Tf if TO BUSINESS MEN I Shew that in business You are wise, By coming here to Advertise. tOUtf JOB PRINTING. If you would prosper Year by year. Have your printing Done Right here. JOHN T. BRI IT, Editor and Owner. DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF OXFORD AND GRANVILLE COUNTY. VflW W One Dollar a Year in Advance. VOL. 10. OXFORD, N. C, FRIDAY. MARCH 23, 1906. NO. 18. Garden Seed When you go to the trouble and expense of preparing your garden and planting seeds you want reliable seed. Some of your neighbors who have been getting them for over a Quar ter of a Gentury from J. G. Hall know that is the place. Get a Waterman Ideal Foun tain Pen, if ii does not suit,re turn it and get one that does without any extra charge. I have the finest lot of per fumery ever in Oxford, and as for toilet articles I have the largest stock ever in Granville Gounty. Face, toilet and baby powders, complexion creams and cosmetiss, mouth washes, tooth powders and pastes all in great variety. Why let those poor little runt shoats eat all that corn and not improve when Hall's Hog Powder will make big fat hogs of them. Do you ever cut yourself when you shave if so go to J. G. Halls and get a guaranteed Safety Razor that you can't cut yourself with. ' If not per fectly satisfactory carry it back in 30 days and get your money. Spectacles and Eye Glasses that fit your eyes. Satisfac tory fit everytime or your mon ey back. Prices right 25c to $10.00. Hall's Spavin Gure is the best liniment on earth for a horse. Roysters Horse Pow der is the best Gondition Pow der on the market take no other. Tlis l'iii;niiliii:i department Is under my special care. Pu rity, accuracy and 26 years experience is what I offer you. Send you prescription to me and you will get eactly what your doctor wants you to have. d.G.HRLL. DRUGGIST. NEW GOOD We have just received a nice line of side and back combs, sash pins and cuff pins from 35 cts per pair to $2 and $3 per pair. Brooches, bracelets, waist sets.and signet rings in equally as good variety. We have also a nice line of la dies neck chains and beads. Gen tlemans watch chains and fobs. Scarf pins and cuff buttons. Call in and see them we can make the price interesting. F. N. DAY, Jeweler, John H. Waller, Manager. J. S. BROWN, President. J. B. MAYES, Secretary, J. B. ROLLER, Treas. & Gen. Mgr. Oxford Realty Co., Organized tor the Purpose of Handling and Deveoloping Real Estate, Act ing as Agent, Trustee or Commissioner. IF YOU WANT TO Buy, sell or Rent a Home, Buy, Sell or Rent a Farm, Buy Sell or Rent a Store, Buy, Sell or Rent a Lot, Borrow or Lend Money, Buy or Seli Bonds, Buy or Sell Securities Or Exchange Gountry for Town Property. You can save time and Mon ey by placing it in our hands we solicit patronage and prom ise prompt and careful atten tion to all matters entrusted to us. OXFORD REALTY COMPANY. Sale of Land. By virtue of the power vested in me un der a d ed in trust duly registered in the office of the Rtgister of Deeds of Granville county, Book 64. page 53, I will on MONDAY, APRIL 2, 19 6, sell at the Court House in Oxford, by pub lie auction for cash that certain tract of land lying in Oak Hill township, Granville county, N. C, and bounded on the south by Sam Clark, on the west by Mrs. L. B. Tuck, on the east by Will Harris, and on the north by Bob Seat, containing 69 and a half acres, more or less. Persons who can raise part of the money, but not all, might be able to arrange the balance with T. C. Brooks individually at his office in Roxboro, N. C. T C. BROOKS, Trustee, This Feb. 17, 1906. and Attorney. iVe oc?I iconics. BRIEF DASHES OF THINGS HAPPENING. Mr. Fred N. Day, the Jeweller, has change of advertisement In tbte Issue. Owing- to the bad weather the past week tobacco breaks have bten light. Mud street has been stuck up the past week greatly to the discomfort of all who have to use It. You might miss something of in terest to you should you fall to read our Business Getter column. We are pleased to learn that Mrs. f. W. Parker, who nas. been quite for some days Is better. Thecarpenters have finished their work on the Episcopal Rectory and Is now ready for the painters. Rev. G. C, Shaw Is building two new cottages la North Oxford not far from the Mary Potter School. The Oxford Realty Co. has pur chased from Mr. .1. F. Edwards his vacant lot on upper High street. The residence occupied by Mr. J. S. Hunt.on the corner of Gilliam and Spring Street, has been