7 8 OXFORD PUBLIC LEDGER, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1907. TYNER'S DYSPEPSIA REMEDY Many Have Dyspeosia Don't Know It Do you belch up w t;d ? Tate vour fvoi afcer eating? See ypeeks be tore t'ae yes ? Are you pa'e Rnd.hasjciwd ? voi:t heart flatter? Are you dus ? Do you haw pains in sk'e or l-nek? Rising or pi'pUs on the skin? Are you low spirited? Is there a sour taste? Breath baa? Head ache ? Wek Ktdnevs ? Billiousness ? Con stipated ? Are you nervous ? If so ou have Dyspepsia, and it is a d inerous cor.d ti u. To cure take Tyner's Dspepsia Remedy! It 's made tor jus; such troubles ami svmpl toras. Tyner's Dps-oe sia Remedy removes acids from the stomach, strengthens weak stomachs ard cures the worst Dyspepsia t Indigestion. Drugi-ts bv express s "cis . i . r r. 3 . j . . v a oo'-uf iuuucy reiuuueu u it tans to cure J, G Hall. Oxford. N. C Women can always soe thejKint of man's inhumanity to man. Lame Back. This ailment is usually caused bv rheu matism of the muscles and may be cured by applying Chamberlain's Pai:i li lm two or three times a day and rubbing the parts vigorously at each application. If this does not afford relief, bind on a ivece of t-annel slightly dampened with Pain Balm, ani quick relief is slmes: sure to f. 11 .w. F r sale by T. G. H i!! Itiu tVn ?tt Cur by kct iiliitiii, naUiwy oHiuu.t laveh the aioMut iorj ou v.ftiW ,,, 'ihuwU only out wy Uivuro Wulwi.,mHt that i lv niitltu ont r.iwoato, l,.fi,M t cuo.l by n in rtiunott youditiou ot uuunn It-tujr or tho i K",'huT:i Wh' thUtuhCKOta i.uJumort wn iv a ruiuMb.kf aomutof iiu;.erfn.t htnirmg ml wheu lt la wuiittflv (U1 iSt anioea U I he 1 rlV!aV'VluUe,l',th,,,l,',u',t' oeUktu ! out ttal tube rtwtorod to U normal condition, h.artu wtll be it,.' r yort torv-r; nine case out ! ot 'eu rcauod by catarrh, which la nothing i but an nnlainea couvlltiou of the mucous surface V e Mil glveltHI dollar- tor anv eaae of Oeaf ' i',''',? cused y catarrh) that cannot becu-nt by ! Uatla catarrh Oure. Meud for ciipulara tr, tw-tt .,. k tv J1 CUKN ttY v Toledo O i oid bv DiugnUi, 7ftc. U Fault y Fill- are the bet. i Two nioro shoc ks ot" oatt!iittako at ; Kingston, Jamaca, atul a iiumher of huiUUnos weio demoHshotl. Some men delight truth tor the sake ot Me. in telling the stirring up trou- A Habit to Be Encouraged. The n. other who has acquired the habit of keeping on hand bort e ot Chambc lain's Cough Remedy, saves herself a great amount of uneas ness and anxiety. Coughs, cc! Is and cr.'up. to wh:ch ch 'iren aresu- -cept'ble a-e quickly cured '.n it use. It court-racts aiy tendency cf a cold to re sult :n pn- umonia, and if g'v- n as scs.ni as the nrst syn.ptoms cf coup ?ppetr. ft wtH prevent the attack. Th s ren c'dy contains noth'.ngr irju-ious and m nh; r give -t to little one with a feeling of p-crtec: securi ty Sold b . T . G Hiii. A ladv inuuires ot mai.tne: ''What should wo take with us on a ."bug railroa.l tr'p"; One thing we ava make up our mind to. aud that is to take chances. Common Colds are the Cause of Msny Serious Diseases ni : : . - game : a nr. o a reputation as anas;s or tie cause ot va rious diseases, claim that ;f cstchin c Id cou'.i be avoided a long lis: of danger, us ailmetits would never be heard of fc.very or.e knows that pneumonia and coti?rrv tion originate from a cold, a-d chron c ca tarrh. bronchtUs. arc a I throat and 'ung trouble are asravared and rend-red more A Valuable Laa&on. l'H 1 learneii t vlm.l.l- 1 son, 'writes John Pleasant, of Moduli, ' 1 "d- "I then began taking Dr. King h New Life Tills, and the longer I t ke ihcui the better I tind thetn." Thov plet. ever- vbody Guaranteed by K. I,. Hamilton, druggist. 