t OXFORD PUBLIC LEDGER, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1906. Report Of the OF THE BANK of -AND- OXFORD SAVINGS BANK, At Oxford, N. G., at Glose of Business Nov. 12th, 1906. (From report ot N C. CorporatloH Commission. ) KESOURSES. Loans and discounts, Overdrafts secured, Bonds and securities, Office furniture, Cash and due from banks, OXFORD SAVINGS Loans and discounts, Office furniture, Oue from banks, Total, $211,87135 2,79287 3,021.9! 1,835.03 50,160.06 BANK. $147,101.27 380.62 28,878.08 $446,041.46 Statcctunty and City depositary. Invites Your Inspection of iis Staetment and solici s Your business. None is Stronger and None has a More honorable Record. E. T. WHITE, President. J. M. CURRIN. Vice-President SAVINGS RANK PAYS 4 PER Administrator's Notice, H:ivinsr qualified as administrator Josephus ' I'ary. deceased, all persons having claims 1 against said estate will please present them j on or before loth day of November. 11)07, or I this notice will be plead in bar of their reeov- ! t ry. All persons indebted to said will make ' immediate payment. VA.NMKl'AKY. Admr. o! .Josephus farv. deed. . Uoyster. Atty. Nov. l-, IDOU. ' pd. pa k o M (MiwiL Needs a Cloak for herself, Misses, Child or Infant to come we have to offer. We are are making some astonishing have a tremendous stock to select from. We have determined to reduce this stock and in order to make a clean sweep have reduced our prices 25 per cent. Now is the time to secure the greatest bargains of the season. We have on hand brought over from last season a nice assortment of dress goods not so stylish but splendtd goods as to wear that we have determin ed to get rid of and in order to make quick sales have reduced the price to 33 1-3 per cent. off. Other big values all through the house. Come see us and be convinced. 1 Mali Condition GRANVILLE LIABILITIES. Capital stock Undivided profits, Deposits, Rediscounts, Bills payable none, OXFORD SAVINGS Capital stock, Undivided profits, Deposits, Total $ 60,000.00 22,450.94 187.230.55 BANK. $ 16,300.00 4.566 36 155,493 61 $446,041.46 H. G. COOPER, Cashier. J. li. HUNT. Insurance. CENT. ON TIME DEPOSITS. j Notice of Application for Pardon. The undersigned, who was convicted at.Jan uary Term of (iranville Superior Court, of as sault with intent to Commit rape, and sen tenced to a term of 10 years in the Penitenti ary, hereby uives notice that he will apply to the Governor of North Carolina for a pardon. Nov. lo. lOUIi. BAN 1ST KR YAXCKV. IN IMIn anii Upward aud Onward. This paper favors and has always advocated the building up of all legiti mate enterprises, and has never lent its support to the tearing down of no man's laudable undertaking. Its ed itor wants to see every man succeed and prosper in all honest efforts to better himself; and he stands ready at all times to aid, as far as he can, in help ing along all movements to better the community. he best treatment for indigestion and troubles oi the stomach is to rest the stom atn It can be rested bv starvati n or by the use of a good digestant which will di- gest the tooa eaten ,tnus taking me woi uu the stomach. At th- proper time temper a ture a single teaspoonful of Kodol wi1 i wholly digest 3,000 grains of food. It re ' iJeves the present annoyance puts the storr -J ach in shape to satisfactorily perform its I functions. Good for indigestion, sour sto ! mach, flatulence, palpitation of the heart ! and dyspepsia Kodol is made in strict j conformity with the National Pure Food & Drug Law. Sold bv T. G Hall Winter Nights A Suggestion. ; Darkness falls early now; the long I winter nights are here again to remain ; till spring drives them away. They are considered a burden by some, who I weary themselves in shiftless and vain efforts to light on some means of whil 1 ing them away some source of amuse ment that will aid them in killing time, says the Gazatte. To the man or wo man, boy or girl, who has an eye to the future and who is ready and will ing to use the passing moments and days to the best advantage in a way that will add something to their equip ment for the struggle that lies ahead these winter nights are gold mines. They furnish opportunities for reading and studv which are invaluable. An hour or two spent each evening 111 close com munion with some master spirit, in the literary world can not i rl to broaden one's mental horizon and exert an in fluence that will be far-reaching in its effects. p .JjoOslqihl A Great Compliment. The Hon. A. L. Brooks made the last speech of the campaign in Greens boro, North Carolina, and it may be interesting to his friends to read the statement which