reshtngled. Mrs. C. D. Ray and daughter. Miss Annie, who have been num bered with the sick, aro much im proved. The contractors n re getting ready to commence work on the residences of Messrs. Harry Williams and Sam Hobgood. Mr. C. D. Ray has removed the front fence to his residence on College street, which shows up his beautiful liwn to perfection. L"e Harris, colored, sentenced to the Penltentary at November Term, 1902. for 15 years for poisoning died of pneumonia Mcnday. The results are amazing when the people of a community get together, roll their sleeves up and go to work for the town as one man. Everybody should know It by this . time tnat If they do not pay their poll tax for 1905 before May 1st they will not be able to vote. Attention of all lovers or a pure, healthful and delicious drink Is called to the ad vt rtlsement ofVlrglnla Brew ing Co., Roanoke, Va., on tne fourth page. The V'llliford Club Is preparing for Its annual royal entertainment Eas ter Monday night which will surpass reception of last year In many re spects. We will glve the program In a later Issue. Mr. J. R. Chappell and family, who have made Oxford their home for several years, left Wednesday for Omaha, Nebraska, where they will make their home. We regret to lose them, and wish them health and prosperity In their new home. We heard two traveling men say the past week that they went all over the South and found many much smaller towns with far better hotels than Oxford, and were at a loss to know why so progressive a town as Oxford was did not have an up-to-date hotel. There Is a movement on foot In Oxford to have a poultry show here some time in November which will prove of much Interest to our chicken fanciers. Raisers of chickens, turkeys. geese and pfgeons of this and adjoln- ings counties will be invited to par ticipate. Mr. Taylor Hobgood was In town Wednesday morning and Informed us that Mr. A. J. Crltcher, near Oxford, lost a $200 mule Sunday afternoon. His muleshlp got out of the stables aud leaped over a fence, falling break ing his neck. This Is a serious loss to Mr. Crltcher just at this time. The many friends of Mr. Edward Cannady will be pleased to learn that he la successfully carrying the buggy banner in Mississippi and Alabama, selling 11 car loads of buggies In 18 days. A record that but few have beaten. How is that for selling bug gies In a new territory ? Mr. C. E. Averett, of C'reedmoor section, was in town Saturday and purchased from Mr. J. Robt. Wood I the cottage he now occupies on High street, and will move his. family to Oxford. Mr. Wood will soon com mence the erection of a two story residence on the old Wood lot on Hillsboro street. The Oxford Buggy Co. Is already In business, which Is quick work. It has purchased the ("base ,Clty Buggy plant and will manufacture buggies there until the Factory building on the Osborn hotel lot, which has been purchased by the company, can be erected. Keep a sharp look out on this new enterprise as it is going to be a winner from the start. Rey. Mr. Clark.of the Theological Seminary, occupied the pulpit of the Presbyterian church Sunday morning and night, and gave the congrega tion the benefit of two good sermons. At the morning service a collection was taken up to liquidate a debt of $300. and the amount was raised to the pleasure of the congregation. The special attention of our far mer friends Is directed to advertise ment of Columbia Guano Company, Va, on 4th page. Their Hyco To bacco Guano and Columbia Soluable are among the best brands on the market for the production of fine tex ture tobacco. In placing your order this season remember the Columbia brands of guano stand at the head of the list, Mr. E. E. Fuller was elected Sec retary of the Vllleford Club In place of Mr. Willie Minor resigned. The Oxford Buggy Company was chartered Monday and at a meeting of stockholders Tuesday the officers agreed upon were elected. A cold wave that swooped down on us the past few days must have killed the early peaches and plumbs as the trees were In full bloom. We learn that Mrs. Hudglns died Tuesday morning at her home near Stem of consumption. She was a good woman, kind neighbor, and greatly esteemed by all who kngw her. The Street Commissioner has ta ken charge of Mud street and the town pond will soon be a thing of the past unless another cloud burst from the tank should appear. Mr. R. Y. Person last Saturday forgot that he was not as young as he used to be and joined the