'f TOBUSINESS MEN ! Show that in business You are wise, By coming here to Advertise. mmu JOB PRINTING. If you would prosper Year by year, Have your printing wne Kignt here. JOHN T. BRUT, Editor and Owner. DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF OXFORD AND GRANVILLE COUNTY. m flCWEKS 0ne Dollar a Year in Advance. VOL.. 19. OXFORD, N. C.. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 9. 1906. NO. 12. Wat i ' M THAT CUT, r RAZORS THAT SHAVE AND SC3SI0BS THAT COT. ALL GUARANTEED If you get a knife, razor or pair scissors that are not per fect return it within 30 days and get a new one free of charge. Get a Waterman Ideal Foun tain Pen, if it does not suit,re turn it and get one that does without any extra charge. I have the finest lot of per fumery ever in Oxford, and as for toilet articles I have the largest stock ever in Granville Gounty. Face, toilet and baby powders, complexion creams and cosmetiss, mouth washes, tooth powders and pastes all in great variety. Why let those poor little runt shoats eat all that corn and not improve when Hall's Hog Powder will make bigat hogs of them. I.. i ' i iVe ocal Jaconics. BRIEF DASHES OF THINGS HAPPENING. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. All cakes, crackers, etc. I had on hand during the sum mer were returned and a fresh supply gotten direct from the factory. Spectacles and Eye Glasses that fit your eyes. Satisfac tory fit everytime or your mon ey back. Prices right 25c to $10.00. Hall's Spavin Gure is the oest nniment on eartn ror a horse. Roysters Horse Pow der is the best Gondition Pow der on the market take no other. young Is under my special care. Pu rity, accuracy and 26 years exneriencfi is what I nffpr vnn bend you prescription to me and you will get eactly what your doctor wants you to have. J. 6. HALL. DRUGGIST. UKl'OIiT OF T HE CONDITION of the FIRST NATIONAL of Oxford, BANK At Oxford iu the State of North Caro liua, at the close of businesn Jan. I'D, 1100. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $216,244.34 Overdrafts, secured , 17 S.fi'2 U. N. Bonds to secure circu lation 2."i,000.00 Premium on U. S. Bonds. . 1,000.00 Bonds, securities, etc 24,000.00 Furniture, and fixtures 775.00 Due from National Banks ( not reserve agents ) 47.7U2.79 Due from State Banks and? Bankers 8,302 37 Due from approved reserve agents 1S.S27.26 Checks, other cash Items... o,(il7 61) Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents 314 26 Lawful money re serve in Bank, viz: 17.1S9.00 Redemption fund with US. Treas'y (5 per ct cir'tlon) 1,250.00 Total $367,567.53 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $ 25,000.00 Surplus fund 12,500,00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid.... 1,453.43 National Bank notes out standing 25,000.00 Due to other National Banks 2.741.31 Din to State Banks and Bankers 1,988.01 Due to Trust Companies Dividends unpaid 30.00 Individual deposits subject to check 140,41122 Time certificates of deposit 150.791.49 Cashier's checks outstand ing 446.07 Total deposits $291,648.78 Liabilities other than those above stated Iut reserve 7,200.00 Total $354,384 69 State of North Carolina, county of Cranville, ss: I,V. II. Hunt, Cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, W. H. HUNT, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6th day of Feb. 1906. J. T. BRITT, C. S. C. Co r rec t A t test : ('HAS. O. ROYSTER, H. M. SHAW, Z. VV. LYON, Directors. Sale of Land. By virtue of authority vested in me as Commissioner in the Special Pioceedings entitled VV. M. Bullock et al. vs M. M. Biv ins et. al., 1 shall offer for sale to the high est bidder for cash, at the Court House door in Oxford on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1906, that eertam tract ot land mentioned in the petition filed in said cause as lying in Dutch vi!e township, firanville county, adjoining the la ds of Baldwin Waller on the north, Mrs. Sallie Waller and WootUon Washing ton on the east, Samuel Waller and Sail e Waller on the west.it being the tract of land lately owned by the la?e Hemy A. Bullock, and containing 128 acres, moreor less. This land