloaks are very smart when trimmed with dark fur and silver embroidery. An odd evening coat is of gray liber ty silk cut like a monk's cloak and lined with accordion plaited chiffon. There is a stunning new coat which tmanated from Paris, a kind of cross GIRLISH HAT OF WHITE FELT. between the ordinary basque coat and the redingote. It is tight fitting, the hasnue beinir without fullness at the top, while at the hem it forms godeta. The coat is worn open or closed and is elaborately trimmed. The sleeves are of moderate size. In the un to date evening coiffure bows and aigrets have disappeared The new hair adornment is a diamond twisted bar, with a pair of side combs to mati h or a sinele ton comb of an odd and pretty design. For those who revel in the pictur esque there is a poke bonnet, a perfect dnnlioate of one worn in 1820. It is made in two distinct parts, a flarin; poke front reaching from ear to ear, while the crown is round and boxlike, On the left side is a bunch of white ostrich tips held in place by a jeweled rosette. Very smart for theater wear are the feather boas and muffs made of os trich, coq or marabou feathers, bets of these feathers are extremely, fash ionable in deep cerise shading to a del icate pink. The girlish hat illustrated is of white felt trimmed with a wreath of paie blush pink roses and mossy green leaves. DRESS ACCESSORIES. The twentieth century girl hangs her chatelaine watch on a long black half inch silk ribbon. On the left side of her blouse she fastens the timepiece with a fancv eold safety nin a couple of inches long. A pretty necktie to wear with shirt waists is made from three-quarters of a yard of plain satin ribbon four inches wide and from two yards of Dresden ribbon four inches in width. The stock piece about the throat is of folded rib- GIRDLE OF SATIN RIBBON. bon of both kinds. The loops or the bow in front are of plain ribbon and the long" knotted ends of the Dresden ribbon. A fortunate girl had given to her on Christmas a perfectly stunning home made belt. It consisted of nothing more elaborate than a yard and a quarter of five inch moss green .satin ribbon. At the center of the back the ribbon was laid in three plaits. Holding these in place was a large oval piece of green suede leather cut in a fanciful sten ciled design. Under the middle part of the conventional design colored silk was applied. This pretty device was used in place of a buckle. The ribbon ends which looped in front were orna mented with small designs in leather. Crapes in pastel shades adorn recep tion hats of chiffon or uncut velvet. while white Irish lace is combined with black velvet for toques and pic ture hats. Colored taffeta adorned with velvet Knots la one of the newest things of the day. .It is especially handsome made up into long directoire coats worn over plain silk skirts of the same shade. An immense quantity of mate rial is used in the construction of the up to date skirt. - The attractive girdle In the cut is of satin ribbon with shower ends. The wrinkled piece for the waist Is of wide sash ribbon. The girdle fastens in the back with three choux. Graduated ends of two inch ribbon finished at the ends with tassels bang down the back. JUDIC CHOLLET. Are you a subscribe to the Pabllc Ledger? Don't borrow It. Made expressly for To bacco from Garefully Selected Materials .'. . ;. SEE THAT THE NORFOLK, VA., TARBORO, N. G. Our Dreams. I HATE to read of millionaire, Because such reading seems To hypnotize me utterly And tttart me dreaming dreams. It starts me figuring at once What I'd be apt to do If I were in that fellow's place .