boys In a game of base ball, and has been nurglng a sprained ankle all the week. News has reached Oxford that Eugene Daniel, colored, about twen ty years old, who worked for Mr. J. O. Fleming near Lyon, attempted to assault his little daughter last Sat urday afternoon. An attempt has been made, so we are informed, to cap ture the boy Out so far it has been unsuccessful as he has fled. We have been unable to get any particulars of the assault. It is to be hoped that he will be apprehended. IMPORTANT TO SUBSCRIBERS. Quite a number of subscribers are calling in and paying up their sub scriptions. We have purchased an Aadressograph and now using It on a part of our list and you will see on margin of the paper with your name the date your subscription expires and would be to glad have all whose tfme has expired to call and have their time extended. Those at a dis tance will please send check or post office order. Patriotic Offer. Norfolk Landmark says: '"Admir able spirit Is displayed by Co'. W. F. Beasley, of Plymouth, N. C, In offer lng to serve without conpeusatlou on the national commission to locate the graves of Confederate dead In Northern cemeteries, In accordance with the act which provides for suit ably marking the long-neglected rest ing places of these gallant men." But he Jailed to get the appointment as Ex-Congressman Elliott of South Carolina captured It at a salary of $3,000. Gov. Glenn at Fayetteville. An audience of 2.500 people greeted Gov. Glenn in Fayetteville Saturday night. The meeting was presided over by our former townsman, Mr. Crawford Coop r, and the music was furnished by a union choir with a beautiful solo by Mrs. W. M. Morgan. After being Introduced Gov, Glenn spoke for more than an hour and a half, and in bold and eloquent tones squarely advocated prohibition for the whole of North Carolina. After his address a splendid floral design was presented to him from the women of Fayetteville in a graceful speech by Mr. Crawford Cooper. McKelway-Caldwell Libel Suit The Rev. McKelway-Charlotte Observer libel suit came to an end in Charlotte first of the week. The com promise If such it can be called Is set forth in the following: Are the charges made and concerning the plaintiff by the defendant, as set out in the pleadings, true? No. What damage. If any, is the plaintiff enti tled to recover? Nominal damage, to-wlt, five cents, each Bide to pay Its own cost. It is a significant sum In view of the terrible scathing the Rev Gentlemen received from Joe Cald well, the distinguished editor of the Observer. Robt. Hayes Shot by an Officer. There occurred in Henderson Tues day morning a shooting affair when Policeman Nat Henderson shot and seriously wounded Robert Hayes. The officer was attempting to arrest Hayes on a warrant from West Vir ginia In which the wounded man was charged-with criminally assaulting a ten year old girl. When the officer arrested Hayes he told him of the charge against him and he broke and run refusing to halt. Two shots were fired as a warning and the third shot sent a ball through his back, pene trating the left lung, the wound be lng serious. In addition to charge of criminal assault it Is reported that Hayes is also wanted in same State for forgery. He has been in Hender son about a month. The physicians say Hayes will recover. l"Now is the time to set vour Ham bergs and Laces on sale at Miss Mary Belle Gregory's Millinery store from March 26 to 31st. The Best Safeguard. The best safeguard against headache, con stipation and liver troubles is DeWnts Lit tle Early Risers. Keep a vial of these fa mous little pills in the house and take a dose at bed t me when you feel that the stomach and bowels need cleansing. They d'n'i gripe. Sold by J. G. Hall. To the Democratic Voters of Granville County. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the nomination forthe office of Register of Deeds of Granville County subject to the approval o the Democratic voters of Granville county and hereby ask that they ex tend to me their suffrage In the re spective primaries and accord me that support In the Democratic Coun ty Convention that has always char acterized the great Democratic party of GranvlUecounty, for which I prom ise to you my sincere thanks, and if elected to serve you to the best of my ability. Respectfully submitted C. R. GORDON. March 12th, 1906. lm. pd. Buyers Give Them Your Ear. The trains have dally brought to the stores of Laud is & Easton a very large