OXFORD PUBLIC LEDGER, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1907. u BY IMPURITIES IN THE BLOOD Whenever a sore refuses to heal it is because the blood is not pure and Jiealthy, as it should be, but is infected with poisonous germs or some old 'blood taint which has corrupted and polluted the circulation. Those most usually afflicted with old sores are persons who have reached or passed mid dle life. The vitality of the blood and strength of the system have naturally begun to decline, and the poisonous germs which have accumulated because f a sluggish and inactive condition of the system, or some hereditary taint which has hitherto been held in check, now force an outlet on the face, arms, legs or other part of the body. The place grows red and angry, festers and eats into the surrounding tissue until uleer, fed' and kept open by the impurities with which the blood is saturated. "Nothing is more trying and disagreeable than a stubborn, non-healing sore. The very fact that it resists ordinary remedies and treatments is good reason for suspicion; the same germ -producing cancerous ulcers is back of every old sore, and especially is this true if the trouble is an inherited one. Washes, salves, nor indeed anything else, applied directly to the sore, can do any permanent good ; neither will remov t 7 of fur yeaYstandTn ing the sore with caustic plasters or the ias a small pimpla at first but it surgeon's knife make a lasting cure. If fnaevey'ay fbeTaml every particle of the diseased flesh were .larmed about it and consulted taken away another sore would come, be todiSVth"ire5f5SnSed cause the trouble is in the blood, and the to grow worse. I saw S. S. S. ad- B1O0D CANNOT BE CUT AWAYm Indaft?rat"kinntma while ? was The cure must come by a thorough cl-ans-completely eurd- ltfy fromhe Dg tue blood. In S. S. will be found e&TctoYS. 3?S., and therehTs not a remedy for sores and ulcers of every kind. Tbeen any sig-n of the sore since it is an unequalled blood purifier one that B. S. S. cured it. ? . a TH03. OWEN. West Union, Ohio. PURELY VEGETABLE Then the sore begins to heal, new flesh is formed, all pain and inflammation leaves, the place scabs over, and when S. S. S. has purified the blood the ore is permanently ured. S. S. S. is for sale at all first class drug stores. Write for our special book on sores and ulcers and any other medical advice you desire. We make no charge for the book or advice. TH SWSFT SPEGIFBG GO, ATLANTA, GAm li ' IyMI1! ill ''. jJsj jj For Infant? and Children. mmmmmmmm' i Always . Bought i sin$a:?n3 lUci-'ooti andRegula- tifi I;; ia4 ttv Stoiaacis aadBowcls of 3X3 tll8 M 40 u-j-'-KHtinmtimtm Mk Jr V Hi - 111 Signature A li fj ;iuss andKestContains neither nx & M iW (: 0;jjitiPwi'orph!ne norIiierai. fijjj 01 1 L Iji Kot "Narcotic . m mi - pj -I v M 1 jf I n MxSviw 11:1! f4 w fj Rock'-Us&Utt- I Sil CfSJI - 8 ha 1. CAstfi'sd Sugar I M JUS v T6T SB I A perfect Remedy for Conslipa- 'II f f B' UO.B I ; Oo Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea M I h I ! Wsrms. Convulsions .Feverish- di jr Is M fl.i f I nes and Loss of Sleep. mJ ' Tui Uul FcSmillc Signature or Thirty Years " XACT COPY WRAPPED U ' TMS atNTCUK CSKMNV. NEW VOKK 0ITT. .Let not our goomiess be professional; j Jet it be the simple, natural outcome : of your character. Therefore, cultivate character. It7 Is your baby thin, Make him a ScQft's Emzilsion bab Scott' f E,mxitjiion is Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites prepared so that it is easily digested by little folks. Consequently the baby that is fed on Scoff s Eimxxlston is a sturdy, rosy cheeked little fellow full of health and vigor. ALL DRUGGISTS; 50c. AND $1.00. Administratrix Notice. The und rsined having this day qualified as administratrix of the estate of the late Percy C. Parham this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to me or my attorneys, Graham & Dev lu, within one year from this 'date or this no tice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment. This 22nd day of December, 1906. SARAH C. PAIUIAM, Administratrix Percy C. Parham, deceased. Jan 4. 