OXFORD PUBLIC LEDGER, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1907. The Only Thing Left A to a Kansas City man lawyer in anothe recently wrote r town of the State asking for information touching the standing of a person there who owed the Kansas City individual a considerable sum of money for a long time, . 'What property has he that I eould attach?"was one of the questions asked. The lawyer's reply was to the point. "The persons to whom you refer," lie wrote, "died a year ago. He has left nothing subject to attachment except a widow." Voices Our Sentiments. The Durham Sun voices our merits in the following:: The 11: senti- ileiirh News and Observer is as vivacious as a lovely young lady in her coming-out function. This is remarkable, too, for a North Carolina newspaper reaching the age it has. -Today it began its eighty fifth volume, and has all the appearance of vigorous youth. Its record is State history, and it has ren dered valuable service to this common wealth. Here's hoping it may come into its centennial cycle with prosperity weather upon its brow, and happiness and good cheer filling its heart. Passed Examination Successfully. Tames Donthu, Nt w B iian. Conn, writes: I tiled several kidney rtmedie , and was treated by ur bett physicians for diabetes, but did improve until I took Fo ley's Kidnev Cure. After th-s-card nottle I f-hiwe-i imp'overnent, a? d fiye bottles cured me complete lv I have since passed h rigid examination for Itte insurance." Foley s K dney One cures bark-ache and y fom s of ki luey and bladder trouble. I. G. Hall. President Roosevelt may be Demo cratic in spots, as Mr. Bryan says, but who wants a spotted administration. "Pa,what's an average man ?" "One who has a sneaking suspicion that he has qualities which make him superior to anybody else." Notice to Customers. , We are pleased to announce that Foley's Honey and Tar for coughs, colds and lung trembles is not affected bv the National Pure Food and Drug law as it contains no opiates or other humfut druss. and we recommend it as a safe remedy for children and adults. J. G. Hall. ' W T I A Chicago paper is jubilant because that city has more ld than it needs, hut then you know Chicago is the cen ter of the hog industry. Millions of bottles of Foleys Honey and Tar have been sold without any person ever having experienced anv other than beneficial resuhs from its use for cougt s. colds and Jung troubles This is because the genuine Folevs Honey and Tar in the ye'low package contains no opiates or other harmful drus. Guard your health bv re fusing any but the genuine. J. G. Hall. .. The Portland, Maine, Express con soles Georgia with the thought that the ootton gin yet remains. But that kind of gin is no good in the fiz. Heres Good Advice. O. S. Woolever, one of the best known merchants of Le Ravsville, N. Y , says: "If you are ever troubled with uiles, apply Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It cured me of there for good 20 years ago." Cures every sore, wound, burn or abrasion. 