THE OXFORD PUBLIC LEDGER, FRIDAY. DECEMBER 22. 1905. SEE! TIME experienced farmer has learned that some grains require far differ ent soil than others ; some crops need dilicr enthandling than others. He knows that a giet deal depends upon ri;l-.t planting at the right time, and that the soil must be kept enriched. Ho u."c of complaining i.i summer about anus take made in the spring. Decide before the seed is p'.anUd. Vfc K.-st Lime to reme dy wa.tmj; conditions in the !u:!r.j.n body is be fore the evil is too deep looied. At the fir si evi ecPiwe Oi loss ol Scott's Emulsion should be taken imme diately. There is noth ing that will repair wasted tissue more quickly or replace lost flesh more abundantly than Scott's Emulsion. It nourishes and builds up the body when ordi nary foods absolutely fail. IVY ' se-.d : a SJ.rle free. IV si:r..- t':.-ir !h:s Jlt'I'.HV ill tttc I. Tin tl .1 iab'.i mi tro r.ippt r t't everv ttottle ..f K;:;i:Uu.;. v..u b'.-.v. SCOTT B O W N K CKKM1STS ,' -t 409 Pearl Street N E V YORK r.c: . and .i ; ail tirug'tp Administrators Notice Having qualified as adniiiii-ti ator R. B. Hobgixifl, ileceasetl. lite of the fount v of Granville. N. C. I herel'V not i f y all parties holding claims against the estate of sail! deceased to present the sanir to me on or before the sid day of Nov. io , or this notice will be pleaded in !--r o! : heir recev erv. All persons indebted to s;ih1 estate are requested to make immediate settle ment. J. B. llOBi',(Hl.i, This Oct. 27 ; h , iqi.s nov 3rd 6.v ;.d Executors Notice. The undersigned h ivin qu.illik-d before the Clerk of the Superior Court 01 1 iranvilit county as Kxecuu.i of the late Mar'ha J. JenKins. deceased, of sa;d county, not.ce is hereby g'Vcii to .'!! parties holding cl.iinis against the estate of said ilecea.sed to pte sent the same to me f..r payment on or i L fore the First dav of Decern' t-r 10. 6. or this not'i e wiil be pleaded in bar of theii j recovery, l'aities indebted to --aid estate are requested to make unniedlate .-.cult I nient. llns Dec. rst, 10 .1 S .M I 'A "IS. Kxr.. of Martha J. Jenkins, dee'd. Dec ijw. 1 '.:riy -H1 vi l, r - t . ..v ' .? '.-J .r t -it-, i - ';' John D. Kockteller can sign his name to - cents worth of paper, and it would be worth $100,000,000; That is Capital. A fine mechanic can take one cents worth of steel and make it into watch springs that would sell for 8; That is Skill. '. ose who say that they n sell tobacco higher Ltian Z, W. Lyon at the Johnson Ware house That is Talk ! Now we claim that we have both skill and capital to protect your tobacco if you wiil bring it to me At The Johnson. I want to say that our market is mlly open for the sale of all grades, as all of our buyers are on the market and eager to buy tobacco I am glad to say that to bacco is selling well, and I would advise you to sell the same. Thank ing you for your liberal patronage in the past, with the request that you continue it, I am, Very truly yours jry V4KhAH:. t..r...-.r l.lte.. urjrflr hjxei, iriit. 9 " fwi ;u!Mtlt;itl'r. anil lin(i jour l.'i (...get r.r l 4e. ' irt.ii'.'iV. . TtttPOul!' V ft ..: IJ. ilef I ' fw-Tj ii I ..-' ! noDil Soli: . ,. t Vi. r-. ! W-J. . TON THE OXFORD PUBLIC LEDGER. ESTABLISHED iSSS. -;HN T. HI'.ITT, OHKK AM) hDl'fOR. Terms: $1 a year in advance. De voted to home interests. Large and established circulation. Uood re turns to advertisers. THE IT HED OF By HONORE WILLSIE ParceUs I T ('lmri'jlit. S hij E. C. I'.rurc alone at the head of the Jurd Irving to rt'incnibtT aiid to for it t, trying to ivmoinbof her voice, her face, her vivid beauty; trying to for grt the words that -ut short his course as a newspaper tn.