OXFORD PUBLIC LEDGER, FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1907. Do ng Business Afiair. When my friends thought I w-is about to take leave of this worid, on account of indigestion, nervousness and general de bilitv:'' writes A. A. Ch sholm. Treadwell, N. Y , and when it looked as if there wa no hepe lef:. I was persuaded to try Elec--ric Bitters, ann I rejoice to say that thtrv are curing me I -m now doinjf business again as of eld, and am still gaining daily." Bet tonic medicine on earth. Guaranteed by R. L. Hamilton, druggist. ?oc. "Yes, I love him; hut he wants to sit and hold my hand and talk to me every night in the week; if I could get him to cut that down to two or three nights a week he would he ideal. "Why don't you marry him?" STOMACH And Liver Trouble Cured. Orino Laxative Fruit cures stomach and liver trouble as it aids digestion, and stim ulates the liver and bowels wthout irritat ing these organs like pil's and ordinary ca thartics. It cures indigestion and sick headache and chronic constipation. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup does not nauseate or gripe and is mild and p easant to take. Re fuse substitbtes. J G Hsll. Th- News No Pure D u Cough Cure Laws wm'dbe needed, if all Couiih Cures were 'ikf Dr. Shop's Cough Cure is and has been for 20 yenrs The National Law now requires 'hat if any poiorS enter into a co'igh mixture, ft must be printed on the lab"l o' p-clcae. For this reason mothers s.nd others, houM irsist on having Dr. Sh op's Congh Cure. No poisoo-marks on Dr. Shoop's labels ard none in the medi cine, else it mu-t bylaw be on the label. And it's not only safe, but it is saia to be by those that know it best, a truly remark able cough remedy. Take no chance, par- .: 1 1 ... - nv.uiariy wnn yonr children. Insist on having Dr. Simon's Coueh Cure. Com pare carefully the Dr. Shoop package with others and see No ooison marks thee! Vbu can always be on the safe side by de manding l' snoop' cough Cure. Simply reiuse 10 accept any other. Sold by J. G Hall. A distinguished scientist says that woman, from disuse are gradually losing their arms, but as long as their "limbs" remain the ballet will survive. There is a Continued increase in the number of libraries at country schools ind it is now 1,632, this showing a re markable gain over a year ago. It is expected by the end of the year the 2 000 mark will be reached. When you need a Dill, take a oil! and be -ure it's an Early Riser. DeWiti's Little Harly Risers are safe, sure, satisfactory puis, lhe pills with a reputation. They do not gripe or sicken. They are sold by J. j. ri al. Now comes the spring "reviving old desires." But if you are not as young I as you used to be, don't predict the failure of the peach blooms, nor make j a wry face when Love kisses his sweet ! heart at the gate while the mocking birds are singing. Bitten by a Spider. Through biood poisoning caused by a spider bite, John .Washington of Boqur ville, Tex., would have lest his leg, which became a mass of running sores had he not been persuaded to irv Bucklen's Arnica Salve He writes: "The fi st application relieved, and four boxes healed, all the sores." Heals every sore. 25c. at R. L. Hamilton's, druggist. m a m m j - A man who is inflated with hot air, I In Detroit sixty -nine business firms strange to say, will not rise as quickly have entered into an agreement among as one who is loaded with brains. themselves not to em ply any man who smuh.est.-igaieu.es. 11 mat 13 tne case many a man w ill go without a job.and many a firm without a man. Thousands have proiv u ced Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea the greatest healing power on eaith. When medical science fails, it succeeds. Makes you well and keens yo" wel 35 cen's, Tea or Tablets J. G Hall. NOTICE TO OUR CUSTOMERS We are pleased to announce that Foley's Honev and Tar for coughs, colis and lus-.g troubles is nt affected by the Nat'- nl Pure Food and Drug Law as it contains no opiates or other harmful drugs, and we re commend it as a sfe remedy for children and adults. J. G. Hall "Why do you think she loves you? "She keeps all my 'letters: isn't that good evidence?" "Yes, in a suit for breach of promise." Houston Post. What is it th?t tastes as pleasant as ma ple rvia- and quickly relieves coughs and c .Ids? Mothers who have used it will quickly a-.swer: "Kennedy's Laxative Cough Svrup." The pleas art cld remedy that expels the cold through its laxatfve ac tion on the bowels Conforms strictly to the Pure Food an-1 Drug Laws. Contains r-o opiates. Sold bv T. G. Hall. , Learn to Shake Hands. One does not need to grasp the hand piles Druggist returd n-oney if PAZO- m a death like grip, but there is some- OINTMENT fails to cure anv case no mat- ; 4.1 i - 1 1 1 111 , . 