V 4 OXFORD PUBLIC LEDGER, FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1907. I? vr -An tttttp M ttii nn "Was the great attraction so successfully presented by our home talent on Monday night at the Opera House. But purity, accuracy and promptness are among the many attractions which are presented daily at Hamilton's Drug Store There is another great attraction now on hand at his storea handsome reed Rocking Ghairis now awaiting the call of the same lucky per son holding coupon No. 775 or No 6 or No 1031 on blue cou pons. Please look up your numbers and bring them in. If you wish towear diamond trade at Hamilton's and get the best. If your heart is right you will be sure to trade there and take advantage of his bar gains. TiieFe is Onlu One Instance when you can aflbrd to turn your back on a good thing, and that's upon a ODV Porous KfciA Plaster Doit: For your back's sake; For your back's ache. FOR SALE BY, R. L. HAMILTON 5c Boscbottles 2 doses 10c, 8 doses 25 cents. When you want a Good Smoke or a Chew, Something to Read, Choice Fruits, Soft Drinks, Delicious Candies, Writing Material, etc. Drop in the store of . Next Bank of Granvile. Send or write to us for any thing carried in a first class jewelry store. We can furnish latest styles and best quality at lowest prices; everything marked in plain figures, and one price to all. Your little boy can buy, from us as cheap as you can. Prompt attention given to mail orders. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Bring us your repair and optical work and we will show you how good and how cheap it can be done. F. N. DAY, Jeweler, John H. Waller, Manager. en-It ris Cl HORT POINTED LOCALS. BRIEF LOCAL HAPPENINGS OF THE WEEK. Items to Keep Reader Informed of What is Going on in Around Town and Country. Carpenters have' commenced work on the new kitchen of Mr. Zack Lyon. Mrs. T. W. Winston, who has been numbered with the sick, is much bet ter. The new residence of Mr. Wyatt Cannady is now in the haads of the painters. $ There will be services at the Pres byterian Church Sunday morning and night, with extra music at night ser vice. S The interior of the Presbyterian church is undergoing repairs and the services are held in thfe Sunday school room. r 3 Mr. Robt. Wood has become the owner of the Currin property on Hills boro Street, the consideration being S3,000. S ' The Board of Town Commissioners held its regular monthly meeting last Monday night, transacting only rou tine business. ? An Ohio woman has a nervous afflic tion that keeps her laughing all the time, but it excuses her from church and funerals. Men begin their business careers to get rich, but they become satisfied to be able to support their family and pay their insurance. $ The original New York production of "The Clansman" will be presented at the Grand Theatre in Henderson, X. C, Tuesday, April 16th. Mr. Walter Stark has moved into his new residence on College Street be fore its completion as he had rented his old home to Mr. J. D. Brinkley. JDon't blow in your money. Our 2 banks in Oxford pay 4 per cent inter est on deposits anmially. Bank your earnings for the future, young man. A s Saturday .and Sundays was ground hog weather the electric light failed to shed its brilliant rays and our people had to call in the services of the Stan dard Oil Co. . $ We want to know when you have friends in to eat "chicken dinner" or to visit you. It is such items of news that makes the local page of your pa per interesting. We suggest in connection with the Fire Department that more interest be taken in the Hook & Ladder Co.as we notice it nas not appeared at a tire for some time. What is the matter ? -- Mr. John Booth has severed his connection with the Oxford Water & Electric Co., and accepted a position with the Granville Telephone Co., and will have charge of the erection of the lines. Mr. Walter Johnson, wlio has charge of the Fire Wagon, has devel oped into a prompt and up-to-date driver, and the quick time made in an swering an alarm of fire is due to his alertness. Sometime during Saturday night the glass of the front door to the store of Mr. L. F. Day, on Hillsboro Street, was broken and thieves entered and stole a few dollars in money, a watch and some goods. Bishop John C. Granberry, of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, died suddenly at his home in Ashland, a., Monday while sitting in a chair. He was 76 j ears old and had been bishop since 1882. Quite a number of the sidewalks in