25c at R L. Hamikoii's drue store. "There is no lack of money" chirps Secretary Cortelyou. We a re , from Missouri and insist on having the stockings brought out for examination. Danger in Asking Advice. When vou have a cough or cold do not ask some one what is good for it, a there is danager in taking some unknown prepa ration. Foley's ffoney and Tar cures, coughs, colds, and prevents pneumonia. The genuine is in a yellow package. Re fuse substitutes. J. G. Hall. If Aryia Gould wants to know what real happiness is she should come hon.e and marry a vaudeville monologist. m m Thousands of men and women in all walk? of life are sufferirg from kidney and blad der troubles. D:n't neglect your kidneys. Delays are rlargerous. DeWittsr Kidney and Bladder Pills afford quxk relief for all forms of kidnev and bladder trouble. A week's statement 25c. Sold by J. G. Hal?. The great majority of American cit izens only know that there are ten dol lar coins in circulation because t hey road it in the newsbapers. Orino Laxative Fruit Svrup.the new Lax alive, stimulates, but does not irrite I is ihe best Laxative. Guaranteed or your money back. J. G. Hall. hen there s a Itf.UUU word ques tion in court vou miarht know there was a woman in the case. Baltimore Sun.' Itch cured in 30 miuutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. Never fails. Sold by J. G. Hall, Druggist. The price of meat is said ip he fall ing. There is room for it to fall a long way without striking the bottom. -Wilmington Star. v A Dangerous Deadlock that some times terminates fatally, is the s oppage of liver and bowel functions. To quickly end this condition without disagree able sensations. Dr. Kings New Lire Pills should always be your remedy. Guaranteed absolutely satisfactory in every case or money back, at Hamiltons drug store. 25C From now on an Oklahoma man will stand up when he hears "The Star Spangled Banner." New York Mail. Jack and Jill were bo h quite ill, N w each is well and w.ser, TmT blues and headaches have to go, VVhen they take an Early Riser. De Witt's. Little Early Riser Pills are said by J. ii. Hall. , (Cont'nued from page 6. IT Harris l ight svay for ro:id...., ... ' H Landis ace't vVjroaJ force... .....dr.-... J I Wheeler supt road force M P Crews foreman road force !' O Cash guard road force .. XV U Cash aec't vs eo road force First Nat'l Bank vouchers road force.. W S Gooch aec't vs road force W II VVhitaker aec't vs road force C G Sand ford aec't vs road force. Baird & Perkinson aec't vs road force.. I j Thomas aec't vs road force II S Montague aec't vs road force . J II Land is aec't vs.road force. .1 n Mayes lumber for bridges . - Hopkins aec't vs road force Hugh Jones soil J 11 Gooch aec't vs road force Parham Brq aec't vs road force I., J Hicks aec't vsToad force.. J II Koy croft work on road....:. Baird Chamble aec't vs co road Mrs Irene G Day soil for road VI II Crenshaw aec't, vs. road force J I) Wheeler aec't vs road force ,. K C Cash services as guard 14 00 1 4 es 1 ro 00 : :;o 00 ; '2f w lti 40 5-i 87 m 04 , o 00 I Ho 1 75 : 50 y 10 20 43 -211 ?4 . 2 45 3 50 :i0 59 'M 00 2 30 II 25 VI 95 7 50 10 67 0 62 - 8 54 Total. '. 8 t 300 03 "FKBIHTARY, 19.J7. Haleigh Itoyster ris?lit of way 3 00 II I, Cash road work and lumber 7i 75 W Ij Taylor work on road at Bullock.. 15 00 .1 M Phfpnsroad work and polls 37 !0 1 1 em y Ford overseer J 00 K K 'lloothsummonliiis jury 180 .1 K IMeas-.int supervisor 3 00 A M Stovall road juror 2 (Kt C J Breedlove overseer !W4 1 00 Anderson Marable 1 v yards soil '. 2 50 Mrs Susan Allen ri'sfht of way i" 00 .) K Mayes roan juror... 2 00 K N Clement road juror and mileane... 2 50 .1 L Haskins road juror and mileage.... 