1 mm" nuuuL a ioou nanasnaKe wnicn the A Guaranteed Cure For Piles. j Itching, blind, bleeding or protruding i ter of how long standing in 6 or 14 da3S. The very best qualities and biggest assortments to be found anywhere at the smallest prices it is possible to name. Something eminently becoming for every Woman, Misses and Child is here, and we want you to come ex pecting a great deal for the money you shall not be disappointed. We keep growing and our stock is larger and more complete than ever. first application eives ease arm rest 50c. If your druggist hasn't it seDd 50c in stamps and it wl'.l be forwarded postpaid by Paris Medicine Co.. St. Louis Mo. Even the man of ways remember to wife letters doesn't al mail the one his 1 m vena him - J X (lilt is tne snent interpreter of a welcome. A person possessing a great deal of i personal magnetism may just take your j hand in his and the cordial welcome is I recognized without even so much as the slightest pressure of the fingers. Others may have a good grip, which is more like a clutch. There is no set rule for handshaking unless a person bears in mind that handshaking must be a feeling expressed with the hands and not the eye or voice. If only done through a matter of form, there is no earthly use shaking hands at all. Strong intuition serves a. (rrpat, manv The monument to Ensign Worth ! persons, and to o-rasn a. mid. .lmmv JSagley, who was killed at Cardenas, hand, which lieslike a piece of marble Cuba, during the Spanish-American I in one's ImnrL is tn m.t. Klrr haa - . . - -vw l, llCfclt,- The Price of Health. "The price of health in a malarious dis trict is just 25 cents; the cost of a. hdx of Dr. King's New Life Pills," writes Ella Slayton,- of Noland, Afk. New life Pills cleanse guntly and impart new life and vis or to the system. 25c Satisfaction guar anteed at k. l.. Hamilton druggist. Silks! Silks!! Silks!!! The richest and best values to be found anywhere. The tendency of prices is up, up, up, we bought early, and are in a position to save you money. 36 inch black guaranted Taffeta at $1, worth $1.25 36 inch black guaranteed Taffeta at $1.25,worth $1.50 36 inch black Spot Proof Jap Silk at $1, worth $1.25 2? inch Jap silks in white and black at 50c worth 75c A full and complete line of colored dress silks ranging in price from 50c per yard and upwards. Ask to see our "Money Bak" siik in black only at $1.75 per yard. Women's Neckwear. An important of a ladys " costume is a pretty neck piece of some kind. It enhances the look of the new gown. There are many new patterns here from which to choose. Ready made shirt waists in a full and com plete line ranging in price from $1 in sheer-pretty em broidered lawns to handsome embroidered Jap silks in white and black up to as high as $8; also a beautiful assortment of Ready to fit embroidered lawn waists at $1 and $1.25; ask to see them. Millinery! Millinery!! Never have new hats been so charming or universal ly becoming. There are styles to suit all, and you are assurred correct models if they come from us. Miss Garrie . Francis assisted by an able corps of assistants will be pleased to show you and you can rest assured you will have every attention. Rugs and Mattings. We are ready to show our latest arrivals of Ghina and Jap mattings. The greatest variety of styles pat terns and colorings. A very complete line of velvet, moquetts and Smyrna Rugs ranging from 1.00 up to 35.00. Shoes! Shoes!! Shoes!!! What adds more to a lady's appearance than a dainty foot with a well fitting shoe. Our line of Oxfords, Ties, Pumps and Sandals is larger and better than ever. The celebrated Zeigler Bros and other makes of a cheaper grade. Embroideries and Laces. "They are so sheer and dainty" is the opinion we hear expressed here day after day. It describes our as sortment properly, but gives no idea whatever of the vast variety of fabrics and weaves we have gathered together for your approval. For one day only Monday April of- -rT iMHiinDiTiiMiianii ii.Trii m i nt.rt we will have a special sale and allow a discount of 1 5 per cent. Remember the day and date, only one day will this special offer last. A chance of the season to buy your embroideries. war, will be unveiled in Raleigh May 2Utll. ed person feel like he had come contact with the wrong party.1 in Come prepared to spend the day with us, will give you every attention and cheerfully show our goods whether you' buy or simply want to look. R J g 1 mammi Elxa wxb SASTOIT YOUR & A 13 f IVE it food that will not irritate or Jfretard the performance of its natural -functions, and it will reciprocate in a way agreeable and comforting. No single ingredient