OXFORD PUBLIC LEDGR, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1907 I THE SOURCE OF AIX DISEASE Every part of the body is dependent on the blood for nourishment and tiwi cfTi When this life stream is flowing throncrh the cirst-m in a cff 4 purity and richness Tre'are assured of perfect and uninterrupted health; .because pure blood is nature's safe-guard against disease. When, however, the body is fed on weak, impure or polluted blood, the system is deprived of its strength, disease germs collect, and the trouble Is manifested in various ways. Pustular eruptions, pimples, rashes and thedifferent skin affections ehow that the blood is in a feverish and diseased condition as a result of too, much acid or the presence of some irritating humor. Sores and Ulcers are the result of morbid, unhealthy matter in the blood, and Rheumatism, Ca tarrh, Scrofula, Contagious Blood Poison, etc., are all deep-seated blood disorders that will continue to grow worse as long as the poison remains. These impurities and poisons find their way into the blood in various ways. Often a sluggish, inactive condition of the system, and torpid state of the lvenue3 of bodily waste, leaves the refuse and waste matters to sour and tona uric and other acids, which are taken up by the blood and distributed throughout the circulation. Coming in contact with contagious diseases is nother cause for the poisoning of the blood ; we also breathe the germs and kricrobes of Malaria into out! lungs, and when these get into the blood in Sufficient quantity it becomes a carrier of disease Instead of health. Some re so unfortunate as to inherit bad blood, perhaps the dregs of some old constitutional disease of ancestors is handed down to them and they are constantly annoyed and troubled with it. Bad blood is the source of all dis ease, and until this, vital fluid is cleansed and purified the body is sure to puffer in some way. For blood troubles of any character S. S. S. is the best remedy ever discovered. It goes down into the circulation and removes any Bad all poisons, supplies the healthful properties it needs,- and completely and permanently cures blood diseases of every kind. The action of S. S. S. is so thorough that hereditary taints are removed and weak, diseased blood made strong and healthy so that disease cannot remain. It cures Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula, Sores and Ulcers, Skin Diseases, Contagious Blood Poison, etc.. and does not leave the slightest trace of the trouble for future outbreaks. The whole volume of blood is renewed and cleansed after a course of S. S. S. It is also nature's rreatest tonic, made entirely of roots, herbs and barks, and is absolutely harmless to any part of the system. S. S. S. is lor sale at all first class ftrug stores. Book on the blood and any medical advice free to all who write. ( PURELY VEGETABLE THE SVfJFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, CAm wmm M i l u t 1 1 iy 1 1 j rrgmum , A Tlie Band "Sou Have Always Bought, and wliicli lias been in use for over SO years, lias borne tne signature of and has been made under liis per- Jty-?-2- sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and J"ust-as-g-ood are but; Experiments that trifle witn and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORS A Castoria'is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Irops and Soothing Syrups, It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other 2farcotie substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend, CEMUIIE ASTORIA always Bears the Signature cf The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY. TT MURRAY STREET- NCW VORK CITY iiiiii ii in .miiiin . himii .u , I J IJ J HI lliiWV MMUBauaHUMMWvt-i !mnnnW? They Are Here. There are Christmas bargains waiting in the yawning shops intown; It's near Christmas. . There's a little bit o' woman who would like a brand-new gown; It's near Christmas. 1 And that is why she cuddles you and snuggles up to j ou; It's a shame she has to do it just to get Have You Seen the Sunrise. At a recent talk given Ivy Elbtrt Hubbard at Roy croft, East Aurora, N". Y., he said among other thing?: G04 has plenty of time; we are bathed in an ocean of intelligencemever a oul is lost;things change bat not the essence. This one thing moving toward perfection, a being that reflects itself, is for the race; God is not caring for ns individually.but for the whole. God what is her due! Loosen up and make her happy, make .keeps us here just as long as we reflect . 