2 30 W HW'lutakei road work i 00 Geo 1' Gooch right of way for road 4 00 First Nat'l Hank vouchers V 4d 05 .1 D Wheeler supt roau force : M 00 C B Jones guard road force 17 ti S D Holeman foremae 25 00 .Joseph Roberts cook road force 13 33 XV B Currin oak lumber 346 feet 6 92 L B Turner poles l 0t O L Parham a cM, , 2 25 X F Faucett overseer 3 f 0 Allen & Montague nulse 14 95 Bullock & Crenshaw mdse 2J 60 Baird & Cham blee nidse 11 50 Long, Blalock & Haskins mdse 23 33 J G Mall aec't 3 05 R Ij 1 lamilton mdse 75 O If Landis radse 2 95 .1 11 iooch mdse, en hi 24 95 XV S Gooch mdse, ca n, j 18 0 Baird & Perk.nson mdse 50 J Renn 5 bushels potatoes 3 00 .1 D Brooks aec't 4 00 IK Jones soil 4 00 J F Aikeu soil r 5 00 Total.. ? 505 95 MARCH. 1907. .1 M Phipps cutting right, way V It Garner serving 32 road orders. Iv I) Gentry 155 feet oak lumber O J Turner serving 18 1 oad orders J XV Winston overseer Z M Burehett overseer J K Duncan overseer J B Mayes lumber XV Ij Taylor 237 lumber 30 00 9 60 3 10 r, to 3 00 3 00 3 00 13 30 4 IK) 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 98 22 60 00 25 00 25 00 20 00 27 50 1 50 20 00 13 00 m 64 T G Currin overseer 1906 is,- C W York " G L. Allen " Fred Adcock " First Xat'l Bank Vouchers J D Wheeler supt S D Holeman foreman, r force C O Jones guard con ict ca mp Jasper Roberts cook convict camp J R Renn right of way road C G Sandford aec't R M Currin right of way Ed Arrington supplies, camp Allen & Montague supplies, camp ." J H Gooch supplies for camp 1 1 78 J R Renn supplies convict camp 4 j Eliza Crews supplies convict camp 2 65 Breedlove& McFarlandsupplies,camp 19 20 John P Stedman drugs for camp 1 75 J R Wood aec't vs convict camp 2 00 Baird & Perkinson mdse , 7 75 Bair & Chamblee mdse 7 26 58 C II Landis aec't vs camp3 ,.. 7 97 F II Crenshaw aec't vs camp 17 48 Bullock A: Crenshaw aec't vs camp 5 90 J D Brooks aec't vs camp 2 50 L J Hicks aec't vs camp 10 25 S M Wheeler expenses to Henderson after convicts 2 15 L G O'Brien serving 14 road orders 4 20 Total. $ 557 07 APRIL, 1907. A F Taborn right way assessed 1894 8 34 20 00 44 98 2 50 17 50 9 30 7 80 3 40 3 00 120 00 15 00 71 50 10 00 32 76 15 06 13 J20 5 25 11 00 HO 00 30 00 W A (xoocn right way R L Clark work on road Mrs J F Cole wood used on road B I Breedlove change of road in Salem J P Puryear lumber, etc .... R E Booth serving 2b r orders W M Bullock work on road J H Parrott overseer. Good Roads Machinery Co. machinery Joe Wheeler work on road A and G T Walters right way, damage and soil to date. L S Elliott right way J IT Bullock lumber..... K H Crenshaw Co acc t vs ca rap Breedlove & McFarland aec't vs camp Howell Bros mdse, camp Bullock '& Crenshaw mdse camp J I Wheeler superintendent 8 D Holeman foreman convicts. C O Jones guard at camp 30 00 Jasper Roberts cook at ca mp J 20 00 w A Mcunee work at county nonie.... W R & A li Kimball aec't vs camp W T Stem right way C M Tanner work on Blackwell bridge J P Ruchanan repairing bridge C H Landis aec't vs camp llpchurch Bros aec't vs camp Allen & Montague aec't vs camp Tludgens fc Hunt aec't vs camp 21 80 11 60 7 00 3 00 2 50 4 75 4 80 40 32 9 07 20 45 15 00 5 00 10 90 15 40 20 00 5 00 6 45 47 82 2 25 2 00 25 00 138 00 57 00 4B7 57 aird& Chamblee aec't vs camp .... 