THE OXFORD PUBLIC LEDGER, FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 3. 1905. ! The American Girl. ! WHAT MAKES HER POPULAR. The American girl is admired and liked at home and abroad because she is the happiest, usually the healthiest and friend liest of girls. She is fond of life and is alive to everything beautiful and good in existence. Mrs. liangtry has said that the American woman has little to learn from her English sisters. Dr. pierce, the specialist m women's dis eases, of Buffalo, N. Y., advises simple ex ercises for women, preferably in the out door air. But many women are confined to the house and their household duties or their business confines them to poorly ven tilated rooms. If a woman suffers from a headache, a backache, a sensation of irritability or twitching and uncontrollable nervousness, something must be wrong with the head or back, she naturally says, but all the time the real trouble very often centers in the womanly organs. In 98 per cent of cases the seat of the difficulty is hre, and a woman should take rational treatment for its cure. The local disorder and inflamma tion of the delicate special organs of the sex should be treated steadily and system atically. . . , , .. , Backed up by over a third of a century of remarkable and uniform cures, a record such as no other remedy for the diseases and weaknesses peculiar to women ever attained, the proprietors and makers of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription now feel fully warranted in offering to pay S5 for any case of Leucorrhea, Female Weakness, Pro lapsus, or Falling of Womb which they cannot cure. All they ask is a fair and reasonable trial of their means of cure. Mr. N. B. Snow, who wasappotnt polnted postmaster at High Point last week, Is one of the youngest postmasters In the United States, be ing 25 years of age. The High Point office pays 3,000 a year. Tuesday night some over thirsty person or persons broke Into the Ay den dispensary and stole 43 quarts of prime old stock llcker and now the dispensary commissioners of that town are offering $100 reward for the thlefs apprehension. Consumption There is no specific for consumption. Fresh air, ex ercise, nourishing food and Scott's Emulsion will come pretty near curing it, if there is anything to build on. Mil lions of people throughout the world are living and in good health on one lung. J From time immemorial the doctors prescribed cod liver oil for consumption. Of course the patient could not take it in its old form, hence it did very little good. They can take SCOTT'S EMULSION and tolerate it for a long time. There is no oil, not excepting butter, so easily digested and absorbed by the system as cod liver oil in the form of Scott's Emulsion, and that is the reason it is so helpful in consumption where its use must be continuous. H We will send you a sample tree. Be sure fhat this picture in the form of a label is on the wrap per of every bottle of Emulsion you bey. Scott & Bowne Chemists 409 Pearl Street New York 50c. andii all druggists 1 r ICfl ES I tR S ENGLISH EfffiVROVAL FILLS vrifinu ina uniy t-renuine-SAFE. Always reliable. Ladies. uk Drurritf for CHICHKSTER'S ENGUSF In UED ni Gold metallic boxes, mic with blue ribbon. Take no other. Kefuafi Danxeroiu Substitutions mod Imita tions. Bo. of your Drugidt, or aend 4c. is t&mpc for Particular, Tsttmonlale nd "Relief for Kadls,wt Utltr, by rc- mrmw aim. IV,VIFV elLDlODlalfi SOia C Drusciau Chichester Caentieal O . SEABOARD AIR LIME RAILWAY. .Direct Line. Northeast, SouthjSontliwest Leave Oxford Ar, Henderson 11:25 A. M., 439 P. M. 12:25 Noon 5:30 P. M. Trains connect ai Hendejson with through vestibule trains for NORFOLK. RICHMOND. WASHINGTON BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA. NEW YORK. BOSTON, and COLUMBIA. WIL MINGTON. CHARLOTTE, ATLANTA. JACKSONVILLE. SAVANNAH and il points North, South and South-west. -:- Trains composed of Pullman's latest Drawing Room Sleeping Cars.Vestible Day Coaches and Cafe Dining Cars. For information call on or address. W. M. BULLA RD, Agent, Oxford. N. C C H. GATTIS. T. P. A.. . Raleigh, N. C P THE OXFORD PUBLIC LEDGER. ESTABLISHED 18&S. JOHN T. 1511 ITT, OWNER AN I) EDITOR. Terms: $ 1 a year in advance. De voted to home interests. Large and established circulation. Qood re turns to advertisers. DISHING UP CAMPAIGN TALK. The Industrial News, the Republi can paper at Greensboro, la now dish ing out Democratic campaign talk as the Republicans have It. The News says there will be a fierce fight for Senator Simmons' seat, the