6 OXFORD PUBLIC LEDGER, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1906. Treating Wrong Disease. Many times w uwn call on their family physicians, sufft."a.j, as thoy imaiiw, one fr-ir.4 .ly!;;pia. anutiier from heart disease, another from liver or kidney cii'ease. another from nervous exhaustion or prostration, anuther with pain here and tliTe. a !id i:; tins way they ail pniit a!;'--e to thejn.seives ami th-'iir easy-goi:iij 311 1 ino itierent. or over-busy doctor, sep arate a:. -1 distin.-t diseases, for which he, a-vsumint: xliem to oe uoh, prescribes ms UP AND DOWN THE STATE. pills ana'potions. In reality, they are all only fpjiiipiiHtis caused by some uterine disease. The physician, ignorant of the cause of ii.nVrin g. encourages this prac tice unti large bills are made. The suf fering patient gets no better, but probably worse, by reason of the delay, wrong treatment and consequent complications. A proper medicine like Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite Proscription, directed to Ute cause would have entirely removed the disease, thereby uisjeliing a!l those distressing symptoms, and instituting comfort in stead of prolonged misery. It has been well said, that "a disease known is half cured." Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a scientific medicine, carefully devised by an experienced and skillful physician. 0- ii adapted to woman's delicate system. It. is maeo of native medicinal roots and 1- . perfectly harmless in its effects in any cuixlit.ifjtL tlie xistem. As a powerful invigorating tonic "Fa vorite Prescription" imparts strength to thi whoie svsiem and to th organs dis tinctly feminine in particular. For over worked, "worn-out." "run-down," debili tated teachers, milliners, dressmakers, se-tmstre-s'-s. "shop girls." house-keepers, nursing mothers, and feeble women gene-rally. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription i the greatest earthly boon, being un f"Via!ed u an appetising cordial and re fctorative tonic. Asa sa thing and strengthening nerv-t::-. "Favorite Prescription " is uneuualed fsu : is invaluable in allaying and sub c! . : ii iz u'tvous excitability, irritability, .'oiis exhaustion, nervous prostration, .riigia. hysteria, spasms, chorea, St. is's'da'ice. and other distressing, nerv ; symptoms commonly att--ndant upon ;ctioiia; and organic dicase of the : 'si-. It inducers refreshing sleep and .. .'" e.ental anxiety and despondency. )' "; .r " Pleasant Pellets invigorate sio:-:ach. liver and bowels. One to ee a u Easy to take as caudy. It: r '. r 1 ; I ' jr.j.i err t: p.tlv fccv. to S ' A I anero irolie near Kooky Mount .'urtL-y -'iiilit Marshall Davis killed .ioti iv.vis hv cut r in 2 his throat a iY.'ir. ' f e i: "ur condensed opinion of the orig " L -xai've Cot: g!: Syr up: Nearly al! other :sh s;ups are constipat't: espec'alij ?r cor:aninjj opiates. Kennedy's Lax- sr containing Honey and iar tuoves the l-1 . Contains r.o o:'ates. Conforms is N";: in Law. IL C ity Without Fires. Cardiff. V.'ales a -.fy with 105.000 Inirihitants. has such thorough protec t'...n fr:r. lires. according to United f4t.:rs f otisul Daniel YV. Williams, that t!.e:e is very little demand for appli ances t! e::t:nguish them. All the public- bui :.-I:ugs. many hotels and large rc iideu' f i are supplied with appliances for p'-evention and early discovery which are frequently tested, those at the theaters being tested every night. In fon-enuesee of wholesome building roles find the street fire regulations there vrere only 123 fires in 1305. Of these only five were serious find not one Avas caused bv a defective flvie. An OIJ Cent. A Massachusetts cent dated 1788 was found on a mountain in Bolton. Vt.. a sh ut time ago by a driver of a team lehng:n-r to W. II Stevens of that town The coin was uncovered by one f the h vises' feet. No rsa.l has ever been in The place where it was found, so the circiuistance of its discovery was very peculiar. Berddes the dte n the br.el of the cent is the word 'Massac hu-etts" in a circle, with tha cut of an eagle and the words "one cent" in the center. Tar Heel Items for Tar Heel Read ers Some Happenings in the Old North State. In Durham last July Webb IIollo wav. a youii2 man employ ed by the Standard Oil C ompany. was killed by an explosion at the tanks oi the com pany. On account of his death suit lias been brought against the company for $80,000 damages. "Y. M. Rose, IS years old, overseer ot'spinnino" at 15 row 11 Mill at Concord, kills Dan Lowder and slui'hlly injures Wash