-. ' And had a million too. . Of course I'd use my fortune well, Mjre sensibly than he. For I'd give ten per cent at least . To worthy charity. . ' Another ten per cent would go To help along a few Deserving relatives of mine Whose bills are overdue. And then my duty to the church Of course a goodly share Say, twenty-five per cent or so . Would be devoted there. I'd give this latter quietly, -" Insisting that my name . Must be withheld that none might know Whence this donation came. I'd only let the pastor know He'd bave to know, you see Because my name upon the check Would show it came from me. Another twenty-five per cent Would do myself and wife; The income we'd derive from that. Would keep us both for life. Then after that well, after that I dream away and plan To spend still other ten per cents To help my fellow man. And after that my dreams would eet A bit confused, and then I'd take a .tumble and my feet Would touch the earth again. My common sense would, tell me, as It stopped me with a jerk, I'd wasted time enough to do A dollar's worth of work. T. A. Daly In Catholic Standard and Times. A Kindly Concession. She That's all very well, but what would you do if I should die? He Why, the least I could do would be to go to the funeral. rsew xort World. ' Knew the Lady. Senior Partner Did Mr. -and Mrs. Enpeck accept our proposition? Junior Partner Yes; they agreed to it with one voice. Senior Partner With her voice, I presume. Louisville Courier-Journal. Latest -Fad. Benevolent Old Gentleman You don't seem, my man, to pe exerung yourseu. much in your battle with the fates. Lassitudinous Luke Nah, I'm usm ilu litsu on 'em an' savin' my Drute stren'th. Baltimore American. . Speed Limit. Eva When Jack proposed in the au tomobile were you in love with him? Ernie I was carried away with him Eva You don't say! Ernie Yes. He lost control "of the machine. Chicago Aews. We'd All Be Millionaires. "What ai'e you thinking so about?" bard "I was just trying to figure out the percentage of rich people there would be in the world if fault finding paid." Chicago Record-Herald. The Trouble In Her Cue, "She told George she did not scorn the idea of love at first sight." "No?" "No, but that happened so often that she couldn't possibly reciprocate all of it." New York Press. j Exercise. "What you need," said the physician, "is more exercise." "That will be all right," answered the patient. "I'll probably begin walk ing the floor when your bill comes in." Washington Star. Her Conf euioa. ' Wife (during the spat) I married you only to spite Tom Brown. Husband I'm glad to know it. l - - 1 A. Va was unuer tne impression n be cause you had a gruuge against me. Detroit Tribune. Correct. Lazarus But, after all, riches do not bring happiness. - Dives No, not to the fellow who doesn't possess them I guess you are in the right, all right. Boston Tran script ' I Mam of Ills Word. Physician Why don't you settle that account I have against you? You said when I was treating you that you could never repay me for my efforts. Mr. Broke And I meant it. TOBACCO has rs7 ORINOCO DON'T TAKE CHEAP SUBSTITUTES. TRADE MARK TRADE MARK T" Tf REGISTERED F. S. ROYSTER GUANO COMPANY, Sales Real Estate for Taxes; Pursuant to the Laws of North Carolina authorizing the sale of real estate for taxes, I shall sell for cash by public auction at the Court House door In Oxford, on MONDAY, MAY 1, 1905, the real estate hereinafter de scribed to satisfy the taxes due there on for the year 1904. Time of Bale 12 m. E. K. HOWARD. Sheriff. FISHING CREEK TOWNSHIP. McKee. M. J.. 160 aeres, $ 8 96 Pltchford..I.O.& T.W.254 acres 12 17 Henn, A. H., 5o acres, Tunstall, R. M., 115 acres, liarberl, J. S., 164 acres. Black well, C. S., 40 acres, delln., COLORED. Alston, Darling, acre, Brandon. A. D., 84 acres, Brandon, Pat, 25 acres, Braswell. Betsy. 25 acres, Cannady, W. P., 9 acres. Cousins. Wm, 2 aeres. Crews, Tim. 15 acres, Crews, Henry, 40 acres. Crews, Calvin, 23 acres. 3 46 9 13 a 13 4 60 ; . 2 47 5 13 2 48 2 47 4 70 2 31 2 57 2 87 7 25 2 20 2 47 6 65 1 94 2 07 2 14 2 65 3 10 2 14 5 46 1 6 4 47 Katon, Rebecca. 11 acres, Harris, Lucy, 9 acres. Harris, Wm.. Sr. 140 acres, Holeman, Lizzie, acre, Hoieman. John, 2 acres. Minor, Lucy, 4 acres, Pence, Jennie, 2o acres, Richardson, Ben, 22 acres, i aylor. Lama. 51 acres, Thorp, A. T., 51 acres, Davis. Jackson, 2 acres, Hodges, Henry. acre, Pettlford. Betsy. 