OXFORD PUBLIC LEDGER, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1907 5 t( Jan You will be pleased with our com prehensive line new patterns of Val Torchon,Platte Val and other laces We have the reputation of keep ing the prettiest line in thecity,but this year we have a much larger and prettier line than ever. Just a word of warning: Val laces will be scarce later in the season, owing to their being used so much You can buv cheaper and eet a better selection now than latter. We have just receiv ed a beautiful line of more than ever. SicaF,aL9 ii.aFiieini Iff 1 m Goods AIL BEAUTIFUL NEW PATTERNS. New Goods coming in every day, so don't forget to call and see them. OH!, ' : J m ifayiexxieveil,lie:9 ra. c. This company has been in business eleven months has had seven death claims and has been Tmryp Do You Want Dheap and Safe In surance? If you do insure your property with 1 he r armers Mutual Jb ire Association. the cheapest and safest insurance on the market. The year 1906 lias been an unlucky. year with two lug hres and a cyclone to contend with, but the average is I what counts and the average cost of one thousand dollars in the Farmers X Mutual for the past ten years lias I been only $2.80, about one third of what any other company will si ye you the same insurance. Kemember it is a i Al home company and every dollar you pay goes to some unfortunate member in Granville county who has lost their : -Hu -VS &. - !(: a'-" 1 ... utf rM': it tv I "V-. itff Oak Hill Notes. The first real snow of the winter fell to the depth of about 3 in every case where the deceased was insured in other companies namely in It has therefore built up the reputation of being PAID UP CAM ou TAL IS $15 JO 9 Any obligation of "The Southern Life" will be promptly paid. Yours most truly, C JT. COOPER, TThbsis. k IMIgrr. V house either by fire, wind or lightning, J HT4.U eT AA AAA I - , r v iLii a wu.m w liisura.nee in mrm nn hum nv and about 700 members with an aver- i'uciies aie cost of S2.80 ner thousand we X .. I L 1 ? il X have paid about one hundred losses ferreac man7 powers in mis sec- and accumulated two thousand dollars tion have been killed by our farmers - - - . ....a Willi I I V !- I I I I I 1 1 1 f 241111 I If 1 'I II 'I I I I 1 1 Our motto' is equal justice to all and same place insurance at actual cost. G. L. ALLEN, Agent. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bough! Bears the Signature of Attention Citizens Look on vour phone book and change No. 12 from Kuffin Fuller to A market house. Most of our tobacco raisers have burnt their plant beds and sowed their tobacco seed. It is to be hoped that our iarmers will use less fertilizer. make less tobacco, and raise more corn and become independent of the trust. It would be a blesssing to the peo ple if a law was passed by the Legisla ture making a man liable for the smallest debt he might contract, in stead of being allowed to get behind 'Get it r 4. i the homestead act and say: "( A. Coppage at the J jan'25 2tpd if Jou can TOM. Mink fikins Wanted I will pay the highest market prices for mink skins. Bring them right along to the store of Len Pitchard. IT nmw TTllMiCI IrJJj Death of Miss Susan A. Kelly. Miss Susan A. Kelly, of Vance Co., near Henderson, after a lingering ill I 1 1 T L-t - (f i r FOR SALE: Four building- lots uess uiea Jm -1' iwu; agea oo years on Raleigh road, excellent location, an(i 10 month-?. She was the aunt of convenient to two stores,faces the east. Mr. J. L. Kelly, of this county and Mr. James Kelly, of Henderson. "Miss Sue, "as everybody called her was a woman of fine personal appear ance,, intelligent, refined and pleasant in manners, She never married; she cared not to At Oxford in the State of North Caro auAiC,iC3 lina, Ht the close of business Jan. sponsibilrtiesot a family. Herabsorb- 26th, 190. ,"n rr rlaaTm r Q lnK- f 4-1, 1 f I Atlwvrc U .n .. 1, , If 1 i. ix T Anna HTanAiin'fa co c? r.n i i r i 1 K nuuiv sen auiiust iiilo Overdrafts, secured 6G2.i:j nothingness m her zeal to help others. u. C5. duiiu io secure circu- iu- . A 1 lation 4" OHO no 'AVJ W1 vva, m nie iionie Premium on U. S. Bonds. . 