10 N Dickerson right way : F II Gregory com'te work and mileage E C Harris com'te work and mileage.. W L Taylor com'te work aud mileage 3 days road commissioner C J Roberts burning of house by camp J H Adams wood for cross laying S H Brown Agt So. R R Freight First Nat'l Bank vouchers.. ...v S H Brown Agt So R R Freight R C Jones damage to timber C R Gordon donation to new road Mayo Milling Co for corn Mayo Milling Co oats J o'Lumpkiiis mule Co 2 mules, ticket Total ? im i)7 MAY, 1907, P G I'ruitt overseer ettf C R Gordon work on Tar River bridge 1 00 J R Moore 5 shoats for camp 12 50 Fred N Day, Agt right of way for road mothers land and damage wheat... 10 00 R E Booth serving road orders 3 30 Bragg Bros drayage on corn 2 82 W.P White, Jr., 400 foot oak lumber.... 8 00 Parker A Hunt lumber 3 53 XV D Adcock road overseer 3 00 F M Bensley 250 leet lumber 3 75 XV P Wilkinson lumber and hauling... 27 57 .1 .1 Garner lumber 1 46 J D Wheeler superintendent 60 00 S D Holeman foreman "0 00 C O Jones guard 30 00 Jasper Roberts cook at camp 25 00 J R Renn supplies at camp 7 38 RW Boyd supplies at camp 11 39 W P Wilkinson com'te work, mileage. i3 20 F H Gregory 2 days com'te work and mileage 6 00 Ralph Currin 2 days cem'te work and mileage - . 6 40 E C Harris com' te and mileage 3 00 First National Bank vouchers Roberts force 182 25 S L Roberts 1 mo services 50 00 Ed Louise 2 weeks serv Roberts force... 12 50 C II Landis aec't vs Roberts camp 1 45 R B Hunt A Sons vart vs road force.... 6 52 E K Howard lumber - 16 36 Bullock A Crenshaw mdse 65 55 BOird A Chamblee ac't Roberts force... 102 71 J R Wood mdse camp 9 25 L-J Hicks work for camp 2 55 First Nat'l Bank vouchers jendered 116 50 Breedlove A McFarland mdse 10 65 Long, Blalock and H asikn& mdse 22 00 Parham Bros Co muse 12 50 Ii J Hicks shop work Baird A Perkinson mdse W T Patterson repairing cage" 3 15 2 00 11 00 23 93 Allen A Montague mdse W R A A B Kimball mdse. 22 23 1 1 X inniiiin 11 1 vi.iv. &ii f.'...... ....... m,. ........ ... 1 r fyj Baird A Chamblee mdse camyJ. i0 82 Crawford Overton A Bro moving raft.. 1 7o 21 24 51 19 J B Mays lumber and boxes H M Stovall wagon m Breedlove A IcFarland mdse Howell Bros mdse at camp G XV Royster lumber and nails 2 87 17 85 3 50 S H Brown agt freight on hay 75 OH Landis mdse road iorce 1 32 Bank of Granville draft for hay 323 16 T L Booth right way 4 50 R H Cheatham overseer 3 00 Harvey Harris right way 5 00 J R Wilson right of way 7 50 G W Stem bridge work 5 33 Mayo Milling Go oats Roberts camp.... 26 12 Mayo Milling Co oats Wheeler camp... 5W 12 Forest Hamme overseer 1905'06 8 00 200 00 3 00 7 50 10 SO 1 i5 . 72 rt) 2 IjO 3 CO 1 11 jsaiser overseer.... J I Wheeler superintendent.. 60 CO D Holeman foreman 30 CO 30 CO 9 75 14 00 C O Jones guard R W Boyd mdse at camp F H Gregory 5 days com'te work. .1 A.V navis rfrnvaorfi on timber 11 33 First Nat'l Bank vouchers paid 56 90 ' " vouchers s Ij Koberts.. aj n ' - " order to O II Landis J II Daniel lumber Blackwell bridge... Jim Harris 3000 feet lumber. Joe Hobgood 5 1-2 bbls corn '. S I. Roberts services for May Ralnh Currin 4 davs as overseer 8 ?i0 12 98 45 00 22 00 50 00 8 00 W P Wilkinson lumber, fixing bridge and removing raft 10 M K II Crenshaw mdse camp Bullock & Crenshaw mdse W R A A B Kimball mdse camp L J Hicks work for road ferce Cpchurch Bros.'mdsek Breedlove & McFarland mdse ... John P Stedman drugs.... , . .. c II Landis mdse at ramp...,. Baird it Perkinson mdse at camp Baird .V Chamblee mdse camp Alien A Montague mdse at camp ... W T Pattei son work for camp .. ... , J I ! icks siiop work for camp U B 1 1 unt A. Sons incise I A Moore 1 crate cabbage .1 II Wood mdse at camp E