THE OXFORD PUBLIC LEDGERCFKED AY ,M AY 11. 1906. t- II fERMANENT MEADOWS should have an annual dressing of coo pounds ner acre of a fertilizer containing eleven per cent. Potash and ten per cent, available phos phoric acid. This will gradually force out sour grasses and mosses from the meadows, and bring good grasses and clovers; thus increasing the quality as well as the quantity of the hay. Our practical book, "Farmers Guide," gives valuable facts for every sort of crop-raising. It is one of a number of books on successful fertiliz ation winch we send on request, free of any cost or obligation, to any farmer who will write us for them. u Address. GERMAN KALI WORKS "W Yrk-93 Nass" St- or Atlanta. So. Broad Strt. appy ifiome To have a happy home you must have children, as they are great happy-home-makers. If a weak woman, you can be made strong enough to bear healthy children, with little pain or discomfort to yourself, by taking A Building Tonic For Women. It will ease away all your pain, reduce inflammation, cure leucorrhea (whites), falling womb, ovarian trouble, disordered menses, backache, headache, ete and make childbirth natural and easy. Try it. At every drug store in $1.00 bottles.' ft El WRITE US A LETTER Put aside all timidity end write ui freely and frankly, in strictest confi dent, telling as all your symptoms and troubles. We will send free advice (in plain, sealed envelope), how to cure them. Addreasi Ladies' Advisory Dept.. The Chattanooga Medicine Co.. Chattanooga, Tenn, 14 The Kind You Have Always Boug-lit, and -which lias been, iu use for over 30 years, lias borne the signature off and Las Tyf2" sonal supervision since its infancy , '4tZ& Allow no one to deceive von in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of tutUnts and Children Experience against Experiments What is CASTOR I A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing1 Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The Kind You Me Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAUR COMPANY. TT MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK CITY. Sale of Land. I!nrl-r and by virtue of the authority conferred upon me by a certain order and decree of the Superior court of Granville county, rendered hy (he clerk of said court on the tenth day of April, 1906, in a special proceeding pending in said court, wherein Minerva Harris and oth -rs were plaintiffs and Havwood Tate and others were de fendants, I will sell by public auction to the highest bidder at the Court House door at Oxford on MONDAY. MAY 14th, 1906, at twelve M. the tract of land described in the petition in said proceeding to-wit: That tract of land in Dulchville township Granville county, adjoining the land of IVrvis Tilley, Henry Dixon. Martha Hollo way, Anderson Day and perhaps otheis, and known as the John Harris place, said tract contains eighty acres more or less Terms 1-2 cash balance in eight months. A. A. HICKS, Commissioner. This April 13th, 1906. . a. Hone. a. w. KiaoB Attorneys at-Law, OXPOKD. N. 0. Af SOCIiTI Coumbbl: HKMDKK8OH. W.G. Will practice together in tne courts ot Gran ville, Vance, Franklin and Warren conntlee, and all matters requiring their Joint attention. We hope by prompt, ailigent and faithful atten o n to buancaa to deserve and receive a portlo teslf your watch nan gone on a strike and your clock han quit strik ing bring them to W. D. Stlmson and he will adjust the matter promptly and properly, located at I'arls Dry Goods Store. oct.13. Sr its t ? i, t ; -t 9 "DUE TO CARDUI and nothing else, la my baby girl, now two weeks old," write Mrs. J. Priest, of Webster City, Iowa. '-She is a fine, healthy babe and we an both doing nicely. I am still taking Cardnl, and would not be without It in the house, as it is a great medicine for women. been made under his per- Signature of The Implement Co 1302 Main St., Richmond, Va. Have issued a new and interesting Catalogue telling all about the best Time, Labor and Money Saving Farm Implements. It gives descriptions and prices of Corn and Cotton Planters, Wheel & Disk Cultivators, Farm Wagons, Engines, Baggies, Surries, Harness, Saddles, V. Crimp & other Roofing, Barb Wire, Fencing, etc Farmers will get the best Farm Implements on the market and save money by sending us their orders. Write for our Catalogue. Mailed free on request. Administrators Notice. Having been appointed by the clerk of the superior court of Granville county as ad ministrator of Mary A. Dean, deceased, no tice is hereby given to all persons having, claims against the estate of said deceased, to present the same to me on or before the 20th day of April, 1906, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Alt persons indebted to said deceased are re quested to make immediate settlement. B. F. DEAN, Admr. of Mary A. Dean, deceased. B. S. Royster, Atty. 6w. pd. This April 16, 1906. Administrator's Notice, j The undersigned having been appointed bv the clerk of the superior court of Gran ville county administrator of the estate of Thos. Woods, deceased, late of said coun tv, hereby notifies all persons holding claims against the estate of said deceased to pre sent the same to me before May 4tb, 1907. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to. said estate are requested to make immmii ate settlement. J. S.WATKINS, Admr. of Wm. IVoods, deceased. B. S. Royster, Atty. This May and, 1906. pd.6w. Her Scholars hip By ANNA WEBBLING Copyright, 1S0S, tu P. C. Eastment Millie sat on the edge of the dock and looked up the road. Far up the dusty line, running between green fields, a toiling wagon spoke of passengers for the ferry, and she swung herself lightly Into the launch and busied herself with starting the motor. It was hard work for a girl, but some thing had to be done, and the Millie M. was her only resource. It had been fun, In her summer vacations, to play about the boat and help her father at the wheel, but now that he was 111 she must take his work and every day, In fair weather or wet, make the hourly trips across the four mile stretch of water which lay between the two states. Could she have finished ber course at college she might have found some other way of supporting herself and her father, but there was an opportu nity here to continue her studies, and when rheumatism had laid her father flat upon his back she had given up the last term and had come home to be both captain and engineer of the little ferry. Between December and April the lake was frozen over, and if business was brisk this summer there might be a chance to take a half year. It would delay her graduation at least a year, perhaps two, but her chief duty was toward her father, who, since her baby hood, had striven so hard to replace that mother she had lost. He lavished upon her the affection a child naturally would expect from both parents. When Captain Blake had been com pelled to take to his bed his first thought was for his daughter, the sec ond for the ferry Hue. If he gave It up some one else would start a line, and when he should be better he would find his means of livelihood gone. But even at that he would not hear of Millie's giving up the term, and the girl settled the matter herself by calm ly coming home and putting the launch in commission as soon as the ice went out. It had been a busy season, for after hours the patrons of the big hotel on the bluff were wont to hire the boat for excursions, and the entries on the credit side of the bank book cheered Millie when at times It seemed that she, too, would have to give in. There were eight In the party that wanted to cross the lake, but only the strapping sheriff attracted her atten tion as he dropped into the launch and climbed over the partition separating the engines from the space reserved for passengers. "Most ready to give In, Millie?" he asked as the girl made room for him on the seat beside her. "Xot yet," she answered as she reach ed for the wheel. "I won't let them say that I married you so as to be able to complete my course." "I guess they kuow well enough that we have been engaged ever since I went Into long trousers," he urged. "Besides, if you really love me you will not care what people say." "Can't you understand how I feel?" she demanded. "I do love you, Dick, but they must not say that I married you just because you had the money I needed. They must realize that I mar ried you because I wanted you. You have your spurs as sheriff to win; I have my diploma to work for. Then we can be married." "And live happy ever after," he com pleted. "Just wait until I capture the Mayvllle bank robbers, and I'll win your consent in spite of you." "Who are they?" she asked curiously. He laid a slip of paper on the seat, but just then the last of the passengers settled themselves and the boat glided out Into the lake, Millie's hands as steady upon the wheel as though the man she loved were not sitting beside her. She thought no more of the paper un til she came down to the dock after supper to get the launch ready for a trip down the lake with a party from the hotel. Then she glanced over the printed slip, offering an aggregate re ward of $20,000 for the three men whose robbery of the Mayvllle bank was the latest of a daring series. So engrossed did she become that she had to hurry at the last, and just as she looked up from her task, ready to pull out and run