4 OXFORD PUBLIC LEDGER, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1906 SOMETHING TO CROW OZER. 3? We bought more tobacco of the last crops than all the other warehouse firms in Ox ford combined and have sold nearly all of our last years purchases. We expect to buy more of the new crop than the other three warehouse firms com bined. We will leave it to any sound thinking man if this does not give us the advantage of any warehouse in Oxford. We said at the beginning of last season we wanted more than ONE MILLION pounds ourselves and we bought more than ONE MILLION. We say now that we want 2,000,000 pounds out of this crop. The truth is we are in position second to no firm in Oxford or in Lhs State to get you the oream of the market. Our buyers are now more anxious for new tobacco than wo have seen them for quite a number of years and the Farmers Warehouse is prob ably in better condition to take care of your interest than it has ever been since it was built. Ourwarehouse force is made up of the best. They are as foiiows: L. W. Stark and S. M. Watkins auctioneers, S. M. Watkins will manage the floor, Wesley Bryan and Thos. How ell will keep the books and J. F. Meadows will see that every pile of tobacco brings the high est market price Gome one, come all and be convinced. Thanking you for all the past patronage, and promising you service second to no one in the future,we beg to remain Yours very truly J. F. MEADOWS & GO. 5c Dose.bottles 2 doses 10c, $ doses 25 cents. WFDDINC PRESENTS Just opened, come and see them before you buy elsewhere We can save you time and money Give us a trial and be convinced. Everything is guaranteed be as represented. In addition to this we beg to announce that we expect to be prepared to meet every de mand for Ghristmas and holi day gifts and we earnestly so licit the patronage of the peo ple in general. What is the use of sending your money away ween you can buy just what you want at Day's Jewelry Store,for just what it will cost you in some other place, and you do not have to pay freight on it, and can leave your mon-j ey at home too. F. N. DAY, Jeweler, John H. Waller. Manager. Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as administrator of F. L. 1 Taylor, deceased, late or the county of j Ci anville.N. c, I hereby notify all parties j hcldint: claims against the estate of said j aeceased to present the same to me on or ' before the 5th day of Oct. 1907, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov- ', ety. All persons indebted to said estate j are requested to make immediate settle-' mem. VV. R. TAYLOR, Admr. of F. L. Tavlor. deed. This Oct. 4th, 1906 IS. S. Royster Atty. hmi H E AD ft ACHEbtf BRIEF LOCAL HAPPENINGS. Items to Keep Reader Informed of Doings of the Week. A slight cold wave rolled in Sun dav night. A covey of partridges was seen in ( ) x to rd Sat 11 r lay. The first snow of the winter fell in Oxford Wednesday night. We call attention to the adminis trator's notice of Mrs. Cary in another column. The police court just now is very quiet and the policemen are having-an easy time. Air. I. II. Harris is erecting; a medium-size house near his store in West Oxford. Granville was true to her son, "Judge Crawford Biggs, and gave him a majority of 1,155. Sweet little Miss Katharine Las siter, who has been numbered with the sick, is much better. Out of 4,:U children of school age in Greensboro, there are twenty three pairs of twins. We are glad to learn that Mrs. Lock Erwin, who has been sick seve ral days, is improving. Parham Bros. Co. had an "old horse, buggy and wagon sale" Satur day and sold rather low. Divine services will be held in St. Stephen's Church next Sunday at 1 1 a. in. and 4:oO p. m. All the stores, banks and ware houses will be closed on Thanksgiving Da v to observe Thanksgiving. Tavlor Street, which has been in terrible condition tor several years, has been repaired by the street force. The contractor is making good progress on the handsome residence of Mr. Lock Erwin on College Street. Your attention is called to the change in the advertisement of Fred Day. Jeweller, in another column. Cannot the Hoard of Town Com missioners be induced to break the back hone of the Market House Beef Trust? Passengers arriving on the night trains of the Southern and Seaboard I.Jail roads still have to get off in the