35 acres, Hunter, Pbillls. acres, Hayes, E. O., 20 acres, Hill, Annie, 3 acres, 81 20 07 81 Vlallory; Estelle, 1 acre, 13 47 01 Cheek, J. R., 36 acres. Taylor, Pattle, acre, BRASSFIELD TOWNSHIP. Champion, Flora, 171 acres, Champion, W. H., 168 acres. Cole. Mrs. E F., 100 acres, 75 16 47 Davis, Mrs. Hawkins, 7a acres, 80 Davis, J. M , 115 acres, DelnobacktC. D., 15 acres. 84 65 McUhee, vv . ri., t7 acres. 31! 81 McGhee. W. L... 73 acres, Mcuhee, J. Y. estate, 180 acres, Peace, J. I., 74 acres, Wall, V. hi., 102 acres, 9 13 5 53 5 13 COLOURD. tones, Mary, 14 acres, 2 20 Johnson, W. S., 93 acres, delln' t, 9 61 DUTCH V I LLE TOWNSHIP. Forsyth, D. J ., 102 acres, 10 22 Wheeler. R. H.. 11 acres. 6 35 COLORED. VIoore. Young, 32 acres, 5 65 Robertson. Wm.. 70 acres, 7 35 Warren. Henry. 23 acres. 4 0 Harris, Manerva, 78 acreB, delln 5 44 Warren. Henry. 23 acres delln't 6 38 TALLY HO TOWNSHIP. Johnson. M. H.. 68 acres. 6 58 Oaklev. C. N . 58 acres. 5 16 Tlllev. Lucius. 30; acres. 2 31 COLORED. Clement, Anderson, 20 acres, 25 Day, Dock.lo acres, Evans, Jones, 48 acres. 47 47 35 Hobgood. Roane, 44ft acres, Lasslter, Robt J. .trustee, acre Mitchell. Robt. 20 acres. . Waller, Polly. 7 acres, . 81 2 26 2 65 2 (0 2 40 2 20 Goss, Dfnlel, 2; cres. Smith, Tempe. iv acres, Lyon, Nancy. A acres. Halthcock, Isabella, 2 acres, 2 34 WALNUT GROVE TOWNSHIP. Hobgood, S P., 222 acres, Francis, 120 acres. 4 65 3 46 Oakley, Mrs, COLORED. Harris, Horace, 95 acres, Hall, Willie, 16 acres, Lyon, Neal, 50 acres, Latta. Neverson, 2 acres, Lyon. J . H , 2 acres, Speed, Robt 83 acres, , Thorp, Wm, 30 acres, Thorp, Bird. 19 acres OAK HILL TOWNSHIP. Eustls, W. E.. 60 acres, Eakes, A. S , 114 acres, Ellxson. C. S.. 198 acres, Eof tie, J . R.. 72 acres, Morarv. J. H 11 acres, Puryear, J. D., 133 acres, Puryear, S. A estate, 187 acres, Seat, W. B.. 50 acres, 5 65 4 14 3 65 2 44 2 20 7 40 3 50 3 31 8 47 3 70 9 84 5 65 3 46 6 70 5 53 2 81 Wlmfree, J. w , iu acres. .2 14 COLORED. Chandler. James, 2tM) acres, Cook, Mike. 44 acres, 47 46 Cunningham, Peter, i acre. 90 34 10 Downey. George. 5 acres, Downey, Ellis, 15 acres. Glllls, Edward, 24 acres. 22 90 22 95 47 Lasslter, Charles, lb acres, r Pool, Henry, 5 acres, Royster. Laura, 1 acre, Royster, Jim v.. i acre, Royster. Judith, 6 acres, Rovster. Henry. 40 acres, 3 26 3 13 2 47 4 57 Royster, John, 11 acres. Royster, Kumn, acres, ... Smith, O. R., 22 acres. Smith, Sallle B , 40 acres', Smith. Peter, 5 acres, Tuck, Rufiin, 51 acres. Tuck, Wm , 13 acres. 3 00 3 13 4 14 4 84 3 31 3 21 Taylor, Woody, oi acres. Overby, Charles, 21 acres. 3 13 Downey, Cornelius, 5 acres, Allen, Lucy, 10 acres, Garnett, Eli, 26 acres, 2 14 4 47 2 60 Royster. H; W., 10 acres, Burton, Low, 13 acres, 2 60 2 81 SASSAFRAS FORK TOWNSHIP. E ikes, L. w., 82 acres, w Knjat.wnnd. V. M.. 55 acres. 5 46 COLORED. Davis, Ed, 5 acres, Farmer. Mlttle, 9 ncres; Gregory, Charles. 57 acres, . . . (fall ? AA BAA Harris, niu, i on, Loftls. J B.,50 acres, Morton, Dave, 4 acres, Morton, urewry, . acreo, Owen. George, 4 acres. Pascal, Emily, 2 acres. Pettlford, Billy. 10 acres, Peed, John, 68 acres. - SALEM TOWNSHIP. COLORKD. Chavls, John, 87 acres, Hart, Sheppard, 6 acres, -Hart, Osborne. 25 acres, Thorp, Ben. 3 acres. . OXFORD TOWNSHIP. 3 21 2 76 5 96 5 50 4 02 2 61 2 61 Beasley, W. F., 1 time 1903 04 3 McGulre, R. H.. 10 acres, ' 2 . ' ' COLORED. Mangnm, Jane. 14 acres 3 Neal, John, 4 acres 3 Pascall, Robt.. 3 acres, 4 Royster, Jacob. 1 acre. 6 Roberts, Wyatt, 3 acres, 4 Roberson, Algie, 15 acres, , 5 Washington, Jane, 1 lot. 3 o-"cr-.Dro. been the Standard Tobacco ?e Best if you w w iTX , to make a success growing V II IS ON EVERY SAGK. Younjr, Robt., 44 acres, 5 22 C oper. Peggie 2 acres, 2 41 Guy. Elijah, aere, 5 00 Jones, Wm., 4 acres, ' 3 01 Walnwrljcht, Ed, 1 lot, 3 40 Young-, Perry, 14 acres. 