is sold for paitition among tenants in commou, the heirs of the said Henry A Bullock. Time ot sale 12 m. Jan, 24,I9o6. II. M. SHAW, Commissioner. Dr. B. K. Hays Is building an of fice In his front yard. .Mr Mdney Jones, who wasnum tiered with the sick last week, is out again. Mrs. Matt Loonani, who has been quite sick, we are glad to learn is some better. airs. S. . Cooper delightfully en lenainea the little girls and boys Saturday afternoon. Master Willie and little Elizabeth Hicks, who have been sick several days, are much better. -tne interior of the residence of Mrs. Hannah Plnnix Is in the hands of paint and paper man and will soon be finished. Messrs. Brooks Parham and C w. tsryan, wno have been confined to their rooms for a week on account of sickness, are much Improved The host of fr ends of Judge Gra ham will be sorry to learn of his se rious Illness for several days at his home In Oxford, but we are glad to say that at this writing he Is some better. The Citizen's Bank, of Creedmoor. It will be seen by reference to state ment in another part of this paper, continues to grow In popular favor under the cashiershlp of our friend Emeron Harris. Our highly esteemed young friend Emeron Harris, the excellent Cashier of the Citizen's Bank at Creedmoor, had a slight stroke of facial paralysis Friday morning, and we are pleased to learn Is much better now. The burning out of a chimney at Mr. Henry Robards caused the sec ond alarm to be sounded Tuesday afternoon, and the firebovs nrnmntiu answered the call but their services were not needed. We publish in another column the statement of Bank of Creed moor, and It will be seen that It continues to be Weil Datronlzerl hv the people of that territory as cashier W. R. Fleming is hustling after busl ness. Capt. Brooke Parham, the new wle awake t-aptaln of Granville Grays, will give the members of the Company an oyster supper In the Arm ory Monday.nlght It I3 expected that every member will be present. Look out boys! Dont miss the supper! Tuesday afternoon the burning out af a chimney at the residence of Mr. A. Biker caused the alarm of fire to besounded, whichemptied the court room in a few minutes, but In about half hour the pleasant Judge Fergerson resumed work and several cases were desposed of. The Concord Times presents quite an attractive appearance In Its new dress and Issued an 8-pnge paper In honor of the event. We congratulate Brother John Shtrrell, the most pop ular editor in the state, upon the great success the Times Is meeting with. The followlngtnvltatlon has been received: Mrs. Eliza Crews requests the honor of your presence at the marriage of her daughter, Rosa Lee, to Mr. Ernest Morris Dean on the morning of Wednesday the fourteenth of February nineteen hundred and six at nine o'clock at her residence. Bishop Cheshire will preach In St. Stephen's Church Sunday mornfng at 11 a. m.,and administer the holy com munion, At night he will preach and administer confirmation. Rev. J. S. Moody, of Fayettevllle, who has been called to the Rectorship of the Parish will be present at the services. We congratulate the manage ment of the First National Bank of Oxford on the very excellentshowlng made In the statement In another col umn. The Bank Is asare, sound and conservative Institution, accomodat ing within the safety limit, and con sequently continues to Increase in volume of bulsness. The following invitation has been Issued: Mr. and Mrs. Ben. F. Currin Invite you to oe present at the mar rrlage of their daughter Mattle White to Mr. Richard C. Watklns on Sun day morning February the eleventh nineteen hundred and six at ten o'clock at home. No Invitations Is sued to friends In town or country. Mr. Chas. W. Parham, one of the most highly respected and best men In the county, died near Oxford Mon day night, Feb. 5. He was a mem ber of the Baptist Church and had reached his 89th year. The funeral and burial occurred Wednesday af ternoon, conducted by Rev J.R. Pace. He leaves behind a devoted wife and three sons to mourn his death. Miss Lucy Farabow.one of Gran ville fine school teachers, and most excellent young lady, and