Jii 2 v 8 !ra, OXFORD PUBLIC LEDGER, FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 1908 5 nnnfiT nninmnn - . I i .in n rlllNIHI IS i MlllIWh !IF RFIQV THBRWfZ 1 " LiUUiILjUi I illU f Hill HI II I Jill 1 llllilllll. esi AND HAM AX 1T0N A Happy New Year To AH My Cosiomers. I thank you heartily for the liberal patronage of the past and solicit even a stronger support from you during this New Year 1908. Let it be one of vnnr riw Year's Resolutions to send ! your BRIEF LOCAL HAPPENINGS OF THE WEEK. r reseriplions to R. L. Kemilton during 1908 or until he fails to treat you right and give you the best possible service day or night. All Prescriptions filied by a registered Pharmacist either t - day or night. Best line of Gigars and smoking material, fine candies Toilet Articles, Fountain Pens and Druggist Sundries in Ox- mra. S Gome and give us your trade jvknd we will give you vulue received R. L HAMILTON Items to Keep Reader Informed of What is Going on in Around Town and Country. Mr. Jra Beck, of Creedmoor, was in town Wednesday. Mr. C. W. Pleasants, of lloute 7, was in Oxford Wednesday. Mr. L. F. Smith,is still kept in doors by illness, at his home, the Exchange Hotel. The law has caught "the old man," and he looks happy as he presides over the grand jury as foreman. 3 Take a careful perusal of the new ads this week. Our merchants have sjmo interesting tilings to say to you. The jury having sat on the case of Lank Daniel, finally sat on Lank, who is hooked for an Mv.':iwmn?ii: at tl, t. U til vy ! pen. Mrs. Annie Landis returned Satur day from Norfolk where she had been to attend the funeral of her sister, Mrs. Thomas A. Catch, of .Baltimore. Messrs. J. H. Baker & Co., of Wake Forest, have purchased the stock of goods of Mr. W. Leak Peace, on Pal- eigh road, and will continue the busi ness at that stand. I want to thank the many good people who have been so kind as to help me to get the beautiful doll which I so much appreciate. ELIZABETH BRAGG. Those naughty bovs who carry o-UE,s and are disposed to be fierce are re ceiving prompt attention at the hands of Judge Cuion. His Honor is givino them a little exercise on the roads. Mrs. Annie Landis received a tele- PEOPLE YOU KNOW AND THOSE YOU DON'T KNOW. The Faces of Those Caught in Pass ing Coming and Going by Our Man-About-Town. Mr. W. B. Cash was in town Thurs day. Mr. E. F. Currin was in town last week. Mr. Roy Badgett came In town last week. Mr. M. L. Colcy. of Coart, was in Oxford Friday. Mr. J. B. Currin was on the streets in tmvn Tuesday. Saturday. 3 3 r- " C- Currin, of Route 1, was Mr. C. H. Cheatham was a Satur- 111 Uxto Tuesday. i Mr. A. S. Frazier, of Berea. was in town Tuesday. Mrs. W. J. Averett Dead Oil last Slllldfl.V TTlArillnrr Ifro A Mr. E. P. Wheeler, of Stem, was in r!' wife of Mn W- J- Averett, and Invrn T,,j I sistfir Mr Pi,-,,, l . r. Mr. C. R. Gordon, of Clav. wji Qf court Monday. Mr. A. P. Overton was in thn. oh Wednesday. ' - 3 Mr. S. X. Goss,. of Lvons. wa Jn own Tuesday. Mr.J.A.Davis, of Route 3. attend! court Tuesday. Mr. T. Ball, of Kittrell. visits Oxford this week. Mr. R. ym Knott, of Rnnb i lo79 1907 Halls Drug Store. Drugs, Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, etc. The ladiestell me "you have 1 m spent Sunday day visitor. Mr. W. T. Minor will his mother. 5 Mr. Titus Currin visited Oxford on business Friday. ? Mr. Crawford Hobgood was looking about town Saturday. Mr. T. E. Dement, of Route 3. was in town Tuesday. Mr. S. V. Morton, of Route 4. was itt fMr J.. t I ,u conesaay. 