6w n-p FED AND ll,iUU KEPT OPEN it becomes a chronic and stubborn promptly cleanses it of all poisons and taints. It gets down to the very bottom of the trouble and forces out every trace of im purity and makes a complete and lasting curd. S. S. S. changes the quality of the blood so that instead of feeding the diseased parts with impurities, it nourishes the irritated, inflamed flesh with healthy blood. The Baptist Sunday School Assem- bly lor North Carolina will be held in Asheville during the coming summer, from Julv 9th to 14th' inclusive. weak, fretful ? Wank Earle ParMni, ATTORNEY I COUNSELOR HT LAW 27 William Street. NEW YORK, M.Y All legal matters promptly at tended to, especially proceedings in probating of wills. lie Castle Comedy. CONTINUED FROM PAGE 7. ended slyly. "And you got away," questioned Sir Henry, still angry, but not knowing what to do. She went on with the utmost meek ness: "I had your pet hunter at the lodge gate, sir; a long cloak on the sad-, die. pistols and a dagger in the hol sters" archly "I believe you prom ised 'French Percy' those? Cousin Jack Tercy's grandson was waiting in our hut for me. And, dad, dad!" she ended it with a tender rush "we were so afraid we'd miss you and the bishop and after so much trouble I'd had spoil ing your pistols too." For the first time since the wedding St. Croix spoke. "And had we missed you. Sir Henry. I should have been forced to go back of mine own accord to your gallows, for I would not leave her in England except as my wife, and Mistress May would not come unless I promised you should see us married and give con sent." . Sir Henry whirled on him. "And you callvhat I gave 'consent you impudent .scoundrel" 'The bishop heard you say, 'I do, with all my heart,' " broke in St. Croix aceusmglv. 'A trick!" roared Sir Henry "a trick that no one but" Jack Percy's grandson could have executed." finished. May Percy for him. 'Jack Percy's grandson Jack Per cys fraud son, he repeated musingly. For the first time the phrase seemed to take hold of him. 'And your son now, dad." whisnered May Percy softly. Iler father glanced inquiringly to- ward the bishop. "By the law of God and the church they are man and wife, Sir Henry." f With sudden impulsiveness May Lat- apie, countess St. Croix, threw herself into her father's arms. '"And. dad, you can't hang your own son, she cried. "And he is going to leave me with vdu until the Avar is over and he can come for me again with honor." In the clear, revealing moonlight, over the bowed head of the girl in his arms, the chief of the Percys studied the new heir to the line. "Jack Percy's grandson," he muttered at last in unwilling admiration. Then the two involuntarily looked at the one both loved. The struggling Percy pride died hard. At last Sir Henry opened his arms. "Take her, boy," he said briefly. THE END. Wliat Slie SaiI. Bride Oh, John, darling, I'm so glad you've come home! Cook is acting something awful smashing dishes and tearing around like a lunatic! Do go and soothe her. Groom Wiiy, sweetheart, what upset her? Bride Nothing at all escentthat I told her you said she was a fierce cook. Abolished State Dispensary. The South Carolina Legislature has abolished the State dispensary system of handling liquor, the creature and pet of Senator Tillman, which has been in existence 14 years. The peo ple of the various counties will decide the matter of dispensary or local op tion by vote. The Governor has also removed from office J. M. Rawlins, John Black and Joseph B. Wiley, di rectors of the State dispensary, who are charged with misconduct, neglect of duty and incompetency, the specific charges being that these officials disre garded the law, did not buy on sealed bids and approved large purchases in Cincinnati and Peoria at prices in ex Cess of the regular bids. insurance Bills. Of all the number of insurance bills which have been introduced in the leg islature, only one has been enacted into law, this being the bill to prohibit very long insurance bill has been in troduced in the senate by Greer, mak ing the policy issued by any life com pany an absolute contract between the company and the insured and any writing not included in or attached to it should be void, policies to contain only essential and clear statements, re bating or refunding of part of commis sions or premiums by agents or com panies to be punishable; specimens of all policies to be filed with the insur ance commissioner so lie can pass upon them and sanction them, Xo compa ny to be licensed which issues what are known as board contracts, or any policies of that kind. Companies which issue fictitious circulars of state ments to be warned not to do so and if they repeat the offence the license may be revoked. This is one of the most sweeping insurance bills of all the number introduced. WilMe wailea and Winnie Wheezed, while wintry winds whined weirdly. Wil lie wriggle 4 while Win n-ie wheezed wretch edly. Wisdom whispers, winter winds work wheezes. Wherefore we