-in and sent him out on the ranch. Was it. after all, only a year since she refused him? Could ho never again close his eyes without seeinjr the red of her gown? It seemed half a lifetime that he had been guard ing these beasts, rounding up strag glers, keeping' watch lest the herd stampede for the river. Day after day of burnins sun and night after night of stars the loneliness of the plain oppressed hiiu; the cattle irritated him wtili their stupid docility. The hot noon sun blistered down on their brown backs. The black flies buzzed above them and their The broncho raised his head suddenly. It was so unusual for Dick to show signs of life during the noon hour that the man was startled from his reverie. A subtle disturbing wave seemed to sweep through the herd. Here and there a head was tossed, and dilated nostrils sniffed the summer air'. The man. vaguely disturbed, looked to ward the rear of the herd. Far out on the plain was a buokboard with a bit of red tl uttering in it. "Good Lord." he said aloud, "one of the fool beai-ts has caught sight of that! It's hold tight now or the devil to pay'." liis year on the plain hud taught him that Iho cattle herd is njore sensitive to panii- than even the human throng. A sudden movement, a strange nutter of sound or color, and far down in the grazing herd comes a sudden closing of ranks, a sl.v moving forward of a constantly augmented mass that, with ijuick increase of speed, sweeps on, un til a thousand panic stricken steers stampede across the plain. DiUee sat rigid upon his broncho at the head of tin' herd. Alone, he knew it was hopeless to al tempt to make the herd "circle," the cue sure remedy for a stampede. Keen the slightest move ment on his part might precipitate mat ters, while absolu:e quiet might pre vent the breaking of the storm which was slowly brewing. A half mile out ou the plain the bii -ki.oard and the tiuitering bit of red drew nearer. More heads were tossed in the all-. ' Mi the outskirts of the herd uetrest the coming buckboard here aul there a steer ceased grazing and moved hesitatingly toward the center. Inquiring heads were lifted to see what the movement meant. Those that -pied the tliillering red followed quick ly to the center. Those that failed to see the cause felt the yague wave of terror and with short snorts of fear sought to move close to their fellows. In rapid succession the animals were struck by the panic wave. "With brain clear and tense, as full .realization of his danger came upon him I'.ruce held in his restless pony and thought rapid ly, facing him was the herd. Behind him. three miles out across the plain, was the river. If the stampede came, heaven alone knew whether the mad dened cattle would plunge headlong over the banks, those in front forced on by the unseeing ones in the rear, or whether the leaders could turn all at right angles and follow the river bank. For one moment Bruce thought of trying to turn the stampede and by whip and shout endeavor to send the frightened brutes back, away from the river, but danger to the nearing buck hoard, now so close that he could see it eonta'unil the ligures of a man and a woman, precluded that plan. Then all power of controlling affairs was taken from him. for Dick, suddenly attacked by the fear contagion, gave a pitiful whinny of terror and, with the bit be tween his teeth, bolted toward the riv er. The sudden sound and movement were all that was needed, and in the next instant Dick's hoof beats were drowned in the roar of hoofs in mad Might about him. Bruce, with knees that gripped the saddle like iron, gave one glance be hind him. lie was riding among the leaders, but the heavy hurtling ranks behind them threatened at any mo ment to ride them down. If he could make an opening Dick had three miles in which to pull away from them, and the roar of the maddened beasts, their wild snorts, and the occasional shriek of one of their number, who fell and was instantly trampled to death, made spur or whip or word unneeded for the broncho. Trembling, with head thrust far forward and nostrils distended, he sped on with all the speed the beasts crowded .