6 60 Alien; Moses. 1 lot, , ' 3 81 Alexandria, Carrie. 1 lot, 3 61 Crews, Henrietta, 16 acres, 3 61 Davis, Sarah, 20. acres. 3 40 Gregory, Artnur, 3 acres. 1 99 Harris, A rami tt a, 2 acres, 2 46 Harris, Robt., 9 acres, 6 05 Jackson, J immle. 2 acres. 2 83 Jones, Jonah. 13 acres, 6 77 Lewis, Chas , acre, 2 83 Lewis. Edith. 154 acres, 2 69 SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY. .Direct Line.. North, East, South, Southwest. Leave Oxford 11:25 A. M , 4:39 P. M. Ar. Henderson 12:25 Noon 5:30 t. M. Trains connect at Hendejson with through vestibule trains for i NORFOLK, RICHMOND. WASHINGTON, BALTIMORE, f PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK. BOSTON, and COLUMBIA. WIL MINGTON. CHARLOTTE, ATLANTA, JACKSONVILLE. SAVANNAH and all points North, South and South-west Trains composed of Pullman's latest Drawing Room Sleeping Cars.Vestible Day Coaches and Cate Dining Cars. For information call on or address. W. M. BULLARD. Agent, Oxford, N. C H. GATTIS, T. ?. A., Raleigh. N. C Sale of Land. Under and bv virtue oi tne power of sa'e conferred upon me in a mortgage executed on the 27th dav of January, i8q8, by 1. W Harris and Dora Harris, nis wile, ana amy registered l a moitgage book 45, page 379 in the office of Register of Deeds of Gran ville county, default having been made in navment of the debt secured thereby, I shall sell for cash, by public auction to the highest bidder, at the Court House door in I Oxford, Granville county, N. C , on TUESDAY,' APRIL 25, 1905, the real estate described and conveyed in said morteage towit : That tract of land in Fishme Creek township, Granville county, aHioininz the Sands of King Howell, George Reams, Conn n cnurcn tract ana tne oria- sers tract on the Taylor rOa-3, and inclua inir the 1. C. Conne'.l tract and eight acres on the east side of the Taylor road formerly owned by J. R. Bradford, containing 105 acres. Time of sale I2 m. THOMAS FERRY, March 25, i95- Mortgage. A A. HicfS, Attorney. Dragging Pains 2825 Keeley St., ' " . ' Chicago, III., Oct,, 2, 1902. I suffered with falling and con gestion of the womb, Tffith severe pains through the groins. 1 suf fered terribly at the time of men struation, had blinding headaches and rushing of blood to the brain. What to try 1 knew not, for it seemed that I had tried all and failed, but I had never tried Wine of Caxdai, that blessed remedy for sick women. I found it pleasant to take and soon knew that I had the right medicine. New blood seemed to course through my veins and after using eleven bottles I was & well woman. Mrs. Bush is now in perfect health because she took Wine of Cardui for menstrual disorders, bearing down pains and blinding .headaches when all other remedies failed to bring her relief. Any sufferer may secure health by tak ing Wine of Cardui in her home. The first bottle convinces the pa tient she is on the road to health. For advice' in cases requiring special directions, address, giving symptoms, "The Ladies Advisory Department," The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. Executor's Notice. Having qualified as Executor before th? Cleric of the Superior Court of Granville county wUh the will annexed, of the estate of W. H. Crews, deceased, I hereby notify all nersons having claims against said es 65 81 40 14 13 07 25 70 tate to present them on or before the day of March, 1906, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. This, the 8th day of March, 109s. C F. CREWS. Executor. Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as administrator of R 55 21 T. Rrinkley, deceased,, late of Granville I eon ity, N. C, this is to noMty all persons having claims against the estate of said de 20 01 61 ceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 27th day of March, 1906, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their fV tate will please make immediate payment. , 1 nis April oin, 1905. 41 - J. A. BRINKLEY, 01 Administrator. 