OXFORD PUBL FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1907. TfiE OXFORD PUBLIC LEDGER. BY JOHN T. BRITT. ONE YEAR - -SIX MONTHS - . $ OO - - SO Entered through Oxford. N. C Post Office as mail matter of the second class, in accord ance with the Act of Congress, March 6, isty. THE BOND ISSUE ACT For Granville Passed by The Last Legislature. An act to authorize the board of com missioners of Granville county to is sue bonds in the sum of one hundred thousand dollars to build macada mize and improve the public roads . of said county. The General Assembly of North Caro lina do enact: Section 1. That for the purpose of building, grading, macadamizing and otherwise improving the public roads of Granville county, the board of com missioners of said county is hereby au thorized, empowered and directed to is sue bonds of the county to an amount not exceeding one hundred thousand dollars, in denominations not exceed ing one thousand dollars bearing inter- the rate of five per centum per annum, with interest coupons attached, payable semi-annually, at such times and places as may be directed by said board of county commissioners; such bonds to be of such form and tenor, and transfera ble in such way, and the principal thereof payable at such time or times not exceeding thiity years from the date thereof, and at such place or places as the said board of county com missioners may determine; provided, that said board of county commission ers may provide for the paying off of said bonds at any time after ten years from the date of the issue of said bonds; . 1 , j.i u4. 1, bonds authorized by this act shall be disposed of for a less price than their face value. Sec. 2. Said bonds and coupons shall be numbered and shall be signed by the chairman of said board of coun ty commissioners and attested by the treasurer of said county and shall bear the corporate seal of said county. ,. Sec, 3, A record shall be kept by the said board of county commission ers, in a book prepared for that pur pose, of all bonds sold and to whom, the amount and date of sale, and the issuing of each bond and its number. Sec; 4. In order to pay the interest on said bonds and to create a sinking fund for taking up said bonds at ma turity, the board of commissioners for the county of Granville, or other au thorities vested with the power to levy tabcfis for "said countv. khall annually compute and levy at the time of levy ing other county taxes, a sufficient spe cial tax on all polls, all real estate, per sonal property and all other subjects of taxation which said commissioners or other authority, nOw or hereafter may be allowed to levy taxes upon for any purposes whatsoever, always observ ing the constitutional equation between the tax on property and the tax on polls, provided, that after the expira tion of ten years from the issuing of aid bonds, the said board of county commissioners shall annually levy, in addition to the taxes required to pay "the interest on said bonds, a tax suffi cient to create a sinking fund sufficient in amount to pay off one thousand dol lars of said bonds in each and every year; and provided further, that the said board of county commissioners may levy a tax, after ten years from the date of the issuing of said bonds, sufficient to take up and pay off five thousand dollars of said bonds. Sec. 5. That said taxes when collect ed shall be kept separate and apart from all other taxes and shall be used only for purposes for which the same were collected. Sec 6. That it shall be the duty of the board of commissioners for the county of Granville to annually invest any and all money arising from the special tax and from other sources for .road purposes in purchase of any of said bonds, at a price deemed advantageous to said county by said board of commis sioners and as agreed upon between them and the owners of said bonds. But in case said county bonds cannot he purchased, the said commissioners shall invest the said sinking fund upon approved security and upon such terms as are advantageous to the said county. Sec 7. That any money of the said sinking fund so loaned shall bear the legal rate of interest in North Caroli na, and any interest from said fund shall be annually re-invested in the same way. Sec 8. That the money arising from the sale of the said bonds shall be used for theipurpose of purchasing improved road machinery, to survey and lay out, grade, macadamize, improve and main tain the public roads of said county by contract or otherwise, as the said board of commissioners or the highway com mission hereinafter provided may de termine. . Sec 9. For the