8 OXFORD PUBLIC LEDGER, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1906 9 o si- ' , " ' egimli! na .mlw -. ,ya am i a.-. ,, , ,. Illlia)u Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi -hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi J Hi Hi it 0 l (ft (ft (ft d (ft (ft (ft (ft (ft n iv (ft (ft (ft (ft (ft (ft (ft (ft (ft (ft (ft (IV (ft (ft (lj (ft m (ft 'ft (ft (ft (ft (ft (ft (ft (ft (? (ft (ft (ft m m m ft t (t 4 I fldk ff al Classes xi , Hi Owing to the inferior crops this year and in order that we may turn everything possible into cash we are offering our (off Msrelai At Exceedingly Low Prices. We Have 1 1 tititotmm Uil 6Tl cruii QjJ and this is your opportunity to buy your winter needs at the LOWEST POSSIBLE COST. tike Our stores are filled with new goods, (tt rate Qialtty Code O 71 Big Stock ol High Grade fail Clothing and Gents Furnishings, Dry Goods, Shoes, Groceries, BUGGIES, WAGONS AND HARNESS. wFLLGCONVmCE YOUOF THIFACT HAVE MNEY FR UR GDS AND A AL FRM YU CL0THIRIG ALLS! fflr Copyright 1906 The House of Kuppenheiaaer Xjr The style is right and the quality is right; the clothes will wear, and look well while you wear them. There's so much down right good tailoring behind them that they keep their shape indefinitely. One showing of high grade "Ready'r garments for men is a revelation of the wonderful advance in the science of tailoring. The best dressed men everywhere are buy ing these splendid clotnes; there is no reason why you should stick to the slow, expensive small tailor. Gome in and see the new styles. You are as wel come to look as to buy. We can fit you perfectly whether you are of normal or unusual build. Our prices range from $20.00 down to the point where quaility ceases to be a virtue, but we can fit your pocket book as readily as we can your figure. 1TD 1 WHO SPENDS WITH US efwsen nnn LVliUJJLjiLNi 1111 LLo And ol) AMJMY 1 We wi watcHm and Ofriaiiini. ooe fluof "will Host and IceBjp good TTnrvii CD (CO 51 SS&&SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS3333a35? (0 f 9 m 9 f? (i? m i (IV m X. il m m m m m m (f (f.v m m m n m m (fv (ft (ft (ft 8 (fv (f (ft (f (f!i (ft (ft i f (ft (ft (ft (ft q i (ft (ft (ft (ft (ft (ft fi (f (ft f (ft (ft (ft (ft (ft fl ft (ft (ft (ft (ft (ft (ft (ft (ft (ft (ft (ft (ft (ft (ft (ft (ft ff (ft