THE OXFORD PUBLIC LEDGER,' FRIDAY. OCTOBER 20, 1905. THE OXFORD PUBLIC LEDGER. ESTABLISHED 1888. JOHN T. KKITT, OWNER AND EDITOR. mm s Terms: $1 ayesr la advance. De voted to home Interests. Larze and established circulation. Qood re turns to advertisers. The crown of womanhood Is motherhood. But uneasy lies the head that wears the crown or anticipates this coronation, when there is a lack of womanly strength to bear the burdens of maternal dignity and duty. The reason why so many women sink under the strain of motherhood is because they are unprepared. "I unhesitatingly advise expectant moth ers to use Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion," writes Mrs. J.W. G. Stephens, of Mila, Northumberland Co., Va. The reason for this advice is that Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription is the best preparative for the maternal function. No matter how healthy and strong a woman may be, she cannot use "Favorite Prescription" as a prepara tive for maternity without gainf health and comfort. But it is the women who are not strong who best appreciate the great benefits received from the use of "Favorite Prescription. " For one thing its use makes the baby's advent practically painless. It Ima in manv cases reduced davs of suffer ing to a few brief hours. It has changed the oeriod of anxietv and struggle into a time of ease and comfort. The -Droorietors and makers of Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription now feel fullv warranted in offering to pay S.soo for anv case of I.eucorrhea, Female Weakness, Prolapsus, or Falling of Womb, which they cannot cure. All the World's Dispensary Medical Association, Proprietors, of Buf falo. N. Y.. ask is a fair and reasonable trial of their means of cure. Laurlnburg correspondence: Mrs SnlHe Blzz?ll has iust eold Mr. H. O Covington eighteen acres of farm! land for $3,500. It Is the best price land has been known to brlngln this section. There are several farms that will bring $100 per acre, but $200 li very fancy price for farming land ThlB land Is right near town, and i s peclally well adapted to cantaloupe culture. Full of Tragic Meaning. are these lines from J. H. Simmons, of Casey la. Think what might have resulied from his terrible coueh if he had not tak; ihe medicine about wh'ch he writes: "1 had s fearful couch, that disturbed my night rest. I tried evervthintr. but nothing wo-ld relieve it until I took Dr Kings New Dis mverv for consumption, coughs and colds which completely cured me." Instantly re lievps and permanently cures all throat and lung diseases; prevents grip and pneumonia At K. L,. Hamilton's druggist; guaranteed ojc and $1. Trial bottles. Ileldsvllle correspondence: Rock Ingham's county home Is one of the best kept In the State. Everything possible Is done for thecomiort of the Inmates. A valuable addition was added a few years ago when the apy lum for lunatics was erected. Hi r the unfortunate creatures are admit ted when they are unable to gain ad mlttance In State Hospital at M ganton. It Is only a question of time when each county In the State will have a similar institution. I vu r!;u V.iU l,i!:cl Tiit. with;! ii: I is .i;;- lmlr MAKING A BIG MISTAKE. The editor of the L.ou!sburg Times had a conversation with a gentleman last week who bears the reputation of being a far eeelnir man. and he is thoroughly of the opinion that a arge number of our people are mak ing a bhr mistake in selling their stand I rg timber. "It may not seem that way to the land owners now," said he, "butlO or 15 years from now they will, in my opinion, wish they hadn't sold." In a few years tlmb r will be worth more than it is today, and the man who holds on to his timbered land, will be better off than ones who are now selllcg it at less than half what it is worth even now. HOW IS THIS FOR PROHIBITION? A representative of the Southern Kailwav testified in Charlotte the other day that one drug store had received 17,000 pounds of whiskey by freight over his road since the first of January. He added that the quan tlty was not unusual, meaning that other drug stores used about the same. If this be true the seven stores of city must have bought about 119 - 000 pounds of liquor in the same