different parts of the town are be ing putin good condition. We call the at tention of the Street Commissioner to the bad condition of the macadam on porCion of College street. The Tax Assessors appointed by the County Commissioners have an impor tant duty to perform, and in all cases they should endeavor to be equal to the occasion. All property should be assessed for taxation on as uniform a basis as is possible. There should be no factions in our town. There should be a mutual in terest in the prosperity of our people. When we see indifference to the well being of its citizens, we see a town all wise men shun. Success and failure are each a part of life and often those who have made the hardest fight are vanquished in the race. Read sale of land advertised by Messrs. Goss in another column. e . ' ! Mr. Council has com menceca work on an addition to his residence JofsGil liam street. JF1 Mr. A. P. Hobgood has rejMnted his residence in North Oxford,'.. which is a great improvement. - ' ' !'; Lookout ye Road Overseers ! This is the month you have to put two days work on the public roads. .f. 4 . V .' (;. Dr. A. B. Dunaway, who has been numbered with the sick several days, we are glad to learn, is improving. Our good neighbor John Paris, who has been wrestling with Col. Gripp for several days, is about to shake him off. Read the delinquent tax list adver tised in this issue by Sheriff Howard and see if your name is printed there. ;,. . :,, The primary in Browntown will be held Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock and it is said Mr. Sid Daniel is a ''hog in" for mayor. In the Bank of Stovall statement published last week deposits subject to check should have read $10,651.95 instead of $7,536.02. . ? Mrs. Jas. S. Hobgood near JEnon, who has been quite sick for the first time in 40 years, the editor is pleased to learn is much better. . Our warehousemen, buyers' and book keepers are beginning to take it easy after a hard season's work as but little tobacco is coming in. Oak Ridge and Horner teams play ed a game of ball in Oxford Tuesday afternoon, the score standing 25 to 0. Quite a number of our people witness ed the game. " Jt& We learn the Creedmoor Dispen sary will be in charge of Mr. Lydo Curl, one of the town's most worthy young men, and Dispensary Commis sioners were fortunate in securing his services. .. S . . Although Oxford has a first-class electric light plant it is being so badly managed just now it looks like we will have to return to Standard Oil Co. again as it has come to our relief for several nights. . , :. v.: . xjbunt of "Diamonds, and Hearts" so admirably produced at the Opera House Friday night a week ago we overlooked the fact that the pretty Miss Anna Johnson preside with ease and grace at the piano. . 8 . We publish on the second page the bond issue law passed, by the Legisla ture which we hope our people will carefully read and make up their minds to vote for it as Granville is sadly in need of macadam roads. k& Rev. T. A. Smoot, a prominent min ister of the Methodist church of Dur ham, occupied the pulpit of the Meth odist church in Oxford Sunday and de livered two very interesting sermons to the pleasure and edification of the congregation. - Mr. Oscar Brown has sold his store house and cottage out on Raleigh road, just outside the corporation, to old Mr. Carroll, and the stock of goods to Mr. I. H. StegelJ, who will continue the business at the same stand. Mr. Brown will return to Virginia. Dr. Sam D. Booth, Granville's very efficient health officers and who ranks among the best in the State, informs us that the few cases of smallpox near the Durham county line are rapidly improving. It is thought the disease was brought from Durham county. The Edwards Hose Ladder Co. re quest us to return their warmest thanks to Mrs. Kate Fleming and the young ladies and gentlemen who joined her in the successful production of Dia mond & Hearts" for the benefit of the Company, as well as to all who contri buted to the success of the . entertain ment. Use Roysters Stock Food. Begin the horse right. If you would have the right horse don t han dicap a promising colt with' unwise management during the first months of growth; make the grain and feed he gets more bemficial by giving a little of Roysters Stock Food as it contains nothing injurious. But is guaranteed under the Pure Food and Drug Act of June 30, 1906. If your dealer cannot supply you, we will. South ern Stock Food Co., Oxford, N. C. Also