'her Christmas dreams come j good cheer, health and happiness. He true! It's near Christmas. A Little Longer. L have just a little longer here to stay Then I must go, For I know this heart will sink away Like mellow snow. I have just a little way to go with you my dear, Just a little way, Then each of us must stop and walk alone, Until God's day. Just a little Ionger.it is so sweet to lov3 So near that I know Life would not have tone wiltered rose to give - , - If one of us should go. A little longer and I must leave this place, T meet my mother, Then loved ones shall cease to see my face, But will another. A little longer I can look into your face So sweet and meek, Then you'll know my heart and watch the tears Run down my check. A little longer iusd I will be laid into the clav ' - To live no more. Yet face to face we can meet souie day Upon the other shore. " And if these lips could ever become to smile, And scarcely part, I would tenderly clasp little while, Close to my heaJrfc. THOMAS S. WALLER who quits work is put back in the melt ing pot. You stay here just as long as you're useful. Conscious spirit God is perfection. We reach these things riot through fear, not through anxiety; no fear effects first the action of elimination, the skin refuses to get rid of poison.:. Fear paralyzes the ex tremities, fear is man's worst enemy, there is no devil but fear. Think well of everybody and you are full of en ergy full of the Divine. We never see the light if we're scared, if we're frightened. The path has been through the gloom of the ten thousand years back. The supreme achievement is that out of wrong, good may come. The sun is only just rising in the East. Look toward the sunrise? Tr'al Catarrh treatments are being mail ed out frte on reqee-t.by Dr. Shoop, Racine Wis. These tests aie proving to the people wilhout a pennrs cost the great value of this scient fic prescription knuwn to drug gists evervwhers as Dr. Shoops Catarrh Remedj. Sold by J. G. Hall. voar form a Russie Wilson, a young white man about 22 jears old, was fatally shot at Price, Rockingham county, Saturday by Berry Bonds. The two men quar reled and the shooting followed. Robt. Smith, a small boy, was slightly injur ed. Bond is at large. The finest Coffee Substitute ever made, has receotiy been nroduccd bv Dr. Shoop of Racine, Wis. You don't have to bod it twenty or thirty minutes. "Made in a minute ' says the doctor. "Health Coffee" is really the closest Coffee Imitation ever vet produced Not a grain of real Ceffee in it either. Health Coffee Imitation is niEids from pute toasted cereals or grains, wiihil. , nuts, etc. Really it would fooi an eer were he to unkoowinglv drink it for Coffee. Breedlove & McFarland. In a prohibition election at Grifton, Pitt county, Tuesday, 40 votes were cast for prohibition and not one against it. We hear a good deal of hoarding money, but at the present prices of pa per and other tariff protected products, most people and especially the printer, are unable to save anything to hoard. Greensboro Record. Senator Simmons has secuved the appointment of Mrs. Matt Ransom McCorkle, of Newton, a daughter of General Matt. Ransom, to a desirable position in the Agricultural Depart ment at Washington. Sparkling Wavelets. Young girls are indeed such radiant and sparkling wavelets in the current of humanity, and in the" brilliant rip pi ings of their joyous tides of feelings old people are made young again, the burdens of years grow lighter, the skies catch rays of richer brightness, and all cares and troubles and annoyances and gloomy tnougnts ana aesponaent ieei- stre and s-sitive bronchial membranes. ings are blissfully buried in the ecstatic! No opium, no chloroform, nothing harsh A tickling cough, from any cause, is quicklv stooped by Dr. Snoop's Cough Cure. And it is so thoroughly harmless and, safe, that Dr. Shoop tells mothers everywhere to give it without hesitation even to very young babes. The wholesome green leaves and tender stems of a lung healintr mountainous shrub, furnish thf curative properties to Dr Shoop's Cough Lure. , It. calms the cough, and heals .the "Last Fall," writes Mrs. S. G. Bailey, of Tun nelton, W. Va., "I was going down by inches, from female disease, with great pain. After tak ing Cardui, Oh! My! How I was benefited! I am not well yet, but am so much better that I will keep on taking Wine of Cardui till I am perfectly cured." Despite the envious attacks of jealous enemies and rivals, Cardui still holds supreme position today as in the past 70 years for the relief and cure of female diseases. It stops pain, tones up the organs, regulates, the functions and aids -in the replacement of a misplaced organ. FREE ADVICE Write us a letter describing all your symptoms, and we will send you Free Advice, in plain sealed envelope. Ad dress : Ladies' Advisory Department, The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chatta nooga, Tenn. At Every Drug Store in 1.00 Bottles. II u 3 OF 5 t'.'M J1S 'i deeps of sweetest oblivion. The Spinal Cord. A joung teacher whose efforts i.o in culcate elementary anatomy had been unusually discouraging, at last asked in despair. "Well,! wonder if any boy here can tell me what the spinal cord really is?" 1 ' , ' She was met by