-'bout him would permit. Could they turn at the river? If ntt. Bruce knew that death for him was a ter of a few moments. And sud denly life seemed very sweet to him. Even life without her seemed suddenly bearable. The scent of the linden buds, the red of the gown she w ore, how viv id and how lovely even the memory was! And was this all that life was to hold for him -a few years of hope de ferred and early destroyed, then a few memories, and then death? And what a death trampled, mangled, made into a thing unspeakable by those trampling hoofs. Ah. the pity of it, he thought, to have no taste of happiness! lie cbnolied the reins tighter. No, he would not die. Somehow he meant to live. For a moment he, too. was panic stricken. "Dick, Dick." lie groaned. "'Can't you go faster? Full away from them, old boy! There Is no one to care much what happens to us. but we want to live anyhow!" Again he looked back. Slowly the herd was gaining on the leaders. The forward ranks were more and more massed. Worse than the roar and screech of a hundred locomotives was the din about him. lie could see the break in the level stretch of prairie that marked the river banks. Nearer and nearer it came, and closer about :he quivering hr ncho pressed the snort ing eattie. Now I'.ruce could see the rocks on the opposite bank, nmv he caught a glimpse of the brown water, and then a sudden stumble, a mad roar, and horse and rider went down together. For years and years he seemed to have been falling. Sometimes he caught sight of her, and always her lips moved, but he caught no word or sound, sj-ruictiixies he ventured to ask her what she said, but his questions when they came were absolutely irrelevant, and he cursed himself for a fool, and grad ually the search was becoming painful. Strange aches and miseries nicked his body. The glimpses of her face became less and less frequent. Suddenly he opened his eyes to rest them. The walls of his lit ranch bedroom seemed fa miliar enough, hut what were these agonies that wrung and wrenched him? Then memory came. Ah, yes the stampede and the fall. He closed his eyes again and feebly pondered over his rescue. Then a soft rustle and a little murmur near the foot of the bed made him open his eyes once more. It was site! The red gown, the vivid face, the soft parted hair were all the same. If this were delirium, he thought, why, let delirium g on to the end of the chapter, and just for luck he W"ould speak to her once more, just to see if she would faint away, as usual. "It's a nice day, Alice." he remarked in a strangely small voice. "Oh. Alien. Alien, do you really know. me':" And with a rush of skirts she was on her knees beside the bed. Know her! t'oukl he recoguize hia own consciousness? "You were iii the buckboard," he said. "How diil you know?" she asked. "I didn't know. Did the cattle get me?" The girl shuddered and moved closer. "No; the pony lei! ( lose to the river's edge, his body shielded yours from the herd, and the cattle used him for a di viding poini and. went up and down the river. They had to shoot the poor broncho, but we got you into the buck- board and back to the ranch some how." Bruce turned a bewildered face to ward her. and in response the girl won! on: Tncie John and I we-t. and I wanted you. Cousin Frank t here. Then came tin are touring the to sav hello to Id me you wert stampede." Her voice t r:t i led iniii silence, i.ruce put up a feeble ha id and pressed her sof: cheek close 1o his own. This. then. had been the reason for it all the lonely vigils, the long hours, the con stant desire and ttie endless misery of loneliness. "Alice." he said acidly, "is it to be yes now?" The girl caught her breath. Her only answer was to leave her cheek close to his. And l'.t'ii'-i' nest ling closer, closed his eves and fell asleep. La Grippe and Pneumonia. I'neumorta often follows laerippe but never t jllotvs the use of Foleys Honey and Tar. It cures la;ripe coughs and prevents pneumonia and constipation. Ask for rc 1S Honey and Tar an l refuse any substi tut e offered. Mr. (J. Yncher of 107 Osgood St., Chicago, v rites: ''My wife had a s vere case of Inei inne three ears ano and it left her with a terrible courdi. She tried botile of Foleys Honey and Tar and it gave immediate relief. A 50 cent bottle cured ,er cough eutirely." Refuse substitutes. J. G. Hall, Visions of Santa ('Iain and well Oiled