time A gallon of good whiskey weighs ten pounds and a poor gallon eight. Therefore, something like 14.090 gal lons of the cock's remedy has been delivered in Charlotte since the first of the year by one railroad. If from other sources that much has reached the city the total most sum up about 2S.000 gallons, which would give the city 100 gallons a day. THE COTTON QUESTION. We are glad to note from our ex charges that cotton growers In North Carolina are going to stand nat on the Injunction to hold their cotton for a better price. The South Carolina growers seem to be doing the same thing, as we have noted and If all the Cotton States do like wise we will see a big difference In re suits in a few weeks. Of course, the statistical situation has a great dea to do with it. but If there is notab'g overproduction, the cotton growers will have everything their own way We presume that President Jordan of the Southern Cotton Association would hardly a Ivlse farmers to hold their cotton In the face of a blgge crop than the world wTants ana we believe the cotton growers will serve their interests well by following his adylce. Wilmington Star. THE GREAT FOREST RESERVE 24? films vvn VI 0:1 every 's Emulsion, h on liis buck -niaik. and it i.s a guarant".$ that Scott's Emul sion will do all that i.s claimed for it. Nothing better for lung, throat or bronchial troubles in infant or adult. Scott's Emul sion i.s one of the greatest tiesh buiidens known to the medical world. We' seed you a sample free. on h dowme, r n 400 Prarl Street " e w York 10RTH STATE HAPPENINGS. OLD S It will be very good news for North Carollnlaus and people In all parti of the South, East of the Mississippi river, to know that very Influential men have united to push before Con gress the establishment of the Appa lachlan Forest Reserve. D. A. Tom kins, ol Charlotte, Is deeply Interested In the matter and sees what will re suit to the sources of the most lm portant water power streams in all the South If the deforesting: of the great mountain region of Virginia, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia continues, this being now in progress on a vast scale which threatens the streams themselves. It Is learned that 1'resl dent Roosevelt Is Interested In the movement for a reserve and it is hoped that he will take occasion in his speech at Raleigh and In other speeches In his trip In the South to refer to what Is really a vital move ment. His views are known and it hoped he will express them with his usual vigor and frankness. The movement for the reserve Is now in better shape than ever before. THE SERVANT PROBLEM. HSI -niCH La I ENGLISH Pennyroyal fillo Original t.4 Only 4eaulii- f ,j tfi ,ftr CMICHKSTfcK'S .ENGLISH -lxiu Kfci ftni ii-jiti metallic boie. mu'., TV ferC ith Hue;bnn. Tehe na other. Jtefi 1W mU lrfroo ubtttHutluH nd ImlU ioab. Baj of Iruifrist, or lend 4. it stn,La fir Particular, Teit!muA aa "Keller rv- 9 .utli-," in icc by r; tnr hieil. 1 O.cmh, T'iromic. Sold ' Oh u SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY. .Direct Line... North, East, South, Southwest Leave Oxford Ar, Henderson 11:25 A. AV., 439 P. 12:25 Noon 5:30 P. M. Trains connect at Hendejson with through vestibule trains for NORFOLK, RICHMOND, WASHINGTON BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK. BOSTON, and COLUMBIA. WIL MINGTON, CHARLOTTE, ATLANTA. JACKSONVILLE. SAVANNAH and points North. South and South-west. -:- Nowhere else in the world does there exist such a loose system of em ploying servants as does in the towns and cities of the South, says the Wil mlngton Messenger. Negro women with characters which would bar women any where else from securln, employment In respectable families have no trouble whatever In securing employment as cooks and house ser yants in beet families; in fact, they are welcomed sought after for such places. People will put up with ne gro women as servants whose known character is ol such a nature that a white woman or the same class would not be allowed to enter their homes. So testimonial of character or recom mendation from the last employer is required, is not thought of. A house keeper hiring a servant never thinks to ask the applicant why she left her last