manufacturers of Roysters Poul try Food, the kind it pays to use. 4t m e - . Warning Not to Hire. All persons are hereby warned not to hire Stephen Tharington under pen alty of the law as he has left my "em ployment without provocation. It pd. A. B. Jenkins. MOVING OF BUSY THRONG. PEOPLE YOU KNOW AND THOSE YOU DON'T KNOW. The Faces of Those Caught in Pass ing Coming and Going by Our Man-About-Town. Mr. Frank Lyon was in Durham Tuesday. Judge A. W. Graham was in Ra leigh Tuesday. Mrs. Richard Brown atives in Clover, S. C. is visiting rel- Miss Allie Gooch, of Stem, was 'an Oxford visitor Friday. , Mrs. Pete Thorp, of Oak Hill, was on our streets Monday. $ Mr. and Mrs. D. Hunt and son,, of Stem, were in town Friday. Mr. C. L, Lewis, Cashier of Bank of Stovall, was in town Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Moss,of Hester, were in Oxford Friday shopping. $ Gen. B. S. Royster was in Roxboro the first of the week attending court. Mif and Mrs. C. G. Mangum, of Route 1, were on our streets Saturday. ? Mrs. R. W. Lassiter is visiting her sister Mrs. Shields, in Jacksonville, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Spencer and children, of South Hill, are in Oxford on a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Frazier, and Miss Phipps, of Route 1, were in Ox ford Friday, S Mr. L. H.Dement, of, Route 5, was in town Wednesday and called on the Public Ledger. $ Misses Daniel and Mr. R. A. Av& rett, of Tar River, were in Oxford Monday shopping. , Mr. E. C. HarriSjOf Dickerson, and Chairman of Board of Commissioners, was in town Monday. ::-- Miss Patty Norman, of .Baltimore, is visiting hejnJil friend, Mrs. Mary. C Cannady on College street, ' - ; Miss Florence Land is, of Oxford, has been chosen one of the Marshals at the State Normal Commencement. : Mr. W. E. Stark left Wednesday to resume his position with the Long Branch Railroap1 atAsbury ParkN. J. $. Miss. Mildred Taylor has returned to Oxford after a protracted stay with her sister, Mr. Win. Smith, in Wilson. $ Col. Willie Osborn, of Greensboro, was in Oxford Friday attending meet ing of Directors of Oxford Buggy Co. Mr. James Cheatham and daughter, of South Hill, a., attended the fu neral of his brother near Oxford Sun day. Mrs. J. T. Britt returned Friday from an extended visit to her daugh ter, Mrs. Geo. W. Hobbs, at Ruther ford, N. J Mr. J. R. Hay nes, who travels Vir ginia and North Carolina for the Tay lor-uannaay nuggy v,o., spent Satur day and Sunday in Oxford. Kev. diaries I'ooJe, a prominent educator of Jamaica Plains, was the pleasant guest of Mr.ljouis de Lacroix several days the past week. $ Messrs. J. F. Hester, of Route 1, and C. R. Hester, of Route 5, were among the Oxford visitors Tuesday and dropped in to see the editor. Mr. E. W. Jones left Tuesday for Chase City to spend awhile for his health, and truly hope his stay there will prove of great benefit to him. Dr. and Mrs. G. A. Coggeshall ar rived in Oxford Saturday from Hen derson and will again make their home here, and the Public Ledger extends to them a cordial welcome. Dr. L. C. Taylor visited Mr. R. P. Taylor, his nephew, in Louisburg the past week, and greatly enjoyed his visit. It was his first visit to Louis burg in 30 years. s Mr. Joe King, the bright editor of the Durham Herald and the State's noted paragrapher, was in Oxford Fri day and his pleasant countenance shed its genial rays in our office. FOR Sale Fine tomato plants and choice flower cuttings for sale by Mrs. R. T. Smith, Resignation of Mr. Niles. The people , of Oxford learn with deep regret of the resignation of Mr. John A. Niles as manager of the Ox ford Water & Electric Co as they found in him a kind and obliging official. Mr. Niles took charge of the plant when it was first installed in Oxford, and hence has labored under many disadvantages which naturally arise from the installing of a new business. Ho had often to contend with inferior, help, along with failure of the company to carry out their contract with the town. Under these circumstances it can be said that Mr. Niles did exceed ingly well and our people are sorry to see this excellent gentleman sever his connection with the Company. Dance at Horner School. The dance Friday, evening at Horner barracks, which had been anticipated with much pleasure by the cadets and young people of Oxford, proved a de lightful occasion. About 25 couples participated in the figures of the dance which was led by Major Smith, with Miss Fannie Gregory. The chape