leading aspirant being ex-Governor Ay cock, with Judge Walter Clark a good sec ond. And Gov. says, Is lay ing plans to capture Senator Over man's seat, although Overman's term does not expire until March, 1909. His recent declaration for absolute pro hibition In the State, Is regarded as his first gun In the campaign for the Senatorship. He Is certainly looking far ahead. HOME AND HONESTY. President Roosevelt said In one of his speeches on his great Southern trip: "We can afford to be divided on questions of mere partanship. for comparatively, the differences of tariff and the currency are of no consequ ence; After all the real question is that Is decency In the life of the home and honesty In public life. It makes little difference In the long run wheth er a Democrat or a Republican Is President, but It makes every differ ence to have all our public officials honest and clean. The candidate is the candidate of the party, but the President, if he is worth his salt, is the President of the whole people lou can't get good public life unless you have good private life." IMPORTANT FIND. Frofessor E. P. Moses, of the Ral eign graded schools, has returned iruiu a second visit to Hayes near Edenton. where he looked over care fully the orignal papers, also news papers, etc., etc., of the Johnsonfam lly, the home being now owned by the Wood family. He found the Cap Fear Mercury of June 16th, 1775, con tainlng the Mecklenburg Resolve May olst, li n, also a letter about these, in fact two letters, so If there were any doubt as to those resoives which of course there is not, this find would settle it. Prof. Moses is en thuslastlc and able in his historical research and is a valuable ally of the State Historical Commission, which is showing such zeal and care in bring Ing out the early history of theState GREAT INCREASE IN BANKS. lhe Legislature of 1S99 gave the Corporation Commission supervision over all State, private and saving- banks, with power also to appoint bank, examine Ps Henry u. Brown Secretary of the Commission, who Is one of the best Informed men In the State as to all matters pertaining to banks, says there were only 64 State banks at the time the Commission began Its supervision, the total de posits then being $ 9,120,000; capital $4,4.7,5P3; total assets $12,890,000 There are now 22s State banks, with assets amounting to $36,000,000; de posits .$22,718,000; capital $5,395,536. There are 48 National Banks with assets amounting to $25,942,S32, and deposits $14,041,405. This is proof that North Carolina is one of the pro gresslve States of our great country THE COMING SOUTH. The Dixie Manufacturer, in an art! cle on the needs of the South, points in glowing colors the future great ness of the sunny land, a greatness In a commercial way that Is as certain to come as day follows the night. "All that the South need," says the Manufacturer, "is the development of its resources, the manufacture on a constantly enlarging scale of its raw material Into finished product, the building of good roads over every portion of It, and the encouragement educational advancement, that the generations may be equipped men tally to grasp the great growing op portunities which 50 years from now will be as inviting as they are to day." I rue, and the best part about it all, Is that these things are coming to the South not as rapidly as we would love to see, but they are com US- THINGS TO BE PROUD OF. North Carolina has a lot of thing in which she leads to be proud of. says the Charlotte News. Over at Winston 31,000,000 pounds of tobacco are manufactured each year and 18,- 000.000 pounds of leaf tobacco are sold on the Winston market annually. If that's not a record It comes danger ously near it. Then only a paces from V lnston is the second greatest furni ture manufacturing town In the Unl ted States, High Point, having over 60 furniture alone, outside of manv other manufacturing establishments, Including an electric car plant. JVben you take a trip through the Eastern part of the State you run up on the greatest strawberry-shipping station n the world, and a back track trail will carry you to the "Land of the Sky," where some of the rarest Jewels the world are found, and where the mountain scenery surpasses even the grandeur of the Rockies. Son Lost Mother. "Consumption runs in our family and through it I lost my Mother," writes E. B. Reid, of Harmony, M. "For the past five years, however on tne sngnest sign ot a cough or cold I have taken Dr. Kings New Discovery for consumption, which has saved me from