a row of blank and irresponsive faces, till finally one small voice piped up in great excitement: "The spinal cord is what runs through you. Your head sits on one end and you sit on the other. To Preserve a Husband. Select with care; the very young and green varieties take longer to prepare", but are often excellent when done; those too crusty take a long time to cook tender. One neither hard nor! yet very soft will give best satisfaction. Do not keep in a pickle, nor in hot water, for even a little while, as this toughens the fibre, retards the cooking and often spoils the. result Never prick to test for tenderness; this leaves a mark, and they are never so smooth afterward. . Even the poorer varieties may be made sweet and tender by the follow ing method: Wrap in a mantle of charity and keep warm over a steady lire of loving domestic devotion; gar nish with patience, well sweetened with smiles, and flavored with kisses to taste. Serve with peaches and cream. The Throb of a Violin. Aye, Love, the throb of a violin I hear to-night, that plaintive throb of a violin, that, somehow, finds an echo in the forgotten in the quivering that have so long sung this love to you! The world is so dreamily beauteous, with all its melodies of forgotten mem ories. And that yearnirfg voice of the violin over the way, how it floods my soul, dear, with all the longings that love has given me! It seems that I am on some high cliff, with - a wide reaching sea before me: -a sea that widens away to the unspeakable isles of all that is lingering dreamy. And golden sunlight streams above me,and glows in a mellowness on the trees be hind me. - Oh, Love, dear Love, I am so glad that the world is filled with the full ness of the music of this love! For, I love you dear, so much! ' When winds shriek high in fiendish glee, And enters winter with his key Protect yourself, from disease be free; Take Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. v J. G. Hall. used to injure or suppress. Simply a resi nous plant extract, that helps to heal ach ing lungs., 'The Spaniards call this shrub which the Doctor uses, "The Sacred Herb' Demand Dr. Shoop's. Take no other. J. ; Hall. John G. Low, a large property ow ner of Asheville, dropped dead Mon day while walking in his yard. He was 67 years old and a native of Bos ton. - When the Stomach, Heart, or Kidney nerves g;t weak, then these org?ns always fail. Don't drug the Stomach, nor stimu late the Heart or Kidnsys. That issimp'y a makeshift. Get a prescription known to Druegists everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Re storative. The Restorative is prepared ex pressly for these weak inside nerver. Strengthen these nerves, butld them up with Dr. Shoop's Restorative tablets or liquid and , see how quickly help will come. . Free sample test sent on request bv Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. Your health is surely worth this simple test. J. G. Hall Near Wilmington, Monday, Robt. Trving, a negro boy, was shot and killed by the accidental discharge of a gun in the hands of Earl Onell, white and 14 years old. You know as well as any one when, pou need something to reguiate your system. If your bowels are sluggish, vonr food dis tresses you, your kidneys pain, take HolHs ters Rocky Mountain Tea. It alwavs re lieves. 35c, Tea or Tablets. J. G. Hall. o Nursing baby? It's a beavy strain on mother. -mm- 4 Her system is called upon to supply nourishment for two. Some form of nourishment that will be easily taken up by mother's system is needed. V Scott E,mtilsion contains the greatest possible amount of nourish- ment in easily digested form. Mother and baby are wonderfully helped by its use. .... ALL DRUGGISTS: 50c. AND $1.00 5 n o GIVES A PERFECT SKIN. A soft answer has turned many a young man's thoughts toward the fur niture house. , There is something about Kennedy's Laxa tive Cough Syrup that makes it different frorr others, it causes a free et gentle ac tion of the bowels through which the cold is forced out of the system. At same time it heals irritation and allays inflarrmation of the thi oat and lungs It is pleasant to take. Children like it. Contains no opiates nor narcotics. Sold by J. G. Hall. The man wTho seeks office for the public good is apt to consider himself the entire public after he lands. Are you having trouble with your kidneys? There are lots of people to'lay who wonder why they have pains across the back, why they are tired and lacking in energy and ambition. Your kidneys are wrong. They need rel'ef without delay. Take DeWitt's Kidney & Bladder Pills; thev are for week back, inflammation of the bladder, back ache and weak kidneys. Sold by J.G. Hall. " ' ,'' A young man with an incipient mustache never "feels down in his mouth" for the reason it is too short. . Public Speaker Interrupted. Public speakers are frequently . interrupt ed by people coughing. This