down to the hotel dock, she faced an exceedingly busi nesslike revolver held by a determined looking ma ik "We want to cross the lake," he said roughly, "and you can't get across any too quick either." "This boat is engaged for the even ing," she said calmly, though ber heart beat high as she realized that there were three in the party the very men at whose portraits she had been look ing. "You bet it's engaged," was the rough response, "and you want to make a start mighty prompt." Her quick ear caught the beat of hoofs down the road, and she sought to make a delay, but there was some thing In the leader's face that meant business, and, with no comment, she turned to the motor and the boat glid ed out into the lake. At the direction of the leader she crowded on full speed, and soon the chug-chug of the explosions became a whir as the screw churned the water and the boat shot ahead. From the talk aft she knew that the pursuers had taken to rowboats, but they had small chance against the Millie M., and the three men amused themselves by Jeering at their pursuers. Once across the lake Millie knew that they would have an opportunity to es cape before the officers could be arous ed, and the chance of Dick Davis get ting the reward would be lost, since the arrest would be made in another state. All at once an Idea flashed through her brain, and she gave the wheel a twist. The men were quick to notice the maneuver, and the leader was at ber side in an Instant. "If you're turning round," he declar ed, "you're going to run right straight Into eternity." "I gathered from your talk that you did not expect friends to meet you at the landing pier," she laughed. "As long as you insist upon being taken across I was heading for a point lower down. There is a small station there where you can take your train If you The leader lowered his plstoL "You've got sense," he declared admiringly. "Instead of having hysterics you know your business. You'll land us there and we'll make the passage money a hun dred apiece. Pretty good pay, aint HI" Millie laughed an assent, though her heart was In her mouth. Just beyond was a sand bank, the only one in this part of the lake. At the speed the boat was soloff ehe could drive It into the 1 I mud so tightly mat tney couiu xw. work It off. This would give Dick a chance to catch up with them. With eyes straining through the deepening gloom, she drove the boat ahead until, with a crash, it burled Its nose in the soft, sticky mud. The shock threw the men to the bottom of the boat, and with a spring Millie pos sessed herself of the pistoL "If you make a move I'll shootl" she cried. In spite of the warning, one of the men rose to his feet. With a courage born of desperation the girl pulled the trigger. With a yell, he fell heavily to the bottom of the boat, a bullet in his hip. The shot was answered by one near er the shore, and, backing toward the engine, Millie blew the whistle at in tervals until two rowboats loomed up through the darkness, and Dick Davis sprang into the launch. There was a short, sharp fight, but the captors were too many for the fu gitives. Millie fainted, and it was not until the launch had been towed and shoved from the mud that she revived, and with trembling hands headed once more for the home dock. After the posse had been paid" there was still $1,900 left, and by the end of the. summer Dick Davis' brother had learned to run the launch and Millie Davis went back to college on what she laughingly explained to her hus band was the "sheriff scholarship." Dick had insisted upon her marriage before she went, and, somehow, that evening in the boat had showed her how much she needed him. early Jewish Settlers of Newport. The first Jewish sermon which was preached in America and has been published was delivered in the Newport synagogue on May 28, 1773, by Rabbi Hayyim Isaac CarregaL This was de livered in Spanish and was translated Into English. Carregal was a most in teresting personality. He appears to have come from Palestine and was on terms of Intimacy with-Ezra Stiles, the president of Yale college. The first Jewish club In America was formed in 1761 at Newport, with a membership limited to nine persons. Just before the outbreak of the Revolutionary war the Jewish population of Newport must have numbered nearly 1,000 souls. The war dispersed the community, and it never regained Its importance. The Jews, for the most part, espoused the colonial cause and lost the greater part of their property when the town was captured by the British. A few return ed to the city after the war, and In 1790 the congregation presented an ad dress to Washington on the occasion of his visit to