Foster, mill employees, while under influence of liquor. They de manded their time and because it was not. forthcoming at once, attacked him with pistol and knife Rose surivn tiered to officers. A. L. Tinule. a lawver of Rowan - county, while making- a Democratic speech at Crescent, near Salisbury Saturday night before the election was taken from the stump ami lashed to a tree in the woods where he was left until Sunday morning. Mr. Tingle, who was formerly a Republican, was taken captive by his former associates. His assailants will be prosecuted. The October bulletin of the State board of health reports smallpox in only the counties of Alamance. Chero kee, ('uilford. Mecklenburg and Ran dolph, with a total of 17 cases. Diph theria is reported in 17 counties, ty phoid fever in iH. malarial fever in 2i and hemorrhagic fever in 7, including' j Durham. Forsyth and Chatham, the i lasi being a very dreaded and danger ous disease. The bodv of a young white man found floating face downward in the river three miles below Wilmington, has been identified as that of young j Walter Fields, of Laurinburg. who m sleriouslv disappeared in that citv ! Monday night a week ago. soon after ! he reached the citv to attend Federal Court. There were no marks of vio lence to indicate foul phiy, theories concerning which hail been advanced. All that was mortal of Dr. J. i. Matthews was laid to rest today. In . his voanger davs life presented to him a roseate hue; a useful career opened i up before him; a brilliant and success ful future awaited him. Alas! for 1 frail human nature, the "dope" habit ; got in its insidious work, and the ulti mate consequences brought man y pangs j of sorrow and led to the sudden snutf ; hug out of his existence. Sad, sad in- deed, to contemplate. Durham Sun. Fire started in Wilson. X. C, Xov. 8. at eleven o clock in a four-story frame house used for a tobacco prize ' house, the building owned by Col. Thomas S. Kenan, of Raleigh, and oc cupied by the J Janner Warehouse Com pany. This building was totally de stroyed. It was valued at 0.01)0 with So, 000 insurance. There was a stock of SI 0,000 worth of tobacco in the building and this was lost also. On the first floor was the steam dry works of Klmore Walls. This was destroy ed, entailing a loss of So. 000. Desirable Lot for Sale. I;y virtue jl a deed in trust executed to the Kciei sifcfiie'i by .Jerry Vonns. dated A iril 4th, 1 ). and duly recorded in Book l0. pasdeolti, in t".:3 Register's olMce of liranviile county, 1 Yid on aionhav, MiVKMi'.Ki; jfitii. imu rc-U to the hiaht-st bidder lor rash the I'ollow 1.4 desc-i i -(( lot or ai-el ol land adjoining t.: town of Oxford and beinsj that store house nv. l lot on the corner of Alexander Avenue and the Goshen Road, adjoining the lots of Ive Wilkeisoii 011 the east, Ren !aniel on the f-.cuth. said road on the west and said Avenue C" the North, and frontum alnjutTS feet ou Kiid Avenue. A Iso one lisht bay horse -"j years c' ! named Charlie, alsj one black cow. Time of sale 12 111. Terms cash. Oct.2;t.htW)6 A. A. HICKS, Trustee. For Bronchitis J, S. BROWN, President, J. B. MAYES, Secretary, J. B. ROLLER, Treas. & Gen. Mr. Oxford Realty Co., Ofjar.!zed for the Purpose of Handling and Deveo!opin Kcai Estate, Act- ins, 3$ Agent, Trustee uommiistcrief IF YOU WAKT TO Bay, sell or Rent a, Home, Buy, Sell or Rent a Farm, Buy Sell or Rent a Store, Buy, Sell or Rent a Lot, Borrow or Lend Money. Buy or Sell Bonds, Buy or Sell Securities Or Exchange Gountry for Town Property. You can save time and Mon- i ey by placing it in cur hands. ! ve solicit patronage and prom- j ise prompt and careful atten- j to all matters entrusted ; 1 1 TV 1 1 Take VINOL it heals the bronchial tubes and remedies the cough For eei'turk' ok! fashioiu'il coil liver oil has In't'U proscriht", iv physicians tho world over for iouh'is. Itronehitis, weak nnejsaiHi crwu:ii jttioii. hut man v could n ) take ii on account of its use loss lishv oil. AmoiK- can take our delicious cod liver preparation. Yinol, which con tains all the medicinal and dilative elements of cod liver oil actual! v taken Iroin fresh cod's livers, 'out no oil, and wherever old-fa shioded cod liver oil or emulsions would do good. Yinol will do far more pod. Try it on our guarantee. R. L. Hamilton, Druggist. Notice of Publication. North Carolina In the Superior Court lii tuivilk- County , I'.efore the Clerk. Chas. i:. .IticUsoii. it tii ) vs. Herbert Civaovy ami V. T. lircwry I The dclViidr.m V.'