rones were Mrs. J. C. Horner, Mrs. H. G. Cooper, Mrs. Clifton Robards and Mrs. S. W. Cooper. A Durham band furnished music. The two companies of Horner School will go into encampment at Jamestown Exposition May 15 and remain ten days. . Tents and floors will be furnish ed by the managers of the exposition and many courtesies will be extended the cadets. There will be no com mencement exercises at the barracks this session on account of the encamp ment at Jamestown. Stop borrowing your neighbors pa per and subscribe yourself. BUSINESS GETTERS7 SAFE Deposit boxes for rent, mod ern system, in the vaults of the Bank of Granville. Clerk Wanted To begin work Monday in grocery store. Give refrr ence. Apply to W. L. Peace. Dr. S. Rapport will be in Oxford at the Exchange Hotel, Tuesday, April 16th, for the purpose of examining eyes and fitting glasses. Remember the day and date. Consultation free. SOME people say that never in their lives did they save any money until they secured a home auxiliary steel bank. Loaned free by the Oxford Savings Bank. ; : i . - : r ': ' " lr- ;r; Attention Men; U J ' $ We want! yeUow )rie dumber fpf. box crating. Write ' Vs. Conrdy Buchanan Lumber Co., Jamestown, N. Y. Young Mules for Sale. One pair young mules, three years old, will weigh about 700 pounds each. J. K. Daniel, Berea, X. C, March 19th, 1907. 4t pd. House and Lot for Sale. - I offer for sale my house, corner of College and Alexander Streets in Ox ford. Possession to be given 'Sept. 1st. Terms easy. Further particulars ap ply to Mrs. M. C. Cannady. 4t. Notice to Taxpayers taxpayers ot Oxford take notice:! The Board of Commissioners has di- j rected me to proceed at once to collect j all unpaid Town Taxes, and, if same ! are not paid within thirty days, to pro- ceed to levy. 1 To save trouble and expense to you, call on me at the office of W. A. ' Devin and pay your taxes without de-! lay. L. W. Stark, Tax Collector. 4t j Land for Sale. utors of the will of Uowland Gooch. dece.-isrl. x uiauaiit lu auinoruy vested in us ns pvw we will on FUIDAY, APRIL 26, 1907, otter for sale at public auction at the Court House door In Oxford to the highest bidder, a ship on the waters of Knap of Heeds creek, adjoining the lands of B. F. Goss. Calvin Free! man, K. II. Cash and others, known .is thf Rowland (ioss home place and containincr acres more or less. Time of sale 12 m. Terms Cash. WILLIAM GOSS. ROWLAND GOSS, Jr.. T. Lanier, Atty. '"i' j r Steam Fitting, and Supplies, Steam and Hot Water Heating, Electric Wiring.Fixtures and Supplies.Electric Irons Heating Pads, etc. Agency for Sampson Windmills, Towers,. Tanks, etc., Storer Gasoline Engine 2 to 40 horse power. Deming Hydraulic Rams. Morehead Automatic Steam Tank,Meter and Return Traps. Lawn Hydrants, Rubber Hose, Reels and Spray Nozzles. Packing, Gage Glasses.Metal Polish. Jenkins Valves and Disc. - pnone "82 IT ACY 1907 i S3 M 0 Druggist and Seedsman. SeedTiiatComeUp Garden and Field Seeds, the Trade Mark Brand. Be sure you get the best. They can be gotten at Halls Drug Store. The best ice cream in town so the ladies say and all foun tain drinks., New line tablets, stationery and other supplies arriving al most daily, i y We have a supply of Galla diums,' tube roses and carma bulbs. Also any kind of flower seed. Use Dentifoam for the teeth contains no acid or grit. Rec ommended by all dentist. Try a bottle and be convinced. The knives that cut, The Razors that cut, The Scissors that cut, are all guaranteed at Hall's Drug; Store. Spectacles and Eye Glasses that fit your eyes. Satifac tory fit every time or 'your money back. Prices right 25 ctstoSlO. Prescription Department. Is under my special care. Pu rity, accuracy and 28 years experience is what I offer you. Send your prescriptions to me and you .will 'get exactly what your doctor wants you to have J. G. HALL, druggist, toxf ord j If. G. J. i O'Qomn & Co. The Leading Florists oi NORTH CAROLINA. All cut flowers in season, Roses and Caraimtions A Specialty. Wedding bouquets and Flo ral Designs arranged in the most artistic style, at short notice. Palms and Ferns, And all not nlants fnr hnu decorations. Bedding plants J in great variety, Rose Bushes, Shrubnes, Evergreens, Hedge Plants, Shade Trees. Vege table Plants in season. Mail, ; telegraph and tele Dhone Ordpr I if icjjuvjijc Ul UCI t I DrOlTlDL V fiYPniltpH nr ! -w J J. L. O'QUINN & CO., PhOneS 149. Kaleigh, N. C. mar. 22.6m. CO. 1879 tl I

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