serious lung trouble." His moth ers death was a sad loss for Mr. Reid, but he learned that lung trouble must not be neglected, and how to cure it. Quickest relief and cure for coughs ajd colds. Price 50c and $1; guaranteed at R. L. Hamikons drug store. Trial bottle free. HAS STOOD THE TEST 25 YEARS The old original Groves Tasteless Chill Tonic. You know what you are taking. It is iron and quinine in a tafteless form No cure no pay. 50c ' REPUBLICAN SUEING REPUBS. The Statesviile Landmark says, the suit brought by H. S. Anderson, of Henderson county, against Rol lins, Harkins and others for damages for failure to give him an office as promised, can hardly have much standing as a legal proposition, but It Is doubtless brought to give op portunity to do some washing of soiled linen in public. Anderson is an lnsurgenfand. is "agin" RollIns.Har Jilns and others. But a suit brought by the Union Republican Publishing Company, of Winston, against W.G. Bramham and W. T. O'Brien, chair man and member, respectively, of the Durham county Republican commit tee, will hold all right. This suit is for payment for campaign literature furnished the Durham Republican committee by the Republican, and as actions Is brought in the Superior Court the amount must be consider able. The Durham papers have fre quently complained that the Repub lican committee failed to pay bills for advertising, etc., incurred in the last campaign. FOR THE PRESIDENT'S SAFETY. It Is Interesting to note the precau tions taken by the Southern Rail way for safety of President Roose velt on his trip over that system. It is not a very unsual thing for a spe cial train with a distinguished per sonage aboard to be given right of way over all trains, but seldom, if ever before, has the extra and so ab Bolutely safe precautions been taken that were exercised on the President's trip South. Orders were issued from the head quarters of the Railway company on Tuesday that the double block sys tem would be operated, that Is, that there would be no other moving train within two stations of the Presi dent's special at any time. On the same day every section master on the road received orders to place a man on each mile of trackage in his section to patrol the line just before the pas sing of the train with its distinguish ed and precious passengers, thus as suring the patroling of every mile of track that was gone over by special train. In addition to the above precau tions, on the day the President's train passed over the road, the railroad authorities had every switched spik ed in. place and guarded by a man with a Winchester rifle. This guard was provided with a lantern with which to signal the train in case of accident. Also at every railroad crossing a man was stationed, and for fifteen minutes before the Presi dent's special was expected no train on another system was allowed to cross the track. The President met with a royal welcome on his visit to our South land. SOME TOBACCO FIGURES. America Uses More Than Any Other Nation. Pew people know that America uses annually 440,000,000 pounds o tobacco or 5 40 pounds per capita. Sir Walter Raleigh, blowing blue rings of smoke and dreaming of the future America, probably never lm aglned that the use of the weed would reach such large proportions. Little Belgium leads us in devotion to the weed, and Holland also surpasses us In this respect. Germany, which Is known as a land of smokers, gets away with only 200,000,000 pounds.or 3.44 pounds per capiCa annually.Rus sla stands next according to the fis: ures just Issued by the federal bureau of statistics, with 150,000,000 pounds or 1.10 pounds per cupita. France and Great Brltlan are nearly tied at 84,000,000 pounds a year.the per capl ta figures at the former country be ing 2.16 pounds and those in the lat ter being. 1 95 per capita and even Mexico is found to consume only 1.39 pounds per annum for each lnhabl tant. Ihus it would seem'that America uses much more tobacco, In propor tion to its population, than does any other nation of first-rank Import a nee. We have each of the big European countries beaten a mile In the con sumption of tobacco. Why should It be otherwise? Did not Raleigh learn Its use from the original American (The Indian) and then introduce it into England. What Is more, away back In 1619, before the Pilgrim fathers had visited the rock-ribbed shores of Plymouth, there was a sturdy and prosperous colony of English Americans hover ing around Jamestown In "Old Vlr glna." We said prosperous, but there was one thing lacking, and that