3 Mr. Joseph J. Farris is visiting rel atives in Gree7isboro. Mr. W. C. Currin, of Greensboro, sister of Mr. Ernest M. Dean, of Ox ford, died at her home The dweased ladv, who was-29 years ! f - of age, is survived by her busband.herliaraCSl 3110 BCSf Sforff uiutuei, ana nve cJuHlren. She was buried at the old Averett burying ground, the Rev. J. A. Stradley con ducting the funeral services, which were held at the residence. These were the pallbearers: Messrs.L. Thomasson, j the best ice cream and foun- .... .a,,,, um v uiier, j tain drinks in town." laosner, y. jj. 1 homasson,and Tom j Walters. j . of pZTt rT a "roto,,m;m'Tr ! New books and booklets for or tne baptist Church, in which she ! k;-4-ui j i i i J. Robert Wood was the undertaker. ! m m - f Joh' "What kind of t-a itx i uti PnsciHa -t,o tees, some. but Rocky Moun o ,n, Te, h"st " Tfh- "iVhy Bollister's Rr-cky M-untain Tea best?" Prisci!! " It speaks fr itself. Tnhn ' rMovo complexions. J. G. Hall. Mr. Clayton Daniels was in town is a visitor this week I on business Saturday. iAfr- J S. Peed, of Creedmoor, came Ir. J . i? . .Meadows is quite sick at to Oxford Moudav sufferinsr his home with grip Mrs. Lavinia Maddry from an attack of grip. Mr. W. T. Rlackwell, of Route 4, came in town Thursday. Mr: T, E. Pobbitt,of Fishing Creek, was in town last Saturday. Col. W. H. Osborne, of Greensboro, was in Oxford last week. Mr. J. W. FloyoVof Route 2, came to Oxford Saturday. 3 n r t i tt . i'ir. jat'K Howard was gram Tuesday morning, announcing aroun town lagt weefe J. ROBT. WOOD, Funeral Directors and Embalmers, Tombstones and Flowers. i Let us tell yon about our Fine line of Of all Kinds. Beds and Dressers, Chairs andRockers,Couches and Lounges, Sideboards, Hall Racks, Felt Mat tresses, Iron Beds, etc. We keep a complete line of uonins, Gaskets and rohes. lwc ucaui ui uer sisrer-in-iaw, .Mrs. Thomas C. Hicks, of Lancaster, S. C, which occurred Monda- mVht at 8 o'clock. ?.- Little Miss Elizabeth Bragg was the lucky recipient of the doll given by the Gem Electric Theatre Co.. win ning by 1 1 votes. The vote was: Eliz abeth Pragg l.lIo.Kuth Pitchford 1, 104 and Fannie Taylor 40. The national political pot is begin ning to simmer. Jt will soon be time! for the appearance of the gentlemen who "point with pride" and keep their "eye singled." Jt is also time for the country to begin to go to the demnition bow-wows. Mr. J. M. Farabow, of Stem, came in and turned over to us a pocket book containing some money. When the proper owner comes in and identifies himself and gives proof of ownership, we will be glad to turn it over to him. It is fortunate that it happened to be an bonest and honorable man who found the purse. Sale of Land. Ey Virtue cf the powr of pale contained in a certain dee i of trust executed to me on the 26th day of May. 1905. bv M. C. Ran som and others, as Trustees of th- Saint's Ark, whch is duly lecorded in B 30k 64 paKe 88, of the Office of the Register of Beeds 0 Granville county. I shall, on MONDAY, FEBRUARY I7Thi9oS, sell to the highest bidder, for lie auction, at the Couit House 'door, in Oxford, the following: described tract of lnd, near the town of Oxford, to-wit: That tract or parcel of land on the North side of the road leading from Oxford to Ragand's store, known as a part of the Barky Gee land, adjoining the lands of A. Baker on the North, kev. J. R. Griffith on the East, the public road on the South and John Builock on the West and contaiains' a hour oa orrcL more or les,. it being all the Banky Gee land on the North side of said road except 4 acres sold off to lohn Bullock; said tract of land being the same land conveved to M. C Ransom and others. Trustees of Saint's Ark on the 12th day of October,iQ04, by A. A. Hicks and wife, see Deed Bcok s8, page 71, of the Office of the Register of Deeds of Granville Countv. This January 15 igD8 B. S. ROYSTER, Trustee'. Time of Sale 12 o'clock M. VvesKTBrien. A belated report came in that Mr. James O'Brian and Miss Lena West, both formerly of Oak Hill, were on Christmas day married at the residence of Mr. Nat Williams, in Durham, Two Big Pigs. Mr. G. C. May looked in at the shop one day last week and, with much pride, stated that he has raised two pigs, eleven months old, that weighed tGrests last Friday, resnecti vol -4."f) unrl S(T 4 j , """ jiuuiitia, 1 1 1 Mr. M. Blalock, of Culbreth, was seen on the streets last week. Mr. J. H. Andrews, of Raleigh.was an Oxford visitor Saturday. ' Mr. J. G. Shot-well, of Berea, was in Oxford on business last Friday. Mr. Graham I'oyster, of