1,000 00 of her nephew, Bro. Jessie L. Kellv. duhhb, twcunneB. ere ii.miu.uu j, ,:j 1 .n i i Furniture, and fixtures '775.00 T 1 iuw4wigc uumy w migiic, Due from National Banks intelligent children. Here she made (not reserve asrentsi 79.3i7 h m? ,i , , T Jf OJ... j... n t llCTliaUll CUIlUGlibl V UAL'lUl 1 J V IKJLirill.'-r ULl IIUUI OtflLt? I3I111KS ;m(l J i Banners Due from approved reserve W. L. PEACE. REPORT OF THE CONDITION of the FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Oxford, INGRATITUDE SHOWN. Will Pat Editor on the Shoulder When Going His Way. The very men who 'seek to disgrace the Press by alleging they receive per quisites in 'the shape of free railroad transportation are men who will de mand free laudation of their public ac tions in the Press, and unless they re ceive, will likely refuse to take the newspaper that fails to give them pub lic notice.' The present North Caroli na legislation against the newspapers, is an attack that hurts most the coun try weekly newspaper, and to this same country weekly, North Carolina owes obligations that can never be re paid, for the services these country weeklies have rendered in the promot ing and helping to definite and safe ends, the moral and industrial welfare of the '-Old North State." It is easy to kick over the ladder that has been the means of gaining success. Today it is easy -to sneer at and insinuate against the newspaper, and today the newspaper profession is the one profes sion that has not gained wealth in any way commensurate with the 'work of those who have lifted North Carolina into national prominence. New JJern Journal. agents , Ctieckn, othr cash items... Exchanges clearing' house Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents Lawful money re serve in Bank, viz: Specie 9",0S6 25 Legral tender notes 910 Redemption fund with US. Treas'y (5 per ct clr'tlon) L7G6.80 365.4(5 Total $397,749.65 LIABILITIES. 6,522.45 all the best energies of her life and IT T9Q Ql I "Y c iiuaj lug uvus ui UCitl Cllll- dren. All these children bear the im press of her pure, noble life. To en large the sphere of her usefulness among children she sometimes taught school. The sick, the afflicted, the needy found in her an angel of mercy. 9,996.25 The source of this beautiful life is i- V.1 4.1,.-. 4?. 4. 4.1- L 1 T 1,250 00 LL,xxr'xw: ttr Aiit-L tiiai in eany me she sought and found Jesus as her per sonal Saviour. She unreservedly ded icated her young life to the service of Capital stock paid in $ 25,000.00 hier Wessed Master. She loved her OUipiUS IUUU I.J,UW,UU . Undivided profits, less ex- Bible and often took the children of standing 25,000.00 and explained the Jiible to them, and Due to other National Banks Du to state Banks nd Bankers Due to Trust, Companies Dividends unptid Individual deposits subject to check 150.595 96 Time certificates of deposit. 170.232 67 Cashier's checks outstand ing So i ,! Interest reserve 402.85 Total $397.749. 65 State of North Carolina, county of Granville, ss: I,W. H. Hunt, Cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, W. H. HUNT, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this nOcti dav of .Ian. 1907. C. F CREWS, C. S. C. Correct Attest: . R. V. EASSlf EK, Z. W. LYON, . E H. CRENSHAW. Directors. ; then knelt down and prayed for them. No wonder that in early life all these 1,314.54 children became Christians and church 20 00 members. The Bible made Sister Kelly a Baptist 27 years ago she sev ered her fond connection with the Methodist church and was baptized $324,685 76 into the fellowship of Island Creek 4,8l6.o Tiontlet rliiirf'h nfwhir-h eho romainnrl a loving, loyal member until death. Many loving, sorrowing friends wit nessed her interment at the church she loved so well. The services were conducted by her old pastor, J. A. Stradley. "Yet again we hope to meet thee, When the day of life is fled, Then in Heaven with joy to greet thee, Where no farewell tears are shed." J. A. S. Stomach trouble is but a symptom of, and not In itself a true disease. We think of Dyspepsia, Heartburn, and Indigestion as real diseases, yet they are symptoms only of a certain specific Nerve sickness nothing else. It was this fact that first correctly led Dr. Shoop In the creation of that now very popular Stomach Remedy Dr. Shoop's Restorative. Going direct to the stomach nerves, alone brought