6 OXFORD PUBLIC LEDGER, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1906. A Heavy Load to Carry. Ahyust with dyspepsia comes nervous ness and jjoneral ili-health. Why? Be cause a dioi.U-rovi stomach does not per mit the food to be properly digested, and us products assiniHaU'd by the system, 'i he uiv.ni is ;-t;arued with poisons which come ii,m this disordered digestion, and in turn the nerves are not fed on (rood, red blood. ;i-ul we symptoms of nerv ousness, sleeplessness and general break down, it. ' not head work, nor over phy sical exei tio;i t.'iat tloes it. but poor stom ach work. With poor, thin blood the body is not protected against the attack of iier;is '" yrip. bronchitis and consump tion. I'oitity the body at once with Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery a rare coni hi nation of native medicinal roots without a particle of alcohol or dangerous habit-forniins drugs, A littie look of extracts, from promi nent medical authorities extolling- every ingredient, contained in Dr. Pierce's (ioiden Mcdtral discovery wii! be mailed free to any address on reque?t by postal card or ! iter. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, iiuffalo. X. Y. Many j cars of active practice convinced Dr. Pko e of the value of many native loots &o medicinal agents and he went to meat expense, both in time and in money, t.) erfecr, his own peculiar processed for renderiiip them both etlicient and safe for tonic, alterative and rebuilding agents. The enormous popularity of "Golden Medieai Dicovery " is due both to its scientific compounding and to the actual medicinal value of its ingredients. The publication of the itunua of tlie ingredi ents on the w rapper of every bottle sold, gives full assurance of its non-alcoholic character and removes all objection to the use of an unknown or secret remedy. 1 is not a patent medicine nor a secret one either. This fact puts it in a chins uh bit itar.lf. bearing as it does upon e. ery butile r. rapper The Badere of Honesty, in th- ii -t of its ingredients.. Tti: "Golden Medical I)icovery " rares, weaic slomach, indigestion, or dyspepsia, topid liver and biliousness, ulceration of suniMil'i and bowles and all catarrhal af f eel !..(! s no matter what parts or organs ma, be affected with it. Dr. Pierce's J'i. ava.it Pellets are the original little l.v.-r p:!;s. first put up 40 years ago. They lVK.'.i.ite and invigorate, stomach, liver aiiU bowels. Much imitated but never equa V.i. Sugar-coated and easy to take as c;;ndv. One to three a dose. UP AND DOWN THE STATE. t'neor'tlie most peculiar injunctions ever granted in Mississippi, or any who re else, was inven by a judjrc in .T.v. ks; t. who restrains Mrs. Jivrd, of Cr sta.1 pritiiis, Miss., Ironi walking on t (-ertain street. It is said Mrs. l.i has the habit ol' walking past her for tier husband's store and advising all customers not to buy goods there, fcfhe has been divorced one year on the ground that site was of most violent disj usifion. impossible to live with. and ha-.! threatened to do her old man bodih harm. She must not walk that stivet anymore or make remarks about her former husband. t'ee ;sij: con "ensed opirion ol tl" orig in .-n L -;t ve OoughSyrup: Nearly all o hei couh syrups are constipaung especially V se on?a'ning opiates. Kennedy's Lax p,;ve rontaining Honey and Tar moves the 'bowels. Contains no opiates. Conforms to i he National Pure Food and Drug Law. S U .v J G. Hall. Elizabeth Pettiford, a colored wo man, w ho lives on Wake street, in Ra leigh, is 100 years old. She says she remembers when her father went as a drurnrnsr boy to the war of 1812. and at that time she was 0 years old. I" -fty c'ime its colors are unfurled, Its tt"e has spread from sea to sea; U- u s d If in the other world, Y a I. ear ot Rockv Mountain Tea. J. G. Hall. The Western Xorth Carolina C on ierence of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, is in session at Mt Airy.. Desirable Lot for Sale. By virtue of a (teed in trust executed to the undersigned by Jerry Voting, dated April 4th, MOO. and duly recorded in Hook GO, pae"H, in the Register's office of (ri anville county, I will on MONDAY, NOVKMHKR 2Gth. 190H, sell to tlie highest bidder lor cash the follow ing described lot or parcel of land adjoining the town of Oxford arid being th it store house and lot on the corner of Alexander Avenue nnd the (Joshen Itoud, adjoining the lots of Lee Wil kerson on the east, Ben Daniel on the South, said