write, ..Ue Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup." Noth. inr else so good. Sold by J. G. Hall. ! NORTH CAROLINA NEWS. CULLED FROM THE VARIOUS PAPERS OF THE STATE. Tar Heel Items for Tar Heel Read ers Some Happenings in Old North Stale. Fire destroyed an old stable in Con cord Thursday and seven horses were burned with the building. A live electric wire, broken by sleet, fell on and killed two horses in the streets of Wilson last week. A new bank has been incorporated at Durham. It is a negro institution, with $10,000 capital stock. ; Memorial services in honor of W. P. Fife were held in the Methodist Church at Thomasville last Sunday, allthe churches taking part. Charlotte, after a ssrenuous 14-day canvass for funds for a new Y. M. C. A. building, has secured more than $87,000, far more than was required. At a meeting held last Wednesdaj Ashe county citizens started a move ment for an election to vote $100,000 of bonds for railroad for Ashe county. In Columbia, Tyrell county, some days, the jailer took meals to 2 white prisoners. The prisoners rushed out of the open door and locking the jailer leisurely departed. Mrs. Etta Chilton died Thursday at her home near Greensboro from the effects of burns received a few days be fore while trying to light the kitchen stove with kerosene oil. The Buncombe county grand jury has indicted the Southern Railroad for running trains on Sunday. The law in this State prohibits the hauling of freight on Sunday, except live stock and perishable goods, but it is a dead letter. At a meeting of Board of Aldermen of Mt. Olive it was decided to build j city hall and market house costing some $10,000. The members of the Methodist, Baptist and Presbyterian congregations there will erect 3 hand some churches, aggregating about $30, 000. The Asheville Citizen hears that proceedings may be taken against the sheriff of McDowell county on the ground that he did not use proper ef forts to capture Jesse Burlison, the wealthy lumberman who recently kill ed Nat Thomas in McDowell county, and who is yet at large. The State board of health in its bul letin reports smallpox in Alamance, Bertie, Currituck, Durham, Franklin, Guilford, Johnston, Richmond anc - t Wake counties Wake leading with 68 cases. Pneumonia is reported in 37 counties and diphtheria in 25, ty phiod fever in30,with influenza in 15. The grand jury at Clinton, after investigating the financial condition of Sampson county returned true bills of indictment against A. W. Amans, for mer Republican sheriff of the county, who recently made an assignment for embezzlement of State funds andcoun ty funds to the amount of $30,000 or $35,000. Bills were also found against V. J. McArthnr, A. T. Herring and Geo, Highsmith, the former Board of County Commissioners, for turning over the tax books to Aman without settlement for the previous ear, for failure require him to give bond school fund, also against J. R. Peterson, W. J. Faircloth and C. E. Jackson, the present Board of Commissioners, for failure to require thepresent treasurer of the county to give school bond. Tax Assessing Year. This is the year for tax assessing. The Couuty Commissioners are to ap point three tax assessors on the first Monday in April for each township. These men must be freeholders and must have been residents of the town ship at least twelve months. It shall be the duty of this board to sit during the month of June for the purpose of assessing taxes for their townships. The law says that they shall deter mine the value of each piece ofproper tyby its ."true value," and expressly states that the value shall not be fixed at what the property would bring at "forced" sale, but what it would bring at a "cash" sale. The law is explicit, and if the assessors who shall be ap pointed will read the law they 'will be more careful in their valuation. I Subscribe to the Public Ledger, Rising From the Grave. A prominent manufactuier. - Wm. A. Fertwell, of Lucama, N. C, relates a most remarkable experience. He savp. "After taking less than three bottles of Electric Bitters, I Jeel like one rising fr m the grave. My trouble h, Briht's disease in m- Diabetes stage I fully believe Elec tric Bitteis will cure me permanent v, for it has alredv stopped th? liver and blad der complications which hWve troubled me for years." Guaranteed bvR L Hamil ton, druggist. Price only 50c -m When the people go to church to hear popular novels discussed and go to the theatre to witness the delineation and portrayal of biblical characters, it looks as if things are getting mixed, and trees are bearing peculiar