25c. Ftvsidont Kooso nit sot it to ( 'oit' :whh a special tnossago urging tho passtugn , ot a hill giving neat h ? l.utui.lMMi awav to the steamship eoiupmtios in subsidies tor lint's to Soudt Auioiint and the Orient. MEN PAST SIXTY IN PANQEN Moie tha halt vf tu.u kind ov Uly vearsof agf sutler h oiu ktvliu y uu l.l.nl der d seders. usu-ilK eul i gf nicnl ofpio trate gUiut. Tins i l oth painful and dun gerous. and Kolev's Kuluev l"uie .slunil 1 Ik taken at the nit sivn of danger, as tt mi revts irregularities auvt h;. lined mum old men of this eisease. Mi Kodnrv Km nett. R IVtt, Mo , wtiu s: "l Miib-icd w-th en aiged ptos'ate glat'd and ktitncy trouble Mr years and alter taking two Uu r'es ot Foley's K dney Cute I trel tietlet thn 1 have for twenty years uitliough 1 urn no gi years old." . tl Hail. Setuitor Foraker has had a lot of trouble trvtng to make tumble for K.vveh. A Card This s to certify that all druggists are authorized to rrfund your money it Foley's H.Miey anvl T ir fails to cure your cough or cold. It st' ps lhe cough, heals ihe lungs and nrevents serious Trsults from a cold. Cures la grippe cugh and prevents pneu monia and consumption. Contains no j opiates lhe genuine is in a veuow track age. Refuse substitutes 1. G. Hall. Rial g From the Grave. A prominent manufacturer, VVm. A. Kertwdl, of Lucama, N. C, relates a mcst remarkable experience. He says. "After taking less than three bottles of Electric Bitters, I feel like one rising from the grave. My trouble is Bright's disease in the Diabetes stage I fully believe Elec tric Hitters will cure me permanently, for it has alrtudv stopped the liver and biad der complications which have troubled me for years." Guaranteed by R. L. Hamil ton, drujitjist Pr'ce onlv 50c. Jhich man's destiny is in his own hands so far as his moral progress is concerned, says Urvan s Commoner. Special Announcement Regarding the National Pure Food and Drug Law. We are pleased to announce that Foley's lloiuy and Tar (or coughs, colds and lung trouble is not fleeted by the National I'ure Food and Drug Law as it contains no t'piairH or other harmful drugs, and we re- I'onimrMtd it as a safe remedy for children and udulls. . G. Hall. t on in y 1 op, what is curiosity: Tommy' I "(.uriositjr, my son, is Hoiiiolliiug flint is inspired by, things lluit H.to none of our business." serious bv each :resh anack. D ct risk your lite or tKe cnances wnen yon nave a cold. Chamberlain's Cough Reireiy will cure it before the?e diseases develop This remedy contains no opium, n o:?rire or ether harmful drug and hss rh::v years c: reputation back it. gained bv its cures urder t v e r y couditlon. ForsilebvJ.G Hall. A girl mav be demure bui she v:.;-""t hesitate when she wants to put in a de murrer to vour sv.it. The House of Congress committee or. Rivers and Harbors repotted a re cord breaking appropriation, carrying 8o.4oo.o-St: the Cape Fear River gtus -lo.'.'CO eash. and 8'JoO.OOO for cntinuanvx' or tiie projected improve-itieins. Hu'thg for Troubte "I've lived in California 20 years, and arti stili hunting lor trouble in the way cf burrs, sores, wounds, boils, cuts sprains, or a cae of piles that Bucklen's Arnica Slv? won't quickly cure,"'" writes Charles Waiters, of Alleghany, Sierra Co. No use hunting, Mr. Walters; it cures every case. Guaranteed at Hamilton's drug store. 25, Neighbors Got Fooled. I was literally coughing mvself to death, and had become too weak to leave my bed: and ne:ghbrs predicted that I would never leave it alivr: but they got fooled, for nrks be to God I was induced to tTy Dr. King's New D scovery. It tork just four o e Co'A r bottles to completely cure the ccug'n ar.d restore me to good sound heath, writes Mrs. Eva Uncapher, of Grovertown. Stark Co., Ind. Th s King of cough and cold cures, and healer of throat and lungs, is guaranteed by R. L Hamilton, Druggist. oc and $100. Trial bottle free. Ktr r1illriin? and Sick Headache. Talip Oiiim l.nxHtlve Fruit Syrup. It tiwcpiMu (hp bto.mrrlt. aids digestion and m la rto a ctimitlaiit on the liver and Utwida willful hiituuii these organs. Ori mi I . ot 1 vp lrruit Svrnp cures billousn'S ind lirtl.Uital rontstiputiou. Does not nau ac.iic tu (iilpp and is mild and pleasant to lui.o m tiiti-mlier the name Orino and re nbc uy but b it ut c. J. G. Hall. "Ileio'n moie evidence of