purpose of ascertain ing the wishes of the voters of Gran ville county upon the question of issu ing such bonds and improving the roads as provided for in this act, an .election shall be held at all voting pre cincts in said court' of Granville, on the first Tuesday in June, one thous and nine hundred and seven, it being the fourth day of June, 1907, at said election all voters in Granville county qualified to vote at said election may vote a written or printed ballot.Those who favor the pur poses of this act shall vote a ticki t with words "for road bonds" written or printed thereon, and those who oppose the purpose of this act shall vote a ticket with the words "against road bonds" written or printed thereon. And if a majority of the voters of Granville county qualified to vote at said election shall vote for road bonds, then the bonds provided for in this act shall be issued and sold according to the provisions herein contained. The said election shall be held in the man ner provided by law for the election of members of the General Assembly, except as is authorized or differently provided in this act. The board of commissioners for Granville county shall appoint the registrars and judges for election for the several voting pre cincts in said county, and they may in their discretion order a new registra tion for said election. The registrars and judges of election shall be appoint ed by the said board of county commis sioners not later than the first Monday in April, one thousand nine hundred and seven, and a list of the persons so appointed shall be published for two weeks at the court house door of said county and in some newspaper publish ed therein. The opening of the regis tration books and the holding of said election shall be in accordance with the law governing elections for the mem bers of the General Assembly. At the close of the election in each pre cinct, the votes shall be counted and returned over the signatures of the registrars and judges of election to the board of commissioners for the county of Granville. Said returns shall be executed in duplicate, one copy of which shall be transmitted to the board of commissioners of the county of Granville and one copy to the clerk of the superior court of said county. The said board of commissioners shall meet as a canvassing board on the third day after said election at the court house in Oxford at twelve o'clock j noon, for the purpose of canvassing and judicially passing upon and declar ing the result ot said election. Sec. 10. In the event that a majori- i ty of the qualified electors of sam coun ty shall vote for said road bonds at said election, the board of commissioners of the said county of Granville, may in their discretion elect a highway commission composed of not exceeding five members, who shall be qualified electors of said county and residents of different sections of said county, -whose ,enn cf office -shall be two years. Trf&$ if the said board of county commission ers shall determine to elect the said highway commission, then and in that event the said highway commission shall be clothed, with all the powers and authority now vested in the board of commissioners of the county of Granville, by virtue of the provisions of chapter three hundred and sixty four, public laws of one thousand nine hundred and three, and chapter eight hundred and three, public laws of one thousand nine hundred and five, and under the provisions of this act. Sec. 11. That said highway commis sion shall be entitled to the same per diem and mileage as the board of coun ty commissioners of Granville county, i and the register of deeds of said coun ty shall be ex -officio clerk to the said highway commission, and shall receive the same fees for his services as are al lowed by law to him as clerk to the board of county commissioners. Sec. 12. That when any of the bonds heiein provided for are sold, the pro ceeds of such sale shall be paid over to the treasurer of Granville county, who shall keep said funds and all other funds which may come into his hands under the provisions of this act sepa rate and apart from all other funds which may be in his hands, and he shall keep separate accounts of the same; and the said treasurer may be required to execute an official bond in the usual form in such an amount as the board of commissioners of soid county of Granville may determine for his faitliful safe keeping of the proceeds of the sale of said bonds, and rendering a due account in respect thereto. All orders directed to the treasurer for the payment of money under the provis ions of this act, shall state. on their