. l. (;i-fscry will take no tice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Coint of (iran vsile County to have j:li lition of a certain tract I'd land in said county tidjoinhisd the lands of I". K. Jackson V. 1 ' c lis estate. Mrs. .Mary Currin. W. II. Taylor. 1 '.a rt ley Youiii. Charles VVatkins ami others, eontninina: -50 iicivs :nd beinsi that trai t id" land inherited by thehehsof the late -Mrs. Jennie!;. Creviory. "nd the said e.e'emhuit will further take no tice that lie is required to appear leloie the Ciei k i! the si:perior Court oi said rouiity at his oi'icc in ( x!ord on the -2n day of Novem bcr. :uu! answer or ile-nc.".- to the coin plamt in said action or the ph-.intiil's Will a p p'.y to the court for the re! let lieniamleu t!iere iu. This -JStd C&y cf Ot t. lv o. J. T. IjKITT, C. S. C S 0 8 1 ' ;t? it & v3 m w i i t i ft B E I E ys n s tt. j . 'jj m b a m f.-v Growing girls need care, advice and medicine, especially on reaching the age of puberty. A nvjther's tender care and words of caution, will often accomplish wonders. As for medicine, a gentle, safe and reliable strengthening- tonic is Wine of Cardui, It will prevent and relieve pain, regulate the functions, clear the complexion and strengthen the constitution. It is a valuable medicine for growing girls. !t has tided thousands over a critical period, and saved them from years of suffering. It can never do harm and is sure to do good. A relief or cure for all female disorders in girls and women. At every druggist's in $1.00 bottles. Try it. till Id H ifm . m mm wwfccwiJhc nm m .mm... ! -. - WINE mi' KW1srf THE MAGNETT THAT ATTRACTS PRU DBNT DEPOSITOKS IS GOVERNMENT PRO TKCTION ! i: t. ill i w Vi rival wd T'c v -i". m (Tii'r vxusmmxa. . yirivw 9 m m m a UjA a w m As a NationalBaBk we are under Govern ment control, and have Government protection This means the strongest and safeat bank for you to do business with. The First Nafiomal Hank WE AIRE to That the TWO BIG STORES are now full of all the new things. In striv ing to maintain our wide reputation we feel that we have added to it, as we have the largest and best selected stoc that this town or county has ever had di played within its bounds. AVE ADDED EXTENSIVELY TO MANY LIES In Ladies Wears. Such a showing of high class Dress Goods. All the newest things have been selected. SILKS: The prettiest you ever saw. All the new shades of Grey that is so popular this season as well as all the other new colors. And plaids for waists, a great variety of colorings. Also the plaids both large and small for suits and skirts in both silk and wool. And a great line of Black Goods such that we feel that we can boast of. In House Furnishings. Our Rug and Garpet Room is a beauty to behold. Such a line of Axmimster and Moquet Rugs and Art Squares has never been shown in Oxford before. A great line of woolen Bed Blankets, 1 0l4 and 1 1 X at $2.50 to $8.50 per pair, snd equally as good line of comforts, counterpaines and all other Furnishings. We Invite your special inspection of this department. Cloaks, Cloaks. The cloaks are prettier this time than ever before, especially the Rain Goats that are so servicable. Then the Long Goats made of Govertsand Kerseys all colors. WE HAVE THEM. Ill Millinery. We know that we can better take care of you in this line this time than ever as we have a splendidly se lected large stock and all experienced help, Miss Blanche May still has charge of our work de partment and we know that here taste need not be ex ploited here. We have a full line of Tailor Made Hats as well as a larger line that is the outcome of our own Work Rooms. In Men's Wear. ' "cnifoss BROS. Fine Cloi. Mahera '-t ..ItifEor. mm Hew VanTtfJ X The Right Style is one of t'lv,, the things that you can count y -fls on in Our Glothes put there Ho stay by expert tailors who 1 know what style is. Its worth a good deal to know that your clothes are right in this respect with the right quality, tailoring and fit as well, you can feel that way about what you buy here we absolutely guaran tee everything we sell. You will find that our styles are the exact duplicates of the Fashionable Garments worn in New York and other large cities and that our big variety enables you to perfect ly suit your individual taste. LET US SHOW YOU Any Way. Shoes ! ShoeS! ! We still have the famous line of Drew Selby for ladies and the Boyden and Tilt fcr men and tcys. Ycu can always count on these as the most stylish and best quality for they all guaranteed. Cue ill Alii Li Tfirouili Wliellier You Buy r 1 Store- Two Big Stores, IVfaiii reet9 OF Mo C s ! S