and admirably selected stock of Spring and Snmmer Goods.among which are many rare bargains picked up for the benefit of their customers. Consult your taste as well as 'your pocket book as they are just theniep to suit both In supplying your spring wants. When you enter the two big stores an elegant line of all kinds of beautiful good- greet your eye and you cannot help buying your season's needs. Beautiful drets goods of all kinds, captivating millinery and ele gant trimmings, dainty white goods I aud stylish shoes catch the admiring eyes of the ladles and misses as they join the happy throng of buyers. In the adjoining store the-interests of men and boys have been well looked after as all the latest cuts in sprigs suite, along with an extensive .linesf nobby furnishings, hats and Bhes await their Inspection. If you will read the advertisement on the fourth page you will find it interesting as many prices are quoted. Judge Peebles on Duties of Mafiis trates. We learn from Madison Herald of last week that among many good Ideas Judge Peebles tried to ernpha size and impress upon the minds of the Magistrates in 'the conduct of Rockingham court, was that a mag istrate should take in writing theev dence of material witnesses, both in misdemeanors as well as felonies, have them subscribe and swear to the same, enclose the eyidence with the other papers In the case and then when the Solicitor reached the case he would be greatly helped in the preparation of the same, besides such care on the trial magistrate's part will facilitate the business of Court, save the county expense, and Judge Peebles emphasized the further fact that no magistrate should send 5 or 6 witnesses tocourt to prove the same facts when the law only requires two witnesses to establish any one mate rial fact, and again, the J udge said when any defendant desires to go on the witness stand in a nr-'gl strafe's court and testify regarding the occur rence. It Is the duty of the Justice to caution the defendant, tell him his rights in the premises and how the law does not require any man to in criminate himself. AH magistrates should profit by the Judge's sugges tions. Death of Mr. Nicholas T. Green. ? Nicholas Thos. Green was bern Nov. 22nd. 1843, and died at his home near Stem In Granyllle county, March 14th, 1906. He professed religion un der the ministry of the Rev. J. B. Martin during the year 1884, but did not then nor at any future time con nect himself with the church, still he claimed to have a hope of eternal sal vation and oftlmes In his latter days expressed himself as prepared and willing to die. He was a quiet in offensive man, tender loving husband, kind affectionate father and obliging neighbor. Several years ago he was stricken with paralysis and during the remaining years of his life he had oftrepeated strokes till the end came. He never murmured nor complained but bore his afflictions patiently. He leaves a wife, four sons, two daugh ters, two grand children, several brothers and a large circle of friends to mourn their loss. May God's grace comfort and sustain them In their sad bereavement. The writer preached his funeral at his late home on the 16th Instant, after which we laid his mortal remains to rest in the home cemetery there to await the resurrection morn. The large gath ering present at his burial attested the love and esteem in which he was held. Thus one by one we are pass ing away and God grant that these oftrepeated occurances may awaken us all to greater diligence in Gods service so that when the end comes we may be ready to go. W. H. PUCKETT. Clears the Complexion. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup stimulates the liver and thorougly cleanese the system and clears the complexion of pimples and bio U li es It is the best laxative for women and children as it Is mild and pleasant, and does not gripe or sicken. Orino is much superior to pills, aperient waters and all Or dinary cathartics as it does not irritate the stomach and bowels. J. G. Hall. Attention Housewives. If any of my soda water glasses or Ice cream dishes and spoons have been left at your house please phone me and 1 will send after them. Your friend, J. G. HALL. SPRING MILLINERY. Miss Mary Belle Gregory has re turned from the Northern markets and is now showing a large and beau tiful line of Millinery In all the latest styles and best colore. These goods were carefully selected by Miss Greg ory whose long experience in the bus