Diace. There is no thought of miuiry into the character of efficiency of the servant. She Is hired on the spot without knowledge of her hon esty, morality or capability. She Is taken as an experiment, and high wages are paid generally for very poor work. When you Lire one of these negroes for a week, or mouth, you have no Idea whether she will come back to her work the next day or not. The ones who apply to you for positions are as apt as not to have just left your next door neighbor without a word of warning, and you have no reason to suppose they will not treat you in the same way. It strikes us that the housekeepers could by united action bring-about a bettercondltion of affairs, ltie worth their while at least to try and see what. can be done In this matter. Trains composed of Pullman's latest Drawing Room Sleeping Cars.Vestible Day Coaches and Cafe Dining Cars. For information call on or address. W. M. BULLARD. Agent, Oxford, N. C C. H. GATTIS, T. P. A.. Raleigh, N. C. A Card. Th'"s is to certify that all druggists are authorized to refund your money if Foley s Honey and Tar fails to cure your cough or cold. It stops the cough, heals the lungs and pi events serious results from a cold. Cures la grappe cough and prevents pnet-r monia and consumption. Contains ro opiates. The genuine is in a yellow pick age. Refuse substitutes. J. G. Hall. Mrs. Mary Eliza FIttman, of Tar boro, who died a few months ago, bequea thed one third of her estate to the value of $13,000, to St. Mary's School, Raleigh, as ami morlal to her daughter. A handsome aditorium will be maintained by the fund. This is going to be a big hog and hominy year in North Carolina. This Is an evidence of genuine prosperity, for when the farmers raise their own supplies and have something to sell. we are travelling along the road of prosperity at a good gait. Durham Sun. The 26th volume of the State Rt- cord, has appeared, containing the names of heads of families in North Carolina In 1790, taken from the Uni ted States Census for that year, Con gress having by special act allowed the State to conv and publish this valuable and Interesting list. Mrs, C. L. Claybrook.of Stouevill.-, was killed in that village by an in coming freight train from Koanoke, about 8:30 o'clock at night on Cct 13 Mrs. Clay brook accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. K. I,. Stone and three young ladles, were returning from prayer meetlDg when the fatal acci dent occurred. Deputy Sheriff John Smith, of Stokes county, was painfully wound ed by a crowd while attempting to commit to jail Mrs. Fraak Caldwell, who had just been bound over to court for retailing without license. Fifty shots were fired In quick suc cession, and two young men in the attacking mob were shot about the same time as the sheriff. Franklin Times says: As an old farmer remarks, a home-grown, hard spanked.bare-footied hard fisted coun try boy makes a much better figher In the battles of life than does the pampered, hfgh.-collared, crease-trou sered youth ol ovr towns and cities whose clothes have always been dus ted with a whisp broom Instead of a shingle. The building comunltte of the grand lodge Masonic temple committee met on the 10th and. opened bids for the erection of the $100,000 structure soon to be erected in the city of Raleigh by North Carolina masonrv. The award of the contract has not yet been an nounced, but It is understood that the work on the temple will begin within the next sixty idays. Ex-Sheriff Frank WlOIams.of Davie county, lost or was robbed of $370 at the Forsyth fair at Winston last Thursday. The money was In 10 and $20 bills. The sheriff carried this In an envelope on the Inside pocket of his coat. He was gBttlnsr ready to return home when he felt in his pock et and the money was missing. He has no idea how It icot away, but it was probably stolen by a pickpocket. Mrs. Mattie Fowle Myatt, of Ral eigh, sues for divorce from her hus band, Mr. Walter Myatt, a widely known farmer of Johnston county She la a daughter of the late Govern or h owle, a grand-daughter of Jate Chief J ustlce Richmond M. Pearson and a niece of Hon. Eichmond Pear son, now Minister to Persia. Her first husband was Mr. David B. Avery, a very