prosperi ty," W'lifil is if?" "Several people but I in a ninit rush to pay taxes." ( levi lanil I'lftin Dealer. A GwaiMiilood Cure For Piles. Itrhitig, blind, bleeding or protruding P'lt-s. Diugist refund money if PAZO IN I'MKN I fails to cure any case no mat ter of how long standing in 6 or 14 days First uppliott ion gives ease and rest. 50c. If your di ungist hasn't it send 50c in stumps and it will be forwarded postpaid by Paris Medicine Co., St. Louis Mo. The House voted to abolish all the pension agencies throughout the coun try, eighteen in number, and central ize the payment of pensions in the City of Washington. This action was taken on the pension appropriation bill after spirited opposition on the part of those having pension agencies in their States. It's the highest standard of quality, a natural tonic, cleanses your system, red dens the cheeks, brightens the eyes, gives tlavor to all you eat. Hollister's Reeky Mountain Tea will do this for yyu. 35 cents. Tea or Tablets. J. G. Hall. The fire last week in Richmond des troyed 8322,000 in property, includ ing the buildings of the Marburg To bacco Co. and Southern Paper Co. Some giver of advice says "take things easy." Insurance magnates, however, must know by this time that they will not be allowed to take the companies' funds as "easy" as they used to. Happy Homes. Home is the residence not merely of the body but of the heart; it is a place for the affections to unfold and develop themselvesjfor children to play in; for husband and wife to toil smil ingly together, and make life a bless ing. The object of all ambition should be to be happy at home, if we are not happy elsewhere; it is the best proof of the virtues of a family circle to see a happy fireside. m Itch cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. Never fails. Sold by J G. Hall, Druggist. jan.4.3tn.pd For TwentyOne Years oyster l have been recognized as the best because they are made for Tobacco from materials that are carefully selected. Ask your dealers for Bonanza Tobacco Guano Orinoco Tobacco Guano Farmers' Bone Special TRADE MARK See that the trade-mark IS on every bag. REGISTERED F. S. ROYSTER GUANO CO., Norfolk, Va. H3KBB33 None genuine without it. The new Laxative that does not gripe or nauseate. Pleasant to taKe. Cures Stomach and Lfvef axatiye rroit Syrup chronic constipation. NORTH CAROLINA NEWS. CULLED FROM THE VARIOUS PAPERS OF THE STATE. Tar Heel Items for Tar Heel Read ersSome Happenings in Old North State. Ten houses Aye re burned at the Pilot Cotton Mill, Raleigh, Thursday mori ing, the loss being in the neighbor hood of 4,000, which was covered by insurance. On the threshold of the celebration of their quarterly centennial, one of largest dormitories of Livingstone Col lege, near Salisbury, was burned to the ground, Monday, the loss aggre gating $7,000 with no insurance. Lieutenant Col. Thomas C. James, of the second regiment, has sent in his resignation to Adjutant General Ro bertson. Colonel James has been connected with the State guard almost continously since 1875 and was a most competent man. Leslie Birdsong, colored, and Mr. John Ingram, of Northampton county, got into a difficulty Saturday evening, which resulted in Birdsong's being killed by Ingram. The fight occurred at the fern landing in Northampton county, where Roanoke river is cross ed near Roanoke Rapids. A member of the Raleigh Taber nacle Sunday School, Fred Bradley, son of Marshal R. II. Bradley has the distinction of having attended Sundav1 School everv Sundav for fourteen ml . years, a total of 72S Sabbaths without missing a service. The school has voted him a gold medal, and will here after give a trold medal to each scholar having a five-vear record. Oran Burnette, of Buncombe coun ty, was badly frozen during Christmas week and last week the doctors ampu tated one leg to save him. He was walking to his home from Skyland station, and got tired, so he sat down and went to sleep. When he awoke it was davlight, and his hands