face that they are highway orders and shall be signed by the chairman and secretary of said highway commission, or by the clerk of the board of commis sioners. Sec. 1 3. The said treasurer shall be allowed the same commissions now pro vided in the road law of Granville county, for disbursing road fund. Sec. 14. That the board of commis sioners of said county or the highway commission, if the same shall be elect ed, may expend any part of the bonds herein provided not exceeding twenty thousand dollars, each year, in open ing, building, repairing, macadamiz ing and otherwise improving the roads of said county, and for this purpose .they are clothed with all the powers and virtue contained in chapter three hundred and sixty four, public laws of one thousand nine hundred and kttor- X 'tods, L to L jville, general three, and chapter eight hundWa and three, public laws of one thous&rfi nine hundred and five. , Sec 15. That all expenses incurred by the board of county commissoners or the highway commission on account of stationary, books, clerk hiref neys fees, commissions etc, s paid upon their order out of provided for in this act . Sec 1 6. That all bridges n' be built in said county of Gr shall be paid for out of the fund of said county. Sec. 17. That immediately upon the ratification of this act the secretary of state shall send a certified copy of the same to the register of deeds of Gran ville county. ' ' : Sec. 18. That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. In the General Assembly read three times and ratified, this day of March A. D. 1907. Every woman apprecia'es a beautiful complexion, so much desiied by men. Such complexions come to all who use Holhster's Rocky Mountain Tea, 35 cents Tea or Tablets. J. G. all. STEM ST EMMINGS. Death, Preaching,The New Boy and What Business of Him. The plans, for Easter are all upset. Disappointed again. Regular appointments for preaching at Tally Ho first Sunday p. m. and Saturday before. Farmers have had nice weather for outdoor work for several days and have made good use of the time. Rev. A. C. Sherwood,of Creedmoor, is giving us sermons that is worth go ing miles to hear every body is invited to hear him. Mrs. Ann E. Moore, one of our highly esteemed, and oldest neighbors passed into the great beyond last Fri day morning, and the remains were bu ried on Saturday following. Rev. W. H. Puckett conducting the funeral. A large concourse of sorrowing relatives and friends attended the services. The new boy is a singularly piece of mechanism. He has grown up in a period alleged to be strenuous. He puts on trousers at the age when his father was wearing kilts. He plays football and baseball when he ought to be helping his parents, and yet he is such a delicate creature that it is hard to train him to do any work. He can't stand discipline, and everything and everybody has got to comply with his wishes. The present boys father did'nt have football, baseball, and he did'nt have some other things that are supposed to develop hardihood. But f "ijpid with infinity, Ivt v rwvairf age. ' "ti is rather could taKe him out to the wood shed, and apply the shingle and strap with no result except the youngster's im provement. AVhen he cut up at school the school master could flog him, and' the result was, that in. the future he took more pains not to be caught. He ate every thing he could get hold of; he had a bully good time, except for brief intervals of correction, and he was'nt bothered With any philosophy of life. But his son is a different kind of a boy. If the schoolmaster flogs him he pulls out his gun and shoots him. If his father sends him on an errand he declares that he has been humiliated and goes out in the barn and hangs himself. If his mother scolds him for coming in the house with out wiping his feet he drinks carbolic acid. LACK LAND ITEMS FROM EXCHANGES. NEWSY, POINTED ITEMS GATH ERED FOR OUR READERS. Catarrh Cannot be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the -eat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies. Hall's atairh Care is taken internally and act directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine . It was prescribed by one of the best physicans in this country for years, and is a regular prescption. it is com posed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting dir ctly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what prodaces such wonderful results In curing Catarrh. Testimon i&ls free Address, V. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold bv Druizeists. 