Mr. Hays, of Willlainston, were quietly married at the brides home near Stem, Wed nesday evening, Jan. 31st, Rev. W. H. Puckett, officiating. The happy couple left next day for their homes at WilMamston followed by best wishes of many friends for a happy wedded life. Mr. Sledge, who at one time mer chandised at Tar River, died sudden ly in Richmond Thursday night and his remains were brought to Tar River Saturday and burled. He leaves two daughters, who live with their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Harris, near town. Mr. Sledge had been In bad health for some time and had gone to a hospital for treatment. a The Kimball Road at Last Granted Other Buisness Transacted. The Board of County Commission ers met on Monday and Tu sday with all the members present. The old Rebate Mill was called upon to do a little work and a number of rebates were ground out. Robt Klnton was granted a spec ial allowance of $3. 111 settlement with Supt. J. R Wal wno, ui county Home, the county owed him balance of $7S 51 which was ordered paid. uruerea tnat Anderson Rutland and Airs. Lucy Bowling be put on the outside pauper list at $1 per month each. Anderson Townes was allowed a special allowance of $3. Bettle Wortham was granted special allowance of $3. 1 ne pauper list was revised and the Register of Deeds ordered to Is sue tne various orders now due and deliver to the proper persons. Air. r. Harris was allowed to make certain changes In the Harris road near his home at no expense to the connty. rf V. . . . I . I , .me pet-muu 10 open a road over the lands of Mru. Manerum. John B Mayes, A.J. eazy, Robert Jones, and others, who promise to give the r.ght of way, was granted at no ex pense to the county. S.J. Currin was appointed Road Su pervlsor in Sassafras Fork township in place of O. L. Lewis, and Richard A. Loyd In Oak Hill township lu the place of V. P. Wllkerson. In the matter of the proposed new road to go by Kimball's nilll, which has been pending before the Board about three months, after a long dis cussion was granted by a vote of four, Mr. W. S. Gooch being excused from voting. Mr. Kimball nirpplnr tn pay $500 or macadam one mile of the new road after beiDg graded, and the Board accepted the macadam propo sition, he Kimball bearing all the ex pense of taking down, removing and rebuilding the bridge over Tar River proposed by said Kimball, and fur ther, that he shall build suitable abuttments to said bridge, and also give the land for right away for said road. He to give a bond of $3,000. as an indemnity for faithful perform ance of said contract. After allowing a number of claims against the county the Board ad- SUPERIOR COURT IN SESSION. journed. Judge G. S. Fergerson, Presiding Grand Jury Pases Disposed of. One week term of Granville Supe rlor Court commenced on Monday with Judge Garland S. Fergerson, of Waynesville, presiding here for the first time. The astute Solicitor A.L Brooks Is representing thestate with his usual ability. Mr. Conrad Walters Is acting for Sheriff Howard and keeps a watch f ul eye over the court room. ine ionowing grand jury was drawn: J. K. Daniel, Foreman, E. G. Davis, O. J. Prultt, D. T. Luns ford, H. T. Hobgood, L. G. Breed love, C. L. Fergerson. J. R. Currin, Z. W. Allen, R. I. Mulchi. H. H. Eat man, C. R. Hester, S. L. Noblln, C. Hicks, F. M. TImberiake. T. M. Tal ly, Louis Thorp, J. R. Cottrll. Mr. T. E. Booth Is the officer in charge of jury. Judg3 Fergerson's charge to the rand jury was short and pointed, and deliberately delivered without notes. In opening he spoke of the duty of the grand jury.and the reeponMlbillty of each juror. That the machinery of the law was put in motion by Its citizenship. That the selection of a juror does not depend upon politi cians or favoritism. Without the aid of the best citizenship It is Impos sible to make the laws effective. Some jurors sometimes shrink their duty and close their eyes to investi gation. Evey good citizen sees to It that the law Is executed, for the good of society. He was plain and strong In his charge on Immoral lnfluence.and un der this head he cited bawdy houses, j carrying concealed