was a supply of wives. Necessity Is the mother of Invention. So, young wo men of good charcter were brought over from the mother country and sold to the cavaliers, as wives. Were they purchased with gold and silver? Verily nay. The medium of exchange was nothing more nor less than to bacco At first 100 pounds was tne price paid, later however, the price was raised to 150 pounds of good natural leaf. The wives proved to be worth the price. Considering th's romantic part played In the early set tlement of this it any won der that Americans are still loyal to tobacco. The Hicks Almanac for 1906. The Rev. Irl R. Hicks Almanac will not be published for 1000. but his Monthly Journal, Word and Works, has been changed Into a large and costly Magazine, and It will contain his storm and weatUer forecasts and other astronomical features com plete. The November number, now ready contains the forecasts from January to June 1906. The January umber ready December 20th, will contain the forecasts from Jnlv to December, 190G. The price of this plendld Magazine is one dollar a year, bee It and you will have It. The November and January numbers containing the Rev. Irl It. Hicks for casts for the whole year, and more complete than ever, can be had by sending at once 25 cents to Word & Works Publishing Company, 2201 Locust Street, St. Louis, Mo. OBITUARY. On July 31st, 1905,. the Death Angel visited the home of Mr. Walter M. Freeman and took from him a fond and loving wife. She lived a useful devoted christian life. She was a member of Bullock Methodist church, yet she was a faithful worker in the Creedmoor Baptist church In Sunday School, Missionary and Sunbeam so ciety work. In visiting the sick ever willing to do what she could. We miss her oh so much, and we deeply fee! for the sorrow stricken husbaud and only child, a little girl six years old, may God sustain them In their sad bereavement! May they cast ther burdens upon Him and find that His grace is sufficient for them. We often wonder why the sweetest flow er is taken and can only find for an swer "What I do now thou knowest not," but we do know that God doeth all things well and some day we shall know and not see through this mystified vale of mortality. Sleep on dear Zula we know thou art from thy suffering here and In. that day we shall meet thee faee-toface. - MRS. S. Raleigh Christian' Advocate please copy. Mans Unreasonableness is often as great as woman's'. Bat Thos S. Austin, Mgr. of the ''Republican, " ot Leavenworth, Ind., was not unreasonable, when he refused to allow the doctors to op erate on his wife for female trouble, "In stead," he says, "we concluded to try Elec tric Bitters. My wife was then so sick she could hardly leave her bed, and five physi cians had failed to relieve her After takine Electric Bitters, she was perfectly cured, and can now perform all her household du ties " Guaranteed by R. L Hamilton druggist, pi ice 50c. William Earle, formerly a moulder at High Point, now a resident of Greensboro has inherited $30,000,and will get Interest on same as long as he lives. Sluggish Liver a Foe to Ambition. You can not accomplish very rtuch if your liver is inactive as you feel dull, your Jeyes are heavy and slight exertion exhausts you. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup stimulates the liver and bowels and makes you feel bright and active. Orino Laxative Pruit Syrup does not nauseate or gripe and Is mild and very pleasant to take. Orino is more effec tive than pills or ordinary cathartics. Refuse substitutes. J. G. Hall. The W. N. C. Methodist Conference will convene In Greensboro on No vember 8th. $100 Reward $i00. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that scieiice has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall'sCatarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the medicine fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dis ease requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting direct ly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation o the disease, and giving the patient "strength by building up theconatitntion and assisting nature in doing: its work. The proprietors have eo much faith in its curatiTe powers, that they offer $100 for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, Toe. Take Halls Family Pills for constipation. ggg'-Flue Cured Tobacco. We have on our list of farms some of the very best flue cured tobacco farqs In the world. Petersburg' la the largest to bacco market in the U. S. All prop erty shown free. Your correspon