7&c. Take Halls Famil v Pills for constipation. The impression continues to grow that nobody can have a good time without spending money. For Catairh, let me send yo'i free, just to prove merit, a trial size B x of D- Shoop's Catarrh Remedy. It is a snow white crea my, healing antiseptic balm that gives in stant relief to Catarrh of the nose and throat Make the free test and see. Address Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. Large jars 50 cents. Sold by J. G. Hall. Hon. W. W. Kitchin is booked to address the Confederates at Mt Airy on the 10th of May. Cured Hemorrhages of the Lungs. "Several years since my lungs were so badly affected that I had many hemor rhages," writes A. M. Ake, of Wood, Ind. I took treatment with several physicians without any benefit. I then started to take Foley's Honey and Tar, and niy lungs are now as sonnd as a bullet. I recommend it in advanced stages of lung trouble." Fo ley's Honey and Tar stops the cough and heals the lungs, and prevents serious re- suits irom a com. tteiuse suostuuies. j. G. Hall. Massachusetts increased its "dry" area at the recent municipal elections. There are many tonics in the land, As by the papers, you can see; But none of them can equal Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. Subscribe to the Public Ledger. Short and Seasoned, Wis6, Pert, Gay and Solemn Things Talked About . in the Merry-go-Round. The town commissioners of Mount Olive have adopted a curfew ordinance. Boys and girls under seventeen years of age are not allowed on the streets after night. The hour is placed at 7:30 tor April, and for the other months at such hour as the board shall designate some future time. Some sort of an animal devoured a twenty-five pound dog one night last week on the porch of a High Point dwelling. The hair and hide were left but the inwardness of the canine had entirely disappeared. The family heard a racket on the poxch during the night. It must have been a santer. The Ashboro Courier says there is a lady living near White House,m Ran dolph county, who is wearing an apron spun by her great grandmother 90 years ago and woven and made into an apron by her grandmother 70 odd years ago. It is well preserved and looks as new as the day it was made. ITo one claims the legislature pleas ed everybody m the State. It would be impossible to elect one of any party that could. But, when we reflect how well it did compared to what would have been done had Marv Ann Butler and his cohorts been elected, we feel wonderfully thankful. CharlottaNews. While the Canadian papers are tell ing all about a man who died some place in the Dominion at the age of 111 years, up jumps a frisky colored female over in Indiana, proves she is 115, then dances a hoe-down, cuts a pigeon wing and goes on about her business. No use, gentlemen, you can't beat us. An Idaho man who has eight un married daughters advertises that he wants eight sons-in-law and as an in ducement offers $1,000 to each fellow that will join the family. The thou sand might look good to some men, but there are others who ' would want the old man to guarantee that the girls are no pants pocket financiers. Mrs. Emma R. Bailey, Esquiress, a lawyer of Birmingham, called on the president a few days ago to recommend her son for the position of district judge. Mr. Roosevelt must have jollied her a bit, for the report of the interview says that she "acknowledged that she would e willing to take the office her- , , A pair of five inch surgeons scissors were taken from the thigh of Mrs. W. R. White, of Breaman, Oklahoma, at the Wiebita hospital today. She was operated on for a tumor four years ago and the scissors were left m the abdo minal cavity. The scissors worked through her body to the thigh causing excruciating pain. They were discover ed with the aid of X-ray. It is announced from Raleigh, that Mr. J. W. Bailey, for 15 years or moro editor and manager of the Bib lical Recorder, the organ of the Bap tist denomination, will retire from that paper on the first of May. and will be succeeded by Rev. C. W. Blanchard, of Clayton, Johnston county. Mr. Bailey will enter the legal profession and will make a fine lawyer. Rest is the great restorer. We tire our muscles bv exerc se and then rest to re store them; yet a great many of us do not &top to think how little rest we give our stomachs. As a usual thig no oart of our bodies is so generally overworked as our digestive organs. A tired and overworked storrach will give signs of distress to which we pay no heed until at last Dyspepsia takss hold Indigestion is just a warning and f we heed the warning we can easily avoid further consequences, Kodol is a most thorough stomach