weapons, and sell- ng liquor Illicitly. He said that his experience and observation lead him to believe that 85 per cent, of the homicides In this State would not have occurred but for the permlclous habit of carrying concealed weapons. He charged that anvtnlnar done. against the life, liberty and happi ness of man enjoying his liberty, was a violation of the criminal law, and the jurors must Investigate It a,n.d irue presentment made. 4 SHOTS. Items of Interest Picked up Here and There. We paid $20,000,000 for the Philip pines and $980,000,000 for trouble up to last reports. The bill -to establish the whlppln post for wife beaters In the District of Columbia is on the House calender The South offers splendid opportu nities for home srekera and investors to secure good and low priced lands, and It Is how acknowleda: ! that the cheapeet lands are to be found In theS..uth. Sheriffs want to be re elected. Tell them they must close down distiller ies and destroy blind tigers or give place to others that will. If they say they can'J tell them there are others that can. Biblical Recorder. Says the Augusta Chronicle: "It would be worth a trip across the continent to hear Tillman and Roose velt in joint debate." Well. it would be a circus Tf Tillman could have his wool-hat', boys on the ground. Director Jorth, of the Census Bu reau, resents the charges of President Jordan of the Southern Cotton As sociation and hopes Congress will re lieve him of making cotton statistics since his efforts are discredited by those for whose benefit It is done. A New York judge has held that a man's wife must support him if she has the means to do so. Interpreted that decision means that when a wo man has all the property in her name she can't turn the old man out to grass. A Jury & Abbeville, Ala., Sunday morning brought In a verdict of guil ty against Walter Nordan, a promi nent young merchant, for poisoning his bride of three weeks, and fixed his-puntshment at life Imprisonment It would seem that capital punish ment might as well be abolished. (on)iig and (joins. YOU OR YOUR FRIEND MAY BE MENTIONED. Announcement To the electors of Granville County: 1 am a candidate for the nomlna tlon for Register of Deeds of my coun ty. subject to the action of the Dem ocratic primaries. I bespeak the sup port of all the voters and if nominat ed I promise my most earnest efforts to please all the people In the dis charge of the duties of the office. Respectfully, E. B. COZART. Feb. 7th, 1906. lm pd. St. Valentine Ball at The Mecklenburg. The Management of the Celebrated Mecklenburg Hotel, Chase City, Va. will give to their guests a magnificent Ball on the evening of St. Valentines Day, February 14th. A splendid Or chestra will be on hand, and every thing done for the pleasure of those who attend. A special Train will run from Ral eigh, passing Oxford at5:30 P. M. and arriving at Chase City at 6:30. A large crowd Is expected and a good time promised. Bank of Stovall. The Secretary of State has issued articles of incorporation for the Bank of Stovall with the following stock holders; J. G. Hunt, J. M. Currin, J. II. Bullock, of Oxford, C. L Lewis. W. H. Gregory, Dr. Wm. L. Taylor, I. T. Green. S. A. Green, Waller L. Taylor, Dr. G. S. Watklns, N. L. Gll 11s and R. T. Gregory. The Bank will be organized in a few days and get ready for business. It will be seen that the stockholders are among the best men In the county, and the bank will be certain to prove a success. Election of Officers. On Tuesday afternoon the W Oman's Litem ry Club met with Mrs. BenJ. K. Hays for the annual election of of ficers. Mrs. Kate Hays Flemlrg was elected President, Mrs. C. D. Ray, vice President, Miss Charlotte Brltt, Secretary, Mrs. E. T. White, Treas urer.Mrs. B. K. Hays, Reporter. Mrs. Fleming read a charming paper on "Ancient Venice." Miss Charlotte Brltt read an article on "Venice of Laday." Mrs. H. M. .shaw gave a reading from the "Merchant of Venice." To the Board of Directors of The Bank of Granville and Oxford Savings Bank! We the undersigned, the committee appointed to make an examination of the banks condition beg to report that