dark. Don't forget the entertainment at the Opera House this Friday night. Encourage home talent ard help out a noble cause. The choir loft of the Methodist Church has been enlarged, which adds greatly to the looks of the interior of the beautiful edifice. Don't forget to read Parham Bros Co. horse sale advertisement on the Sth page and be certain to attend the sale in Oxford Saturday. It is thought the new telephone system will be put in operation next week, which will be hailed with delight by the people of Oxford. Look 011 the margin of your pa per, and if you are behind on your pa per will you not do lis the favor to call and settle as we need money. A Chicago woman insists that married men kiss better than single ones. Still, it might be embarrassing to ask her how she knows. Hurrah Kitchen! It is thought that Hon. W. W. Kitchin's majority this year will be in the neighborhood ot b,UUU. two vears ago 11 is majority was 4,951. The candidates have been forced to use liniment since the election on their legs because they were pulled so hard during the campaign by those on the dead make. Air. Lonnie Smith tried his hand on another possum hunt Friday night and captured one grinning varment and had the fun of chasing a coon of which he is familiar. Be v. C. G. Christian will preach at the ( ieneva Church next Sabbath at 1 1 A. M.. and returning to Oxford will preach in the Presbyterian Church in Oxford at 7:15 P. M. We are much pleased to learn that the Water A: Electric Co will give the people of Oxford better iucan des cant, light service, which has been bad ly oil for a few weeks. An Oak Hill farmer was in town Monday and asked us this question: "Do you know whether Mr. .Ben Thorp is going' to contest the election of Gen eral Royster or not?'' Prof. Robert Kittrell, Superin tendent Public Schools, during the past few weeks has visited the schools of the county, and finds them well attended, and the teachers taking great interest in their work. Farmers don't forget the fact that tobacco is still climbing higher and higher on the Oxford Market and tine averages are being made dailv on our warehouse floors. . Load up and come along as now is a fine time to reach the high water mark on all U'rades. The fine looking Miss Alice Greg ory and the pleasant Mrs. Joe Davis, of Stovall, were among- the Oxford visitors Tuesday. Mr. and Airs. Ed Hicks and Mrs. Rountree, of Xew York City, arrived at 15 rant wood a few days ago and will remaiu about two weeks. The following- is the honor roll of Edgewood School taught by Miss Aleine Wiggins: Lillian Hart, Hallie Hart, flattie Hart, Bennie Eakes, and Willie Satterwhite. During the past three weeks a large number of deer have been found dead in Xorthern (Jranville sometime o and 4 together, and hence no hunt ing has been done. It seems that a great many people lost their vote by failure to pay poll tax. It is said that in Forsyth county for example, 100 democrats and 200 republicans lost their vote. The Democrats made considerable gains in Congress, but not near enough to control that body. The latest re turns indicate that the Democrats gain ed 28 new members this time. At a meeting of the Board of Town Commissioners Monday night or dered that the building on Wall Street rente 1 for the use of the Fire Depart ment be put in good repair. The women of Oxford have been asked to give $50 to the M elver mon ument. Any ene who wishes to con tribute to this object please send her contributions to Mrs. John Webb. The new Board of County Com missioners, owing to complaints, will have to look after the County Home, as the taxpayers are not willing to pay two men to look after that institution. Last week our returns of the elec tion in ( Jranville were not official, but you will find them correct this week and ask you to read them and see how bad we defeated our Republican friends. We are glad to learn that Mrs. Gordon, of Clarkesville, daughter of Mr. and Airs. K. S. Fsry, who was successfully operated upon in Rich mond a few days ago for appendicitis is doing well. Air. Dudley Bullock, one of Ox ford's best citizens and 11 large tobacco buyer, we deeply regret to learn is ; quite sick at home on Broad street and we wish this good man a rapid resto- ; ration to health. Xext May is the time when the people will be called upon to select Mayor and Commissioners of