OXFORD PUBLIC LEDGER, FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 1907. jSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS2SSSSSSSSS3SStSSSSSc (7) liter (UXDmPI It Li rdDIf 8 fdDIII6 8 8 8 8 Ohiip IVIISpcIhisiinilI TTaifillo! WSll tDO 2m rm 1U g rFli vuiii vyiiNX 8 W k 8 J trEEli in MJOJ A.. ...) With an attractive and up-to-now line of Don't fail to call and select your suit and have your measure taken. Fit guaranteed. FT1 r yt ? 8 8 8 8 SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSG Sale of Valuable Land. Persuant to an order of sale made by the Superior of Granville county in the Special Proceedings entitled K. F. Gill and wife-vs. .Mary K. Gill and others, I shall on MOXHAY, S KPT EM UKR '23. 1907, sell to the highest bidder, at public auction for cash, at the Court House door in Oxford the following described two tracts of land: First Tract Lying and being situate in Sas safras Fork township'-adjoiiring the lands of T. W. Stovall, J. K. Perkinson and others, con taining 365 acres more or less, and known as "Ruben Hart Place." Second Tract Lying and being situate in Salem township, adjoining the lands of li. I. Breedlove, J. H. Breedlove and others con tains 212 acres, more or less, and known as 'Elijah Currin Place." The said two tracts of land being the same lands formerly owned by the late II. F. Gill, deceased, and by him devised to his wife for her life, at her death to his children. The said lands are well timbered and conveniently lo cated. Time of sale 12 o'clock m. This August 21, 1907. li. S. ROYSTER. Commissioner "Oh! for a New Cuss Word." This is the way the old man . wrote to the youth at college: "Dear William As long as you're thar, be shore and larn all the lan guages you kin. I've swore at the mule till I've wore the American lan guage to a frazzle, an' I think ef I could jes' surprise him with some new cuss words may be he'd pull the plow better. Help me out, William fer this old mule has done wore me out!" Get a free sample of Dr. Shoop's"Health Coffee" at our store. If real coffee disturbs your Stomach, your Heart or Kidnevs, then try this clever Coffee imitation. Dr. Shoop has closelv matched O Id Java and Mocha Coffee in flavor and t?ste, yet it has not a single srrain of real Coffee in it. Dr. Snoop's Health Coffee Imitation is made from pure toasted grains or cereals, with Malt, Nuts, etc. Made in a minute. No tedious wait. You will surely like it. Sold by Breedlove & McFarland. Notice of Publication. North Carolina 1 In Superior Court Granville County Before Clerk. W. L. Taylor vs James Daniel, et al. The defendants in the above action James Daniel, Sue Gregory, Ida B. Gregory, Chas. Gregory, Armstead Daniel, Nicholas Daniel, Armstead Terry and Rebecca Taylor, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior court of said county to sell for a division among the heirs of Armstead Daniel, dec'cV the 25 acres of land allotted to the widow of said Arm stead Daniel as her dower in the lands of which he died seized and possessed, and said defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear before the clerk of the Superior Court of said county on the 21st day of September 1907, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action or the relief therein demanded will be granted. This 17th day of August, 1907. C. F. CREWS, C. S. C. Public School Examination. Applicants for certificates to teach in the public schools of Granville county will be given an opportunity for examination August 30 and 31, for whites and colored respectively. Ex- animations will be held in the Court House, beginning promptly at 9 o'clock. J. F. WEBB, County Supt. of Schools. Vacation Nearing the End. The time is approaching when the pupils and teachers in the town and county schools will again be called to gether, the one to be better prepared for the battle of life, while the other will be charged with that preparation. Each will have enjoyed a long vaca tion and will probably enter upon the unfinished work with renewed energy and enthusiasm. Subscribe to the Public Ledger. Short Pick-ups. It's a wise weather prophet that knows just when to borrow an umbrel la. ' 1 Two IfflioM And A half Pouiis of 'OBHCCO IBy J. F. Meadows & Co., Proprietors itt In as much as we are the leading buyers of tobacco on the Oxford Market, engaged in the warehouse business, by the help and support of our good farmer friends and our determina tion to push every pile of tobacco put on our floor to' the top notch. We 'propose to be the leading sellers as well as the leading buyers. We don't think it is hardly necessary to mention here all the reasons why you should sell with us. We have soid our stock down very close. We have the best warehouse in town and a force second to no one to do the work. The high toned and good natured Sam Watkins will be auctioneer and floor manager, W. G. Bryan and W. James Webb will weigh your to bacco and make the figures. We, want to thank you, one and all, kindly for the liberal patronage you have given us for the past ten years and hope that we may receive from you even a larger patronage this year than ever before. We are ready for tobocco whether primed or stalk cured, We wilJ do business at the same place, Farmers Warehouse We have not sold the Farmers Warehouse to the Seaboard R. R. Go. as has been reported and removed to the Minor warehouse, we bought ah interest in the Minor worehouse, it was repaired simply to use a storage ware house to store our hogsheads in so that we