would not happen if Foleys Honey and Tar were ta ken, as it cures coughs and colds and pre vents 'pneumonia and consumption' The genuine contains no opiates and is in a ye low package. T- G Hall. Sulphur in Liquid Form Adds to tf.e Beauty of Women. "Beauty is only skin deep," but you can not be beauti Jul if you have any Skin Dis ease or a bad comp'exlon. Hancocks Liquid Sulphur quickly cures eczema.tetter, sores, eruptions, blotches, and all skin diseases. Apply Har cocks Liquid Sulphur Ointment to the lace just as you go to bed. and it will so n giveou a smooth velvtyskin. Taken internally. Hancocks Liquid Sul rhur purifies the blood and clears up the c iraulex on. A few spooufuls in hot water makes the finest of sulphur baths. All druggists seil it Sulphur Booklet free, if vou write Hancocks Liquid Sulphur Co., Baltimore. Dr. W. W. Leake, of Orlando, Fla., who was cured Fays: "It is the most wodderful remedy for eczema I have ever known." Badly Mixed Up. Abraham Brown, of Winterton, N. Y .had a very remarkable experience; he s-iys: "Doctors got badly mixed up over mi ; e said heart disease; two called it k -y trouble, the fonrth, blood poison, pr.d U': fitfth stomach and. liver trouble; bu- tu e of them helped me;so my wife advist-.l 1- -ing Electrtc. Bitters, which are refcto'i"-: roe to perfect health. One bottlo did "e more good than all the five doctors presrri . ed." Guaranteed to cure blood po's m. weakness and all stomach, iverand kion y complaints by R. L. Hamilton.druggis!. .sc 11) 'J Long streams of crepe were on the doors and in tlie windows of some of the Oklahoma saloens that went out of business last Saturday night under State-wide prohibition. In one of the Guthrie saloon windows was a big bar rel with an empty glass beneath the open raucet, heavily draped in hiack and bearing this placard: '"Every thing going out and nothing coming in." Guthrie (Okla.) Dispatch. Whenever you feel that you stomach has gone a little wrong, or when you feel that it is not in good order as is evidence by mean headaches nervousness, bid breath, and belching, tske something at times, rnd especially after your meals until relief is afforded. There is nothing better offered the public today for stomach troubies. dys sneosia. indisestion. etc . than KODOL This is a scientific prenaration of natural digestants combined with vegetable cids and it contains the same juices, f mnd in every healthy stomach KODOL is guar- . T " l! f T f .1 . . . 1 ameea to give rnei. ii is pieasam 10 iKe t it will make vou feel fin bv digesting what you eat Sold bv J G. Hall. , 1 Chicago has a new kink. It is "bai l eggs without the use of water. This novelty is exploited at otic f Chicago's leading hotels, and as tlie feat is accomplished directly before the eyes of the guest,the new way of coo Ic ing generally attracts attention and comment. The waiter places a bo.v like apparatus before the guest and turns on a little electricity from the bracket on the wall and places the de sired number of eggs in the heater. In about a minuto and a half, or half the time cOTieumed by the hotwater process, the eggs are cooled to a turn. The proefJis is an idea orignated by Prof. Kadtke, of Armour Institute. New York Press. A Real Wonderland. South Dakota, with its rich silver mires, bonanza farms, wide ranges and strange natural formations, is a veritable wond land. At Mouud City, in the home ofMts. E. D. Clapp, a wondevtui casa of healnu, has lately occurred. Her son seemed.near death with lung and throat trouble. 'Ex hausting coughing spells occurred every five minutes," writes Mrs. Clapp, '-when I began giving Dr. King's New Discovery, the great medicine, that saved his life and completely cured hinu." Guaranteed for conghs and colds, throat and lung troubles, by R. L. Hamilton druggist. 5c and $i. Trial bottle free. TOBHGCO Wafds Subscribe to the Public Ledger. SAY Henry: "Where are you going to sell your crop of tobacco this year?" I am going to sell it at the Johnson Warehouse with Zack Lyon, the place that I have been selling. I have quit listning to Warehouse talk,but I watch what is done on the warehouse floor,and if you will watch that point you will sell your tobacco at the Johnson too. You are right Henry that is what I want you to ao, ana ii you will keep your eye on the sales at the Johnson you will see the livest place in this part of the State. Our market is fully opened and the buyers are an xious for tobacco so bring it to the Johnson Warehouse and be with a live number. With all good wishes I am Very truly Yours, oF'ois.o. - - - Nr. c. Tlie Bank I Graiwlk has every facility for handling your Bank account acceptably and it cordially invites your hanldnp- business. A-tosOtatol Satiety Combiaed with satisfactory service and liberal treatment Safe deposit boxes of the best kind for rent.

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