road on the west and said Avenue on the North, and fronting about 78 feet on said Avenue. Also oue light hay horse " years old named f 'harlie, also one black cow. Time of sale 12 m. Terms cash. Oct. tWt.hlS 06 A. A. HICKS Trustee. Tar Heel Items for Tar Heel Read ers Some Happenings in the Old North State. Jn Oranire county on Sunday, seven miles from Durham, revenue officers captured two moonshine stills. Sunday nijrht at Greenville, a bur U'lar entered the residence of Mr. L. II. Kountree and robbed him of $1(. "0 in money. A correspondent of Duplin Journal reports the killing ot a very large rat tlesnake in that county by a Mr. Lee. Tlie snake measured five feet in length and was eight inches in circumference. The reptile was first seen by some chil dren who were playing along the road. Rev. Crawford Jackson, of Atlanta, is in this state, seeking to raise funds to establish, about 50 miles from that city a reformatory for white children, his purpose is, he says, to have sueh a reformatory to take children from mis state in the south. Xorth Carolina is a great State on j most everything. A man in Swain county raised five acres in pumpkins this year. So thick were the pump kins on the ground that a person could walk from one end of the field to the other by stepping from one pumpkin to another.1 Sun. KenansvilJe Eastern Carolina News: In all sections of the county large fields of cotton can be seen as white as snow. These fields have not been picked over a single time this season, and the cot ton is of course damaged. One rea son for this is that so many of the ne groes will not work in the fields at any price. Pender Chronicle: Some of thq girls will learn with pleasure that our coun ty commissioners have decided to make our old bachelors pay a double poll tax. This was made known Monday when Hev. C. H. Ctlev asked mini is sion to list his taxes for this year. He was informed that he would have to pay bachelor tax. From the expres sion on his face it could be seen' that he did not aim to pay more. The revenue officers have been pretty active during the past few days. Dep uty Collectors Merritt and Lloyd cap tured one still last Thursday several miles from Franklinton, and the latter went back to the same place and found another still in full blast, in exactly the same bed. One was an S0 and the other a GO gallon capacity. The moon shiners got away, some of their pals Iwving dashed across the fields ami given them warning immediately be fore the officers arrived on the scene. J. S. BROWN. President, J. B. MAYES, Secretary, J. B. ROLLER, Treas. & Gen. Mgr. Oxford Really Co., Organized for the Purpose of Handling and Deveoloping Real Estate, Act ing as Agent, Trustee or Commissioner. IF YOU WAST TO Buy, sell or Rent a Home, Buy, Sell or Rent a Farm, Buy Sell or Rent a Store, Buy, Sell or Rent a Lot, Borrow or Lend Money, Buy or Sell Bonds, Buy or Sell Securities Or Exchange Gountry for Town Property. Opposes the Reformatory. In speaking of the movement that has started afresh in this state for the establishment of a state reformatory for youthful criminals State Auditor 1. F. Dixon says that he is decidedly opposed to the reformatory idea but that he believes the general assembly should pass an act authorizing the judges to turn over to the North Caro lina children's home societv, head of- fice at (ireensboro, all such children as would otherwise be eligible to the re formatorv so that this organization could find homes for them where they would be looked after jftst as homeless children are now provided for by this societv which now has almost two hun dred children in good homes who would o:herwise be homeless. Major Dixon says that, besides many other objec tions to a reformatory, he fears the re sults in this state of one that would re quire a reformatory for negro children and this would be overrun in a little while by great numbers of negro chil dren many caused to commit some of fense by their parents so that the care of them mav be shifted to the state. Major Dixon thinks too that juvenile courts are not needed in this state at this stage of population conditions, there being scarcely a town in the state that could show conditions requiring such an institution. my ii'M Women who suffer from unnecessary, disagreeable, painful, weakening, female complaints, will find that Wine of Cardui is a safe and pleasant remedy for all theh ills. It acts directly upon all the delicate, inflamed tissues, purifying the blood, throwing off the clogging matter and relieving female disorders such as irregular, scanty, profuse, painful catamenia, prolapse, etc. Also relieves headache, backache, dizziness, cramps, dragging pains, nervousness, irritability, etc. If you need advice, write us a letter, telling us all yuur symptoms. We will send free advice (in plain sealed envelope). Address: Ladies' Advisory Dept., The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn... ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT IN $ 1 .00 BOTTLES IiMOT I il l ran a -w wiupc mm IswsMI I J - -- -- i,35fi Ira 1 mmmmsm fr-T-hY a cr ;-r-i:7T: JL- 9 14 mm ass ii f ''Tir'-T5 MAGNET THAT ATTRACTS FWU 5)BNT DErOhlTOK IS UVERNMKN1 PK TECTION ! 3Y If i r -.1TTMIFTTtll As a ISTationalBank we are under Govern ment control, and have Government protection Tbis means the strongest and safeat bank for you to do business with. (f?ift S 11 II ITHikp Flrsil Mflfiai . ma. a i & m m m b m k 1 jb m as m m I W U U U bA. - v U ; 1 r TO You can save time and Mon ey by placing it in our hands, we solicit patronage and prom ise prompt and careful atten tion to all matters entrusted to us. OXFORD REALTY COMPANY. In Time of eace. In the first month of the Russian-Tapan war we had a striking examole of the ne cessity for preparation and the early a''van taide of those who, so to speak, "have shing led their roofs in dry w ather " Thevittut of prepare tio-i hs made history and ?iven to us our greatest men. The individual a well as the nation should be prepared fo? any emergency. Are you prepared to suc cessfully combat the first cold you take? A co d can be cured much more quickly when treated as soo- as it has been ccntracted and bcfoie it has become settled in the -s'eni. ( hamherlair.'s Cough Rtmdy is fai cms for its cure f cold 4 nnd i; s lould br kept at hand -eaJ.y iVr mtar.t tue Fc: .-..le by J. G Hall. That the TWO BIG STORES are now full of all the new things. In striv ing to maintain our wide reputation we feel that we have added to it. as we have the largest and best selected stoc that this town or county has ever had di played within its bounds. Ill MED EXTENSIVELY T In Ladies Wears. All Such a showing of high class Dress Goods, the newest things have been selected. SILKS: The prettiest you ever saw. All the new shades of Grey that is so popular this season as well as all the other new colors. And plaids for waists, a great variety of colorings. Also the plaids both large and small for suits and skirts, in both silk and wool. And a great line of Black Goods, such ihat we feel that we can boast of. In House Furnishings. Our Rug and Garpet Room is a beauty to beholch Such a line of Axminister and Moquet Rugs and Art Squares has never been shown in Oxford before. A great line of woolen Bed Blankets, 10j and 1 1 j at $2.50 to $8.50 per pair, snd equally as good line at: comforts, counterpaines and all other Furnishings. W& Invite your special inspection of this department. Cloaks, Cloaks. The cloaks are prettier this time than ever before, especially the Rain Goats that are so servicable.. Then the Long Goats made of Goverts and Kerseys all colors. WE HAVE THEM. In Millinery. We know that we can better take care, of you in this line this time than ever as we have a splendidly se lected large stock and all experienced help, Miss Blanche May still has charge of our work de partment and we know that here taste need not be ex ploited here. We have a full line of Tailor Made Hats as well as a jarger line that is the outcome of our own Work Rooms. In Meifs Wear. The Right;. Style is one of the things that', you can count on in Our Glcthes put there ;to stay by. expert tailors who. linow whatr, stele is. Its worth a good deal; to. know that your clothes are-right in this respect with the right, quality, tailoring and fit as well, you can feel that way abo-st what you buy here we absolutely guaran tee everything we sell. You Willi find that our styles, are the exact duplicates of the Fashionable Garments worn in New York and other large cities and that our big variety enables you to perfect ly suit your individual1 taste. LET US SHOW 00 Any Way. Shoes ! ShoeS! ! We still have the famous line of Drew Selby for ladies and the Boyden and Tilt for men and boys. Ycu can always count on these as the most stylish and best quality for they all guaranteed. C I IIP J J A ITI Wheiher Yi Bill f Ml The Leaiiig Store Two Big Stores,

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