OXFORD PUBLIC LEDGER, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1S06. Humor and Philosophy By DUNCAN ML SMITH THE TEN DOLLAR SUIT. I'm not iti tho market for ofiice this fall. ro snaps irom the nubile 1 se.k. 5Iy name on the ballot you wouldn't ob serve Although you might look for a week. There is no occasion for me to be plain An.l common and humble to boot. I won't ostentatiously go to the shop And buy me a ten dollar suit. In running for offiec. you know, it's a fad To bo unaffected and plain. The candidate comes to the front in a garb That gives the beholder a nain. He climbs on the platform and starts his oazoo. And then if the thine: is a frost He points to the suit and triumphantly ays, "Ten dollars is all that it cost." Although at society's nobby events And Wh. n he its bid to a f.-ast His garments are cut on the latest de signs And cost forty dollars at least. Yet when he is running like fury he no pes For ollice and what it will brinr Among common people who scoff at the styles A ten dollar suit is the thing. Hut as I am not. as 1 said at the start, This year running wild in nursuit Of ofHce (perhaps, though, it isn't my iaun ) I won't need a ten dollar suit. And so I am free to indulge in the tastes l.e'itting my noble estate. I thirds I will amble aroimd to the store And buy one for six ninety-eight. Training a Husband. Tlicro :u-o several systems for train ing a husbi.iul, and some of them are put into practice by the women of the land with more or less success. It so, 'ins to he the general opinion. lio.)a!)..v based on experience, that a hushand is not of nau-h use about the place until he has been trained, al though many women, after trying all of the printed recipes from kind words to the application of a ilatiron. irive the Jf"- i-p and then claim that thev iike mm i -est as lie is. Training a husband so that he will iie down, roll over and jump through fi a op ready requires a great amount oi patience, firmness, skill and tact, am! it is no wonder that some women ro:r.e to the conclusion that they could better pi?t hi the time in putting up eanned tomatoes. The reasonable woman, if she can get n im.mi trained, to give her his wages, is usually satisfied to let him enjoy such e.v-entrieities as he may have accumulated. Eternal Vigilance Needed. Man. if he values his freedom, should he mighty careful how he allows the first suggestion of a chain to creep in. A few 3 ears ago he was induced to wrap his manly form in a shirt waist for a time. Now come the disinterest ed ladies begging him to wear hats that have feathers and fruit and sway backed crowns and in general some style about them. Suppose he yields to the temptress Next she will climb the tall lecture platform and tell him that he must braid his whiskers ami tie them un in a pink ribbon if he would be correct in appearance. Then it will be but a step to the skirt. After that she will have him in her power, and he will have no option but to say "Yes" and -No" when the milliner or dressmaker issues an edict. With such a prospeef he will, if he ia wise, throw things at the hat and run. Gave the Impression. "Is he much of a lawyer?" "Considerable. I should jmlg he wrote the constitution to hear him talk about it." PERT PARAGRAPHS. ITS IHF i-JXI'.'Vv ' 1 V 1 -fyj!JJjr A lady doesn't become of an un certain age until we are quite cer tain about her age. XV h e n blue blood loses its money and its grip on things it becomes still bluer. Those of us who would not be ashamed of our ancestors, could we meet them, might find that they would be ashamed of us. When an honest man hears that he is an honest man he feels as if he ought to get out a search warrant to lind himself. There is this to be said for baby talk: Although few people understand it, it Is no dead language. Money is a key that will unlock any door except the one von are Irvine tn Itet through oiua chilly night at about NETS FOR WHALES. Made ot Three-Quarter Ineh Wire Hope In 5x I'oot Ieslie. If ' did not nave photographs to of fer as proof 1 might hesitate to nut upon 8 fairly well established reputa tion for veracity the strain of standing for th? assertion that the business of catching whales not baby whales, but bis sixty foot right whales in nets is carr .'d on n the south Pa e: fie Th- biggest fish stories ever told may t)P Leard by the wanderer in southern seas and on: of the most amaziii" of them are literally true This whale netting yarn is not strictlv a fish storv. because a whale is not really a fish. and it is not the most startling of the collection in my south sea notebook, but let it go as a fish story. Wangamumu is a little bay on the east coast, a few miles south of a prominent cape, which juts out to the northeast and might easily be mis taken for the northeastern extremity of the North island. During Mav and June the antarctic whale migrates north into warmer waters, and it seems probable that there is some set of cur rents around the headland of Wanga mumu which deceives him into seek ing a passage to the Tasman sea bv boring into the shore at that