we have examined the assets of both banks as of January 15th; 1906. We find from actual count that the Bank of Granville had In assets on said date $278,513 58 and the Oxford Savings Bank and Trust Co. had In assests $190,184 84, said assets are made up of Items set out In state ment hereto attached your committee finds that the loans made by both banks are well secured. We are pleased to attest to the strong con dition of both banks. J. M. CURRIN. W. B. BALLOU, B. S. ROYSTER. It Is customary for the board of directors of the Bank of Granville and Oxford Saving Bank to make tljorough annual examination of their assets the above report epeaks tor itself. The banks excellent state ment is published in another column. He also charged the jury to exam ine the public school buildings, and see If adequate fire escapes were pro vided. The charge Included the violation of criminal laws for the past two years. Investigate county affairs, magistrates and their business and was hard on the magistrate who failed to follow the law in the trial of cases. Judge Fergerson presides with ease and ablllty.and Is courteous but firm In his rulings. He must hayea warm heart as he epeaks kindly to those he Imposes sentences for violating the law. The editor over heard one of his farmer friends who, after tak ing a good look at Judge Fergerson and hearing him talk said: "He looks like a good old Methodist and must be a good man." The following cases have been dis posed of up to time of going to press: State vs Wm. James; larceny, gull ty, 12 months on the roads. State vs Haywood Day, retailing guilty, $10 fine and cost. State vs Haywood Day, retailing, guilty. Judgment suspended upon payment of cost. State ve. Henry Wortham, c c w, guilty, $10 fine and cost. State vs Kid Handy.burglary.and larceny guilty, 3 years on roads. State vs Garland Green.c c w, guil ty, $10 fine and cost! State vs John Brooks, murder, plead guilty of murder In second de gree and sentenced to penitentiary for 18 years at hard labor. State vs Roy Herndon. larceny, guilty, 4 years in Jail with leave to hire out. State vs Adolphus George, a w d w, guilty, fine $10 and cost. State vs MelasMltchell.ee w.gullty, judgment suspended upon payment of cost. State vs James Mann, c c w.gullty, Judgment suspended upon payment of cost. State vs Thos. Cook, c c w, guilty, fined $10 and cost. State vs Jim "Eikerson, plead guilty of manslaughter, charged with caus ing the death of his step daughter. and sentenced to 2 years in State Prison at hard labor. The following Is the report of the Grand Jury which finished its work Wednesday afternoon: To His Honor Judge G. L. Ferguson presiding, February Term, 1906; We have endeavored to execute our duties as per your instructions in all matters coming before us at this term. We have visited the Jail and find It In good condition, and prisoners say they have been well cared for. We have also visited all the offices in the Court House and find each of them In good condition and neatly kept. We ylsited the County Home and found it In good condition. We find found there a nice supply of cornt bacon, food and wood to supply the present needs; the Inmates say they are kindly treated and well provided for. We also find a neat room for religious services at County Home. Respectfully submitted, J. K. DANIEL, Foreman. Dr. B F. Arrington, M. D., D. S. Specialist, of Goldsboro, will be In Oxford at Dr. I. H. Davis' office the 15th, 16th and 17th of February. Practiced confined to treatment of diseased gums, especially B ggs' dis ease socalled, more generally known and spoken of asscurvey. Onetreat ment at one sitting Is all that is re quisite for cure In most cases. Subscribe to Public imager. Veterans of Wheeler's Cavalry will have a big Aemorlal meeting In hon or of Gen. Wheelers memory, In At lanta, Febr25th; veterans of the Blue and Gray are Invited and a move ment will be start d to erects monu ment to the great Southern Cavalry leader. . It Is estimated that the cotton mills of North and South Carolina consume 56.8 per cent, of all the cot ton spun In Southern millp. South Carolina ranks second only to Mas