prominent business man of Raleigh. County commissioners of Rowan county have made arrangements by which in thefuture notorious females sent to jail will be required to do time at the chaSn sransr. Thev will be kept entirely separate from the men and tents for their apartments are being provided. This step has been taken by the commissioners in ylew of the fact that a number of women oi tow cnaracter have for a year or more appeared in the courts and gone to jail only to return about a week after the expiration of their terms Air. S. T. Cherry, one of the most prominent men In the country, was accidentally killed on his plantation near Rocky Mount late Tuesday af ternoon. The circumstance which caused his death are singular. Mr. Cherry had gone out Into the woods and secreted himself for the purpose of finding out who he thought was hunting unlawfully cn his land Dempsy Weaver, a tenant, was doing the hunting, and seeing a small por tion of his victim's form moving be nino. ine orusnes, mistooK it ror a squirrel and shot, killing Mr. Cherry instantly. Industrial News: The Durham Sun Informs us that a toadies' Aid Society of that burg will shortly give a bar becue and Brunswick stew for the benefit of a church fund. Surely a very laudable object but the announe ment carries with It just a touch of sadness, for it means that If the cus tom spreads It will be the beginning of the end of an Immemorial friend ship and many a jovial soul will gaze sadly at his old friend masquerading in the garb of a church social and cry with anguish In his heart "Et tu Brute." A difficulty occurred at J. Y. Med- Iln's one day this week between J. M. King and Nat Harris, both white men, In which King was struck on the head with a cross piece to a bug gy snart. vv. Moyd was called In and remained with the wounded man all night, and was thought at the time that the wound was so serious that he could not live, but we learn ed yesterday that King's condition had improved. A warrant for the arrest of Harris was Issued by W D. Harris, J. P., but at this writing Thursday evening he has not been apprehended. Franklin Times Octo ber 13th. Mrs. James A Glover, who lived about three miles southeast of Shel by, met with a horlble death last Fri day. One of her sons was sick with fever and on Thursday afternoon, while out washing his clothes, her clothing caught fire from the wash- pot and burned so rapidly that the fire could not be extinguished until sha was horribly burned, the flesh be ing literally charred $nd cooked. Mr. Glover and the other members of the family who were at work in a field, attracted by her screams, ran to the house, anu Mr. Glover's hands were badly burned in his efforts to extin guish the fire. OOF OFFENSIVE- Nothing is more offensive than an old sore MJru-? w that refuses to heal. Patiently, Jay after day, it is treated and nursed, every salve, powder, etc. , that is heard of is tried, but does no good, until the very sight of it grows offensive to the sufferer and he becomes disgusted and mor bid. They are not only offensive, but dangerous, because the same genii that produces cancerous ulcers is back of every old sore. The cause is in the blood and as long as it , , , .wv., h Some years ago my blood became poisoned, and remains the sore J the doctor told me I would have running sores for mere auu iife, and that if they were closed up the result worse and more destructive. wcui.i be fatai. Under this discouraging report I left off their treatment and resorted to the use of S. S. S. Its effects were prompt and gratifying. It took only a short while for the medicine to en tirely cure up the sores, and I am not dead as the doctors intimated I would be, neither have the ores ever broken out again. John W. Fukdis. Wheeling, W. Va., May 28, 1903. ' The fact that thousands of old sores have been cut out and even the bones scraped, and yet they returned, is in disputable evidence that the blood is diseased and respon sible for the sore or ulcer. Valuable time is lost in experimenting with external treatments, such as salves, powders, washes, etc., because the germs and poisons in the blood must be removed before a cure can be effected. S. S. S. cleanses and puri fies the circulation so that it carries rich, new blood to the parts and the sore or ulcer heals permanently. t. fc. fc. not only removes the germs and poisons, but strengthens the blood and builds up the entire system by stimulat ing the organs, increasing the appetite and giving enersrv to the weak, wasted constitution. It is an exhilarating tonic, aids the digestion and puts every part of the body in good healthy condition. Book on the blood, with any medical advice wished, without charge. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GAm R. F. D. NEWS. What the Carriers are Doing as Well as Postoffice Force. Well, the boys are getting along very well. We are now dreading the winter that will soon be upon us. We congratulate the carrier of No 4 upon receiving so much nice wood. Mr. J. T. Crltcher says the other car riers must not be obliging or they would get some wood also. This can be answered by our patrons. We all get some nice things from our pa trons. Often It Is nice victuals in the mail box, and then a box full of nice fruit, and next a box full of good wishes. This writer serves as good people as any carrier and they greatly ap preciate our service. Most every carrier has the longest and the roughest route. Mr. Cheatham, the carrier of No. 3, has treated himself to a new Hackney buggy, and that Peter Charleston mare looks like a young filly hitched to his new turnout. It is wonderful what effect the n g ular mall service has upon the people along the lines of matrimony. Take for instance Route No. 5 been In op eration twoyears second of Novem ber, and during this time more pet - pie have married through that sec tlou than had married in hve years before; they have married as many as two and three in a family in four months time, and others to follow now soon. Then take the carrier?, two have married in the last year, ai.d out of seven there are only two unmarried, and they are both candi dates for matrimony and will get there before long. Then take the post office, the post master has mar rled In this time, one employee re signed to get married, others in the office meditating seriously on the subject, and even young Hobgood of the office force makes confession that he is meditating seriously along this line. Now what caps the climax and what, beats all is that Uncle Ned Eaton 80 years old and a Granvlile County pauper left Salem Township in December. He said everybody was getting married and he was going to Willlamsboro and get married too As to Charlie and Miss L.ena we thought they were indispensable at our office. We extend to them our best wishes. The members of the new f jr-ein the office are learning the work and gettlDg on nicely. There Is much credit due Mrs. W. L. Peace for the general cleaning up she has had done in the office. To post office force, carriers, pat rons, printers and readers we extend our best wishes. Carrikk No. 5 A GU A RANTED CURE FOR PILES. Itching, blind, bleeding or protruding piles. Druggist refund money if PAZO OINTMENT tails to cure any case, no mat ter of how long standine in 6 or 14 days. First application gives ease and rest. ooc. It your drugjist hasn't it send cOc in stamps and it will be forwarded post paid by Paris Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo. A FEW WORDS TO THE LADIES. One of the most Important ad juncts to a household Is a sewing machine, ana 1 am ready to sen you a Standard, Domestic, White, New Home or Wheeler & Wilson machine all of which are furnished with latest attachments. Offer big bargains In second-hand machines and It will pay you to examine thein. Repairing a specialty. You will nna me at tne store of Mr. Len Pltchford on Col lege street. Phone 87. A. .1. IS.11'1 KJliLj. Don't be Imposed Upon. Foky & Co , Chicago, originated Honey and Tar as a throat and lung remedy, and on account of the great merit and popularity of Foleys Honey and Tar many imitations are offered for the genuine. These worth less imitations have nmilar sounding names Beware of them. The genu" ne Foley's Honey and Tar is in a yeliow package. Ask for it and refuse any substitute. It is the best remedy for coughs and colds. .1 G Hall Says the Lumbercon Argus: "It Is a unique situation for a Republican prosecution