the city. Abraham Touro bequeathed a fund to the city of New port to maintain the synagogue as well as the cemetery. This fund Is still In existence, though no representatives of the original families now live in the city. Jewish Encyclopedia. Sew York's Fishermen. Every day through the spring and summer and autumn and almost every day in winter a boat leaves one of the East river piers bound for the deep sea fishing banks, says Bertha H. Smith In Four Track News. Every passenger on board Is of that true democracy, the democracy of the rod and reel. Not death itself Is more of a common lev eler than the fishing rod, and who crosses the gangplank of this fishing steamboat leaves class distinction be hind. The professional man fleeing business for a day, the clerk with a holiday on his hands, the mechanic thrown into Idleness by a strike, the Invalid who finds the city Irksome and longs for a sniff of the sea, old men, young boys and all ages and stages of mankind between may be seen in the stream of people that dribbles along the pier while the sun Is yet dodging behind the Brooklyn housetops. The man who would go deep sea fishing must be up betimes, for It is a good three hours' run to the fishing banks. A Bit of Australian Slans. "Wallaby" is an Australian slang word, and it once puzzled an English secretary of state for the colonies, as it might well puzzle any one but an Aus tralian. This minister was once visited by Sir Charles Gavan Duffy, and refer ence was made to a masterful Austra lian governor who had come into con flict with the colonial office. "I hear he has returned to an island off the coast and has surrounded himself with wal labies,' remarked the English states man. "Yes," replied Sir Gavan, "I dare say he is making himself as com fortable as he can." "You surprise me," was the reply. "What must be the state of morality in a country where you make light of such a proceeding?" Sir Gavan had to explain that the soci ety of kangaroos is not forbidden by the Decalogue. Splendid Filth. Captain E. S. Grogau, author of "The Nile as I Saw It," gives this descrip tion of a bit of scenery near the head waters of the river of Egypt: "A long, slimy pool of putrefying reeds, where foul fish foregather and great pythons writhe and gorge themselves on hideous toads and slither; long, gleaming bands of gold, through labyrinths of fetid green and purple spume, where the fireflies dance, great butterflies flash, dragon flies glint and the suck-suck of swamp, the roar of huge bellied frogs, the cicada's scream, merge in a sad minor key; where in the ceaseless struggle between fruition and decay death wins." A Fishing; Spider. A peculiar spider that Is found in parts of South America, principally In the vicinity of Buenos Ayres, catches fish at certain seasons of the year. In a shallow part of the stream It weaves between the stones a double sided or funnel shaped net. Into which, running tl, 4 44- .ItTA. 111& tlld. poles, well known fishlike larvae of the frog. The shriveled husks or skin X these ereatures, which lie strewn ""in. great numbers about the spider's nest, show plainly that it thoroughly under stands its business. A Painful Dilemma. . Senior Partner What are you look ing so glum oyer? Junior Partner Got a note from my wife that the pug is losi. Now, if I don't sympathize "for her a whole lot she will say I am a cold blooded brute, and If I do sympathize she will suspect that I hired some one to steal the dog and am just condoling with her for a bluff. Have you pains in the back, ihflamn afion of any kind, rheumatism, fainting Spells, in digestion or constipation. Hollisters Rocky Mountain Tea makes you well keeps you well. 35c. J. G Hall. has stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales bottles. Does this record of merit appeal to you ? 1 I m.JU, L.ul. V- a I. - 117 ll it) ib tli vl v tf) it) it) it it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) iti it it) it) it) it) & it) it) it it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) PLUMBERS, STEAM ID GAS FITTERS SUPPLIES. I Carry at all times a full stock of all size pipe 8c pipe fittings. A complete stock of bath room fixtures, that are modern and up-to-date. Estimates and installation of bath rooms on short notice. Prices moderate and work guaranteed. My personal attention given to all work. such as "Deering" Mowers and Rakes, "Acme" Pulverizing Harrows, puts the land in perfect condition and is the best harrow on the market, Disc Cultivators, Cotton, Corn and Pea Planters, Fertilizer distributors TIN ROOFING AND TOBACCO FLUES A ' r?j: & & & C' & ' & THE GRAY SQUIRREL. Be Is a Genius at Hiding Ifnta and Kind I h Them