is true, that more peo ple turned out to hear him than were out at any other speaking, and John Sharpe Williams and the State's gov ernor had spoken. And Brooks en tertained his audience gave them their nionej''s worth in wit and wisdom and oratory and when he completed his talk which was an hour and a half long more people were listening than when he started to speak. Brooks has the art of campaigning down fine and he is a rising star. Everything. Child Bride is Sent Home. Raleigh correspondent of Charlotte Observer of November 16th says: To day the little girl-bride, Amanday, who is evidently but little over 18 years of age, was sent to her mother, whose home is at Ty-Ty, Ga., the Sunshiners having raised the money to pay the railway fare. The little creature was deserted by her boy-husband,who seems to have been but a little over 16 years of age in this city, about two months ago and has been most kindly cared for since by new friends who became greatly attached to her. Her case is a very sad one. Little and young as she is, yet it seems that she was regu larly married by a minister in the house of her mother to a boy who at tended school and who, it is said, lives in Boston. She saTs that he claimed to have been bora in Cuba. She has. never heard a word from him since he left her. He told her she would never see or hear from him again and that he was going to Richmond. The child is so small that her head hardly comes to the shoulders of an average girl of 12 years of age. in and see what low prices and o My Burning of Mr. Hesters House. On the night of the 12th of Novem ber my house and nearly all of the contents was destroyed and no insur ance. It was purely an accident. I was careful with fire about my premises always. The cause must have been some defect about the fire place up stairs, as that was where it caught, and it had such advantage of the help we had that it was impossible to save anything except the contents of two rooms on the lower floors. It was about 10 o'clock at night. The house had been newly painted, and to build such a house now would cost nearly 2,000. The neighbors and friends have and are responding to my suf-' fering in every way. I have moved in a good large house at Creedmoor, Mrs. Kate Freeman the widow of the late E. E. Freeman de ceased. I lived one mile east of Creed moor, and have been and at present a rural mail carrier on Route 1 from Creedmoor and travel through a part of Wake county every day. The patrons both white and colored have come to my relief grand and no ble. It has been and is very discour aging and but for the sympathy of the people at once, in my distress, I could not have carried the mail another day. A poor widow woman on my mail route come out and said the widows mite was small, but she remembered my father, the late Rev. B. B. Hester, and the love she had for him and me too, she gave me a contribution which I call great. I carried Insurance for several voars in the Granville Home Branch but thinking there was so little danger because I was careful about my house with fire let it drop. Miss Marj- Hardy was boarding with us and was one of the teachers at the Creedmoor Graded School, and everything she had in her room was burned,and she and my wife and daugh ters were the principal ones that carried out what things we saved. The neigh bors who found it out came and done faithful work. BENJAMIN L. HESTER. Taken as directed it becomes the great est curative agent for the relief of suffering humanity ever devised. Such is Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents Tea or Tab lets. J. G. Hall. Fairbrother on Dope. There was no glory in his taking off no part of his dissipated life that c.ills for emulation and yet today in the state which was his home, we dare say that at least ten thousand men and women are following in his footsteps becoming drugged and doned arjvi jm beeile and murder Is not to be re garded as Impossible, to. am one of them when the drug finally hColdfj full and undisputed sway. The. .Matthews case while fresh in the ' minds of the people should be made the text of a thousand sermons; if should be used by honest reformers when the legislature meet aud the physicians who are dope tieiids, and there are many of them, should be de nied the right to practice their profes sion. The sale of dope should be more carefully guarded the mothers and fathers should be more fully informed concerning its insidious aud irresistable charms. Pile Cure. Upham's Vegetable Electuary cures' the PILES Permanently. For sale by leading druggists, or sent postpaid on receipt of one dollar. J. G. & A. S. Hall, Oxford, N. C. june 