li Crenshaw Co nidse at camp Howell Ili os nidse ot camp C H Landis mdse at 1 a tip P C V racier overseer K H -'r: gory eorniii'r 2 1-2 days W 1 Wilkinson 2 1-2 day road com'r.... 24 04 9 15 15 40 3 00 o 4 3 8 4 1 21 90 95 22 90 70 30 62 50 AO 85 3 00 5 00 12 85 12 t; .. . l 5 Total .' ? JULY, 1007. F M Blackley repairing bridsre I)r J R Currin services to sick mule J R Wilson damage to fence J D Wheeler superintendent.... S 1) Holeman services 10 days in June. O O Jones guard convict force First Nat'f Hank vouchers 1' 182 80 8 00 2 00 . 1 80 60 00 10 00 30 00 71 50 es 00 4 71 2 00 5 00 3 00 11 50 50 00 0 24 7 10 2 33 4 15 11 31 4 00 17 03 50 43 43 20 21 39 62 10 50 , 1 00 2 50 12 70 '1 35 J I Kin ton by lire to timber ; T J llrummitt mdse convict camp, M L Winston box for road Jef Satterwhite l ight way James Adocock right way (4 O Pitts lumber for bridge S li Roberts salary of June C 11 Landis mdse for camp n A Moore mcise at camp S L Roberts mdse at camp L J Hicks mdse at camp R B Hunt A Sons mdse A D Hobgood mdse v- J D Brooks mdse at camp J G Hall druss for horse ..... J R Wood 2 tents for camp First Nat'l Bank vouchers T L Cannady aec't vs camp Bafrd A Perkinson aec't vs camp L J Hicks aec't vs camp 1) A Moore ace't vs camp Baird & Chamblee mdse.-. .Tnhn P Stedman nidse camn J I) Brooks mdse camp 18 83 Parham Bros Co mdse Upchurch Bros mdse 13 75 4 00 1 05 4 00 5 36 7 75 2 94 4 95 5 25 2 25 1066 00 18 55 15 00 3 50 2 50 C H Landis mdse W T Patterson aec't vs camp Breedlove A McFarland mdse... J F Edwards mdse at camp C F Renn mdse convict camp. J R Moore mdse at camp R XV Boyd mdse at camp J L Suit mdse at camp Good Roads Maehiney Co rock crusher L F Smith expensesto Richmond after Mat Branch L F Smith expenses to Norfolk after prisoner Nancey Lvon soil for road D G Bullock right way and soil Total '--5 1 926 08 AUGUST, 1907. Jno B Mayes lumber Kimballs bridge 730 11 G O Pitts lumber Fishing Crek bridge 617 50 Jeffreys A Strothers bridge timber 29 94 Thos B Daniel 7 1-2 bbls corn : 33 75 C F Turner work on bridge 28 25 J H Bullock lumber for bridge 6 50 J 1$ Powell his account 6 60 W L Taylor 3 days com'r, mileage 10 50 First Nat'l Bank vouchers 82 45 First Nat'l Bank vouch. Roberts force 435 69 J 1) Wheeler superintendent 60 00 C CI Jones guard at camp 30 00 First. Nat'l Bank ade't of Williford 13 94 S I j Roberts salary for July ,50 00 S L Roberts expenses to Norfolk after prisoner 25 80 Bragg Bros 2 mo storage for hay 4 00 R L Eakes mdse lor Roberts force 38 78 J J Medford corn for WTheeler camp 19 68 F F Howell cabbage for camp 5 00 C H Landis mdse Roberts force ' 3 35 J P Stedman drugs for mule at camp 40 Baird A Chamblee mdse Roberts force 11 86 Paris Dry Goods Co clock at camp 1 00 li Thomas cc't vs Roberts camp 70 M A Cogwell aec't v5 Wheeler force 2 30 J P Stedman drugs for convict ca rap 40 Mrs J R Moore provisions at camp 47 Long, Blalock fc Haskins mdse 33 30 I, J Hicks work for road force 3 00 Parham Bros mdse, Wheeler 5 50 Baird & Perkinson mdse 9 35 Baird & Chamblee mdse at camp 33 24 T J Brum mitt mdse at camp - 6 29 T Li Cannady aec' t vs camp 59 83 J J Medford" corn for Wheele force 6 56 N M Cannady mdse for Wheeler force 6 16 T L Cannady balance on account 13 85 W A McGhee bridge work 6 50 E C Harris road com'r and mileage " 18 75 Frank Bullock 9 mos rent for house 18 00 Good Roads MachiiieryOo mdse 57 65 G N Daniel warning in hands 3 00 