stocking' will soon crowd the dre;tius of happy childhood. Grip Quickly Knoeked Out. "Some weeks ago during the severe winter weather both mv wife and mysel! contracted severe colds which fpeedily developed into the worst kind of lagnppe with all Us mis erable symptoms," says Mr J S Kgles'.on. of Maple Landing, Iowa. ''Knees and ioints achinc. muscles soie. head stono d Ki, eyes and nose running, with alternate I ells of chills and fever , We ,becin usirvg Chamberlain3 Cough Remedy, aiding the same with a dose o Chamberlains Stomach nd Liver Tablets, and by its liberal uSt -oon completely knocked out the grip." These Tablets promote a healthy action of the bowels, liver and kidneys which is al ways beneficial when the system is to gested by a cold or attack of the gr:p. Ft r sale by I. G. Hall. The elopement of a man of SO years of ag;e with a woman of 7t, In Mary land, Is cited as a refutation of the Osier theory. It is more like a argu ment for the theory and the apbllca- tlon of It. An Emergency Medicine. Foi sprains, bruises, burns, scalds and similar injuries, there is nothing so good as Chamberlains Pain Balm. It soothes wound and not only gives instant re 1 i " f from pain, hut causes the parts to heal in about one hird the time recpiired by the usual treat ment. Sold by all druggist. Some sweet jrlrl graduatea may get a Corneg,le medal by dec-la ring she is g;olrig; straight home anil spend the summer helping her mother with the kitchen work. A Certain Cure for Croup. When a child shows Symptoms ot crup there is no time to experiment with new remedies no matter how highly they may be recommended. There is one preparation that can always be depended upon. It has been in use for many years and has never been known to fail, viz: Chambeilainf Cough Remedy. Mr. M. K. Compton of Market Texas.says of it, I have used Cham berlains Cough Remedy in severe cases ol croup with my children, and can truthful ay it always gives prompt rebef." For sale by all druggist. The Governor of Crejrrm appointed n Democrat, to succeed the late Sen ator Mitchell. Give Your Stomach Rest. Nothing will cure indigestion that doesn't digest the food, itself, and give the stomach rest. You can't expect that a weak stomach will regain its strength and get well when it Is compelled to do the full work that a sound stomach should do. You wouldn't expect a sick horse to get well when it is compelled to do a full day's work every day of the week. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is a perfect digestant and digests the food re gardless of the condition of your stomach. Relieves Indigestion, belching, srur stom ach, and all stomach disorders Sob! by J. G. Hall. I is announced that there are i00, 000 t raveling; men In the United States. This does not Include Congressional junketers. , . . Clear the Way. The mission of Early Risers is to clear the way ami give Nature full sway. These fa mous little pills rid the stomach and bowels of all putrid matter, thus removing the causes ot headache, constipation sallow comp'exion. etc. DeWitts Little Early Risers never gripe or sicken A safe, pleas ant, ptrf-ct oil!. Mack Hamilton, hotel clerkat Valley City, N. D , Says "Two bot tles of these Famous Little I ills cured me of chronic constipation." Sold by J G. Hall. The man who wears tan shoes In China has his head cut off It would seem more appropriate to chop off feet. Doctors Could Help Her. "I had Vidnev trouble for years," writes Mrs. Raymond Conner, of Slielton, Wash., "rind they could not help me I tried Foleys Kidnev Cure, and the very first dose gave me relief and I am now cu-ed. I cannot say too mu h for Foleys Kidney Cure." It -.nakes the diseased kidneys sound so they will eliminate the poisons from ihe blood Unless they do this good health is impossi ble. J. G. Hall. The Trust will take their feet out of the trough wh never the people qult.feedlng them. m HE tobacco crop takes from the soil about 103 pounds of actual Potash per acre, which must be re placed, or else the yield will fall off in quantity and quality. A good tobacco fertilizer should contain at least ten per cent, of pure Potash, and the Potash should be in the form of sulphate. 