officer to be seeking with all his might to put certain Repub Mean revenue officers in the penlten tiary, while certain big Democratic lawyers are fighting to keep them out." Faith Not Necessary. You may be just as skeptical and pessi mi sti as you please. Kodol will digest what 0' eat whether you eat or not. You can pul your food in a bowl, pour a little Kodo: Dyspepsia Cure on it and it will digest the same as it will in your stomach. It can help but cure indigestion and Dyspepsia. It is curing hundreds and thousands some had faith and some didn't. Kodol wi-1 cure you if medicine can cure you, whethe you have faith in u or no:. Sold by J. G Hal!. Ground has been broken at Spence for a $30,000 hotel building which 1 being erected by Dr. that town. J. W. Your of For all Kinds of Piles. To draw the fire out of a bum, heal a cut without leaving a scar, or to cure boils, sores tetter, eczema and all skin and scalp dis eases, use DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve. A specific for blind, bleeding, itching and pro truding piles. Stops the pain instantly and cures permanently. Get the genuine. Sold by J. (I. Hall The Butler livery stables at Hen- rletta, Rutherford county, were burn ed Sunday morning, and eight horses and a number of vehicles were burn ed with the building. Our buyers are all back and we are ready to show the new fall and winter Dry Goods, Shoes, Millinery. Dress Goods, Notions, Clothing, etc. Every train brings in freight or ex press for Everything takes on an au tumn appearance. Keady to wear Skirts, Jackets, Silk and Wool Dress Goods and Cotton Fabrics. New Ribbons Stock rE-Uollars, Leather Goods, New 11 IL sac Belts. Do You V'ant Strength? 11 you wane to increase your strength you must add to and not take from the physical In other words, the food that you at mui be digested, assimilated and appropriated by the nerves, biood and tissues brfore be ing expelled fiom the intestines. Kodoi Dyspepsia Cure adds to the physicial. It gives strength to and builds up strength in the human system It is pleasant to tht taste and palatable, and the only combina tion of digestants that will digest the food and enable the system to appropriate all of its health and strength-giving qualities. Sold by J, G. HaU. Sixty bales of cotton belonging to A. S. .Toyner, a merchant, were destroyed by fire at Frankllnton, Sat urday afternoon, caused by locomo tive sparks. Woolcr I3r3SB Goo ds. First shipment of Broad Cloths, Serges, .Panama Cloth, Plaids, Dress Flannels and Fancy Mixtures. Silks, Silks! Specials in our silk department is our 36 inch black and colors guaranteed Taffeta Silks at $1 per yard. Another val ue not to be duplicated is our 27 inch Black Peau de Cygne at $1 has a beautiful luster and will wear. 21 inch Taffeta silks in all shades at 65c worth 75c. Riig:B and: Carpets. Everything in the rug line from a 25c cotton rug to a $25 velvet art square. A full and complete line of mattings, the kind that wear. SHOES. Zeigler Bros, fine shoes in a wider range of styles than ever, also the celebrated Southland Bell Shoe that has given our trade so much satisfaction. What you do not see in this advertisement rest assured we have it and at the right price. Millinery. The millinery force is all back and big preparations are being made for the future. Two competent milliners will be in charge assisted by plenty local help. ZLTZDIS Sz EASTOIT. A Pleasure to All. No pi'ls as pleasant and positive as De- Witts Little iEarly Risers. These famous Little Pills are so mild and effective that children, delicate ladies and weak people enjoy their cleansing effect, while strong people say they are the best liver puis sold. Sold by J. G. Hall. Doctors Said He Would not Live . Peter Fry, Woodruff, Pa., writes: "After doctoring for two years with the best ph 'si- cians in Vyneburg, and still getting worse the doctors advised me it I had any busine s to attend to i had better attend to it at once as I could not possibly live another mouth as there was no cuie for me Foleys Kid ney Cure was recommended to me by a friend and I immediately sent my son to the storr for it, and after taking three bottles I began to eet better nd continued to improve un til I was