fruit . To stop a cold with Preventics" is safer than to 1-t it run and cure it afterwards. Taken at the "sneeze stage" Preventics will heal off all colds and Giippe, and per haps eave you from Pneumonia or Bronchi is Preventice are little toothsome candy cold cure tablets se'ling ins cent and 25 cent b xes. If you are chilly, if you begin to sneeze try Preventics They will sure ly check the cold, and please you. Sold by J. G, Hal!. Upon finding that one of the jurors before whom he would be tried was a woman, an' Ohio man pleaded guilty, and threw himself on the mercy of the court. That looks like a good argu ment in favor of woman jurors. Washington Post. MEN PAST SIXTY IN DANGER. More than half of mf?-kind over sixtv years of age suffer from kidney ai:d blad der d sorders, usually enlargemer-t of pros trate gland. This is hoth painful and dan gerous, and Foley's Kidsiey Cure should be ;aken at the first sign of danger, as it cor rects irregularities and has cured nr. any Id men of this eisease. Mr Rodney Bur nett, Rock Port, Mo , writes: "I suffered with enlarged prosiate glard and kir" ?y rouble ft yearj. nnd aft r taking lw' b) -'ies of Foley's K dney Cure I f-el Lttrer than I have for twenty years although 1 am. now 91 years old." . c. Hall. The collison between the steamship Larchmont and the schooner Harry Knowlton, off the Rhode Island coast on Monday night, was heartrending in its results; already 72 bodies of the victims have been recovered, and the sufferings of the few survivors who were almost frozen is horrible. m Neighbors Got Fooled I was 1 terally coughing myself to depth, nd had become too weak ' o leave my bed; f.nd neighbors predicted that I wou'd nev- r 1-ave it alive; but they g-t fooled, for harks be to God I was induced to try Dr. Kmg's New Discovery. It to- k just four ne doll r bottles to completely cure the coutfh and restore me t. good sound heath, writes Mrs Rva Ucapher, of Grovertown. Stark Co., Ind. This King of cough and cold cures, and healer of throat and lungs, is guaranteed by R. L. Hamilton, Druggist. 50c and Si 00. Trial battle free. A scheme has been broached in Iowa to compel a man to take out a life insurance policy for $1,000 before he can secure a marnasre license. Special Announcement Regarding the National Pure Food and Drug Law We are pleased to announce that Foley's Honey and Tar for coughs, colds a?d lung troubles is not affected by the National Pure Food and Drug Law as it contains no opiates or o:her harmful drugs, and we re commend it as a safe remedy for children and adults. J G. Hall. The embezzlement of the cashier of the Savings bank at New Britain, Conn., amounts to $565,000. For Biliousness and Sick Headache. Take Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup. Ii sweetnns the stomach aids digestion and acts as a gentle stimulant on the liver and bowels without irritating these organs. Ori no Laxative Fruit Syrup cures btllousn ss ind habitual constipation. Does not nau seate or gripe and is mild and pleasant to take. Remember the name Orino and re fuse any substitute. I G.Hall The members of the North Carolina National Guard will probably have the opportunity of seeing the James town Exposition at Uncle Sam's ex pense. A Guaranteed Cure For Piles. Itching, blind, bleeding or piotrudin? piles Druggist refund rroney if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case no mat ter of how long sianding in 6 or 14 days First application gives ease and rest 50c If your druggist hasn't it send 50c in st imps nd it wl I be forwarded p stpaid by Paris Medicine Co., St. Louis Mo. If every woman was as careful to select a husband to match her disposi- lon as she is in selecting a dress to match her complexion, there would be ewer unhappy marriages than there are. Deafness Cannot ds Cored by local applicatiTf, as they cannot eacii the dveaeed portion of the ear, There is cri3y one way to cure ueamess, and that is hy constat!