Again "One of the most familiar sounds of the summer woods is the rattling bark of the red squirrel," writes an observ er. "The tones of his voice are varied, and there is a great difference between his angry bark, his cry of fear, the chattering monologue with which he addresses an intruder on his domain, the running tire of repartee which is the constant accompaniment of the an tics of a pair at play and the long rat tling roll call M-hich he utters appar ently from sheer enjoyment of the Bound or as a challenge to some un seen enemy of his own tribe and which reverberates through the woods often with sufficient force to carry the sound for as much as half to three-quarters of a mile. If we listen for an instant when we bear one of these challenges Bent forth we may hear It answered from some distant point so faintly that we cannot be certain that it is not an echo. Some other male has heard the challenge and, detecting the self satis fled note in it, has answered, and we may be fairly certain that they are hastening toward each other, each with the intention of annihilating his foe or at least teaching him a lesson. "Gray squirrels, unlike most of -the rodents, do not hibernate in the winter time, but are abroad and very active during most of the season. Their nests are then in hollow trees, but they usu ally leave these retreats in March and build airier and less vermin infested, abodes in, the tree, tops of leaves and twigs. If you can watch a gray squir rel gathering nuts in the fall you will see him take a nut in his cheek pouch and hop along the ground, testing it every few. yards with his front feet. When he has found a spot entirely to his liking he will scoop out a shallow hole and, placing the nut in it, will cover it up with the loose earth. This he will stamp dvwn and restore to its former condition by scraping the loose leaves and small stones over it. "This performance he repeats again and again in that and other localities ftntil he has hidden away In this mau ler large quantity of nuts, one squir- ! fel often burying several hundred. In the jrtnter,. as he needs them, he un earths these nuts, and It is wonderful how" unerringly he can go to his vari ous caches, even though, as frequently happens, they may all be covered with a foot or more of snow." Fortunate Missourians. "When I was a druggist, at Livonia, Mo." writes T. J. Dwyer, now of Graysville.Mo. -th ree of my customers' were permanently cured of consumption by Dr. Kings New Discovery and are well and strong to day. One was trying to sell his property and move to Arizona, but after using New Dis covery .a short time he found it unnecessary to do so. I regard Dr. Kings New Discov ery ys the most wonderful medicine in exis tence. Surest cough and cold curb and throat and lung healer. Guaranteed by R. L. Hamilton, druggist. 5cm; and js I. Trial bottle free. Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic OXFORD, - - M DEHLER IN AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS H I GO' & & ; & & & & & & 9Li J. S. BROWN, President. J. B. MAYES, Secretary, J. B. ROLLER. Treas. & Gen. Mgr. Oxford Realty Co., Organized for the Purpose of Handling and Deveoloping Real Estate, Act ing as Agent, Trustee or Commissioner. IF YOU WANT TO Buy, sell or Rent a Home, Buy, Sell or Rent a Farm, Buy Sell or Rent a Store, Buy, Sell or Rent a Lot, Borrow or Lend Money, Buy or Sell Bonds, Buy or Sell Securities Or Exchange Gountry for Town Property. You can save time and Mon ey by placing it in our hands, we solicit patronage and prom ise prompt and careful atten tion to all matters entrusted to us. OXFORD REALTY COMPANY. SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY. .Direct'Line., North, East, South, Southwest. Leave Oxford Ar. Henderson 11.25 A. M. 439 P. M. 12.25 Noon 5.30 P. M. Trains connect at Hendejson with through vestibule trains for NORFOLK. RICHMOND. WASHINGTON' BALTIMORE. PHILADELPHIA. NEW YORK. BOSTON, and COLUMBIA. WIL MINGTON. CHARLOTTE. ATLANTA. JACKSONVILLE, SAVANNAH and tl points North. South and South-west -i- Tralns composed ot Pullman's latest Drawing Room Sleeping Cars.Vestible Day Coaches and Cafe Dining Cars. For information call on or address. I. T. ELMORE. JR.. Agent. Oxford. N. C. C H. GATTIS. T. P. A.. , Raleigh, N. C over One and a Half Million Uiion 50c I No Core, No Pay. Ht.r P ms.. I nM Dill. A full Line of Jenkins and Standard Brass VALVES. All kind of saw mill supplies, lu bricators, oil cups, injectors, ejectors, etc. Big Stock of rub ber, leather and gandy belting. All kinds of steam packing. & & & & & FREE Residence Telephones. For the purpose of securing from the public the best reasons why every j