contributes so largely toward wholesome, nourishing, agreeable food as Royal Baking Powder. Royal Baking Powder's active ingre dient, Grape Cream of Tartar, is the most healthful of the fruit products. This is why Royal Baking Powder makes the food finer, lighter, more appe tizing and anti-dyspeptic, a friend to the stomach and good health. Imitation Baking Powders Contain Alum "The use of alum and salts of alumina in food should be PROHIBITED. The con stant use of alum compounds exerts a deleterious effect upon the digestive organs and an irritation of the internal organs after absorption. s "EDWARD S. WOOD, M. D. v' "Professor of Chemistry "Harvard Medical School, Boston." Why Did They Do It. Without any reference to the whisk ey question whatever, we would love to know why the most furious deliber ative body on earth granted the right to vote on liquor to Creedmoor," a hole in the ground in Granville county with but GO odd voters, and turned right around and denied the same right to Lexington, a town with upwards of 700 voters, a population between five and six thousand,and room enough to hide a dozen or two Creedmoors. The leg islature granted several other absurd ly small villages the same privilege it granted to Creedmoor and denied Lex ington, and yet it is being said in high piaees ttiat the legislature was consis tent on the liquor question. It may have been on that question, but it was not con si stent on the question of local self-government. It is very probably true that no town or individual has a right to sell whiskey, and it is very probably right that none should be al lowed to, but in the name of common sense, if any town is to have the right to vote on it, then give them all the right,and if none should have the ridit even to express itself; then give the right to none. Waiving all other considerations, and bringing it down to a question of justice and fairness,the legislature acted mighty queerly in letting a place like Creedmoor vote ana retusmg to let a place like Lex ington. Lexinirton Disoatch. Why Certainly The You can afford it! 38 cents per week has every facility for handling your Bank account acceptably and it cordially invites your banking business pays for a TELEPHONE at your RESIDENCE Combiaed with satisfactory service and liberal treatment Safe deposit boxes of the best kind for rent. OYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK Happened in Charlotte in a Week. Hell has broke loose in Charlotte, as well as Georgia a citizen killed a fellowman, a Sunday school teacher has skipped with $73,000, a whiskey still was captured in the heart of the city, a bawdy house discovered on a main street and a chicken thief arrest ed, all inside of a week in the Queen City and hit a pro-high-bition town, with a revival in full blast. Char lotte Observer. J. W. Holder, of Lumber Bridge, aged 23 years, was loading a log on a cart, when the tongue flew up and struck him about the head, breaking his neck, and causing instant death. He was from Harnett county. Ue Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup. Children like its pleasant taste, and moth ers give it hearty endorsement. Contains noopiates, buf drives out the cold through the bowels. Made in strict conformity to Pare Food and Drug Laws. Recommend ed and sold by J. G. Hall. E In Valuable ' Land For Sale TFIK WAT KINK PLACE, CONSISTING of a!xmt9i0 acres, situate on Grassy Creek. The improvements consist of 8-room dwell ing, outbuildings including new stable, dairy, chicken house! three tenant settlements, flue curing barns, etc. GO acres under wire fence. Also Red Poll Cows and I Hi roc-Jersey sows. Address. A. K. DRESEL. meh22 3m R. V. I). No. 1, Nelson, Va. Executors Notice. The undersigned having ttiis day qualified as Executor of the estate of the late Milissa II. Gilliam this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to me within 1 year from date or this no. tice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This March 26th 19J7. It. W. LASS1TKB, Kxeeutor. HAS 3 BALSAM Cleanses and Dutific3 the hIfcS I'roznotes a Inxuri&nt RrowtlC 1 Never Fails to Keetoro Ciry Cures icalp ii & hair ftllicjt Dp. B. K. Hays May be found in his office from 10 to 12 a.m. Only emergency calls answered during office hours. Two years special study in disease of the eye and fit ting glasses. CONTAINS NO HARMFUL DRUGS Cures Coughs, Colds, Croup, La Grippe, Asthma, Throat The Genuine is in ti. and Lung Troubles. Prevents Pneumonia and Consumption yellow package Sold by J. G. HALL. r Grove's Tasteless Chill Tome has stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales over One and a Half MxHIoa pottles Does this record of merit anneal to von 7 Nn Cnro. Pav. ?n-