- iodst remedies. Deafness Is canaed by an in flamed condition of the mncono U ing of tbe wnstachian Tne, wnen tnis tnoe gets inflamed and whfo it ia enMrely closed Deafness i th result. and unless th" inflammation can be takr n ou have a rnmblmg: pound or imperfect hear're out this tube restored to its norm! condition bearing will be rtsis'r yed forever; nine cae out of en are caused by catarrh, which Is nothing out an inflamed condition of the mucous surface. We 'will gi?e 100 dollars for anv case of Deaf ness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be ru-ed b? Halls Catarrh Cure, Send for circulars- free. F. J. CH3NEY Co, Toledo O eySoid by Drug?its, 75c. Balls Familv rii we xa reft. Relations between Ilayti and Ger many are said to be strained. This is )ecoming a little too local for our eom- ort. A Card. This is to cerdfy that all druggists are uthnrized to refund your money if Foley's Honey and Tar fails to cure your coueh or cold. It stops lhe cough, heals the lungs and prevents serious results from a cold. Cures la grippe cough and prevents pneu monia and consumption. Contains no opiates, lhe genuine is in a vellow pack. I age. Refuse substitutes. T. G. HalU A Habit to Be Encouraged. The n.oiher who has acqnired the habit of keeping on hand . a bottle ot Chamber lain's Cough Remedy, raves hers If a great amount of uneasiness and anxiety Coughs, clds and crfup. to which children aresu' cept'ble are quickly cured by its use. It counteracts any Tendency of a cold to re sult in pneumonia, and if given s soon as the first syn ptoms of croup appear, ft will prevent the attack. This remedy contains nothing, injurious and mothers give it to little ones w th a feeling of perlect securi ty. Sold b J G Hll. chronic growler is ridden on a rail. Surely the rough rider gains no fame there. Common Colds are the Cause of Many Serious Diseases. Physicians who have gained & national reputation as analys s of the cause of va rious diseases, claim that if catching cold could be avoided a long list of dangerous ailments would never be- heard of Every otie knows that pneumonia and consump tion originate from a cold, and chronic ca tarrh, bronchitis, and a'l throat and lung 'rouble are aggravated and lendered more serious by each fresh attack. Eo not risk your life or t?Ka chances when you haye a cold. Chamberlain's Cough Reiredy will cure it before these diseases develop This remedy contains no opium, morphir-e or other harmful drusr and has thirty years cf reputation back of it, sained by its cures under every couditlon. For sale by J . G. Hall. Many poems have been written on the late blizzard, but none of them con tained fire enough to thaw it. Does Coffee disagree with you? Proba ble it does! Then trv Dr. SI oop's Health Coffee. '"Health Coffee is a clever combi nation of parched cereals ard uts. Not a 'jrain of real (V-fTee remember, in Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee, vet its flavor an i tas1' matches closlv old J-iva. and Mocha Coffee. If our stomach, heart, o kidtx-vs can't s'ana CofTV-e drinking, trv Health Coffee. It is wholesome, nourshirg, and satisfying. 'It's sfe even for the vouncest child. Sold bv Breedl:ve & McFarland. Let the peace plans go ahead at The Hague. They are harmless. They wont prevent war. TYNER'S DYSPEPSIA REMEDY. Many Have Dyspeosia Don't Know it. Do you belch up w nd ? Tasta y"ur food after eating? See specks before the eyes? Ari vou pale and haggard ? Does your heart flaner? re you dizzv ? Do you have pains in eide or back? Rising or pimples on the skin? Are you low spirited? Is there a sour taste? Breath bad? Head ache? Weak Kidneys? Billions less ? Con stip ited ? Ae vou nervous ? If so vou have Dyspepsia, and it is a dangerous condition. To cure take Tyner's Dyspepsia Remedy. It is made for pst such troubles and symp toms Tyner's Dpspe sin Remedy removes acids from the stomach, strengthens weak stomachs and cures the worst Dyspepsia or Indigestion. Dru?icts or by express 5icts aboitle Motiey refunded if it f:iils to cu re. J, G. Hall. Oxford, N. C 6 Wood's Seeds. Irish Cobble Seed Potatoes have proved by long" c3ls the most productive Extra Early Po tato in cultivation. Read the let ters from truckers, in our New Descriptive Catalogue for 1 907. We are the largest dealers in Seed Potatoes in the South; Maine-grown Second Crop Northern-grown all high-gTade stocks selected and grown especially for seed purposes. Write for prices and WOOD'S 1907" SEED BOOK, telling about all seeds for the Farm and Garden. Mailed free on request. T. 7. WOOD g SOrlS, Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va. HELP IS OFFERED TO WORTHY YOUNG PEOPLE We earnestly request all youncf persons, no matter how limited their means or education, who wish to obtain a thorough business training and good posi tron, to write by first mail for our great half-rata offer Success, independenceand probable fortune are guaranteed. Don't delay. Write today. The Ga.Ala. Business College, Macon, Ga, In case of Accident to use the Telephone just one time MAY BE WORTH A YEARS RENTAL ' As Little as Five Cents Per Day places one in your residence. 3

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