7 GOLUMBUS, S. G., MAGON, GA. Incrmmmul WtHh of FlorldmFmrmmrm. Mr. J. W. KlmbrouglL, of the Klmbrougrh Hardware Co., of Webster, Fla., writes: j " We never. In our lives, had anything that gave us as much satisfaction and pleasure as the Virginia-Carolina Fertili sers. They have made ns their friends, and have gotten our county in better condition, fi nancially, than ever before in its history, and it is with the greatest pleasure that we -a-commeria these fertilizers to the whole world." , Dmuhhtd Yield of Tex am , Cotton. Mr. J. M. Little, of Hender son, Texas, says : I used Virginia-Carolina -Fertilizers on my cotton, and they doubled the yield of my crop. I would not make an other ctod without the use of these fertilizers." Insist on your dealer furnish ing your crops with Virginia Carolina Fertilizers. You will be more prosperous. Write ua for information. VIRGINIA-CAROLINA CHEMICAL COMPANY Richmond, Va. Norfolk, Va. Durham, N. C. Charleston, S. C. Atlanta, Ga. Savannah, Ga. Montgomery, Ala. Memphla, Xenn- The Hege log Beam SAW MILL WITH v Heacoc - King Feed Works Engines and Boilbrs. woodworks Machinery, Cotton Ginning, Brick making and Shinglk and Lath Machinery. Corn Mills, Etc. Etc. GIBBES MACHINERY CO., Columbia, S. C THE GIBBES SHINGLE tVIAlinirtt Wood's Seeds. New Era Cow Peas are rightly named. They are the best of Uow Feas, whether tor northern, western or southern planting. They are early to ma ture, upright in growth, enormous ly productive, both of vines and peas, and are altogether the most satisfactory and sure croppers grown. We are headquarters for Cow Peas; had over forty different varieties in our exhibit at St. Louis, on .which we were awarded the Grand Prize. Wood's Descriptive Catalogue elves the fullest information about'Cow Pen and all Garden and Farm Seed. rite for it and special price list of Farm Seeds. T.W.Wood&Sons, Seedsmen, RICHMOND VIRGINIA. If you want the sweetest and best Water Melons and Cantaloupes grown, plant Wood's Southern-grown seed. Our Descriptive Catalogue tells all about the best kinds to plant. It's mailed free for the asking. Administrators Notice. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Duncan C. Farabow, deceased, ate of Granville county, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to present the same to the un dersigned on or before the 28th day of Feb- ruaryk 1900, or tnis notice win De pieaa in bar of their recovery. All persons owing said estate will please settle at once and avecost. WM. T. FERABOW, Administrator of Duncan C. Farabow, de'd 6w pd. Wm. H. HARBISON, ATTORNEY I COUNSELOR W UW. OXFORD, N. C. The criminal practice and the Sat tlement of Estates specialties. Office In Hicks Building next door to law office of A. A. Hlcke. StomacK No appetite, loss of strength, nervous npss, headache, constipation, bad breath, general debility, sour risings, and catarrh of the stomach are all due to Indigestion. Kodol cures Indigestion. This new discov ery represents the natural juices of diges tion as they exist In a healthy stomach, combined with the greatest known tonio and reconstructive properties. Kodol Dys pepsia Cure , does not only cure indigestion and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy 8th I cures all stomach troubles by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and strengthening the mucous membranes lining the stomach. Mr. S. S. Ball, of Rarenswood, W. Va., says: I was troubled with sour stomach for twenty years. Kodol cored me and wo are now using it to milk for baby." Kodol Digests What Yon Eat, Bottles only. $ i .00 Size holding 2 times the trial size, which sells for 50 cents. Prepared by E. O. DeWITT & OO., OH 10 AGO. "Ask for the 1905 Kodol'Almanac and 200, year Calender." j. C HALL. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Clene and beAntifief the limit Promotea ft luxuriant growth. Never Fails to Bestore Gray Cum eaip dianue ft hair falling, iOc, and $1.00 mt Drug girt