iness enables her to promise satisfac tion. The line 01 notions Is large and complete. A beautiful line of white goods has been added, and the Ham burgs and Laces are more beautiful than ever before. Incredible Brutality. It would have been incrediMe brutality if Chas. F. Lemberger, of Syracuse, N. Y., had not done the best he could for hs suf fering son. ''My boy" he sas "cut a fear ful gash over his eye, so I applied Bucklens Arnica salve, which quickly healed it and saved his eye." Good tor burns and ulcers too. Only 25c at R. L. Hamiltocs drug store. Senator Simmons made a 2-hours speech in' the Senate In favor of the railway rate regulation bill. Keep the little ones healthy and happy, Their tender, sensitive bodies require gentle healing remedies. Hollisters Rocky Moun tain Tea will keep them strong and well 5 centstea or tablets. J. G. Hall Letter to W. T Lyon, Oxford, N. C. Dear Sir: But few of the men who sell the hundred different paints In the market know much about them. All Devoe agents have a state chemists certificate telling just what Its made of; they know a good deal, not only about Devoe but the rest; we see that they do. We buy every paint has any sale, and aualyze It. When we know what a paint is maae of, we know how it will act;we know how far It goes, and bow long it wears. Devoe la the standard; call It 100. The best Is about 75; the worstabout 25; the rest are between. But the men, who sell them, don't know any better, They know what the maker tells them. That is they know that he tells them.. They don't know whether he tells the truth or ' The business; is opt' conducted, on knowledge; the less they know, 'the more comfortable they are. Yours truly F. W. Devoe & Co. P? S. Balrd & Chamblee sells our paint. An Elaborate Display of Spring Goods The two large Stores of Long.BIa lock & Haeklns prove that they have certainly studied the wants of their large trade for spring and sum mer and every department Is over flowing with the most elaborate line of goods they have ever displayed, suited to th wants of the ladles and girls, men and boys. If It Is up-to-date, if It's pretty, if it's stylish, if It's new and desirable goods you want of course you will find them at Long, Blalock & Hasklns. The continued growth of their business is evidence that people who patronize them are well pleased with the service they give. Their line of white goods, dress goods, wasn goods, trimmings, rib bons, laces and ladles' and misses' shoes were never fuller or more ex quisitely beautiful. In millinery the most elegant models of style have been followed and to every detail of latest fashion, taste and beauty, the attention of their skilled millinery artist. Miss May, will be devoted. The clothing and furnishing store is overflowing with a beautiful and nobby line of spring clothing, hats, shoes, and furnishings of every kind. The quality and make up of spring suits are very marked, and feel fully competent to satisfy any demand for nobby clothes, hats and high grade shoes, etc. Read the large advertise ment on the 4th page and visit this emporium of spring fashion. iDon't miss the great Hamburg and Lace sale of 4.600 yds to go March 26 to 31st. Miss M. B. Gregory. A GUARANTED CURE FOR PILES. Itching, blind, bleeding or protruding piles. Druggist refund money if PAZO OINTMENT tai Is to cure any case, no mat ter of how long standing in 6 or 14 days. First application gives ease and rest. 5oc It your druggist hasn't it send 5OC in stamps and it will be forwarded post paid by Paris Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo. The Lexington people aretryingto get Congress to appropriate $75,000 for a public building at that place. Three little rules we all should keop, To make lite happy and bright, Smile in the morning, smile at noon, lake Rocky Mountain lea at night. J. G. Hall. feT" Wanted 3.000 Loads of Negro Head Rock delivered at Rock Crusher. For further Information see John P. S ted man or Chief of Police. mcb234t In the sprinu time you renovate your house. Why not your body? Hollisters Rocky Mountain Tea drives out impurities, cleanses and enriches the blcod and purines e entire system. 