1 6m. PARKER'S J HAIR BALSAM J Cleanses and beautifies the tuir.l Promote! a luxuriant growth. Never Fails to Restore Gray) Hair to its Youthful Co1m Cures icalp disease! & hair failing. I 50c, and $1.00 at Druggist J I Ask Your Neighbor How she Likes her Stieff sPiano. We are quite sure there is at least one Stieff in your neighborhood, and we know that all who buy the "Piano with the sweet tone" not only get the best but save the dealer's profit. Stieff Pianos are sold only from maker to user. None sold to dealers. This a big saving for you. and when you also get the best piano, is it not wortli inves tigating? Drop us a card and let us tell you all about our easy bnying plan; the money we save you and the friends we have in the "Old North State." 1 I CAAS. M. STIEFF, f I 66 Granby St., Norfolk, Y & 8 . 1 f GEO.S.NUSSEAR, Mgr. g After January 1st, 1907, 112 J Granby St. S XsXsXi)S) 3 x 1 1 .REPORT OF THE CONDITION of the FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Oxford, At Oxford in the State of North Caro lina, at the close of business Nov. 12 th, 1906. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $236-463.57 Overdrafts, secured i.;bb.ot U. S. Bonds to secure circu- lation 2o,000.UD Premium on u!"s7nonds. . 1,000 00 Bonds, securities. Ptc ll.oOO.Ufj Furniture, and fixtures oH) Due from National Banks ( not reserve agents ) 5d,U 1 1 1 u Du- from State BanKS and Banner ll,ob9.4 Due from approved reserve agents ' Checks, other cash items... 1,357.03 Fractional paper currency,nickels and cents o4i.ui Lawful money re serve in Bank, viz: Specie 10.90.. Legal tender notes 14.715.00 25.505 75 Redemption fund with US. Treaa'y (5 per ct clr'tion) 1.2o0.00 Total $31)3,802.88 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $ 25'0-0 Surplus fund 12,o00,00 Undivided profits, less ex- penses and taxes paid. . . . 5 1 0 lb National Bank notes out- standing 2o,000.00 Due to other National Banks 1,898.46 Due to State Banks and Bankers 1,045.2 Due to Trust Companies Individual deposits subject to check 157 117 28 Time certificates of deposit lbLo04.ll Cashier's checks outstand ing 1.690.84 $320,372.23 Iuterest reserve 2,216 73 Total $393.30283 State of North Carolina, county of Granville, ss: I,W. H . Hunt, Cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of mv knowledge and belief, W. H. HUNT, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10 th day of Nov 1906. J. T. BRITT, C. S. C. Correct Attest: U. W. LASSITER, II. S. USRY, E. H. CRENSHAW. Directors. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF CITIZEN'S BANK AT Creedmoor, In the State of North Carolina, at the close of business Nov. 12 th, 1006. RESOURCES. Lqans and discounts $ 34,503.47 Hacking Houses...... 700.0U AmatHl loans r. r-. rrv: r-r 1,000.09 Due from J?aT,fes and. bankers Ja,247.rr Silver coin. Including all minor coin currency. ., (j,Si9.04 Total $ 62,20.06 LIABILITIES. Capital stock $ 7,500,00 Undivided profits, lees cur rent expences and taxes paid 1,044.22 Notes and bill re-dlscounted 3.000 00 Time certificates of Deposit 24,25 13 Deposits subject to check... 26.1SS.26 Cash'ers checks outstanding 262.45 Total $ 62 20.06 State of North Carolina, County of Granville, ss: I, I E. Harris, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I. E. HARRIS, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 16 th day of Nov. 1906. J. IL. PEED, J. P. Correct Attest: T. W. PERRY, S. C. LYON, Z. E. LYON, B. G. ROGERS, Directors. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF Bank oi Creedmoor At Creedmoor, In the State of North Carollna.at the close of business on Nov. 12,1906: RESOURCES. Loans and discounts S 31,909.62 Overdrafts uns-eured 11,55 BaiiKing House 1,481.38 Furniture and fixtures 27.48 1.50S 86 Due from banks and bank ers 12,124.06 Cash items 470.23 Silver coin, S65 27 National bank notes and other U. S. notes..., 6,418 00 Total $ 53,296.04 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In $ 7,500.00 Undivided profits, iesa cur rent expenses and taxes paid 1,396.70 Bills payable 3,000.00 Time certificates of deposit 17.764.63 Deposits subject to check. . 23.374.48 Cashier's checks outstand ing... 260.23 Total $ 53.296.04 State of No?th Carolina, County of Granville, ss: I, W. R. Fleming, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement la true to the best of mv knowledge and belief. W. R. FLEMING, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, tills 19th day of Nov. 1906. C. E. LYON, Mayor. Correct Attest : J. F. SANDERFORD. P. P. WAGSTAFF. W. P. COZART Directors.

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