dence solicited. PEROIVALL BROS. Iand Brokers, No. 4. Syc. St. sept, 22. Petersburg, Va. Sale of Town Lot. Under and by virtue of the power con tained in the will ot John W. Hays, deceas ed, which is recorded in the office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Granville coun ty, I will sell for cash at public auction, at the Court House door in Oxford on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1905, at 12 m. that lot of land about 90 by 200 feet near the coal - station, on the western sub urbs of the town of Oxford, adjoining the Conie Young lot, the Minor prize house lot and. others. This is a nice building lot with a grove of small trees on the front thereof. Oct 10, 1905, B. K. HAYS, Executor 01 the will ot J. W. Hays, dee d. A. A. Hicks Attorney. SOUTHERN OPERATING OVER 7,000 MILES OF RAILWAY. ....QUIGK ROUTE TO ALL POINTS.... NORTH-SOUTH-EAST-WEST. Through Trains Between Principal Cities and Resorts AFFORDING FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATIONS. ELEGANT PULLMAN SLEEPING CARS ON ALL THROUGH TRAINS. PINING, CLUB AND OBSERVATION CARS For Speed, Comfort and Courteous Employes, Travel via the Southern Railway. Rates, Schedules and other Information furnished by ad dressing the undersigned: VbRNON, Trav, Pass. Charlotte, N. C. HARDWICK. P. T. M Agent S. H WASHINGTON. D. You will never get well and strong, bright, hap py, hearty and free from pain, until you build up your constitution with a nerve refreshing, blood-making tonic, like It Makes Pale Cheeks Pink It Is a pure, harmless, medicinal tonic, made from vegetable Ingredients, which relieve female pain and distress, such as headache, backache, bowel ache, dizziness, chills, scanty or profuse menstru ation, dragging down pains, etc. It is a building, strength-making medicine for women, the cnly medicine that Is certain to do you good. Try 1L Sold by every druggest In $1.00 bottles. VFTIE US A LETTER freely and frankly, In strictest confid ence, telling us all your symptoms and troubles. We wia send free advice (in plain sealed envelope), how to cure them. Address: Ladies' Advisory Dept., The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Lnattanooga, iennt' WORTH STATE HAPPENINGS. Governor Glenn appoints Archibald II. Arrlngton, who for nearly two years has been teller of the State treasury, private secretjiry. Arring ton Is a son of the late Ex-Sheriff John P. Arrlngton, of Nash county, a special friend of Governor Glenn, who says by the appointment he honors the memory of his friend. Gov. Glenn has made public the let ters from Eogan Harris, attorney for Rogers and Sorrell in j til for embrac ery; alao his reply to this letter. ! ar ris says that the men are suffering from their Imprisonment. The Gov ernor says if this is true he will, if de sired, alter their sentence to labor on the public roads where there will be plenty of fresh air and exercise. In a fire that destroyed two livery stables in Charlotte last week ?,0 head of horses and mules were burn td. All the animals that perished in flames were owned by country peo ple who went to Charlote to attend the county fair. The fire originated la the rear of Cockrane &Co'h stable, and before the flames coulu be arrest ed nearly half the block was dysfroy ed. The loss Is estimated at $ 5.000. There was an accidental shooting In cook department of Hotel Carro ll na, Durham, Friday afternoon at 0 o'clock. Two of the dialng room men, M. J. Crutchrield and P. Kicks were playing with a pistol when the weapon was discharged and the bail entered the side of Crutchfieid's face and was later removed from behind the ear. Ills Injuries are not of a fa tal nature. The Orange County Observer re minds Its readers that "at one and the same time Orangi county had two United States Senators, Man gum and Granam; two Supreme Court judges, Ruffin and Nash, and a Superior court judge John L. Bai ley." No county In the State, and It is not o be believed that any In the United States, has such a record ;anu the manifest pride with which Its county paper declares that "Old Orange has made more history than any other county in the State ever will make" Is altogether pardonable. Mr. George Miller, one of Rowan county's substantial farmers, residing seven miles east of Salisbury, a few days ago found $G8 in cash which he had hidden away in a box of cotton seed five j'uarsago. The cotton seed had been stored In an outbuilding and had not been disturbed during the time, and Mr. Miller, with a shovel, examined the condition of same to see whether or not they wcr, rotten. With his hovel he turutd up a lump, which at first was not recognized, but after in vestigatiou,! t was found to be money. The treas ure had been stored away and for gotten and then accidentally found. Sale of Land. By virtue of the pow..