33 cents. J. G. Hall. In addition to making raids on the houses oi 111 fame and arresting all Inmates, Ashevllle police authorities are arresting the owners of houses used for Immoral purposes. That's more like It. igyUee "Bug-I-Clde" on your beds. Great Hamburg and Lace Sale from March 26 to 31st at Miss Mary Belle Gregory's. Done miss it. HAS STOOD THE TEST 25 YEARS The old original Groves Testeless Chill Ton ic You know what you are taking. It is iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No cure no pay. Doc. Mattle Pettlford, colored, commit ted suicide at her home In Wilson by taking laudanum. - While nine men were sitting about the stove In a grocery store at James town, Indiana, Wednesday afternoon three of them were killed and five in jured by the collapse of the Odd Fel lows' Hall, which crushed the store. Col. Oliver H. Dockery, formerly a prominent Republican politician, who made a State campaign for Congres man at large in 1882 and for Govern or in 1888, but who had latterly drop ped out of sight, Is at a hospitable for treatment. Death of Mrs. Cora M. Pender in Wil mington. . The Star of 13th Instant says, the friends in Wilmington and elsewhere throughout the State will regret ex ceedingly to learn of the death of Mrs. Cora M. Pender, widow of the late S. T. Pender, formerly of Oxford, which occurred at the family home In this city yesterday morning after an ill ness of several days with pneumonia. Mrs. Pender was 45 years of age and was held in the highest esteem by all who enjoyed her acquaintance. She was a devoted communicant of the Episcopal church and a member of St. James' In this city. Mrs. Pender is survived by four sons and one daughter. They are S. T. Pender, Haywood Pender, Lee Pender, Wm. Pender and little Miss Francis Pen der. Mr. Haywood Pender is a stu dent at the University of Virginia. (on)ii)g and (Join?;. YOU OR YOUR FRIEND MAY BE MENTIONED. Mr, Thoe. Winston returned from ; Richmond Friday. Mr. R. T. Smith was in Durham Saturday on business. Mr. C. D. Ray was in Greensboro i Monday on business Mr; I awson Knott, of Wendell, was in Oxford Saturday. Mr. J. P. Royster, of Durham; was on our street Saturday. Prof. Ben F. Hester, of Route 1, was in town Wednesday. -'Mr. Lee Veazey. of Knap of Reeds, wad 1npxford Wednesday. - Mr. Josh King has returned to Oxford from a business trip South. Mrs. M. H. Allen baa returned from a visit to relatives In Durham. Mrs. W. T. Hunt and Messrs. Wm. and D. Hunt, were In the Mon day. Mr. A. A. Hicks left Wednesday on a business trip to a point In Ar kansas. Messrs. Jerome Averett and Wal ter Averett, of Route 6, were In Ox ford Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Thorp, of Berea, were in town a few hours Wednesday. Mr. It. T. Gregory, of Stovall, was In Oxford Wednesday and call on the Public Ledger. Mrs. Wells, of Columbia, S. C.. is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Buchanan. Mrs. Rom Ptirker. of Enfield, visit ed her brothers, Messrs. J. G. Hunt and J. S. Hunt, the past wek. Mrs. Hattie Rowland and Mr. and Mrs, Rowland, of Middleburg. were Oxford visitors Saturday. Mr. Chick Young, of Henderson, was in Oxford Wednesday and was a pleasant caller at this office. Mr. J. T. Brlnkley, of Norfolk, Va., was an Oxford visitor Monday and called on the Public Ledger. Mr. Georgf Royster, or Hargrove, was In Oxford Tuesday and the edi tor had the pleasure of meeting him. Mr. S. W. Waller, of Knap ol Reeds section, wns aa Oxford visitor Tuesday and called on the Public Ledger. Mr. R. W. Lassiter, President of the National Bank, was In Greens boro Monday aud Tuesday on busi ness. Messrs. T. G. Dean, of Wakefield, and Amos Dean, of Wendell, were in Oxford Monday and called on the Public Ledger. Misses Mary Johnson and Annie Patterson, of Chapel Hill, were the guests of Mrs. S. D. Booth a few days the past week. Mr. S. "W. Knott, of Fishing Creek Township, was on our streets Mon day afternoon and dropped In on the Public Ledger. Messrs. Wyatt Cannady, of Wil ton. K. A. Adcock, R. L. Williams and W. W. Adcock, of Oak Hill sec tlon, were on our streets Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Chapman will leave the first of April for Ablngton, Va., where Mr. Chapman, will be en gaged In the survey of another rail road. Mr. J. S. Hunt having entirely re covered from his sickness has resum ed his duties on the road In the In terest of Taylor-Cannady Buggy Co., Monday. Mr. Willie Minor, the excellent book-keeper for Mr. J. F. Meadows and the wide-awake Secretary of the Vllleford Club, resigned both posi tions Monday and will soon go to Durham where he becomes book, keeper for Durham Buggy Co. Mr, Minor Is one of Oxford's most energe tic and competent young business men and we deeply regret to lose