Freight on Hay S A L Railway 6 70 Total- S 2 602 70 SEPTEMBER, 1907. T L Cannady work on bridge W H Jones express on wire for Kim balls bridge A D Hobgood dravage on hay J A Bullock repairing bridge Wm Williamson timber for bridge John McDuffie timber for bridge E C Harris timber for bridge W A McGhee bridge repairing E C Harris corn for Wheeler force First Nat'l Bank vouchers for corn " " vouch of J I) Wheeler T Ii Canuady mdse for camp Hobgood A Montague mdse Baird A Perkinson mdse for camp Parham Bros Co mdse at camp Brredlove A McFarland mdse Ii W Boyd mdse for force L J Hicks aec't VS tamp Baird A Chamblee aec't Vs camp -A P Overton aec't vs road force G O Pitts lumber for bridge John P Stedman drugs for road camp .1 D Brooks account vs camp F F Howell account vs camp 3 50 4 70 7 23 50 1 80 6 31 4 80 13 50 19.00 94 00 36 50 39 93 13 35 21 00, ie S2 8 84 8 55 3 50 10 01 2 25 26 02 3 80 10 00 5 00 19 17 4 47 2 00 60 00 30 00 30 10 50 00 10 00 5 00 319 86 3 75 9 10 9 58 6 50 42 50 20 24 13 10 33 28 J w Wilson mdse Irs J R Moore aec't vs camp J D Wheeler mdse for camp ' J D Wheeler supt for August S 1) Holeman saiary as foreman O O Jones guard for August S L Roberts salary for August Ralph Currin work on bridge, lumber. I ) Kinton right way puonc roaa First Nat'l Bank voxtch. Roberts force J Bicks account against Roberts fore H Landis account vs " Baird A Chamblee ac't vs " " Upchurch Bros aec't vs ' " I u Brooks acc t vs Breedlove A McFarland vs " " BuUock A. Crenshaw aec't " " J J Medford account vs ' " Total $ 1 029 26 OCTOBER, 1907. Southern States Grain Co car of hay 182 85 15 00 W J O'Brien cutting new road Salem T A dmon Brandon right way 6 00 Sam Jones lumber for bridge 217 82 S L Roberts salary lor September 50 00 55 00 r E Bobbitt right way public road IT H Howard bridge work 2 00 23 37 A Stacv guy wire etc W P Wilkerson balance on building bridge cross Jouathans Creek 85 00 J D Wheeler mdse for camp J D Wheeler salary as superintendent 14 62 60 00 S D Holeman loreman road torce O O Jones guard road force 3 00 30 00 W J Currin account vs co J P Patterson right way public roa,d, F M Blackley work on road Good Roads Machinery Co ac't vs road B I Breedlove com'te work mileage R W Boyd mdse for Wheeler camp J F Edwards mdse " . " - W E Cannady mdse " ' J W WUson mdse " " J R Wood mdse " ." Baird A Perkinson mdse " " 5 75 30 00 15 50 24 85 2 80 12 15 7 66 8 70 62 60 8 00 35 63 4 40 6 79 5 00 1, J Hicks work Hobgood A Montague act" 06 Parham Bros Co mdse " Bullock A Crenshaw acct" " J T Brooks mdse " Baird A Chamblee aec't " " J G HfH drues " Mar'- Cogwell work for " " R T Moss mdse " A J V ci-ucev bridge work First Nat'l Bank vouch Wheeler force First Nat'l Bank vouch Roberts force 16 20 9 00 26 62 2 40 8 15 2 50 2 25 107 00 307 40 E J! Crews nvnle for camp ; I oek Knottoverserr ' Bragg Bros drayage on hay storage.. II E ' akley lumber and nails J R Fowler timber for box G ( Pitts lumber..... - .) H Moore feed lor hus at camp Geo S Daniel aec't vs Roberts camp R B Hunt A Son ncc't vs Breedlove A McFarland s ' J J Medford acc t s 1 . -LJ Hicks work fur i . ' Stovall Lumber Co lumber Jene Taylor, est. r: gh t w ay K C II arris com tc work and mileag 1 m U VL Frank Taylor corn and potatoes S H Moss corn and potatoes J C Overton lumber and nails, bridge J K Pleasant corn for Wheeler camp Ridley Cheek right of way Phil Peace right of way J T Williams 1 right of way for