Buchanan, was an Oxford visitor last week. Mr. J. S. Bailey, of Route 4, was an Oxford visitor last Saturday. Mr. S. T. Dickerson,of Dement,was looking about the burgh last week. - Judge A. W. -Graham returned Sat urday from a flying trip to Raleigh. Mr. J. Ed Duncan, of Stem, rlln at the editorial den last Saturday. Mr. W. R. Taylor, after spending a day in Oxford, returned to Wilson Saturday. S Messrs. Melvin Bragg and Marion Taylor returned from Richmond last week. Mrs. C. H. Easton is indisposed from a combined attack of grip and neuralgia. Mr. E. D. McCall, route agent of the Southern Express Co., was in Ox ford last week. Mr. S. R. Howard, of Route 4, was in Oxford looking after business in- May has been contesting with Mr Milton Hobgood for the pig champion ship, and thinks that he has the drop on Mr. Hobgood. Do you have backache occasionally, or stitches" in the side, and sometimes do yo't feel all tired out, without ambition and without energy? If so. vour kidneys are out r,f order. Take De Witt's Kidney and Bladder PiUs. They promptly relieve back aches weak brck, inflammation cf the blad der and weak kidneys. Sold by J. G. Hall Thanks to the Dispatch. Messrs. Frank M. aud W. Mott Pinnix, formerly of Lexington, sons of the late Marshall Pinnix, Esq., an nounced in the last issue of the Oxford Public Ledger that they had purchas ed that paper and would edit it in the future. The- Dispatch extends best wishes for a prosperous newspaper. The Public Ledger, already a good paper, will doubtless progress rapidly under the administration ot these young gentlemen. Subscribe to the Public Ledger. Miss Jennie Frances, of Baltimore, is visiting her sister, Mrs. AVilliam Landis, on Front street. Miss Annie Lee Currin, of Macon, Ga., is visiting her grand parents, Dr. and Mrs. R. H. Marsh. Mrs. G. W. Hobbs, of New Jersev arrived in Oxford last Friday to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Britt. Mrs. Judge Winston, of Durham came to Oxford Saturday to pay a short visit to her mother, Mrs. J. H. Horner. Mrs. T. L. Booth and sister, Miss Willie Grimsley, are both quite sick at their home, suffering from an at tack of grip. Mr. M. M. .Nelson, of Oxford No. V, is attending court. ? Mr. J. VV Garrett, of Nelson. Va,.. was in Oxford Monday. Mr. P. G. Pruitt, of Route 6, was in town on business. Mr. H. Suit, ot Berea, was in Ox ford on business Monday. Mr. J. 'P. Cannady, of Route l,was attending court Tuesday. Mr. D. W Ad looktfatttendmg court tin's week. CD I Mr. J. C. Yergin, of Hester, was in town the first of the week. g Mr. H. W. Davis, of Bullock, is in Oxford attending court. Mr. Walter Farabow, of Route 6. came in town this week. $ Mr. V. r. Cheatham, was in town on business Wednesday. Ex-Sheriff Sam Fleming was in town Tuesday attending court. Mr. J. M. Tillotson, of Route 5, was attending court Tuesday. $ Mr. Z. V. Turner, of Northside,was in town Tuesday on business. k$ Mr. Z. E. Lyon, of Creedmoor. was an Oxford visitor Wednesday, Mr. L. D. Royster, of Virgilina, Route 2, was in Oxford Monday. Mr. N. F. Hobgood, of Route 4. called at the sanctum Tuesdav. Mr. H. H. Latta, of Berea, came around to the print shop Tuesday. Bishop J. M. Horner, of Asheville, visited relatives in Oxford last week. Dr. O. W. Holloway, of Northside, paid a visit to the editorial den Tues day. S Mr. Chas D. Currin, of Route 6, is in town attending to business this week. Mr. Wilkins Stovall, of Sassafras Fork township, is in town attending court. Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Harris,of Creed moor, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Harris on College street. Rev. F. M. Shamburger, of Eden- ton Street Methodist church, Raleigh is in Oxford for a days. Misses Annie Elizabeth and Sail ie Wortham, neices of Miss Annie Ham- mie, are having a bad time with the grip. Mrs. Nat Cannady, of Cannadv?s Mill, and sister, Miss Jones, of Rocky Mount, visited Miss Imogen Cannady, who is sick at Mrs. Anna Landis' res idence on College street, last Monday. Gift to Episcopal Church. The following clipping taken from the Raleigh Evening Times will be of much interest to Oxford people: "The Home Mission Board of the Presbyte rian Church of the Fnited States has declinod the country estate, "Beaux Chenes," presented to them as a gift by John Roebling, the multi-million aire son of Colonel Roebling,of Brook lyn bridge fame. Mr. Roebling an nounced his intention of abandoning his estate, whioh joins that of George W. Vanderbilt's "Biltmore," and to leave Asheville, because the town has voted "dry." On account of his views against prohibition, he has been noti fied by the home board of missions that thej regret they cannot accept his offer. Mr. Roebling then made the same offer to the Episcopal Church which has accepted the gift, through Bishon Horner, of North Carolina, aud the! New line box paper, pound paper and envelopes,office and school supplies. Tablets pen cils, etc, arriving almost daily. Use Dentifoam for the teeth contains no acid or grit. Rec ommended bv all dentist Trv a bottle and be convinced. The knives that cut, The Razors that cut, The Scissors that cut, are all guaranteed at Hall's Drug Store. Spectacles and Eye Glasses that fit your eyes. Sati fac tory fit every time or your money back. Prices right 25 cts to $ 1 0. Prescription Department. Episcopal Mission Board." Bishop Horner, for several yearsjias been doing great missionary work in the Asheville district. It is gratifying to know that he has been so successful, and that he is recognized as being one of the most distinguished North Caro linians in the ministry. The Latest Perfume Hit WM. H. BROWN & BROS. Popular Odor "POCAHONTAS" Selling with great success. For sale by J. G. HALL. We invite your attention to a choice line of 5 ! JEWERY, SILVEWARE -CUT GLASS. We carry a first-class line ana guarantee satisiaction. We Have but One Price Repair work of all kinds is solicited. F. N. DAY, Jeweler, John H. Waller, Manager. Is under my special care. Pu rity, accuracy and 28 years experience is what I offer you. Send your prescriptions to me and you will get exactly what your doctor wants you to have J. G. HALL, Druggist, Oxford, N. C. IN SHAPE AGAIN. Our holiday trade about cleaned up our 10 cent novelties, but we are in shape aeain.as our ioc counter is ln9rfH .patterns of everything in Glassware, Tin. v-i.-n.Kcry, c-nameldware.Stoneware DRY GOODS. Tust rece'yed Fruit of thf Dress Ginghams.Aprot, Ginghams Calicoes Percales, Lonsdale. Can. brie, Table Oil Cloth, etc, at lowest prices. SHOES! SHOES!! See our "Expansion" line of Mems Wo mans and Childrens Shoes. ackct Store Carroll & Furgurson, Hillshoro Street, Oxford, N. ('. L More Money in Your SHOP H M dr i . more comiort in lour HOME yOU WANT THEM and you can have them. Come and see our complete line of "Two Balls" yajusters ana let us tell you ! how the installation of this de- i vice win give you i more light, where ! !v you want it man you 1 WO 1 I able to get. It makes j DOVT ROAST THE WEATHER nossible the com i . pleie utilization of j when jour pipes become frozen and quit work. It will not do a bit of your electric current 99 alls Patented October 21, 1S98. is the original and best lamp cord adiuster. Simnlest anrl most effective. Makes every drop light practically a porta ble. Costs little to install, and costs nothing to main- Ui'n 1, ii 1 i .V.f'f'ii'; to existing drop- ugnts ana it al- jSj ways maKestnem r , cheaoeranH hri. t. 55Kf ter. The evidence is here ready for vour inspection v.'' come and see it. Descriptive literature will be gladly sent oa request to those who are unable to call. good. J ust send for us and have u ATTEND TO YOUR PLUMBING. We know it is annoj ing to be both ered with plumbers during these busj holidays. But we'll come at once, ! work quickly and get away again so j that you'll scarcely notice our presence. You'll know we have been there, though, by the first-class way your plumbing works after we have gone. (Co A, STACY co i V7 1 i . ' I 'VV.

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