him. Eminent Doctors Praise its Ingredients. We refer to that boon to weak, nervous, Buffering women known as Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Dr. John Fyfe one of the Editorial Staff of The Eclectic Medical Review says of Unicorn root (Helonias Didca) which is one of the chief ingredients of the "Fa vorite Prescription " : A remedy which invariably acts as a uter ine invigorator makes for normal ac tivity of the entire reproductive system. " Be continues "In Helonias we have a medica ment which more fully answers the above purposes than any other drug with which I am acquainted. In the treatment of diseases pe culiar to women It is seldom that a case Is seen which does not present some indication for this remedial agent." Dr. Fyfe further says: "The following are among the leading Indications for Helonias (Unicorn root). Pain or aching In the back, with leucorrhcea; atonic (weak) conditions of the reproductive organs of women, mental depression and ir ritability, associated with chronic diseases of the reproductive organs of women, constant sensation of heat In the region of the kid neys; monorrhagia (flooding), due to a weak ened condition of the reproductive system; amenorrhea (suppressed or absent monthly periods ). arising from or accompanying an abnormal condition of the digestive organs and anaemic (thin blood) habit; dragging sensations in the extreme lower part of the abdomen." .... If more or less of the above symptoms are present, no invalid woman can do better than take Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, oAe of the leadingingredi ents of which is Unicorn root, or Helonias, and the medical properties of which it most faithfully represents. Of Golden Seal root, another prominent Ingredient of "Favorite Prescription," Prof. Finley Ellingwood, M. D., of Ben nett Medical College, Chicago, says: "It is an important remedy In disorders of the womb. In all catarrhal conditions and general enfeeblement. It Is useful." Prof. John M. Scudder, M. D., late of Cincinnati, says of Golden Seal root : "In relation to its general effects on the system, there it no medicine in use about which there is such general unanimity of opinion. It Is universally regarded as the tonic useful In all debilitated states." Prof. Bartholow, M. D., of Jefferson Medical College, says of Golden Seal : "Valuable in uterine hemorrhage, menor rhagia (flooding) and congestive dysmenor rhuia (painful menstruation)." Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription faith fully represents all the above named in gredients and cures the diseases for which they are recommended. A SEVERE COLD Brought on Summer Catarrh. Pe-ru-na Cured. MISS BLANCHE MYERS. Miss Blanche Myers, 3120 Penn street, Kansas City, Mo., has the following to say of Peruna: "During each of the past four seasons I have caught a severe cold, v Zvn sud denly chilled after an evening party, and catarrh for several weeks would be the result One bottle of Peruns cured me, and I shall not dread colds any more as 1 did. "BLANCHE M YERS. Summer eolds, though not as frequent as winter colds, very often prove more dangerous. At the first symptoms of catching cold Peruna should be taken. It is sure to stop the cold at once, and save needless suffering, and perhaps catarrh. Peruna as an internal, eystemic rem edy acts promptly on the inflamed mu cous membranes wherever the cold has settled. It strikes at the root of the matter, and thus cures promptly and permanently. Address The Peruna Medicine Co., Co lumbus, O., for a free book entitled Health and Beauty," written especial ly for women by Dr; Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. BUSINESS GETTERS. isg-Hamilton sells ' Bu-l Clde'Tor spring cleaning?. I have 3 cows with younjr calves I wish to sell. Jos. A. Peace. Faimort N. C. lSafe deposit boxes for rent- modern system, in the vaults of the tne Bank of Granville. tTOBACCO FLUES. For sale cheap, one set new tools for manu facturing tobacoo flues. Address box 206, Frankllnton. N. C. mar.2,5t pd iSyHlgh grade fertilizers for sale by L. G. and R. C. Puckett, of Stovall, N. C. Will deliver at Lewis, Gela, Stovall and Bullock. tSome people say that never In their lives did they save any money until they secured a home auxllary steel Bank. Loaned free by the Ox ford Savings Bank. VeSll your watch has gone on a strike and your clock has quit strik ing bring them to W. D. Stlmsonand he will adjust the matter promptly and properly. Located at Paris Dry Goods Store. oct.13. Sweet Potato Seed. 100 bushels of Jewel Yams Sweet Potato Seed for sale, along with Piedmont and Honey Yams. Be ready to sell by April 1st. 2t.pd. . C. D. MORRIS. R. F. D. No. 2, Oxford, JN. C. For Sale. One large two story house, Just paint ed, good garden. One 1 story cottage good lot and garden. 