road ' F F Howell right of way E N Dement right of way Total NOVEMBER, 1907. Mayo Milling Co oais Roberts camp " " " " Wheeler camp G O Fitts lxibmer for road Lum Iiiggan ov erseer. F H a regrory comte work and mileage J F Hobgood drayaere on lumber J R Moore aec't vs Wheeler camp J D Wheeier salary supt S D Holeman salary foreman CO Jones gunrd road force Jasper Roberts cook Wheeler camp J W Wilson aec't vs-Wheeler camp J F Edwards account W heeler camp Baird & Chr. m blc-c vs " Baird A Perkinson vs " " XV P Wilkinson com'te and mileage S L Roberts freight od wood S L Roberts salary for October XV P Wilkinson com'r and mileage 1) L Cozart 400 feet lumber H H Hobgood 924 feet lumber Fiist Nat'l Bank vouchers of Roberts , Ii J 1 1 icks a cc' t v s Ro bel ts ca m p K B Hunt A Sons aec't vs Roberts fore .! T Blackwell lumber for bridge J D Brooks account vs Roberts c?rap Baird A Chamblee vs ' ' J J Medford account vs " -R XV Boyd account vs Wheelers camp L J Hichsacct vs " v ' Mark Cogwell ace't vs J G Hall ace't vs ; " Long, Blalock A Haskins vs ' " E Ij Smith aec't vs " " Hobgood A Montague vs " Parha m Bros aec't vs . ' " Total GENERAL COUNTY ORDERS, Issued in December, I0C6 Jan 1907 " i. Feb ' Mar " Apr " " May " " June " i " July " ' Aug " 1 " Sept " Oct ' " Nov " Total PAUPER ORDERS. S 1 Issued in December, 1906 139 53 Jan 1907 , 186 24 " Feb 672 00 " ' Mar " 16 54 " Apl " ;v... 200 65 . " May " 302 16 " June " 145 58 " July " 75 08 Aug " 819 73 " Sept ' 158 63 Oct. " .- 230 44 Nov Total . 3 030 68 ROAD ORDERS. Issued In December, 1906 Jan 1907 " Feb. " " Mar " S2 446 75 ...1 306 03 " 505 95 " 557 07 " 1 492 97 " 1 527 56 " 1 182 80 " 1 926 08 !" 2 602 70 " .. 1 029 26 " J 1 743 94 " 1 065 76 Apl May ' June July Aug Sept Oct. Nov. Total... n 386 87 AMOUNT-PAID JURIES". November Term, 1906 5317 00 February, Term, 1907 167 10 April, Term, 1907 400 00 July, Term, 1907 253 10 Total ... RECUPITULATION. Amount received Pauper Fund $ 647 01 General County Receipts .. ll'02 94 Amount From Roads 11 765 38 Total.. $24 315 33 J AM ES B PO W EL L, Register of Deeds. WANTED Second hand hags and hurlap; any kind, any quantity, any where; we pay freight. Richmond Bag Co., Richmond, 'Va. nov.l, ICt. Administrator's Notice. Having been duly qualified as administra trix upon the estate of J. A.Crew3, Jr., deceas ed, before the Honorable C. F. Crews, Clerk of the Superior Court of Granville county, no tice is hereby given to all persons indebted to said estate to come forward and make imme diate payment and save costs. Persons hold ing claims against said estate will present them to me for payment on or before the 15th day of November, 1908 or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. This the 15th day of November, 1901. M. K. CREWS. Admx., of J. A. Crews, Jr.. dee'd. A A.. Hicks, Atty. Dr.L.V. Venderson DENTIST. OXFORD, - r N.C. Office over Hamilton's Drug Store. At Stovall every Friday. PAHKb WS motes a luroriant growv. r Pails to BeBtore Crry! Hair to its Youttltul Color. . Cures icaip dmaeeg & hair tailing. , ffV-. anu at iirussiftn 1 Write at once and learn why we secure best Eugene Anderson. Pres. - Land Sale. Under and by virtue of a decree of the Superior court of said County in a special proceeding entitled J. S. B'acsher, Admin istrator c t a of Wesley Thor vs Hetty Hrper alias Hetty Thorp and others," I will as commissioner offer for sale at public auction