Oxford. We hope the slogan will be "be down with Market House Trust, and give the people of Oxford a living chance." "Finished your honeymoon vet?" "I don't know. I have never been able to determine the exact meaning of the word honeymoon." "Well, then, has your wife commenc ed to do the cooking yet?" Xever join a" political party for what you can get out of it. In the long run you will find that your hon est convictions will pay you better than a political job in the short time that some other fellow in your party will let Toi stay in office. It is the general comment that the election was the quietest ever known in this state. So far as known there was not a ripple of trouble anywhere. The weather was simply gorgeous. Everybody was in good humor and it was a model election all around. Mr. J. M. Phipps, of Walnut Grove Township, was in Oxford Mon day and informed the editor that he wanted to go the long potato man one better. He dug a sweet potato that measured o(' in length and was 0 inches around. Who next? "Julia," said the Mormon hus band to his better half, "1 proposed to the cook the other day." "Oh, John, how sweet and thought ful of you!" she exclaimed, delightful y. "Xow, we can keep her in the family without raising her wasres." Baltimore American. The backs of more than 47,000 Xorth Caroliniansturned to the Repub- I lican party is a good sign. It is enough to make a man who loves the Good Old Xorth State so well up with pride that, it will require the whole family to sew on the buttons as fast as they "busted" off. Wilmington Star. No Sense of Humor. j An old Georgia darkv owned a small and ancient mule, but which at a casual question as to the price at which it was held, became suddenly endowed with all the virtues of the best blood of Kentucky. "But he is at least 20 years old, un cle," the would be purchaser protested. "Dat mule?" Fncle Mose said, in dignantly. ' "Fo, sab! Ef dat mule's mo 'an 0 years ole, Ah hopes he dies or mawnin ' Fpon visiting the stable the next day, Cnele Mose was struck with con sternation to find his animal stretched lifeless on the ground. Look at dat, now!" he exclaimed, with intense disgust. "What yo' think o' dat? Xever did see sich a tool mule couldn't eben take a lil' joke lack dat!" FROM CREEDM00R. Marriage, Destructive Fire, Death, Personals, etc. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Fleming are sing- j ing sweet lullubies to a bright eved girl. Airs. Lillian Perkinson, of Durham, was in Creedmoor a few hours one day last week. Little Aliss Carmen Rogers obeyed all the requirements for one week and her name appears upon the roll of honor this week. Air. and Airs. Devare Alangum spent Saturday night with the esti mable friends of Airs. Alangum Dr. and Airs. G. T. Sikes. Misses Alary Hard' .and Lizzie Hes ter spent Saturday night as the guests of Aliss Mabel Cozart of Dutch ville and report a pleasant visit. Air. Norwood has purchased a farm near Raleigh and is removing his family from Creedmoor to his farm. We wish them a bright future in their new home. Mr. James Adams wrapper buyer for the American Tobacco Co. who has been right sick for some days and has made a visit to his home in Danville, returned to Creedmoor today. Air. J. A. Forbes is to have his beautiful residence in South Creed moor finished at an earlv date and when completed he will be possessor of one of the most desirable places in our village. Aliss Mamie Bullock, of Hester has gone to spend the winter with her friend, Airs. Daniel Aliller of Spencer, Her many friends regret her continu ed absence but wish for her a very pleasant winter. It is being rumored that eupid is very busy and that two of Granville's very popular voting people will soon throw off the yoke of single blessed ness and buckle on in its stead the ar mor of wedded bless. Died at her home and buried at Pleasant Grove Baptist church on Monday Xov. 12th. li0b Airs. Patsy Ross. Funeral services were conduct ed by Rev. A, C. Sherwood. We do not know the particulars. There was another runaway mar riage in our town on Sunday last. Air. Hal Wag-staff and Aliss Grissom, (laughter of Air. Tillet Grissom. Air. J. L. Peed performing the nuptial rites which sent them on their way re joicing. Creedmoor school is progressing; fine ly. 107 students have been enrolled, with an average of 87 the past