-r of sa'e contained in a certain Deed in trust executed to me on the T7th day of November, 1891, by A. A. Bryant and wife, and duly registered in Mortgage Book 42. page 37.-?, of the office of Register of Granville county, and at the re quest of the holder and owner of the bonds secured by said Deed in Trust, I shall, on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1905, Si.-11 to the highest bidder for cash, by pub lic auction, at the Court House door in Ox ford, the following described lot or parrel of land: Being lots Number 1005, 1006,1007, 1008, and 1010 of the survey of the lanns of "The Oxford Land, Improvement and Man ufacturing Company," bounded as follows: 150 feet on the Southside of 10th Street, 300 feet on the East side of Granville avenue, 150 feet on the Northside of nth street and 300 on the Eastern line of said lots to the corner on 10th street, containing 1 1-30 acre, more or less, and being the same land con veyed to A. A. Bryant by A. S. Peace and wife by deed recorded in Book 44, page 378 Register of Deeds office of Granville coun ty. Time of Sale 12 o clock m. I his October nth, 1905. B. S. ROYSTER, Trustee. RAILWAY J. H. WOOD, District, Pass. Asheville, N, C Agent, W.H. TAYLOE, 0. V. Agt. "JTOU ARE FRESNES of mine," writes Airs. F. L. Jones, of Gallatin, Tenn.: " For since taking Cardul I have gained 35 lbs., and am in better health than for the past 9 years. I tel! my husband that Cardui is worth its weight in gold to all suffering ladies." 3 I - ..wj.ts.'.-ii )w.-aju .w-i' '" -i" a seven imiuon coxes um in post iuwhuis. iuu oisuai&uva WSmftim blood yjf ,,s household savinsr. needs treatment from any cause, this and used bv thousands of people all to all other blood purifiers. It is a purely vegetable remedy, and while it penetrates the circulation and forests out all poison and morbid matter, it also builds up the entire system by its fine tonic effect. During the win ter months the natural ave- j wag suffering from impure blood and a general nues of bodily waste have nnOWI1 condition of the system. I had no ap become dull and weak and petite, was losing flesh, and an all-gone tired feel failed to perform their full ing that made me miserable. I began the use of duty, the blood has been slug- S. S. S. and my blood was restored to its nor gish and an extra amount mal, healthy condition. My appetite returned, I of poisons and waste mat- increased in weight, that "tired feeling" left and tore have nrrnmn1ated in I was again myself. ters have accumulated, in Columb 0hio. Victor Stubbins, the system and been ab- Cor Bartnnlan and Washiugton Aves. sorbed by it. With the com- . ing of Spring and warm weather the blood is aroused and stirred to quicker action and in its effort to throw off these acids and poisons the skin suf fers. Boils, pimples, blotches, rashes and eruptions break out and con tinue until the blood is cleansed and made pure. S. S. S. is the ideal remedy for this condition; it clears the blood of all impurities, makes it rich and strong and these ekin troubles pass awa5'. Rheumatism, Catarrh, Chronic Sores and Ulcers, Scrofula, Contagious Blood Poison and all other diseases of the blood are cured by S. S. S. Book on the blood and any advice de sired, free of charge. jH SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA iAllllitO The Kind You Have Always in use for over SO years, and sonal supervision since its infancy if 6CCUZt Allow no one to deceive you i n this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endang-er the health ofT infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR I A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing' Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor ther Xarcotie substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms and allaj'S Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Cclic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regidates the Stomacli and Bowels, giving healthy and. natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. NUmt CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought fin Uss For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAUR COMPANY. TT MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK CITY. The advantages of carrying- a Bank account are now universally recognized. "The