'Tobacco Culture" is the title of a book valuable to'all tobacco growers. A copy -trill be sent on request, free of any cost or obligation, to farmers who will write for them. Address, GERMAN KALI WORKS, Niw York 03 Nassau Street, or Atlauta. Qa. So. Broad Street. Hume it' and Philosophy By DUNCAN M. SMITH PERT PARAGRAPHS, A pl'i'lt.V girl s;! Kil"l it is really em how to cook; it rubbing it in on biiri'Mssinir lo kaow teenis so intlcii l!k; the i lu-r jiirls. A ruio that is used to work any old vn . to firtift with has Even vhen "it is a shame to take the money" most moil take it. A homely woman says that she would rathi-r bo -!'ver than yood it is. more distinguishing. Love usually consults an oculist be fore he considers the business end of the matrimonial deal. These are the days when ordinary embezzlement of the county funds has become respectable business by com parison. The present attempt to eliminate graft looks about like taking sulphur and molasses for smallpox. Credit is something that it is more blessed to receive than to give. There are people who make you feel when you meet them as if they had met your tailor rather than you. Stand Up to It, In playing out the g;ime of life. Oh. play it 011 t!ii! fouare! Don't try to do a brother up Or mi. licit the lion's share. The othur fellow haw a right To live -is well as you: 4 Bo sottl iii . and hold youil own, I But pay him what is a It's wortn it when you go to sleep. Tucked in your little bed, . To have a conscience that will com And pat you on the head And say, "old fellow, on the squara. Ace hiKh wilii me you stand." Then you roll over 011 your side Ami slet-p to beat the band. It may bo that you will not pile As many dollars up, But you will iiuaff a deeper draft From friendship s brimming" cup. Men will not look at you askance Or pass you with a frown, And children wiil not say, "There goes The meanest man in town." Then play your hand upon the square; others scheme anil plot To jrather in the yellow coin At best a tainted lot. Ami it' the world for such a life No praises can afford Ton' II know yourseif you have been fair. And that's the best reward. When a man boasts that he is the descendant of some great man,-he should not be criticised. Usually he has no other occasion for boasting;. tfSXSt' ?jft, VAiix' n.- fi.r-Hi vSI r ?lli4.2S.2 -""v rK T TZ 1 is fast superseding old-fashioned cod Jiver oil and emulsions because, without a drop of oil or disagreeable feature, it contains all the medicinal elements of cod liver oil, actually taken from fresli cods' livers. By our process the oil, having no value either as a medicine or food, is separated from the medicinal elements and thrown away. Unlike old-fashioned cod liver oil and emulsions, Vinol is deliciously palatable, agreeable to the weakest stom ach, and therefore unequaled as a body builder and strength creator for old people, puny children, weak, run-down men and women, after sickness, and for all pulmonary diseases. Everything' Viiiol contains is named 011 tlie label. OUR GUARANTEE We have such faith in VINOL, that if you will take it we promise if it does not benefit or cure you we Vill return you your money without question. We take all the risk. R. L. HRfllLTOiM, Druggist, , Oxford, C. Don't drug the stomach to i.ure a cfugli. One Minute Coujh Cure cuts the mucu, draws the it Hammation- out of the thio't, lungs and bronchial tunes, heals, soothes arid cures. A quick cure for croup and whooping ceuth. Sold by J. fj. I all. At Hillls, jia., (ieorjre !llssori mur dered bis father, W. (J. (Jilswun. FAILfcl). All tfTorts have faded to find a better rem edy for coughs, colds and lung troubles than F leys llone and Tar. It stops the cough heals the lungs ami prevents serious results from a coh'. J. N. Pa! toron, Nashua la. viites: "I.a-t winter ( had a bad cold on my lti"gs and tried at h ost half a dozen ad vertised couh medicines and had treatment from two physicians without ietiing any benefit. A friend recooimended Foh'ys Honey and Tar ard two thirds of a. liot'.l'; cured me. I onsider it the greatest touuh an l lung medicine in the world." J. (j. Hall. Georyla proposes t bees ta 1 ill th merit of a reformatory for the care of chil dren of the Southern States. The First Requisite of Beauty. The firt requisite of beauty is n clear complexion. Orino l.ixuive Vruit Syrup clears a sallow blotched complexion as ii stlmu'ates the liver and bowels, and the eyes become bright and cler. You owe i to your friends to take it If your complexion is bad. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup does not nauseate or i;ripe and is very ,'leasant to take. Refuse substitutes. .1 ( H-li. I'.onton appears to be reforming and taking: on new lib'. She haw elected a Democratic mavor. Furious Fighting. For 7 yenrs writes V Hoffman, of Har per Was., "I had a hitter battle wi di chron ic stomach and livr trouble, Inn at last won aid cured mv d'seases hy the use of Klectric Bitters. I unhesitatingly recom mend tl em to ail, and don't intend in the future to lie without them in the house. They are crtainiy a wound. :iful medici'jie to have cured such a b?cl case as mine.'1 Sold under gnara-tee to do the same hot you by K L Hamilton druggiil, al 50c a bot tle. Tiy them today. People never undersniodabouf 1 hj fusH In the Isle of IMnen until they learned that the leader of the roToiS Is a Kansas I'opullst. Torture of a Preacher. torture" of Uev. O. l. j Moore patoV of the he Kantist church, ot Har- persVille, N. V, will interest you. He says: '"I suffered agonies, because of a in sistent cough, resulting from the grip, t hai to sleep sitting up in bed. I tried many remedies without relief, untCI I took Dr. Kings Discovery for consumption coughs and colds, which entirely cured my cough and saved me from consumption. A rand cure for diseased conditions of Throat and lungs. At K I- Hamilton druggist; price 5Jc and $1 guaranteed. Trial lo!Lle free. A New York man who advertised for a typewriter, "the uglier 'the bet ter," had four thousand replies by nine o'clock the next. day. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Ta'blt-ts. All druggists refund the money if it fail tocurc F. W. Grove's signature is on each x'. 25-" The President's decision to accept no more railway passesjtist natural ly forces an Inquiry as to the-, wherea bouts of former CoDgressma n 1'aker, of Brooklyn. Humor era PiiiHosophy By DUNCAN M. SMITH PERT PARAGRAPHS. Generally when a man marries he iliscovers that he has acquired a sec retary treasurer. No woman wants a bargain in hus bands. She doesn't fancy one that has been pawed over. Prices defy the laws of gravitation. ; The larger they get the higher they go. Truth is mighly and will prevail pro-, vided it i:; not opposed by Error with aj gun. A man either has a wonderful bump of hope or a tremendous amount of j faith in the girl's executive ability when be marries before the engage- nient ring is paid for. j There are girls who do not believe in , flirting in Uieory. Even a coward is brave when his wile is along for be must always keep family discipline in mind. , It is impossible to tind the square ; root of a turnip. ' When a man throws a lamp at his wife and she tosses a pillow back at liim, is lhat a soft answer? , Power of Habit. j She worked in a swell .1. purtment store In the rihbon lioDos. on Ihe seeond Moor Aed when lie- ladies cutne iin.l seanned Tin; pretly -iihiKs she h:id on hand Or for a haiv.ain made a clash She raised h'-r voice and shouted "Cash!" The pretty ril.hoie on display, 1 iik. d down three cents tor bargain day, .Attracted yiiis i'r.iin near ;o:id far, "Who came with pod. el Looks ajar JVnd buii'ht M:h-:taniial things and trash. But all she sai.i was simply "l';isli!" She married later on in HIV. Aral when she was a charniinir wife Tiie j'ow. r of hahii was so strong She always sane, il.'e ?