6 THE OXFOKD PUBLIC LEDGER, FKIDAY NOVEMBER 2, 19CG. A Valuable Agent. The- lycorine employed in Dr. Pierce's ITH-dk'ines greatly enhances the medi eval 'nji.rtHJ wkiwJka it Lciuas &ad h.-ids in solution much -hetter than alco hol would. It also possesses medicinal properties of its own. being a valuable deniulcent. nutritive, antiseptic and anti fi '-nvnt. It atlds trreatlv to the efficacy or the Plack "Cli rryl.ark. Golden Seal root. Stone root and Queen's root, con-t--:ned in"(rolden Medical Discovery" in sub luiitir chronic, or lingering conghs, t-r-jnch'al. throat and lung affections, f r ;!! of which these a-rents are recom mended hv standard medical authorities. Iv aM cases where there is a wasting1 t-.-.-jiv of flesh, loss of appetite, with r ; ak stomach, as in the early stages of Ci.'iuir.otion, there can be no doubt that p'vcerin'e. acts as a valuable nutritive and Bids the Golden Seal root. Stone root. Queen's root and Jilack Cherry bark in promoting digestion and building up the flesh and strength, controlling the cough and t'riiisxins; about a healthy condition of the whole"' system. Of course, it must not be expected to work miracles. It will i otcure consumption except in its earlier sti-ges. It will cure very severe, obstin ate" chronic couehs. bronchial and laryn geal troubles, and chronic sore throat with hoarseness. In acute coughs it is not so effective. It is in the lingering couahs. or those of long standing, even when accompanied by bleeding from lungs, that it has performed its most marvelous cures. Send for and read the little book of extracts, treating of the properties and uses of the several med icinal roots that enter into Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and learn why this medicine has such a wide range of application in the cure of diseases. It is gent free. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo. N. Y. The "Discovery" con tains no alcohol or harmful, habit-forming drug. Ingredients all printed on each bottle wrapper in plain English. Sick people, especially those suffering from diseases of long standing, are invited to consult Dr. Pierce by letter, free. All corresuondence is held as strictly private a"d sa-redlv confidential. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce. Buffalo, X. Y. Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailins milv. Send 21 one-cent stamps for ya per-co'vered. or 31 stamps for eioth bound copy. UP AND DOWN THE STATE. At Yadkin Superior Court Snllio" Phillips, ;i vounu white woman, was convicted of larceny and sentenced to a year in the penitentiary. Famous Strike Breakers. The most famous strike breakers in the land are Dr. King's Life Pills. When liver avd bowe's go on strike they quickly settle the trouble, find the purifying work goes righ on. Best cure for constipation, head ache ?.rd dizzinese. 2cts at Hamilton's drug: store. There is no reason why men shouldn't love their enemies as they love them selves, especially if they are their own worst enemies. y s s ft s f- r - . r- n ;m n : t n 3 S 8 q 2 B 52 The season's first cold may be slight may yield to earlv treatment, but the next cold will hang on longer ; it svill be more troublesome, too. Un necessary to take chances on that second one. Scott's Emulsion is a preventive as well as a cure. Take SCOTT'S ED1IL5II when colds abound and you'll have no cold. Take it when the cold is contracted and it checks inflamma tion, heals the membranes of the throat and lungs and drives the cold out, Send for free sample. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists 409-415 Pearl Street, New York 50c. and $1.00 - AH druggists J. S. BROWN, President, J. B. MAYES, Secretary, J. B. ROLLER, Treas. & Gen. Mgr. Oxford Realty Co., Organized for the Purpose of Handling and Deveofoping Real Estate, Act ing as Agent, Trustee or Commissioner. , IF YOU WANT TO Buy, sGikpr Rent a Home, Buy, Sell d-rRent a Farm, Buy Sell or ient a Store, Buy, Sell or ent a Lot, Borrow or Lead Money, Buy or Sell BAnds, Buy or Sell Securities Or Exchange Gauntry for Town Property. You can save time and Mon ey by placing it in our hands, we solicit patronage and prom ise prompt and careful atten tion to all matters entrusted to us. OXFORD REALTY COMPANY. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cleanses and beautifies the hair. Promotes & Inxurisnt orowt Never Tails to Kestore Grav Cures scalp diseases & hair famine, SOc.mnd $1.00 at Drugp-'stt " Tar Heel Items for Tar Heel Read ersSome Happenings in the Old North State. A barn on Mr. II. A IJedK-arn's farm in Anson county, was lmrnoil a few davs auo with 14 head of cattle and a laiiie nuantitv of hay. Origin of the fire is unknown. A law and order league at Xew IVrn to assist in enforcing the laws- the laws against the ias luvn tlie a'e of oruanized t)olicenien iieciallv litjuor. Fridav nioniinir a wild cat weiu'hinir :!o pounds was killed by a negro near Wilson. It was the largest ever seen in the county. JJeforothe cat was dis pacted it killed a dog. Ida Asburn. V- year-old daughter of .1. S. Asburn, of Surry, has made a record for farming this season, gather ing 17"2 pumpkins and 22 pounds of tobacco of her own raising, which she so hi for s22.:, The number of students at the I'ni versitv of Xorth Carolina is now 710 which breaks the record. Many im provements have been, made and are being made, andThursday bids for the new library will be opened. Mrs. XV. II. Waddell committed sui cide Frida v afternoon in Louisburg by cutting her throat with a butcher knife. Temporary insanity, due to protracted melancholia, is assigned as the cause. She leaves husband and three children. doe Ross, of Maxton, who was se riouslv wounded last summer by a pis shot while on an excursion train oper ated by the Seaboard Air Line, has brought suit against it for 81 o, 0(H) He was shot by a wild drunken negro of whose condition the conductor had pos itive notice. Southern Fines has a new industry, the manufacture of violins by A. X. Roberts. Mr. V. C. R oyster, a well known musician of Raleigh, says the work is very high class. Mr. Roberts had a special exhibit at the State Fair and he is said to be the best artist in this line in the South. Williams eV McKeithen. of Lumber, S. C.iApex LumberCo, of Hamlet. i'al nietto Lumber Co., of McRee, S. C. and theC'hatman LumberCo., of Dur ham, have been merged into one con cern. The various companies have a capital of one million. 70,000 acres of land, saw mills and two railroads. It is "promised that there will be some sensational arrests in connection with the importation of ali'en laborers by the Gastonia cotton mills. Detec tives in the employ of the government have been working at Gastonia gather ing evidence. As stated before it is 81.000 fine to bring in foreign laborers. The situation at Spencer where the Southern Rail road's machinists a re out on a strike for money and less time, has changed very little. The railroad of fe ret I to arbitrate the matter, but the strikers refused arbitration. The offi cials of the road then said that thev would go ahead and employ other men. Very little is done at the shops. Old men will be employed again if the" want work. I. XV. Warren, of Rilimore, an em ploye of George XV. Vanderbilt. is kicking up all kinds of a row because of the marriage Saturday of his daugh ter, whom he alleges is just lo years of age. The irate father has taken re venge on the best man at the wedding, one Germax Souther, who secured the marriage license, and that young man now languishes in jail, in default of 8'00 bond, on a perjury charge, The year-old child of Asa XV. Lee, living at Dawson's Creek, Pamlico county, died from a mad-cat's bite. The little one was innocently playing with a pet cat and had been doing so for quite a long time when the animal turned and scratched and bit furiouslv. showing every sign of rabies. Treat ment was given the child, but the inju ries were severe and the disease spread rapidly, death ensuing in about 24 hours. Deputy Fnited States Marshall Jo se)!) J.. .Ionian, of Cary, was shot at live times Thursday near Youngsville while in search for moonshiners. He found the latter at a hitherto unknown, illicit 'distillery. The man ran. Jor dan seized the still, put it in a buggy ami was driving off when the. moonshi ner from ambush fired five shots. He then showed himself thinking he had killed JorJan, He was positively identified. The shoe Struck Jordan's face and neck. His wOuUds were dressed at Car v. 111 .1 !-.