residence should have a telephone, we I will give for the five best descriptive articles, t ive lng uisiauce nesmeuco Telephones, and Coupons, FREE for one year frem June 1, 1906, as follows: First Prize-One RcsidcncclTcI ephone and $15.00 in Coupons. Second Prize One Residence felephone and $10.00 in Coupons. Third Prize One Residence Felephone and $5.00 in Coupons. Fourth Prize-One Residence Telephone. Fifth Prize One Residence Telephone. Subject to these conditions: The article must be limited to 250 words. The parties competing for the prizes must be residents of the county in which this paper is published, and the telephone must be located within the exchange limits of some of the towns in which this Company oper ates exchanges in North Carolina or Virginia. The successful contestants, if living outside of the town limits, can elect the person to whom the telephone and coupons shall be given. The award will be marie by three persons, who have no interest or con nection with the Company. The Company cannot undertake to answer any questions in connection with the contest, which will close May 1, 1906. The names of the successful contes tants and their reasons will appear in the columns of this paper as soon as practicable after June 1st. Address your article to "REASON" fare Home Telephone & Telegraph pompany, Henderson, N. C i F. C. TOEPLEMAN, Gen"l Mgr. The Citizens Bank, Creedmoor, N. C. We Solicit the Patronage MERCHANTS, CORPORATIONS, FARMERS and INDIVIDUALS. The Gitizens Bank offers its: services and the use of its re sources to the people of Gran ville and surrounding counties, promising every accommoda tion consistent with conserva tive banking. Gall to see or write us. 4 per cent Paid on Time deposits Z. E. LYON. President. B. G. ROGERS. Vice-Pres. I. E. HARRIS. Cashier. 0 il) it) ili it) it) it) u) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) il) il) it) it) it) it) fli f t it) it) it) il) it) it) it) it) it it) it) it) il) il) it) it) it) il) ib il) il) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) il) it it) il) it) il) il) it) ili il) it) SPECIALTY & & & Li & & & Indigestion Caxisci) Catarrh of trio Stomach. For many yeara It has baen auppe4 that Catarrh of th. Stomach caused lndl(eatlo and dyipepsla, but th truth is siactly ths opposite. Indigestion causes catarrh. R peated attacks of indigestion Inflames th mucus membranes lining the stomach as 4 exposes the nerves of the stomach, thus oauic taf the glands to secrete mucin Instead td th Juice of natural digestion. This m called Catarrh of th Stomach. Kodol Dyspepsia Guro relieves all Inflammation ef th mucous membranes lining the stomach, protect th nerves, and cures bad breath, sour rising, a sens of fullness after eating, tndlgesua, dyspepsia and all stomach troubles. Kodol Digests What You Et Make the Stomach Sweet. BottlM only. ReruUr ta. $ 1 .00. koldlnc 2tf ttaa th. trial sli. which Mil for 60 cnt. Prepared by L O. D.WITT OO., OhlHfi, IK 'Ask for the 190C Kodol Almanac arid 200 year Calender." J. C HALL. HE Brighter Increase f)ifr ProspecUi l Yields Per Acre 1 ' Wo have many actual photographs or cotton fields on which no fertilizers wore liHfKl and nictures of Holds on which "other makes" of fertilizers were used. Results Of these crops were dismal failures. There are much "brighter prospects" ahead for the nrnirreHsive farmers Of the South. Two and three bales to the acre are only ordinary yields where Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers are used with proper cultivation. Make your cotton mature early, and thus escape the boll weevllsaud other damaging insects. You can easily do this, as well as Increase the number of bolls(and theirslze)on your plants by plentifully uBng Virjrini-Caro-Iiiir Fertilizers. This method will tremendously "Increase your yields per acre." Don't be fooled Into buy- ing a substitute. Virginia-Carolina Chemical C. Richmond, Va, wort oik, va. Durham, N. C. Charleston. H. C Baltimore. Md. Atlanta, (la. Havannah. Oa. Montgomery, Ala. Memuhis. Tenn. ghreveport. La. 'A Executrix Notice. Having qualified as executrix of James T. Cheatham, deceased, late ot the county of Granville.N. c, I hereby notify all parties holding claims against the estate of said deceased to present the same to me on or before the 6th day of April. 1907, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate settle ment. ELIZABETH W. CHEATHAM. April 4 1906. 6wpd Executrix. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM ClMDMffl and Deautitit th bate PriMiMrtt a Ituuisvnt growth. Njuver Valla to Mentor Gray Hair to ita Youtblul Color. Cuia calp diirsKi Ji batr laiLo fiuc.aod $1 tju at ItmffrtKU EDS mm