point. Whatever may be the cause, the fact is that schools of whales hug the shore and pass very close to a great jutting rock at Wangamumu. Straight out into the sea from the paint of rocks is stretched the whale net. made of three-quarter inch wire rope in six foot mesh, each mesh be ing formed of separate sections of rone attached to iron corner rings, taking the places of knots. The top euge of the net is held close to the surface by barrels serving as buoys. A whale cruising along the shore gets his head through a mesh, and instead of at tempting to back out he rushes for ward and entangles himself hopelessly in the net. One of my photographs shows a whale rushing into the net and dragging' the shoreward buov through the water with much commo tion. Close to the shore can be seen the disturbance of the surface caused by the dragging under of the shore end of the upper wire rope. From a lookout station on the top of the headland a watcher signals the ap proach of whales, and the boftts then put off and lie in wait. An entangled whale carries away the net with his rush, but the great weight of the wire rope an(i t,e fira3ij Gf a ion line o buoys impede him. and Instead of hold ing out to sea and going away at great spe,i with th whole outfit he thrashes about and soon gets fins and flukes en tangled, when the boat approaches and the whalers finish the business -with harpoon and lance, as in the old days. Forest and Stream. ' ' ' n. Sa j Cw I Ml Lnnntlcs. A "prominent" English physician hag discovered that the time is coming when there will be more lunatics than sane persons in the world. Statistics, of course, show this, as they will show anything that is good for advertising purposes. They will show that we live longer, that our general average of physical health is better and that we grow bigger than our ancestors, but that our minds are going to the bow wows. We suspect from some of the things like the above, written by great alienists, that it takes a lunatic to detect lunacy, as a thief to catch a thief. Vigorous Health is the most Dependable Wealth to possess. It reaps a steady harvest. Alum in food will change Health's ruddy glow into pinched paleness by drying up the rich red blood, which nature provides. You take alum into your food by the use of, so called, cheap Powders in which alum is used as a cheapening substitute for pure Cream of Tartar. There is only one sure way to guard your health against alum and .its injurious effects Buy only an absolutely pure Grape Cream of Tartar Baking Powder buy by the name Royal is made from absolutely pure Grape Cream of Tartar. Royal is a sale-guard to health. ead the Sign at the Top Again. Croup' ! A Guaranteed Curt Fr Piles. i frTMr' - .. '8 Croup. A reliable mpdlrine and nno thgt always be ki pt in the house for immediate u'e is ( hambe Iain's Cough Remedy. It will prevent t e attack if e-iven a srrn ac i the child ' e mes hoarse or even after the: crnnpy Cf ugh ppears. For sale by f. G. H 11. 2 a. in. The American Way. How an American machinery agent secured an order in Japan is related by the commercial agent of New South Wales in the far east as follows: It was a question of some lathes for a large factory which was being started. Tluw were required of a certain size. Thf agent for the British tirin said. "That is three Inches longer than thev are made, and Ave can make no altera tion." The American "T will .. - '11VI. M. It 111 make them to any size you like." The American secured the order United States Consular Report. Shoo tin iv Rntterflion. The ancient question, "Who breaks a butterfly on a wheel V" should have a modern counterpart. A Transvaal ag ricultural paper says: great deal can lie accomplished toward reducing the numbers of the larvae of the swal lowtail butterfly by destroying th but terflies. The nmst effe.-tive instrument for this purpo-c is ;i light fowling piece loaded with dust shot or coarse salt. It may seem ridiculous to advocate the shooting of butterflies, but an insect with such a large wing expanse affords a very good target." The War Department has granted the application of the Norfolk and Southern Railroad for a five mile bridge across Albemarle Sound. j A Year of Blood. The year 1903 will long be remembered ! in the home of F. N. Tacket, of Alliance, i Kv., as a year of blood; w hich flowed so cn- f piously from Mr. Tacket's lungs that death j see 1 ed very near. He writes: "Severe j bleeding frorr the lnntrs nr-H a frightful : trr " - - . ,'. 1 t. 1. - - ! cougn naa orougnt me at aeatn's door when I began taking Dr. King's Ncv Discovery for consumption, widi the astonishing re suit that after ta klnpr four hnttloo T urae mm- pletely restored and as time has proven peimanemiy curea." Guaranteed for sore Lungs, Coughs and colds at Hamilton's drug store. Price 500 and 1.00. Trial bot tie free. A Guaranteed Cure Fer Piles. Ttching, blind, bleeding or protruding piles. Druggist refund monev if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case no mat ter of how long standing in 6 or 14 days. r H3i iippinjaiion gives ease and rest. 50c. If your druggist hasn't it send 50c in stamps and it will be forwarded post paid by Paris Medicine Co., St Louis, Mo. The Pennsylvania Eailroad Compa ny has placed orders for 600 new pas senger coaches, to be constructed next year. Greatness alone is not enough, or the crow would outrun the hare. Vour stomach churns and digests the food j you eat and if foul, or torpid, or out of or- ! der, your whole system suffers from blood , poiso". Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea keeps you well cents.' Tea or Tablets. J. G Hall i He who can reckon well will not be poor. j Famous Strike Breakers. The most famous strike hrairri in thr- land are Dr. King's Life P. lis. When liver a"d bow-l go on strike they quicklv stttl. the trouble, -nd the purifying work goe- He'll on. Rf"t rurc for Tncti nation IijH. ache and dizzinese. 25CIS at Hamilton's drug store. Sells More of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy than of all Others Put Together. Mr. Thos. George, a merchant at Mt. El gin, Ontario, says: "I have had the local agency for Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ever sine- ft was introdnced into Canada, and I sel' as much of it as I do of all othr lines I have on my shelves put together. Of the many dozens sold under guarantee, I have not had one bottle returned. I can personally recorrmend this medicine as I have us-d it myself and given it to my chil dren and alwavs with the best results." For sale by J. G. Hall. m m m The oldest inmate of the Soldiers Home at Raleigh is dead, at the age of 97. His name was Bunn. He and three his sons vere in the Forty-seventh North Carolina Regiment and served throughout the war. Two of the sons are now living. CASTOR I A Por Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of mw Opingj It to Xfie Uncle Sam's largest burying ground is the dead letter office. It is moro than likHy Hint ::n honest cl Iv i ofrt-n ashamed of tho purpose t which it is put. V-m ran forgive som- poonle wIipu yon think of the parents iuey drew In tin lottery. Too 31 11 cli Aii'ectioii. Dr. Zamcnhof. the inventor of Espe ranto, went through a trying ordeal at the conclusion of the recent Esperanto congress nt Geneva. Hundreds of the departing delegates shojk him with every show of affection. This he bore with patience. Rut when the Esperant ists of the other sex insisted on kissing hhn goodby the fortitude that had stood by Lim so well throughout the conference deserted, him. lie broke Cow n. "For years 1 starv.u ihcn I bought a 50 Cents bottle of IConol nvsrpncia iir arH what that bottle bt efitted me all the gold 1 netH&ia couici not uu . 1 Kept on taxing it and in two raont: s I v- t bavk to my wok asnachinisi. In three rr-on'hs I was as well and heartv as I ev- was. I ttll u2e a hule occasioiiitilv s i l.n-i .1 a fine LI0O0 purifier ; nd a good toric. May you live long and prospe.." C. N. Cornell, Roding, Ga.. Aug. 27. 1906. Kool is sold here bv J. G. Ha,.. DeWITT'S WITCH HAZEL ! SALVE. Criminals are punished that others mav be mended. Ml EMM And I Will Give You THI ORIGINAU A Well Known Cure for Piles. Cures obstinate sores, chapped hands. o cema. skin diseases. Makes burns and scalds painless. We could not Improve the quality if pah) double the price. The best salve that experience caiv produce or that monej can ouy, Tlie Linn Way Around. That was a long distance message throngli the earth, or ovr it. to the Gootting-n seimo-rrnnh from "a pow erful eirthquake l-l.OOO miles away." If ir was 14 noii miio oiir way. if must hae been only n.ti'tn n,H other. Per-lia-.s th( repor-er Ihoughr the longest way round was th- shortest way to tell about the mysterious shake. Bmfalo News. TYNER'S DYSPEPSIA REMEDY. Many Have Dyspeosia Don't Know ft. Do you belch up w:nd ? Taste your food after eating? See specks before the eyes? A ..... 1 tre you pa e ana naggara .' uoes your hert nutter? Are you dizzv ? Do j'ou have pains in side or back? Rising or pimples on the skin? Are you low spirited? Is there a sour taste ? Breath bad ? Head ache? Weak Kidneys? Billiousness ? ('on stipited ? Are you nervous ? If so you have Dyspepsia, and it is a dangerous condition. To cure take Tyner's Dspepsia Remedy. It is made tor just such troub es and symp toms. Tyner's Dpsve sia Remedy removes acids from the stomach, strengthens weak stomachs and cures the worst Dyspepsia or Indigestion. Druggists o- by express 50Cts a bottle. Monev refunded if it lails to cure. J, G. Hall, Oxford, N. C. Cures Piles Permanently DeWItt's Is the original and only pare and f enulne Witch Hazel Salve made. Look for the name DeWITT on every box. All othao re counterfeit. PREPARtD K. C DeWITT & CO.. CHICAGO. J. C HALL. With Best Wishes, I am Very truly yours, KO (A il'SSSSSSSSSSSS KSSSSSSSSS5ll SUBSCRIBE FOR PUBLIC LEDGER. 2 1 Grove's TflRteleas Chill Tw hos stood the test 25 years. Average Annua! Sales over One and a Half Minion bottles. Does this rprnrH rsf rr.or.Ir io.l ,r O t "su iT!P EndOSMl With PVPTV ItrtttTo Sc a Tan, rQn t - . n. . . J - - c - - j uuiia xv.oo'l uver fins. 1" t I