-' f IrT i mm mmmmmmm do I take Cardui"? writes Mrs. Jelemma Mullins of Odessa, W. Va. ''Because, after suffering for several years with female trouble, and trying different doc tors and medicines without obtaining relief, I at last found, in Wine of Cardui, a golden medicine for all my ills, and can recommend it above all others for female complaints." Cardui furnishes safe relief for backache, headache, periodical pains, irregular, painful or unhealthy cata menial flow, and all ailments from which sick women suffer. A perfect tonic for delicate women. A pure vegetable medicine for girls and women who are subject to the complaints peculiar to their sex. Has benefited over a million who used to suffer as you do. At every drug store, in $1.00 bottles. WINE ' T-rs-a-z-. - ' . i .n."-lT.... ...... ,,,.,- n. P. "!?"' ,i y .J V. A r .-- r . x i - a MAGNET THAT ATTRACTS I'RU DBNT DEPOSITORS IS GOVERNMENT TKO TECTION ! '0 '---f-V.;i.'- VvRITE US A LETTER Jescribing fully all your symptoms anJ we will send you ee Advice in plain sealed envelope. Ladies' Advisory Dept., The Chattanooga Medk-ine Co.. Chattanooga, Tenn. OF 1 As a Kational Bank we are under Govern ment control, and have Government protection This means the strongest and safeat hank for you to do "business with." He First Maioial Ba V TYNER'S DYSPEPSIA REMEDY. Many Have DyspeDSia Don't Know It. Do you belch up wind ? Taste your food after eating? See specks before the eyes ? Are you pale and haggard ? Does your heart flutter? Are you dizzv ? Do you have pains in side or back ? Rising or pimples on the skin ? Are you low spirited ? Is there a sour taste ? Breath bad ? Head ache? Weak Kidneys ? Billiousness ? Con stipated ? Are you nervous ? If so you have Dyspepsia, and it is a daneerous condition. To cure take Tyner's Dyspepsia Remedy. It is made for just such troubles and symp toms. Tyner's Dpspepsia Remedy removes acids from the stomach, strengthens weak stomachs and cures the worst Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Druggists or bv express socts a bottle. Money refunded if it fails to rnrp. we aire: plea TO mLx M' h "a That the TWO BIG STORES are now full of all the new things. In striv ing to maintain our wide reputation we feel that we have added to it, as we have the largest and best selected stoc that this town or county has ever had displayed within its bounds; WE HAVE TFNSIV ELY TO IKS In Ladies Wears. Such a showing of high class Dress Goods. All the newest things have been selected. SILKS: The prettiest you ever saw. All the new shades of Grey that is so popular this season as well as all the other new colors. And plaids for waists, a great variety of colorings. Also the plaids both large and small for suits and skirts in both silk and wool. And a great line of Black Goods such that we feel that we can boast of. In House Furnishings. Our Rug and Garpet Room is a beauty to behold. Such a line of Axminister and Moquet Rugs and Art Squares has never been shown in Oxford before. A great line of woolen Bed Blankets, 10 and 1 at .50 to $8.50 per pair, snd equally as good line of comforts, counterpaines and all other Furnishings. We Invite your special inspection of this department. Cloaks, Cloaks. The cloaks are prettier this time than ever before, especially the Rain Goats that are so servicable. Then the Long Goats made of Goverts and Kerseys all colors. WE HAVE THEM. In Millinery. We know that we can better take care of you in this line this time' than ever as we have a splendidly se lected large stock and all experienced help, Miss Blanche May still has charge of our work de partment and we know that here taste need not be ex ploited here. We have a full line of Tailor Made Hats as well as a larger line that is the outcome of our own Work Rooms. In Men's Wear. The Right Style is one of the things that you can count on in Our Glothes put there to stay by expert tailors who know what style is. Its worth a good deal to know that your clothes are right in this respect with the right quality, tailoring and fit as well, you can feel that way about what you buy here we absolutely guaran tee everything we sell. You will find that our styles are the exact duplicates of the Fashionable Garments worn in New York and other large cities and that our big variety enables you to perfect ly suit your individual taste. LET US SHOW YOU Any Way. Shoes ! ShoeS! ! We still have the famous line of Drew Selby for ladies and the Boyden and Tilt for men and boys. Ycu can always count on these as the most stylish and best quality for they all guaranteed. . .rffTi Mi, rim CkXhM M r alHnwr New VarkSs 1 ) J Whether Yi Buy or rat W0 WMMK & ms The Leai wo Em 'm Store T Stores, ! s 3 S s G. Hall, Oxford, N. C. j

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