month. Our people believe in sending children to school, though they can't spare them all. However we have three families who are sending IS bright boys and girls to school. With a few more families like that a much larger aver age might be made. Our village received a powerful shock this morning when the news came in that the beautiful residence of Air. B. L. Hester was destroyed by fire Alonday night. Air. Hester is one of Granville's staunchest sons and has rel atives, friends and acquaintances all over the county who will deeply sym pathize with him and his excellent family in their hour of trial and loss and numbers who will respond with more substantial consolation than heart sympathy. His home was one of the best houses in this section of the county being quite large and built of the best timbers the forest afforded, house en tirely completed and beautifully paint ed. The origin of the tire is unknown but is supposed to have begun in an upper closet. Aliss Alary Hardy a young lady teacher who was boarding there lost all her clothing and money and only a part of the household goods were saved. AXOX YMO US. Letter to Dr. H. G. Herndon. Oxford, N. C. Dear Sir: Some people get disap pointed in painting; it doesn't come out as they thought it would. C. B. Edwards, of Edwards .v. Broughton, printers, Raleigh, X". C, painted his house Devoe three years ago; he had used o0 gallons paste paint before, and bought -JO gallons Devoe. Had 16 left. Paste paint is extra-thick with-white-wash. Mayor NY. W. Carroll, Alonticello, Florida, says: Aly painter said it would take -5 gallons to paint my house; it took 20 gallons Devoe. II is house is the best paint job in town; ami he says Devoe is the whitest of all white paints. JoNies it Rodgers bought 5 gallons Devoe to prime Air. Pratt's house at Alerkel, Texas. It painted two coats. The reason for nobody guessing lit tle enough Devoe is: they learned in a bad school: other paints. Yours truly, F. W. DEVOE & CO. P. S. Baird & Chamblee sells our paint. ken as directed it becomes the great est curative agent for the relief of suffering humanity ever devised. Such is Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents Tea or Tab les J. G. Hail. THE BUSY THRONG. The Faces of Those Caught in Pass ing by Our Man-About-Town. Air. S. XV. Parker spent Sunday in Durham. A-; Air. J. II. Gooch, of Stem, was in town Alonday. Air. Ben. F. Dean, of Sunset, was in town Alonday. k&k Air. Herbert Faucett, of Bullock, was in town Sunday. Air. J. E. Shadwick, of Wilton, was in Oxford Tuesday. ? Air. R .II. Hood, of Henderson, was on our streets Friday. Air. Pender Cozart, of Creedmoor, was in Oxford Saturday. 8 Air. Hillman Cannady, of the road, is at home for a few days. S Airs. L. J. Steed returned Tuesday from a visit to Durham. Air. D. T. Winston, of the road, was in Oxford Wednesday. Air. John Bullock, of Bullock, was an Oxford visitor Wednesday. Air, C. AI. Lawrence, of Creedmoor section, was on our streets Friday. Air. J. T. Hart, of Cornwall, was among the Oxford visitors Alonday. Air. and Airs. Joe Bullock, of Hes ter, were in Oxford shopping Friday. k&k Air. and Airs. George Whitfield, of Creedmoor, were on our streets Friday. ' Airs. S. II. Cannady. has returned from a pleasant visit to Philadelphia. Air. James Osborn. of Lynchburg, Ya., was in Oxford Saturday and Sun day. - . Air, and Airs. Charley Haskins, of Stem section, were in Oxford Wednes day. k&k Air. and AI rs. Jonah Yeazey, of Wil ton section, were Oxford visitors Tues day. Air. C. C. Wheeler ami two daugh ters, of Nortliside. were in Oxford Fri day. - Air. and Airs. II. II. Hicks and sis ter, of Dement, were Oxford visitors Friday. Air. C. L. Lewis, Cashier of Bank of Stovall, was in town Wednesday af ternoon. ? Air. Henry Williford, of Culbreth. was in town Alonday and called on the Public Ledger. Mr. XV. D. Yaughan, of Lyon, was in town Tuesday and called on the Public Ledger. k$ Airs. Ann Davis, of Stovall section, visited her son, Dr. I. II. Davis, in Oxford Friday. Air. Herbert Gregory, of Stovall, was on our streets Monday and called to see the editor. Air. ami Airs. S. A. Fleming, of Hester, were among the shoppers in Oxford Friday. Mr. L. AI. Caviness. of Hester, was in Oxford. Saturday and called on the Public' Ledger. k$ Air. XV. XV. Knott, of Church Roads. Ya., was in Oxford