and feet were frozen. He soaked them in water at a near-by house and imme diately the members swelled, then gan green set in and he has lost a limb in consequence. Friday, near Wolf creek close to the North Carol iua-Tennesse line, a man named Nat Features shot and killed a woman named Norris. Before she died the woman said Features had shot her because she would not take a drink with him. The man claimed the shooting was accidental, but he skipped out. The woman was the mother of two children and was hold ing ihe baby in her arms when shot. Part of its clothing was shot into the mother's breast. Nelson Foster and Will Ferguson, of Newton, while digging a well at Hudson in Caldwell county, were blown up with dynamite and Fergu son killed outright, and Foster badly hurt. They had put in charges of dynamite, one went off but the other didn't. Wherc-upon they began to dig it out. It exploded and hurled a hammer against Furguson's headlin ing him on the spot. Foster was blown 20 feet upward and then fell back. After a while he was able to climb out by a rope and later he brought out the dead body of Ferguson. The festive opossum is a queer mar supial with a prehensile tail, but last week he was in a new role and was promptly caught stealing pigs from K. Kendall's sow in Shelby. The sow had a dozen pigs, but the number one by one diminished every night mysterious ly. One morning Air. Kendall who lives in the main part of Shelby, found one pig partly devoured, but he could not at first solve the mystery. One morning one pig was in the stable apart from its mother, then he search ed and found under a log in the stable the thief a big opossum which had devoured nine pigs. The opossum was killed and he had "possum and taters. Rutherfordton ftun. A ticcnp hiiilder. reconstructor. builds up waste force, makes stiong nerves and muscle, vou win realize aner laning noi-l-Qtr's Rockv Mountain Tea what a won- der'ul benefit it will be to you. 35 cents Tea or Tablets. J. O. Hall. SFFK M FURTHER r warn uoa mm u u vus m - P mm Mmmm-m wm m t il (M VI PfHEl VTh. IPC! V Y&M$W Penn Rheumatism cure is ,ust what you have been looking fa c,u'o CO- REMEDIES AN URIC ACID DESTROYf R Entirely free from opiates, iodide of potash or mercury. A powerful tonic 3 building up the weak or debilitated. Perm Rheumatism Cure ,m !tivPlv cure Acute, Chronic, Inflammatory, Sciatica, Rheumatism o tfmW-l?llqSw (large bottle) $1.00. Tablets. 50c Beware of substi tntion When vou ask for a Penn Remedy "See that our trade mark," the Hea. Headquarters J. G. Hall's, Oxford The Baik ol teiwllk has every facility for handling your Bank account acceptably and it cordially invites your banking business, Atosololely 5if ef y Combiaed with satisfactory service and liberal treatment. Safe deposit boxes of the best kind for rent. SOUTHERN RAILWAY OPERATING OVER 7,000 MILES OF RAILWAY. ....QUICK ROUTE TO ALL POINTS.... NORTH-SOUTH-EAST-WEST. Through Trains Between Principal Cities and Resorts AFFORDING FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATIONS. ELEGANT PULLMAN SLEEPING CARS ON ALL THROUGH TRAINS DINING, CLUB AND OBSERVATION CARS For Speed Comfort and Courteous Employes. Travel via the Southern Rai'wayl Rates, Schedules and other Information furnished by ad dressing the undersigned: R. L VfcRNON, Trav. Pass. Agent J. H. WOOD, District, Pass. Agent, Charlotte, N. C Asheville, N, C. S. H. HARDW1CK. P. T. M.. W.H. TAYLOE, G. P. Agt. WASHINGTON. D. C. iSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSlfi CD n ft n rpiljijjljjMljVuJ uuiLilijli :ping It to Ttn And I Will Gf ve You With Best Wishes, I am Very truly yours, W. LYON US r s uL (7) Id m WW 8 ' 8 r Grove's Tasteless Chill Tssic has stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales over One and a Half Million bottles. Does this record of merit appeal to you? No Cure, No Pay. SQz Enclosed with every bottle is a Ten Cent? package ox drove's mack K.oot Liver nils. J

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