100 acres ox land in one mile or Oxford. IN. zo Acres of land in three miles of Oxford N. C. Apply to J. G. Hunt. lmpd. HaT"If you expect to buy an Incuba tor this season now is the time to buy. When you buy be sure and purchase the best on the market tne Cyphers made by Cyphers Incubator Co:, Buffalo, N. Y. Apply to Wade 11. Brltt, Agent, Oxford, N. C. The Savannah Press says the Uni versity of Georgia has turned out ten hundred and ninety lawyers. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Administrator's Notice. The undersigned having been appointed bv the clerk of the superior court of Gran ville county administrator of the estate of Wm. T. Hunt, deceased, Jate ot said coun ty.hereby notifies all persons holding claims against the estate of said deceased to pre sent the same to me before March 16th, 1907. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immedi ate settlement. W. T. HUNT, Admr. of IVm. T. Hunt, deceased. B. S. Royster, Atty. This March ist, 1906. pd.6w. Notice. To the members of White Rock Alli ance, who own stock In the Alliance Hall, store and dwelling: If you wish tonaveabout flOOcoets In the sale and distribution of the proceeds of said property, that Is the costs of serving a summons on each stock holder and his wife, please copy the following and you and your wife sign It and mall It to A. A. Hicks at Oxford, N. C, and please bear in mind that unless you do this, the costs of serving the summons In this matter will be one fourth the value of the property. A. A. Hicks, Oxford, N. C. Please enter our names as plaintiffs in the proceeding to sell the White Rock Al liance store, hall and dwelling. Very truly yours, March 1906. I IMlLi Q) To YOUR HEAL Don't let that cold worry you. Just get a- box ot Hamilton s Laxative! Cold Tab lets." Only 25 cents every box sold on Guarantee. If your cold or cough is very deep seated and troubles at night take "Ham ilton's Tasteless Cod Liver Oil Compound It is one of the best all round Tonics on the market today. Be sure you get the right kind and I will guarantee the effect. Remember I am Sole Agent for I have just receiv ed a fresh supply of Landreth's Garden Seed You know what theTT are, al ways the oest when new. Remember your prescriptions are al ways in the hands of careful Pharma cist when sent to Hamilton's. R. L. HAMILTON. BUST BIBIUEHT of the Oxford Savings Bank is a distinct and separate de partment under the direct su pervision of Dr. I.E. as trust officer. It is author ized to act as executor or ad ministrator of estates, as guardian and receiver. It acts as manager of estates for per sons advanced in years oi from any reason unable to give personal attention to the man agement of their property or estate or the persons wishing to place the care and manage ment of such property in the hands of a capable, trust worthy and entirely respon sible agent, who will Collect Rents, Interests, Div1 dends, Coupons, Bonds, Mortgage's, Etc., and who will keep the proper ty insured, the funds invested and will pay taxes and other obligations. Safety boxes for rent vaults for storage of silver chests. Notice, North Carolina, 1 In the Superior Court, Granville County. Minerva Harris, John Rogers and wife Anna Rogers, Genta Harris and wife Anna Harris, vs. Hayward Tate and Salina Tate, his wife, John Henry Harris and Charlie Harris. The defendants above named will take notice that ar action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Granville county, for the purpose of selling the real estate of the late John Harris, for partition amongst his widow and heirs at law, and the said defendants will further taice notice that they are required to appear befor the Cleik of the Superior court of Granville county on the 10th day of April, 1906, at his office In the court house In Oxi ford, and answer or demur to the petition which will be filed in said office within ten days from this date, or the petitioners will apply to the court for the relief demanded in their said petition. J. T. BRITT, c. s. c. 1 This the 7th day of March, 1906. ill

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