old and tried" BANK OF GRANVILLE with ample re sources always at the service of its patrons with mail and ex press business carefully handled, SOLICITS YOUR BUSINESS. E T. WHITE. Pre. J. M. CURR1N, Vice-Pres. H. G. COOPER. Cashier. . t 3"r 3' oto fic. gp'- 4 . Mr Maynard Mangum. l il l il i ili ik m to ilj i& il ti) & Hi K Sj$ THE STAR WAREHOUSEp This well located splendidly lighted and up-to-date warehouse is now open for the Sale of your Tobacco, we come to you soliciting your Tobacco, and in doing so ve feel no one can serve you better. The Long Experience We Have Had in the warehouse business, and the success we have met with on other markets gives us confidence in ourselves to warrant to you as good prices as any market in this section of North Garolina. we ask of the good people in the surrounding coun try your first trail load. This is not much to ask but we feel if you will give us this the future will be bright for us both, we will have a number of good buyers on Greedmoor Market who you will find gentlemen in every sense and will stand by you on every pile of your tobacco. The outlook for the Greedmoor Market is bright, and it will stand second to none with its competitors. From present indications the weed will seil better this season than it did last. Gome to the Star when you are ready to sell, come 'because we will be glad to see you and do our best to please; come because we have the best lights; come because we have the money to pay for all tobacco we sell, and"will guarantee the highest averages. YOU WILL FIND US WORKING FOR YOU On the Floor, as our Motto is and has always been to stand by the farmer. Thank ing you for your courtesy shown us and hoping to see you at The Star Warehouse, - " - we are yours to serve il ili il it)- il w ito & ie il) il ili il il it) ! il il il il ii il il il U) il il) Aug. 25th, 3mo. vs- .MMUUJ! ,iMM 'PH-'LAJ Jill i Te&s Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. in & m -"" - . . rr. ssaS g s for tne blood" has grown to be a When the blood is out of order, or great remedy is the first thought of over the country, because it is superior Bought, and which has been has borne the signatnre of has been made under his per- Signature of 3irx -cte- -d- caiv 4tr ntr aa' IS THE PLACE TO V- CREEDMOO Be Q O 2 Ft Proprietors Star Warehouse. r To Cure a Cold in One 11. M, STOVALL, Sec. and Trt.n. r i uiin STOVALL, N. C, m.xi;k.i;t;i;i:i;s iik Mattresses si Era? mm tion,PiIIow3,BQls!er3,&c. We solicit the trade of Merchants on . the merits of our production. OF BEDDING fully guaranteed to give satisfaction. TO CUSTOMER! When in neeu of anything in Bed ding ask your deal er for 'The Acrae Line." It is guaran teed to please you. Ve renovate; write for prices. luUiiltiublUi iilM lij. Ms La,nc Dy virtue of the author! me by a certain mortir.ij bv Archer Walki'is aivi l cur, f-rr'! u ; xiruti-ii li. lie V:it wife on the 2nd l,iv of Ap: i hj regislered in tlu; irfiire of :hf Deeds of Granvili l'oniit v. in page ''I ll'l '!.(. l. :;(!! bond I h-.' cm nu.'Hth.ii' i, I. 1 v - 1 ! r .-,.) Ill (ill ( ! ! h :iM;g !!.!. I ,-it lhe Ijeen made in the p;iynn-i:t ..! 'i l n will Sell for c;isli bv public ;.iu :u,:i ;it court house d or in Oxford on MONDAY NOVKMUKR !? h, .y, the tract of land described and onv: c said mortKflse to wit: That trad of land near drnssv Ci Baptist chinch, and situated on lhe Soiitli side of the road leading from said church to Adonirarn, adjoining the lands of A. Dresel (forme! I v (i U. Fauci-Ite) VV. M. Wood, Grassy Creek I-aptist t hiiiili tract, Grassy CrtK and perhaps others. The sair e being the I'actof land sold by VV. H. Lawson to said Archer VValK ns, and con taining loo acres. Time of -ale 12 ni. A. A. Hicks, C. ;. ROVSTFK, Atorney. Mortgagee. Administratrix r otic e Having rjti.--lifi d as ndmii is; ml ri r of J. J. Davis, Mecca ed late of Gianvillf. ,'outilv, N C ,thisisto notify ab peisons having claims against the est at, of said de ceased to otesent the same o tne for pay ment at Stovall. N. "., before lhe nih dav of October to. 6, or litis notico will be h ul ed in baroftheir n coverv. Ail persons in debted to said estate vill make im mediate payment. CAMILLA VV. DAVIS, Adm.'x of J. . Davis, deceast d. 13. S. Royster, Allot ney. This October 4th, 1905. . n 2 ita- fen -trwr v ' ; -- V- Pender Cozart. m m q m (ii V (? in m m m ? m 2. SELL YOUR TOBACCO. Cv39 H I fiT" fat 'cLar S- ' 1 a"' Day Cures Grip in Two Days. u;4 every t 'frznri. hex. 25c. t! W. STOVALL. President. na i "Til k 1 iii iim'ii mi 11 11 11 iiv"ffftrL"rj'