might have plenty of room. . Bring us your first load of tobacco that you put on the market and we wili convince you that we will get you the highest market prices, Our accommodations will be better than ever before. Again thank ing you for all past patronage, we beg to remain, Yours to serve, eJT. FYIMesLdl w k Co., 02sdfndl, FJ. C. The great man may be sometimes mean, but the mean man can never be great. We wish all the thin skinned poli ticians could be tackled by a covey of seaside mosquitoes when there is a land breeze on Newbern Sun. In the old days it was Decessary to cheat the negro in the political game and now it is sometimes necessary to cheat white men if you hope to elect your man. , If it means an era of hard times when the government undertakes to say that the trusts shall not do as they please, the sooner we have it and are over with it the better. Alas for Virginia chivalry! A court in Richmond has declared that a hus band has the right to spank his pretty young, wife if she nags him. fea vannan Morning News. The Washington Post spoke a great truth when it said: "All that is lack ing is for the corporations and the peo ple to practice justice in their mutual intercouse and be friends." The mother whose baby fell out of bed and cried itself to sleep while she wras off playing bridge has sworn off like the fellow who gets on a spree until the next time. Greensboro Jlecord. ; It is neatly expressed by the New York World: "Heredity will tell. The granddaughter of Stonewall Jack son who eloped and was pursued through three states by an angry father won out in the end by the execution of a flank movement." The national bank note may have been through all the gambling dens in America, it may have the smell of liquor and cigarettes all over it,but if you earned it honestly it will not harm you to pay an honest debt with it, or buy candy for the baby. New Bern Sun. Senator Tillman, who is at present addressing Ohio Chataquans at so much per, has challenged Senator Foraker to discuss the race, question with him in Ohio, and says: "And before an audience composed entirely of Republicans I'll beat-him on his own proposition and make the Repub- the Seneca Infirmary. Tiffin, O., Jefferson Scott is dead at the age of 113 years. His father was a Chero kee Indian and his mother a mulatto. Both were natives of North Carolina, where Scott also was born. His age is authenticated by a certificate under seal by the State of North Carolina, declaring him a free man, which states that he was born July 4, 1794. MONEY IN ITT 2 !PritoMc ilsaDisstoi i TTOIBACCCCO. SAY. Henrv: "Where are vou rioind to sell vnnr crop of tobacco this year?" I am stoind to sell it at the Johnson Warehouse with Zack Lyon, the place that I have been selling. I have quit listning to Warehouse talk,but I watch what is done on the warehouse floor.and if vou will watch that noinf vou will sell vour tobacco at the Johnson too. Yon ty right Henrv that is what I want vou to do. and if vnn will keep your eye on the sales at the Johnson you will 4-1 1 A. 1 1 . m ms . see me iivesi piace in mis pan 01 me state. Our market is fullv onened and the hnvprs are an xious for tobacco so bring it to the Johnson Warehouse ana oe wim a live numoer. wim an good wishes I am Very truly Yours, Cures Blood Skin Diseases Eczema, Greatest Blood Purifier Free, If your blood is impure, thin, tiiseased, hot or full of humors, if you have blood poison, cancer, carbuncles, eating sores, scrofula, eczema, itching, risings and bumps, swellings or superating sores, scab by, pimply skin, ulcers, bone pains.catarrh rheumatism, or ahy blood or skin disease, take Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) Soon all sores heal, aches and pains stop and the blood is made pure and rich. Druggists or by express $i per large bottle. Sample free by writing Blood Kalm Co., Atlanta, Ga. B, B, B, is specially advised for chronic, deep-seated cases of blood or skin diseases, as it cures after all else fai's. Sold in Oxford, N, C, by J, G, Hairs Drug Store. SALE OF ALUABLE LAND. We will sell for cash by public auc tion at Stem Saturday, September 14, 1907, at 12 o'clock, the land or lots, and one store house of W. T. Stem, deceased. This August 7th, 1907. H. A. Stein, E, H. Bullock, M. J. Bullock. Children teething often suffer from Chol era Infantum, Diarrhoea, or some form of Bowel Complaint. Dr. Seth Arnold's Ba' sam is the best remedy. Warranted by J, G. Hall. 1 OIFOIRO, - - - M. C. We Hold Thee Safe' OXFORD, - - N. C. INDEPENDENT. Not controlled by any cor poration or set of men, but managed for the best interst of all its customers. ft. POWELL CONSERVATIVE Not interested in Syndi cates or any form of specu lation, but doing a purely Commercial business. PROGRESSIVE. All forms of modern bank ing carefully attended to. We want your business, none too large or small. FOUR PER CENT. Paid 'in Savings Depart ment. Come to see us. Yours truly ,W. H. HUNT, Cashier. Timber Lands, Farm Lands, Southern Mill Stocks. Southern Bank Stocks, Bought and Soli. ACTS AS Agent or Broker In all lines of business. OFFICE IN THE WHITE BUILDING. OXFORD - - N. C. Dr.l.V. Henderson DENTIST. OXFORD, - -N.C. Office overvHamii ton's Drug Store. At Creedmoor every Saturday, of fice over Citizen's Bank. apl.26. Young Jack For Sale. Weight 700 pounds, five years old; well formed, upheaded and very active. J. K. Daniel, Berea. At. pd. At'this rate the Standard Oil Com pany will have the amount in hand before it has it to pay.