entirely well." J. (j. Hall. Maynard Mangum. "Pender Cozart. Three factories In three days is the record of II?ffh Point. Sunday the organization of a factory to manu facture organs was announced. Mon day a factory to manufacture flour, and Tuesday the new factory was one xo manufacture mouldings of va rious kinds. Grand Secretary B. H. Woodell of the Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows says applications are in lor new lodges at Albemarle, Asheboro, ThomasvMe and Glbsonvllle and that 16 have been organized since the Grand Lodge met May 12th. How to Cure Corns and Bunions. r irsi, soaK me corn or Dunion in warm water 10 somen it; tnen pare it down as closely as possible wilh ut drawing hooi and apply Chamberlains Pain Balm twice daily, rubbing vigorously for five minutes at each application. A corn plaster should b- wo n a few days to proteet it from the shop. As a general liniment for sprins, bruises lameness and rheumatism, pain balm is un- equaled. For sale by all druggists Vvv the star j CREEDMOOR V HI m says the doctor to many of his lady patients, because he doesn't know of any medicinal treatment that will positively cure womb or ovarian troubles, except the surgeon's knife. That such a medicine exists, however, has been proved by the wonderful cures performed on diseased women, In thousands of cases, by WIME OF IT CURES WOMB DISEASE. It has saved the lives of thousands of weak, sick women, and has rescued thousands of others from a melancholy lifetime of chronic invalidism. It wjjl cure you, if you will only give it a chance, : Try tfi Sold at every drug store in 1.00 bottles'." WRITE US A LETTER Put aside all timidity and write us freely and frankly, in strictest confi dence, telling u all your symptoms and troubles. Ws will send free advice (in plain, sealed envelope), how to cure them. Address: ladies' Advisory Dept., The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Teri. GAVE UP SUPPORTED. I wore a supporter for four Tears, to keep np bit womb, which had crowded 8Trythina down before It" writes J. Cbrismsn. of Waniisville. H. V. "ijy doctor told res no medicine would help me. I suffwed untold misery, and oonld hardly walk. After taking two Lotties of Cardui I caTeuDmTsuoouitM? s ow 1 am taking ray fifth botfie, have no bad iio'.f .1 Y 1 w'jiiwiu van oe on my reel Cturuul u ereiy Euffeitac woman.'' IS THE PLACE TO SELL YOUR TOBACCO. This well located splendidly lighted and up-to-date warehouse is now open for the Sale of your Tobacco, we come to you soliciting your Tobacco, and in doing sr we feel no one can serve you better. J The Long Experience We Haye Had in the warehouse business and the success we have met with on T,ther markets gives us confidence. in ourselves to warrant to you as good crices marKets this section of North Carolina, we ask of the good pefple in the L, ny rket in try your first trail load, This is not much to Isk but wl feel f Z-ugC0Un this the future will be bright for us both, we will have a Tnumler of r5 S on Greedmoor Market who you will find gentlemen in ever sense and ilfstard b? vou on everv m e of vour toha.nm TVip rwinr,v frt-K ..n ,u W1J1 sxana oy anr, it win eVnH r.'j ZZZZ'z .rT.. "Jc eamoor Market is bright. fn present indications i Oi i are readv to sell, come hfiftan w iii k I , , "1JC .LAr wnen yu 7 ywti wwv T v T T ill UU eiCL'sJ LU tl-' UH 1 O nrl r r 1 i J . 1 5 fribY!,fe j tor I, aim it win suuiu second to none -With its nnmnpi tnrc tr ,7 .."' the wpph will ee;i VioHar tKic -.J 2 T7 1 1 UUI Present indications who oswsyu uicui ii uia last. (Jomfi t.n tho Q- id do our "best to please ' v wwuu UKlldO. liUlllG UCI.H. KH WP nova H-in all tobacco we sell, and will guarantee the hicrhest w - r ---e v w - va aggo YOU WILL FIND US WORKING FOR. YOU On the Floor, as our Motto is and has always been to stand bv the far ing you for your courtesy shown us and hoping to see you at The Stt ?r Thank we are yours to serve Warehouse, MRNGUM & COZftRT jl Aug. 25th, 3mo. Proprietors Star Warehouse. To Cure a Cold in One Sov wuauu v , jb ymmne Tablets, 4? This signature, v: (? m m l.t ' ' : m ro m m (f m . m fix m m Seveo Million boxes sold in past 12 months. Try Cures Grip in Two Days. on every box. 25c. 1