Alonday and call ed to see the editor. k& Air. Crawford Knott, Boute 1, was in Oxford Wednesday and called on the Public Ledger. Alessrs. V. II. Lyon, of Creedmoor, D. Hunt and Thomas Hunt, of Tar River, were in town Wednesday. - Aliss Piggie Webb, quite a pretty young lady of Stovall, graced our streets We lues lay afternoon. . Squire J. AI. Phipps and Air. L. T. Williford. of Walnut Grove Township, were in town Monday afternoon. Dr. L. V. Henderson returned a few davs ago from Richmond greatly im proved in health and can be found in his office. k$-k Air. Alark Allen, who runs on the Durham At Southern Railroad, spent Saturday and Sunday with his family in Oxford. Mr. John S. Royster and Airs. Thos. S. Royster, of Tovvnesville, were in Ox ford Alonday visiting Gen. and Airs. B. S. Roveter. Give children a remedv with a pleasant tste. Don't force unpleasant medicine down their throats. Kennedy'- Laxative containing honey and Tar is most plea?ant to take. Children like it, and s a relief (or colds, coughs, etc , there is nothing better. No opiates. Conform to Nation! Pure Food ond Drue Law. Sold T. G Hall. BUSINESS GETTERS. HAVE received a full line of pub lic school books. J. G. Hall. SAFE Deposit boxes for rent, mod ern system, in the vaults of the Bank of Granville. From maker to user, saving you at least $100 ought to interest our read ers. See new advertisement of ('has. AI. Stieff. J UST A rrived The greatest line of Ladies Jackets ever shown in Oxford, at astonishing low prices. Long, Bla lock & Haskins. ALL who have business with me in the future will find me in the future at my office next to that of Judge A. XV. Graham's office. J. K. Wood. 2tp FREeT Free! Free! jntil Nov. 27th 2 quires monogram paper with each card order will be given free. J. G. Hall, Druggist. J UST A rrived The greatest, line of Ladies Jackets ever shown in Oxford, at astonishing low prices. Long, Bla lock & Haskins. XI(!E Pigs ami Chickens For Sale. I have o0 line Berkshire Pigs ami Barred Plymouth Rock Chichens sale. R. AI. Currin, Route 1, Oxford,X. C. FOR Sale I have a good farm I want to sell, one mile from Wilton. Good house and out houses, containing 27b acres. Fine orchard ami all con veniences could be asked for on a farm. 2 w. W. E. Cannady, Route 2, Oxford. FAR A I FOR SALE MO ;7re7.f valuable farm land, 2 miles north of Oxford on Southern Railway, adapted to fin' tobacco, corn and grain. Three fourth of land in woods. Apply to R. O. Gregory, Oxford, X. C. LAND Posted All persons are hereby forbidden to enter upon mv land for any purpose whatsoever under the penalty of law as set forth in sec tion ;-!(Xs"of the Revisal of 1 0 -". of Xorth Carolina. Crawford Knott. 2tj. Rt'K Wanted For the next :J0 days we will pay good prices for ro k delivered at Crusher. For further particular call on John I'. Stedman, Chairman of Street Committee, orS.AI. Wheeler, Chief of Police. nov'J 2t LAND Post-! All persons are hereby forbidden to enter upon my land near Stovall with gun or dog, or for any purpose whatsoever, under the penalty of the law as set forth in sec tion :-5(jx of the Revisal r.0o, of , Xorth Carolina. E. X. Dickerson. SOAIE people say that never in their lives did they save any money until they secured a home auxiliary steel bank. Loaned free by the Oxford Savings Bank. t . LAXD Posted All persons are hereby forbidden to enter upon my land near Stovall with gun or dog, or for any purpose whatsoever, under the penalty of the law as set forth in sec tion 3688 of the Revisal 1905, of Xorth Carolina. 2tpd. R. I. Daniel. DOG LOST. About Oct. 2Sth some one took my bird dog. He is a white and brown setter, medium si.e, with end of tail clipped. Has sum 11 vel low- spot over each eye. When scolded he is timid. Will pay a suitable re ward and ask no questions for his re turn. Dolt is b vears old. It.pd. II. AI. SUA W. HAYIXG accepted Agency at this place for Troy & Alonticello Laundry,of Norfolk, Ya., and knowing personally the excellence of their work, I most respectfully solicit the patronage of the public, and guarantee prompt after -tion and population prices. GEO. X. BEATOX, with C. J. Williams & Sons, Contrac tors and Builders. Alain street. Primes, (Cranberries Evaporf d Peaches Currants, Fine Selection Canned Fruits aud Vegetables. L. THOMAS.

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