sachusetts ft tht consumption of ct ton for the whole country. The com bined consumption of the two Oaro llnas exceeds that of Massachusetts by 170.844 bales. Since President Roosevelt has been In the executive chair of the Republic he has been up against railroad com bines, the beef trust, and other kinds of trusts and combinations that have the people at their mercy. He says he would like to "bust" them but goes right on being head of the Re publican party which protects them and gets Its campaign funds from Its beneficiaries. The South Carolina House of Rep resentatives has passed the Morgan dispensary bill by a vote of 63 to 46. This Is considered to be the most sig nificant legislation in the State for many years, and it Is believed the Senate also will pass the measure. The bill abolishes the State dispen sary and provides for State prohibi tion, with local option to counties to establish their own dispensaries under county management. A resolution has been introduced In the Virginia Legislature calling upon Senators Daniel and Martin to know what they have done in con formity to the resolution of the Vir ginia Legislature two years ago In structing them to advocate a law re quiring the election of United States Senators by 1 he people. Thirty two state Legislatures passed similar res olutions Including North Carolina. The Elizabeth City Economist says that Mr. F. F. Cohoon has the Oldest Bible in the State. It was brought to this country In 1728 by William Swain, who landed at Nantucket, Mass., and was given by him to his son John Swain, who settled in Ty rell county in 1730. John gave It to his grandson, Ellkieum, who carried It with him during the Revolutionary War. It has been carried through three wars by descendants o the original owners. A colored girl while walking along the banks of a creek, a tributary of the Potomac River, on the farm of E. Goodrldge, in Westmoreland County, Va., a few days ago, discov ered a Jar sticking out of the mud, where the tide had receded. She pulled It up, and found It contained a large quantity of Spanish silver coin, said to be worth $800 The coins were of old dates, none being more recent than sixty-five years ago. J. he money was turned over to Mr. Goodrldge. In the Richmond police court the other day Mayor McCarthy called a reporter of the Richmond News-Lead er a liar. The reporter claimed the protection of the court and the po lice justice fined the mayor $20 for contempt of court. In the hearing the counsel for the mayor argued that It would reflect on the dignity of the city for the mayor to be fined but the police justice was of the opin ion that the mavor was no better than other folks when he offended and the fine was Imposed, The case was appealed. Judge R. W. Wlnstou, of Durham was In Oxford Monday. Mr. C. G Royster.of Bullock, was in town Friday afternoon. Mrs. Pete Thorp.of Oak Hill. was among the Oxford visitors Tuesday. . Dr. Watklns, of Cornwall, was on our streets a few hours Wednep day. Mr. Marvin Minor, of Raleigh, visited home folks in Oxford Suuday and Monday. air. u. K. Hester, or Route a, was in Oxford Monday and called on the Public Ledger, Mr. D. W. Frazler.of Route 7,was in town Tuesday and called on the Public Ledger. Mr. Lewis Thorp, of Berea, at tended court this week and called on the Public Ledger. -Mr. J. D. Davis, of Grlssom, wn in OxfoJd Wednesday and called on the Public Ledger. Miss Belle Thorp, who has been vIsltlDg Mrs.'C. H. Landls, returned to her home at Oak Hill Friday. Ex-Sheriff Sam Fleming, ol Hes ter, was In Oxford Wednesday shak lng hands with his old friends, who were glad to see him. Messrs. O. B. Allen, of Creedmoor, S. H. Mlze. of Hester. W. S. Watson of Berea, W. B. Cash and J. L. Haf kins, of Stem, were in town Tuesday and called on the Public Ledger. Mr. and Mrs. L.Thomas returned Saturday from Spencerand wlllmake their home In Oxford in the future There is no place like Oxford, and we welcome them back to their old home. ALMOST EVERYBODY HAS CATARRH.' A Beautiful Girl Saved by Peruna.! Messrs. R. I. Mulchi, A. D. Fra- zler, M. J, Williams, and Matt Nelson, of Oak Hill Township, and