-anie old sot.r. IPt hashaiid's tiedit il initrht smash. Lint da" and niiiit she called for cash. Horrible Monster, A n ton so is a ferociou.s animal that kills women on sight and eats them at its leisure. It loses to toy with its victims, hold ing them in suspense before crushing them wilh ils p iweiTul jaws, particu larly if it gets a 1:00 pound woman cor nered, but it" does not wait long, for two reasons; tlrst, it is hungry for a. square meal. and. second, il duos not want to take chances, as help might come in the shape of it crippled up seventy-live pound man. Nothing delights the soul of this bloodihii siy creature quite so much as to get twenty defenseless women cor nered in one room, ami its glee is fiendish ir kills idem one by. one and then lightly drags thei 1 off to its nest through a halt inch hole to make a feast for its young. Truly, it is the scourge of woman kind, although we must say that we admire its taste. Where to Find the Dull One, "He has taken his hero from real life." "To prove that truth is stranger than tie (ion "No; lo bring out by contrast the brilliant parts of the heroine who is taken wholly from fiction." Didn't Know About It, "It always struck me that the mur derers of Julius Caesar were very frank about owning up to it." "Yes. brutally frank." "Weil, they didn't go about claiming that he died of appendicitis." At the County Fair. When Willie- jroes e.;.l lo Ihe fair He pots a white I eai) oit his huir: j He w. urs :t red I tie A lid :i wink in his e, And. my. how the Kiddy is i r I 9 st ;i re' Why He Hated Them. "I understand he claims lo be a wo man hater." "Yes. he discovered some lime ago that that was the way to make the girls run after him." True to Color, "What are these white lies we hear so mu. il aboid "' ".Must be Hie stories the oldest inhab itant tells about the biggest snow Storm.'' A Different "Miss. ""Misfortune" has pursued him for a long time." "Yes, but he is not pursiiing Miss Fortune and h.opes to turn the tallies." T, I 1 J T 1 ney LUUKca 11. Notice any resemblance I 'tween nn and me brud.lerV" "Well. jioth appear to be humai beings." Llvintt Barometers. Anion? the best of the living barome ters ;ire snails, which lo not drink in the ordinary sense of thevterm, but ab sorb nwisTiire during the wot weather directly ihrovitrh the skin and exude it afterward. As they-are anxious not to have the nnfisture?vaporate too quick ly, thus creating a premature thirst, which cannot be conveniently satisfied, they keep (lurinsj dry weather in strict seclusion, moving; abroad only during or just before raj n. Immediately be fore downfall thet may be seen elimb- ing tin: the trunks of ? trees and busily get in anmnir tin 3 leaves. Gnats as semble iu clouds under trees, an horses grow rost8?ss. Swans, where they are plentiful, may be seen flying against the wind.. Spiders crowd on the walls, toads -ome out of their hole and pigeons. nav Ix- seen going to 1lie dovecots e:rlie-r than usual. C M T Tt&e iw axative uroma quinine Tablets v Seven MflJion boxes sold in past 12 months. ThlS Signature. IF' ITU i f i J2 fi ft 4 JUL A Rheumatism is usually worse in cess 'and other chanced conditions 01 tne cumci . . .. .... . , , SftL disease that arefelt -luring the warmer weather are changed to pa:,-. ?n " pain the muscles become inflamed and swollen, the nerves get sore .,, excited ti,e bones ache, and Rheumatism, the terror of wmter, akcsp,.. . slot of the!. Then fae sufferer turns to the lnmncnt b-dtlc, the Sen clothes, the favorite plaster or some home remedy, m an ehott o reHef But Rheumatism is not a trouble that can be rubhec away or dr.-c.n out with a plaster; these things relieve the pa.n and reUuce the mflammai, b t do notreach the real cause of the trouble and at the next exposure an other attack comes on. Rheumatism is caused by a sour acid condition - f the bbod The refuse matter and bodily impurities which should be can ... , off through the channels of nature have been left in .the system because, of indigestion, weak Kidneys, torpid Liver and a general sluggish ctuuh 10.1 M the svstem These impurities sour and form uric acid, which is absorbed by the blood and distributed to the diiferent muscles, joints, nerves and bom -. causim.