relief. It digests what you eat and gives the stomach the needed rest and greatly assists in restoring it to its normal activity and usefulness. Kodol is sold on a guarantee relief plan. It is sold here bv T- G Hall. Must Report Houses. Under a law passed by the legisla lature, the chief of police in every town is required to make out a list of immoral houses every month and file it with the mayor. The inmates of such houses are classed as vagrants and can be f punished accordingly. There is another law making the rep utation of such houses evidence against the inmates. Tf these laws are enforc ed, there will be few such places in any town. Does Coffee disagree with you? Proba bly it does! Then try Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee. "Health Coffee" is a clever com bination of parched cereals and nuts. Not a grain of real Coffee, remember, in Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee, yet its flavor and taste matches closely old Java and Mocha Coffee. If your stomach, heart, or kidneys ca.i't btand Coffee drinking, try Health Coffee. It is wholesome, nourishing, and satisfying. It's nice even for the youngest child. Sold by Breedlove & McFarland. a isK for tte Genuine r II ' Will. ''j,- fx I,, see tHat you get what you. asK for The largelv increased demand for Sun Cured tobacco, created and sustained by the distinctive quality oi the original Reynolds' Sun Cured tobacco, has encouraged other manufacturers to place on the market imitation brands and tags which are made to look so near like the genuine Reynolds' Sun Cured that unsuspecting chewers and dealers receive the imitations under the belief that they are getting tne genuine Reynolds' Sun Cured tobacco. Look close and see that the letters on the tag spell R-e-y-n-o-l-d-s' Sun Cured, and you cannot be deceived in getting what you ask for and want, the best value for your money that can be produced from the genuine Sun Cured tobacco, grown where the best sun-cured tobacco grows. r 99 ASK FOR "REYNOLDS and see that you get the original and genuine Sun Cured tobacco. i It's like vou formerly eot, before Reynold: Sun Cured was offered to the trade, costing f.-om 60c to $1.00 per pound, and is sold at 50c per pound in 5c cuts, strictly 10 and 15 cent plujs. II. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Wiaston-Salc, LC. Keclcy Cureo Do You Know What :-:It Docs-?:-: It relie es at person of de sire for strong dr nk or drugs, restores his nervous system to its normal condi tion, and reinstates a man to his home and business. For Particulars, Address The Kccley Institute, Grcensboro,N. C. Correspondence Confidential. I mBBm . - ill Si i tllCi 'OW II It 13 ' - j AND 6 Full Quarts Carolina Whiskey For rp-3 Carolina Whkey will cive excellent satisfaction. It is a well agred article and in our estimation, far superior to tha decoctions and mix tures Bold by irresponsible msil orccr whiskey houses at t'.'.OO to $.3.50 per gallon. We make a ppecial price on CAROLINA WHISKEY to show that we are rot afraid of any kind of competition Our plants cover four teen aores. making us the largest mail order whiskey house in the world. 3 SAMPLE BOTTLES FREE. Send us $2.95 and we will ship you by express 6 iull quarts ot Carolina Whiskey and we will include in same box, complimentary, a sample bottle of each, "Zulieka," "Goid Band" and Casper's 12 Year Old White Corn. SPECIAL NOTICEJ We deliver the above express prepaid anywhere in North Carolina, Virginia and West Virginia, but customers living in other states reached by Adams or Southern Express Companies, must remit 50c, extra. Buyers east of Mississippi River residing on some other express lines must send $3.95 for the G quarts and 3 sample bottles and we will prepay express. Remit cash with order and address : TKE CASPER CO., Inc., RorAnoIIe, Va. (Ah urimton-SnIem, H. C) Owners of U. 8. Registered Distillery T.o. 305, otli Dint. , Va. All whiskies made under snnervision of U. 8. Officers and guaranteed jiure uuder the National Pare Food and l)ruj Lhw. MTiT3t fmWM'wo' JsWWm I lis E3 r-M HswV' r r I'? t Yin jff'YL. Hi I :a i ' - '"" " b S ' H "II- IT It" " THAT ATTRACTS PR U- '(. 'I $Jj 1 JUL jL ll DBNT DEPOSITORS IS 1 mm magnet govi?kctw"ro' j y ZJtgM TACTION : i : . gpl1 Asa NationalBank we are under Gover ment control, and have Government projection This means the strongest and safeat bank for you to do business with. Tie First Nafioial Iinfe To Cure a Cold in One Bay Tck Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. ,g Jy SeveaMHIion boxes sold In past 12 months, ThlS signature, S&yr Cores Crip fcl V&Z Days, tim every