W. R Walters, ol Wilton, were In Oxford Monday and called on the Public Ledger. General B. S. Royster royally en tertalned Judge Fergerson and SoIIc tor A. L. Brooks and members of the bar Tuesday evening, and they en joyed a sumptuous supper and a de lightful evenlngasGen. and Mrs. Roy- steriare charming host and hostess The following persons of Oxford attended the Biggs-Jordan marriage In Durham Wednesday night: Capt and Mrs. W. H. White, Col. and Mrs. Henry Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. S."W Cooper, Misses Jennette Biggs. LUlle White, Anna Cannady, Kate Horner, Charlotte Brltt, and Belle Cooper, Mr. Frank Gregory, Gen. B. S. Roys ter, and Mr. A. A. Hicks. Messrs. Long, Blalock & Hasklns1 the three successful Bachelor Mer chants In Oxford, are now offering to the ladles a beautiful line of white goods, embroideries, laces, etc., and they are most csrdlally Invited to call and examine the early springs goods. The three Bachelors message on the sth page Is worth reading as It Is full of trading Information. Don't for get to call early and get first choice Letter to E. T. White. Dear Sir: The late president of the Croton River bank, at Brewsters, N Y, built the finest house In all that region. In 1884, and painted it with lead-and-oll at a cost of $400 the house cost $31,000. In 1S87 three years he repainted It with Devoe at a cost of $350. In 1S97 this paint was In good condi tion. Lead-and-oll, $400, three years. De voe $350, ten years. Yours truly F. W. Devoe & Co. P. S. Baird & Chamblee sells our paint. tesT" WANTED 5 customers for In cubators and brooders, and if you want the best on the market bny a Cyphers made bv Cvphers Incubator Co., of Buffalo. N. Y. Forfurther in formation apply to W. H. Brltt,Agt., Oxford, JN . C. More Dwellings Neede 1. There are no vacant dwelling houses In Oxford and we continue to hear of people who wish to move here. What are our property own ers and other Interested citizens go ing to do about it? Those who have vacant building lots should either build dwellings or sell the lots at a reasonable price to those who will erect dwellings. The town can not grow very rapidly unless some thing of the kind Is done. An Increase of population means a decrease in taxes, etc.,' and the property owners are much in their own light If they stand still and refuse to provide dwellings for those desiring to come In and help build up the town. . Blanche Anderson. Mr. John H. Anderson, Covington, To Whom it May Concern : "This is to certify that my daughter, Blanche Anderson, eight years of age, TOffered with catarrh of the head for three years while living in Massachu setts. At times it affected her eyes so that she could not bear the light and would have to be kept in a dark room for three or four days. It finally went to her ears ; she became quite deaf, and one of her ears began to discharge pus that was very offensive. I wrote Dr Hartman and he advised me what to do. I gave her Lacupia and Peruna. Today she is enjoying the best of health ; her eyesand bearing are both good. I heart ily recommend Peruna for all catarrhal affections." Peruna is the only scientific remedy for catarrh yet discovered. A copy of Dr. Hartman's latest book on chronic ca tarrh sent free by The Peruna Medicine Co Columbus, Ohio. BUSINESS GETTERS. 1 aise an Kinds or fur skins tn oaira 1 nammee if vou want, ton notch prices for them. g?"Safe deposit boxes for runt modern system, in the vaults of the the Bank of Granville. SA CARD. Misses Snennrl Rot. tie Robards will resn broidery class February 1st at 10::0 a. m. SSsIf you exnect to bnv tor this season now is the time to buy. When you buy be sure and purchase the best on the market, the Cyphers made by Cyphers Incubator Co:. Buffalo. N. Y. Annlv to Wak II. Brltt, Agent, Oxford, N. C. If your watch nas srone on a strike and your clock has quit strik ing bring them to W. D. Stimson and ne will adiust the matter k-oikdHv and properly. Located at Paris Dry Goods Store. oct.13. A WORD ABOUT THE EYES Examination Free. There are numbers of people suf fering with headache and they are using one remedy after another