that success and favor to Dr. Shoop and his Restorative. With out that original and highly vital principle, no such lasting accomplishments were ever to be had. For stomach distress, bloating, biliousness, bad breath and sallow complexion, try Dr. Shoop's Restorative Tablets or Liquid and see for your self what it can and will do. Wo sell and cheer fully , recommend Dr. SJboop's Restorative J. G. HALL. . Sweet Words. Pearl's fair head is close to mine. I look into her soft brown eyes, Her neck is wreathed in curves divine Her gaze as frank as summer skies. Oh, what a splendid chance, you say, To clasp her to my throbbing heart And kiss her in that fervent way That only true love doth impart. Yet, tho' her warm breath fans my cheek, Standing there in the moonlit grove, List'ning to hear what word I speak I tell her nothing of my love. Piles get quick relief from Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment. Remember it's made alone for Piles and it works with certain ty and satisfaction. Itchi.ig, painfu', pro truding, rf blind oiles disappear like mag ic by its use. Try it and see! J. G. Hall. Dos Coffe; disagree with you? Proba M t does! Then trv Dr Shoop's Health Coffee. "Health Coffee is a clever combi nation of parchtd cereals and nuts. Not a grain of real Coffee remember, in Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee, y-t its flavor and tas'e matches closely old Java and Mocha Coffee. If vour stomach, heart, ot kidnevs can't stand Coffee drinking, try Hea'th Coffee. It is wholesome, nourishing, and satisfying It's snfe even for the youngest child. Sold by Breedlove & McFarland. If it Were True. "The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world." This is a saying as old as the hills," but were it true our great men in our great cities would not be on trial and sent to prison pens for "boodle" and "graft." When the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world there will be "a school house on every hill top and no saloon in the valley." Pay not Sufficient. We do not believe that the paj' of . jurors should be such that the mere per diem would attract a man who is able to make his own living, but we do claim that the pay is not sufficent. The man who "comes from his farm, furnishes his own conveyance to the county seat and pays his board at a first class place while he serves as a juror goes back home no better in purse than when he left home. The present Legislature should pass an act giving j'urors better pay for their services. Croup can positively be stopped in 20 minutes. No vomitine nothing tn sirt-n or distress your child. A sweet, pleasant, and fa'e Syrup, called Dr. Shoop's Croup Cure, dos the work and does it quickly. Dr. Sh op's Croup Cure is for Croup alone, remem? er. It does not claim tn rnr o dozen ailments. It's for Croun. that's oii Sold by J. G. Hall. It is a fact which mathematics can not explain, that the more affection we leave at home the more we carry with us. ' A liquid cold relief with a laxative nrin. ciple which diives out the cold through a copious action 01 me Dowels, and a heal ing principle which lingers in the throat and stops the cough that is Kenned v's Laxative CougrTSyrup. Safe and sure'in its action; pleasant. to take; and conforms to the National Pure Food and DrtiP- T.ar Contains no opiates. Sold by J. G. Hall No matter "how bad anything turns out, there is always comfort in it for a ot of people who are able to saj- they told us so.x It's a pleasure to tell our readers about a Cough Cure like Dr. Shoop's. For vears ur. snoo has lought pgairst the use of Opi um Chloroform, or other unsafe inprp. dients commonly found in Cough remedies. ur. snoop, it seems, has welcomed the Pure Food and Drug Law recently enacted for he has worked along similar lines many years, tor nearly 20 years Di Shocp's Cough Cure containers have had a warning printed on them against Opium and other narcotic poisons. He has thus made it possible for mothers to protect their chil dren by simply insisting on having Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. Sold by J, G. Hall." . SAFE Deposit boxes for rent, mod ern system, in the vaults of the Bank of Granville.

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