to the highest cash bidder, at the conrt house door in Oxford on - MONDAY, DEC. I6th, 1907, at 12 o'clock m.the following tract or parcel of land situated in Oxford township, Oran ville ccunty, and described as follows: Be- j-inningr at a stone on the East side of Gc- shen road, B, Hi Cozart's corner, thence along the road N 35 degrees E 119 5 pole1- to Reavrs and Burwell s corner, thence bv Burwell's line East 106 poles to a stake, his corner, thence by his line South 2 degrees E 44 poles to two planted stones, his corner thence by his line N 85 degrees East 138 poles to two w.nte oaks, Thomas I. Hick corner, thence by his.lire N 68 poies to a stone, B H Cozart's corner, thence by his. ine fc.ast 100 poles to the beginning, the said land containing 100 acres more or less This being a tract of land conveyed by B H Cozart to the late vVeslev Thorp, and the above description is according to the sur veY made at or prior to that time. F. O. CARVER, Commissioner, This November u, 1907 1 s 1 r n - - u 600 tr c j . 1 1 n-. ill i , ' W S !5S ; 2- ' j : 100 16 I- 1 1 ' Aft I 2 00 fe m fSnSSS ' 3000 M fl , Xi yfrr " tlsSd frrTs, i : 30 oj . p3 . ' $U1J4 l ; 16 0" I ' T-J ' fe b ' rT' ' '&.rrTwd I I - I Et s Bis' ' llSSSE I I 6 30 I H- Wf. I I T J T I M - i; 17 ij - w a a KtJ vr. I t " ."Jay ' Z. aB4a ' (rh I ill S3 NpI 3 ' I ii? ?s fm S'- Qgs 306 15 I r. - I 1 ! i U -429 is j CD v J .aa- r, ! 'I 920 89 f- KmMddA 9 J S 527 41 j CO pr I 1 . . L , i & sin f . . g S3- yj? SZD?; , I "mmm j J. O CLjauam (mid 2m m jl CTQ fifk - li si 137 20 h - u i r z.mm..,.? 1 c B? (j r I 0 o MB U 'mm I WmmmmmmWmTmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm3m Weak Kidners. surely rolnt to -weak Iridnpy Nerves. The Kidneys, like the; Heart, and the Stomach, find their -weakness, not m trie organ ixe,f. hnt. in tha nerves that control and euido and strengthen them. Dr. Shoop's Restorative i3 a meaicme specmeany preyaita vj na,u i". controlling nerves. To doctor the Kidneys alona, is futile. It is a waste of time, and of money as well. . . . If your baclt aches or 13 weaic. 11 tne unne 6Calds, or is dark and strong, if yo'a have symptoms ney disease, try Dr. Shoop's Restorative a month Tablets or liiquia ana see wnai 11 caa huu win do for you. Druggist recommend and sell a J. G. HALL. Frank Earle Parham, &TT0RNEY I COUNSELOR tJ LBW 27 William Street. All legal matters promptly at tended to. especially proceedings , in probating of wills. r M "" S v. O. K. Kays May be four.d in his office from. 10 to.l 2 a m.'Or.ly emergency calls .answered during office hours.Twc years special study in disease cf the eye and fit ting glasses. ' , G.A.CGGGES&ALL,&?.D. Office in the new Dr. Vnite Building, directly over the Post Qfic2- 1 Office Hours: 11 a. m. to i p m., 4 p. m. to 5 p. m. . Phone INJo. 23. may 3. '07 Sale of Land, By virtue of the power of sale contained In a certain deed of trust executed to me on tb 30th day of November, 1906, by (JIT ihoita and duly recorded In the office of Register of Deeds for Granville County, in book pae 126, iBhallon Fill DAY, DEC. 13tb, 1007, sell to the highest bidder for ash.the U.lc wLap described tract of land: lots two and three In the dlvlson ol the land of Mrs. CaroJne K Thomas. For a more accurate description. see Mortgage TiooH 35, paRe 68, In the Keg tter ot Deeds Olfice of said countv. Time u. Laieu O'clock rn. This Nov 12, l07. ' S Ii AJJEKNETHY Trusts