but - 1 .t 1 none 01 mem give tne aesirea re lief. Oh! they wonder why it is they cannot be relieved? "Others 00k cheerful and happy." Yes and you may be as cheerful and free from suffering as any one. '"How may I? Well lets see, did you cvci oiu l ana minK doshidiv it is your eyes that is causing so much neadacner You know how strained and tired they feel. And yet say don t want to wear elasses if I can help it. If you are having such trouble as this the time has come when you can't help it and if you are only ten years old. Call at our place and let us Drove this. Satisfaction guaranted or money refunded. F. N. DAY, Jeweler, ohn H. Waller, Manager. B. BROWN, President. J. B. MAYES, Secretary, ROLLER. Treas, & Gen. Mgr. Oxford Really Co., Organized for the Purpose of Handling and Deveoloping Real Estate, Act ing as Agent, Trustee or Commissioner. Letter to Sheriffs. Governor Glenn has written a per sonal letter to all the Sheriffs of the State, urging them to Bee that there is quick detection in crime, and that the laws must be rightly enforced The Raleigh News and Observer tells us that the Governor requests all newspapers or citizens who know of any officer refusing or neglpctlng to discharge his duty, not to make a general reflection on all officers by saying they fail to do their duty, but to call attention to the officers so acting and he will at once put the matter In the hands of the solicitor of the district for investigation, and If found to be true, he will see that said officer is prosecuted and punish ed according to law. The Governor does not think It is right to make faithful officers suffer for the wrong doings of the bad ones.hence his sug gestion that charges be made special and not general. For Sale I have a nice lot of p1g. Apply to R. M. Currin, Route No. 7. It pd. IF YOU WANT TO Buy, sell or Rent a Home, Buy, Sell or Rent a Farm, Buy Sell or Rent a Store, Buy, Sell or Rent a Lot, Borrow or Lend Money, Buy or Sell Bonds, Buy or Sell Securities Or Exchange Gountry for Town Property. You can save time and Mon ey by placing it in our hands. we solicit patronage and prom ise prompt and careful atten tion to all matters entrusted to us. OXFORD REALTY COMPANY. To Yd HEAL T Don't let that cold worry you. Just get a uoxofriamiltons Laxative Cold Tab lets." Only 25 cents every box sold on Guarantee. If your cold or cough is very deep seated and troubles at night take "Ham. llton's Tasteless Cod Liver Oil Compound It is one of the best all round Tonics on the market today. Be sure you eet the right kind and I will guarantee the effect. Remember I am Sole Agent for .1 have just receiv ed a fresh supply of Landreths Garden Seed. You know what they are, al ways the best when new. Remember your prescriptions are al ways in the hands of careful Pharma cist when sent to Hamilton's. R. L. HAMILTON. of the Oxford Savings Bank is a distinct and separate de partment under the direct su pervision of . . . ill 2l2jG isi piiSjsi 1 trig u.i l giifeiilj j 3 as trust officer. It is author ized to act as executor or ad ministrator of estates, as guardian and receiver. It acts as manager of estates for per sons advanced in years 01 from any reason unable to give personal attention to the man agement of their property or estate or the persons wishing to place the care and manage ment of such Drorjertv in the hands of a capable, trust worthy and entirely respon sible agent, who will Collect Rents, Interests, Divi dends, Coupons, Bonds, Mortgage's, Etc., and who will keep the proper ty insured, the funds invested and will pay taxes and other obligations. Safety boxes for rent vaults for storage of silver chests. OXTORD STEAM LAUNDRY. An up-to-date plant Fitted up wim an me Latest ma chinery. Best work guaranteed. Drices low for quality of work turned out. A home enterprise and deserves your patronage for several reasons: 1st. It is a neccessity. 2nd. It is a home entemrise and will help to build up , Oxford and Uranville county. -3rd. We give vou better service for less money than you get else where. Give us a trial. - Jas. L. Parham.

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