- the painful symptoms of Rheumatism, fa b. fa. goes to the root f 0 " the trouble and cures Rheumatism Iry cleansing 1 PURELY VEGETABLE. is purely vegetable and does not injure the sv-stem as do those medicines con taining" Potash and other minerals. Book on Rheumatism and medical advu e without charge. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA ANcgefable Preparaiionfor As similating the Food andRegula ling ihe Stomachs ciul Bowels of j rroiiiOiesDigcslion.Cheerrur ! nessandRest.Contains neither j Opium.Morpliine norIiueral. JSOT NARCOTIC. f ofOteDrSAKUELPITCHER jflx.Srnna I RofkrlUSeUt- te&ennvtt -Hi CgirtionattSodtl IfMiti Seed -ftoirttH .i'ufffr huttenpK'tvi 'Flavor. A pel feci Remedy for Constipa tion , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss of Sleep. FacSunile Signature of NEW YORK. j EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. II" 5 THI OEHTOUK iOflMBV SW VOH IT, "j Life often seems too long to the woman who suf fers from painful periods. The eternal bearing down, headache, backache, leucorrhea, nervousness, dizziness, ripino;, cramps and similar tortures are dreadful To life worth living, take It Eases Women's Pains It quickly relieves Inflammation, purifies and enriches the blood, strengthens the constitution and permanently cures all diseased con ditions from which weak women suffer. It Is matchless, marvelous, reliable. - At all druggest's in $1.00 bottles. WRITE US A LETTER freely and frankly, in strictest confid ence, telling us all your symptoms and troubles. We will send free advice (in plain sealed envelope), how to cure them. Address: Ladies' Advisory Dept., The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. 1T1 nraH!ini mu iniii ! ill 11 rn ii 1 illtawwfe' Truths thai Tour grocer is honest and if he cares to do bo can tell you tliat Le knows very little about the bulk coffee he sells you. How can lie know, I In each package of UON COFFEE you get one full pound of Pure Coffee. Insist upon getting the genuine. (Lion head on every package.) (Save the Lion-beads for valuable premiums.) SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE LI SsaT'Soine people pay that never In their lives did they ea ve any money until they secured a home auxllary rfteel Bank. I,oaned free by the Ox ford Savings BaDk. k To Cure a Cold in On THE TERROR I OF WINTER Winter 'because ol thecoU "'.! the blood. It neutralizes the acids and filters them out of the circulation and sends a stream .,f pure, rich blood to all parts of the body. Then the pains cease, the inflammation subsides, tl e nerves are quieted, every symptom ofthedisc.e e nacsr-snwnv and the cure is ricrtuanent. S. S S. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of A i7 C In Os or Over Thirty Years m cm "I SUFFERED CREATLY," writes Mrs. L. E. Clevenger, of Belle view, N. C, "at my monthly periods, all my life, but the first bottle of Car dui gave me wonderful relief, and now 1 am in better health than 1 have been foralongtime . I think Cardui thegreat est woman's medicine in the world." VB'BlW",'.- J-Wiiim il i wWPtw.WM Strike Home where it originally came from, V 4 M M H ra 1 How it was blended or With What or when roasted! If you buy your coffee loose by the pound, how can you expect purity and unif 01m quality ? HON COFFEE, the LEADER OF AIX PACKAGE COFFEES, Is ol necessity uniform in quality, strength and flavor. For OVER A QUARTER CF A CENTURY, LION COFFEE has been the standard coffee In millions of homes. LION COFFEE Is carefully packed at our factories, and nntil opened In your home, has no chance of being adul terated, or of coming In contact with dust, Urt, germs, or unclean hands. VfOOLSON SPICE CO., Toledo, Ohio, t 1 in. D A D l L'D'C " r'V - O RAI CAM Clpftmes and rx-autifies th hair. PmitiKtc ft luxuriant growth. Never Faila to Bestore Gr.iy Hair to its Youthful Color. Cures traip dispases & hair falling. JOc.and SUiJa? i)riigg:gtq tlnr Cures Grin in Two Days. V & via vci V box. 25c. I '1

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